


状语从句英语 篇1



例题 I didn’t manage to do it _____ you had explained how.A.unlessB.untilC.whenD.since 分析 时间状语从句在复合句中作状语,表示主句动作发生的时间。引导这种从句的词有after, before, as, when, while , till , until, since, once;连接副词immediately 等;起连接作用的短语as soon as, by the 不能用形容词such.例如:

● Soon there were so many deer that they ate up all the wild roses.4.so+ adj.(adv.)+that+从句●The boy is so old that he can go to school.5.so + adj.+ a(an)+单数名词

●He is so good a student that we all like him.time, hardly…when, no sooner…than等。例如: ● I was writing a letter when he came in.● She did not go to bet until she(had)finished her homework.● It is nearly six years since we began to learn English.● Once you begin, you must go on.● By the time I arrived at the station, the train had left.时间状语从句中谓语动词的时态用法,应注意下面两点: 1. 要用一般现在时替代一般将来时,例如: ● I’ll let him know when he comes.2.要用一般过去时替代过去将来时,例如: ●He said he would wait here until I came back.例题的意思是:“直到你说明怎么办之后,我才设法把这件事做好。”根据题意,须由until 引导此例的时间状语从句,所以正确答案应为B。


例题 When you read the book , you’d better make a mark _____ you have any questions.A.at whichB.at whereC.the place whereD.where

分析 地点状语从句在复合句中作状语,表示主句的动作发生的处所或方向,这种从句通常用连接副词where,wherever(无论在哪里,无论到哪里)引导。例如: ● Where there is oppression, there is struggle.例题的意思是:“你看书时,最好在有问题的地方做一个记号。”此复合句中的从句是个地点状语从句,须用连接副词where 引导,所以正确答案应为D。


例题 She told us _____story that we all forgot about the time.A.such an interestingB.such interesting aC.so an interestingD.a so interesting

分析 结果状语从句在复合句中作状语,表示主句的动作所引起的结果。这种从句由such…that, so…that, so that等引导。其用法举例如下: 1. Such +a(an)+(adj.)+单数可数名词+ that+从句

● He left in such a hurry that he forgot to lock the door.2.such+(adj.)+复数可数名词+从句

●He had such long arms that he could almost touch the ceiling.3.such+(adj.)+不可数名词+that+从句

●He made such rapid progress that he did very well in the mid-term exam.在“such+ adj.+ n.+that+ clause”这个结构中,其中名词由many, much, few, little 修饰时,须用副词so,例题中的结果状语从句由“such+ an + adj.+单数可数名词+that”引导。属于第一种情况,所以正确答案应为A。


例题 I hurried____ I wouldn’t be late for class.A.sinceB.so thatC.as ifD.unless 分析 目的状语从句在复合句中作状语,表示主句的动作发生的目的。这种从句用连词so that, in order that 等引导。目的状语从句的谓语动词中常有情态动词may/might, can/ could, will/ would 和should.例如:

● He is working hard so that he may pass his examination.例题中有一个目的状语从句,所以正确答案应为D。


例题_____he comes, we won’t be able to go.A.WithoutB.UnlessC.ExceptD.Even 分析 条件状语从句在复合句中作状语,表示主句的动作发生的条件、假定等。条件状语从句通常由连词if, unless和起连接作用的短语so/ as long as(只要),so far as(就…),suppose(that)(假定)等引导。例如:

● If it rains tomorrow, we’ll stay at home.● He will not come unless he is invited.● Suppose he is absent, what shall we do?

● As long as we don’t lose heart , we’ll find a way to overcome the difficulty.例题的选项中只有unless 可以引导一个条件状语从句,所以正确答案应为B。


例题 _____, he doesn’t study well.A.As he is cleverB.He is as cleverC.Clever as he isD.As clever he is

分析 让步状语从句在复合句中作状语,表示某种不利的情况或障碍,但这些因素并不能阻止主句的动作的发生。这种从句通常用连词although, though, as, however等;连接代词whatever, whoever等;起连接作用的短语even if though, no matter how what who 等引导。例如: ● Although/ Though the task was difficult, they managed to complete it in time.● Young as he is, he knows a lot.用as 引导让步状语从句时,常用倒装语序,如上面例句所示。● Nobody believed him no matter what / whatever he said.● He will never succeed.however/no matter how hard he tries.● Even if/ though an icy wind blew from the north, we always slept with our windows open.例题中有一个as 引导的让步状语从句,故从句中的表语clever 须放到as 前面去,所以正确答案应为C。

