


职称英语考试完型填空试题练习 篇1

Newspaper Reports

There are many type of reports. A report is simply __1__ of something that has happened. The commonest are __2__. We get them in newspapers, over radio and __3__ television. Sometimes cinemas also show us newsreels.

The main purpose of a newspaper __4__ provide news. If you __5__ a newspaper closely, you will find that there are all types of news: accidents, floods, fires, wars, sports, books, etc. The news __6__ everything that happens to people and their surroundings. Sometimes there are news items which are very __7__.

The big __8__ bold words above the news items are called headlines. Their purpose is to __9__ attention so that people will buy the newspaper because they want to read __10__ of the news.

A news report is usually very short, __11__ when it is about something very important, but it __12__ a lot of information. It is also written in short paragraphs. The first paragraph is in __13__ a summary of the news item. It gives all the necessary information: what, when, where, how, why. The other paragraphs give __14__ of the subject. There may also be interviews __15__ people. The words actually spoken by them are within inverted commas.

Often there are photographs to go with the news to make it more interesting.











职称英语考试完型填空试题练习 篇2


由于完型填空试题主要测试同学们在语篇层面上综合运用语言的能力,在解答试题之前应快速阅读全文,抓住文章的主题,搞清作者的思路及上下文的逻辑关系。一般说来,通读的关键是弄清第一句 (往往点明主题,且是没留空白的完整句) 和最后一句 (往往总结、概括全文) 。另外,在浏览全文的时候,要重点了解文中所叙述的人物、时间、地点、事件,即who, when, where, what。例如有篇文章的第一句话为:Why is a space lefbetween the rails of a railway line where one piece joins thenext?这句话从铁轨之间的缝隙引出了问题。根据常识,就会很快知道文中的内容应与热胀冷缩的物理现象有关。





1. 看清上下文,找准定位词。


Some parts of the water are very shallow.But in some places it is very_____

A.deep B.high C.cold D.dangerous


2. 通顺逻辑,寻求搭配。


Here's a fellow who just walked into a bank and helped himself______ so much money.

A.for B.by C.to D.of

[解析]表示“自取,随便拿”这个意义的短语是help oneself to…故答案为C。

3. 寻求上下逻辑,从容确定关系。

例如:It hasbeen many years since I was last in London _____still remember something that happened during that visit.

[解析]根据句前的many years和句后的stil remember答案应选表示转折的连词but.

4. 了解生活常识,确定相关知识。

例如: (Immediately) the officers jumped into their cars and rushed to the_____ hospital.

