


英语语法时态知识详解 篇1


1. 一般现在时


The geography teacher told us the earth moves around the sun.

Water boils at 100°C.


Ice feels cold.

We always care for each other and help each other.

③表示知觉、态度、感情、某种抽象的关系或概念的词常用一般现在时:see、hear、smell、taste、feel、notice、agree、believe、like、hate、want、think、belong seem等。如:

I know what you mean.

Smith owns a car and a house.

All the students here belong to No.1 Middle School.

④在时间、条件状语从句中常用一般现在时代替将来时。但要注意由if 引导的条件状语从句中可以用shall或will表“意愿”,但不表示时态。

If you will accept my invitation and come to our party, my family will be pleased.如果你愿意接受并参加我们的舞会,我的家人会非常高兴。


The shop closes at 11:00 p.m. every day.

Tomorrow is Wednesday.

2. 一般过去时


I met her in the street yesterday.

I once saw the famous star here.

They never drank wine.

I thought the film would be interesting,but it isn’t.


He told me he read an interesting novel last night.

③表示两个紧接着发生的动作,常由以下词语连接,用一般过去时。如:but, and, when, as soon as, immediately, the moment, the minute。

The moment she came in, she told me what had happened to her.

He bought a watch but lost it.


Why didn’t you / I think of that?

I didn’t notice it.

I forgot to tell you I had been there with my brother before.

I didn’t recognize him.


It was a freezing day, when I picked up a wallet in the street. There was nothing 1 but a letter that was 2 Hellen. On the torn 3 I found the return address, so I called information. The operator asked me to 4 on, and she came back on the 5 soon, she told me that Hellenes family had 6 their house years ago. Hellen had to 7 her mother in a nursing home.

I called and found out that Hellenes mother had 8 , The woman who answered 9 that Hellen herself was 10 living here.

The director waited for me at the 11 of the nursing home. I went up to the third floor. Hellen was an old woman with a warm smile and 12 eyes. I told her about finding the wallet and showed her the letter. She took a deep 13 “Young man,” she said, “this was the 14 letter I had written to Mike 60 years ago. I loved him very much. I guess no one ever 15 up to him. I still think of him…”

I thanked Hellen and came back to the director. His secretary looked at the wallet 16 and said, “Hey, that’s Mr. Goldstein’s. He’s always losing it. He’s 17 here on the 8th floor. That’s his wallet, for 18 .”

We hurried to him and asked 19 he had lost his wallet. Mike felt his back pocket and then said. “Goodness, it’s missing.”

When I returned him the wallet and told him where Hellen was, he grew 20 . “When the letter came,” He said, “my life ended. I never married.”

We took him to Helen’s room. They stood, looked at each other for a minute and embraced (拥抱).

1. A. on B. here C. inside D. outside

2. A. sent for B. written to C. given D. signed

3. A. letter B. envelope C. wallet D. back

4. A. hold B. keep C. put D. go

5. A. way B. floor C. line D. car

6. A. bought B. sold C. moved D. built

7. A. carry B. place C. drive D. bury

8. A. left B. returned C. stayed D. died

9. A. explained B. thought C. discovered D. considered

10. A. again B. still C. now D. then

11. A. door B. house C. office D. wall

12. A. bursting B. freezing C. friendly D. lively

13. A. dive B. sight C. how D. breath

14. A. important B. oldest C. first D. last

15. A. went B. matched C. caught D. measured

16. A. immediately B. clearly C. closely D. exactly

17. A. also B. over C. right D. still

18. A. sure B. pleasure C. help D. interest

19. A. that B. if C. where D. when

20. A. nervous B. silent C. pale D. anxious

参考答案:1~5 CDBAC 6~10 BBDAB 11~15 ACDDB 16~20 C高考英语语法时态复习知识点BC




package / parcel 包裹

overweight 超重

extra postage 额外邮资

send / post / deliver a letter / mail 寄 /发信

express mail 快件

airmail 航空信件

surface mail 陆地邮寄

open an account 开一个帐户

英语语法时态知识详解 篇2


本课时是广州版小学英语四年级第二学期第二模块复习课, 教学目标如下: 掌握现在进行时态动词的变形规律, 能正确运用相关句型描述他人和自己的活动, 并能准确运用现在进行时态进行连续表达。其具体知识目标是1、复习巩固有关家务、运动等相关动词词组; 2、掌握现在分词的变形规律 ( - ing) , 能准确进行变形; 3、熟练运用现在进行时态句型: What are you doing? I’m…; Are you…? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. 。在课堂中鼓励学生大胆自信地用体态语言来表达正在进行的活动, 并通过游戏和小组活动培养学生的合作意识和竞争意识。





