比较状语 篇1
1 引言
过去, 在有些紫砂壶的壶肚上可以看到一行字:“可以清心也。”因为没有标点, 再加上壶肚是圆的, 你怎么念这首尾相接的五个字都通:“以清心也可”, “清心也可以”, “心也可以清”, “也可以清心”。这很能说明汉语的灵活性。再从语言比较的角度往深处想, 汉语是通过什么途径获得这种灵动圆熟的呢?至少有五个方面的原因。其一, 汉语基本上是单音节词素, 即一个字一个音节。其二, 汉语的词性 (名动形) 不要求和句子成分 (主谓宾) 保持一致性。其三, 汉语无词形变化 (-ing、-ed之类) 。其四, 汉语有大量无主句, 不仅省略起来比英语更自由, 有许多句子有主语, 反而不如没有主语好。其五, 汉语重意合, 意到即言到, “意”外之言甚至更具效果, 因此少用或不用连接词;英语重形合, “形式” (词形变化:-ed、-ing;复数;派生词;比较级最高级。关系代词关系副词:which, who, whom, when, how, why, etc.连接词:therefore, so that, etc。) 不到位, 意义也就无法表达准确。比如“也可以清心”, 实际上是“你也可以用这壶茶清心 (让心变得清凉) 。”比较英语译文, “You can also refresh your mind with this port (of tea) .”译成短语呢?Also mind-refreshing (心也可以清;清心也可以) , 总觉得还是差强人意, 逻辑感比汉语明晰许多, 但“颠来倒去”、“淋漓如意”的感觉是断然没有的了。
这是说汉语一般来说词序要比英语自由。但是具体到状语, 英语状语的位置却要比汉语状语灵活。比如:
(1) 到时候这本书一定早就摆在架上了。
a.By then the book must have been placed on the shelf.
b.The book by then must have been placed on the shelf.
c.The book must by then have been placed on the shelf.
d.The book must have by then been placed on the shelf.
e.The book must have been by then placed on the shelf.
f.The book must have been placed by then on the shelf.
g.The book must have been placed on the shelf by then.
(伦道夫·夸克等, 1989:669)
就词性和句子成分的对应关系来说, 英语的主语和宾语一般是名词性成分, 谓语一般是动词性成分, 主谓 (宾) 是句子的主体结构。定语和状语则是修饰性成分。定语一般修饰名词 (或代词) , 状语一般修饰动词 (或形容词, 整个句子) 。汉语有个词语“形状”, 现在是偏义词, 偏于“形” (大小高矮等) [汉语中有许多偏义词, 即本来相反或并列的两个词素实际上只指其中一个意思, 顾炎武在其《日知录》中就已指出, 如“得失”有时只指“失”, “利害”只指“害”, “祸福”只指“祸”, “质量”只指“质”, “恩怨”只指“怨”。 (伍铁平, 1999:190) ]。其实最初“形状”是两种东西, “形”和“状”。“形”是静的 (老李个子高高的) , 修饰名词;“状”是动的, 修饰动词 (见人说话就爱笑) 。把“形”和“状”用好了, 主和谓就安顿妥当了, 或得到了加强和支撑。 (老李个子高高的, 见人说话就爱笑。Lao Li, whois tall, smiles whenever he begins to talk with someone.)
英汉状语都比较复杂, 在翻译中也是理解和表达都容易出问题的地方, 因此对英汉状语进行较为细致的比较就十分必要。我们拟就六个方面展开论述:状语的意义和表达形式;状语的位置;状动转化;状化定语;状化主语;状语和关联词。这六个方面的安排不光是从状语本身的某种逻辑出发, 还主要考虑到两种因素:语言差异;翻译时容易出现的问题。
2 状语的意义和表达形式
英汉两种语言都有种类繁杂的状语, 如时间状语、地点状语、原因状语、条件状语、目的状语、结果状语等, 修饰动词、形容词、副词、各类词语或整个句子。这是英汉状语相同的地方。
英语是极讲主次分明、逻辑严密的语言, 这是由它重形合的语言本质决定的。一个句子中主干部分可能有三种:主从复合句中的主句;单句的主谓、主系表。次要部分分八种, 即主从复合句的从句, 和“名形介副非谓三” (名形介副各种单个词语或短语;-ing、-ed, 不定式) 。合起来称“主三次八”。 (王文明, 2011a) 英语的定、状、补 (补足语) 均属次要部分, 表达形式均可取八种表达形式 (如果不是从句, 如单句中的定状补, 则为七种) 之一。如:
(2) He entered the room, a book in hand. (a book in hand为独立主格结构, 也可看作名词性短语)
(3) He left the place, quite disappointed. (形容词短语作状语)
(4) He entered the room, with a book in hand. (介词短语作状语)
(5) He left the place sadly. (副词作状语)
(6) He entered the room carrying a book in hand. (现在分词作状语)
(7) He entered the room, a book carried in hand. (a book carried in hand为独立主格结构, 也可看作名词性短语;从动词carry使用情况看则为过去分词)
(8) He left the place heart-broken. (过去分词作状语)
(9) He left the place to take up another job. (不定式作状语)
(10) He left the place, as he was going to take up another job. (从句作状语)
汉语状语的表达形式, 除副词、形容词、介词结构外, 还有数量词、代词、时间处所名词、联合词组、偏正词组、动宾词组、主谓词组、比况结构等。如:
(11) 个子再高, 也总够不到房檐。 (“再”、“也总”, 副词)
(12) 他急忙赶过来。 (“急忙”, 形容词)
(13) 他在雨中赶过来。 (“在雨中”, 介词结构)
(14) 他三口两口吃完了。 (“三口两口”, 数量词)
(15) 屋里那么挤。 (“那么”代词)
(16) 我们水果湖上车, 湖口村下车。 (“水果湖”、“湖口村”, 处所名词)
(17) 外院前几天新来了一位老师。 (“前几天”, 时间名词)
(18) 我们要完整正确地理解这个文件。 (“完整正确”, 联合词组)
(19) 他非常热情地接待了我。 (“非常热情”, 偏正词组)
(20) 他热情洋溢地介绍了情况。 (“热情洋溢”, 主谓词组)
(21) 他满怀热情地介绍了情况。 (“满怀热情”, 动宾词组)
(22) 他女人似地嚎了起来。 (“女人似”, 比况结构)
比较英汉状语的表达形式, 我们发现, 在“名形介副” (单个词语或短语) 表状语上, 两种语言基本相同 (汉语数量词独立成类, 英语量词不独立成一词类, 只作名词一种, unit noun) 。不同的是, 由于英语动词有词形变化, 分词短语和不定式短语 (即“非谓三”) 作状语;而汉语动词因无词形变化, 各种动词词组 (短语) 用动词原形 (主谓词组、动宾词组等) , 有时候要借助结构助词“地”的帮助, 所以我们说“地”是汉语状语的标志。还有一个不同点是, 英语可用从句表状语, 表达时间、地点、方式、因果、条件、让步等概念, 从属于主句;汉语要表达因果、条件、让步等概念时, 可能采用的是偏正复句, 虽有偏有正, 但偏句并不从属于正句, 不是正句的一个句子成分 (状语) 。如:
(23) Say what you may, I won’t change my mind. (Say what you may, 条件状语从句)
不管你怎么说, 我也不会改变主意。 (“不管……也, ”条件复句)
不过这不会造成理解上的问题, 只是两种语言的划分标准不同而已。但划分标准不同而带来的差异, 则应引起我们更多的注意, 因为它直接导致了位置的改变, 如:
(24) He studied hard.
