


新课标高一英语必修一 篇1


新课标高一必修1 Unit 2 English arund the

一.教学目标:(Teaching ais)

Finish the exercises n the wrb

1.能力目标:(abilit ai)

a) Enable the students t cand “cands and requests”

b) Thrugh cperative wr find ut crrect answers theselves

2.语言目标:(language ai)

Full understanding f the readings

二.教学重难点(Teaching iprtant pints)

Understanding the ain ideas f the passages

三.教学方法(Teaching ethd)

a. Fast and careful reading

b. Individual, pair r grup wr t finish each tas

c. Discussin

四.教具准备(Teaching aids)

a cputer

五.教学步骤(teaching prcedure)

Step 1.waring up

Step 2: speaing tas (Review cands and requests)

Offer the situatins and tr t ae dialgues with cands and requests

Step 3 :D the “Reading” n P13 and answer questins n it briefl.

Step 4: Finish the “Reading Tas” at p.51 and cplete the fr after it.

Step 5: Grup wr:

As the t su up what cdes and shrt frs f wrds the ften use when the ften chat n the net with thers.

Step 6: chec up their researching result.

Step 7: hewr.

新课标高一英语必修一 篇2


学生由初中升入高一, 首先遇到的问题是英语新课标教材中的词汇量巨增, 语法难度加大。同时, 新课标的课程性质和理念是在加强学生综合语言运用能力培养的同时, 还注重提高学生用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力, 以及用英语进行思维和表达的能力。因此, 高中教师几乎完全用英语授课。面对这种突变, 学生感到不知所措, 而且学生英语水平相差较大, 来自不同的学校、班级, 原来学的英语语音、语调也有所差异, 很难适应高一英语学习, 而高一又是初中向高中过渡的关键阶段, 易造成两级分化, 怎样才能使学生平稳过渡这一关键阶段值得我们思考。


就学生而言, 他们不再像以往那样, 主要在课堂上等着接收教师传授的知识或机械模仿, 而是通过多种途径, 按照学习的需要, 根据自身的特点, 自主地去选择、去尝试、去探索、去发展。就教师而言, 则尽可能少地直接传授或生硬灌输, 而把主要精力放在激疑引思、导学释难、点拨评议、启智培能上。在这种开放的教学时空内, 学生真正成为了学习的主人, 有了用武之地, 他们可以通过自己的努力多角度、多渠道地吸取知识的营养。


在传统的教学中, 课堂都是以教师的教为主。学生的主体地位很难显现出来。因此, 学生的学习是被动的, 教师的教学也是死板的, 这有悖于新课程改革的理念。新课程的课堂教学最主要的就是学案与导学密切结合, 学案指导导学, 导学依据学案, 重点在“导”, 变传统的讲授式的“要我学”为学生积极主动参与式的“我要学”。所以要把整堂课“导”好“导”活, 让学生真正学到知识, 提高能力, 充分体现“学为主体教为主导”的思想, 把学习的主动权真正还给学生;放手让学生独立自主地学习, 挖掘学生的创造潜能。要做到这点, 最关键的问题是“放”, 即放手让学生自主地探求知识, 发展能力, 也就是为学生“松绑”, 把学习的主动权交还给学生。而我们在教学实践过程中, 往往是“放”得少, “收”得多, 给学生以种种限制, 硬要学生按照自己预定的路子走, 不得越雷池一步。我们为什么不能顺着学生的路子走呢?另外, 传统教学中的信息交流是教师对学生的单向交流, 而不是双向沟通, 生生互动做得也不够, 遇到问题不是先让学生讨论, 而是教师引导学生去思考。许多教师认为课堂上让学生讨论是形式主义, 是浪费时间, 课堂不容易控制, 其实, 这是一种误解, 无论是什么样的教育对象, 讨论的形式总是有作用的, 只不过是讨论的要求、深度及作用因人而异而已。

