


考研英语复习:感谢信写作 篇1









Directions 7

Suppose you were taken good care of by Doctor Liu when you were in hospital.Write a letter in about 100 words to him to show your gratitude.Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using Li Ming instead.Sample:

Dear Doctor Liu,It is a great pleasure to extend my sincere thanks to you for your careful treatment and attendance when I was in hospital this March.On that night, I got acute appendicitis and was sent to your hospital by my roommates.Yet I was very lucky to have you, an experienced and skillful doctor, on duty.You immediately diagnosed my disease, hospitalized me and arranged a timely operation for me.In the following days you took good care of me and talked to me from time to time to release my pain.It was all because of your attendance and perfect professional skills that I could recover so soon.Therefore, thank you again and I wish I would have the chance to pay you back for all your kindness.Yours faithfully,Li Ming




Directions 8

Suppose your friend lent you a book and gave you some suggestions when you made preparations for CET?6.Write a letter in about 100 words to show your gratitude.Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using Li Ming instead.Sample:

Dear Sherry,My thanks to you for your help with my preparations for the CET?6 are beyond words.Originally I only wanted to ask you for some advice on the coming test, as you were so good at English.But to my surprise, you gave more help to me than I had ever expected.You not only wrote down ten suggestions for me but also showed me how I could arrange my time and what I 资料来源:凯程考研集训营,资料获取、课程辅导咨询凯程老师

should do in each month before the test.Besides, you lent me the book I needed very much when you learned that I had not yet got it.It was really kind and considerate of you.Your unreserved help enabled me to make efficient preparations and at last encouraged me to pass the test.So I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude again.Yours faithfully,Li Ming

考研英语复习:感谢信写作 篇2







重点的话题包括:Introduce XX、How to keep healthy?、my favorite…(我喜欢的…)eg:subject,teacher,sport,day,festival…(How to protect the environment?How to relax yourself?等等。

如,Introduce XX(介绍某人)这个话题是学生最熟悉的话题之一。



















顺序连词:first,second,next,finally,at last…

总结性的连词:in a word,in general,in all,generally speaking…







中考英语写作复习之策略 篇3

关键词:习惯表达 情景交际 写作指导 应试指导











情景交际主要包括社会交际、情感态度、时间、空间存在、特征计量、比较、逻辑关系、职业等。总的句式较为简单,一般都离不开“what”(什么)、“who”(谁)、“where”(哪里)、“which”(哪一个)、“when”(什么时候)等。而交际类的语言一般开头多用“Hi”或“Hello”、“How are you”之类的句子。自我介绍或介绍他人时,一般用“My name is…”、“This is…”句式。表示歉意时,多用“Sorry”或“Excuse me”、“I’m sorry”、“I beg your pardon”等句子。道谢时多用“Thank you”、“Thanks a lot”或“ Thank for your help”、“It’s very kind of you”等句型。道别时则用“Good bye”、“Bye bye”、“Good night”、“ see you”、“See you later/then/tomorrow/soon”等句子。表示征求意见时则常用“May I/Can I”等句子。表示邀请时则用“would you like…”、“May I…”等。只要在平时的课堂中多练、多讲、多体会,则情景交际的复习皆可迎刃而解。



1.注意词组的介词搭配。常用的词组搭配很多,如:lock over,look after,look for,look out,spend on,pay for,turn on,turn off,turn down,turn up,arrive in,arrive at……这些词组都是日常生活中常见的。





外贸英语写作---感谢信 篇4



I am writing to thank you for

Thank you for

Please accept my sincerest appreciation for谈及具体的感受 对方的款待和帮助等

I enjoyed the short stay at your home which is both delightful and memorable.Our trip to Canada was very much enhanced by your kind arrangements and hospitality.The clock you presented to me will serve as a daily remainder of your hospitality during your stay, as well as of the friendship between us.良好祝愿或是对未来表示期望回报的意愿

I look forward to the chance to reciprocate your kindness when you come to Beijing next time.Our best wishes and warmest regards.I look forward to meeting you again.出差后的信函

Dear Mr.Jones,Back now in my own country, I wish to thank you most warmly for excellent hospitality extended to my self and my colleagues.The opportunity to meet yourself and your directors is something I had long look forward to, and I can only hope that one day I may be able to receive a visit here from you.I very much appreciated your kindness and that of your colleagues in showing me around the new plant and introducing to us your production line.Thank you again on behalf of us all.感谢在出差有机会与对方见面

