


if条件状语从句教案 篇1

解码 if 引导的条件状语从句 [课本链接 ] If you do, you’ll be sorry.(Unit 5, Section A [一语击破 ] if 引导的条件状语从句表示假如从句的动作发生,主句的动作就(不会发生。[解码句子结构 ] if 引导的条件状语从句位置灵活,可直接放在主句后面,也可以放在句首。放在句首时,从句后面要 用逗号和主句隔开。如: I’ll go to see you if I have time.如果有时间,我就去看你。

If it rains tomorrow, we’ ll stay at home.如果明天下雨,我们就呆在家里。[解码时态呼应 ] 在复合句中:⑴ 当主句是一般现在时或是一般将来时时;(2当主句是祈使句时;(3当主句含有情 态动词时, if 引导的条件状语从句通常用一般现在时。如: If she doesn’t come, she will be sorry.如果她不来,她会遗憾的。Have a good rest if you are tired.如果累了,你就好好休息一下。

We must study hard if we want to pass the final exam.如果想通过期末考试,我们必须努力学习。[解码同义句转换 ] 1.用 “ 祈使句 +and / or +一般将来时的句子 ” 转换。如: If you work hard, you’ll pass the exam easily.→ Work hard, and you’ll pass the exam easily.努力学习, 你将很容易通过考试。

If you don’t hurry up, you’ll miss the train.→ Hurry up, oryou’ll miss the train.快点儿,否则你就赶 不上火车了。

2.用含介词 with 或 without 的介词短语转换。如: If there is no water, fish can’t live.→ Fish can’t live without water.离开水,鱼不能生存。

if条件状语从句教案 篇2

从总结各地历年的中考题来看, if引导的条件状语从句是每年中考命题的一个主要知识点, 从未回避过。非但如此, 在试卷中所占的分数比例也非常大, 低的时候4或5分, 高至10分以上。但是根据调查和了解, 这个知识点不仅成为学生失分的重要地方, 而且也是教师教学效果不佳的教学内容方面之一。其实, 如果我们仔细地统计和分析一下多年来这个知识点在中考题中命题的方向、出现形式、考查的重点和所占的比例等, 就不难发现在初中阶段学生应掌握的有关if引导的从句知识并不多, 而且都是有规律可循。

if引导的条件状语从句从根本来说, 可以分为两大类, 一类是真实性条件状语从句;一类为非真实性条件状语从句。非真实的也就是我们部分老师平时所称的虚拟语气。在初中阶段, 真实性条件状语从句是学生掌握和中考考查的重点, 非真实性的只需要掌握其中的一个方面, 考查的频率相对较弱一些。


1. 概念

真实性条件状语从句说简单一些就是从句所表达的情况, 是实现主句所表达情况的条件, 而且从句表达的情况一定是通过努力可以实现的。

例.We won’t go to the beach if it rains tomorrow.

2. 特点

一般情况下, 无论是主句还是从句都用陈述语序。

3. 主句与从句的谓语关系

在真实性条件状语从句中, 主句和从句的谓语关系有下列三种情况, 我们一般将其总结为主将从现、祁使从现、情态从现。

(1) 主将从现, 即主句用一般将来时, 从句用一般现在时

译文:如果玛丽下周周末有时间, 她将会去动物园。

译文:如果你不努力学习, 你将不会通过考试。

(2) 祁使从现, 即主句是祈使句, 从句用一般现在时

译文:如果他努力的话, 让他试试。

译文:如果你有了好的主意, 不要放弃。

(3) 情态从现, 即主句的谓语是情态动词+动词原形, 那么, 从句的时态就用一般现在时

译文:如果你帮助我, 我能做的很好。

译文:如果她努力学习, 她能学得更好。


if引导的非真实性条件状语从句在初中阶段涉及的内容不多, 难度也不深。主要的就是与现在事实相反这一种。即主句假设的情况是永远都不会实现的。它的谓语构成为从句“were/did”、主句“could/would/should might+do”。

译文:如果我是你, 我会去试试。 (事实是我永远都会是你)

译文:如果她是你, 她会买下那个包 (事实是她永远都会是你) 。


[1]王淑珍, 单先健.蓝飓风英语至尊钻石语法.中国对外翻译出版公司, 2005.

[2]王建军.高中语法各个击破丛书 (语法分册) .黑龙江人民出版社, 2000.

[3]刘增利.倍速中考复习法.北京教育出版社, 2008.

[4]李永生.英语实用语法.光明日报出版社, 1990.

if条件状语从句扫描 篇3

Key:一、1.will be 2.don’t eat 3.will feel4.relax5.work 二、1.Don’t run2.will stay, rains 3.speak, can talk with 4.will be nice 5.will be happier 三、1.will pass2.If, take 3.Go to bed, and4.Work hard, or 5.If, breathe, will feel 四、1.If you stay at the Four Star Hotel, you will save 40%.2.If you stay at the Three Star Hotel, you will save 30%. 3.If you book after December 31st, it will be too late. 4.If you want to go on the City Tour, you will have to pay 50 RMB.5.If you want to visit the Great Wall, you will have to pay 100 RMB.

