


时势造英雄辩论稿 篇1











第二十一回《曹操煮酒论英雄 关公赚城斩车胃》里写到:操曰:“夫英雄者,胸怀大志,腹有良谋,有包藏宇宙之机,吞吐天地之志者也。”他敢于指于孙权,刘备和他本人是当今英雄。


第三十回《战官渡本初败绩 劫乌巢孟德烧粮》








第十二回《陶恭祖三让徐州 曹孟德大战吕布》






郭沫若为曹操翻案: 曹操对于民族的发展和文化的发展有大的贡献 我们评价一位历史人物,应该从全面来看问题,应该从他的大节上来权其轻重,特别要看他对于当时的人民有无贡献,对于我们整个民族的发展、文化的发展有无贡献。公平地说来,曹操对于当时的人民是有贡献的,不仅有而且大;对于民族的发展和文化的发展是有贡献的,不仅有而且大。在我看来,曹操在这些方面的贡献,比起他同时代的人物来是最大的。例如诸葛亮是应该肯定的人物,但他所凭借的西蜀,在当时没有遭到多大的破坏,而他所成就的规模比起曹操来要小得多。然而诸葛亮却被后人神化,而曹操被后人魔鬼化了。这是不公平的。其所以产生这种不公平或者使曹操特别遭受歪曲的最主要原因不能不归之于正




时势造英雄辩论稿 篇2



近年来,不少学校出台严厉的措施,禁止中学生把手机带到学校。此事引发了各界热议。你校打算举办一场英语辩论活动,要求辩手围绕“Should students be forbidden to bring their mobile phones to school?”展开辩论。你打算参加辩论,请写一篇英语辩论稿。内容包括:

1 表明你的观点

2 提供证据支持你的观点

3 结论段



In recent years, many schools have taken tough measures to forbid students from bringing their mobile phones to school, which has caused heated debate among parents. I am in favor of banning students bringing phones to school. My reasons are as follows.

First, there is no need to bring mobile phones to school because students can use public phones to contact their parents in case of an emergency. And parents can call the teachers to reach their children. Besides, mobile phones distract students from concentrating on their lessons as they may chat online with their friends or surf the Internet after class. Third, students are likely to compare the brands of their mobile phones with their classmates.

To sum up, I strongly support banning mobile phones in schools.


1. 这是一篇辩论稿,文章应包含三个部分。第一段是导语段,引出辩论的话题,同时表明自己的立场观点。第二段提供充分的论据来支撑自己的论点。第三段为总阶段,总结前文,再次表明自己的观点。

2. 第一段和第二段之间使用了过渡句My reasons are as follows,使上下文衔接紧密。

3. 二段中用连接词First, Besides和Third列举了三点证据来支撑自己的观点。最后一段使用To sum up表明结论段。

4. 短语亮点:

take measures to do sth. 采取措施做某事 forbid sb. from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事

be in favor of 赞成 ban doing sth 禁止做某事

as follows 列举如下 in case of 如果

distract sb. from doing 使某人不专心做某事 concentrate on 集中注意力于

after class 课下 be likely to do 可能做某事

compare sth. with sb. 把某物与某人相比 to sum up 总而言之

5. 句子亮点

(1)复合句:非限制性定语从句:which has caused heated debate among parents;原因状语从句:because they can use public phones to contact their parents in case of an emergency;as they may chat online with their friends or surf the Internet after class。

(2)?非谓语动词:动词不定式作目的状语:many schools take tough measures to forbid students from bringing their mobile phones to school;And parents can call the teachers to reach their children;动名词作宾语:I am in favor of banning phones to school。

(3)固定句式:①没有必要做某事:there is no need for students to bring mobile phones to school。②很有可能做某事: students are likely to compare the brands of their mobile phones。


1. 辩论稿是英文中一种常见的写作文体,旨在帮助辩手在辩论过程中更好地陈述自己的立场和观点,并提供论据。

2. 辩论稿通常由三部分组成。第一,要提出一个辩论的话题,并亮明自己的观点和态度;第二,提供充足的论据来支撑自己的观点;第三,总结前文,再次强调自己的观点和立场。