状语从句英语 篇2


英语的定语从句如果在意义上具有表明主句条件的含义, 在翻译时可以加上汉语表示条件关系的词语, 如“如果”等词, 并转译成汉语相应的从句。

如:In fact, it is difficult to see how journalists who do not have a clear grasps of the basic features of the Canadian Constitution can do a competent job on political stories.译成条件状语时, 很多情况下都是定语从句紧随主语之后, 本句情况也是如此, 本句的定语从句是“who do not have a clear grasps of the basic features of the Canadian Constitution”, 译为“记者们还没有清楚地掌握加拿大宪法的主要特征”, 主句是“how journalists can do a competent job on political stories.”译为“他们是如何胜任报道政治事件这一工作的”, 两者之间的关系是前者是后者的条件。译文:事实上, 如果记者还没有清楚地掌握加拿大宪法的主要特征, 就很难看出他们是如何胜任报道政治事件这一工作的。


英语的定语从句如果在意义上具有表明主句让步的含义, 在翻译时可以加上汉语表示让步关系的词语, 如“虽然”等词, 并转译成汉语相应的从句。

如:Immigrants are quickly fitting into this common culture, which may not be altogether elevating but is hardly poisonous.本句也是由两个层次组成, 一个是主句“Immigrants are quickly fitting into this common culture, ”从句是“which may not be altogether elevating but is hardly poisonous.”这句话中有明显的连接词“but”, 这里我们只能将which译为“虽然”。译文:移民很快适应了这种共同的文化, 这虽然总体上算不上是振奋人心, 却几乎毫无害处。


英语的定语从句如果在意义上具有表明主句转折的含义, 在翻译时可以加上汉语表示转折关系的词语, 如“但是”“而”等词, 并转译成汉语相应的从句。

如:The American middle-class family that once could count on hard work and fair play to keep itself financially secure has been transformed by economic risk and new realities.本句仍然是两个层次, 主句为“The American middle-class family has been transformed by economic risk and new realities”, 译为“美国中产阶级家庭已经被经济风险和新的现实给改变了”, 从句是“that once could count on hard work and fair play to keep itself financially secure”, 译为“曾经指望通过刻苦的工作和公平竞争来确保他们的经济稳定”。分别翻译后确定这两句是转折关系, 说的是从前和现在。这个定语从句是一个转折状语从句。译文:美国中产阶级家庭曾经指望通过刻苦的工作和公平竞争来确保他们的经济稳定, 但是这一点已经被经济风险和新的现实给改变了。


当英语的定语从句所修饰的先行词出现在主句的宾语位置上时, 翻译时有可能译为目的状语从句, 译为“为了”“以”“以便”等词, 并转译成汉语相应的从句。

如:Because I wanted my kids’deposits to grow at a pace that hold their attention, I offered an attractive interest rate——five per cent a month.这个句子中的原因状语从句Because I wanted my kids’deposits to grow rapidly at a pace that hold their attention中又带了一个定语从句that hold their attention来修饰pace, 这部分句子可以拆分为3个层次的意思:1.因为我希望孩子的存款迅速增长;2.以一种速度;3.引起孩子的注意。其中定语从句部分说明的是“以这个速度”增长的目的, 所以定语从句在整个原因状语从句中体现的是一种目的。译文:因为我希望孩子们的存款速度足以引起他们的注意, 便给他们一个惊人的利率——月息五厘。

摘要:在考研英语的文章中, 复合句出现频率很高, 而且经常出现从句套从句的状况, 这其中定语从句是最常出现的。也是最难理清中文思路的。我们曾经讨论了定语从句转化为原因状语和结果状语从句的情况。本文作者仍以考研英语文章中的句子为语料, 介绍考研英语中定语从句转化为条件状语从句、让步状语从句和转折状语从句的辨别和翻译。



[1]陈定安.英汉对比与翻译[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 1998.

