


英语间接引语 篇1

我们知道, 英语语法中讲到的许多语言点, 与我们接触的母语, 有着很多相似之处。虽有相似点, 但在教学中还是发现有部分同学不能很好地理解和运用直接引语和间接引语的转化。所以, 现就这一语法, 与大家一起分享我的教法。

首先我们要知道, 什么是直接引语和间接引语。直接引述别人的原话, 就是直接引语, 一般情况下, 直接引语前后都要加引号。用自己的话来转述别人的话, 就是间接引语, 间接引语不需要加引号, 在多数情况下, 转化后的间接引语就是一个宾语从句。那么, 什么样的句子可以作直接引语呢?我们根据说话人的语气, 可分为陈述句, 一般疑问句, 特殊疑问句和祈使句这四类句子作直接引语。下面我们就分别看看每一类句子如何变成间接引语。



例1:Mr.Black said, “I am very busy now.”

Mr.Black said that he was very busy then.

例2:He said, “I will finish the work tomorrow.”

He said that he would finish the work the next day.

例3:Our teacher said, “Light travels faster than sound.”

Our teacher said that light travels faster than sound.

从上面的例子我们可以看出, 转化后的间接引语与原句有着明显的区别, 从标点符号、时态、人称等方面看, 我们可总结为:去掉引号加that;人称变化要灵活 (一主二宾三不变) , 宾语若是不存在, 活用代词I, my, me (we, our, us) ;时态向后退一步, 状语变化背表格。在直接引语中的某些状语变为间接引语时, 课本上专门有一个变化表格。初学此语法时, 需要查看表格, 以后需要背下来。如果直接引语中所讲的是客观真理, 变成间接引语后不需要改变时态, 仍然用一般现在时, 如上例3。


例1:He asked me, “Did you see the film yesterday?”

He asked me if/whether I had seen the film the day before.

例2:She said to me, “Will you go to the park with me tomorrow?”

She asked me if/whether I would go to the park with her the next day.

例3:He asked me, “Do you like this old man?”

He asked me if/whether I liked that old man.

例4:He asked, “Have you been to Hong Kong?”

He asked me if/whether I had been to Hong Kong.

例5:He asked us, “Are you having a meeting now?”

He asked us if/whether we were having a meeting then.

例6:He asked, “Can they finish the work soon?”

He asked if/whether they could finish the work soon.

从以上的例子中不难看出, 疑问句的语序要变成陈述语序, 句末用句号。如果直接引语里用了said (said to) 要变成asked。间接引语要用whether或if引导。我们可把变化规律总结为:去掉引号加if (whether) ;陈述语序要牢记;时态人称和状语, 小心变化别马虎。


把一个特殊疑问句变成间接引语时, 原句中的疑问词用作宾语从句的连接词。变化规则如下:直接去引号, 陈述莫忘掉;小心助动词, 丢它最重要。

例1:He asked me, “when are you going to the Summer Palace?”

He asked me when I was going to the Summer Palace.

例2:My mother asked me, “what are you doing now?”

My mother asked me what I was doing then.

例3:The teacher asked me, “what does your mother do?”

The teacher asked me what my mother did.


如果直接引语的主句是said或said to, 变成间接引语时要用asked, told, ordered。祈使句中如有please, 变成间接引语时要去掉。祈使句是肯定句时, 前面要加to再加动词原形, 即动词不定式。祈使句若是否定句时, 在不定式的前面加上not。需要注意的是, 前面的三种句式变成间接引语后就是宾语从句, 而含祈使句的直接引语变成间接引语后, 是个简单句。变化规则可总结为:去掉引号要加to (肯定形式) ;ask, order要记住;直引若是否定式, not加在to前面。

例1:The teacher said to him, “please give me the book.”

The teacher asked him to give her that book.

例2:The teacher said to us, “please look at the blackboard.”

The teacher asked us to look at that blackboard.

例3:She told me, “please speak a little louder.”

She told me to speak a litle louder.

例4:He said to me, “please have a rest.”

He told me to have a rest.

例5:His mother said to him, “Don’t play in the street.”

His mother asked him not to play in the street.

具体用ask还是order, 可根据说话者的语气而定, 用的结构就是ask/order/tell sb. (not) to do sth.让/命令/告诉某人 (不要) 做某事。

以上四点就是直接引语如何转化成间接引语, 也可根据说话者的语气, 在转述别人的话时稍做改动, 但只要不影响交流, 也是允许的。学会了直接引语与间接引语的转化, 可加深学生对于宾语从句的理解。那么反之, 如果给出间接引语, 要求转化成直接引语, 也可参照以上几点来变。

英语间接引语 篇2









将陈述句转换为间接引语,通常用that引导的宾语从句来表达。连词that 在不引起歧义的情况下可以省略。引述分句的动词常见的有say 和tell等。

He said, “I caught a cold yesterday.”