3. 写辩论稿时用到的句式:


Some people argue that/hold the idea that…

But I hold the opposite view. / I am against this idea. I would agree that…/ I strongly believe that…

I’m in favor of…

First of all/First/Firstly/Initially Second/Secondly/Then/Next/Besides Last/Finally/Last but not least/What’s more/More importantly In conclusion…/All in all…/In summary…/To sum up…/In a word…




Recently, many schools have taken tough measures to forbid students from bringing mobile phones to school, about which teachers and parents have different opinions. In my opinion, students should be allowed to bring their phones to school. Here are my reasons.

First of all, it is convenient for students keep in touch with their parents so that parents can know how their children are getting along at school. Secondly, mobile phones make it easy for students to contact their friends when they are in need of help. More importantly, students can relax themselves by listening to music or playing games after class.

All in all, students should be allowed to bring mobile phones to school as long as they can use them in a proper way.


时势造英雄辩论稿 篇3


在问题1中,我方提出的是如何断定“一只绵羊率领的一群老虎打不过一只老虎率领的一群绵羊”?而不是 “英雄产生的意义”?

在回答2中,对方辩友认为,是网络上他人对辩友的评价影响了您方对我方辩友在生物进化上的判断,同时,对方辩友认为:只要我方坚持“时势造英雄”的论断,时代就不会发展,我方就一定继续生活在 “茹毛饮血的原始社会,无法完成我们自身的进化”。请问对方辩友: “时势造英雄”=“时势脱离英雄” 吗?我方在坚定“时势造英雄”的同时,从来没有否定英雄对时势的推动作用,我方坚持认为:是时势造就了英雄,而英雄的出现又推动了社会发展,发展了的社会又成为一个新的时势,缔造了下一个英雄。如此看来,“强调时势造英雄,社会就会停止发展,我们就无法完成自身的进化,永远成为蹲在树上的猴子”是彻底的歪理邪说。


我们再来看看对方辩友接下来的这句 “您总不能让我把你们一伙的也分成两类吧?”如果一伙的就必定是一类人,请问对方辩友:在浩瀚的宇宙中,常人跟英雄同生活在地球上,吃同类的食物,穿同类的衣服,有着同类的生理结构,何来英雄的“非常人”说?既然对方辩友坚持认为 “英雄能做到常人做不到的事,”虽跟常人是一伙的,却非一类人,安知我方3辩跟我方1、2辩一定同类成为猴子呢?

对方辩友在回答3中说“只要人不息英雄就不会断,这难道不是影响到永远吗?”并强调了“人在一个生活,一个事件中的重要性。”对方辩友在肯定“英雄不会断”的同时,主动加上了“只要人不息”的前提;在强调“人的重要性”时,主动加上了“一个生活、一个事件”。请问对方辩友:这里的 “人不息”“一个生活、一个事件”是什么?难道不是一种时势吗?江山灭,人才焉附?!人皆息,英雄安在?!




1、答:“时势”是一个客观主体,不被任何个人所创造。所以 “创造时势是否重要”本身就不成立。乱世亟待英雄横空出世;盛世需要英雄来安邦;边疆烽烟不起,马卸鞍、刀入库;假如众生皆成佛,英雄就失去了产生的意义。


3、答:正因为 “拿破轮满足了当时的历史进程的需要”,所以他才能成为英雄;正因为时势不需要第2、3个拿破仑的出现,所以即使他人再有指挥千军万马的能力,也失去了出现了意义;正因为 “历史并没有预先选定拿破仑,非此人不可,这纯粹是偶然的”,所以,英雄不是不可替代的,只要能力足够、时势需要,还会有他人成为法国大革命中的英雄。所以“拿破仑就成为了不可替代的历史人物,“具有历史的必然性”是建立在法国大革命历史这个时势基础上的,脱离了法国大革命的历史,拿破仑就无从讲起。所以,恩格斯说: “假如不曾有拿破仑这个人,他的角色是会有另一个人来扮演的。”















概念上的重复赘述: “什么是时势呢?我告诉你:时势,是指„„”


定义上的曲解杜撰: “那么这显而易见体现出了一个内因与外因的问题„„”



陈述中的自相矛盾: “我们认为连以后的发展方向,发展趋势都指挥、掌握不了的人,也配称为英雄吗?”