( 1) 魔法转换功能和容器功能: 让学生亲自动手进行拖拉操作, 学生对于现在分词的变形印象会更为深刻, 直观有效, 加强了师生、生生互动, 突破重难点。

( 2) 聚光灯和透视镜功能: 复习第三人称特殊疑问句时让学生动手拖拉聚光灯和透视镜, 突出重点, 吸引学生注意力, 强调体验式学习。利用这种实现师生的互动, 学生不再是被动的学习, 课程是由教师与学生在教学中共同构建和生成的 “体验课程”, 并轻松掌握本课句型结构。

( 3) 书写功能: 做练习时可以即时反馈教学结果, 产生即时性资源进行对比并明显提高教学互动, 有效实现从说到写的教学目标。

( 4) 位置递增功能: 运用所学句型调查学生爱好, 反馈阶段使用此功能, 调查结果一目了然, 营造良好的课堂氛围, 为连续表达做好准备。

( 5) 隐藏、前置功能: 呈现学生作品时, 让封面和内页图片以及学生书写句型在全班得以展示, 有效设置情景, 加强互动, 促进学生语言的综合运用能力。

( 6) 链接插入功能: 插入听力, 让学生听说读写每个方面都得到练习; 口语交流时播放音乐, 调节课堂气氛。


交互式电子白板的使用可以创造性地让课堂产生新的生成性资源, 同一个教学内容因为不同的班级、不同的学生从而出现不同的课堂资源, 这些课堂资源适时保存, 经过教师对这些资源的分析, 从而不断改进教学方法, 提高教学水平, 最终帮助学生达到最优的学习效果。本课生成性资源产生环节如下:

( 1) 复习现在分词时, 运用魔法转换和容器功能, 让学生亲自动手拖拉操作, 教师则能即时运用拍照功能, 将正确答案和错误示范进行比较, 加深学生对现在分词掌握的熟练度 ( 效果图见图1) , 突破重难点。

( 2) 综合练习2, 运用书写功能, 即时反馈教学结果, 有效实现写句的教学目标 ( 效果图见图3) 。

( 3) 调查学生爱好, 运用位置递增功能设置柱状图 ( 效果图见图4) , 让老师更好的了解自己的学生, 增进师生、生生之间的感情。

( 4) 展示学生作品, 前置功能让学生互动, 展示句型的综合运用, 并运用电子笔现场批注让学生修改所写句子, 实现全班共享 ( 效果图见图5) 。


交互式电子白板让单调难学的语法知识变成生动有趣的语言实践, 其情景性、互动性以及生成性大大提高了语法教学的效率。主要体现在以下几个方面:

1、灵活创设教学情境, 高效实施教学过程, 增加课堂容量。本课主要讨论自己和他人喜欢的活动, 利用白板设置名人、卡通人物以及自己、亲朋好友图片, 让学生在情景中操练对话, 真正实现了语言的交际作用, 而且同一页面包含资源丰富, 尤其是聚光灯和透视镜功能让情景的创设贴近生活实际, 大大提高了课堂的实效性。

2、明显提高教学互动, 增强师生参与、生生交流的教学环境。本课在现在分词的变形过程中让生亲自动手操作, 学生能自己在交互式电子白板上操作文本和图像, 实现了师生之间的互动, 而且在听力练习调查同学之间的爱好时, 用柱状图现场反馈各种爱好在班上所占比例, 更是实现了生生之间的互动, 此过程学生心理上的参与感十分强烈, 极大提高了学生的学习兴趣。因此笔者认为增强师生、生生间的互动是交互式白板的最大优点。

3、实时保存教学信息, 即时反馈教学结果, 创造性整合教学资源。本课重难点是突破分词变形, 以及现在进行时一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的熟练掌握。为了有效实现教学目标, 在复习过程中学生亲自动手完成动词的- ing形式, 将正确答案和错误示范进行比较, 加深学生对现在分词掌握的熟练度。综合练习时, 运用白板的书写功能, 及时展示学生的学习效果、生成有效教学资源, 有助教师和学生查漏补缺, 有效实现教学目的, 其生成性特点让交互式电子白板更具独创性。