[2]段满福.从英汉语句子结构的差异看英语定语从句的翻译[J].大学英语学术版, 2006.

中考英语状语从句考点归纳 篇3

[考点一] 对原因状语从句的考查


1. He can’t decide which to choose ______ there is no difference between them.

A. butB. soC. because(山西省)

2. After school I found Mother was in bed sick.______Mother was ill, I should do something for her.

A. SoB. ThoughC. SinceD. If(山东省)

3. —Did David go to school yesterday?

—No,______he had a bad cold.

A. becauseB. ifC. though(佛山市)

4. —______ do you like koala bears?

—Because they are cute.

A. WhyB. WhereC. HowD. When(北京市)

[考点归纳] 原因状语从句常由 because, as, since 等从属连词引导,但是这些从属连词不能与并列连词 so 同时用在一个句子中。值得注意的是, because 引导的原因状语从句通常用来回答由 why 提问的特殊疑问句。

[考点二] 对时间状语从句的考查


1. Don’t be afraid of asking for information______it is needed.

A. whenB. afterC. althoughD. unless(天津市)

2. —When did your father come back last night?

—He didn’t come back______he finished all the work.

A. untilB. whileC. if(长沙市 )

3. I arrived at the airport______the plane had taken off.

A. afterB. whileC. whenD. whom(河南省)

4. It wasn’t long______the rain stopped and the sun came out again.

A. untilB. beforeC. whenD. since(无锡市)

5. —Could you please tell Peter that I want to talk to him?

—Sure. I will let him know as soon as he______back.

A. comesB. came

C. has comeD. will come(河北省)

[考点归纳] 时间状语从句常由 when, while, as, before,until, till, as soon as, after 等从属连词引导。当主句中的谓语动词是一般将来时时,从句的谓语动词应用一般现在时表示将来时间。

[考点三] 对条件状语从句的考查


1.______you work harder, you will not pass the exam.

A. UnlessB. UntilC. If(佳木斯市)

2. —Would you like to come to dinner tonight?

—I will______I’m not too busy.

A. andB. ifC. soD. but(宜昌市)

3. If it______tomorrow, we______travel outside.

A. will rain; willB. rains; won’t

C. will rain; won’t(常德市)

[考点归纳] 条件状语从句常由 if, unless, as/so long as 等从属连词引导。当主句的谓语动词是一般将来时时,从句的谓语动词应用一般现在时表示将来时间,表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态。

[考点四] 对让步状语从句的考查


1.______the water was cold, Wei Qinggang jumped into it to save the others.

A. AlthoughB. WhenC. IfD. Because(河南省)

2. Uncle Wang gave all his savings to the Hope School______he himself was not rich.

A. becauseB. as ifC. thoughD. or(连云港市)

3.______our football team failed in the match, we tried our best.

A. AsB. Though C. Because(厦门市)

[考点归纳] 让步状语从句常由 though, although 等从属连词引导,但是这些从属连词不能与并列连词 but 同时用在一个句子中。

[考点五] 对目的状语从句的考查


1. The dog rushed to the nearest village______it could get someone to help his dying owner there.

A. whereB. whichC. thatD. so that(山东省)

2. I sit in the front of the classroom______I can hear clearly.

A. so thatB. whenC. in order(青海省)

3. Hurry up, Jack. We have to get to the station before 11:45______we can catch the 12:00 train.

A. sinceB. afterC. as soon asD. so that(南通市)

[考点归纳] 目的状语从句常由 so that, in order that 等从属连词引导,从句中常含有 can, could 等情态动词。

[考点六] 对结果状语从句的考查


1. The drink is______delicious______I enjoy it very much.

A. too, toB. so, thatC. such, that(哈尔滨市)

2. I have______chores to do today that I can’t go out with you.

A. so muchB. such manyC. so manyD. such(辽宁省)

考研英语翻译 状语从句指导 篇4


Early promises to end Indian tribute and taxes on people of mixed origin came much slower because the new nations still needed the revenue such policies produce. (2007年完型)


这个句 子的 结构比 较清晰 ,这是 一个 复合句 。

Early promises to end Indian tribute and taxes on people of mixed origin came much slower是主句,翻译为 对结束印地安人的上贡问题和对混血人种的税收问题的早期承诺较晚才实现,。