三、精心设计准备性练习, 鼓励学生大胆尝试

为了充分开掘学生在学习活动中的创造潜能, 教师必须精心设计新授课前的准备性练习, 注重练习的目的性和针对性, 其间要鼓励学生大胆尝试, 同时还要注意尝试的力度须符合学生的实际, 台阶要小, 幅度不要太宽。此外, 问题的设计要利于学生动起来, 不能一下子给学生太多的题目, 以免学生望而生畏, 最好是研究一个合理的序列并分步呈现。

高一新课标第一模块第三单元进述了一段沿湄公河而下的自行车旅行, 主人公“王坤”以旅行日志的形式详细地记录了这一过程。学生通过追随这一段旅程, 探讨了“旅游”相关的各种话题。如:如何为旅游做准备, 怎样选择适当的旅行方式, 怎样确定旅游路线、计划或日程等。因此, 在“热身 (warming-up) ”部分不是开始就向学生呈现新知识, 而是让学生从他们所熟悉的旅行常识入手, 引导学生对旅行的话题进行思考, 这一过程可以精心设计几个问题, 不易过多, 通过学生对这几个问题的思考和回答来实现本单元warming-up部分的教学目标。


T:Do you like travel?How do you travel?

S1:Yes, I like.I always travel by train.

S2:I travel sometimes by train, sometimes by plane.

S3:I like travel, especially by bike.

S4:I live along the river, I like traveling by boat.

T:Ok!Very good!Now Let’s discuss with our partners in groups and then tell us the disadvantages and advantages of each transport mentioned above (train, plane, bicycle) . (将学生分成小组, 进行讨论, 有可能一些学生认为某种交通工具好, 也有可能一些学生认为不好, 讨论之后, 收集答案并呈现在黑板上。)

通过讨论, 学生对出游时交通工具的选择有了理性的认识, 同时也增加了这方面的知识。尽管会多花费一些时间来完成这项活动, 但是通过这项活动真正让学生动起来了, 同时也达到了本单元“热身“的目的。

四、精心设问, 提高教学效率

在课堂教学中, 提问可以反馈学生学习的情况, 检查学生连贯地表达自己思想和见解的能力, 这也是照顾个别差异的一个重要手段。我们可以通过各种不同的提问方式对学生的学习效果进行检查。比如, 有次序地要求学生回答问题, 这样学生有充分的准备, 并且知道自己要回答什么样的问题, 这比随机提问会更有助于学生学习的进步。

另外, 还不能盲目地提问, 对不同程度的学生提问时也应有所差异, 这就需要教师对学生了如指掌, 能够用精练的语言相当准确地概括出学生的特征, 什么样的问题给什么样的学生来回答也十分有把握。例如, 对学得好的学生, 我们就应该给他一些具有挑战性的问题;对于思维活跃的学生, 就应该给他一些创新的、开放性的问题, 通过对这些问题的回答, 让他们充分展示其才华;而对于学得不是太好的学生, 就应该给他们一些基础性的问题, 让他们在回答问题的过程中找到自信, 进而对英语产生兴趣。无论什么样的学生都希望得到别人的肯定、尊重、理解, 针对不同学生的个性特征, 实施针对性很强的鼓励性评价, 使所有学生都产生成功欲望, 进而人人争取成功。


进入高中, 英语学习的难度和学生的压力都在不断增加, 这有可能使有些学生放弃英语学习, 所以, 乐学的态度至关重要。乐学氛围并不意味着使学生永远在顺境中获得成功, 当学生取得成功、体验成功的欢乐的同时, 还需要教育学生正确对待失败与挫折。当学生在学习上、生活上遇到困惑和受挫时, 更要鼓励学生不要灰心, 而要迎难而上、锲而不舍, 从内心感到虽苦犹甜, 乐在其中。

新课标高一英语必修一 篇3


→journalist n.记者 2._________________n.费用

3._________________n.vt 运输

→transportation n.运输工具 4._________________ adj.最后

→final adj.5._________________vi.骑自行车

→recycle v.使再循环 6._________________vt.说服 7._________________adj.顽固的 8._________________vt.坚持

9._________________adj.适当的→properly adv.10._________________adv.适当地


→determination n.12._________________adj.坚决的 13._________________n.海拔高度 14._________________n.态度 15._________________n.vi.营地 设营