He said (that) he had caught a cold the day before.


Helen said to me, “I’m tired of taking such exams.”


Helen told me (that) she was tired of taking such exams.




① that 的省略会产生歧义。

Linda said disappointedly that when she arrived at the station, the train had already left.

琳达很失望地说,她到达车站时火车已经开走了。(如不用that,when状语从句既可以理解为修饰said, 又可以理解为修饰had left)

② 当引述动词后面不止跟一个that引导的从句时,第二个that不能省略。

He said (that) he was leaving for Europe the next week and that he would stay there for half a year. 他说他下周要到欧洲去并在那里呆半年。(第二个that不能省略)


直接引语如果是疑问句,变成间接引语后,叫做间接问句。引述的动词常用ask, inquire, wonder, want to know等。间接问句的词序一般都用正常词序,句末不用问号,用句号。


直接引语为一般疑问句时,用连词whether或if 引导,某些表示请求的疑问句也可以转换成间接祈使句。

I asked him, “Are you satisfied with the results?”


I asked him whether he was satisfied with the results.


“Did you go to the British Museum yesterday?” asked Kate.


Kate asked me if I had gone to the British Museum the day before.


The old man said to a passer-by, “Will you tell me the way to get to the Great Wall Hotel?”


The old man asked a passer-by to tell him the way to the Great Wall Hotel.




He said, “Are you interested in English or not?”


He asked (me) whether I was interested in English or not.


“Do you like Chinese food or Japanese food?” he asked.


He asked whether / if I liked Chinese food or Japanese food.




“What do you do in your free time?” he asked me.


He asked me what I did in my free time.


“Why did she go to America?” Paul asked.


Paul asked why she had gone to America.



“What’s the matter with you?”和“What’s wrong with you?”改为间接引语时词序不变。

He asked me what was wrong with me. 他问我出什么事了。

He asked me what was the matter with me. 他问我怎么了。



①祈使句表示命令时,要把直接引语的动词say变成command, order, tell等动词,被转述的部分改为动词不定式。否定祈使句改为not to do结构。

“Stay where you are,” she said.


She told me to stay where I was.


“Don’t smoke in the room,” he said.


He told me not to smoke in the room.


②祈使句表示请求时,常把直接引语的动词say变成ask, beg, request, urge等动词。

She said to me, “Please wait till I return, will you?”


She begged me to wait till she returned.



John said to Bill, “Let’s go hiking tomorrow.”


John suggested to Bill that they (should) go hiking the next day.




He said, “What a beautiful view it is!”


He said that it was a very beautiful view.


He cried out what a beautiful view it was.


She often says, “What a great country China is!”


She often says that China is a very great country.


She often remarks with admiration (that) China is a great country.




He said, “I told her to wait, but she went away.”


He said (that) he had told her to wait but that she went away.


She said, “It is cold here. Is the window shut?”


She said that it was cold there and asked if the window was shut.


Fenwick said to me, “Go and see Robin. He will tell you everything you want to know.”


Fenwick advised me to go and see Robin, and said that he would tell me everything I wanted to know.





① 如果引述动词为现在时态,间接引语的动词可以保持原来的时态。

He says, “I have been writing a novel.”


He says that he has been writing a novel.


② 如果引述动词为过去时态,间接引语中的时间就要往后推,即现在时间推至过去时间,过去时间推至过去的过去,将来时间推至过去将来时间。具体变化见下表:

直接引语时态 间接引语时态

一般现在时 一般过去时

现在进行时 过去进行时

现在完成时 过去完成时

现在完成进行时 过去完成进行时

一般过去时 过去完成时

过去完成时 过去完成时

一般将来时 过去将来时

将来进行时 过去将来进行时

The teacher said, “You are doing OK.”


The teacher said we were doing OK.


I asked her, “Where have you spent your holiday?”


I asked her where she had spent her holiday.


She said, “I went to Shanghai.”


She said that she had gone to Shanghai.


He said, “I had finished my work before 10 o’clock.”


He said that he had finished his work before 10 o’clock..


The mayor said: “The people of Beijing will be preparing to light the Olympic torch to welcome athletes and fans from all over the world.”


The mayor said that the people of Beijing would be preparing to light the Olympic torch to welcome athletes and fans from all over the world.




直接引语 间接引语

must (必然)(推测) must

mustn’t(禁止) mustn’t

must(必须) had to/ would have to

shall should

should should

will would

would would

may might

might might

can could

could could

dare dared

need need

ought to ought to

He said, “I really must go.”


