


商务信函的翻译handout 篇1


商务信函的文体特点 1.词语使用特点 1)用词规范正式


We are pleased to advice you that your order No.103 has been dispatched in accordance with your instruction.In accordance with your request, we are sending you herewith our price list and some pamphlets.We will meet you half way by offering a discount of 5% in view of our long pleasant relations.All offers and sales are subject to the terms and conditions printed on the reverse side hereof.In such a case, Seller is bound to reimburse Buyer for any loss or damage sustained therefrom.2).表意准确、专业性强

大量使用专业术语,行话,外来借词,缩略语及一般词汇在商务语境中的特殊用法。Trimming charges平仓费 Insurance policy 保险单 Coverage 险别 Premium 保险费 Underwriter 保险人 Establishment 开证 Counteroffer 还盘

Proforma invoice 形式发票

We shall cover TPND on your order.我们将为你方的货物投保。

It would be appreciated if you would let us know by return your lowest possible price for the following goods FOB London.Average is of two kinds;General Average and Particular Average.The vendor shall deliver the goods to the vendee by June 15.The market here for this product is active, and the best price we can offer is US $ 150 or over per long ton.3).用语朴素,淡于修饰 Dear Sirs, Thank you for your interest in our fireworks.In reply to your enquiry of November 10, we are really sorry to say that we cannot divulge any of our sales information.We hope this will not bring you too much inconvenience.Yours truly,2.句子结构特点 1)句式正规完整


In order to facilitate business in consideration of the present monetary stringency, the corporation, on behalf of which I am studying this proposition, is willing to base transaction on trade by barter and would import any articles, which you would ship to the United States.2)用陈述句表示委婉的祈使意义。

We should be glad to have your immediate shipping instructions.We should be obliged if you would send us by air a copy of the packing list for the shipment to be dispatched by sea.3)大量使用套语


We have not received your payment of the balance of US& 5 000.We regret having to remind you that we have not received your payment of the balance of US $ 5,000.使用please Please see to it that your goods meet our requirements.使用be grateful(obliged)We should be grateful/ obliged if you could provide us with all possible information on your market.使用invite We wish to invite/ draw/ call your attention to the fact that the buyers are in urgent need of the contracted goods.Thank you for your letter of June 6 and we enclose our Order No.2245 for ladies’ shoes.With reference to your letter of May 6, we are pleased to give an order for the following.This is a trial order.Please send us 35 sets only so that we may tap the market.If successful, we will give you large orders in the future.If you can accept &275 and send us a proforma invoice, we will open a letter of credit for 1 000 sets.商务信函翻译要点


The duplicate shipping documents including bill of lading, invoice, packing list and inspection certification were airmailed to you today.Please be informed that, on account of the fluctuations of foreign exchanges the quotations is subject to change without previous notice.Full information as to prices, quality, quantity available and other relative particulars would be appreciated.We are looking forward to a favorable reply.Would you let us know what your terms of payment are? We should be grateful if you would give us further details of Chinese leather shoes.Please inform us how soon you can make delivery.1)熟悉普通词语的特殊表达意义

The product will find a good market in USA.At present, we cannot entertain your counteroffer, as our price is quite reasonable.You claim should be supported by sufficient evidence.We shall take out insurance at this end under our Open Policy.2)理解原文结构,语法和逻辑关系

The goods we received contrary to our instructions are packed in wooden cases without iron hoops.Please note that the 200 machine tools you ordered on September 15 will be dispatched tomorrow by rail to San Francisco for shipment by s.s Sichuan, which leaves for Shanghai on October 28.we enclose our invoice and shall draw on you at sight against this shipment through Bank of China here, as agreed.We ask you may place with us will always be carefully attended to.翻译下列信件: Dear Sirs, Our market survey informs us that you are a big buyer of Cotton Piece Goods.As this item falls within the scope of our business activities, we take this opportunity to express our wish to establish direct business relations with you at an early date.In order to give you a general idea of the various kinds of Cotton Piece Goods now available for export, we enclose a brochure and a price list.Quotations and sample books will be airmailed to you upon receipt of your specific inquiry.We look forward to your favorable reply.Yours faithfully, Gentlemen, I have been informed that MARBLE is being imported and used in your country in the manufacture of figures, art objects, architectural ornaments and for many other purposes.There are quantities of this item here, in different weights and sizes, with varied colours and shapes.The price is very reasonable and the quotations will be given upon request.In order to promote business of mutual benefit, I am willing to exchange goods with you.I’ll be glad to hear from you at an early date and possibly, with all particulars.You will have my immediate attention.Yours Sincerely,Dear Sirs, Your inquiry of Sept.10 has received our attention, and thank you for your interest in our leather

