


语法的英文 篇1




● The house in which I used to live has becomea garden.我过去住的房子已经变成了一个花园。




● Between the two parts of the concert is aninterval, when the audience can buy ice-cream.音乐会的两部分中间有间歇,这时候,观众可以去买冰激凌。



● He made a long speech, as we expected.正如我们所预料的一样,他的演讲很长。


时间状语从句: 主句+when/while/as引导的时间状语从句


● Mary made coffee while her guests werefinishing their meal.客人们快吃完饭的时候,玛丽煮了咖啡。


时间状语从句: 主句+as soonas/directly/immediately等引导的时间状语从句


● I recognized her immediately I saw her.我一见到她,就认出了她。


时间状语从句: 主句+before/after引导的时间状语从句

● I went to bed after I finished my homework.做完作业后,我就上床睡觉了。


时间状语从句: 主句+since引导的时间状语从句

● Mary has been in Shanghai since she left Beijing.玛丽自从离开北京后就一直在上海。


时间状语从句: 主句+till/until引导的时间状语从句

● I will stay here until you come back.我会一直待在这里直到你回来。



● As all the seats were full, he had to standup.由于所有的位子都满了,他只好站着。

because, since, as的区别



● You cango wherever you like these days.这些天你可以去你想去的地方。



● To show our respect, we usually have to takeour gloves off whoever we are to shake hands with.为了表示我们的尊重,不论要跟谁握手,我们通常都要摘掉手套。


引导让步状语从句时,疑问词-ever可与“no matter+疑问词”互换。

● Wherever/No matter where you go, I will bewith you.无论你去哪儿,我都和你一起。


让步状语从句:主句+(al)though/as/while/eventhough/even if引导的让步状语从句

● Tim is in good shape physically even thoughhe doesn’t get much exercise.即使不做太多锻炼,蒂姆还是保持了很好的体形。


条件状语从句:主句+if/unless/aslong as引导的条件状语从句

● Let’s go out for awalk unless you are too tired.如果你不是太累的话,我们出去散一会步吧。



● He worked so hard that he got ill.他工作那么努力,结果病倒了。


目的状语从句:主句+so that/inorder that/in case引导的目的状语从句

● I’ll run slowly so that you can catch up withme.为了能让你赶上我,我会慢慢跑。



● The weather was worse than I had expected.天气比我预料的还要糟。



● French is as familiar to him as English.他对法语就像对英语一样熟悉。



as if/as though引导的方式状语从句

● You ought to do as Paul tells you.你应该按照保罗吩咐你的去做。


当as if引导的方式状语从句表示与事实相反的情况时,从句常用虚拟语气。

● She closed her eyes as though she was verytired.她闭上了眼睛,好像是很累了。



If...did/were..., 主语+would/should/could/mightdo...表示与现在事实相反的假设。


● If you were the manager, we would not be sotired.如果你是经理,我们就不会这么累了。


If...had done...,主语+would/should/could/mighthave done...表示与过去事实相反的假设。


● If we had taken the other road, we might havearrived here in time for the meeting.如果我们走了另一条路的话,或许就能及时赶到这里开会了。(陕西)


If...did/were todo/should do...,主语+would/should/could/might do...表示与将来事实相反的假设。


● If it were fine tomorrow, I would goshopping.如果明天天气好,我就去购物。


If...had done..., 主语+would do...

● If he had set out earlier, he would be homenow.如果他早点出发的话,他现在就已经到家了。


If...should do..., 主语+would have done...

● If she shouldleave, I would have heard about it.如果她要走,我早就应该听说了。



主句if引导的虚拟条件句的谓语动词中含有should, were, had时,可将if省略,而将should, were, had提前,构成倒装。、

● Were I you(=If I were you), I would go.如果我是你,我就去。



句子的虚拟条件是通过词或短语如with, without, otherwise, but for等来表示的。

● Without the greenhouse effect, the earthwould be about thirtythree degrees Celsius cooler than it is.如果没有温室效应,地球的温度将比现在的温度低大约33摄氏度。


主句+as if+(从句)主语+did/had done...as if引导的从句


● She acted as if she had been the hostessyesterday.她昨天表现得就好像她是女主人似的。


主句+so that+(从句)主语+should/could/might do...

so that意为“为了”,它引导的从句表示目的。

● He took a taxi to the station so that heshould not miss the train.为了不错过火车,他乘出租车去火车站。


主句+lest+从句(主语+(should) do...)