He said that he really must go.


“Must we hand in our exercise this afternoon?” he asked.


He asked if they had to hand in the exercise that afternoon.


“You need not take an umbrella with you,” he said.


He said that I need not take an umbrella with me.




“I should be glad to come.” “我会很愿意来的。”

He said he would be glad to come. 他说他会很愿意来。



“I’m fond of surfing the Internet,” he said.


He said he was fond of surfing the Internet.


“You should pay more attention to your pronunciation,” the teacher said.


The teacher said that I should pay more attention to my pronunciation.




I said, “ I had a good time at the party.” 我说:“我在晚会上玩得很开心。”

I said that I had had a good time at the party. 我说我在晚会上玩得很开心。



He said, “Please show me this one.”


He asked me to show him that one.


He said, “I’d like to see these sunglasses.”


He said that he wanted to see those sunglasses.




直接引语 间接引语

today that day

this morning/ afternoon/evening that morning / afternoon / evening

yesterday the day before, the previous day

yesterday morning /afternoon etc. the previous morning / afternoon etc.

the morning before, the afternoon before

the day before yesterday two days before

tomorrow the next day, the following day

the day after tomorrow in two days’ time, two days after

next week / month / year etc. the next week / month / year, etc.

the following week / month / year etc.

last night / month / year, etc. the previous night / month / year etc.

the night before, the month before etc.

two weeks / months / years ago the weeks before, two months before

now then

so far by then

in 1990 in 1990

here there

“We’ll leave here tomorrow,” he said.


He said that they would leave there the next day.


“I met him the day before yesterday,” she said.


She said that she had met him two days before.


(6) 间接引语的词序变化


He asked, “How did these differences come about?”


He asked how those differences had come about.


“What is adventure travel?” he asked.


He asked what adventure travel was.



No one can be sure_________ in a million years.

A. what man will look like B. what will man look like

C. man will look like what D. what look will man like


二. 引语转换应注意的事项





He said, “Well done is better than well said.” 他说:“说得好不如做得好。”

He said that well done is better than well said. 他说说得好不如做得好。


“I advise that you stop smoking,” the doctor said. 医生说:“我劝你戒烟。”

The doctor advised that he stop smoking. 医生劝他戒烟。


He told me, “Jurassic Park was made by Spielberg in 1993.”


He told me that Jurassic Park was made by Spielberg in 1993.



Mr. Smith said, “When we lived in that city, we often met each other.”


Mr. Smith said that when they lived in that city they had often met each other.



Our teacher said, “Eco-travel is a form of travel that combines normal tourism with learning.”


Our teacher said that eco-travel is a form of travel that combines normal tourism with learning.



He says, “I have accepted her invitation.” 他说:“我已经接受她的邀请了。”

He says that he has accepted her invitation. 他说他已经接受她的邀请了。



“I finished writing my paper yesterday,” he said today.


He told me today that he finished writing the paper yesterday.



He said, “I enjoy my stay here.”


He said that he enjoyed his stay here.




句式 常见的引述动词

祈使句 表请求 ask, beg, request

表命令 command, order, tell

表建议 suggest, advise

表提醒 remind

表提供帮助 offer

疑问句 一般语体 ask, wonder, want to know

正式语体 inquire / enquire

感叹句 cry, shout, exclaim, call out, admit, wish…

陈述句 带双宾语

(可用for改写) bring, buy, choose, cook, do, fetch, get, leave, make,

order, paint, play, reach, save, spare…


(可用to 改写) bring, deny, do, give, grant, hand, lead, offer, owe, pass, pay, permit, promise, read, refuse, return, sell, send, show, take, tell, throw, write…

The boy said to his mother, “I’ll never smoke again.”


The boy promised his mother never to smoke again.


“Call the police, Sean,” he said.


He ordered Sean to call the police.


“Don’t forget to buy me some ketchup on your way home,” said Mother.


Mother reminded me not to forget to buy her some ketchup on my way home.


“Shall I post these letters for you?” he asked.


He offered to post those letters for me.


“Does she really mean it?” he asked.


He wondered / wanted to know whether/ if she really meant it.




“Merry Christmas!” he said.


He wished me a merry Christmas.


“Help!” he cried.


He called for help.


Mr. Wu said to them, “You’d better make preparations for the exam.”


Mr. Wu advised them to make preparations for the exam.


He said, “I did break the window.”


He admitted having broken the window. 他承认打烂了那个玻璃窗。

“Don’t walk on the ice. It isn’t safe,” Mother said to us.