shoes and handbags.A copy of our illustrated export catalogue will be sent to you today.All the goods we supply are made from leather of the very best quality.The bright colors and elegant designs together with the super workmanship can meet the requirement of a fashion trade such as yours.A representative of our company is now in Hong Kong.He will be pleased to call on you next week with a full range of samples of our hand-made lines.He is authorized to discuss the terms of order with you or negotiate a contract.We shall be most grateful if you will give him the benefit of your advice and assistance.Your truly, Dear Sirs, We have carefully studies your letter of Dec.14.As our two firms have done business with each other for so many years, we should like to grant your request to lower the prices of our underwear.But there are difficulties.Our cost of raw materials has risen sharply in the past three months and to reduce prices by 5% you mentioned could not be done without considerably lowering our standards of quality.This is something we are not prepared to do.Instead of 5% reduction on underwear, we suggest a reduction of 3% on all lines.On orders of this size we would manage to make the reduction without lowering our standards.We hope you will agree to our counter-suggestion and we look forward to receiving orders from you as in the past.Yours truly, Shipping instructions Gentlemen, We are in receipt of your telegram of May 6, from which we understand that you have booked our order for 2 000 dozens of shirts.In reply, we have the pleasure of informing you that the confirmed, irrevocable Letter of Credit No.7634, amounting to $ 17 000, has been opened this morning through the Commercial Bank, Tokyo.Upon receipt of the same, please arrange shipment of the goods booked by us with the least possible delay.We are informed that s.s.“Wuxi” is scheduled to sail from your city to our port on May 28.We wish that the shipment will be carried by that steamer.Should this trial order prove satisfactory to our customers, we can assure you that repeat orders in increased quantities will be placed.Your close cooperation in this respect will be highly appreciated.In the meantime we look forward to your ship advice.Yours sincerely,Dear Sirs, We are writing to you at the suggestion of our Commercial counselor’s Office of the Embassy in your country.We take the liberty to introduce ourselves as exporters of silk piece goods, which we have been exporting to Europe and Japan.We are specialized in the above business and recall that many years ago, considerable business was done with your country on such items.Now that the diplomatic relation between our two countries has been established, we are desirous of establishing direct business relations with your corporation, knowing that you are the buyer of silk piece goods.We shall be grateful if you will let us know whether you are interested in the above items.If so,please inform us of the quality required.Yours faithfully

Dear Sirs, We hae received with thanks your letter dated March 17, 2006 and wish to extend you our warm welcome for your desire to establish business contact with us.We are a state-operated enterprise, and wish to carry on trade with manufactures and merchants of all countries on the basis of quality and mutual benefit for the development of commercial relations with people of different nations.In compliance with your request, we are enclosing herewith our catalog and a range of pamphlets for your guidance.If you find any of the articles illustrated in the pamphlets of interest, please let us have your specific enquiries so as to enable us to send you our quotations.Yours faithfully,August 15, 2006 Vemeer Manufacturing Company P.O.Box 200/3840 New Sharon Road Pella, Iowa 50129 U.S.A Gentlemen, From the samples sent us on June 5, we have made selections, and have the pleasure of handing you the following order, which we commend to your immediate and best attention, viz:

500 chests of Ceylon Black Tea,500 sacks of Brazilian Coffee, not ground.Kindly forward these by fast freight, Enclosed please find a draft as per price list you sent us.Yours truly,F.McFARLAND & Co.(signature)President Dear Sirs, From your letters of April 2 we note that you wish to have a change in payment terms.We regret that we cannot accept your proposal because our usual terms of payment by confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit remain unchanged in all ordinary cases.For future shipment, however, we shall do our best to fulfill your orders within the time we agreed.We trust you will appreciate our cooperation.Yours sincerely,Dear Mr.Johnson, Would you please quote for delivery and installation of new furniture for the refectory and office of our company? 1.The refectory area is approximately 30mX20m and we require six dining tables, each with four chairs from your No.4 range, and twelve “Junior Executive” chairs.2.Would you please quote price inclusive of transportation and insurance, and informs us when

delivery will take place? We look forward to receiving quotation soon, as we shall need to make a final decision in the matter before the end of this financial year.Yours sincerely,Purchasing Department Manger 答复函