辩风上的把握失度: “我告诉你”“ 我还告诉你”“ 请问你们想过吗?” “这么简单的道理我也要再说吗?”“我可以说看你这问题我就想笑” “也许正方的三位辩手到目前为止还是骑在树上的三只猴子” “难道你们连这些都不明白?真不知道在和谁辩论了”“ 我就再告诉你们一次” “怎么让你们问什么就真的问呢?我只能说你们的工夫没做到” “你们都不清楚吗?”“你不觉得你在抡圆了胳臂然后狠狠打你们自己的嘴吗?” „„












继续提问三个问题,促进对方辩友对 “时势造英雄”论断的科学认识:

问题1:对方2辩在陈述中说 “至于拿破仑所说的那只羊是什么羊我不知道,但我知道中国有句老话:兵熊熊一个,将熊熊一窝”,请问对方辩友:既然您方连这只羊是什么羊都不知道,您方又如何断“一只绵羊率领的一群老虎打不过一只老虎率领的一群绵羊”呢?

问题2:对方2辩在回答我方第2个问题时,结尾道 “也许正方的三位辩手到目前为止还是骑在树上的三只猴子。”请问对方辩友:您方是从我方辩词中的哪句哪段判断出我方辩手跟“骑在树上的三只猴子”有可参照性呢?到目前为止,我方只有两名辩手亮相,您又是如何预知我方还没出场的3辩也跟猴子有可参照性呢?是网络上流传的“8只猴子”影响了您方的判断吗?

问题3:对方2辩在回答我方第三个问题时,陈述道 “时代是阶段性的,英雄的影响是巨大而长久的,可以延续很长时间。所以我方一辩用了个“时代”一词。”既然您方也承认时代的阶段性,既然您方也承认英雄的影响可以延续很长时间而不是影响到永远,请问对方辩友:又如何理解您方1辩所陈述的“这些英雄永远是山峰中的珠穆朗玛„„”?








成吉思汗,很多人看到他的武功,千古一绝,但是他永远是一个天之骄子,得天时而无为,或者说半途而废。主席对他的评价很正。他征服了这么多土地,带来的还是战乱,杀戮,本来他完全有资格制造一个和平的时势,他没有,他随着别人制造的乱世一齐走了。敌人正是弱小的时候,他所向披靡,他死后元军亦是如此,可是时势有变。时势就如一辆车,如果是你自己的,你可以一直开,如果是BUS, 总有你下车的一天。所以就有了讽刺的钓鱼城保卫战。
















英文辩论赛一辩论稿 篇4

Good afternoon , ladies and gentlemen ,Our side firmly believe that “Not all graduating high school students need to serve their country for two years “.Here, we want all of you to pay much attention to these two words “NOT ALL”.Following are some aspects which can support our argument.First of all , as for the whole country , it is not good for a country’s development.If all graduating high school students served their country for two years , we would guess what will happen.In general ,high-school graduates are less than 20 years old without professional knowledge.When they take their places in society , only the low paid or laborious job offers are available , so you can see how much contribution they can make to this society ? Serving your country for two years , then go to university for four years , which is total six years.In this six years , you can go to university first and then find a better job to make a contribution to your country.Everyone can know clearly that the later one can produce more valuable things to our country , so why don’t we choose to go to university first ? Besides , if we serve our country for two years , it will cause the gap in talents.Let me take an example , in 1966 , Chairman Mao encouraged those youths who were mostly high-school graduates to go to the countryside.This was also called “to serve their country” , then what happened ? Everyone knows , this is called ‘The Great Culture Revolution ‘ Was that good or was that a very wise