● They spoke in whispers lest they (should) be heard.他们低声说话,唯恐被别人听见。


...wish (that)+主语+did/had done/would do...


● I wish it were autumn in Beijing all the year around.我希望北京全年都是秋天。



● I suggest that we (should) set off at once.我建议我们立刻出发。


...would rather+主语+did/had done...

would rather后的从句用一般过去时表示与现在或将来事实相反,用过去完成时表示与过去事实相反。

● I would rather you hadn’t told him.我宁愿你没有告诉他。


It is+形容词/名词/过去分词+that+主语+(should)do...

● It is strange that the girl (should) be sorude.那个女孩那么无礼,这真奇怪。




● My suggestion is that we (should) get startedsoon.我的建议是我们应该尽快出发。


It is (high/about)time that+主语+did/should do...

● It is high time that you went to school.早就到了你该去上学的时间了。


if only+主语+did/had done...


● If only I had another chance.要是我再有一次机会就好了。



● Still water runs deep.静水流深。



● Doing eye exercises is good for your eyes.做眼保健操对你的眼睛有好处。

























































语法的英文 篇2

1 Lexicogrammatical Ambiguity

Lexicogramatical ambiguity is a kind of common yet complicated one.For lexicogrammatical ambiguity in phrasal level, two types of ambiguity will be explored, that is, the nominal phrase and the verbal phrase.

Phrases which have lexicogrammatical ambiguities like:old men and women;small bed and chair are difficult for us to decide whether the adjective is modifying all the following elements or only the immediate constituents.Thus for each of the two phrases, there are two interpretations.For the first one, it can be interpreted as the adjective“old”only modifies the immediate constituents“men”or it modifies the following noun phrase“men and women”.This is the same case for the second structure.Since the head has more than one modifier, which modifies different sentence elements and different attachments, they produce different meanings.This unclear modification relationship causes ambiguity though the whole phrase is still a subordinate structure.

Verbal phrases can also be ambiguous.For example, the following two phrases:visiting scholars;they are relieved.In those two clauses, the present participle“visiting”and the past participle“relieved”can function either as“classifier”and“epithet”.In English, verbs are classified into transitive and intransitive verbs traditionally.However, the boundary between transitive and intransitive verbs is not clear cut.The frequent occurring cases are some verbs can be used as an intransitive verb as well as a transitive verb.Another case in which lexicogrammatical ambiguity may be caused is when the present participle or the past participle is presented.In some clauses, it is hard for the reader or receiver to decide the function of the verb.For example, the clause“they are relieved”.It can be interpreted as a material process as well as a relational process.What is more, within the framework of transitivity system in SFG, the process is realized by the verb group.As a result, a clause can be interpreted into different processes when the verb by which the process realized can be used to realize more than one process.

2 Functional Analysis of Lexicogrammatical Ambigu-ity

2.1 Nominal Phrase

Two types of lexicogrammatical ambiguity on phrasal level will be focused on, that is, the nominal phase and the verbal phrase.The adjective noun+noun structure is the most frequent structural ambiguity.Now first please look at the following noun phrase:

1) old men and women

Halliday (2000) proposes the concept of“scale”and stated that language has five scales:morpheme, word, phrase, clause and text.He also suggested that in SFG, linguists adopt the smallest bracketing in structural analysis.Then the nominal phrase“old men and women”will naturally be analyzed as the adjective“old”modifies the coordinated structure“men and women”according to the smallest bracketing.

Another frequent construction is specifier+head.For example:

2) Small children’s bed

Halliday mentioned the two terms“classifier”and“epithet”when discussing the experiential structure of nominal phrase.The function of classifier is to state the category of objects while the function of“specifier”is to state the attributes of objects.Thus the construction then can be analyzed in the following way:the first is to treat“small”as“specifier”while“children’s”as“classifier”;the second interpretation is to treat“small children’s”as the“classifier”.