A.animal B.biggest C.plant D.nearest




职称英语考试完型填空试题练习 篇3

【摘 要】完型填空测试项目以语篇为单位,旨在考查考生对英语基础单词、短语和基本语法的综合运用等语言知识能力,以及联想、推理和语感等非语言知识能力的运用。本文分析了大学英语四级考试中完型填空题型的命题要求,提出了完型填空的答题步骤和方法以及其训练方法。【关键词】完型填空 答题步骤 训练方法完型填空是一项综合性的语言测试手段,其目的是测试应试者的英语基础语法知识,语篇水平上的理解水准,利用语言线索推测语义及正确运用习语或词汇的能力。要求考生在有限的时间内,结合自己的语法、词汇和其他语言知识,尽可能透彻地理解文章含义,弄清楚文章各部分、各层次之间的逻辑关系,并根据文章提供的多种信息,通过总结归纳、推理判断和分析,完成试题所要求的填空项目,使短文思想完整、文理通顺、结构严谨、主体明确。所以,考生在关注新四级新题型的同时,也不能忽视完型填空这项最基本的测试考生综合运用语言能力的题型。一、命题要求选题内容与阅读理解相似,主要涉及人物传记、科普知識、日常生活等,其内容和范围一般能被学生接受,体裁多为说明文和议论文,其次为记叙文。短文的难度略低于阅读理解部分的材料。2.测试重点(l)词汇知识:完型填空所涉及的词汇题主要考查实词,兼顾虚词。(2)语法结构知识:这一部分主要考查词序、主谓一致、动词的时态、语态、非谓语动词、不定代词的用法和比较级的使用等。(3)阅读理解能力:完型填空是根据对文章的理解,依据一定的语言语篇知识将句子中所缺部分补全,使句子正确,使文章通顺连贯, (4)篇章知识:完型填空要求将短文复原为意义和结构上完整的一个语篇,也就是使之成为衔接合理、符合逻辑、语义连贯的一个语言单位。二、完型填空答题步骤和方法 1.速读全文,理解大意抓住主旨快速浏览全文,注意篇首句、段首句和全文的结尾句,以此来把握全文的主旨和大意。做完型填空题时不要一开始就把注意力集中在选择题上,而应该迅速阅读一遍短文,抓住文中的关键词,了解文章的大意、结构、以及各部分的逻辑关系。虽然空白使文章不够完整,但不会影响考生对文章主旨的了解。如果考生不了解文章内容,就难以根据上下对于首句应该给予足够的重视,因为往往它就是中心句或是引导句,它的时态往往决定了全文的时态。2.通篇考虑,初选答案重新阅读短文,进行选择填空。理解短文大意后,开始以句子为单位仔细进行阅读,结合所给的选项,逐个填空。注意语法、词义、惯用语、逻辑搭配和上下文联系。这时要考虑一下测试重点:词义及词形的辨析;句子之间的指代、列举、因果、比较、对比、让步、补充、递进等逻辑关系;一些句子结构识别及固定搭配;动词的各种时态,语态,非谓语动词的用法等等;介副词习惯用法。3.精读全文,注意细节,选出答案(1)注意前后联系。考题中的多处空格破坏了句子、文章信息的完整性,但出题人充分考虑到了空格出现的语境,连接代词、连接副词以及一些固定的短语、句子、分句、句子不同部分构成了紧密的递进、因果、并列、条件等内在逻辑关系。要根据语境理顺前后关系,选择出正确的答案。(2)要熟悉语法结构和词与词的搭配。从语法的角度来看,各种从句的构成,强调结构,倒装结构,虚拟语气,独立结构,以及结构词(代词、冠词、介词、连词)在表示结构关系时的具体运用。从词的搭配来看,包括动词与宾语的搭配,名词与介词的搭配,不及物动词与介词的搭配。(3)应遵循先易后难的原则。对有把握的选项可一锤定音,而对一时没把握的空格不妨暂且搁置一下。先接着往下读,然后再回过头来补填,一味地抓住难题不放,会影响考生做题速度和考生情绪。(4)运用背景知识和社会常识进行解题。解答完型填空题时,有时文章中提供的信息还不够,这就需要考生有丰富的背景知识和社会常识,这样才能把符合常识的一些知识信息结合起来考虑,最后选出符合常识的最佳答案。4.最后通读,查缺补漏最后再通读短文很必要,这一环节基本上是扫描式阅读。考生从旁观者的角度审视文章,从整体的角度检查文章是否前后连贯一致。可以依据文章的主题思想,结合上下文检查所选答案在逻辑和语法结构上是否完整和正确,语义上是否贴切,在整篇文章中是否合拍。倘若发现语法正确、语义欠妥,或语义正确,结构不妥的现象,则应依据上下文内容重新作出选择。可以在这个阶段根据对整个语篇的理解完成没有填的空,并且在更加透彻理解的基础上,验证所做答案,及时纠正错误。三、完型填空的训练方法1.扩大词汇量,掌握词汇用法词汇是州门语言最基本的建筑材料,词汇量的大小直接影响到对于文章的理解。考生要尝试和借鉴不同的词汇记忆方法,找到适合自己的方法,从而掌握四级词汇。学习英语词汇不仅仅是记住它的词义、拼写和语音,而且要掌握住词汇的具体用法。2.扩大知识面,提高阅读能力完型填空的内容涵盖面广,包括多种题材和体裁,如社会、科普知识、人物传记、日常生活等题材和叙述文、说明文、议论文等,考生在平时就应该多读书,多思考,所涉猎的范围要广一些。考生在这些方面的知识了解得越多,越有助于文章的理解。考生在平时阅读时要注意提高阅读速度,训练阅读技巧,增强阅读能力。3.巩固语法知识完型填空这种测试对于语法的内容较多,包括时态、语态、虚拟语气、非谓语动词、从句等方面的问题。新四级虽然摒弃了原来四选一的选择题考语法这种考察手段,换之以灵活的结合上下文在翻译、完型、选词填空、快速阅读中来考察。所以考生仍要熟练地掌握语法知识,这样才能有助于把握句子结构和语言的准确性。4.长期积累努力练习完型填空是对学生综合能力的考查,指望通过几天的努力就会取得效果,这是不切实际的。它需要长期的语言基础知识的积累和培养语言能力,并且要做大量的相关练习。只有这样,才能提高做完型填空的准确率。5.注重历年试题四级考试改革并不是对以往的全盘否定,而是在继承中使之得以发展,所以历年真题仍是最好的练习材料,当然要按照新题型的要求来做。在做历年真题一定要认真,最好要在规定的时间内完成试卷,不要动不动就翻看答案。要善于思考,发现带有规律性的东西。题目是做不完的,要学会触类旁通提高效率。参考文献: [1]蒋静泓.完形填空的解题技巧.全国优秀英语学术论文集,1995, [2]袁铮.完形填空在英语测试和教学中的作用.上海师范大学学报, [3]潘晓燕.2加7年淘金式巧攻4级考试突击训练。