英语专四:状语从句部分历年真题 篇5

1.If you explained the situation to your solicitor, he ____ able to advise you much better than I can.(2005-51)

A.would beB.will have beenC.wasD.were

2.He asked me to lend him some money, which I agreed to do, ____ that he paid me back the following week.(2005-64)

A.on occasionB.on purposeC.on conditionD.only if

3.____ enough time and money, the researchers would have been able to discover more in this field.(1998-51)

A.GivingB.To giveC.GivenD.Being given

4.You won’t get a loan ____ you can offer some security.(1996-41)

A.lestB.in caseC.unlessD.other than

5.____ time, he’ll make a first-class tennis player.(1996-42)


6._____ I was very much mistaken, there was something wrong with Louise.(1995-58)


7._____ their policy can be changed the future for that country will be indeed bleak.(1993-46)

A.Even ifB.UnlessC.Now thatD.As long as

8.We could go to a concert _____ you’d prefer to visit a museum.(1992-49)


9.____ dull he may be, he is certainly a very successful top executive.(2006-51)


10.____, Mr.Wells is scarcely in sympathy with the working class.(2005-52)

A.Although he is a socialistB.Even if he is a socialistC.Being a socialist

D.Since he is a socialist

11.____ I like economics, I like sociology much better.(2003-49)

A.As much asB.So muchC.How muchD.Much as

12.Fool ____ Jane is, she could not have done such a thing.(2002-48)


13._____ I sympathize, I can’t really do very much to help them out of the


A.As long asB.AsC.WhileD.Even

14.Even as a girl, ____ to be her life, and theater audiences were to be her best


A.performing by Melissa wereB.it was known that Melissa’s

performances wereC.knowing that Melissa’s

performances wereD.Melissa knew that performing was

15.____ he always tries his best to complete it on time.(1999-51)

A.However the task is hardB.However hard the task is

C.Though hard the task isD.Though hard is the task

16.Much as ____, I couldn’t lend him the money because I simply didn’t have that

much spare cash.(1999-52)

A.I would have liked toB.I would like to haveC.I should have to likeD.I

should have liked to

17.____ he needed money for a new car, he decided not to borrow it from the bank.(1998-48)

A.Much asB.Much thoughC.As muchD.though much

18._____, he is ready to accept suggestions from different sources.(1997-46)

A.Instead of his contributionsB.For all his notable contributions

C.His making notable contributionsD.However his notable contributions

19.___ the Atlantic Ocean crosses the equator, the trade winds cause a flow of water

to the west.(1991-7)


20.The experiment requires more money than _____.(2002-49)

A.have been put inB.being put inC.has been put inD.to be put in

21.Intellect is to the mind ____ sight is to the body.(2001-45)


22.Language belongs to each member of the society, to the cleaner ____ to the


A.as far asB.the same asC.as much asD.as long as

23.Come and see me whenever _____.(1997-48)

A.you are convenientB.you will be convenientC.it is convenient to youD.it will be convenient to you

24.When I arrived at the meeting, the first speaker ___ and the audience ____.A.had finished speaking… were clappingB.had finished speaking… has clapped

C.finished speaking … clappedD.finished speaking…were clapping

25.Barry has an advantage over his mother ____ he could speak French.(2001-49)

A.since thatB.in thatC.at thatD.so that

26.She did her work ____ her manager had instructed.(2002-41)


27.–Does Alan like hamburgers?(2003-45)

-Yes.So much ____ that he eats them almost every day.A.forB.asC.toD.so

28.Loudspeakers were fixed in the hall so that everyone ____ an opportunity to hear

the speech.(2006-56)

A.ought to haveB.must haveC.may haveD.should have

29.It was as a physician that he represented himself, and ___ he was warmly received.(1997-49)

状语从句英语 篇6

A.boughtB.have boughtC.will buyD.buy

35.ourselves from the physical and mental tensions, we each need deep thought and inner quietness.(2014湖南)A.Having freedB.FreedC.To freeD.Freeing

31.nearly all our money, we couldn’t afford to stay at a hotel.(2014江西)A.Having spentB.To spentC.SpentD.To have spent