2.2 The clausal level

In this subpart, three kinds of lexicogrammatical ambiguity will be analyzed, that is, ambiguity caused by different functions of verbs;ambiguity caused by Elliptical structure and ambiguity caused by the unclear modification relationship.

2.2.1 Lexicogrammatical Ambiguity Caused by Different Func-tions of Verbs

Halliday (2000) proposes the transitivity system to explain the ideational function which is one of the three functions.The transitivity system consists of six different processes;they are material, mental, relational, verbal, behavioral and existential process.The first three are regarded as the main processes and the rest are minor processes.Different processes embrace different participants.For example, in material process, it typically includes“actor”and“goal”;“carrier”and“attribute”in relational process, etc.another significant constituent is“circumstantial elements”.Within the framework of transitivity system, another important constituent is“circumstantial elements”.Further more, the process is realized by the verbal group, the participant is realized by the nominal group and the circumstantial elements by the adverbs or the prepositional phrase.Now let us stride for the analysis of the ambiguity caused by different functions of the verb.Please look at the following example:

3) Comedian A:My dog’s got no nose.

Comedian B:Your dog’s got no nose?How does it smell?

Comedian A:Terrible. (Bloor&Bloor 1995:130)

We can see that this example is a joke in which the lexicogrammatical ambiguity plays a positive part.The conversation produces the funnies because the verb“smell”has different functions in the interrogative clause.As we have mentioned that the process is realized by the verb and this leads to the conclusion that the clause will be expressing different experiences when the verb functions differently.Thus, the interrogative can be interpreted into two kinds of processes and the interpretation would be like the following.This joke is based on ambiguity.Comedian B is asking about the dog’s ability to smell things.In the intended meaning of his question, the Process is mental and he (the dog) is Senser.Comedian A, ignoring the relevance of the question, surprisingly interprets it as an entirely new topic concerning the odour possessed by the dog.In this question, the Process is relational and he (the dog) is Carrier.Comedian A treats the verb smell as a copular verb.

2.2.2 Lexicogrammatical Ambiguity Caused by Elliptical Structure

Conciseness of ellipsis makes emphasis highlighted and expression forceful.However, it often causes a sentence ambiguous.In English, we often find elliptical structure in comparative sentences and they incline to be ambiguous.For example:

4) He likes you more than me.

The meaning of the clause can hardly identified because of its indeterminacy of meaning.The sentence can be interpreted either to mean“he likes you more than I like you”or“he likes you more than he likes me”.It means that the meaning of one sentence will be indeterminate when the participants in the clause are hard to identify.

2.2.3 Lexicogrammatical ambiguity caused by unclear modifi-cation

The introduction of the concept of“circumstantial elements”will be helpful and can provide an effective illustration for this type of ambiguity.Let us consider the following examples:

5) “I will tell you what I tell every taxpayer who sits in that chair, ”said the tax-collector at the beginning of Brown’s audit, “it’s a privilege to live in this great country, and you should pay your taxes with a smile.”

“Thank goodness, ”said the visibly relaxed Brown, “I thought you were going to ask for money.”

In the previous analysis, we thought that the prepositional phrase can be interpreted either as“means”or as“accompaniment”.But we did not go further at that time.Here we are going to deepen the analysis.

Another interpretation for this kind of lexicogrammatical ambiguity will be presented.And then with the introduction of the concept of circumstantial elements, the clause will be analyzed as the following:

3 Conclusion

The interpretation of lexicogrammatical ambiguity has beenshowed from the functional approach.It mainly discusses structur-al ambiguity on the phrasal and the clausal level.The ambiguityanalysis from a functional approach is much more efficient thanfrom other approaches.Further more, other kinds of ambiguity, like semantic ambiguity or grammatical ambiguity can also besolved from the functional perspective.Since for most of the sec-ond language learners, ambiguity is hard for them to learn.Thesufficient explanation of why ambiguity occurs and how to elimi-nate ambiguity can be helpful for foreign language learning.Ifmore and more scholars would take a functional approach in ambi-guity analysis, a new model for ambiguity analysis will be provid-ed and the study of ambiguous phenomenon can be deepened.