综上所述, 交互式电子白板的情景性让语法教学兼顾了语言的实操性, 其互动性让语法教学极具趣味性, 其生成性则让语法教学更富高效性, 化难为易, 化繁为简, 交互式电子白板在语法教学中的使用让活泼好动的小学生爱上语法学习。

摘要:本文以小学四年级现在进行时态教学为例, 深入分析了交互式电子白板在小学英语现在进行时态教学中的互动性, 总结了交互式电子白板的三种功效:情景性、互动性以及生成性, 让单调难学的语法知识变成生动有趣的语言实践, 大大提高了语法教学的效率。



[1]胡文伸.英语的教与学[M].外语教学与研究出版社, 2002.

[2]龚亚夫.TPR英语教学法.外语教学与研究出版社, 2000.

[3]赵丽琴.兴趣引领激活课堂[J].广西教育, 2011 (08) .

[4]何克抗.迎接教育信息化发展新阶段的挑战[J].中国电化教育, 2006 (8) .

初中英语语法时态教学体会 篇3






在听、说、读、写的过程中,要对语言快速地学习进步,必须把学习语言融进生活,主动积极地学习它。语感的培养有以下几个方法:(1)教师应随时随地用英语教学。学生在学习英语时,很重要的外在条件是语言环境,这就是为什么在国外学习英语的速度比在国内快得多的原因,有个好的语言环境至关重要,所以教师在课堂上全英文教学可以有效地促进学生学习英语。(2)让每个学生都有属于自己的英文名字。如今英语的国际化,英文名是学生走向国际的第一步,有个英文名可以提高学生对英语的兴趣,在我们英语教材中,有大量的人名地名,取英文名的这种方式让学生对英文名减少陌生感,为了增强英语学习过程中的趣味性,同学与同学之间、同学与教师之间互相用英语对话交流,极大地培养了学生的语感能力。(3)把英语加入日常,成为生活中的语言环境。教师可以制订每日计划,比如每天一人准备一篇英语版的值日计划,或者每天写一篇ordinary summary。(4)注重朗读,大量背诵,加强语感。苏轼说:“旧书不厌百回读,熟读深思子自知。”朗读可以增加对正确句子的记忆,加大对英语语调的感受,很多背下来的经典语法句子可以很好地引导我们写相似的句子。




在日常用英语中,每一句都有其对应的时态,同学们应该分清楚每一种时态的应用情况,分别对应哪种类型的句子,而且在做时态题时,应该先搞清楚是什么时态,对应的那个时态动词应该是什么形式,例如“I ?摇 ?摇 to the library yesterday.”中,yesterday表示的是昨天,应该是过去时,所以空格中应该是went。


要分别各种时态,首先看标志语,标志语可以帮助判断各种时态,一般现在时:I am...You are...He/She/It is...We/You/They are...一般将来时:(1)(I等各人称) will be... (2)I am going to be...He/She/It is going to be... We/You/They are going to be...等。



初中英语语法时态总结 篇4




(1)一般现在时表示没有时限的持久存在的动作或状态或现阶段反复发生的动作或状态,常和副词usually,often,always sometimes, regularly,near,occasionally,every year, every week等连用。例如:

1)The moon moves round the earth..

2)Mr. Smith travels to work by bus every day.

(2)在由after,until,before,once,when,even if,in case,as long as,as soon as,the moment以及if,unless等引导的时间状语从句或条件状语从句中,通常用一般现在时代替将来时。例如:

1)I will tell him the news as soon as I see him.

2)I will not go to countryside if it rains tomorrow.


1)The plane leaves at three sharp.

2)The new teachers arrive tomorrow.


1)Free tickets will be given to whoever comes first.

2)You’ll probably be in the same train as I am tomorrow.



We went to the pictures last night and saw a very interesting film.


1)He always went to class last.

2)I used to do my homework in the library.

(注意与be used to doing短语的区别)



I shall graduate next year.


1)be going to +v在口语中广泛使用,表示准备做或将发生的事情。例如:

I’m going to buy a house when we’ve saved enough money.

2)be to +v表示计划安排要做的事,具有“必要”的强制性意义。例如:

I am to play tennis this afternoon.

3)be about to +v表示即将发生的事情。例如:

He was about to start.

4)be due to +v表示预先确定了的事,必定发生的事。例如:

The train is due to depart in ten minutes.

5)be on the point/verge of +v – ing强调即将发生的某种事态。例如:

The baby was on the point of crying when her mother finally came home



(1)表示现在正在进行的动作,常与now,right now,at the mother,for the time being,for the present等连用。例如:

Don’t disturb her. She is reading a newspaper now.


My father is forever criticizing me.


They are leaving for Hong Kong next month.

(4)有些动词不能用进行时,这是一类表示“感觉,感情,存在,从属”等的动词。如:see,hear,smell,taste,feel,notice,look,appear,(表示感觉的词);hate,love,fear,like,want,wish,prefer,refuse,forgive(表示感情的动词);be,exist,remain,stay,obtain(表示存在状态的动词);have,possess,own,contain,belong,consist of,form(表示占有与从属的动词);understand,know,believe,think,doubt,forget,remember(表示思考理解的动词)。但是如果它们词义改变,便也可用进行时态。例如:

1)Tom looks pale. What’s wrong with him?


2)Tom is looking for his books.




1)We were discussing the matter when the headmaster entered.

2)Whenever I visited him, he was always writing at the desk.



1)This time next day they will be sitting in the cinema.

2)What will you be doing at six tomorrow evening?







1)I have just finished my homework.

2)Mary has been ill for three days.

(2)常与现在完成时连用的时间状语有:since, for, during, over等引导出的短语;副词already, yet, just, ever, now, before, often, lately, recently等;状语词组this week (morning, month, year), so far, up to now, many times, up to the present等。例如:

1)I haven’t been there for five years.

2)So far, she hasn’t enjoyed the summer vacation.

3)There have been a lot of changes since 1978.


This (That, It) is (was) the first (second…) time +定语从句;This (That, It) is (was) the only (last) + n +定语从句;This (That, It) is (was) +形容词最高级+ n +定语从句。如果主句的谓语动词是一般现在时,从句的谓语动词通常用现在完成时;如果主句谓语动词是一般过去时,从句谓语动词通常用过去完成时。例如:

(1)This is one of the rarest questions that have ever been raised at such a meeting.

(2)There was a knock at the door. It was the second time someone had interrupted me that evening.



1)We had just had our breakfast when Tom came in.

2)By the end of last year they had turned out 5, 000 bicycles.

(2)动词expect, hope, mean, intend, plan, suppose, wish, want, desire等用过去完成时,表示过去的希望、预期、意图或愿望等没有实现。例如:

I had meant to take a good holiday this year, but I wasn’t able to get away.


1)was / were + to have done sth,例如:

We were to have come yesterday, but we couldn’t.

2)intended (expected, hope, meant, planned, supposed, wished, wanted, desired) + to have done sth,例如:

I meant to have told you about it, but I forgot to do so.


1)hardly, scarcely, barely + 过去完成时+ when + 过去时。例如:

Hardly had I got on the bus when it started to move.

2)no sooner +过去完成时+ than +过去时。例如:

No sooner had I gone out than he came to see me.

3)by (the end of ) +过去时间,主句中谓语动词用过去完成时。例如:

The experiment had been finished by 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon.


将来完成时表示在将来某一时刻将完成或在另一个未来的动作发生之前已经完成的动作;也可以用来表示一种猜测。常与将来完成时连用的时间状语有:by (the time / the end of ) +表示将来时间的短语和句子;before (the end of ) +表示将来时间的词语或句子;when, after等加上表示将来动作的句子等。例如:

1)By this time tomorrow you will have arrived in Shanghai.

2)I shall have finished this composition before 9 o’clock.

3)When we get on the railway station, the train will probably have left.




I have been looking for my lost book for three days, but I still haven’t found it.


It had been raining cats and dogs for over a week and the downpour had caused landslides in many places.


By the time you arrive tonight, she will have been typing for hours.




He says that he lives in Wuhan.

We hope that there will be many people at your party today.

“Did you hear that Bill finally sold the house?” “Yes, but I don’t know who bought it.”

“There’s a lot of excitement on the street.”

“There certainly is. Do you suppose the astronauts have returned?”


He said he was writing a novel.

The teacher wanted to know when we would finish the experiment.

He said his father had been an engineer.


The teacher told them since light travels faster than sound, lightning appears to go before thunder.




We insisted that we do it ourselves.



1)We use electricity to run machines. (主动语态)

2)Electricity is used to run machines. (被动语态)


(1)在英语中,不及物动词不能用于被动语态,但有些不及物动词(包括短语)容易引起误用。如:appear, belong, belong, die, escape, fall, happen, last, remain, succeed, occur, come true, take place, consist of。

(2)某些表示状态或特征的及物动词,如:become, contain, cost, fit, have, resemble, suit也没有被动语态。



SPAN> 一般时 进行时 完成时

现在 am asked am being asked

is asked is being asked

are asked are being asked


was be asked was being asked

were be asked were being asked

将来 shall be asked shall have been asked

will be asked will have been asked

过去 should be asked should have been asked

将来 would be asked would have been asked



1)So far no correct conclusion has arrived at.

2)All the rubbish should be got rid of.

4.“get + -ed分词”的被动语态

“get + -ed分词”结构强调动作的结果,而非动作本身,常用来表示突发性的,出乎意料的偶然事件。例如:

The boy got hurt on his way home from work.

另外,“get + -ed分词”还可用于谈论为自己做的事,是主动的行为而不是被动的行为。例如:

get dressed(穿衣服) get divorced(离婚)

get engaged(订婚) get confused(迷惑不解)

get lost(迷路) get washed(洗脸)

get married(结婚)



1)We showed the visitors our new products.(主动语态)

2)The visitors were shown our new products.(被动语态)

3)Our new products were shown to the visitors.(被动语态)


1)The teacher appointed him League secretary.(主动语态)

2)He was appointed League secretary.(被动语态)


(1)The novel was well written.(系表结构)

(2)The novel was written by Diskens.(被动语态)


例1:The book is selling remarkably well.

例2:The song sounds very beautiful.


例3:My watch needs cleaning. (= My watch needs to be cleaned).

能像need这样用的动词还有:want, require, deserve, do, owe, bind等。

例4:The meat is cooking.

高一英语语法动词的时态语态 篇5





英语语法讲座英语语法详解 篇6



China is a great country.中国是个伟大的国家。

China was the greatest country in the world.中国曾经是世界上最伟大的国家。



He often helps me.他经常帮助我。

He helped me yesterday.他昨天帮助我了。

He has been helping me.他一直在帮助我。

英语语法时态知识详解 篇7

1. 要让学生做好笔记。

做好笔记是为更好地记忆语法点做好铺垫。在上课前, 教师要精心备课, 参照资料, 对照课文内容, 列出本单元的大纲和所要掌握的语法点, 哪些是难点重点, 哪些是容易的点, 哪些是新的语法点, 哪些是以前学生学习过的。把这些全部列出来, 然后再逐课归纳讲解。这样每节课教师给学生呈现的语法点就不同, 难点和易点分配好来讲解, 学生也易于接受。在授课过程中教师把每节课的语法点一一呈现在黑板上或屏幕上, 用彩色粉笔做备注, 用各种线形或标点进行重点强调。这样学生们会非常清晰明了地知道需要掌握本课的哪些语法点, 然后抄在自己的笔记本上, 便于课后记忆。教师再附上例子, 逐词逐句强调, 多举例子, 加深学生们的记忆, 然后让学生们大声地读、说, 当堂能掌握的当堂掌握, 这样学生们对当堂的语法点也就记忆深刻, 不再那么容易忘记了。

2. 要课前考查。

在每节课上课前, 教师要通过提问让学生回答、让学生到黑板上做题等方式来考查学生们是否掌握了上节课的语法点。不管学生们答得是对是错, 教师都要加以讲解或纠正, 而且让学生们集体重复几遍来加以巩固。如记忆由基数词变序数词的规律时, 我们学的口诀是:一般情况加th, 一二三变化特殊记;八去t, 九去e, ve要用f替;遇上几十几, 只变个位就可以;遇上整十, 把y变为ie再加th。课前可以让学生进行背诵, 再在黑板上列举单词变化, 让学生们抢答。这样既复习了序数词的变化, 又考查了学生们的掌握程度。通过课前考查, 教师也就清楚了学生们是否已经掌握了上节课的语法点, 是否记忆得牢固, 最终争取能够达到牢固记忆的效果。