Dear Mr.Holmes, “Export Guides for Asia” is being mailed to you today with our compliments.If you need additional copies, just let me know.You’ll see in the circular enclosed that International Air Cargo also has available export guides to other areas.If you have to use any of the guides listed, just drop me a note and I’ll send them.Please be assured, Mr.Holmes, that if there is any way that International Air Cargo can assist you with your exporting problems, we’d be delighted to hear from you.Thank you for your writing.Yours sincerely, 答复函 Dear sirs, We are delighted at the receipt of your letter of 7th April and note what you write.We note with pleasure that you are sending us samples of imitation Fancy Earl Necklaces and Earrings, on receipt of which we shall examine same along with the price-list you have furnished us with, and if your designs are quite acceptable to our clents and prices competitive, we shall immediately pass on our orders.We have also received Price-list of Toys and Pens, but we would say that we should like to have some latest designs, which have not yet come to our market, and if you can furnish us with such items, we shall be obliged if you will kindly let us have a couple of samples of these, as our clients would like to see samples before placing their orders.You can rest assured that we shall do our best to pass on our orders.Yours faithfully,Martin Thomas

President of California Trading Company 拒绝函 Dear Sirs: We are informed in your letter of October 22 that our price for the above article is too high, since Japanese goods are being offered to you at a price approximately 10% lower than that quoted by us.Although we do not doubt about what you say, we are of the opinion that the quality of other makes does not measure up to that of our products.Desirous as we are to expand our business with you, we feel very regretful that we cannot accept your counteroffer or even meet your half-way.The best we can do is to make a reduction of 2% in our previous quotation.We hope you will direct the attention of your users to the superior quality of our products.We hope to hear from you soon.Yours truly

商务信函的翻译handout 篇2

What importance does this concept of a double messagehave upon our writing and translating?Considered in its most fundamental terms, a business letter may be defined as a message that attempts to influence its recipient to take some action or attitude desired by the sender.This desired result may be of immediate importance, such as the collecting of a bill, or just an intangible attitude like goodwill.Therefore, we must make sure that the business letter is usually more formal than the other social letters stylistically.Considerably, a translated business letter should first be clear, stating its purposes so directly that there is no possibility of its being misunderstood.Secondly, the translated version should be exact, containing every detail which is necessary for translating the business letters in hand.Thirdly, a translated business letter should be concise.And the finally, a well-translated business letter should be courtesy.Here are the details that how a qualified translator of business letters should abide by.

1 Clarity

Dear Ms.Rutt,

Mr.Liver yesterday called our agent David saying that the mistake was his.As a result, his insurance has acquiesced.Therefore, we shall be repaired the full amount of our subrogation interest in his matter.

If this is satisfactory to you, please sign the attached release and forward it along with the copy of our accident report.

Yours sincerely,


Version One

Dear Ms.Rutt,

Mr.Liver yesterday admitted his blame for your accident on January12.As a result, his insurance company had agreed to repay us the full amount ($2, ooo) for your collision damage.We are quite pleased at their willingness to settle out of court.

If this offer sounds acceptable to you, please sign the enclosed release and return it to us, along with the copy of our accident report.

Yours sincerely,


Version Two

A business letter, the original, is effective only when it communicates the necessary ideas to its reader with clarity, so is the translated version.This seems to be a simple quality, but it is often ignored in actual practice.Let’s take a look at the following sample rendered from the Chinese version, which are some sentences abstracting from the business letters. (Cao Ling, 2003:23)

(1) The statement in version one, “Mr.Liver yesterday called our agent David saying that the mistake was his.”who does this“his”refer to?Mr.Liver or David?Checking it again in the original, we find that rendering in version two“Mr.Liver yesterday admitted his blame for your accident on January 12.”is just the meaning.

(2) The last sentence is another example:“...and forward it along with the copy of our accident report.”But to whom?The insurance company or writer?So the first translated version is not clear at all.Then the second translated is much better.

(3) The most important event about how to compensate is left out in the first version, as we all know, if a writer or translator leaves out something the reader should know in doing something or forming certain opinion, the clarity of the business letter diminishes.In translated version one, Mr.Middleman did not mention the amount of money the insurance company will pay.So only the amount of compensation is laid out in version two, can Ms.Rutt accept it satisfactorily?

(4) Some others can also make the translated version not clear, just as quoting some jargon (e.g.subrogation interest) , which the reader may not understand easily;the irrelevant information (e.g.agent David) , which not only makes the letter less clear, also does the letter less concise.

2 Correctness

According to the characteristics of business letters (thesource text or language) , the diction must be neat, accurate and easily to read in order to attain success of business instead of some unnecessary frictions or lawsuits.The principle, correctness, is same as the criterion“faithfulness”for any other types of translation;i.e., “faithfulness”—to be faithful to the content of the original” (Liu Zhongde, 2003:24) , and it is the most important in the translation.So is for the translation of business letters.The ideas of the rendered version must be as exact as ones of the original, even more accurate than the latter.Let us see the examples:

(1) 相信阁下业已收到司徒先生的通知:须藤先生意同佐藤先生在原址组建东京商行, 并继续同类业务的合作。

译文1:You will probably have received a notification from Mr.Sudo, he will build a new company named Tokyo Shokai with Mr.Sato and continue in the same line of business in the old premises.