Mother warned us not to walk on the ice since it wasn’t safe.


“Have a cigarette,” he said. “No, thanks,” I replied.


He offered me a cigarette which I refused.




1. He asked _________ for the violin.

A. did I pay how much B. I paid how much

C. how much did I pay D. how much I paid

2. Can you make sure _______ the gold ring?

A. where Alice has put B. where had Alice put

C. where Alice had put D. where has Alice put

3. These photos will show you __________.

A. what does our village look like B. what our village looks like

C. how our village look like D. how our village looks like

4. You can’t imagine _______ when they received these nice Christmas presents.

A. how they were excited B. how excited they were

C. how excited were they D. they were how excited

5. ______ she said suggested that she hadn’t decided _________ to go or not.

A. What, if B. That, whether

C. What, whether D. What, whichever

6. I’ll ask my parents _________.

A. whether they will agree to go B. if they let me go

C. if they will let me go D. whether they allow me to

7. ---Do you mind if Jim will come to help?

---I really don’t know ________ a person like him can help me with.

A. what B. that

C. how D. if

8. He asked me if _____________.

A. the train will late B. the train always arrived late

C. the train arrives on time D. the train stops here

9. It is said in the book that Thomas Edison (1847-1931) _______ the world leading inventor for sixty years.

A. would be B. has been

C. had been D. was

10. –Sorry to have interrupted you. Please go on.

---Where was I?

---You _______ you didn’t like your father’s job.

A. had said B. said

C. were saying D. had been saying


1. “You have done a good job,” said the teacher.

2. He said, “I’ll help you with it later.”

3. “Be careful with the dog,” I said.

4. “Are you sure about this?” ha asked.

5. She asked, “What’s the matter with you?”

6. He said, “We met in . We have been friends for two years.”

7. He asked, “Alice, where did you buy it?”

8. “How wonderful the journey is!” he said.

9. “Tom, don’t forget to take your raincoat,” he said.

10. “Why do you come so late?” Mary asked.



2. 我坚决主张推迟这次运动会。

3. 我怀疑他们的旅行是否舒适。

4. 老师说过患难之交才是真朋友。

5. 她认为他们一定已经离开了。

6. 苏珊问我对这出戏的看法。

7. 他问我能否帮他搬那个行李箱。

8. 他告诉我们他第二天就要到北京去。


一、1. D 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. A 8. A 9. D 10. C


1.The teacher said that I had done a good job.

2. He said that he would help me with it later.

3. I warned him to be careful with the dog.

4. He asked me if I was sure about that.

5. She asked what was the matter with me.

6. He said that they met in 2002 and that they had been friends for two years.

7. He asked where Alice bought it.

8. He said that the journey was wonderful.

He exclaimed how wonderful the journey was.

9. He reminded Tom to take his raincoat.

10. Marry wanted to know why he came so late.


1. He asked me not to disturb him.

2. I insisted that the sports meeting (should) be put off.

I insisted on putting off the sports meeting.

3. I doubt whether / if their journey is a comfortable one.

4. The teacher said a friend in need is a friend indeed.

5. She thought that they must have left.

6. Susan asked how I liked the play.

7. He asked me to help him with his suitcase.

He asked me if I could help him with his suitcase.

8. He told us that he was leaving for Beijing the next / following day.

直接引语与间接引语 篇3





“Shes preparing her lessons,” I said. 我说:“她正在准备功课。”

→I said (that) she was preparing her lessons. 我说她正在准备功课。

I said to them, “Hell get excited.” 我对他们说:“他会兴奋的。”

→I told them (that) he would get excited. 我告诉他们他会兴奋的。

He said to me, “Jane spent all her time doing that.”


→He told me (that) Jane had spent all her time doing that.


2.直接引语中的谓语动词为一般过去时,如果与一个具体的表示过去的时间(如in 2005, last week等)连用,在变为间接引语时时态可以不变

My father said to me, “I read the book in 1998.”


My father told me (that) he read the book in 1998.



The geography teacher said, “The earth turns around the sun.”


The geography teacher told us (that) the earth turns around the sun.




“Sorry, Ive broken your CD player,” he said to me.


→He told me (that) he had broken my CD player.


[注意]this, these要相应地变为that, those。



“Ill come and see you again this evening, Dave,” he said.


→He told Dave (that) he would go and see him again that evening.