20._______ the difficult maths problem, I have consulted Professor Russell several times.(2014陕西)

A.Working outB.Worked outC.To work outD.Work out

7.— I hope to take the computer course.— Good idea.______ more about it, visit this website.(2014四川)A.To find out

found out

5.Anxiously, she took the dress out of the package and tried it on, onlyit didn’t fit.(2014天津)A.to find

5.I didn’t become a serious climber until the fifth grade, _______ I went up to rescue a kite that was stuck in the branches of a tree.(2014浙江)A.whenB.whereC.whichD.why

4.You’d better write down her phone number before you _______ it.(2014重庆)

状语从句 篇7



常用的引导词有when, while, before, after, until, as soon as, since等。

注意:其中when, before, after, until, as soon as引导的时间状语从句, 用一般现在时来代替将来时。

1.when, while

when引导时间状语从句, 意为“当……时”, 表示主句的动作和从句的动作同时或先后发生。when引导的从句既能与终止性动词连用, 也能与延续性动词连用。如:

I feel very happy when you come to see me.

When you are crossing the street, you must be careful.

while引导的时间状语从句, 意为“与……同时”, “在……期间”, 从句中的动词通常都是延续性动词或表示状态的动词。如:

They rushed in while we were discussing problems.

Father looked after the dog while I was out.

2.before, after, as soon as

before表示主句的动作发生在从句动作之前, 意为“在……之前”;after表示主句的动作发生在从句动作之后, 意为“在……之后”;as soon as表示主句的动作是紧接在从句动作之后发生的, 意为“一……就……”。如:

You should make a good plan before you do anything important.

He called me after he had finished his work.

I’ll tell him about it as soon as he comes back.

3.until (till)

until (till) 在肯定句中, 只能与延续性动词连用, 意为“到……为止”;在否定句中, 可与短暂性动词连用, 意为“直到……才”, 这时till和until可以用before替换。如:

I’ll stay here until you come back. (stay表示的动作可以持续)

He didn’t go to bed until he finished his homework. (go to bed表示的动作不能持续, 但否定意义表示状态, 可持续)

4.since引导时间状语从句时, 意为“自从……”, 主句常用现在完成时表可延续动作或状态, 从句用一般过去时。也可用在“It is+一段时间+since+时态为一般过去时的从句”的句型中。如:

We haven’t seen each other for eight years since we met last time.

It is eight years since we met last time.


常用的引导连词有if和unless, 表示假如有从句动作的发生, 就会或不会有主句动作的发生。如:

If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will go there by bike.

Unless it rains, we will go there by bike.

注意:与时间状语从句一样, 条件状语从句中, 从句用一般现在时表将来。


常用的引导词有because, as和since。

由why提出的问题, 须用because引导的从句来回答;对于显而易见的原因, 常用as或since引导的从句来回答。as和since引导的从句常放在主句之前, 而because引导的从句常放在主句之后。如:

—Why are you late again?

—Because my bike broke on my way.

As it was raining hard, we had to be indoors.

Since you’re not feeling well, you’d better not go to work today.

注意:同一复合句中, 主句和从句只需用一个连词连接, 故because不能与so同时出现。



Where there is a will, there is a way.

We’ll go wherever you like.


常用句式主要有so/such…that…, 意为“如此……以至于……”。

so...that...结构在某种情况下可以与too...to...和enough to结构互换。如:

She is so young that she can’t go to school.

She is too young to go to school.

She isn’t old enough to go to school.


常用的连词有so that和in order that, 意为“以便”, “为了”, 可用to, so as to或in order to替换, 将句子合并为简单句。如:

He got up early so that he could get to school on time.

He got up early (so as) to get to school on time.

In order to get to school on time, he got up early.


常用的引导词有although/though, whoever, however, whatever等。如:

Although he is very young, he knows several languages.

However hard he tries, he can not make it.

注意:同一句中, although/though不能与but同时出现。


( ) 1.We were getting ready to go out________it began to rain.


( ) 2.While she________TV in the sitting room, the bell________.

A.watching, ringsB.is watching, rang

C.was watching, rang D.watched, was ringing

( ) 3.He was________angry to hear the news that he couldn’t say a word.