Dear Mr.Darwin,I appreciate your kindness in sparing your valuable time foe me during my recent visit to Ottawa.It was indeed a rewarding and enjoyable meeting.I hope our cooperation in Canadian market will bring about the desired results.Again, thank you for the hospitality.I look forward to meeting you soon.感谢帮助或赠送礼物

Dear Mr.Irwin,Thank you for suggesting to Joe Ferris of Linbo Association that he contact us for installation of office automation equipment.You will be pleased to know that we have just concluded a contract to supply Linbo a line of computer system, and they seem to be satisfied with it.I certainly appreciate your referring a new business prospect our way.If at any time we can

help you in a similar way, we will do so.感谢赠送礼物

Dear A,Your delightful gift arrived this morning, and I must thank you very much indeed for it.It is good of you think of me, and you can not have chosen anything that would have given me more pleasure.I have put it into use right way, and have already had some pleasant hours of it.Once again, many thanks.感谢他人的祝贺或慰问等

Dear Mr.Owens,You were very much thoughtful to congratulate on my recent promotion.Quite frankly, I know this would not have been possible without the support and close cooperation of the able people in the field like you.I deeply appreciate your good wishes and look forward for more opportunities to work with you.感谢他人的慰问

Dear Mr.Worth:

On behalf of the Partners and myself, I wish to thank you most sincerely for your kind words of sympathy on the death of our Chairman, Mr.Henry Curve.His sudden loss has been a great shock to us and his absence from leadership will be keenly felt.At a time such as this, your friendship and kindness are a great comfort to us.下面是一些感谢信常用的语句

Thank you for opening a new account with Bank of South America.It is a pleasure to serve you, and we look forward to a long and cordial relationship.I am writing to you personally just to stay how much I appreciate the warm welcome you extended to our Mr.Wu Yong when he visited your own last week.This is just a note to say “thank you” for your support over the past year and to tell you how much we appreciate having you for a customer.I am particularly grateful to you for having taken time out of your busy schedules to meet me.It was thoughtful of you to send me a wonderful gift.I wish to thank you mostly for the many courtesies extended to me during my brief visit to London.Many thanks for your most useful letter of March 14 and the material sent to me separately.All the material will be invaluable to me in preparing my book.This is to thank you once again for so kindly making your plant available to our team of visiting engineers.I know they were very impressed with your works, as well as by the hospitality shown to them.My wife and I wish to thank you and your husband for the delightful evening at you home.It was most kind of you to ask us and we enjoyed every minute of it.May I thank you most heartily on behalf of my Board of Directors, for your good wishes on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of our company?

6月大学英语四级写作:感谢信 篇5


Dear my father and mother,

This letter is my inner feelings。 I want to thank both of you for so many years’ care and help。

During my growth, you have made a lot of efforts and love for me。 When I make a success, both of you are more excited than me, and support me to do better。 Even though I have failed, you always share sorrow with me and encourage me not to give up。 Especially, during my preparation for CET-4, the support from you is always everywhere。 I have passed the exam successfully。

You love is so unselfish that I am deeply affected, so I will study hard to be a useful person and won’t make you disappointed。 Anyway, I would like to express the deep gratitude to you。

With best wishes。

Sincerely yours,


My dear family member,

I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to you for your unselfish love shown to me during my preparation of College Entrance Examination. You give me emotional security, care and love and support my study, which is part and parcel for my school days. Without your assistance and care, I can not make good performance definitely. I take this opportunity to express our deep appreciation for the kind assistance you rendered me.

Your generous help made it possible that I pass my college entrance examination and obtain the good result. I will cherish the good will and family affection you showed me. Your encouragement is my best drving force. Please accept my most cordial thanks for your best love, which I will always remember.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind assistance.