a.他努力学习。 (“努力”, 状语)
b.他学习很努力。 (“很努力”, 补语)
同样是修饰说明谓语, 英语只有一种成分即状语, 汉语有两种成分即状语和补语。补语用在谓语之后, 表达形式和状语差不多, 汉语的补语有时需要借助结构助词“得”, “得”就成了补语的标志。如:
(25) 她气坏了。 (“坏”, 形容词)
(26) 她气红了脸。 (“红”, 形容词)
(27) 她气得牙痒痒。 (“牙痒痒”, 主谓词组)
(28) 她气得直咬牙。 (“咬牙”, 动宾词组)
英语也有所谓“补语”, 严格说叫“补足语”或“宾语补足语” (object complement) , 更像一种“表语” (predicative) , 和汉语的补语 (更像状语, 只是位置不同) 不是一回事。
英语的补足语因属次要成分, 按“主三次八”之说, 也可采用七种形式 (不是从句, 减一) , 即“名形介副非谓三”来表示:
(29) I found him a good friend. (=I found he was a good friend名词短语作补足语)
(30) I found him honest. (形容词作补足语)
(31) I found him in trouble. (介词短语作补足语)
(32) I found him not in. (副词作补足语)
(33) I found him lying on the ground. (现在分词短语作补足语)
(34) I found him heart-broken. (过去分词作补足语)
(35) I found him to be a true friend. (不定式短语作补足语)
汉语的补语和英语补足语都在谓语之后, 但前者是对谓语的补充;后者是对宾语的补足, 即无此则宾语不完整, 而非修饰谓语, 这一条也是判别宾语后的成分是补足语还是状语的关键, 如:
(36) I found him there.
a.我在那儿发现了他。 (there修饰found, 是状语)
b.我发现他在那儿。 (there补足him, 是宾补)
(37) I found him out.
a我查出是他干的。 (out修饰found, 是状语)
b.我发现他不在家。 (out补足him, 是宾补)
3 状语的位置
汉语状语一般在主谓之间, 呈“主状谓宾”模式, 有时为了强调也放在主语前;英语一般呈“主谓宾状”模式, 状语在宾语之后 (如有宾语) 的句尾, 但也常出现于句首或句中。虽然一般说来汉语语序较英语要灵活 (英语重主次。主次通过主从关系和谓语动词—非谓语动词的对照就可以明白无误地表示出来。而汉语的语义和逻辑因无词形变化、无关系代词和关系副词、较少使用连接词, 则主要靠语序和虚词两样来完成) , 但状语的位置却比较固定。因此翻译时作语序的调整就不可避免。 (陈宏薇, 2004:152) 如:
(38) The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity.The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty. (Winston Churchill)
悲观者在每个机会里看到困难, 而乐观者在每个困难里看到机会。 (温斯顿·丘吉尔)
所谓“主状谓宾”和“主谓宾状”, 只是汉英两种语言的一般情况。汉语的主谓关系没有英语的主谓关系紧密, 主谓之间可以塞进许多东西。如果从谓语角度看, 加的东西都在前面, 所以有些语言研究者认为汉语是句首开放式语言, 或“左展 (向左展开) 式”语言;谓语前面加的东西多了, 谓语动词就推迟出现, 靠近句尾。这也符合汉民族先铺垫后中心的语言习惯 (一般的, 传统的) 。作长句翻译时, 英译汉可先处理铺垫成分 (往往就是状语) , 把主要动词留在后面, “画龙点睛”。如:
(39) I went to the suburb by car yesterday.
(40) He went harvesting in the country by car with the rest of the company.
英语的主谓关系比较紧密, 一般尽可能靠近, 主谓之间就只能少加或不加次要成分了。要加的话, 就放在句尾。主谓靠近, 主谓靠前, 其它成分往后, 所以有些语言研究者认为英语是句尾开放式语言, 或“右展 (向右展开) 式”语言。这也符合英语民族开门见山, 直切问题核心, “倒金字塔式”的一般表达习惯。作长句翻译时, 汉译英则可开门见山, 先搭主谓框架, 再运用各类关系表达手段, 把有关部分 (往往就是状语) 钩搭起来。 (林同济:1980) 再如:
(41) a.他来过。He came.
b.他昨天来过。He came yesterday.
c.他昨天下午吃过晚饭来过。H e c a m e y e s t e r d a y afternoon after supper.
d.他昨天下午吃过晚饭和他儿子一起来过。He came with his son yesterday afternoon after supper. (王文明, 2011:6)
汉语除了“主状谓宾”一般模式, 如果为了强调或“欧化”一点, 也可把状语放在句首或句尾。如:
(42) a.他上周去了趟郊区。He went to the suburb last week.
b.上周他去了趟郊区。Last week he went to the suburb.
c.他去了趟郊区, 就在上周。He went to the suburb just last week.
英语除了“主谓宾状”模式之外, 情况更加复杂。英语状语在表达形式、语义、位置和语法特征之间存在着相当程度的对应关系。例如, 名词短语作状语时主要充当时间位置状语;条件状语主要由从句充当;位于主语和谓语之间的状语则很可能由副词表示 (伦道夫·夸克等, 1989:667) 。句首位置尤其适合安放修饰整个句子的状语。
由于英语主谓关系紧密, 中位状语 (主谓之间, 或谓语的辅助动词与实义动词之间) 大多数情况下是单个副词 (I often fi nd;I have often found) 。分词或较长的介词短语作状语, 只有为了达到某种特殊效果时, 才放在这里。但在此情况下, 在书面语中常用逗号, 在口语中则用语调表示它与其他成分明确分开, 如:
(43) You have, though you may say it was accidental, ruined this man’s chances of a happy life. (伦道夫·夸克等, 1989:672)
虽然你可能会说不是故意的, 但你真的毁了这个人一生的幸福。
一般说来, 多个状语出现在一句中, 英语是小的在前大的在后 (时间、地点状语) ;英语是“方式—地点—时间”排序。这两条和汉语正好相反。如:
(44) 他一九三五年八月二十二日早晨六点三十分诞生在湖南的一个小县城。
He was born in a small town of Hunan province at sixthirty on the morning of August 22, 1935.
(45) 大会将于今年九月在北京隆重开幕。
The meeting will begin ceremoniously in Beijing the following September. (陈宏薇、李亚丹, 2004:154)
但英语状语的这种顺序也只是一般情况。它还受到其他因素的影响, 从而有所变化。如:
(46) He studied them carefully (方式状语) that night (时间状语) 。
(47) He studied them that night (时间状语) with the kind of care his wife had suggested (方式状语) 。 (较短状语在前, 较长状语放后) (伦道夫·夸克等, 1989)
(48) He kept his car in his garage in America.
但如果可能产生歧义 (“他在美国时”, 也可能误解为“他在美国的车库”) , 则直接把in America移到句首位置:
(49) In America he kept his car in his garage.
即使修饰关系不产生歧义, 两个结构相同的状语连用 (比如with A...with B...或A-ly...B-ly) , 为求得语体上的变化感, 也常把更接近外缘的那一个状语提到句首, 或改变其中一个的表达方式。如:
(50) He cut it open with a penknife with great care.