3. 要随时温故而知新。

课堂上, 在讲解课文内容的过程中, 遇到学过的语法点, 教师要引导学生口头去回顾;遇到新的语法点, 教师就指导学生自己找出来, 然后教师再详细讲解, 标注出哪些是新点, 哪些是学过的点, 让学生们分重难点、容易点两种类型去记忆。这样既学习了新的语法点, 又复习了旧的, 再附加例子来练习, 慢慢变短时记忆为长时记忆, 长此下去, 学生们运用这种温故而知新的方法, 肯定能够牢固地记忆所学的语法点, 至少不会很快忘记, 考试做题也就不会出错太多了。

4. 要巧妙布置课后作业。

对于课后作业, 教师要精心设计, 分层次去布置, 主要以当天所学的语法点为主, 设计难易程度适中的题型, 让基础好的学生做难一点的, 基础差些的做简单一点的, 主要以选择题、填空题、句型转换题等形式让学生再一次对所学语法点进行练习巩固。通过讲解、练习、考查、巩固等形式, 我相信久而久之, 学生们会慢慢记住所学过的各个年级的语法点知识, 就算一时忘记了, 课堂上当老师或同学们提及时, 也会有印象, 会瞬间记起来的。这样, 记忆语法点就不再成为学生们的学习负担, 学生们也就不再惧怕英语课堂, 不再厌学、逃学了。

5. 要合理利用好课余时间。

课余时间组织不同形式的活动和游戏, 也是帮助学生们牢固记忆语法点的方法和途径, 如:教师可以给出固定词组、情景、时态、语态、句子结构, 让学生们设计对话, 两人一组或四人一组进行表演。或是规定学生在家里每天必须说出十个不同的单词、词组或句子结构, 教师定时跟家长联系, 设计反馈表让家长填写, 让家长配合监督和管理, 通过与家长的联系配合, 来掌握学生们是如何记忆语法点的、记忆的程度如何, 从而更加了解学生们的学习动态。还可以采取小组比赛的形式, 让学生们轮流说出一个词组、时态、语态或者句子结构, 哪个组说得越多越快越准确, 哪个组就获胜, 对获胜的一组给予一定的奖励, 这样学生们的积极性也就调动起来了, 大家也就愿意主动去记忆、去学习了。还有一种方法就是每上完四课, 教师可以进行考试, 然后让学生同桌互改试卷, 当堂公布成绩, 进行小组评比, 给出合理的评价, 让学生及时认识到自己哪些掌握了, 哪些没有, 对于没有掌握的及时进行补救, 课后多记多背, 争取下次考试时或者老师提问时能够答对。这样形成学生之间的监督体系, 相信学生们的学习主动性和竞争意识一定会得到提升, 也会使班级的学习气氛更加浓厚, 更加活跃, 使学生收到更好的学习效果。

英语语法时态知识详解 篇8


do / does am / is / are done

常搭配的时间状语:always, often, usually, sometimes, at times, on Saturdays, every day, once a month, frequently, every+基数词+可数名词复数(每隔)



As the saying goes, failure is the mother of success.


We go home every other week.


He gets up at 5:30 every morning and go to bed at 10:00 every night.


Homework is done everyday.


There is a hospital nearby which is necessary for us.


My flight takes off at 10:00 AM.


Youll succeed if you try your best.


Ill tell him about it as soon as he comes.

补充:want, hope, plan, expect, intend, mean, suppose, think本身一般现在时后接不定式表示将来的含义


I expect to go to a key university.



did was/were done

常搭配的时间状语:yesterday, last week/month, ago, in the past, in 1980, in the 1980s, the day before yesterday, the other day(不久前的一天), at that time, later that day, once upon a time,



I studied at the primary school for five years.


I joined the club half a year ago.


It has been half a year since I joined the club.


He stopped at the corner and dropped the empty bottle into the dustbin.


He served in the army from 1952 to 1959 for seven years.


China is no longer what it used to be.


Five novels were written by him in the past.


Its high time that you worked hard.


If I were you, I would work harder.


has / have done has / have been done

常搭配的时间状语:lately, recently, in/over/during the past/last few days, these days, so far, by now, up to now, till now,


It is the most important lecture that I have attended since I came to this school.


So far, Tom has learned 2000 English words.


She has taught English for 20 years.


Have you ever been to London?

5. So far, progress _____has been______ (be) very good and we are sure that the work________will be finished________

(finish) on time.

6.I ____havent found________(find) the book till now.

---Dont worry. You may have left it at home.

7.His first novel _____has received________(receive) good reviews since it___came out_____(出版、发行) last month.