摘要:歧义是一个常见的语言现象, 有效地分析语言分析对于交际和外语学习都是很有帮助的。从功能方法的角度对词汇语法歧义进行了着重分析, 并特别解释及物系统框架内的词汇语法歧义。这充分说明系统功能语法为分析词汇语法歧义提供了一个全新而有效的模式。

英文诗歌的视觉语法结构分析 篇3

【关键词】视觉诗 视觉模态 再现意义 互动意义 构图意义





语言是意义的重要载体,但意义的展现并非只靠语言来传递,多种媒体如图像、声音、色彩等符号都可以表达意义。随着新媒介的出现,不同的媒介在意义的展现中发挥着重要作用。这些传递符号的物质手段应用到社会交际中,就形成了一套具有特定语法系统的表意手段 --- 模态。所谓多模态,是指由两种及以上符号编码实现意义的文本 (李战子2003)。


多模态话语是指运用各种感官,通过语言、动作、图像、声音等多种手段和符号资源进行交际的现象。多模态话语分析是建立在Halliday 的社会符号学理论基础上的一个崭新的话语分析形式。它接受了系统功能语言学的语言观,认为语言是社会符号和意义潜势,语言以外的其他符号系统也是意义的源泉;多模态话语具有系统性; 多模态话语具有概念功能、人际功能和语篇功能; 语境因素和多模态话语的意义解读之间有着密不可分的联系。多模态话语分析的意义在于它可以将语言和其他相关的意义资源整合起来,通过分析看到语言系统在意义交换过程中所发挥的作用,以及其他符号系统在这个过程中所产生的效果,从而使话语意义的解读更加全面、更加准确 (朱永生2007)。



Kress & Van Leeuwen (1996) 认为图像不是语言文字的插图或示例,而是独立于语言文字之外的社会符号系统。他们根据系统功能语言学理论,分析组成视觉模态的图像元素,进而凸显图像等符号在构建语篇时的作用;并借用韩礼德的三大元语言功能,分别从再现意义、互动意义、构图意义三个层面来分析视觉符号的语义关系。

1.再现意义。再现意义对应概念功能,包括叙事再现和概念再现。再现意义主要探讨的是不同图像之间或同一图像中不同成分之间存在的概念关系。下面以William Shelly Burford的A Christmas Tree为例,分析印刷体式诗歌所呈现的叙事意义。


If you are

A love compassionate.

You will walk with us this year.

We face a glacial distance,who are here


At your feet.


2.互动意义。互动意义对应人际功能,涉及距离、接触、视角和情态四要素。互动意义探讨图像中参与者之间的社会关系、图像设计者的交际目的,以及读者对图像内容的解读程度等。下面以E.E Cummings的Me up at does为例,分析印刷体式诗歌所呈现的互动意义。

Me up at does

out of the floor

quietly Stare

a poisoned mouse

still who alive

is asking What

have i done that

You wouldn't have

这首诗描述的是一只中毒的老鼠,在行将死亡前与诗歌叙述者的对峙。根据 Kress & Van Leeuwen 的研究,诗歌的叙述者俯视趴在地上奄奄一息的老鼠,与其目光接触,构成了索取类图像。索取类图像是指利用图像中人物的表情、姿势或其他特点向观众索取更多的注意,当图像中人物的目光直指观众时,目光矢量在空间上形成接触,表达向观众“索取”的意义。诗歌的叙述者从高处往下俯瞰,表示人类在索取顺从;而从下往上仰视的老鼠,则在索取人类的怜悯。人与鼠之间的心理互动被淋漓尽致地展现出来,使读者融入其中,获得真切的感受。此外,老鼠做出的两个动作“stare”和 “ask” 被作者巧妙地分别安排在从两个诗节分界处算起的第二行里,这也构成了视觉上的篇章对称。


3.构图意义。构图意义是语篇单位的组成设计和突显(张旭红 2010)。印刷体式是通过突显字母的形状、大小写、标点符号等构成前景化来实现构图意义的。下面以E.E Cummings的代表作L(a为例,分析印刷体式诗歌所呈现的构图意义。

这首诗以生动的视觉形象再现了一片落叶缓缓飘落的画面。全诗仅由四个单词构成(a leaf falls loneliness),诗人刻意将单词拆分成五个诗节,并垂直排列来模拟树叶时快时慢地飘摇下落的情形,将一个静态的秋日景色以动态的形式呈现在读者的眼前。