(51) With great care he cut it open with a penknife.[比
(50) 在语体上更可取]
(52) Finally probably only John will be chosen. (这一句是不能接受的。) 但下面一句完全可以接受:
(53) In the end it is probable that John alone will be chosen.
(伦道夫·夸克等, 1989:890)
由于英语状语位置的复杂性和英汉状语位置的差异, 在翻译时在顺序或结构上有时须作适当调整。如:
(54) 他们很细心地观察化学变化。
a.They observed the chemical reaction carefully. (常态, “主谓宾状”模式)
b.They carefully observed the chemical reaction. (中位状语, 因是单个副词, 对主谓关系无碍;因是中位, 引起的注意力不及首位或末位, 因此不及a强调)
c.They observed the chemical reaction with great care. (短语作状语, 较长则后置。) 但如果是强调, 或“化学变化”后还另有内容, 则d和e在文体上更可取:
d.With great care they observed the chemical reaction.
e.The observed with great care the chemical reaction which...
(55) On the way to the school I met him.
我是在去学校的路上碰到他的。 (时间、地点状语处于首位时, 通常是强调, 汉语自然可以用强调句式来译。)
(56) He ran quickly.
a.他飞快地跑。 (quickly译为汉语状语)
b.他跑得飞快。 (quickly译为汉语补语)
4 状动转化
汉语动词由于没有词形变化, 不管是用作什么成分 (主谓宾定状补) , 全是“动词原形”, 而英语动词有词形变化, 又受“三态一气” (时态、情态、主被动语态和虚拟语气) 的种种限制, 尤其是必须区分一句中的谓语动词和非谓语动词, 真可谓是“五花大绑”了。这就使得英语使用起动词来, 必得“披挂整齐”才能出场, 还得“步步惊心” (对许多学英语的中国人来说) , 生怕迈错了哪一步。而汉语的动词既然“赤条条来去无牵挂”, 就显得灵活自如, 使用的频率就会很高, 使汉语显得颇富动感。 (如例57) 所以翻译中作词类转化时, 英语的“名形介副非谓三” (可能作英语的状语, 也可能作定语或宾语补足语) 都可转化为汉语的动词 (如例57、58、59、60) , 至于落到什么成分上, 倒可以不去考虑, 因为汉语的词类 (动名形) 和句子成分 (主谓宾) 之间并不要求一致。如此, 除了英语的谓语动词常可直接译成汉语动词, 再加上对这些转类过来的动词, 汉语又“来者不拒”, 汉语的句式就会呈现出这样两种模式:
N V1, V2, V3, Vn. (共一个主语) (如例61、例63中的中文)
N V, (N) V2, (N) V3, (N) Vn.[各有主语, 或主语可以省略] (如例62、例64中的中文)
不管哪种模式, 句子都变短了, 小句数量都变多了 (就长句而言) 。而汉译英语长句时, 很可能出现这样一种模式:
V非1, NV, V非2, V非3 (V非=非谓语动词。为使这一模式更具解释力, V非可以扩大指“名形介副非谓三”) (如例58、61中的英文)
从这些模式可以看出, 英译汉 (尤其长句) 时汉语散开了, 散成小句或词组, “形散神不散”, 这样英语的各种状语就有可能转化成汉语的动词或谓语 (例57-64, 先看英文后看中文) ;而汉译英 (尤其长句) 时, 框架 (NV) 立起来了, 主次更显分明。汉译英时, 如果动词太多, 除了主要动词译作谓语动词, 其他动词则可充分调动英语丰富的表形手段, 即“名形介副非谓三”等, 不可拘泥于汉语的形式, 把酷爱且善用动词的汉语里的动词全译成英语的谓语动词, 是讲求主次的英语“招架不住”的 (例57-64, 先看中文后看英文) 。
(57) An individual human existence should be like a river—small at fi rst, narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past boulders and over waterfalls.
一个人的一生可以比作一条河流:开始河身狭小, 夹在两岸之间, 河水奔腾咆哮, 冲过巨石, 飞下悬崖。 (分词和介词短语状语译为动词短语或小句)
(58) “Coming!”Away she skimmed over the lawn, up the path, up the steps, across the veranda, and into the porch.
“来啦!”她转身蹦着跳着地跑了, 越过草地, 跑上小径, 跨上台阶, 穿过凉台, 进了门廊。 (副词和介词短语状语译为动词短语或小句)
(59) It was a special satisfaction to comfort my patient with cancer, knowing that it is possible to enjoy life after the anguish of that diagnosis.
我明白, 在经历了被确诊为癌症的极度痛苦之后, 仍有可能享受生活, 因此, 安慰癌症患者成了一种特别的乐事。 (分词、介词短语状语译为动词短语或小句, 名词comfort和diagnosis转为动词)
(60) She was gazing across the sea, apparently ignorant of him.
她在眺望大海, 显然没有看见他。 (形容词短语状语转化为动词短语)
(61) 他不顾危险冲进大火去抢救被困在屋子里的人。
Regardless of the danger, he rushed into the fi re to rescue those trapped in the house. (汉语动词分别转化为英语的介词短语、不定式或短语和过去分词短语)
(62) 她看不起他, 他酗酒, 好赌, 老爱骂人。
What she despised about him was his drinking, gambling, and cursing. (汉语“散”而英语“聚”)
(63) 他五岁时, 生了一场伤寒病, 变成了聋子。
He became deaf at fi ve after an attack of typhoid fever. (汉语动词一作谓语, 一转化为介词短语, 主次顿显)
(64) 他说, 你听;你不听, 别人生气。
Listen to him while he’s talking to you.Or, he’ll be angry. (汉语看上去全是并列, 其实靠词序, 此处尤其是动词的排列表达逻辑关系。注意对汉语动词的处理和逻辑关系的明晰化。)
如果说汉语的动词因无词形变化而使汉语具有了一份意随言到的自如, 在翻译时有了一种以不变应万变的从容, 那么英语动词的限制性使用则使英语显出一种形完意足的严谨, 在翻译时就应力求主次分明, 逻辑周密。汉语动词的使用并非毫无牵挂, 不过牵挂的是动词和其他成分以及动词与动词之间的排列组合, 而这是汉语表意的基础, 即常见的七种基本词组或短语 (也是短句) :主谓 (你来;你来了就好) ;动宾 (打他;打他就是你的不对了) ;联合 (杀人放火;杀人放火罪大恶极。名词或其他词性之间的联合例略) ;偏正 (快来;快来也不能解决问题。偏副正动。偏形正名例如高墙、深院、红颜、俊友) ;动补 (吓跑;气昏;吓了一大跳;气得跳起来) ;连动 (坐下端起杯子就喝;打电话通知;请老李转告老张别欺负老刘) ;兼语 (让他说;叫他闹;喜欢他会看眼色。中间的名词或代词兼作前面动词的宾语和后面动词的主语) 。
5 状化定语和状化主语
英汉两种语言都有形容词直接作状语的情况, 但状化定语与此无关。所谓状化定语, 在英语里是指定语从句除了修饰和限制先行词外, 还可能含有状语意义 (条件、让步、因果等) 。既然如此, 翻译时当然最好译出状语的意义来;毕竟, Translation means translating meaning (Eugene A.Nida) 。又因为汉语少用关联词, 有时也译为并列的小句。如:
(65) We are thinking of engaging more teachers from America, who will help improve our English teaching.