Lovely yours,

英语写作复习 篇6






Dear David,How nice to hear from you again.Now let me tell you something about the beautifyingwork on Beijing for the 2008 Olympic Games.Our slogan is ―Green Olympic‖.12.2 billiondollars will be spent on this project.A lot more trees, flowers and grass will be plantedin many places to make Beijing more beautiful.We will use clean energy and try out best to

make waste water clean and reuse it.In 2008, you will see Beijing as beautiful as a garden,with cleaner water and a clearer sky.I look forward to meeting you in Beijing in 2008.Li Hua







Dear Sir,While I was on holiday in Hong Kong about a week ago, I bought a green blouse for 268dollars in your shop, but there seems to be something wrong with it.When it is washed, thecolor runs.Now I can‘t possibly wear it.It‘s not my fault, so I‘d like you to solve theproblem for me.I insist you change it for another one for me or give me my money back.I

think it‘s better for you to make sure that everything in your shop is good.Then you willhave more customers.I‘m looking forward to your early reply.Sincerely,Li Hong

3.假定你是李明,你收到了下面这封美国的笔有写来的信。请根据来信的内容写一封回信。May 28,2003

Dear Li Ming,I hop you are very well.I‘m glad to tell you that my parents have agreed to let me goto your country this summer.The first city I plan to visit is Beijing, where I will stayfor a week, and then I will go to your city by train to see you and your parents.As wehaven‘t met before, I‘m afraid there will be some difficulty in meeting each other, and I ‘m also afraid that it will not be easy for me to find your house.So please tell me how toget in touch with you while I stay in Beijing and how to meet or find you when I arrive inyour city.Please give my regards to your parents.Best wishes


June 6th, 2003

Dear Jack,I‘m so happy to learn that you will come to my country and to my home.Let me expressmy warmest welcome to you.My parents insist that I should write back to you as soon aspossible to invite you to our home.You don‘t have to worry about our meeting each other in my city.Now let me tell youwhat to do.When you have got the train ticket for my city in Beijing, please telephone me.My phone number is 0731-8847543.I will go to the station to meet you.When you get out of

the station, you will see me holding up a little board, on which is written ―Welcome, Jack!‖ We will surely meet there.I look forward to seeing you soon.With kind regards to your parents,Li Ming


the Internet 的征文稿。







On the Internet

The internet is playing a more and more important part in our daily life.On the net, wecan learn news both at home and abroad and all kinds of other information as well.We can

also send messages by E-mail, make phone calls, go to net school, read various kinds ofbooks and learn foreign languages by ourselves.Besides, we can enjoy music, watch sports or

matches and play chess or cards.On the net, we can even do shopping, have a chat withothers and make friends with them.In a word, the Internet has made our life more colorful.5.假设你叫王红,于5月7日星期五在学校门口看到两则海报后,决定邀你的好友Harry一起参加其中的一

项活动。你赶到Harry住处时,发现他不在。请根据海报内容给Harry 写一张留言条,要他选择其中的一


Movie –Gone with the Wind

In the School Hall

Sat.Mayp.m.Lecture—Women ‗s Liberation

Speaker: Prof.Power---writer of

The Other Half of the Sky

Date: Sat., 8 May 27, 2005

Time: 7 p.m.Place: Room 10

1Dear Harry,It‘s a pity that you are not in, so have to leave you a note.There are two posters atthe school gate.One is about the movie ― Gone with the Wind‖, which is to be shown at 7Saturday evening in the school hall.The other is about a lecture on women‘s liberation,which is to be given by Prof.Betty Power, writer of the book ― The Other Half of the Sky‖ , at 7 on Saturday evening in Room 101.I‘d like to invite you to either the movie or thelecture, but I wonder which you would prefer.Please let me know your decision as soon aspossible.Wang Hong



Dear Johnson,Thanks for your letter.I‘m very glad to learn that you‘re coming to Beijing.You sayyou want to by an apartment in Beijing, and here is one for you.The apartment building lies

in the center of the city.It is very convenient for you to travel anywhere from here.Theapartment is made up of six rooms—a living room, a dining room, two bedrooms, a kitchen and

a bathroom.A newly built parking lot lies in front of the apartment building.A lawn andmany trees are around it, which makes the air here very fresh.I‘d like to know your

opinion about the apartment.If you‘re satisfied with it, just telephone me.My telephonenumber is 010-64308389.I‘m looking forward to your reply.Best wishes to you,Yours truly,Li hua




BeijingShanghaiCA981June2510:20 AM12:20 PM

ShanghaiLos AngelesCA981June 2513:40 PM10:50 AM

Los AngelesNew YorkCA981June 2514:45 PM19:45 PM

Dear John,I‘ve got my plane ticket to New York, I will take Flight CA981 to New York on June