decision ? History is kinda practice and practice is the sole criterion fortestingtruth.So the history also tells us that it is unwise to serve their country first.Needless to say , it disorganizes the Educational system.Second , it also does harm to individuals.We believe whether you wanna serve your country or not depends on one’s own interest.There’s no need to let ‘ALL’ graduating high-school students to do it.Most High-school graduates are too young to distinguish the good from the bad.It is common that Generation Y likes hanging out with friends.It is said that the young are easy to become illegal drugs takers if misleading guidance is conducted.Also , after those students serve their country for two years , eventually they may not be able to calm down to concentrate their studies after they’ve stayed in society for two years.At last , what we wanna emphasize is that the present situation of our country even this world is that attending to universities is still the major trend.Also , our country encourages university graduates to contribute to the ‘large-scale development of the western region ‘ instead of high-school graduates.Existence is Rational.To sum up , it is not beneficial to let all graduating high-school students serve their for two years , so our side affirmatively believe that “Not all graduating high-school students need to serve their country for two years “.Thank you!

文档英语辩论稿 篇5

Positive side: Internet does more good than harm Negative side: Internet does more harm than good

一、陈述观点阶段 正方一辩 Respected chairman each leader comrades and friends from the opposite side Good morningIn todays information age the Internet is more and more strongly involved in our lives more and more close to everyone of us.We firmly believe that the Internet does more good than harm First of all the Internet is a virtual treasure trove of information.It makes the global sharing of information resources any kind of information on any topic under the sun is available on the Internet.People from all works are storing maintaining and updating the information in internet every day.We can almost find any type of data on almost any kind of subject that we are looking for.Secondly the Internet brings great convenience to our lives.Many services are now provided on the internet such as online banking job seeking purchasing tickets for your favorite movies guidance services on array of topics engulfing the every aspect of life and hotel reservations.Often these services are not available off-line and can cost you more.Thirdly the Internet has greatly improved work efficiency.Not only education and learning but also trade conference can be conducted online.The companies in different areas can hold online meetings through the internet to bargain important issues of business.Internet cuts out a series of complex processes saves a lot of manpower and material resources and improves our work efficiency greatly.Finally the internet can open our minds.Today we are in an information society internet is an encyclopedic world with extremely rich information.We can timely understand current events access to the latest knowledge and information through the internet.Just like an old saying: Xiucai knows everything under the Heaven though he needn’t to leave his home.Therefore we firmly believe that the internet does more good than harm Thank you 反方一辩 Internet plays a very important role in modern life.It has revolutionized our lives in many ways as the affirmative side described.However it is the innovative change of the Internet era that Pandora’s box is opened at the same time.a virtual world Internet provides in which persons surfing on the Internet don’t know each other they just identify others’ identification through online login account so that it is lack of basic trust relationship because all you know is only his/her e-mail or QQ number and you should not blindly believe in the Internet.While more and more people lose themselves in online games which is not only waste of money but also waste of time.some feel lost without the internet like a man without a soul a slave to the internet.others even have an addiction problem to the internet to the extent of medical treatment.In addition long-term online all day to autism and indulge in fantasy from reality leads to the state when they really face society and the crowd because of distance and imagine the problems are not normal shrinking communicating with people Moreover parents nowadays have been worried about what their kids read and see on-line because of pornography or violent scene being full of Internet and these teenage will go out in real life and function.Consequently Internet is gradually eroded their physical and mental health.Even worse some bad gangs make use of the Internet to steal others’ privacy information damage and control other people’s computer system to launch malicious attack suck as DoS Trojan horse and so on.All of the above statements prove that Internet has done more harm than good to society.二、自由辩论阶段 正方1Our viewpoint is “Internet does more advantages than harm”.The spreading speed of traditional books newspapers and magazines is so slow.With the developing of the Internet people can get plenty of information from the networks quickly and conveniently and they feel the world become much smaller.For example we knew the exact news from Internet about the earthquake in WenChuan several minutes after its happening.And the popular word “earth village” can support our opinion too.反方1Excuse me I can’t agree with you.I think Internet do more harm than good.Although we can get information quickly on Internet.But it also brings new problems.For example many Publishing Company went bankrupt and Many people lost their jobs.At the same time the copyright status is very bad in China.There is a joke: a young man to Microsoft interview he answer the interviewer a question and he was driven out.because the interviewer asked him Do you know the price of Microsoft operate system in China The young man asked: 5 yuan.Is this good to you 正方2Although the Internet makes some industries closed down but it has also produced some new industries.The defenders only see the Internet makes some people lose jobs but do not see the Internet gives more people new jobs so the defenders point of view is one-sided.With the development of Internet the communication between people is more easily we can communicate with others through a lot of ways provided by the Internet such as QQ EMAIL chat room and so on.