( ) 4.—Do you know Betty very well?

—Yes, she and I________friends since we met in Guangzhou last summer.

A.have made B.have become C.have been D.have turned

( ) 5.—I’m going to Hangzhou for a holiday this weekend.

—________you are there, can you buy me some green tea?


( ) 6.If you________him tomorrow, please ask him if he________to work on the farm with us

A.see, goesB.will see, going C.will see, will goD.see, will go

( ) 7.It is four months________I started learning chemistry.


( ) 8.________it snowed heavily yesterday, but little Kate got to school on time.


( ) 9.He knew nothing about the matter________Mary told him yesterday.


( ) 10.Peter saves money________he can buy some birthday presents for his mother.

A.in order toB.so thatC.so as toD.such that

状语从句专练 篇8

A. OnceB. UntilC. TillD. While

2. The master will not attend our meeting________he________free.

A. if, will beB. if, is

C. unless, shall beD. unless, is

3. No matter________ busy he is, he won’t give up his hobby.

A. whoB. howC. whatD. where

4. She could not walk________she was eight years old.

A. whenB. untilC. ifD. unless

5.________ I could write down the number of the bus, it had run away.

A. BeforeB. UnlessC. UntilD. Once

6. She had to go back to the room________she had left her handbag there.

A. unlessB. untilC. becauseD. where

7. Shall we go outing________ fine tomorrow?

A. unless it isB. if it will be

C. if it isD. whether it is

8.________ I got there, I found a stranger sitting in the corner of the car.

A. whenB. TillC. ThoughD. Because

9. I tried to call you________ I heard from him, but you were not in.

A. sinceB. whileC. untilD. as soon as

10. Time is not enough, so they can’t finish the task in time________ we don’t offer them help.

A. whenB. unlessC. ifD. while

11.________ he returns nothing can be done.

A. TillB. UntilC. ThatD. Whether

12. You will succeed sooner or later________ you work hard.

A. unlessB. untilC. tillD. as long as

13.________it’s getting dark, we are still working in the field.

A. As soon asB. Even thoughC. IfD. Because

14. Speak louder________ your teacher can hear what you said.

A. sinceB. becauseC. forD. so that

15. We’ll never give up our plan________ happens.

A. howeverB. wheneverC. whereverD. whatever

16. He worked________ hard________ he passed the exam.

A. such, thatB. so, thatC. as, asD. too, to

17. He looked________he was drunk when I saw him yesterday.

A. forB. afterC. as ifD. like

18. You should do it________ it is too late, otherwise you will fail.

A. untilB. whenC. beforeD. unless

19. To tell you the truth, I have decided to stay________.

A. until my mother gets wellB. until my mother will get well

C. when my mother gets wellD. before my mother will get well

20. He looks very happy________ he is poor.

A. becauseB. whenC. althoughD. after

状语从句英语 篇9


1. 译成相应的时间状语


While she spoke, the tears were running down.



Please turn off the light when you leave the room.


2.译成“刚(一)…… 就……”的句式:

When I reached the beach, I collapsed.




They set him free when his ransom had not yet been paid.



I was about to speak when Mr. Smith cut in.





The crops failed because the season was dry.



She could get away with anything, because she looked such a baby.



Pure iron is not used in industry because it is too soft.


Because he was convinced of the accuracy of this fact, he stuck to his opinion.



Where there is sound, there must be sound waves.


After all, it did not matter much, because in24 hours, they were going to be free.



1. 译成表示条件的分句,汉语一般前置:

When this question is answered, even better and cheaper magnetic materials can be developed.



If one of them collapsed, as they often did, the guide used to carry him over the mountains.



You can drive tonight if you are ready.




While this is true of some, it is not true of all.


I still think that you made a mistake while l admit what you say.


1. 译成表示“无条件”的条件分句,一般前置

Plugged into the intercommunication system, the man can now communicate with the

rest of the crew no matter what noise is going on about him。




They stepped into a helicopter and flew high in the sky in order that they might have a bird’s eye view of the city .


1. 译成表示“目的”的后置分句,常用“省(免)得”、“以免”、“以便”、“使得”、“生伯”等引导

The murderer ran away as fast as he could so that he might not be caught.