译文2:You will probably have received a notification from Mr.Sudo to the effect that he intends to continue in the same line of business in the old premises, forming a new partnership with Mr.Sato, under the title of the Tokyo Shokai. (qtd.Gong Xueping)

It is obviously to see that the first version can not express the exact ideas of“在原址组建”, the implied meaning which the formerly partnership has been dissolved;“并继续同类业务的合作”the partnership with Mr.Sato is under the title of the new company“东京商行”, not under the style of the other companies especially, the old company.

(2) 兹任命原大和商行的股东——山岛先生为该公司的帐务清算人, 他将负责清偿一切负债并收回该公司的所有欠款。

译文1:Mr.Yamagata, formerly a partner, who has been appointed the liquidator, will discharge all liabilities, and all accounts must be paid him.

译文2:Mr.Yamagata, formerly a partner, who has been appointed the liquidator of the late firm, will discharge all liabilities, and all accounts due to the late firm must be paid him. (qtd Gong Xueping)

A Chinese linguist points out“If you want to make the text concise, the pronouns can not be used any more;if you want to make the text accurate, the nouns should be repeated.”So the translator of the second version adding the phrases“of the late firm”and“due to the late firm”makes the idea more accurate closer to the original.Just as the mentioned above, the exactness is the most important criterion for the translation of business letters.Furthermore, using“big words” (archaism or the elegant and formal words) instead of the“small words”to limit the semantic meanings is still for the purpose of exactness. (Wang Zuoliang, 1987:290) “liquidator”, “liabilities”are more suitable than“receiver”and“debt”to express the business relationships, also prove the view.

3 Conciseness

To be conciseness is to express a message completely in as few words as possible.In business correspondence, this means increased effectiveness and decreased costs.Wordy expressions and redundancies are the major blunders to overcome to communicate concisely.Because English and Chinese are the two different languages, the former is hypotactic, like a tall tree with lots of branches and leaves;but the latter is paratactic, like a flourished flower with many petals.Thus, getting the conciseness, the translators should endeavor to convert the structure from a“flourished flower”into a“tall tree”during the translating of business letters by the means of avoiding wordiness and redundancies (except the repetition used for emphasize, redundancy should be avoided in business letters.

1. 他重复强调, 我们应该遵守规定。

译文1:He repeated again that we should follow the rules.

译文2:He repeated that we should follow the rules. (Sue Kay, 2003:65)

2. 请问误期会有什么后果。

译文1:Please be kind enough to advise us what will happen in the event of a delay?

译文2: (Could you) Please tell me what will happen if there is a delay. (Sue Kay, 2003:66)


译文1:Our company has called a meeting to hold a discussion about the sales figures.

译文2:We have called a meeting to discuss the sales figures.

(3) :兹通知阁下:经双方一致同意, 即日解散与贵公司合伙组织的大和商行。 (qtd.Gong Xueping)

译文1:After reaching the mutual agreement, we inform you that the partnership existed between us under the style of the Yamato Shokai has been dissolved.

译文2:We inform you that the partnership hitherto existed between us under the style of the Yamato Shokai has this day been dissolved by mutual consent.

Comparing the each two versions, we can be certain of that the second one is much better in keeping the characteristic of conciseness on the condition that the meaning must be accurate Because, particularly in business, people do not have the time to spend reading long, rambling letters or trying to decipher difficult writing (translated business letters) .And it is worthy to mention that it is better to use one sentence for each paragraph to lay out one subject although the original (Chinese) is full of short sentences of phrases to correct and concise information. (see the example3)

In one word, the principles for Chinese-English translation of business letters are the same as the ones for the other types:faithfulness and closeness, as well as more concise, correct and clearer in order to correspond to the features of the original.Of course, there still existed the other principles, like courtesy, consideration, and completeness, etc, for the translation of business letters.But the three discussed in the essay are basic principles.Only a translator does these well, can he reach the aim of helping people to communicating each other efficiently in the era of business transaction by the means of business letters.

4 Courtesy

To be polite is a basic principle for business letter, so is one of its translation principles.Wherever necessary, do not forget to say“thank you, ”“would you please...”, “we would appreciate it...”etc.however, courtesy in business translation is more than just a well-timed“thank you”or“would you please...”A welltranslated courteous letter should be polite, considerate and tactful.To accomplish this goal, several blunders during the translation should be avoided.