我们正打算从美国聘几位老师, 以加强我们的英语教学。 (目的)
(66) My plan, which I have used many times, is very simple.
我的方案, 已经用过多次, 很简单。 (解释)
汉语状化定语的情况则是, 由于汉语重意合, 两个小句之间的关联词省略掉了, 成了紧缩句, 但有定语修饰的短语表达的意义却是状语性质的, 如条件、结果、原因等。汉译英时可以译成定语 (即英语的状化定语) , 更可译成英语的状语从句。如:
(67) 经过严格训练的运动员才能经受住这样的考验。 (定语表条件。相当于只有经过严格训练, 运动员才能经受住这样的考验。) (冒国安, 2004:117)
a.Only well trained players can stand test of this kind.
b.Only players who are well trained can stand test of this kind.
c.Players can stand test of this kind only if they are well trained.
(68) 不怕困难的人最终一定能够成功。 (定语表条件。相当于一个人只要不怕困难, 最终一定能够成功。) (冒国安, 2004:137)
a.Anyone unafraid of diffi culties is bound to succeed.
b.Anyone who is not afraid of difficulties is bound to succeed.
c.Anyone is bound to succeed so long as he is not afraid of diffi culties.
主语是动作的主体或谓语所陈述的对象。然而有些英语句子的主语却含有状语意义, 功能上相当于状语从句。这种主语我们称之为状化主语。在翻译这类句子时, 如果能不拘泥于英语的句子形式, 译成汉语的各种状语, 句子就会更为流畅。如:
(69) Greater care would have avoided this accident. (主语表条件)
如果更小心一些, 这一事故本来是可以避免的。
(70) John’s making fun of people landed him in big trouble. (主语表原因)
b.约翰老爱取笑别人, 这下惹出了大麻烦。 (注意意合, 可译得“散”一点。)
(71) Keeping correspondence via e-mail with foreigners can improve your English. (主语表方式)
(72) Dawn found them far on the road. (主语表时间)
黎明时分, 他们已经走了很远。
(73) This fi eld witnessed a battle. (主语表地点)
英语状化主语实际上都是无灵主语 (i n a n i m a t e subject) , 即非人称主语或无生命主语, 这种主语本就是英语主语的一大特色, 可以简化句子结构, 取得一种拟人的效果 (如例72、73) 。在汉英翻译时, 我们可以选用状化主语翻译一些状语意义 (汉语中不叫状语从句) , 使我们的英语更地道生动些。如:
(74) 你要是早点道个歉, 他也不至于揍你了。
A prompt apology would have saved you this beating.
(75) 因为太过疲劳, 老张出了事故, 把命都丢了。
Exhaustion has caused this accident, and cost Lao Zhang’s life.
汉语表大小 (size) 、长短 (length) 、形状 (shape) 、质量 (quality) 、颜色 (color) 等方面的词语通常作主语, 但译成英语时用状语表达则更地道。如:
(76) 这种产品质量很好。 (如果理解为省略“的”, 即“这种产品的质量”, 该句主语核心就是“质量”;如果把“质量很好”看作主谓结构作谓语, 该句的主语核心就是“产品”。从表达实践看, 汉语在描述文字方面最常用的结构是“主谓结构”, 而且尤其喜欢“四字格”的主谓结构, 如“该产品质量上乘, 作工精良, 性能良好, ……”;“他思维敏捷, 胸怀远大, 态度热情……”) This product is good in quality. (与中文形成对照的是, 英语的描述性文字, 尤喜“形介名”结构, 即用形容词描述, 再用介词短语指出描述的方面或原因, high in fat, low in protein, rich in natural resources, bright with moonlight。这在汉英翻译时, 似乎也成了一种主—状转化)
不论哪种语言, 表示“条件、原因、让步、结果”等的意义都是“刚性需求”, 必须表达的, 也是一定会采用某种表达形式的;但同一意义在同一语言里并非只能用某一形式不可;在涉及到两种语言甚至文化的翻译时, 语言内容 (意义) 和形式 (结构、表达形式) 之间的组合可能性就更大。意义优先, 目的语优选结构首选而非拘泥于源语表达形式, 再次证明是翻译这种跨文化活动中的最佳途径, 这也从语言对比、跨文化的角度证明了归化和异化的选择问题。具体到状语问题上, 既然英汉都有可能把状语的意义含蕴在定语里, 翻译时我们即可以还把这种意义放在定语里 (异化, 前提是译语容易理解, 表达不别扭) , 更可以作定状转化 (归化, 可能表达更流畅) 。既然英语可以用无灵主语表达状语意义, 而且既简洁又生动, 而汉语主语多倾向用有灵主语, 英译汉时则可选用无灵主语这一表达形式, 把状语意义含蕴进去, 使我们的英文表达更地道 (归化) 。
6 状语和关联词
我们常说英语重形合, 汉语重意合, 是说意义的表达在多大程度上依赖形式标记。当然英语对形式标记的依赖大大重于汉语。形合之“形”, 细究起来, 应该有三个层次。第一个层次, 词性变化。具体说来, 涉及到名词 (单复数, 如book—books/man—men;阴阳性, 如hero—heroine/lion—lioness) 、动词 (单复数, 如do-does;时态do-did-done-doing;非谓语动词to do-done-doing) 、形容词和副词 (比较级和最高级, 如quick—quicker—quickest, bad—worse—worst) 以及派生词 (如derive—derivative—derivation) 共四个方面。这四个方面的词形变化汉语一样没有。有人说“老、大、小、阿”等汉语词语的前缀 (老张, 大李, 小王, 阿娇) , “儿、子、头”等是后缀 (小三儿, 小三子, 老张头儿) , 但这和英语的前后缀是不可比的, 因为它们没有引起词形变化, 汉字没变。第二个层次, 关系代词 (which、that、what、who、whom) 和关系副词 (when、where、why、how) , 没有它们英语的主从复合句就立不起来。这一层次的“形”, 汉语也没有。第三个层次, 使句子之间关联起来的词, 即关联词, 如表并列and、but、or;因果because、so、thus、therefore;假设或条件if、if only、unless、as/so long as;转折however、but、nevertheless等。这一层次的“形”汉语也有。但是汉语的使用频率远不及英语高, 有时候可用可不用;有时候用了反而不如不用地道 (比如“当……的时候”, “如此……以至于”, 在学生的译文中常常是用得太多而不是太少) 。汉语重意合, 词序和虚词就差不多能把隐含的逻辑关系表达得很好。因此英译汉时, 考虑得比较多的应该是如何减“形”, 以使译文避免“翻译腔”;汉译英时, 则是增“形”, 使逻辑关系都“摆在明处”, 增补关联词。如:
(77) As he is ill, he can’t attend the meeting.
他病了, 不能来开会了。 (表原因, 省略“因为”)
(78) If I had known it, I would not have come.
早知如此, 我就不来了。 (表条件, 省略“如果”)
(79) 明天还要早起, 今天就聊到这儿吧。
Let’s stop discussion now, as we are going to have an early start tomorrow. (表原因, 增as)
(80) 得了冠军你也不能骄傲。
Even if you win the championship, you should not be
conceited. (表让步, 补even if) (冒国安, 2004:133)
(81) 我走了, 老李还呆在车站。
I left, and (并列) /but (转折) Lao Li stayed on at the station. (中国学生受汉语影响, 并列句中常忘了and或but)
(82) I was so tired that I went to bed though it was not yet nine.