诗歌第一行的两个字母 “l”和“a”由半个括号连接,形象地预示树叶即将飘落。第三和第四行的相同字母的不同组合“af”、“fa”,犹如叶子落下时飘摇的状态。第五行的“ll”再次重复主题“一个”和“孤独”。第六行只有一个字母“s”和另外半个括号,表示树叶落地并发出轻微的摩擦声,造成视听双重效果。在诗节的最后一行,诗人把“ness”(构成抽象名词的后缀)与“i”放在一起,并且从排版上加以突显,以抒发内心的强烈感情,这是全诗的主旨所在。诗人巧妙地使用括号,把“loneliness”和“a leaf falls”连接起来,从而构成了一个形式上连贯的语篇。在意义层面上,括号里信息是相对次要、起陪衬作用的,而“loneliness”则是被突出的主题。通过标点符号的特殊处理,从侧面进一步再现了文本所传递的意义。




[1]Kress,G.& Van Leeuven,T.Reading Images:The Grammar of Visual Design[M].London:Routledge,1996.

[2]胡丹.Emmett Williams诗“She loves me not”多模式话语分析[J].外语与外语教学,2007(11):16-19.

[3]李战子.多模式话语的社会符号学分析[J].外语研究,2003 (5):1-8.

[4]王红阳.卡明斯诗歌的多模态功能解读[J].外语教学,2007 (9):22-26.



[7]朱永生.多模态话语分析的理论基础与研究[J].外语学刊, 2007(5):82-86.

英文简历语法错误 篇4

“Strengths: Ability to meet deadlines while maintaining composer.”

“I am a rabid typist.”

“Work History: Performed brain wave tests,1879-1981.”

“After receiving advice from several different angels, I have decided to pursue a new line of work.”

“Accounting cleric.”

“As indicted, I have over five years of experience analyzing investments.”

“Suspected to graduate early next year.”

“Disposed of $2.5 billion in assets.”

“Proven ability to track down and correct erors.”

“Accomplishments: Oversight of entire department.”

“Am a perfectionist and rarely if if ever forget details.”

“Accomplishments: Completed 11 years of high school.”

英文语法时间表示方法 篇5

(1.) 这是一个用来询问什么时间做某事的常用句型。它经常用来询问具体的时间,相当于对画线部分(表示具体时间的状语)提问。

例如:What time do you usually have lunch?


I usually have lunch at 12:00.


(2.) 短语what time= when 都是对时间进行提问,但what time所问的时间范围比较小,一般用来提问比较精确的时间,回答的时候一般用具体到几点。而when所问 的时间范围比what time要大,回答的时候可以用几点钟,也可以是上午或者下午,甚至是哪一天、哪一年。

例如:What time do you usually get up? 你通常什么时间起床?

I usually get up at seven o’clock. 我通常在七点起床。

When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候?

It’s May 10. 是5月10日。

2. -What time is it now? 现在几点了?

- It’s about six-fourteen. 大约六点十四分。

(1.)这是询问时间的常用句型,它的意思是“现在几点钟了?”。询问时间还可以用句型:What’s the time now?或者What time is it by your watch? =What’s the time by your watch? 看看你的手表现在是几点了?

(2.)回答别人询问几点可以用句型:It+is+数字。也可以用句型:It’s +数字 +o’clock表示时间是整点。如果是几点几分,用数字表示。

例如:2:24可以是two twenty-four。

3. What time do you go to school? 你什么时候去上学?


语法的英文 篇6

(Elementary Educational College of Tianjin Normal University,Tianjin 300202,China

variant formed by nationality,etc.This paper gives a brief introduction of Black American English and General American English,then illustrates differences between them on phonetics and grammar.It is of great benefits for students to understand American English and read

During the past several decades,Black American English has gradually become an important social dialect.The most importan reason is that the Black Americans are a very spectacular socia stratum in social life.But Black American English is not simply a language variant formed by national differences,it is closely linked with some social factors such as social economic status standard of education(or cultural and educational attainments)sex,age,profession,etc.Another important reason why we say Black American English is a kind of social dialect is that not all Black Americans use Black English and Black English is not used only by blacks.As a kind of English variant,Black English is used by those blacks whose social economic status is low in American society or those blacks who are just of medium income but stil keep contact with original social stratum.During recent 20 years’Black American Movements,Black English has become a symbo of black nationality and even some black Congressmen or Congresswomen deliberately use it.Gradually,Black English has entered news,television and broadcasting.In vigorously growing postwar Black American novels,Black English was an importan means of characterization and story-relating.