当直接引语是陈述句时,间接引语常由that引导(口语中常可省略),引述动词常用say, tell等。同时,根据主句的情况,间接引语应在人称、时态及其他方面作相应的变化。例如:

The teacher said, “John, you must bring your book to the class tomorrow.” 老师说:“约翰,你明天必须把书带到班上来。”

→The teacher told John (that) he must bring his book to the class the following day. 老师告诉约翰第二天必须把他的书带到班上去。

He said, “I like this book.” 他说:“我喜欢这本书。”

→He said (that) he liked that book. 他说他喜欢那本书。

He said, “I saw her yesterday.” 他说:“我昨天看见她了。”

→He said (that) he saw her the day before. 他说他前一天看见她了。



She asked, “What is it? Whats going to happen now?”


→She asked what it was and what was going to happen then.


The boy was wondering, “How does the computer work?”

那个男孩想知道: “电脑是怎样工作的?”

→The boy was wondering how the computer worked.


“Why do you speak English so fluently?” I said to him.


→I asked him why he spoke English so fluently.


“Is there anything wrong, Madam?” asked the policeman.


→The policeman asked the woman whether/if there was anything wrong. 警察问那位妇女是否出什么事了。

“Its Mary, isnt it?” asked Jane. 简问道:“那个人是玛丽,对吗?”

Jane asked whether it was Mary or not. 简问那个人是不是玛丽。


当直接引语为祈使句时,主句中的谓语动词在变化时往往根据直接引语中的语气而改用ask, tell, order等动词,直接引语中的谓语动词则要变成动词不定式。例如:

“Please explain why youre two and a half hours late,” the boss said. 老板说:“请解释一下你为什么迟到了两个半小时。”

→The boss asked him to explain why he was two and a half hours late. 老板要他解释一下为什么迟到两个半小时。

“Dont give up!” Father shouted to him. 父亲对他喊道:“不要放弃!”

→Father told him not to give up. 父亲告诉他不要放弃。

“Get everything ready in half an hour,” the teacher said to the students. 老师对学生们说:“半小时内把一切都准备好。”

→The teacher ordered the students to get everything ready in half an hour. 老师命令学生们在半小时内把一切都准备好。


1. Where was Alices sister? →I dont know where ____.

A. was Alices sisterB. Alices sister was

C. is Alices sisterD. Alices sister is

2. What did he say? →I dont know what ____.

A. did he sayB. he saysC. he has saidD. he said

3. I dont know ____.

A. the reason why can beB. why the reason may be

C. what the reason can beD. the reason may be

4. I wonder ____. Which of the following is not the right choice?

A. whether she will be fit for the job or not

B. whether or not she will be fit for the job

C. if she will be fit for the job

D. what she will be fit for the job

5. Is Mr Wu from Beijing? →I dont know ____.

A. where does he come fromB. from where does he come

C. which city he comes fromD. what city does he come from

6. Can you make sure ____?

A. that he will come here today

B. when he will come here today

C. will he come here today

D. whether will he come here today

7. Do you happen to know ____?

A. where is her addressB. in which place is her addressC. what her address isD. the place her address is

8. Excuse me, but can you tell me ____?

A. where can I get to the libraryB. where I can get to the libraryC. how can I get to the libraryD. how I can get to the library

9. John asked me ____ to visit his uncles farm with him.

A. how would I likeB. if or not would I like

C. whether I would likeD. which I would like

10. Id like to know ____ Chinese.

A. when he began to learn

B. when did he begin to learn

C. when did he begin learning

D. for how long he began to learnKey(2)

小议直接引语和间接引语 篇4

一、找准引导词, 关键第一步

直接引语变为间接引语时, 引导词共有三种: (1) that; (2) if/whether; (3) 疑问词。

当直接引语为陈述句时, 变为间接引语时引导词用that。例如:

The doctor says: “The patient must take the medicine three times a day.”

→The doctor says (that) the patient must take the medicine three times a day.

当直接引语为一般疑问句时, 变为间接引语时用if或whether。例如:

Maria asked:“Do you still want to live here, Tom?”

→Maria asked Tom if/whether he still wanted to live there.

当直接引语为特殊疑问句时, 变为间接引语时用本身的疑问词。例如:

Li Ping asked me, “What are you doing?”

→Li Ping asked me what I was doing.


在直接引语变为间接引语时, 直接引语无论是陈述句或疑问句, 一律都用陈述句语序。例如:

The teacher asks Jane, “Are you hungry?”

→The teacher asks Jane if/whether she is hungry.

当间接引语的疑问词作主语时, 语序不变。例如:

She asked us:“Who is knocking at the door?”

→She asked us who is knocking at the door.