反方2Please note you confuse a basic concept the distance between people is to rely on people themselves to decide ever not the network.The network is changing people s way of communication.In the absence of the Internet era we still can narrow the distance between people therefore it cannot be said that the Internet has shortened the distance between people.On the contrary people put too much effort and emotion in the Internet reduced face-to-face communication with the family friends colleagues so that the distance between two hearts increased it makes people become distant.正方3In addition to the front view of our partners I think the Internet has created a new way of life.Chat online checking information online learning online or even work online people can complete many things remain indoors which is impossible previously.SOHO is now a very popular word it means Small Office and Home Office.This makes it reality for people to choose the way of life and work according to their own interest and hobbies without limitation of time and place.反方3I’m sorry I don’t agree with you.I feel the Internet can help us to do many thing at the same time people become more and more lazy more and more weaker even lost the joy of living.Please look me my weight is 130 pounds 2 years ago now I spend much time on Internet so I am overweight and become weak.正方4Mr.Yan I have to say your point of view is very creative But I think the weight problems are not necessarily lined with the popularity of the network One of the biggest benefits of the Internet is accelerating the flow of information and spreading education to all corners of the globe.Now there are a lot of searching engines on the Internet such as Google and Baidu we can get whatever information we want within only several seconds.Just like an old saying: Xiucai knows everything under the Heaven though he needs not to leave his home.反方4The other debater please note you only see the benefits of the Internet and ignored the existence of a large number of bad information on the Internet the information has a very bad influence on people especially teenagers and even cause them to crime.According to statistics more than 80 of the minor crime is related to exposure of bad information in the network some minor to indulge in violence pornographic games the game scenes to life by the game of seduction and lead to crime.正方5I must remind the other side debaters.It is because of the high speed developing of networks that the adults pay more attention to the young criminals quickly and adopt efficient measures.Is it not the advantage of the Internet Let’s think about the invention and using of knife it has an analogy to the Internet.反方5Excuse me I oppose you change the focus.I think There is a More severe problem.Please note the remarks of Anti-social and Pseudo-science on Internet.not only young man but also adults are affected.It is very dangerous to all and to our country.Do you can talk the advantage of Internet standing here 正方6When we were young parents and teacher often told us: Pick up the good and throw away the bad.But now you are not only staring at the bad but also exaggerating it It’s wrong Very wrong I would also say Internet is just like a bridge of communicating between people.It’s a great way to meet up with people of similar interest and discuss common issues saving both money and time.反方6Please note we have already explained this will only increase the distance between people.In the real world interpersonal relations become weak.After all the Internet is only a small part of human life people are to be living in the real world the weak relationships people feel more and more lonely because friends only exist on the Internet in real life there is no real friends.正方7This is just a social problem not the wrong of Internet itself.So we dont need to discuss it.I want to describe another big advantage of the Internet.It is that the Internet makes the electronic commerce vigorous developed.Now more and more shops run online and more and more people like online shopping it brings great convenience to us.For example Ive just bought a pair of leather shoes from the Internet last week it is 30 cheaper than the same products in entity stores besides it also saves a large amount of shopping time for me.反方7The Internet is convenient But please note the Internet is unsafe.hacker computer virus Trojan network fishing and so on It will make the Internet become very terrible.we may have cheated lost money even lost privacy.A newspaper report: A company with millions of assets went backrupt because a young man used the leak of the network.And I believe you remember the movie star CHEN Guan Xi his personal photos were for all to see.The Internet is too unsafe.正方8Although there are secure problems on Internet but we can adopt many technique methods to solve them.Another benefit the Internet brings is entertainment.You can find many ways to amuse yourself.Watching online movies playing online games and talking in chat room can help you relax.Furthermore you can make friends with many fun and kind people all over the world.反方8Yes now the entertainment network is very developed leads to more problems.More and more young people indulging in online entertainment the network has great dependence even morbid.The Internet makes young people confuse the virtual world and the real world influences the young people moral standard of judgment.At the same time the network game had a bad influence to young peoples mental health learning life make them fat decreased performance decreased visual acuity even cant write with a pen.正方9Please pay attention once again what you talked about is not the wrong of Internet itself it is the problem of its users.And it is just the development of online entertainment that have enriched our life and made large contribution to the state GDP.反方9I’m sorry I also please you note.The violent and pornographic scene are often appear in the online games.It constantly hurt the soul of young people make them become depressed.We all know The young people are enthusiastic Dynamic and Positive they are main power of develop of country.thus It is not only the problem of family but also the problem of the society.So let’s far away from the Internet and make the children become well make the society become civilized.正方10I found a very interesting phenomenon.We have list many benefits internet bring to us but you refute all of these through the problems of people not the problems of internet itself.So we still firmly hold that the benefits of the internet are much greater than the negative impacts.反方10Excuse me you ignore the harm of the Internet.It is very dangerous