考研英语完型填空练习及答案 篇4

About 1 o’clock a storm 6 suddenly. We had time to have 7 its approach but wewere concentrating on cutting steps, and 8 we had time to do anything, we wereblinded by snow. We could not move up or down and had to wait 9 , gettingcolder and colder. 10 my hood(兜帽), my nose and cheeks were frostbitten and I dared not take a handout of my glove to warm them.

After two hours of this, I realized we would have to do 11 to avoidbeing frozen to death where we stood. From time to time through the mist I had12 the outline of a dark buttress(扶壁)just above us, todescend in the wind was 13 question; our only hope was to scramble up to thisbuttress, and dig out a platform at the foot of it on which we could 14 ourtent.

We climbed to this place and started to 15 the ice. At first mycompanion seemed to regard the 16 as hopeless but gradually the wind 17 and hecheered up. 18 we had made a platform big enough to put up the tent, and we didthis as 19 we could. We 20 into our sleeping bags and fell asleep, felling thatwe were lucky to be still alive.

1. A. setB. gotC. madeD. took

2. A evenB. thoughC. soD. if

3. A. when B. whereC. asD. so that

4. A. fallenB. flownC. splitD. blown

5. A. viewB. visionC. lookD. glimpse

6. A. came upB. came outC. came overD. came on

7. A. viewedB. noticedC. notifiedD. glanced

8. A. afterB. beforeC. unlessD. until

9. A. motionlesslyB. constantlyC. steadilyD. continually

10. A. In spite ofB. In relation toC. In case ofD. In the event of

11. A. anythingB. nothingC. somethingD. everything

12. A. laid outB. made outC. drawn outD. marked out

13. A. withoutB. inC. beyondD. out of date

14. A. wrenchB. wedgeC. padD. pinch

15. A. cut downB. cut away C. cut outD. cut off

16. A. positionB. situationC. occupationD. orientation

17. A. died outB. died offC. died backD. died down

18. A. Instead ofB. FurthermoreC. IndeedD. At last

19. A. wellB. goodC. bestD. better

职称英语考试完型填空试题练习 篇5

【解析】本题测试词义搭配. various 各种各样的,不同的。句子的意思是“地理学家比较和对比地球上各种不同的地域”。可见,similar, famous, distant 均不符合题意

2. 【答案】B. go

【解析】本题测试惯用搭配.go beyond(= exceed) 超越,超过。

3. 【答案】A. whole

【解析】本题测试词义搭配. as a whole 作为整体,常跟在名词后面,如:We must examine these problems as a whole.


4. 【答案】D. comes

【解析】本题测试结构型词义搭配. come from 来自,来源于,正合题意。fall from 从…….落下;result from 由……产生,因……而造成:1)Sickness often results from eating too much. 2) Nothing has resultfrom my efforts.

remove…from…把……从…...去掉;撤职:1)It is difficult to remove the stain from the clothes. 2) Theyremoved him from his position. 3) The corrupt official was removed from office.由此可见falls, results 与removes 均不符合题意。

5. 【答案】B. which

【解析】本题测试结构搭配. which 引导非限定性定语从句,修饰graphein.

6. 【答案】A. Some

注释:本题测试逻辑搭配.做cloze 试题的时,考生必须从语篇的角度去选择适当的词语,是文章在逻辑意思和结构上完整统一。本题与下句联系密切,下句中有Others,故本题应选Some,从而构成句型:Some…. Others…...。

7. 【答案】D. focus.

【解析】本题测试结构型词义搭配. 所列的四个候选动词后都可以接介词on,但词义不同。rely on依靠。rest on 着落:Science rests on facts. (科学以事实为依据。)

reckon on 指望,依靠:We hope that we can reckon on your support.

focus on 集中讨论研究:These meetings focus on the strategies for the future. (这些会议集中研究未来战略。)focus 也可用作及物动词,意为“把…..集中在…..上”,例如:The students can focus their attention on the meaning of eachsentence.可见,本题应选 D. focus

8. 【答案】C. entire

【解析】本题测试逻辑型词义搭配.上下文的意思是:有些地理书主要研究城镇这样的小地区,而另一些地理书则研究州,区域,国家或整个大洲。可见,这里谈话的中心是地理书研究的地区的大小和范围,故应选,C. entire。extensive 广大的,广阔的; overall 全面的,总和的; enormous 巨大的,庞大的均不切题。

9. 【答案】A. way

10. 【答案】C. geography

【解析】本题测试词义与逻辑搭配. exercise 3 的9 和10在同一句子中,句意是:还有一种划分地理学研究范围的方法是把地理学分为自然地理学和人文地理学。从句意上看,第9句应选 way。means 手段,工具,方法(=sth.that helps a person to get what he or she wants),例如:You may use everymeans you can think of. (你可以使用你想到的各种方法) habit (个人的)习惯;technique 技能,技巧。第10句从上下文逻辑意思上看,只能选 C. geography.

11. 【答案】D. cultural


12. 【答案】D. latter

【解析】本题测试词义型逻辑搭配.注意句型:the former….., the latter(前者….,后者….)

13. 【答案】D. how



14. 【答案】A. upon

【解析】本题测试结构搭配. act on(= have an effect on) 对…..有影响,对….起作用:This acidacts on metals. (这种酸对金属起作用。)

15. 【答案】B. But

【解析】本题测试逻辑搭配. 从上下文逻辑来看,此句表示语气转折,故应选 B. But。

16. 【答案】A. neither

注释:本题测试逻辑搭配.上面谈到地理学包括自然地理和人文地理。本句指出,当把地理学看作一门学科时,那么其中任何一门分科都不能忽视另外一门分科。可见,此题应选 neither.

17. 【答案】B. as

【解析】本题测试惯用搭配. be described as 被说成是:He was described as a doctor.

18. 【答案】C. differences

【解析】本题测试词义型逻辑搭配.从逻辑意思上看,这里谈的是地域之间的差别,故应选 C. differences. exception 例外, sameness相同点,division 划分,均与上下文文意相悖。

19. 【答案】C. however

【解析】本题测试逻辑搭配. however 表示语气转折。

20. 【答案】B. then

职称英语考试完型填空试题练习 篇6

The World Health Organization1 estimates that about one-third of all people are infected with bacteria that cause tuberculosis . Most times, the infection remains inactive. But each year about eight million people develop active cases of TB, usually in their ______1______. Two million people die ______2______ it. The disease has ______3______ with the spread of AIDS and drug-resistant forms of tuberculosis.

Current treatments take at least six months. People have to ______4______ a combination of several antibiotic drugs daily. But many people stop ______5______ they feel better. Doing that can _______6______ to an infection that resists treatment. Public health experts agree that a faster-acting cure for tuberculosis would be more effective. Now a study estimates just how _______7______it might be. A professor of international health at Harvard University2 led the study. Joshua Salomon says a shorter treatment program would likely mean not just more patients _______8_____. It would also mean ______9______infectious patients who can pass on their infection to others.

The researchers developed a mathematical model to examine the effects of a two-month treatment plan. They ______10______the model with current TB conditions in Southeast Asia. The scientists found that a two-month treatment could prevent about twenty percent of new cases. And it might ______11______about twenty-five percent of TB deaths. The model shows that these ______12_____would take place between two thousand twelve and two thousand thirty. That is, if a faster cure is developed and in wide use by two thousand twelve.

The World Health Organization ______13______the DOTS3 program in nineteen ninety. DOTS is Directly Observed Treatment, Short-course. Health workers watch tuberculosis patients take their daily pills to make ______14______they continue treatment.

Earlier this year, an international partnership of organizations announced a plan to expand the DOTS program. The ten-year plan also aims to finance research ______15______new TB drugs. The four most common drugs used now are more than forty years old. The Global Alliance for TB Drug Development4 says its long-term goal is a treatment that could work in as few as ten doses.

1. A) kidneys B) lungs C) bones D) livers

2. A) with B) without C) of D) out of

3. A) increased B) decreased C) changed D) disappeared

4. A) make B) take C) try D) test

5. A) as if B) as though C) as far as D) as soon as

6. A) refer B) apply C) lead D) amount

7. A) effective B) ineffective C) expensive D) inexpensive

8. A) cured B) to cure C) being cured D) having been cured

9. A) many B) more C) few D) fewer

10. A) provided B) introduced C) tested D) tempted

11. A) bring about B) contributed to C) promote D) prevent

12. A) increases B) reductions C) creations D) collections

13. A) developed B) invented C) delayed D) refused

14. A) easy B) uneasy C) sure D) unsure

15. A) with B) to C) onto D) into

职称英语考试完型填空试题练习 篇7













职称英语考试完型填空试题练习 篇8

?In a purely competitive market, the supplier of goods and services has no control over the market price, because he produces too little to influence market conditions. With no difference between his products and the products __1__ his competitors, he will sell nothing if he charges above the market price and he will sell all if he charges at or __2__ the market price. However, in considering the price, he must take cost of production __3__. There are times when he may be willing to sell below his cost. This might happen when prices tumble for __4__ a short time. However, no business person can __5__ lose money for a prolonged period. He must __6__ of his costs in relation to the market price if he is to compete successfully and earn a profit.

Many people have the impression that as production increases, costs per unit decrease. __7__ mass production has made this true in certain industries and at certain levels of production, __8__ logic and practical experience have shown that costs per unit begin to rise beyond a certain level of production. Some economists __9__ this principle as the law of increasing costs.

The reason __10__ rise as production goes up is complex. However, it is easy to recognize that as production goes up, the need for additional factors of production will also grow, resulting __11__ competitive bidding in the marketplace for the factors of production. If a producer needs __12__ skilled labor to produce more, and none of this labor is unemployed, the producer will have to get __13__ from other sources. This can be done by __14__ higher wages. Higher bidding would also apply to the other factors of production. We must also recognize that not all labor is equally productive, __15__ not all land is equally fertile and not all ore is equally rich in the mineral wanted.

1. A) to B) at C) of D) on

2. A) below B) beneath C) over D) above

3. A) to consider B) into consideration C) to consideration D) in consideration

4. A) he believes will be B) what he believes be C) what he believes will be D) he believes to be

5. A) afford to B) be affordable C) be afforded to D) have afforded

6. A) constantly aware B) constantly knowledgeable of C) be constantly aware of D) constantly aware of

7. A) Because B) Since C) When D) While

8. A) both B) as well as C) also D) but

9. A) refer B) refer to C) call D) are referred to

10. A) cost B) the cost C) the costs D) costs

11. A) from B) in C) D) for

12. A) less B) numerous C) more D) many

13. A) them B) these C) it D) those

14. A) offering B) cutting C) reducing D) having

15. A) as just B) just as C) because D) while



Importance of the Public Image

?Public image refers to how a company is viewed by is customers, suppliers, and stockholders, by the financial community, by the communities in which it operates, and by federal and local governments. Public image is controllable ____(1)____, just as the product, price, place, and promotional efforts are.