1.Avoid suspicion (避免怀疑)

Phrases like“if what you said is true...”, if...as you allege...”may result in the impression that you seem suspicious of reader’s integrity.This is no good to evoke a favorable reaction.Compare the following examples:

Version A:We received the letter in which you claimed that the timer was defective at the time of purchase. (poor)

Version B:We have noticed in your letter that the timer was defective at the time of purchase. (better)

Version A:If the goods were damage in shipment, as you allege, we... (poor)

Version B:As you mentioned the goods were damaged in shipment, we... (better)

2. Avoid accusation (避免指责)

Whenever you wish to evoke a favorable reaction from the reader, do not accuse or reprimand him or her.Phrases like“you neglected”, “you forgot”, “you omitted”may risk offending your reader with accusation.Try to compare the following pairs of examples and think about your possible reaction if you are the reader.

Version A:You obviously ignored our request that you return the report by registered mail. (Poor)

Version B:We did request that you return the report by registered mail. (Better)

Version A:You did not read the operating instruction for the machine carefully. (Poor)

Version B:To enjoy the full benefits of the new machine you should follow the operation instruction carefully. (Better)

3. Avoid talking down (避免居高临下)

In the translation of business letters, the tone of superiority usually has destructive effects, if the writer and the reader aim to cooperate on an equal basis.Please compare the following pair examples:

Version A:In an establishment as large as ours, we seldom.. (Poor)

Version B:Please notice that it is not our common practice to... (Better)

Version A:We shall allow you to... (poor)

Version B:We shall be glad to have you... (better)

Version A:You may call me at... (poor)

Version B:Please call me at...

摘要:加入世界贸易组织极大地刺激了我国与世界其他国家商务交易的一致性。因而, 商务信函的翻译越来越体现出它的重要性。商务信函的翻译也是一种语言转换, 要求翻译工作者不但要遵循其他文本翻译的标准, 而且更要注重精确、精练、清晰和礼貌等原则。该文作者试图探讨上述原则在商务信函汉英翻译中运用。



[1] Cao Ling.English Business Letters[M].Beijing:Foreign Lan guage and Research Press, 2003.

[2] Chen Zhongcheng.Conciseness for Translation of Legislation [C]//Fang Mengzhi, Ma Bingyi.Chinese- English Translation. Tourism Education Press of Bejing, 1996.

[3] Gong Xueping.Translation of Business English[Z].Lecture handout.Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, 7 September, 2012.

[4] Sue Kay.Practical Business writing: A Guide to Improving Writing in English[M].translated by Wang Xiaoming.Beijing: Beijing Institute of Technology Press, 2003.

浅析商务信函翻译策略 篇3






商务信函是正式、准确,且用词精确。商务信函翻译的目的是帮助收信人理解发信者的要求,以决定是否继续与发信者继续交易、合作。翻译的准确性直接影响着双方的利益,因此,译者在翻译的过程中,要保证完整的传达原文信息。例如,“no later than”, “before”, “within”等表达时间限制的词应准确的翻译,避免双方因交货、装运时间等问题而导致冲突。







We pleased to receive your bank cheque for $1,345 yesterday. It has been credited to your account, which is now completely clear.贵方寄来的1345美元银行支票已经收到,至感欣慰。我方已将此款计入贵方账户。贵方账目已经结清。



It is not a very old or large account, so why not sent us your check today?





As soon as I opened the package,I noticed that they are poor in material and not in accordance with your original samples.唯拆视之下,发现该批制品,工料粗劣,与前送样品,完全不符。


In condition that you reduce your price to some extend, we will lay the order.你方降价,我方便下订单

3、省略同义词。英语商务信函使用约定俗成的同义词来表达准确性和正式,例如:“null and void(无效)”, , “true and correct(正确)”, “final and conclusive(最终)”,在中文翻译中,要将此类同义词中的其中一个省略,仅译其中一个。

We shall be obliged if you will kindly make it a check on behalf of us and furnish and provide us the information needed. 若贵公司能代我方在这方面进行调查,提供有关信息,则不胜感激。



Having extensive connection withJapanese manufacturers as well as sufficient capital at our disposal, we are confident we can execute orders at the lowest prices.由于我公司与日本制造商有着广泛联系,加上有足够可供支配的资金,我们相信,我方能以最低廉的价格满足贵方的订货要求。


We confirm supply of the prints at the prices stated in you letter and arranging for dispatch next week by passenger train. 我方确认你方来信的价格供应各种印花棉布,并正安排下周由客运列车装出。


we are planning to pack the products and ship it to you as stipulated.我们已在准备将订货装箱运送。




[1]房玉靖,刘海燕. 2012. 商务英语翻译教程[M].北京:清华大学出版社.

[2]杨怀恩. 2007.经贸英语翻译技巧[J].北京:中国科技翻译(1)

商务信函的翻译handout 篇4


•广告的目的, 功能和构成 •广告语言的特点


•信息功能, 美化,表情功能, 呼唤功能

•功能的实现: 说理和移情

广告的构成 标题, 正文, 口号, 商标, 插图 广告语言的特点

•词汇特征 •句法特点 •修辞特征


(1)大量使用形容词 fine ,great, wonderful 表称赞和推荐 crisp, delicious, fresh ,rich在食品广告中常用;clean, fresh, soft 常用在牙刷,洗发水等产品广告中;super-常构成超级,(2)创新的拼写方式Forget hot taste.Only Kool, with pure menthol has the taste of extra coolnees.Come up to cool.We know eggsactly how to sell eggs

(3)借用外来词Order it in bottles or in canes Perrier… with added je ne sais quoi

(4)灵活运用复合词 mass-product, light-blue, frist class, home-made, warm-heated, money-saving, innocent-looking 句法特点

•比较口语化, 句式大多简单明了, 采用多种句式。

(1)使用简单句, 一目了然

飞利浦电器, 没有最好, 只有更好 你的人生伴侣.钟表

(2)使用疑问句, 制造悬念, 激发好奇心.•Do you teach? If so, Please read on…

•The Seiko Ladied Quartz, Prettey, isn’t she?

(3)使用祈使句, 简单明快,车鼓动性强.别再犹豫了Take it now!读, 记忆, 行动 Red, remembered, rushed.(4)使用省略句, 语言凝练,重点突出

当代的经典, 永久的记时 A contemporary classic, a timeless timepiece.生机勃勃的领带, 献给那些沉静而有信心的人们.Bright ties, ties for the cool, and certainly the confidence.(5)使用 who’s on it.(2)暗喻

•To spread your wings in Asia share our vantage point..•Sophisticated, sweet-to drink pink Lady.(3)双关

•Mr Kipling(蛋糕牌子,又是对人的称呼)烤制出绝好的蛋糕Mr Kipling makes exceedingly good cakes.You’ll go nuts for the nuts you get in Nut.It fills you up and gives you lots of go •(4)对偶

•The choice is yours, the honor is ours.选择在你们, 荣耀在我们

• See, sun, sand, seclusion and Spain!You can have all this when you visit the new Hotel Caliente.(5)压韵(头韵,尾韵)•健康,幽默,幸福……这就是我们的赠礼.Health, Humor, and Happiness…Gifts we’d love to give.高保真, 高乐趣, 高时尚-只来自索尼Hi-fi, Hi-fun, Hi-Fashion, Only from Sony.•Flash.Dash.Classic splash.(6)反复

•电脑设计,激光消音,机器人制造.Designed with a computer;Silenced by a laser;Built by a robot(7)排比

•THE CORDIA, shaped by the wind, born for the road.CORDIA汽车,流线型设计,天生地实用与道路行驶

•We will tell you the odds before they are out.We will published what other publications dare not.We will give you inside information you won’t find elsewhere.(杂志广告).缩减

•Wherever you are.Whatever you do.The Allianz Group is always on your side.安联集团

•The man who have achieved success are the man who have dared, who have had the courage to act upon their convictions招商


•Not all cars are created equal.三菱汽车 • Tasting is believing 食品


•Finest food, most attractive surroundings, and friendly disposition.•广告文本的翻译处理

广告文本应该在谋篇布局上应该本着功能相似的原则, 不拘泥与原文的遣词造句, 因该以文本为翻译单位, 再现原文的功能.•The perfect companion for 2001 Since you depend on a diary every day of the year, Pick the one that’s perfect for you.Bright, attraction, colourful, always for a smile… •

•100%COTTON •GENTLE AND SOFT enough for a baby’s skin.•A NATURAL WAY to remove, makeup and cleaner, nail polish, lotion, cream, etc.•PERFECT for any use where a soft absorbent applicator is needed



2.根据广告性质采用不同的翻译方法.3.对说理类广告多用直译, 移情类广告比较自由, 实现关高宣传和劝购 4.Double Star Takes you Afar

5.考虑社会文化因素, 注意读者的审美需求.It is the taste.6.译文要符合译入语的广告文体.Safe, Easy, Quick, and with fun!7.使用安全,操作简单, 高效快捷, 乐在其中!Exercises and Keys

商务信函的翻译handout 篇5

商务英语是一种包含各种商务活动内容、适合商业需要的标准英文。随着我国国际贸易的发展, 商务英语在国际交流中起着越来越重要的作用, 各种涉外合同协议、公函、书信、通知、电报、演讲等日益增多。同时, 在涉外合同翻译中不可避免地出现了一些失真问题。由于商务英语中信函协议是具有法律效力的契约性文件, 所以, 对涉外谈判工作人员、涉外企业管理人员和涉外翻译工作者来说, 熟悉商务英语相关专业知识, 掌握商务英语语言特点, 遵循准确严谨、规范统一的翻译原则, 研究翻译策略是应当具备的必要条件。


商务信函中英文长句的出现频率高, 句子结构复杂, 逻辑性强, 无疑给译者增添了许多困难, 但是, 无论多长的句子, 多么复杂的结构, 它们都是由一些基本的成分组成的。只有弄清了信函原文的句法结构, 找出整个句子的中心内容及各层意思, 然后分析各层意思之间的逻辑关系, 再按汉语的特点和表达方式组织译文才可能保证合同翻译的准确性。


“顺流而下”的方法是指, 在翻译英语长句时基本保持原文的语序。也就是说, 汉语译文的语序与英语长句的语序基本保持一致, 从而产生一气呵成的效果。这种翻译方法也可称为“自上而下”的方法。“逆水而上”的方法是指, 在翻译英语长句时颠倒原文的语序, 或者说, 把汉语译文的语序与英语长句的语序基本颠倒过来。这种翻译顺序恰巧与“顺流而下”的翻译方法相反、采用这种翻译方法时, 不仅注意内容的连贯和译文的流畅, 而且要兼顾原文的逻辑关系和时间顺序。“逆水而上”的方法也可以称为“自下而上”的方法。

例1 It is clearly stipulated in the contract that for the shipment covered the certificate of quality and quantity issued by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau shall be regarded as final and binding on both parties.

合同中清楚地规定, 对于所涉及的货物, 中国商品检验局出示的质量和数量证明书应被视为最后的证明, 对双方都具有约束力。

例2 There may, of course, be a number of reasons why our bilateral trade negotiations at Beijing should have been terminated so abruptly.



“重重叠叠”的方法是指, 在翻译时将英语的长句采取拆句、断句的方法, 在汉语译文中重叠使用这些词语, 从而保持原文的畅通。这种方法也可以称为“串联而下”的方法。

例3 This important meeting is followed by a period of scientific certification during which not only first-hand investigation takes place but also such other related information is sought as has been agreed by both parties.

这次重要的会议后, 进入科学论证阶段。在科学论证阶段, 不仅要做实地考察, 而且要收集相关的信息。实地考察和收集相关信息须经双方同意。


一般而言, 汉语句子比较短, 较少使用从句和关联词, 而英语的句子较长, 且多使用从句和关联词。在商业信函中, 为了体现商业信函的严密性和准确性, 多种从句 (主语从句、定语从句、表语从句或同位语从句) 并存的显现比比皆是。化整为零的方法是指, 在翻译英语长句时利用英语句子和汉语句子的不同特点, 采用拆句、断句、分割、词性转换、省略关联词等手段, 将一句英语长句译成若干个汉语短句, 以便对方正确的理解。这种方法也可以称为“零打碎敲”的方法。

例4 Referring to your request to act as our agent for the computers we have passed it on to our manufacturers for their study and are informed that they will consider this question seriously when business between us is further development.

关于你方当我们的计算机代理的请求, 我们已向我方的厂商转达, 供他们研究。他们告诉我们, 当我们之间的业务进一步扩大时, 他们会认真地考虑这个问题。

4.“先里后外”的方法是指, 在翻译英语长句时采用改变顺序或调整句子结构的方法, 首先完成长句中间的翻译, 然后完成长句外围部分的翻译。

采用“先里后外”的翻译方法时, 不仅应该注意内容的连贯和译文的通畅, 而且兼顾原义的逻辑关系和先后顺序。这种方法也可称为“由内向外”的方法。和“先里后外”的方法恰恰相反, “由外向内”的方法要求首先完成长句外围部分的翻译, 然后完成长句中间部分的翻译。

例5 Unlike marketing establishment, which depend on marketing profits as their primary source of revenue, our company has access to a variety of profit sources.

销售公司依靠销售利润, 把它作为稳定收入的主要来源。与销售公司不同的是, 我公司拥有各种各样的利润来源。

例6The technical and professional demands of appraising a worker’s performance---involving, for example, a high level of interviewing and working observation skills---are such that high quality training is essential.

评价工人表现的技术要求和专业要求很高, 高质量的培训是必要的, 例如, 评价工人表现要涉及到高水平的面谈技巧和工作观察技巧。

5.“先总后分”的方法是指, 在翻译长句时首先对总体内容进行概括或归纳, 然后对具体内容依次进行翻译。

例7 We are disposed to believe that we should safely recommend the institution both of the raw material examination, on the line of the present examinational rules made by provincial government, to insure the quality of the raw material, and of the finished product examination, on the national standards instead of the provincial rules, in order to keep the high rate of accepted products.