状语从句教案6 篇4

1.when; while; as 作为“当”区别


eg.While you are in the post office, could you post the letter for me? ②位于句首表“虽然”,位于句中表“然而”

eg.While he is young, he has been to many countries.(虽然)

He is young, while he has been to many countries.(然而)As: ①当 强调主句动作与从句动作同时或几乎同时发生

eg.As the starter’s pistol fires, you should begin to run as soon as possible.②正如eg.He walks as a duck does.③随着 eg.As time goes by, my views on things are changing all the way.④因为 eg.As everyone is here, we begin our meeting.⑤尽管(倒装)eg.Child as he is, he has been to many countries.介词:作为 eg.As a teacher I should set a good example for students.When: 既可以同时,先后,之中发生,后也可以接延续性动词或非延续性动词

①固定句型 主句(过去进行时)+ when +从句(过去式)强调从句动作于主句动作过程之中发生。

Eg.I was reading, when my mother came in.②既然

eg.When you have got such a good job, why do you want to change to another?


eg.When I graduated, I began to work.④ 突然,这时

eg.I was about to tell her the secret, when someone patted me on the shoulder from behind 2.一…..就……

as soon as;the moment;the minute;the instant;hardly……when;

barely…..when;scarcely…..when;no sooner….than

eg.The boys jumped into the swimming pool as soon as they arrived at the swimming pool.eg.The boys had hardly arrived at the swimming pool when they jumped into swimming pool.eg.Hardly had the boys arrived at the swimming pool when they jumped into swimming


The first time, next time, the last time, each time, every time, by the time The first time I met her, I fell for her.Next time I met her, I returned the money to her.The last time I met her, it was 5 years ago.Each/ every time I pass by the shop, I will sit down to eat something.By the time +过去时间/过去时句子

主句(过去完成时)By the time +将来时间/一般时句子

主句(将来完成时)By last October, I had started to work.By the time I graduated, I had started to work.By next oct.I will have started to work.By the time I graduate, I will have started to work.4.杂项

Until, not…..until, since, before, after Until 译成“直到”是终点,主句动作必须是延续性动词,I did my homework until my mother came back.Not….until 译成“直到…才”是起点,I did not do my homework , until my mother came back.Since和before It + be +一段时间+__ 连词___+从句(时态)It will be + 一段时间+ __before____+从句(一般时)It was +一段时间+____before____+从句(过去时)It is/ has been +一段时间+___since______+从句(过去时)It was +一段时间+___since______+ 从句(过去完成时)

It was eight o’clock ___A___ I came back.it was at eight o’clock ___B____ I came back.A.when

B.that C.before D.since


1.though/although 虽然,不与but连用

Though it is cloudy, it is very hot.2.even if /enen though 即使

even if是不存在的事实,even though是已存在的事实

Even if you have 10 million dollars, you should not waste money.(你没有一千万)

Even though you have 10 million dollars, you should not waste money.(你有一千万)3.even so 即便如此 even though +句子

Your father is a good driver;even so, I dare not travel in his car.Even though your father is a good driver, I dare not travel in his car.4.while 位于句首表“虽然”,位于句中表“然而” eg.While he is a little child, he has been to many countries.He is a little child, while he has been to many countries.5.however = no matter how

Whatever=no matter what

Whichever=no matter which……….eg.However hard you may study english, you can not master it in a month.6.whether……or…..要么。。要么。。,无论

eg.Whether you play or do something else, please don’t disturb me.7.as/though 倒装

名词(零冠词)/形容词/副词/动词+ as/though 从句,+ 主句 Child as he is, he has read a lot of books.Yong as/though he is, he has read a lot of books.Hard as/though he worked, he can’t support his big family.Try as/though he did again, he failed again.三.原因状语从句

Because, since, as, for, in that(原因在于), now that(既然,由于), considering(that)=given(that)考虑到,seeing(that)鉴于,not that……….but that………不是因为而是因为 Because用法:

1.why提问,一定用because回答 eg.----Why were you late?----Because I helped a blind man to cross the crossing road.2.表语从句中

eg.It was because he had helped a blind man to cross the crossing road.3.强调句中 it is/was + 被强调的成分 +that +剩余句子

I t was because he had helped a blind man to cross the crossing road that he became late Since/as 大家都知道的原因 since比as 正式 eg.Since everyone is here, we begin our meeting.For 非直接性原因

eg.It is broken, for the birds are singing.Eg.Seeing your house is far away from here, you are allowed to arrive here one hour later.The train D331 stopped to take passengers, in that it poured.Now that it is very hot, shall we go swimming?

Considering /Given(that)we are all tired, we can take a nap.Not that I don’t like playing basketball, but that I am under the weather today.四.条件状语从句

If, unless(if……not), on condition that(条件是),as/so long as(只要),in case(以防),once(一旦),suppose that, supposing that, providing that, provided that, given that Eg.The terrorists agree to set free the hostages, on condition that we give them five million dollars.Carry umbrella with you, in case it rains.Suppose that you only have ten-day life, what will you do?


So that….,so…….that……,in order that……, for fear(that)=lest唯恐,以免 Eg.He sdudied hard, for fear that he should fall behind.He got up so early that he could catch the first bus.六.结果状语从句

So….that,such…..that,so that….Eg.He got up so early that he caught the first bus.So + adj./adv.+ that eg.She looks so pretty that all people likes her.She worked so hard that he got promoted soon.So adj.+a/an +n.that

such +a/an+ adj..+n that It is so tall a tree that we can’t surround it.It is such a tall tree that we can’t surround it.Such adj.+不可数名词/可数名词复数

+that It is such good weather that we should go climbing.They are such tall trees that we can’t see its top.So many/much/little/few +不可数名词/可数名词复数

+that There are so many books on the table that I can’t use it to study on.There is so little water in the pond that we can see its bottom.七.比较状语从句

Than, the more……the more…..(越…..越…..),as…….as……(和…..一样….),not as/so…… as…..Eg.People always think that the more expensive the cloth is, the better the quality is.He always does as much as he promises


As(正如), as if/as though(正如), the way(用….的方式)Eg.He walks as a duck does.He talks about America as if he had been there before.I dealt with the business the way he tought me to.It looks/appears/seems as if/though …….看上去好像

It looks as if it is going to rain.As if/though to do就好像要

He opened his arm, as if to fly.九.地点状语从句