16._________________vt.vi.n.记录 录音 纪录,唱片

→recorder n.录音机 17._________________n.话题 主题 18._________________adj.熟悉的

19._________________adj.勇敢的→bravely adv.→bravery n.勇气 积累单词:

remarkable 非凡的recurrent n.屡次



2._________________干…最好的方法 3.________________关心 忧虑


care for sb 喜欢某人 5._________________投降 让步 6._________________野营 宿营 7.________________梦想做某事


9.________________________尽力说服某人做某事 = advise sb to do sth 10._____________________一定要(某事);坚决主张 11.____________________下定决心 12.__________________搭起帐篷

13.______________________创造/打破/保持记录 14.________________________梦见某人/某物/梦想…… 15.dream of/about …

dream a dream 16.________________________决心干某事(表状态)17.________________________使某人下决心做某事(表动作)18._______________某人熟悉某物

sth be familiar to sb 某物被某人所熟悉 sb be familiar with sb 某人与某人亲密无间 19.A be similar to B

A与B相似 20.__________________看出某人心事 take one’s mind off sth 转移注意力 keep one’s mind on sth 把注意力放在…… keep/bear sth in mind


She has many problems on her mind 她心事重重 21._________对某人让步 give away赠送

give off

放出(液体 气体 气味 光 热量)give out分发 give in放弃

必修1 Unit3

重点单词: 1.journal


→journalist n.记者 2.fare



n.vt 运输

→transportation n.运输工具 4.finally


→final adj.5.cycle


















→recycle v.使再循环



adj.适当的→properly adv.adv.适当地


→determination n.adj.坚决的n.海拔高度


n.vi.营地 设营

vt.vi.n.记录 录音 纪录,唱片

→recorder n.录音机

n.话题 主题


adj.勇敢的→bravely adv.→bravery n.勇气

remarkable 非凡的recurrent n.屡次

1.get sb interested in


2.the best way of doing

sth /the best way to do sth 干…最好的方法 3.care about

关心 忧虑

4.care for /to do sth


care for sb 喜欢某人 5.give in

投降 让步 6.make camp

野营 宿营 7.dream of doing


8.persuade sb into/out of(doing)sth 说服某人做某事/不做某事 9.try to persuade sb to do

尽力说服某人做某事 = advise sb to do sth 10.insist on sth /doing sth

一定要(某事);坚决主张 11.make up one’s mind

下定决心 12.put up one’s tents


13.set /break(beat)/hold a record

创造/打破/保持记录 14.have a dream of sb/sth/doing sth 梦见某人/某物/梦想…… 15.dream of/about …

dream a dream 16.be determined to do sth 决心干某事(表状态)17.determine sb to do sth

使某人下决心做某事(表动作)18.sb be familiar with sth 某人熟悉某物

sth be familiar to sb 某物被某人所熟悉 sb be familiar with sb 某人与某人亲密无间 19.A be similar to B

A与B相似 20.read one’s mind

看出某人心事 take one’s mind off sth 转移注意力

keep one’s mind on sth 把注意力放在…… keep/bear sth in mind


She has many problems on her mind 她心事重重 21.give in to sb 对某人让步 give away赠送

give off

新课标高一英语必修一 篇4

人教版新课标高一必修3 Unit 2 Healthy Eating--教案6

人教版新课标高一必修3 Unit 2 Healthy Eating--教案6 Unit2HealthyEating--教案6 TITLE=人教版新课标高一必修3Unit2Healthy The sixth period Writing and re-viewing Step ⅠRevision Check the homework and take a dictation. Step Ⅱ Writing This is an opportunity for students to practice their persuasive writing skills and try to encourage others to support their point of view. The idea of a new library is chosen because it would be very useful in a town. T: You know, we have mad ea decision that we won’t build a Mcdonal’s. But what do you think should be built on the land? Can you write an article to support your idea? Give you 20 minutes and finish your articles. Pay attention to the orders. 1. Describe the new design 2. Draw a plan 3. explain the advantages of your ideas

新课标高一英语教案 篇5



Key points and difficulties:



Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

Let students do a puzzle ---------the earth

A puzzle

It looks like a ball but you can’t play,

It is our home but so big,

It is round but we usually think it is flat.