25th.My plane takes off at 10:20 AM from Beijing Airport.It arrives at Shanghai at 12:20PM and stops for one hour and twenty minutes.Then it continue its flight and lands at LosAngles at 10:50 AM on June 25th.I will have to stay about four hours at Los Angles Airport.Then my plane leaves Los Angles at 14:45 PM.The flight takes five hours and I will finallyget to New York at 7:45 in the evening.I‘m looking forward to meeting you soon.Yours

Li Ping

8.下面是一家电子公司刊登在2002年2月6日的China Daily 上的一则招聘广告。假如你是李平,符合该


Part-timeLab Assistant Wanted

Required by busy electronics company to help with the development of computer.Should

have an electronics degree andpractical experience of working in an electronics lab.Should be good at physics and English.Should be in good health.Hours 3:30 pm—5:00pm.Mon.–Fri.Salary: 3520.Letter of application to: Mrs.Chan NOVA


Gordon Rd

HungHom, Kowloon

February 8th, 2003

Dear Mrs.Chan,Having seen your advertisement for a part-time lab assistant to help with development of

computer in China Daily, I beg to offer myself for the position.I graduated from the Physics Department of Beijing University with an electronics degree

and I have been working in the electronics lab in Honda Electronics Company in

Guangdong for

five years.I‘m good at physics and both my spoken English and written English are verygood.Besides, I‘m in good health because I like sports very much.I work in my companyfrom 8:00 am to 12:00 am.From Monday to Friday, so I‘m quite able to work in your company

from 3:30 pm to 5:00pm.And I‘m quite pleased with the salary your company offers.Yours sincerely

Li Ping




I wonder if I can get some help from you.I left my case in this hotel today.My case issquare and brown in color.Inside the case, there is a radio, a camera, three rolls of filmand two shirts.I also have a movie magazine and a plane ticket from Shenzhen to New York in

it.Will the finder please get in touch with me at once? My telephone number is 0755-3319582.I will be very thankful.Zhang Hua




Big Funeral Is Too Late

Dear editor:

Grandma Li was my neighbor, who died last month.The old lady had three sons.All ofthem had grown up and got married, but none of them wanted to take care of her.They let her

live in a small dark room.They gave her little food.When she got ill, they refused to takeher to hospital.But to my surprise, the old lady‘s sons spent a lot of money on her funeral.The

funeral lasted several days, and scores of cars and trucks were used on the day when the old

lady was buried.What is the use of such a big funeral for the old lady? It is too late for her.We

考研英语复习:感谢信写作 篇7

一、牛津初中英语Main task板块的特点及教学现状

牛津初中英语教材是按照任务型教学的原则设计的, 较重视语言的实践活动。牛津英语每个单元的设置都有以下几个部分: Comic strip, Welcome to the unit, Reading, Vocabulary, Grammar等, 而学生运用英语的实际操作能力, 如听说能力、拼写能力、阅读能力等都是牛津初中英语的重点培养对象。一般说来都是一个单元安排一个话题, 使得学生在课堂教学中通过实践、交流、探索等形式真正掌握英语的用法, 从而完成课堂的教学任务。而Main task这部分设置的目的在于培养学生的英语实际运用能力和技能, 换句话说也就是重点培养学生的英语写作能力, 这部分的特点是要求明确、步骤清楚、语境真实。

然而现如今, 由于部分教师对于这部分的重视程度不足, 实行的教学策略往往是教学一遍范文, 梳通在范文中的词汇以及语言知识, 最多也只是让学生参照范文写一篇英语作文就算是完成任务了。还有一些教师在教学这部分的时候时间安排不合理, 处理中心任务的时间过长, 内容过细, 所以安排给写作教学的时间就少之又少, 到最后只能是对写作教学匆匆带过又或者是作为家庭作业让学生在课外完成, 而课堂上学生根本没有机会好好练习写作。

另一方面, 学生对于英语写作的恐惧心理没有得到很好的缓解, 大多学生对于英语写作缺乏自信心, 认为自己写不出什么东西;少部分的学生甚至都不敢动笔, 考试的时候一到作文题就自动放弃, 交白卷;还有的学生虽然写出了足够的词数, 但是大都是东拼西凑、用词不当、构句无章、中式英语等, 毫无质量可言。于是乎英语写作变成了令师生都害怕的一项任务。

二、如何利用Main task板块培养学生的写作能力

牛津初中英语教材以任务型体系编排, 在其中有着大量地道的生活英语词汇和句型, 以及多样性的文本体裁, 为英语写作教学提供了基本素材。在复习教学的过程中, 教师可以利用Main task 部分为我们提供的一个很好的写作教学平台, 结合作文教学法理论, 扭转当前英语写作教学效率低下的局面。具体的做法如下:

1.注重词汇, 培养学生遣词造句的能力

写作的最基本要素是词汇 (Vocabulary) , 正如巧妇难为无米之炊, 如果没有一定的词汇量, 想提高写作能力是很难的。所以在实际的Main task教学中, 教师可以根据课文让学生复习相关的词汇。比如My favourite pet (7B, Unit 6) 这节课中, 教师可以问学生他们的宠物有什么性格特征 (personality of your pet) , 这样学生自然而然会联想到很多相关的词汇:quiet, lazy, happy, clever, 以及friendly等等。正是因为平时上课的时候教师经常帮助学生复习词汇的板块, 当学生自己进行写作的时候, 就不会照抄范文, 可以任意挑选词汇。又如, My ideal school (8A, Unit 2) 这节课的教学中, 教师可以提出以下问题:Do you like your ideal school start? What time does your ideal school finish? ...当学生听到教师的问题, 并试图在自己的头脑中尝试着回答的时候, 他们的造句能力也自然而然地得到了培养。


有了一定的词汇量, 掌握了正确的句式后, 接下来就可以让学生熟悉范文, 开始搭构作文的框架。搭构作文的框架是英语写作的关键点, 一篇好的英语作文不能单单由一些单词堆砌起来, 文章还要讲究脉络和层次的问题, 否则只能是一盘散沙。所以, 在实际的教学中, 教师要教会学生搭建文章框架的方法, 让学生明确自己文章的写作段落安排, 养成在动笔前列出写作提纲的好习惯。

比如在教学推荐信的写作方法的时候, 教师可以利用课文中Wu Bing写给 Chairperson 的推荐信让学生了解推荐信的常见格式及其正文包括的部分:Introduction→Tells the receiver what the letter is about→Main body→Conclusion→State what you want from the receiver.

知道了推荐信的正确格式, 学生在写作的时候就可以清楚地知道从哪几个方面下手, 也就很好地避免了出现文章结构缺乏条理性、逻辑性等语篇整体结构的问题。

牛津初中英语教材是遵循由易到难循序渐进的原则来编排设计的, 随着年级的升高, 学生所接触到的英语的难度也在不断增加, 同样地, 写作难度也会有所提高, 作文框架的构造也更显出其必要性。比如8A Unit 4Main task的教学中, 学生学习完关于大熊猫的报告之后, 教师可以让学生尝试着写一篇“**动物的调查报告 (Report:**are in danger) ”。这个作文的题目对于学生来说有点难度, 得搜集相关的信息。如果教师给完题目就算完事, 很多学生都会觉得一头雾水, 完全不知道该从什么方面下手, 就算学生勉强交上作业, 很多作文应该都是缺少连贯性的。所以教师可以要求学生先列好文章的提纲, 然后再让他们动手进行写作。以下是某同学关于大象的报告的提纲:

Report:Elephants are in danger

Elephant’s appearance:strong, big, long trunks.

Elephant’s ability:lift things, smell, hearing.

Elephant’s character:friendly.

Elephants are in danger:more and more people hunt them.

按照这样一个框架, 学生可以很轻松地完成写作。


正所谓“只要功夫深, 铁杵磨成针”, 想让学生的写作能力得到提高, 练习的机会就不可少, 而且在练习的过程中教师还要注意加强对学生写作策略的训练。例如在My best friend (8A, Unit 1) 这节课的教学中, 教师可以要求学生描述自己的姐姐、哥哥、妈妈等, 这些题材是与学生的生活紧密联系在一起的, 因此学生不会觉得没有话可以说, 练习多了以后, 写作的自信心自然就培养起来了。


针对学生的中国式英语的情况, 教师可以在复习Main task部分的时候, 有针对性地培养学生的跨文化意识。由于英语与中文一样都有着丰富的文化内涵, 跨文化意识的培养跟语言知识技能的培养同样重要。只有具备了英文的背景文化知识, 学生才能写出符合英文习惯的好文章。

综上所述, 提高学生写作能力并不是一件难的事情, 关键在于教师要紧密联系教材, 采取正确的方式方法。


[1]胡小花.英语教学研究:理论与实践[M].西安:西北大学出版社, 2007.

考研英语复习:感谢信写作 篇8


中图分类号:G632.0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2014)09-0068





1. 写作内容既被限定又略有开放


2. 写作内容具有现实性、生活性

贴近考生的学习和生活,并集中在考生所熟悉的社会热点上,如2007年校园生活方面,与学生生活相关的话题——你的偶像,教育体育方面2008年和2011年热点话题——奥运项目射击和虎妈战歌,2009年与学生生活紧密相关的——中小学生近视问题,2010年环境保护方面——政府禁烟, 2012年人物介绍。当然,一些热点的社会问题如健康旅游、自然灾害、环境保护、新科技发明兴趣爱好等等课本涉及到的话题,都有可能成为重点考查的内容。


1. 眼高手低,基础不扎实

虽然笔者是在重点高中任教,可是笔者发现大部分学生的基础扎实性还有待加强,比如基础词的拼写记忆不牢固,如explanation, beneficial, repetition, changeable, expansion, 出生的过去式born等基础词在写作中还是会经常写错,写成borned等一些常见的要求掌握的词的表达总是会造出很多不同的词,或者漏掉等,再如花了多少时间做某事这个表达,从初中就开始学起,可是很多学生还会表达成很中式的英语如use my time doing这种chinglish的低级错误,甚至无法正确运用spend, take, cost等相关的基础表达,导致造出很多好笑的句子,归根结底,还是说明学生掌握的基础知识不牢的缘故。

2. 主谓一致问题不明确

3. 时态运用不恰当或者误用、混用

学生在写作中,总会出现前后时态不一致的问题,或者时态不对的问题,该用一般现在时还是一般过去时,还是完成时态等学生容易混淆,甚至作文中还出现情态动词后接不定式如She must to do homework。这样的低级可笑的句子,总结其原因,还是属于基础知识的问题,这样的低级错误一旦出现被阅卷教师看到,那分数可想而知不可能高了。

4. 写作中主谓一致的问题

高中学生在写作中还会出现She really like reading books.其中like 应该改为likes,这种低级错误的语法结构也会被枪毙掉的。



1. 练字——第一步,培养学生良好的书写习惯


2. 夯实基础,多背作文

有句古话说得好,“熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟”。英语作文,不像中文发挥的空间那么多,基本上是有套路可循的,比如说节日类的话题,中秋节,端午节,春节等节日的介绍,无非都是介绍节日的时间,传统内容与风俗等等,都会涉及到一些固定的短语,比方说每年农历八月十五日是中秋节,它是中国最重要的传统节日之一。让学生背诵了The Mid-autumn Festival, which is one of the most important traditional festivals in China, falls on August 15th of the Lunar calendar every year.学生无形中就学会了fall on的漂亮表达和传统节日、农历的地道表达了,那么以后在写任何节日这些词都是现成的可以熟练选择套用的。笔者在高三教学中,高考的24个话题作文,笔者就积累了24个话题分别每周让学生背诵和及时复习,并一周内循环帮助学生回忆背诵到默写,一学期下来,学生24个话题作文基本上都口头背诵和笔头默写都过了一遍,到第二个学期,再循环背诵和默写不同类型的24个高考话题作文,其实学生不仅仅知道了如何规范写作,也夯实了那些常见的却又常错的一些基础短语和句子。真正到高考考场的时候,熟练才能变通,他们也是游刃有余的。

3. 定期训练——巩固掌握的基础

学生每周背诵了一定量的文章之后,限时写一个类似的话题作文,交给教师批改,从中总结出学生还未掌握的时态、主谓、语言点和运用,并翻倍在课堂训练一番,当场纠错和学会,同时在批改的作文中再找出写的好的几篇范文,让学生一起欣赏和分析,学生往往对自己熟悉的人写的好词好句会特别关注,因此掌握的往往就更快,在这种赏析中,拓宽了学生的语言知识面和知识点,进一步巩固了所学的所背的那些话题作文。还是拿学生写中秋节那个作文来说,Not only is it popular in China but it is also celebrated in many other Asian countries. People believe that the moon is a symbol of family reunion, luck and fortune, and it is a custom to express best wishes to the beloved ones at this particular time. On that day people usually go back home to have family reunions, enjoying a large meal with their family. They will also eat moon cakes, which are round cakes with meat, eggs, nuts and other ingredients inside.这些倒装句的运用、固定的好句式的运用,对学生无形中都有很好的输入。

4. 建立学生作文的成长和评价档案