8.In the past few years thousands of films ___have been produced_________(produce) all over the world.


had done had been done

常搭配的时间状语: by then, until then,by that time, before 2000, by the end of last month, by the time he was ten,



2.hardly/scarely(过完) when(一般过去)

no sooner(过完) than(一般过去) 表示刚就

3.It/This/That was + the 序数词 time + that (过完) 那是第几次做

4.hope, expect, think, intend, want, suppose等用于过去完成时时表示未实现的希望、打算或意图,意为原本


He said he had been abroad for 3 years.


He had left before I got home.


By the end of last term, I had learnt 3000 words.


Hardly had the game began when it started to rain.


It was the third time that he had made the same mistake.


I had intended to help you, but I was too busy.


am/is/are doing am/is/are being done



2.某些短暂性动词如come/go/start/ open /close/arrive/return/begin/leave用于进行时表示按计划、安排即将发生的动作;

3.与always / continually/ constantly/forever/all the time 连用表示反复出现或习惯性的动作,含有厌恶、赞赏、遗憾等情绪


Our friends are waiting for us outside.


She is studying English in college.


My parents are coming to see my this Statuary.


He is always thinking of others first.


The building is being built now.


was/were doing was/were being done

常用时间状语:at this/that time + 过去时间;atoclock + 过去时间;fromto+过去时间; those days; just now; last night


What were you doing at nine last night?


The boy was doing his homework when his father came in.


will do will be done


We will begin our class as soon as the teacher comes.

2.Sorry, I forgot to buy the book you need.

It doesnt matter. I __will____ go myself.

3.Look at the clouds. It __is going to___________ rain.

4. They are to be married in this May. (按计划安排要发生的动作,非个人能随意改变)

5. 你妈回来之前你不要出去。(要求或命令他人做某事)

You are to stay home until your mother comes back.

6. He is to succeed. (注定)

7. The Queen ____is to_______visitJapanin a weeks time.

8. The train ___is about to leave_______ (leave).火车马上就要离开。


would do would be done

表示从过去某个时间看将要发生的动作或存在的状态,有过去时间或动作作参照。Was/were about to do .when该句型很少与表示将来的具体时间状语连用,但可以和when引导的状语连用。


He said he would wait for us at the bus stop.


I was to about to go out when one of my old friends came.


will be + doing will be being done



Ill be doing my homework this time tomorrow.


will have +done will have been done


常用的时间状语一般用by+将来的时间。如:by the end of this year, by 8 o‘clock this evening, by March next year以及由by the time, before或when等引导的副词从句。


By the end of next month, he will have learnt 3000 words.




动词 ing(现在分词)

*More highways have been built in China,____ (make) it much easier for people to travel from one place to another.

答案 making

动词 ed分词(过去分词)

*Recently the father has found his son increasingly ___ attracted ___ to the Internet games.

句意:最近那位父亲发现他的儿子越来越沉溺于网络游戏。宾语his son与attract为逻


动词 to do(不定式)

Group activities will be organized after class (help) children develop team spirit.(重庆,11)

答案 to help

解析 考查非谓语动词。句意为:将在课后组织各种团体活动以帮助儿童培养团队精神。培养团队精神是组织课外团体活动的目的。英语中表示目的时应当使用动词不定式。


The airport (complete) next year will help promote tourism in this area.(四川,10)

答案 to be completed

(spend) the past year as an exchange student in Hong Kong,Linda appears more mature than those of her age.(2014福建,27)

答案 Having spent

解析 考查非谓语动词。花费和其逻辑主语Linda之间是主动关系,故用现在分词;且动作发生在谓语动作之前,用现在分词的完成式

1.Time, used (use) correctly, is money in the bank. (湖南)

2.Having spent (spend) the past year as an exchange student in Hong Kong, Linda appears more mature than those of her age.(14福建)

3.Having been shown (show) around the Water Cube, we were then taken to see the Birds Nest for the Olympic Games.(08陕西)

4.Standing(stand) in a long queue, we waited for the store to open to buy a New iPad. (2012陕西)

5. Tired (tire) and short of breath, Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top of Mount Tai.(09浙江)

6.The next thing he saw was smoke rising (rise) from behind the house. (全国I)

7. George returned after the war, only to be told (tell) that his wife had left him.(2012山东)

8.The lecture having been given (give), a lively question-and-answer session followed.(2014江苏)

9.To free (free) ourselves from the physical and mental tensions, we each need deep thought and inner quietness. (2014湖南)

10.Absorbed (absorb) in the book she was reading, Mary didnt notice me approaching.