我们倾向于相信, 我们应该有把握建议建立原材料检测制度和成品检测制度:原材料检测制度应该以目前省政府制定的检测条例来进行, 旨在确保原材料的质量;成品检测不以省的条例进行, 而以国家标准来检测, 目的保持产品的合格率。


商务英文信函为了在有限的内容中完整、明确地表达各方的权利和义务, 大量使用信息包涵量大的复杂长句, 给译者造成一定困难。但不管遇到何种类型的长句, 译者都可在对原句进行分析的基础上, 根据汉语行文习惯, 灵活采用以上几种方法准确翻译原文。

摘要:随着国际贸易的发展, 英语商务信函的交流越来越多, 商务信函为了达到较高准确性和严肃性, 使用了较多的长句。长句理解和翻译的正确性和准确性决定了对商务信函翻译的质量, 掌握一定的长句翻译技巧, 可以轻松而准确地理解英语商务信函长句的真正含义。



[1]唐美莲:商务合同中英语长句的翻译[J].翻译论坛, 2006, 2

国际商务英文信函翻译初探 篇6










首先体现的是用词的规范正式。此类信函虽有口语化的倾向,但是,此信函毕竟是一种正式的公函语体,所以在词汇的应用方面会多用书面语代替口语化的词汇,例如:以duplicate代替copy,以dispatch代替send,以otherwise代替or,以inview of代替简单的介词for。其次,体现在专业性较强,表达意思较为准确。此特征主要体现在大量使用专业术语、缩略语、行话及一般性词语在国际商务语境中的较为特殊的用法,例如最为常见的L/C(信用证),irrevocable letter of credit(不可撤销信用证),FOB(离岸价格),CIF(到岸价),C,B,D,(付现提货),Proforma Invoice(形式发票),bid(递盘)。另外,还有大量的一般性词汇的例子:名词document在一般语境中翻译为“文件”,而在商务信函中却是“单证”的意思;0f_fer在一般语境中翻译为“提议”,而在商务信函中是“报价,_发盘”的意思。诸如此类的例子层出不穷。商务信函的功能是传递信息,使得双方贸易顺利达成。所以,国际商务英文信函的语言力求明白易懂,朴实无华,直接传意,不拖泥带水地浪费商务活动中宝贵的时间。









(1)Please beinformedthat,on account of the fluctuations offoreign exchanges the quotation is subject to change without previous notice.


(2)We are looking forward to a favorable reply.



英文中有很多词汇除了基本含义外,在特定的环境下有特定的意义,国际商务领域中也是如此。在商务英文信函中经常会出现这样的词汇,他们有其特有的专业意义。只有了解和掌握了这些特殊的词汇,才能准确地进行翻译。例如我们熟知的词汇“market”,既可以表示“市场、销路”,也能够表示,“营销”和“出售”的意思。“the stock market”意为“证券市场”,“market department”意为“营销部门”;还有“confidance”在国际商务信函中就并非“信心,自信”之意了,其意义为“保密”。请看下面的实例:

According to our experience,these handicrafts can fmd aready market in Japan.


Any information you may give us will be held in absolute confidence and will not involve you in any responsibility.


Your claim should be referred to the insurance company.


At present,we cannot entertain your counter offer,as ourpriceis quite reasonable.



功能对等理论是美国人尤金·奈达(Eugene Nida)所提出的,其核心概念是“功能对等”。所谓“功能对等”,就是说翻译时不求文字表面的死板对应,而要在两种语言间达成功能上的对等。为了使源语和目的语之间的转换有一个标准,减少差异,奈达从语言学的角度出发,根据翻译的本质,提出了著名的“动态对等”翻译理论,即“功能对等”。



此外,任何类型的文本汉英互译过程中,我们应该密切关注的是正确理解原文的结构,在理解过程中,注意上下文的语言结构,设法理顺文章的语法结构和内在逻辑关系。对于国际商务英文信函的翻译来说也应如此,我们应该注意其语法结构,从最基本的五种句子类型出发,剖析其句子主干,将其他的定语、状语、补语,以及各种插入语及独立结构排除于句子主干之外。认清句子主要成分之间的逻辑关系,对于准确把握原文意思,正确地翻译出作者的本意有着十分重要的作用。例如:The goods we received contrary to our instzuctions are packedin wooden cases without iron hoops.此句正确的译文应该是:收到的货物是包装在没有铁腰子的木箱里,而这种包装与我们的指示不符。这句话中the goods和contrary to our instructions的位置较近,容易被译为“收到的货物与我们的指示不符”。在完整地分析句子结构和逻辑关系之后,发现说英语国家的人是把最重要的部分放在最前面,而翻译为中文之后我们必须调整语序,要符合我们的中文表达习惯。只要做到这一点,就一定能够确保译文的准确规范,不至于造成误译。