三、总结陈词阶段 反方四辩 Generally speaking the internet is a double-edged sword.Like a coin have two side the good side and the bad side yes it really improvement our life in some aspect but isn’t all.The internet brought a lot of bother with negative thing.And we don’t have the method for solve.Such as the network deceive divulge privacy too much bad information and so on.and the most important We can’t be 100 to eliminate those problems at least not yet.So the internet is not Perfect world We should not expect too much on the Internet.As we all know the birth of the Internet causes not used to enrich peoples lives but to service the military field so I think it is very suitable for the application in the military enterprises companies departments and other areas like that.Although it can be applied to the daily life of ordinary people it still has limitations.As the nuclear weapon action is huge but people must find a way to control it or just opened a Pandoras box the devil will be released.So the most important is how we using the Internet in our life rather than the Internet itself.if we know what we need clearly and how to take advantage of internet responsibly.I am sure it will affect our modern life in a positive way and make our life more wonderful and splendid.正方四辩 Ladies and Gentlemen Good morning We are so happy and lucky for we live inthe information age with rapidly developed technology.And the Internet is a sign of the times.We are sure that the Internet must do more good than harm First of all the Internethas brought us great benefits.As our partners have said the Internet can accelerate the information query narrow the world and make the communication of people more convenient.Despite of shopping online learning onlineand message delivery even the debate today we’ve collected a lot of information on Internet.The Internethas opened for us a convenient way enriched our life andacceleratedthe progress of our society.Secondly everything has two sides so does the Internet.As the defenders stated The Internet has some drawbacks while it brings us convenience.But the harm of Internet strictly speaking is the wrong of people.Some people usethe benefits of Internet to commit a crime spread the bad information while other people use the net unhealthily indulging in Internet game wasting too much time in Internet.But all of these are not wrong for Internet itself but for the people who use it.And It is just like a knife initially created in order to solve some problems in life but someone use it to murder while the knife is not wrong in itself.Thirdly the good of Internet must be more thanitsharm.If not perhaps the Internet has died out in its development.If Internet does more harm than goodit must be disgusted by people.Could the number of people in our country using Internet will be more than one hundred million If Internetcan do more harm than good sosmart as the United States will it vote heavily in the construction of theInternet Finally the harm of the Internetcan be completely avoided.As long as we strengthen the network protection many security problems can be avoidedand if dont loss prevention and alert for some small profits in the Internetwe can reducethe chance of being deceived.At the same time we have to control the time of being online to keep health the relevant departments should also strengthen the management of the Internet control the spreading of harmful information so that the Internetruns in a healthy environment.As Lu Xun had said when the windows openIn not only the fresh air but also the flies and mosquitoes.Lets expand the good of Internet reduce its harm and make the Internet be our good teacher and friend Thank you