It moves anytime but no one feels.


Step 2 Pre-reading

A. Let students enjoy the beauty of the earth.

B. Questions:

1, How did the earth come into being?

2, In China, there are some stories about the beginning of life.

Do you know?


Step 3 Fast-reading

1, Let students read the text quickly and then answer the followingquestions.

(1) According to the text, how did the universe begin?

(2) What is the fundamental to the development of life?

(3) Where did life first begin, on the land or in the sea?

(4) Which kind of animal has become the most important animals on theplanet today?


2, Let the students read the text again and then finish the followingexercise

Para1 a, the development of life

Para2 b, the important of water

Para3 c, the most important animals on the planet

Para4 d, the formation of the Earth

Para5 e, the “Big Bang”


Step 4 Careful-reading

1, Analyzing read the text and fill in the blanks

How life began on the earth


2, Reading and answer the following questions.

1. Why was the earth different from other planets?

2. Why did the plants grow before the animals came?

3. Why is it wrong in films and stories to show dinosaurs and peopletogether?

4. What problem is caused by human beings?

Step5 Consolidation

新课标高中英语教学的体会 篇6

一、因材施教, 实施分层教学

根据学期初直接或间接的了解, 发现学生在学习习惯、实际运用英语水平、考试成绩等方面存在较大差异。具体地说, 确有部分学生英语水平较好, 但大部分学生没有打好基础, 加上高中课程难度大, 他们就对英语失去了兴趣和信心。针对这种实际, 从学生对英语学习的信心、毅力、兴趣、智力水平及内在潜力等情况区分学生层次 (分为A、B、C三级) , 授课、辅导、作业布置、测试与评估等都因学生的素质不同而采用不同的方式。对三个层次的学生进行研究, 及时有效地对他们进行分层辅导。这样能够调动学生学习英语的主动性和责任感, 使他们积极学习, 全面发展。教师在备课时, 要备各个层次学生施教的方法、师生具体交际活动的过程及预测授课的结果, 通过实践发现问题, 及时调整, 最终达到分层教学优差并迸的目的。反馈教学, 能有效加强教与学双边的沟通, 也是成竹在胸地改进教法的途径。在各层次学生中选出科代表, 定期了解学生对教师的教学和学生学习成效的评估, 下面谈谈分层教学的一些做法。

对A级学生, 注重培养学生的学习能力和对英语的运用能力, 努力挖掘他们的潜力。在学好现行教材的基础上, 扩大阅读量, 成立英语兴趣小组, 经常拟出一些与他们学习和生活有关的话题, 让他们用英语进行讨论, 然后写成短文。此外, 我还根据其英语水平的发展状况在不同阶段补充难度适当的课外学习资料, 包括听、说、读、写方面的练习材料, 争取提前达到教学大纲要求的一级目标, 为学生进一步提高英语水平打下基础。对B级的学生, 在进一步加强其现有的知识体系的基础上, 狠抓其双基的落实, 按大纲要求学好教材内容, 努力培养学生各方面的能力, 侧重培养学生的阅读理解能力, 使其顺利完成大纲规定的目标和任务, 英语水平不断提高。对C级的学生采用各种可能的手段和措施, 努力开发他们的非智力因素, 侧重学习方法和策略的指导。当他们取得进步时, 及时给予肯定核鼓励, 使他们感受到成功的喜悦。他们一旦有了成就感, 就能克服学习英语的畏难情绪和厌学心理, 激发他们学习英语的兴趣和积极性, 增强他们学习英语的信心。要进一步强化听、说、读、写等方面的基本功训练, 尽早完成从知识的积累到能力的转化过程, 为高二达到一级目标打下坚实基础。


高中阶段是探索自我、发现自我、表现自我、塑造自我、完善自我的重要时期。高中生的认识能力比初中普遍提高, 自我意识进一步发展, 独立意识也有明显提高。教师可以通过活动课、小组讨论等具体形式, 特别是创设有利于高中生自我认识、自我反省、自我调节的情境, 利用他们自身较高的自我意识水平对自己的学习进行调节、监控。因此, 我主要采用以下几种教学方法。