A firm#39;s public image ____(2)____ a vital role in the attractiveness of the firm and its products to employees, customers, ____(3)____ to such outsiders as stockholders, suppliers, creditors, government officials, as well as diverse special groups. With some things it is ____(4)____ to satisfy all the diverse publics: for example, a new highly automated plant may meet the approval of creditors and stockholders, but ____(5)____ will undoubtedly find resistance from employees who see their ____(6)____ threatened. On the other hand, high-quality products and service standards should bring almost complete approval, ____(7)____ low quality products and false claims would be widely looked down upon.

A firm#39;s public image, ____(8)____ it is good, should be treasured and protected. It is a valuable asset ____(9)____ usually is built up over a long and satisfying relationship of a firm with is publics. If a firm has ____(10)____ a quality image, this is not easily countered or imitated by competitors. ___(11)___ an image may enable a firm to charge higher prices, to woo the best distributors and dealers, to attract the best employees, to expect ____(12)____ favorable creditor relationships and lowest borrowing costs. It should also allow the firm#39;s stock to command a higher price-earnings ratio than other firms in the same industry ____(13)____ such a good reputation and public image.

A number of factors affect the public image of a corporation. ____(14)____ include physical facilities, contacts of outsiders with company employees, product quality and dependability, prices ____(15)____ competitors, customer service, the kind of advertising and the media and programs used, and the use of public relations and publicity.

1. A) at considerable extent

B) to considerable extent

C) to considerate extent

D) at considerate extent

2. A) establishes

B) plays

C) makes

D) obtains

3. A) but

B) however

C) and

D) as

4.A) possible

B) easy

C) not impossible

D) impossible

5.A) they

B) some

C) it

D) we

6.A) plant

B) jobs

C) machines

D) themselves

7.A) while

B) when

C) as

D) and

8.A) that

B) if

C) which

D) /

9.A) that

B) who

C) whose

D) of which

10.A) been

B) developed

C) found

D) learned

11.A) With

B) Such

C) Like

D) /

12.A) a more

B) more

C) most

D) the most

13.A) with

B) without

C) in

D) of

14.A) They

B) It

C) Some

D) Most

15.A) related to

B) connected with

C) relative to

D) related with

小升初英语选择填空练习九试题 篇9

( )1. Yesterday morning, Nancy,__________ the newspaper at home.

A. reads B. is reading C. read D. readed

( )2. Who do you want _________

A. to write B. to write to C. write D. write to

( )3. I like ______ stories and music.

A. to listen B. to listening to C. listening to D. listen t

( )4. I would like to _________ your penfriend.

A. are B. is C. am D. be

( )5.I want to make a netfriend.So I________ the internet tomorrow.

A. am serving B. am going to serve C. serve D. served

( )6. Would you like _______ tea ______ milk?

A. any, with B. any, and C. some, or D. many, and

( )7. I can _________ chat with my penfriend on the internet.

A. too B. also C. either D. yes

( )8. Can I have some ________ paper?

A. write B. writing C. to writing D. writes

( )9.There _______ a hill, some trees and many flowers in the park.

A. is B. are C. was D. were

( )10. My English is very good, I can speak _______ louder.

职称英语考试完型填空试题练习 篇10



1 考研英语完型填空真题基本不出现超纲词汇

考研英语完型填空的文章基本不会出现超纲词汇,即使出现超纲词汇,考生也可以通过文章的上下文或某些提示语进行推测。而对于特别专业的名词,文章一般会给出解释。比如,2004年考研英语完型填空真题第一段的首句是这样的:“Many theories concerning the causes of juvenile delinquency (crimes committed by young people) focus either on the individual or on society as the major contributing influence.”文中出现了生僻词组juvenile delinquency,但是考生通过后面括号里的解释就能知道这个词组的意思是“青少年犯罪”。因此,考生只需掌握大纲规定的词汇即可,没有必要背超纲词汇。

2 核心词汇频现,深层挖掘是关键





1 逻辑关系词


①转折/让步关系:but (但是) 、however (然而)、although/though (虽然)、yet (还,但是)、even if/though (即使,纵然)、whereas (相反,反之,然而)、on the contrary (相反地)、by contrast (与之相反,对比之下)、rather than (而不是)、instead of (代替,而不是)等。