11.Children, whenaccompanied (accompany)by their parents, are allowed to enter the stadium.(2014湖南)

12.Though surprised (surprise)to see us,the professor gave us a warm welcome.(全国Ⅱ卷)

13.Though lacking (lack)money, his parents managed to send him to university.

14.While crossing (cross) the street, you cant be too careful.

15.When completed ( complete), the museum will be open to the public next year.

16. The witnesses questioned (question) by the police just now gave very different deions of the fight. (2013陕西)

17.His first book to be published (publish) next month is based on a true story.(2010陕西)

18.Volunteering gives you a chance to change (change)lives, including your own.(2013北京)

19.Prices of daily goods bought (buy) through a computer can be lower than prices in stores. (全国春)

20.There is a note pinned to the door saying (say)when the shop will open again. (2014山东)

21.With the governments aid, those affected (affect) by the earthquake have moved to the new settlements. (上海)

22.Ladies and gentlemen, please remain seated (seat) until the plane has come to a complete stop. (2009四川)

23. Mrs. Brown was much disappointed to see the washing machine she had hadrepaired (repair) went wrong again. (上海)

24.Tom was explaining to us and he was trying to make himself understood(understand).

25.With many brightly colored flowersplanted (plant) around the building, his house looks like a beautiful garden.

26.Lost (lose) in the mountains for a week, the two students were finally saved by the local police. (05江苏)

27.As the old saying goes, friendship is like money easier made than kept (keep).

28.When she was on his way back home, she had her wallet stolen (steal) yesterday.

29.Caught (catch) in the heavy rain, he was all wet.

30.Given (give) more time, we could do it much better.

31.Dressed (dress)in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor.

32.Lost (lose) in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.

33.Driven (drive)by a greater demand of vegetables, farmers have built more green houses.

34.Seen (see) from the top of hill, the town looks more beautiful.

35.When they got there, the girl was found beaten ( beat) black and blue.

36.The club, founded (found) 25 years ago, is holding a party for past and present members.

37.I like getting up very early in summer. The morning air is so good to breathe(breathe).

38.I am not accustomed tobeing treated ( treat) like this.

39. The living room is clean and tidy, with a dining table already laid (lay) for a meal to be cooked

41. Film has a much shorter history, especially when compared ( compare) to such art forms as music and painting.


1.It is difficult to understanding why she barks every minute shes outside.(辽understand

2.He wantedteach me about animals, insects and trees.(2014 陕西)toteach

3.She used to holding me on her knees and sing old songs.(2013新课标全国)


4. She never seemedcare what the rest of us thought about her. to care

5.It was a lesson to us that it was possible give without expecting anything in return.


6.A very much famous writer agreed to reading my story and give me some advice.


7.One evening at sunset, we sat by the fire, had our barbecue.(2014 陕西)having

8.Felt hungry, we built a fire by the lake and barbecued the fish.(2013陕西)


9.Follow this explanation, there was a rapid drop in the number of reported sightings.(2011辽宁)Following

10.Third, we should find ways to reuse the water using in washing.(2012大纲全国II)used

11.I also shared with my friends many photos taking in Beijing.(2012陕西)taken

12.The assistant was clearly as embarrassing as my sister. embarrassed

13.Im pleasing to hear it, said his boss, but where were you yesterday?pleased

14.After think for some time, I let her copy my answers.(四川)thinking

15.He isnt good at talk but he gets on well with other people. (2013新课标)


16.Have tea in the late afternoon provides a bridge between lunch and dinner, that might not be served until 8 oclock at night. (20新课标Ⅱ)Having

17.Thank you so much for not only giving me life, but also teach me how to be a good person. (2012四川) teaching

18.I soon got used to live without my parents around.(2011重庆)living

19.The foreigner tried his best to make his pointbe understood.划去be

20.They found a piece of rope with one end tying in a circle.tied

21. Mark got his hands to burnt in the accident.划去to

22. What kept you so exciting? excited

23.You should speak loudly enough to make yourself hear. heard

24.I noticed the traffic holding up after a bad accident. held

25.She denied there be any misunderstanding between them.being

26. There were so many people in the street watch the fire that firefighters couldnt get close to the building .watching