我太累, 还不到九点就上床了。 (结果, so...that;让步, though。汉语全省, 词序加虚词“太”、“还”、“就”足矣。)
(83) 赶到车站时, 最后一班车早走了。
a.When I got to the stop, the last bus had left. (表时间, 补when)
b.I got to the stop, only to fi nd the last bus gone. (不用从句译)
由于汉语少用关联词, 有时判断逻辑关系就比较困难, 翻译成英语时尤其值得注意, 如:
(84) 人勤地不懒。
a.Where the tiller is tireless the land is fertile. (地点。“人勤的地方地也肥沃”。隐含的也有因果。)
b.If the tiller is diligent, soil is not idle. (条件。“如果人勤快, 地怎么会懒呢?”)
c.When the tiller is tireless the land is fertile. (时间。“人勤快的时候地就会肥沃”。隐含的也有因果。)
(85) 你不说我也不知道。
a.I wouldn’t have known it if you hadn’t told me. (假设)
b.I hadn’t known it until you told me. (时间)
与汉语因为关联词使用上的简省带来的理解困难不同, 英语明示的关联词也可能引起理解困难。这是因为英语的关联词, 尤其是从属连词大都具有多义性, 能表达不同语义和逻辑联系。比如when, 就能表示除时间之外, 许多我们稍不留心就会误解的语义, 如:
(86) We were about to start when it began to rain. (表突然性)
我们正要动身, 突然下起雨来了。
(87) When you know the answer, put up your hands and let me know. (条件)
(88) He had only fi ve dollars when I needed then. (对照)
我需要10美元, 可他才有5美元。
(89) I can’t tell you anything when you won’t listen. (原因)
既然你不听, 我就没什么好说了。
(90) He always takes a bus when he can take a taxi. (让步)
就算能打的, 他也总是坐公汽。
如果我们不留意, 让whe n留给我们的刻板印象 (“当……的时候”) 牵着我们走, 对以上几句的翻译一定别扭到滑稽的地步, 如在学生翻译练习中常能发现的对 (89) 的翻译:当你不愿意听的时候, 我们不能告诉你任何事情。 (刘全福, 2011:170)
这再一次证明了语言意义和形式之间的复杂关系:同一意义可能由多种形式表达, 同一形式也可能表示不同意义。语言的复杂性源于此, 语言的丰富性又岂非不源于此?对于英汉这样两种历史悠久、文化内涵深厚的语言来说, 更是如此。
英语表达状语各种关系意义时, 小句之间也有不用关联词的时候。但句子结构必须重新调整, 一般有这样几种办法:
(91) Should any dispute arise, a third party is required for arbitration.
如有争端, 需第三方进行仲裁。
取消从句。原来的主从复合句压缩成单句, 从句压缩成非谓语形式短语。如:
(92) Any dispute arising, a third party is required for arbitration.
取消从句。原来的主从复合句压缩成单句, 从句压缩成介词短语。如:
(93) In the event of any dispute, a third party is required for arbitration.
继续压缩, 可把状语意义“打包压缩”进主语 (即状化主语) 或定语 (即状化定语。但不是定语从句, 否则还得使用that/which/whom/who等关系代词)
(94) The occurrence of any dispute requires a third party for arbitration.
(95) 一个人只要不怕困难, 就一定能成功。
a.Anyone unafraid of diffi culties is bound to succeed. (状化定语)
b.Anyone who is unafraid of diff iculties is bound tosucceed. (状化定语从句。)
英语里和关联词有关的省略还有一种, 不是省关联词, 而是省略和关联词一起出现的一些成分, 即关联词后的“代词主语+be”。由于都和be有关, 这种省略也可称为“be式”省略。在英语里这种省略无处不在。如:
(96) Everything goes on as (it has been) planned.
(97) Though (he is) young, he is very experienced.
他虽然年轻, 但很有经验。
(98) She kept an eye on the baby while (she was) doing her sewing.
她一边做缝纫, 一边看着小孩儿。
(99) However clever (you may be) , you should be modest.
再聪明也要谦虚。 (汉语为紧缩复句)
(100) 雷锋同志是块砖, 哪里需要哪里搬。
Com rade Lei Feng, just like a br ick, can be placed anywhere (he was) needed.
(101) 狗不逼急了不咬人。
A dog won’t attack humans unless (he is) cornered.
7 结语
在英语句子中, 状语的位置要比定语复杂得多, 也比汉语状语的位置复杂得多, 可以说状语在现代英语里要算是最复杂的成分。 (陈定安, 1988:184) 不光是位置复杂, 翻译时, 状语尤其是状语从句的转换也比其他从句要复杂。引导英语状语从句的从属连词不仅数量多, 表达的逻辑关系也很复杂。 (刘全福, 2011:170) 更有甚者, 状语表达的各种逻辑关系可以由主语 (状化主语) 和定语 (状化定语) 来表达。这都给翻译时的理解带来困难。汉语虽也有关联词语之类的表达手段, 但汉语重意合轻形合, 许多时候对关联词语的使用并不具有强制性。在可用可不用之间, 往往选择不用。然而, 在翻译时的语言转换过程中, 译文往往会受到原文的“绑架”, 过多或不适当地采用形合衔接手段, 这又造成表达上的翻译腔。 (刘全福, 2011:170) 因此对英汉状语进行详尽比较, 比较它们的划分范围、表达形式、关联词的使用等, 在此基础上提出状语的一些翻译原则, 这对提高语言学习者或翻译者深入认识英汉两种语言的差异和提高翻译能力, 应该是不无裨益的。
摘要:本文从状语的意义和表达形式、状语的位置、状动转化、状化定语、状化主语、状语和关联词共六个方面对英汉状语进行较详尽的对比研究, 希望有助于人们深化对英汉两种语言差异的认识, 有助于翻译能力的提高。
[1]陈定安.英汉比较与翻译[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 1998.
[2]陈宏薇, 李亚丹.新编汉英翻译教程[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2004.
[3]伦道夫夸克等著.苏州大学《英语语法大全》翻译组译.英语语法大全[M].上海:华东师范大学出版社, 1989.
[4]刘全福.英汉语言比较与翻译[M].北京:高等教育出版社, 2011.
[5]林同济.从汉语词序看长句翻译[J].现代英语研究, 1980 (1) .
[6]冒国安.实用汉英对比教程[M].重庆:重庆大学出版社, 2004.
[7]伍铁平.模糊语言学[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1999
[8]王文明.英汉定语比较与翻译[J].武汉:湖北第二师范学院, 2011 (10) .
[9]王文明.英汉谓语比较与翻译[J].武汉:英语广场学术研究, 2011:9-10.
比较状语 篇2
特殊引导词:wherever, anywhere, everywhere
Generally, air will be heavily polluted where there are factories.
Wherever you go, you should work hard.
地点状语从句一般由连接副词where, wherever等引导,已经形成了固定的.句型,例如:
Where there is no rain, farming is difficult or impossible.
They were good persons. Where they went, there they were warmly welcomed.
You should have put the book where you found it.