1. 情境教学法

情境 (situation) 主要指进行言语交际的外部的具体场合。因此, 在交际中构成语境 (context) 的依据是话语或文句意义所处的外部世界的特征, 所谓教学中的情境都是模拟的。情境教学是指教师根据学生的年龄特点和心理特征, 遵循反映论的认知规律, 结合教学内容, 充分利用形象, 创设具体生动的场境, 使抽象的语言形式变成生动具体的可视语言, 创设尽可能多的英语语言环境, 让学生更多地接触及感受英语 (feel English) 、说英语 (speak English) 、用英语进行思维 (thinking English) 、用英语的方式主导行为 (behave in English) 。该教学法的特点是:将言、行、情境融为一体, 有较强的直观性、科学性和趣味性, 学生仿佛置身其境。情境教学可以激发学生的学习激情, 培养学生浓厚的学习兴趣, 促成学生智力因素和非智力因素的发展, 从而从整体上正确理解和运用语言, 即整体语言教学法 (Whole language) 。

2. 活动教学法

“活动教学法”早在二十世纪七十年代末就已风靡澳大利亚、英、美等国家。根据1998年澳大利亚ALL Guidelines (Scarino Angela, et al., 1998) 一书所述, 宏观的活动教学法认为“活动”是联结教学大纲与课堂教学的纽带, 教师必须把活动作为教学大纲的指导思想有计划、有步骤地实施。微观的活动教学法即指在课堂教学活动中, 将活动作为教与学的中心单位以促进语言习得者用目的语言 (Target language) 进行交际。它认为活动包含积极的有目的的语言使用环境, 习得者必须使用已有的语言资源以满足在设定的语境中进行交际的需要。活动教学法 (Activity approach) 是交际法家族的后起之秀。它一出现, 就引起了外语界的高度重视, 迄今已成为较为普遍采用的教学模式。活动的内涵可理解为:“活”即活化、激活 (activate) ;“动”即行动 (act) 。

3. 任务型教学法

任务型教学法是让学生在课堂活动中通过完成任务而获得知识。任务完成的过程, 就是一个知识转化的过程。它应具备以下特点: (1) 以任务为中心, 而不是以操练语言形式为目的; (2) 任务的设计焦点应该是解决某一具体的贴近学生生活的交际问题。在任务型语言教学中, 教师要从学生“学”的角度来设计教学活动, 使学生的学习活动具有明确的目标, 并构成一个有梯度的连续活动。在教师精心设计的各种“任务”中, 学生能够不断, 获得知识或得出结论, 从注重语言本身转变为注重语言习得, 从而获得语言运用的能力而不是仅仅掌握现成的语言知识点。随着“任务”的不断深化, 整个语言学习过程会越来越自动化和自主化。


多媒体技术作为一种现代化教学辅助手段, 其优点是显而易见的:信息量大、趣味性强、直观、生动, 使学生置身于一个真实的语言环境中。全方位感受语言的刺激, 是外语教学的一个辅助教学方式。但多媒体与传统教学手段是相辅相成、拾遗补缺、协调发展的, 我们不应一味追求现代多媒体全程使用, 而丢弃粉笔、黑板的独特优势, 这既不符合教学规律, 又影响学生主体性的发挥。


新课标高一英语必修一 篇7



Talk about English and its development, Different kinds of English

Talk about difficulties in language communication

Learn to make dialogue using request & commands

Learn to transfer from direct into indirect speech

Learn to give opinions and organize ideas by way of brainstorming

Learn to make a poster showing your ideas clearly Ⅱ目标语言 功能句式

Talk about English and its development Refer to Introduction in the teachers’ book

Talk about difficulties in language communication

Different speaker may come from different place, so they may use different words and dialect, such as subway-underground、left-left-hand-side、two blocks two streets.Make dialogues using request or command: Pardon? Could you repeat that, please?