②因果关系:because (因为)、so that (以便)、consequently (结果,因此)、as a result (结果,因此)、so (所以)、result from (由……造成的)、result in (导致,引起)、in that (因为)、therefore (所以)、thus (因此)、as (因为)、since (因为,既然)、so as to (以便,以至于)、turn out (结果是)等。

③并列关系:and (和)、or (或者)、also (也)、as well as (也)、either ... or ... (要么……,要么……)、neither ... nor ... (既不……,也不……)、not ... but ... (不是……,而是……)等。

④例证关系:for example (例如,比如)、for instance (例如)、such as (例如,比如)等。

⑤递进关系:furthermore (此外,再者)、indeed (更确切地说,甚至)、moreover (并且,此外)、what is more (而且,更重要的是)、besides (此外)、in addition (另外)、additionally (此外) 、not only ... but also ... (不仅……,而且……)等。

⑥条件关系:if (如果)、provided that (假如,在……条件下)、given that (考虑到)、lest (以免,以防)、unless (除非)、only if (只有)、if only (要是……就好了)。

⑦总结关系:generally (大体上)、in general (一般地)、above all (最重要的是,首先,尤其是)。(注:此种逻辑关系的考查一般出现在文章最后一段或者文中对前面进行小结之处。)


2 “瞻前顾后”的解题原则


例1:It was argued at the end of the 19th century that humans do not cry 13 they are sad but they become sad when the tears begin to flow. (选自2011年考研英语完型填空真题)

13.[A] unless [B] until [C] if [D] because

解析:本题位于that引导的主语从句中,考生重点看主语从句就可以了。根据“瞻前顾后”的解题原则,考生先要阅读空格前后的内容。空格后面的句子出现了but,but前后的分句构成转折关系,根据这一逻辑关系,考生就可以快速解题。这里but后面分句的意思是“当开始流眼泪的时候,他们就变得悲伤了”,结合转折关系及选项词汇,but前面的分句要表达的意思应该是“他们哭泣并不是因为他们悲伤”。也就是说,humans do not cry与they are sad之间是因果关系,所以此处的正确答案应该是选项D。

例2:In an experiment published in 1988, social psychologist Fritz Strack of the University of Würzburg in Germany asked volunteers to hold a pen either with their teeth—thereby creating an artificial smile—or with their lips, which would produce a(n) 17 expression. (选自2011年考研英语完型填空真题)

17.[A] disappointed [B] excited

[C] joyful [D] indifferent

解析:本题是对逻辑关系考查的第二种类型,即选项不是逻辑关系词,考生需根据已知的逻辑关系来选择正确选项。细读这句话,考生可以注意到句中出现了表示并列关系的结构“either ... or ...”,由此可以推断either后面的“with their teeth—thereby creating an artificial smile”与or后面“with their lips, which would produce a(n) 17 expression”是并列关系,其中空格处填入的词应与or前面的artificial (虚假的)也构成并列关系。由于artificial是表示消极感情色彩的形容词,因此,此处也应该填入表示消极感情色彩的词。再结合句意,考生可以选出本题的正确答案为选项A。





例3:The idea that some groups of people may be more intelligent than others is one of those hypotheses that dare not speak its name. (选自2008年考研英语完型填空真题)

解析:①确定谓语动词的数量。确定谓语动词的数量是为了确定句子中含有的分句数量。考生在确定谓语动词时,需要注意区分谓语动词与非谓语动词。谓语动词在句子中能表现具体的时态,但是非谓语动词却无法表达时态,这是两者的根本区别。就本句而言,句中含有三个动词:may be、is、dare not speak。这三个动词都能反映时态,因而都是谓语动词,也就是说,这个句子由三个分句构成。

②找出关系词。本句相对简单,只出现了两个关系词that。其中第一个that引导的是同位语从句,第二个that引导的是定语从句。由此,考生可以确定句中的谓语动词may be和dare not speak位于从句中,是从句的谓语动词。

③确定句子主干。考生可以先将从句省略,确定句子的主干。本句的主干是“The idea is one of those hypotheses”,意思是“这个观点是那些假想中的一个”。然后考生再进一步分析省略掉的同位语从句与定语从句的意思,便能确定整个句子的意思了,即“某些群体比其他群体更为聪明的观点是那些没有人敢于说出来的假想之一”。