直接引语为第三人称, 变为间接引语后, 人称不变;主语为其他人称 (第一, 第二人称) , 变为间接引语后, 人称要做相应调整。例如:

Tom thinks, “He isn’t good at English.”→Tom thinks that he isn’t good at English.由此可总结出人称变化的规律 :一随主 ; 二随宾;三不变。其中一, 二, 三分别指直接引语中的第一, 第二, 第三人称;主宾分别指主句中的主语和宾语。


主句是一般现在时或将来时, 间接引语的时态不变。主句是一般过去时, 间接引语一般改成过去的某种时态。具体情况可参照下面表格中的规律。

现举例说明:He says:“I’m tired.”

→He says (that) he is tired.

要特别注意的是:不管主句是什么时态, 直接引语表示自然科学和客观真理之类的, 改成间接引语时均用一般现在时。例如:The teacher told us, “The earth moves around the sun.

→The teacher told us (that) the earth moves around the sun. shall should now today then that day


当直接引语转化为间接引语时, 直接引语中的指示代词、时间状语、地点状语及某些词都会发生相应的变化, 其规律一般是:

注意:如果在当天转述, today, yesterday, tomorrow, there, come等不要改变。

现举例说明:Jane said:“These exercises are easy.”

→Jane said (that) those exercises were easy.

六、特殊句型, 特别对待

1.当祈使句变为间接引语时, 要用不定式表示, 句型为ask (tell, order) sb. (not) to do sth.。 例如:He said to her:“Don’t openthe door.”

→He told her not to open the door.

2.带 有let的 祈使句 (表请求 、建议或命令 ) 变为间接引语 时, 主语后用其他动词表示相应的意思。 例如:He said:“Let’smake a plan.”

→He suggested making a plan.

→He advised them to make a plan.


直接引语为陈述句, 改为间接引语时, 引述动词常用say, tell等。直接引语为疑问句, 变成间接引语时引述动词常用ask, wonder等。

直接引语变间接引语练习题 篇5

2.She asked me, “Is this book yours or his?”

3.The teacher asked, “How did you repair it?”

4.She said, “He will be busy.”

5.She said to Tom, “Can you help me?”

6.The teacher said, “The earth goes round the sun.”

7.My father said, “Practice makes perfect.”

8.The boy said to us, “ I usually get up at six every day.”

9.He said, “We are still students.”

10.He said to me, “I was born in 1978.”

11.He said, “I have studied English since .”

12.I said to him, “I have finished it.”

13.She said to us,“ I’ll come here tomorrow.”

14.“Where does your chemistry teacher live, Jane?” the young man asked.

15.“I have gotten the first place in the mathematics competition,” the little boy said happily.

16.“Light travels faster than sound,” the physics teacher said to the boys and girls.

17.“Will you go to the concert with me this evening?” Mary asked me.

聚焦直接引语与间接引语 篇6

1. 时态的变化:







【考点拓展】 如果直接引语是客观真理,变为间接引语时,时态不变。

The teacher said in class, “The moon moves around the earth.” → The teacher said in class that the moon moves around the earth.

2. 人称的变化


He said to me , “ I met your brother.” → He told me that he had met my brother .

【考点拓展】 如果说话者转述自己的话,人称不变。

I said to her , “ I have done my best .” →I told her that I had done my best .

3. 指示代词、时间状语、地点状语和少数动词等的变化

二、 各种句式的直接引语变间接引语:

(1) 直接引语是陈述句,变为间接引语,要把陈述句改为由that引导的宾语从句,并且that可以省略。

The manager said to me, “You must go there next week.” →The manager told me (that)I had to go there the next week.

(2) 直接引语是一般疑问句,变为间接引语,要把一般疑问句改为由if 或whether引导的宾语从句,并且时态等要作相应变化。

The teacher asked, “Has she read enough this week?” → The teacher asked whether/if she had read enough that week.

(3) 直接引语是特殊疑问句,变为间接引语,要把特殊疑问句改为由疑问词(who,what, how, why , when , where引导的宾语从句, 要把疑问句的语序改为用陈述句语序,并且时态等要作相应变化。

The villager said, “Who had they taken away when it got dark?” →The villager asked who they had taken away when it got dark.

(4) 直接引语是祈使句,变为间接引语,要把祈使句改为不定式短语形式,同时根据语气选用适当的谓语动词,动词常是ask / tell / order / advise / beg等。

The teacher said to the boys, “Pay attention to this.” →The teacher told the boys to pay attention to that.

The mother said, “Doctor, please save my son.” →The mother asked the doctor to save her son.

(5) 以Let’s 开头的祈使句变间接引语,要选用“suggest +动名词或+that从句”或advise sb + to do sth 或 + that从句。

I said to him, “Let’s start at once.” → I suggested to him that we (should) start at once.

(6) 将感叹句变为间接引语可用what 或how引导也可用that引导。

He said: “How fast he runs!” →He said how fast he ran.

Or: He said that he ran fast.



1. I shall tell him, “I have written to you and her twice.”

I shall tell him that_______have written to and_______twice.

A. I; him; herB. you; him; her

C. I; you; meD. you; me; her

2. Tom said to me,“ You look worried today.”

Tom told me that_______worried_______.

A. he looks; today

B. you look; today

C. we looked; that day

D. I looked; that day

3. The man thought,“ I shall take it back tomorrow.”

The man thought that_______take it back _______.

A. I shall; tomorrow

B. I shall; the next day

C. he should; tomorrow

D. he would ; the next day

4. —I’m going away for the weekend.

—But you_______you_______out to dinner with me.

A. say; will come

B. say; come

C. said; would come

D. had said; will come

5. Catherine said, “ What did he hear about a week ago ?”

Catherine asked_______about_______.

A. that he heard; a week ago

B. if he heard; the week ago

C. what he had heard; a week ago

D. what he had heard; the week before

6. She asked,“ Whose house will he break into next time?”

She asked whose house_______break into_______.

A. will he; next time

B. would he; the next time

C. he will; next time

D. he would; the next time

7. The teacher asked her, “Does the sun set in the west ?”

The teacher asked her_______the sun_______in the west.

A. if; setB. if; setted

C. whether; setsD. whether did; set

8. He said, “Catherine, introduce yourself to them, please.”

He_______Catherine_______to them.

A. asked; to introduce yourself

B. asked; to introduce herself

C. told; introduce yourself

D. ordered; introduce herself

9. He said to the soldiers, “Put down your guns at once.”

He_______the soldiers_______down_______guns at once.

A. ordered; to put; their

B. told; to put; their

C. ordered; put; your

D. told; put; your

10. She told me that her mother_______for several days.

A. has been illB. had been ill

C. is illD. was ill

11. “My brother joined the army in 1996.”Said Lucy.

Lucy said that her brother_______the Party in 1996.

A. joinedB. had joined

C. would joinD. joins

12. She said to us, “_______”

A. Not to make fun of me

B. Don’t to make fun of me

C. Never make fun of me

D. Not make fun of me

13. “Would you like coffee or tea?” asked Mother.

Mother asked me_______.

A. if I would like coffee and tea

B. if would I like coffee or tea

C. whether I would like coffee or tea

D. whether would I like coffer or tea

14. He didn’t tell me_______or go home.

A. whether to wait

B. if to wait

C. to wait

D. if that she shout to wait

15. He suggested_______the umbrella at the door.

A. to leaveB. to let leave

C. leavingD. to let

英语间接引语 篇7

交际中我们常常需要引述别人说的话,一种是一字不差地直接引用别人的话,放在引号内,称为直接引语(The Direct Speech),另一种是间接地引述别人的话,称为间接引语(TheIndirect Speech) 。






He asked____for the violin.

A.did I pay how much B.I paid how much

C.how much did I pay D.how much I paid



say (to)在陈述句中多变为tell等词,在疑问句中多变为ask等词,在祈使句中表示命令多变为tell, order等词,表请求时多变为ask等词。



也可以用以下口诀强调记忆:(1)直引若是一般问,变间if/whether连。语序变为陈述式,时态人称相应变。(2)直引若是特殊问,疑问词连接记心间。其余问题挺简单,一切只当一般问。(3)直引若是祈使句,谓语动词挺要紧。told, asked, ordered,根据口气来选定。告诉人、请人、命令人,后跟to do sth.。若是否定祈使句,not to do后边行。






此关中,时间状语的变化是难点,为突破这个难点,需要总结规律:现在的时间在前面加the,如:today———that day;过去的时间在后面加before,如:last week———the week before;将来的时间在前面加the。


1.The teacher told the boy students____football on the grass.

A.not play B.not to play C.played D.playing

分析:此题考的是祈使句变间接引语, 在动词play前加to若是否定就在该动词前加not故选B。

2.She looks sad.Could you please tell me____that prevents her from being as happy as before?

A.what it is B.it is what C.how it is D.it is how

分析:此题考查语序, tell me后面是强调句型强调主语, 而how是不作主语的, 故选A。

3.You said to me, “I saw the film two days ago.”

You told me that you had seen the film.

A.two days B.two days before

C.two days ago D.yesterday

英语间接引语 篇8

























[1]张会森.最新俄语语法[M].北京:商务印书馆, 2002.

[2]王军等.东方.大学俄语3[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2002.

[3]王辉.如何教学生学习直接引语变间接引语[J].职业与教育, 2008, (1) :35.