I beg your pardon? Can you speak more slowly, please? I don’t understand.Sorry.I can’t follow you.Could you say that again, please? How do you spell it, please?



include role international native elevator flat apartment rubber petrol gas modern culture AD actually present(adj.)rule(v.)vocabulary usage identity government Singapore Malaysia rapidly phrase candy lorry command request retell polite boss standard mid-western southern Spanish eastern northern recognize accent lightning direction ma’am subway block 2.认读词汇

Shakespeare Noah Webster Lori dialect Houston Texas Buford Lester catfish 3.固定词组

play a role(in)because of come up such as play a part(in)


Command & request

Open the door.Please open the door.Would you please open the door? Indirect Speech

He told(asked)me to open the door.Ⅲ.教材分析和教材重组: 1.教材分析

本单元的中心话题是 “English language and its development, different kinds of English”.通过对世界英语这一话题的探讨,加强学生对英语语言的了解,对当代语言特别是英语发展趋势的了解.世界在发展,时代在前进,语言作为交流的工具,也随着时代的发展而变化.由于英语在世界上的广泛使用,它不断地吸收、交融、容纳、创新,这就形成了各种各样带有国家、民族、地区特色的英语.没有人们认为的那种唯一的标准英语。尽管如此,我们还是要通过本课文的学习让同学们感受、了解美国英语、澳大利亚英语、印度英语、新加坡英语等都有自己的规律和惯用法,和不同的发音规律。

1.1 Warming Up简要介绍了世界英语的分支以及英语语言在不同国家产生的差异,使学生感受英语语言的多文化、多层次、多元性,对英国英语和美国英语的不同有一个粗浅的了解。

1.2 Pre-reading通过两个问题引发学生对课文主题的思考,以便参与课堂活动。

1.3 Reading简要地说明英语语言的起源、发展变化、形成原因,以及它的发展趋势。

1.4 Comprehending主要是检测学生对课文基本内容的理解程度。

1.5 Learning About the Language主要通过各种练习帮助学生重温本单元前几个部分所学的新单词和短语,同时也通过新的例子展现了美国英语、英国英语的差异,并着重介绍了本单元的语法项目(Request & Command and Indirect Speech)。

1.6 Using Language其中的reading and talking主要介绍了当今世界各地各国说英语有自己的特色,即便是美国东西部、南北部,说话均有所不同。为帮助培养跨文化意识,可以让学生学完课文后讨论中国的方言,使他们感受到本国的文化差异。


2.1 导入 把Warming Up 作为一堂课。

2.2 精读 把Pre-reading、Reading 和 Comprehending整合在一起作为一堂课精读课。

2.3 语言学习把Learning About Language和Workbook中的Using Words, Using Structures 结合在一起。

2.4 写作

2.5听和说 把课文中的听和说整合成一堂课。

2.6 练习课 workbook exercises & other Exx.3.课型设计与课时分配

1st period Warming Up

2nd period Reading &Language Study

3rd period Learning About Language r& grammar 4th period Writing

5th period Listening & Speaking 6th period Exercises

Unit 2 English around the world Period One Warming up

一、教学目标(teaching aims)student’s book;warming up

1、能力目标(ability aim)

a.Enable students to talk about the world Englishes

b.Enable students to talk about the differences between Am.English and Br.English

2、语言目标(language aim)

more than;include;play an important role;because of;international;native;elevator;flat;apartment;rubber;petrol;gas;

二、教学重难点(Teaching important points)a.Students learn about the world Englishes and the differences between Am.English and Br.English.b.Students can understand the jokes caused by the misunderstanding of different Englishes.三、教学方法(Teaching method)

a.Individual, pair or group work to finish each task.b.Listening c.Discussion

四、教具准备(Teaching aids)

a computer;a tape-recorder;a projector

五、教学步骤(Teaching procedure)Step I.Leading-in

Fun time: warm the students up by asking them to greet each other with their dialects.At the same time, lead the students to think about the topic of this unit--“language”.Step II.Warming up.1)A quiz about the national flag of countries speaking English as their first or second language.Lead the students to the topic “English Around the world”.2)Ask the students to think about the question about the “world Englishes”.Step III.Talking about “world Englishes”, especially the differences between “American English” and “British English”