In American English,we cannot find a single nation-wide standard English.In 1970s,American scholars had ever held several academic conferences discussing definition of Standard American English,but had not have any result in the end.

In American,the part of English which functions as Standard English is generally called"General American English"in linguistics.According to statistics in 1944,71%of today’s American people speak General American English,though not very prue(being of a log of local variation).At present,all American big television and broadcasting organizations,such as Voice of America,use General American English.Therefore,for the sake of convenience,General American English is sometimes called"Standard American English".

3 Differences Between Black American English And Genera American English on Phonetics and Grammar

Black American English had ever been regarded as a second-class or lower language variant.But in linguistics,this is utterly groundless.Black English differs from General American English,but the differences do not change arbitrarily;they are of some regularity.

Now let's see differences between Black American English and General American English on phonetics and grammar.

3.1 On Phonetics

1)Compared with General American English,a remarkable character of Black American English on phonetics is elision of/r/.It includes two points:

a)Elision of/r/which is behind a vowel or in front of a consonant.This is not peculiar in Black English,but it is an articulation trend of American lower strata.Owing to the elision of/r/,the articulation of groups of words below in Black English had no any difference:cat-cart;hop-horp;bid-bird;shot-short.But they are of difference in upper strata.

b)Elision of/r/which is between two vowels.This is peculia in Black English.For example,in Black English,there is no difference in articulation between the word"tore"and the word"toe".

2)Elision of/l/in Black American English.In Black American English,"l"which is in word"final"or in word"medial"is often elided.So we know that many groups of words like sickslick,sea-seal,pay-pail,flaw-four which have different pronunciation in General American English are of the same pronunciation in Black American English.

3)Simplification of Consonant cluster in Black American English.For instance,the word“tend”is pronounced as/ten/,so i has the same pronunciation with the word"ten".Elision of some consonants in consonant clusters can probably appear in Genera American English,but in Black American English,it is an outstanding phenomenon.

4)Conversion of/θ/and/e/in Black American English./θwhich is in word initial in General American English is usually converted into/t/in Black American English.For example,the word"thief"is pronounced as/tif/;"thorough"is pronounced as/tΛrэ/.When/θ/is pronounced in word final(sometimes in word medial)in General American English,it'll be converted into/f/in Black American English.For instance,the Black Americans pronounce the word"tooth"as/tuf/;"everything"as/′evrifiη/,etc.In any circumstances,/e/can bi converted into/d/in Black American English.So the word"that"in Black American English can be pronounced as/d?t/.

5)Confusion of/i/and/e/in Black American English./i/and/e/in front of a nasalized consonant are often of the same pronunciation in Black American English.For instance,the articulation of vowels in some groups of words like din-den,fen-fin,gengin,kin-ken is the same.They are all pronounced as the sound between/i/and/e/.

6)Intonation.As to the rise and fall of intonation,Black American English changes greater than General American English.High tone or even falsetto is often used in Black American English,esp.in intimate atmosphere of chatting among friends.In Black American English,the use of rising tone is very common.

3.2 on Grammar

1)A very common phenomenon in Black American English is the loss of the change of"s"which is in word final.We've talked about the simplification of consonant cluster which is in word final in Black American English,but it is not simply a phenomenon of phonetics.Owing to its affecting the change of the word final,it becomes a question of grammar.We know the word"expressed"is the past tense of the word"express".In Black American English,owing to the simplification of consonant cluste which is in word final,the past tense verb"expressed"is of the same pronunciation with its original verb"express".Thus the change of the word final which acts as the symbol of past tense disappeared.From the above-mentioned examples,we can get the following conclusions:Due to the simplification of consonan cluster which is in word final in Black American English,the change of the word final which expresses noun plural forms,noun-possessive cases,the third person singular+"s"disappeared.Some Black English users not only put"s"behind the third person singular,but also put"s"behind all verbs.Here are some examples,"they studies diligently",etc.As far as they are concerned,the verbal"s"is not the symbol of the third person singular,but the symbol of present indefinite.