英语间接引语 篇9



将陈述句直接引语转换为间接引语时,只要记住“一连五变五不变”,便可万无一失。“一连”即一个连接词that; “五变”即人称、时态、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语和方向性动词做相应的变化;“五不变”是指五种时态不变的情况。

(1) “一连”



Amy said,“I won’t lose heart.”

→Amy said (that) she wouldn’t lose heart.

(2) “五变”

① 人称的变化



I said,“I can’t wait to see what Africa is like.”

→I said I couldn’t wait to see what Africa was like.


Mr. Smith told Jack,“You’ve won the first place in the singing contest.”

→Mr. Smith told Jack that he had won the first place in the singing contest.


Mary told me,“Mike is feeling much better.”

→Mary told me that Mike was feeling much better.

② 时态的变化



1. The girl said,“I’m sorry for being late for class.”

→The girl said that she was sorry for being late for class.

2. He said,“I have worked out the maths problem.”

→He said that he had worked out the maths problem.

3. “I have been waiting for an hour but he still hasn’t turned up.” she complained.

→She complained that she had been waiting for an hour but he still hadn’t turned up.

4. The big big wolf said,“I’ll be back again.”

→The big big wolf said that he would be back again.

③ 指示代词、时间状语、地点状语、方向性动词的变化


(3) “五不变”


① 直接引语有确定的过去时间。

The book said,“Zhu Yuanzhang founded the Ming Dynasty on January 23,1368 and selected Nanjing as its capital.”

→The book said that Zhu Yuanzhang founded the Ming Dynasty on January 23,1368 and selected Nanjing as its capital.

② 只着眼于转述事实,而不侧重动作先于转述动作的时间。

Alice said,“I found the city greatly changed.”

→Alice said that she found the city greatly changed.

③ 强调动作或状态现在仍然如此时。

Mom said,“I’ll be back tomorrow.”

→Mom said that she will be back tomorrow.

④ 当直接引语表示真理或经常性的特点时。

Our teacher said,“Light travels faster than sound.”

→Our teacher said light travels faster than sound.

⑤ 当直接引语是虚拟语气时。

James Bond said to his partner,“It’s time they were taught a lesson.”

→James Bond told his partner that it’s time they were taught a lesson.



Our head teacher asked me,“Do you remember your parents’ birthday?”

→Our head teacher asked me if/whether I remembered my parents’ birthday.



The mother said to the son,“Never throw your things about.”

→The mother told the son never to throw his things about.


一、 以下是电影《狮子王》中的一段对白,请你把下列直接引语的句子改成相应的间接引语形式。

Scar: Life’s not fair. I... shall never be King.

Zazu: Didn’t your mother ever tell you not to play with your food?

Scar: What do you want?

Zazu: I’m here to announce that King Mufasa is on his way. So you’d better have a good excuse for missing the ceremony this morning.

Scar: Zazu,you’ve made me lose my lunch.

Zazu: Hah!You’ll lose more than that when the King gets through with you.

二、 单项选择

1. Would you please tell me ________?

A. when he came back

B. when did he come back

C. whether would he come back

D. when does he come back

2. Jim asked Lucy ________ feed their cat.

A. didn’t forget to

B. isn’t forget to

C. not to forget to

D. not forget to

3. These pictures will show you ________.

A. what does our hometown look like

B. what our hometown looks like

C. how does our hometown look like

D. how our hometown looks like

4. I’d like to know ________ Japanese.

A. when you began to learn

B. when did you begin to learn

C. when did you begin learning

D. for how long you began to learn

5. Excuse me,but can you tell me ________?

A. where can I get to the library

B. where I can get to the library

C. how can I get to the library

D. how I can get to the library

6. Can you make sure ________?

A. that he will come here today

B. when he will come here today

C. will he come here today

D. whether will he come here today

7. Amy is eager to know ________ to help lose weight.

A. what to do

B. how could she do

C. whether she can do

D. what can she did

8. —What did the salesman say?

______ —The salesman asked you to read what some of your customers said.

______ —Sorry?

______ —The salesman said,“ ________”

A. What did some of your customers read?

B. how did some of your customers say it?

C. Read what some of your customers say.

D. Must you read what some of your customers said?



Scar told Zazu that life was not fair and he should never be King.

Zazu asked Scar whether his mother had ever told him not to play with his food.

Scar asked Zazu what he wanted.

Zazu said that he was there to announce that King Mufasa was on his way. And he advised Scar to have a good excuse for missing the ceremony that morning.

Scar told Zazu that he had made him lose his lunch.

Zazu told Scar that he would lose more than that when the King got through with him.