1)Listen to a dialogue between an American and an Englishman.And try to find out the cause of the misunderstanding between them.2)Talk about the differences between American English and British English.(mainly about vocabulary and spelling)Step IV.Speaking Task.Students make up a dialogue with a misunderstanding caused by the differences between “American English” and “British English” like the dialogue they listened to.Unit 2 English Around the World Period Two Reading

教学目标(Teaching aims)

Get the students to know English language and its development and different kinds of English through this passage.教学内容(Teaching contents)

Get the knowledge of English language and its development and different kinds of English.能力目标(Ability aim)

Get some knowledge of different kinds of English 语言目标(Language aim)

Grasp some words and expressions such as, play a role in /because of/ come up/ play a part in and learn the grammar--the indirect speech of the imperative clause 教学重难点(Teaching important points)The indirect speech of the imperative clause 教学方法(Teaching methods)task-based approach 教具准备(Teaching aids)multi-media computer

教学步骤(Teaching procedure)Step 1 Warming up.Warm the students up by ask them to tell the differences between American English and British English.Step 2

Pre-reading.Ask the students to discuss some questions about “English” in pairs.1.How many people speak English in the world today? 2.Why do so many people speak English? 3.What has helped to spread English around the world? 4.Do you think it important for Chinese to learn English? Why? Step 3

Reading.1)The first-reading.Ask the students to scan the text and choose the correct answer in the book.2)The second-reading.Ask the students to read the text paragraph by paragraph, and get some detail information.a.For the first and second paragraph, students answer some questions

b.For the third and fourth paragraph, students find out the information to fill in the table of the development of English.c.For the last paragraph, students find out the reason why India speaks English.Step 4


1.Do you think it matters what kind of English you learn? Why? 2, Why do you think people all over the world want to learn English?

3, Do you think Chinese will become the most popular language in the world instead of English in the future?

Step 5


Give the students some information of origin of British English and American English.The formation of British English From 17th century—19th century

The UK colonized Ireland and joined with Scotland long ago

Colonized;North America, the Caribbean India, including Pakistan, Bangladesh, Australia, New Zealand, Palestine, parts of sub-Sahara Africa, Hong Kong, Singapore and the Pacific Islands The formation of American English

American colonial rulers also brought their English to:

Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Philippines and other Pacific island in the late 19th century Introduce the situation of English speaking in China.Tell them some proper items.Native speaker: A person who speaks English since birth but who may not speak a standard form of it.L1 speaker: A native speaker of English who uses it as his or her mother tongue or an immigrant to an English-speaking country who always prefer to use it ESL: English as a Second Language

L2 speaker: A second language speaker of English EFL: English as a Foreign Language Step 6


1.Finish the exercise on page 11.2.Read passage on page 51 The Oxford English Dictionary and make notes about Murray’s life.Unit 2 English around the world

Period Three Learning about Language

一、教学目标(teaching aims)student’s book;Discovering useful structures

1、能力目标(ability aim)

a.Enable students to tell the differences between a request and a command.b.Enable students to learn about the Indirect Speech(requests & commands)c.Enable students to use the Indirect Speech(requests & commands)

2、语言目标(language aim)

command;request;retell;polite;boss Indirect Speech(requests and commands)

二、教学重难点(Teaching important points)a.Students learn about the differences between a request and a command.b.Students learn about the Indirect Speech(requests and commands)c.Students can use the indirect speech.三、教学方法(Teaching method)

a.Individual, pair or group work to finish each task.b.Discovering the structure through examples c.Practice

四、教具准备(Teaching aids)a computer;a projector

五、教学步骤(Teaching procedure Step 1.Warming-up(Revision)

Warm the students up by asking them to go over the Direct Speech and Indirect Speech..Do some exercises : change a statement or a question into Indirect Speech.Step 2.Talk about Request and Command.1)Talk about the polite and Impolite tune.2)Change the commands into Requests.3)Learn to give requests or commands according to the situations.Step 3.Talk about how to change a request and a command into Indirect Speech.ask(ed)sb(not)to do sth tell/told sb(not)to do sth