2)Omission of linking verbs in Black American English.This is a very peculiar syntactic character of Black American English.If an action or a state is of fixed time,or it is motionless,not often happens or appears repeatedly,"be"in the sentence can often be omitted.Omission of"be"can appear before various predicatives.For instance,"I a college English teacher now."(the predicative is a noun.);"I glad to meet you."(The predicative is an adjective.);"I here."(The predicative is an adverb.);"He at home."(The predicative is a preposition phrase.)Auxiliary verb"be"in continuous tense can also be omitted.For example,"He studying now."

One we should point out is that in Black American English,the omission of"be"is of its regularity,it is not in utter disorder.

3)In Black American English,"ain't"is widely used to form negative sentences.When predicate is not acted as by lexical verbs,"ain't"is almost unexceptionally used to be the symbol of negative sentences.

e.g.She ain't gonna see no film with her mother.

She ain’t afraid of nothing.

"ain't"is often used in the sentences of continuous tense.

e.g.I ain't coming back.

He ain't working hard.

4)Universal use of double negative and multi-negation in Black American English.From examples above we can see that the negative sentences in Black American English often adopt double negative or multi-negation.From examples below we can see clearly differences between Black American English and General American English:


5)In Black American English,"It's a"is used to replace"There's a"in General American English.


It's(=There are)20 students in our class.It's(=There is)a book on the table.

Besides,"It's"can be used in the same way as"There

is"to form interrogative sentences.


Is it(=Is there)a bird in the tree?

6)Way of expression of word order of possessive case.Possessive case"-'s"is often

omitted in Black American English on condition that word order itself is enough to show possessive relation.


[1]Williams S T,Joseph M.Standards and Dialects in English[M].Cambridge,Mass:Winthrop Publishers,Inc,1980.

[2]Peter S.British and American English[M].London:Collier Mac-millan Publishers,1972.

构式语法视阈下的英语语法教学 篇7

【关键词】构式语法 英语语法 教学内容 教学方法



1.何为构式语法。构式语法是20世纪80年代后期产生并发展起来的一种语法理论,构式语法可以说是适应几乎整个语言门类的研究方法和流派。构式语法脱胎于认知语法,是对形式语法的悖逆,强调语言中的功能和意义,构式语法在本质上属于认知语言学的范畴,但是目前已经具有独立作为语言研究范式的特征,在一定意义上,构式主义已经形成独立的研究流派。目前,国内外研究构式语法的流派已经有多个,包括Lakoff 和Goldberg的构式语法、Langacker的认知语法、Croft的激进构式语法、体验构式语法以及在我国国内有一些应用型成果的语篇构式语法等。




1.开启英语语法教学中的整体观教学方法应用。上文已经提到,传统的英语语法教学中往往从部分词汇、词组等基础元素出发进行句子的分解,最后将模块进行组合完成分析,按照构式语法理论这种教学方法很容易造成缺乏整体观的问题,对于一些复杂、疑难句式也难以进行解释分析,对于学生而言由于无法从整体上把握语言,也会影响对于语言的理解和应用能力培养。例如,英语中表达“给”的含义时经常用到的就是“give”,比较一下三个例句可以看出只有从整体观角度进行分析才能得出正确的含义理解:(1)Tom give me a book.(Tom给了我一本书。)(2)Tom send Lily the message.(Tom给Lily发了那个信息。)(3)Tom cooked Lily a pizza.(Tom给Lily做了一个披萨。)在上文的例句中,除了第一个例句中的“give”有“给”的意思,其他两句中都没有表示“给”的动词,但是翻译中的“给”又是从哪里看出的,这个问题的解释按照传统的语法教学方法难以进行解释,只有按照构式语法理论才能进行解释,构式语法认为有的句子结构是具有“双及物构式”的特征,在这一结构中主语能够通过动词的动作进行转移,按照构式语法的理论,这一构式本身就具有独立于词语的意义,对此类句式进行分析时,教师可以从整体角度进行整体的分析,以整体所具有的意义为依托进行词句元素的分析,将有利于句子的理解和把握。