状语从句考点扫描 篇3
1. when, while和as引导的时间状语从句。
三者都可引导时间状语从句。when引导的时间状语从句的谓语动词可用延续性动词, 也可用非延续性动词。while引导的时间状语从句的谓语动词只能用延续性动词。as引导的时间状语从句强调主句和从句的动作都在发展变化, 强调动作同时发生, 不指先后, 常译为“随着……”。when还可用作并列连词, 表示“这时”之意。while还可用来表示对比、对照。例如:
It happened to be raining when we got to Beijing.
Don′t talk too much while you are eating.
As the children were walking along the street, they sang happily.
2. before和until引导的时间状语从句。
两者都可引导时间状语从句。before强调主句动词的动作与从句动词的动作之间的先后关系。before在引导时间状语从句时, 一般不用否定式谓语, 意为“……之前, 不到……就……, 还来不及……就, ……才……”。用在“It will be + 一段时间+before...”结构中, 意为“多久之后才……”。until表示动作的阶段性, 主句是肯定式而且动词为非延续性动词时, 不能用until。not ...until表示“直到……才”, 此时可用非延续性动词。例如:
He had left before I could have a word with him.
It will be five years before we meet again.
He worked until it was midnight.
He didn′t join the army until he was 20years old.
3. since引导的时间状语从句。
在since引导的从句里, 谓语动词是非持续性动词的过去式, 从该动作发生时算起;如果是持续性动词的过去式, 就从该动作结束时算起。例如:
He has worked hard since he entered this school. (entered是非持续性动词, 就从entered的动作发生时算起。)
We haven′t seen each other since I worked in this factory. (worked是持续性动词, 就从worked的动作结束时算起。)
It′s two years since he joined the army. (joined是非持续性动词)
It′s two years since he smoked. (smoke是持续性动词)
4. 表示“一……就……”的时间状语从句。
as soon as, immediately, instantly, directly, the moment, the minute, no sooner...han, hardly/scarcely... when等可引导时间状语从句, 表示“一……就……”。其中当no sooner和hardly/scarcely置于句首时, 主句的谓语动词用倒装句结构。在no sooner...than和hardly... when引导的时间状语从句中, 主句的谓语动词用过去完成时, 从句的谓语动词用一般过去时。例如:
The moment I got off the train, I saw my fa⁃ther.
I had hardly got home when the phone rang. = Hardly had I got home when the phone rang.
【典例1】If you miss this chance, it may be years ______ you get another one. (2015 年重庆卷)
A.as B.before
C.since D.after
解析:B。句型“It + will be + 时间段+ be⁃fore...”表示“要过多久才……”。句意:如果你错过这次机会, 可能要等好几年才会再有。
【 典例2】It was the middle of the night______my father woke me up and told me to watch the football game. (2014 年江西卷)
A. thatB. as
C. whichD. when
解析:D。when引导时间状语从句。句意:当我的爸爸把我叫醒, 告诉我看足球赛的时候, 已经是半夜了。
常用if和unless引导条件状语从句, 其中unless引导条件状语从句时, 从句的谓语动词只能用肯定式, 相当于if...not。once (一旦) , as/so long as (只要) , in case (如果) 等也可引导条件状语从句。例如:
Small sailboats can easily turn over in the water if they are not managed carefully.
I′ll go there tomorrow unless it rains. = I′ll go there tomorrow if it doesnt rain.
Take your umbrella with you, in case it should rain.
I will lend my car to you as long as you return it on time.
【典例1】It is so cold that you can′t go outside ______ fully covered in thick clothes. (2015年江苏卷)
A.if B.unless
C.once D.when
解析:B。unless意为“除非”, 引导条件状语从句。句意:外面太冷, 你不要出去, 除非用厚衣服完全裹起来。
【典例2】You won′t find paper cutting difficult ______ you keep practicing it. (2015 年北京卷)
A.even though B.as long as
C.as if D.ever since
解析:B。even though“即使, 尽管”;as long as“只要”;as if“犹如, 好像”;ever since“自从”。结合句意可知选B。
【典例3】______ the damage is done, it will take many years for the farmland to recover. (2015年北京卷)
A. UntilB. Unless
C. OnceD. Although
解析:C。根据句意可知once在此用作连词, 意为“一旦”, 符合句意。
where引导的地点状语从句, 常译为“在……地方”, 可放在句首或句末。例如:
Where there is a will, there is a way.
We should go where we are most needed.
The factory is built where two rivers come together.
He advised me to live where the air is fresher.
【典例1】______ he once felt like giving up, he now has the determination to push further and keep on going. (2015年安徽卷)
A. WhereB. As
C. In caseD. Now that
解析:A。考查状语从句。where在此引导一个地点状语从句, 意为“在……地方”。
【典例2】 Half an hour later, Lucy still couldn′t get a taxi ______ the bus had dropped her. (2014年重庆卷)
A.until B.when
C.although D.where
1. although与though引导的让步状语从句。
两者均可表示“虽然”, 一般可互换, 且可与still, yet连用, 不能与but连用。另外, though还可用作副词, 置于句末, 意为“然而”。例如:
Although/Though it was raining hard, they still went out.
She said she would come;she didn′t, though.
while位于句首时, 意为“虽然, 尽管”, 相当于although。as引导让步状语从句时, 通常用倒装语序, though引导让步状语从句也有这种用法, 但although不能这样用。例如:
Teacher as/though he is, he can′t know everything.
While the problem is very difficult, I don′t think it can′t be solved.
3. even if, even though, whether...or... 等引导的让步状语从句。例如:
I won′t mind even if he doesn′t come.
【典例1】______ the students came from different countries, they got along quite well in the summer camp. (2015年福建卷)
A.While B.Unless
C.Since D.Until
解析:A。while在此表示“尽管”之意, 引导让步状语从句。
【典例2】______ scientists have learned a lot about the universe, there is much we still don′t know. (2015年安徽卷)
A.Once B.Since
C.Though D.Unless
解析:C。though表示让步或转折。根据句意可知这里是转折含义, 故选C。
1. 常用because, since, as, for, now that ( 既然) 等引导原因状语从句。这几个说明原因的连接词中because语气最强, 表示直接的因果关系, 回答why提出的问题。例如:
—Why didn′t she come to school?
—Because she was ill.
Now that he has come, I will tell him the truth.
2. for引导原因状语从句时, for不能置于句首。for表示的是解释性、补充性的理由, 常指推测的根据。列如:
The ground is wet, for it rained last night. 地面是湿的, 因为昨晚下过雨。
【典例】Mark needs to learn Chinese ______his company is opening a branch in Beijing.
A.unless B.until
C.although D.since
解析:D。考查状语从句。since在此意为“由于, 因为”, 符合句意。since在此引导原因状语从句。
1. so that, in order that引导目的状语从句;so...that, such...that...引导结果状语从句。例如:
He sat in the front of the classroom so that he might hear the professor more clearly.
She works hard at her lessons in order that she can get a good job in the future.
He was in such a hurry that he forgot to take his flight ticket.
2. in case, for fear that引导目的状语从句时, 从句的谓语动词要用 (should) +动词原形。例如:
You′d better take an umbrella in case it should rain.
3. so...that... 与such...that... 引导结果状语从句的区别。
such+ a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+that从句
Jim is so clever a boy that we all like him. =Jim is such a clever boy that we all like him.
It is such fine weather that we all want to have a picnic outside.
【典例1】I′ll be out for some time. ______anything important happens, call me up immediately. (2014年四川卷)
A. In caseB. As if
C. Even thoughD. Now that
解析:A。in case意为“万一”, 在这里引导目的状语从句。
【典例2】Cathy had quit her job when her son was born______she could stay home and raise her family. (2014年浙江卷)
A.now that B.as if
C.only if D.so that
解析:D。so that引导目的状语从句。根据句意可知选D。
(一) 单句语法填空
1.___________I admit your suggestionsounds reasonable, I won′t adopt it because it inot practical.
2.—Where is my e-dictionary?
—I′m sorry I am using it. I will return to you___________ I look up the new word.
3. The book appeals so much to readers___________ it caters well to the tastes of all ages.
4. In our city, housing prices are higher___________ there are key middle schools.
5. According to China′s environmental laws, a power plant has to pass an environmental impact assessment ___________ construction starts.
6.We cannot understand disease __________we understand the person who has the disease.
7. As a rule I catch the seven o′clock subway to work ___________ I can be sure of getting a seat.
8.Li Jianrou was lucky, ___________ all other three competitors stumbled in front of her in the women′s 500 meters short track final, making her China′ s first gold winner in the Sochi Winter Olympics.
9. Medicine should be kept ___________ it is not accessible to kids.
10. The fire was so big that it was several hours ___________ firefighters could get it under control.
11. Yaan, Sichuang is seeing improvements in life after the earthquake, ___________ life is still far from normal.
12.___________ the Internet is an anonymous (匿名的) electronic system, consumers want to feel as if the website owner knows about and cares about them as individuals.
13.—Every bird likes its own nest.
—Yes. A nest is to a bird ___________ a house is to a man.
14.___________I know, the computer can never take the place of the human brain.
15.____________ he comes back, I′ll go to pick him up at the airport.
16. —Mary looks so excited and happy.
—So will you ____________ you win the first prize in the next English speech competition.
17.____________ compared with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean doesn′t seem big at all.
18. I was so tired that I fell asleep___________ my head touched the pillow.
19. I thought her nice and honest____________ I met her.
20. ____________ asks her for advice, she is always ready to help.
21. Fewer visitors invited by him came___________ I expected.
22. It will not be long____________ we can have a trip to the moon.
23.____________ the days went on, the weather got worse.
24. If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, ____________ great it is.
25. She is always listening to music___________ doing her homework.
26. They caught the thief. Then they bound his legs ___________ he couldnt escape.
27. He had to be called two or three times___________ he would come to his dinner.
28. ___________ bad weather stops me, I jog every day.
29. Take a hat with you during the trip___________ the sun is very hot.
30.____________ the job takes a significant amount of time, most students agree that the experience is worth it.
(二) 语篇型语法填空
阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容 (1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。
Eating a full English breakfast can help you lose weight, a new study suggests.
Research shows having sausage, egg1bacon instead of low-fat cereals ( 谷类食物) or fruit for the first meal of the day helps to fight2 (hungry) off and avoid the urge to overeat later in the day.
An experiment at the University of Missouri on a group of women3 (range) from 18years old to 55 years old showed a high protein breakfast4 (keep) them feeling full longer5a meal with less protein but the same amount of fat and fiber.
The team, 6was led by research scientist, Dr. Kevin Maki, found7 (eat) around 35 grams of protein for breakfast helped regulate (控制) appetite.
Dr. Heather Leidy, 8assistant professor, explained, “ In the USA, many people9 (choice) to skip breakfast or choose low protein foods because of a lack of high protein choices.”
Dr. Leidy said, “These results show proteinrich meals can help women feel full10lunchtime and potentially avoid overeating and improve diet quality.”
Once I had a loose tooth, I asked my father, a dentist, to examine it.“It needs1 (pull) , ”he told me. My dad took out some tissues (纱布) and I closed my eyes, 2 (expect) a sharp pain.I was still waiting for him to pull3I heard my father say, “I′m done.”I opened my eyes and saw my tooth in his tissue-covered hand. I4 ( feel) no pain at all. I thought my father was5magician.
The next day at school I bragged (吹嘘) to a friend about my father′s remarkable feat.6I explained that the process hadn′t hurt, my friend called me a liar. He said that when he had his tooth7 (pull) , it hurt a lot. I talked to my father about this and there was not a single mystery left after my father’s8 (explain) : my tooth had been ready to be extracted, 9my friend′s had not.
“I′m going to be a dentist, ”I declared. Years later, the dream of a child has not diminished but actually grown firmer. Now I realize that hard work is necessary to be a dentist. I must work hard to make my dream10 (come) true.
Thousands of female engineers have joined1Twitter campaign. They want to break down stereotypes (固定模式) . Their issue is about2female engineers should look like.
As of Aug. 6, more than 75, 0003 (woman) used the website Look Like An Engineer to post photos of themselves and promote gender4 ( diverse) in technology. The campaign started when Isis Anchalee, an engineer at tech startup One Login, attracted a lot of attention. It came after her photo5 (appear) in a recruitment ad for her company.
In the ad, Anchalee has long, wavy hair and wears glasses. She6 (see) smiling in a black T-shirt7 (bear) her company logo. Many people could not believe that an8 ( attract) woman could also be an engineer at a tech company.Some thought that the company had hired a model for its recruiting efforts.
“I didn′t want any of this attention. But9I can use this to put a spotlight on gender issues in tech, I consider that to be at least one win, ”she said. She suggested people10 ( use) the website to post photos of themselves.
(一) 单句语法填空
1. While/Though/Although。本句是让步状语从句。句意:虽然我承认你的建议听起来有道理, 但我不会采纳它, 因为这个建议不实用。
2. the moment/as soon as。从属连词the mo ment/as soon as意为“一……就……”, 引导时间状语从句。
3. because。“___________ it caters well to the tastes of all ages.”是一个原因状语从句, 故用because引导。
4. where。从属连词where在此引导一个地点状语从句。
5. before。从属连词before在此引导一个时间状语从句。
6. unless。从属连词unless意为“除非”, 在此引导一个条件状语从句。
7. so that。从属连词so that意为“ 因此, 以便”。句意:我通常是赶七点的地铁去上班, 这样才能保证有座位坐。
8. as/because。从属连词as/because在此引导一个原因状语从句。
9. where。从属连词where引导地点状语从句, 常译为“在……地方”。
10. before。从属连词before在此意为“在……之前”。
11. though。though在此引导让步状语从句。
12. even though/if。even though/ if意为“即使”, 引导状语从句。
13. what。A is to B what C is to D. 意为“A对B而言正如C对D一样。”
14. As far as。as far as引导状语从句时, 意为“就……, 尽……”, as far as I know意为“就我所知”。
15.As soon as /The moment。as soon as /the moment引导时间状语从句。
16. if。if引导条件状语从句。句意:——Mary看起来很兴奋和高兴。——如果你在下次英语演讲比赛中得了一等奖的话, 你也会这样的。
17. When。本句是一个省略的时间状语从句。句意:当与整个地球大小相比较的时候, 最大的海洋似乎显得一点也不大。
18. As soon as /The moment。as soon as /the moment引导时间状语从句。句意:我是如此疲劳以至于我的头一挨枕头我就睡着了。
19. the first time/the moment/when。the first time/the moment/when引导时间状语从句。句意:我第一次见到他时, 我就觉得他好心和诚实。
20. No matter who。no matter who引导让步状语从句, 相当于whoever。句意:无论是谁向她请教, 她总是乐意帮忙。
21. than。根据fewer可以判断出这是一个比较状语从句, 故本句应填than。
22. before。“It will not be/was not long before...”, 意为“不久就……”。
23. As。as引导时间状语从句, 意为“随着”。as引导时间状语从句强调两个动作的发展变化。句意:随着时间的推移, 天气变得越来越差。
24. however。however引导让步状语从句。句意:如果我们意志坚强, 我们就可能克服任何困难, 不管困难有多大。
25. while。状语从句采用了省略形式, 后面可补充为“while she is doing her homework”。
26. so that。从后面的情态动词couldn′t可以判断出这是一个目的状语从句, 故用so that。so that意为“以便, 为了”, 引导目的状语从句。
27 before。before引导时间状语从句。根据句意可知应填before。
28. Unless。unless意为“除非”, 引导让步状语从句。句意:除非天气太差, 我每天都坚持慢跑。
29. in case。in case意为“万一, 以防”, 引导目的状语从句。
30. Although。although意为“虽然, 尽管”, 引导让步状语从句。
(二) 语篇型语法填空
【解题导读】本文为说明文。研究发现吃饱早餐, 吃好早餐有助于减肥。
1. Or。前后名词之间为选择关系, 故用并列连词or。
2. Hunger。应用名词作宾语。
3. ranging。用现在分词作定语, 修饰women。动词短语range from意为“从……到……变动”。
4. kept。根据主语的时态showed可知宾语从句的谓语动词也应用一般过去时态。
5. than。longer说明这里用了形容词的比较级形式, 故本空应填从属连词than。
6. which。非限制性定语从句缺少主语, 故填which。
7. eating。用动名词作句子的主语。
8. an。不定冠词在此表泛指。
9. choose。根据or后的choose可知本空应用choice的动词形式作谓语。
10. until。介词until在此意为“一直到……的时候”。
【解题导读】本文为记叙文。一个小孩在体验了父亲高超的拔牙技术后, 决定长大后成为像他父亲一样的牙医。
1. to be pulled。need后面应接不定式。且it与pull之间存在被动关系, 故用不定式的被动语态形式。
2. expecting。本空应用现在分词表示伴随状况。
4.had felt。考查时态。feel的动作发生在opened my eyes之前, 故用过去完成时态。
5. a。不定冠词在此表示泛指。
6. When。从属连词when引导一个时间状语从句。
7. pulled。用过去分词作宾补。have sth.done意为“让/叫/使/请别人做某事”。
8. explanation。应用名词形式作宾语。
10.come。动词make后面常接不带to的不定式作宾补, 故本空填come。
【解题导读】本文为记叙文。成千上万的女性工程师加入到了一个推特运动。她们想打破固有的女性工程师的形象, 塑造女性工程师全新的形象。
1. a。不定冠词在此表示泛指。
2. what。宾语从句缺少宾语, 故用what引导宾语从句。
5. appeared。根据前面的时态可以判断出, 此处用一般过去时态。
6. is seen。she和see之间存在被动关系, 故用被动语态形式。根据前面的时态可知此处应用一般现在时态。
7. bearing。用现在分词作定语, 修饰T-shirt。
8. attractive。应用形容词作定语。
状语从句复习(3) 篇4
I. 单项选择
1. _____ Mary is grown up, it doesn’t mean that she can do whatever she likes.
A. Because B. After C. Though D. Since
2. You had better go home and feed the cat ______ it decides to bite the furniture.
A. until B. before C. after D. when
3. Let’s begin our class ______ everybody is here.
A. although B. until C. even if D. now that
4. He was about to leave _______ I got there.
A. until B. when C. before D. as soon as
5. _____ days went on, the weather got worse.
A. With B. Since C. While D. As
6. I will start to work ______ I am given enough money.
A. unless B. though C. as long as D. even if
7. He never thought that his success came ______ he least wanted it.
A. while B. until C. since D. when
8. It will not be long _______ we meet again.
A. before B. soon C. since D. after
9. You are going to miss the bus ______ you hurry.
A. even B. if C. how D. unless
10. ______ reason, you should not have refused his invitation.
A. However B. What C. Whatever D. No matter
11. You may leave the classroom when you ____ writing.
A. will finish B. are finishing C. have finished D. had finished
12. ________, Mother will wait for him to have dinner together.
A. However late is he B. However he is late
C. However is he late D. However late he is
13. She was ill, ______ she didn’t come to school this morning.
A. since B. because C. as D. for
14. Write clearly ______ your teacher can understand you correctly.
A. since B. for C. because D. so that
15. Why do you want a new job _______ you’ve got such a good one already?
A. that B. where C. which D. when
16. You should make it a rule to leave things ______ you can find them again.
A. when B. where C. then D. there
17. ________ he comes, we won’t be able to go.
A. Without B. Unless C. Except D. Even
18. --- What was the party like?
--- Wonderful. It was years _______ I had enjoyed myself so much.
A. after B. when C. before D. since
19. John plays football _____, if not better than, David.
A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as
20. Mother was worried because little Alice was ill, especially _____ Father was away in France.
A. as B. that C. during D. if
21. --- I’m going to the post office.
--- _______ you’re there, can you get me some stamps?
A. As B. While C. Because D. If
22. The WTO cannot live up to its name _______ it does not include a country that is
home to one fifth of mankind.
A. as long as B. while C. if D. even though
23. --- I got ________ I am by hard work.
--- No, you didn’t. You got ________ with your father’s money.
A. there; where B. where; there C. there; there D. where; where
24. ______ you’ve got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.
A. Now that B. After C. Although D. As soon as
25. I ________ to bed until father came back.
A. went B. hadn’t gone C. didn’t go D. would go
26. I don’t think she’ll be upset, but I’ll see her ________ she is.
A. unless B. in case C. if D. although
27. ________ I live, I will work for my country.
A. So far B. So long as C. If D. While
28. Most plants need sunlight just _______ they need water.
A. because B. when C. as D. for
29. ________ you are willing to bring your camera, we could still take some pictures.
A. Although B. Because C. No matter how D. Whether or not
30. _______ I tried, I couldn’t fill the pen with ink.
A. Whatever B. However C. When D. Whenever
1---5 CBDBD 6---10 CDADC 11---15 CDDDD
16---20 DBDBA 21---25 BCBAC 26---30 BBCDB
No. 5 : as 意为 “随着”
No. 7: when 指时间的 “一点”, 此句指 “他在最不抱希望的那一刻获得了成功.”
No. 11 : 状语从句中的动作如发生在将来,时态要用一般现在时, 如强调动作的
结果, 可用现在完成时。
No. 12: 注意,所有从句都要用陈述语序,另外,however 与late 不可分。
No. 13: She was ill, 实际是说话人的一种推测,即:She must have been ill.
No. 15:job 后非定语从句,故A和C都是错误的,全句意为“当(时间的一点)
No. 19:as well as 引导的是比较状语从句。全句意为“ John踢足球如果不比David
No. 21:对话第一句表明对话前者已决定去邮局,故D错;另外去邮局和帮买邮
票也不存在因果关系,故C错;while 此时强调“在… 期间”。
No.24: 全句意为“既然(now that)你能得到这样一个机会,你也完全可以充分利
No. 28: as 意为“正如”。
No. 29: we could still take some pictures 意为“我们仍旧可以照相”,由此判定从
句意为“无论你愿不愿意带相机”, 故D为正确选项。