Step 4.Practise changing a request or a command into Indirect Speech.Step 5.Using the structure.A game: choose two students act as two robots.One listens to the requests, the other listens to the commands.Other students give either requests or commands, and the robots do what the students asked them to do.Unit 2;English Around the World(Period Four)writing

教学目标(Teaching aims)

a.Let students get to know how to write a statement by using brainstorming

b.Try to use connecting words or sentences to make it as an essay or passage not just several sentences.教学内容(Teaching contents)Write a statement

能力目标(Ability aim)

Using the brainstorming way to collect sentences and then arrange them properly 语言目标(Language aim)I think, I believe,In my opinion…

We learn English to do…

教学重难点(Teaching important points)How to arrange sentence correctly.Try to use connecting words.教学方法(Teaching methods)Brainstorming way

教具准备(Teaching aids)multi-media computer

教学步骤(Teaching procedure)Step1 Leading in

Use the brainstorming way to ask students “Why should we live?” which is a simple question, at the same time there might be various answers to the question, which will stimulate their interest.Step2 Presentation

Also use the brainstorming way to ask “Why should we learn English?” and “how can learning English help China?” Step3 A poster

Write a poster to collect all their ideas.try to use completely sentences, such as : I like to study English and use it for business in the future.I want to study English well so that I can read English books.Say, come to the blackboard and write down your ideas, trying to use complete sentences, such as: If I learn English well, I can bring in the advanced foreign technology to China.So China will become stronger.I decide to learn English well, in this case I can read many English novels, so I can translate them into Chinese, then more Chinese can know more things about the world.Step4 Write an essay

The title is “Do we need to learn English?”

Step5 Display the structure on how to write the essay.1.State your points of view.2.Show the supporting reasons.3.Get a conclusion Step6 Show them the connecting words which can help them to join the sentences and paragraphs.Illustration: I think , I believe, In my opinion, As far as I am concerned… Addition: firstly, secondly, then, besides, at last… Contrast: however, but , on the other hand… Summary: in short, in a word, therefore, so…

Step7 Give them a simple example which is not complete Do we need to learn English?

I strongly think we not only need learn English but also learn it well…Why should we learn it…How can learning English help China in the future?…So… Step8 Homework My Experience of Learning English Para1.My problems in learning English.Para 2.How I can improve my English.Para.3.What I like about learning English.Para Para 4.How I hope to make use of my English.Unit 2: English Around the World Period Five Listening & speaking

一、学目标(Teaching aims)

教材(Teaching materials)listening materials on p12 and p14 on the textbook, another one attached

1、能力目标(ability aim)enable Ss to catch the listening materials and understand them and distinguish British and American English, try using them in dialogues.2、语言目标(Language aim)distinguish some words used in British and American English、some dialect and accent

二、教学重难点(Teaching important points)understand words used in British and American which have the same meanings and some dialect accent

三、教学方法(Teaching method)listening and talking

四、教学准备(Teaching aids)tape recorder and get students’ answer sheet printed out

五、教学步骤(Teaching procedure)Step 1 Listening

Listening 2(text book p14)

Listen to the tape, getting to know American dialect and accent.Step 2 Speaking

After listening to different dialects and accents, see if Ss know how to pronounce the following words:

ask after either neither kilometer box……and more

Unit Two :English Around the World The Sixth period Exercises

一.教学目标:(Teaching aims)Finish the exercises on the workbook 1.能力目标:(ability aim)

a)Enable the students to command “commands and requests” b)Through cooperative work find out correct answers themselves 2.语言目标:(language aim)Full understanding of the readings

二.教学重难点(Teaching important points)Understanding the main ideas of the passages 三.教学方法(Teaching method)a.Fast and careful reading

b.Individual, pair or group work to finish each task c.Discussion

四.教具准备(Teaching aids)a computer

五.教学步骤(teaching procedure)Step 1.Warming up

Step 2: speaking task(Review commands and requests)

Offer them situations and try to make dialogues with commands and requests Step 3 :Do the “Reading” on P13 and answer questions on it briefly.Step 4: Finish the “Reading Task” at p.51 and complete the form after it.Step 5: Group work:
