


小学英语语法大全 篇1

从句 clause从属句 subordinate clause并列句 coordinate clause名词从句 nominal clause定语从句 attributive clause状语从句 adverbial clause宾语从句 object clause主语从句 subject clause同位语从句 appositive clause时间状语从句 adverbial clause of time地点状语从句 adverbial clause of place方式状语从句 adverbial clause of manner让步状语从句 adverbial clause of concession原因状语从句 adverbial clause of cause结果状语从句 adverbial clause of result目的状语从句 adverbial clause of purpose条件状语从句 adverbial clause of condition真实条件状语从句 adverbial clause ofreal condition非真实条件状语从句 adverbial clause of unreal condition

句子 sentence简单句 simple sentence并列句 compound sentence复合句 complex sentence并列复合句 compound complex sentence陈述句declarative sentence疑问句 interrogative sentence一般疑问句 general question特殊疑问句 special question选择疑问句 alternative question附加疑问句 tag question反义疑问句 disjunctive question修辞疑问句 rhetorical question感叹疑问句 exclamatory question 存在句 existential sentence肯定句 positive sentwence否定句 negative sentence祈使句 imperative sentence省略句 elliptical sentence感叹句 exclamatory sentence基本句型 basic sentence patern

人称 person第一人称 first person第二人称 second person第三人称 third person

一致 agreement主谓一致 subject-predicate agreement语法一致 grammatical agreement概念一致 notional agreement就近原则 principle of proximity

语态 voice主动语态 active voice被动语态 passive voice 语气 mood陈述语气 indicative mood祈使语气 imperative mood虚拟语气 subjunctive mood

句子成分 members of sentences主语 subject谓语 predicate宾语 object双宾语 dual object直接宾语 direct object间接宾语 indirect object复合宾语 complex object同源宾语 cognate object补语 complement主补 subject complement宾补 object complement表语 predicative定语 attribute同位语 appositive状语 adverbial 时态 tense过去将来时 past future tense过去将来进行时 past future continuous tense过去将来完成时 past future perfect tense一般现在时 present simple tense一般过去时 past simple tense一般将来时 future simple tense现在完成时 past perfect tense过去完成时 present perfect tense将来完成时 future perfect tense现在进行时 present continuous tense过去进行时 past continuous tense将来进行时 future continuous tense过去将来进行时 past future continuous tense现在完成进行时 present perfect continuous tense过去完成进行时 past perfect continuous tense

否定 negation否定范围 scope of negation全部否定 full negation局部否定 partial negation转移否定 shift of negation语序 order自然语序 natural order倒装语序 inversion全部倒装 full inversion部分倒装 partial inversion 直接引语 direct speech间接引语 indirect speech自由直接引语 free direct speech自由间接引语 free indirect speech

语法 grammar句法 syntax词法 morphology结构 structure层次 rank句子 sentence从句 clause词组 phrase词类 part of speech单词 word实词 notional word虚词 structural word单纯词simple word派生词derivative复合词compound词性part of speech名词 noun专有名词 proper noun普通名词 common noun可数名词 countable noun不可数名词 uncountable noun抽象名词 abstract noun具体名词 concret noun物质名词 material noun集体名词 collective noun个体名词 individual noun介词 preposition连词 conjunction动词

verb主动词 main verb及物动词 transitive verb不及物动词 intransitive verb系动词 link verb助动词 auxiliary verb情态动词 modal verb规则动词 regular verb不规则动词 irregular verb短语动词 phrasal verb限定动词 finite verb非限定动词 infinite verb使役动词 causative verb感官动词 verb of senses动态动词 event verb静态动词 state verb感叹词 exclamation形容词 adjective副词 adverb方式副词 adverb of manner程度副词 adverb of degree时间副词 adverb of time地点副词 adverb of place修饰性副词 adjunct连接性副词 conjunct疑问副词 interogative adverb关系副词 relative adverb代词 pronoun人称代词 personal pronoun物主代词 possesive pronoun反身代词 reflexive pronoun相互代词 reciprocal pronoun指示代词 demonstrative pronoun疑问代词 interrogative pronoun关系代词 relative pronoun不定代词 indefinite pronoun物主代词 possecive pronoun名词性物主代词 nominal possesive prnoun形容词性物主代词 adjectival possesive pronoun冠词 article定冠词 definite article不定冠词 indefinite article数词 numeral基数词 cardinal numeral序数词 ordinal numeral分数词 fractional numeral形式 form单数形式 singular form复数形式 plural form限定动词 finite verb form非限定动词 non-finite verb form原形 base form从句 clause从属句 subordinate clause并列句 coordinate clause名词从句 nominal clause定语从句 attributive clause状语从句 adverbial clause宾语从句 object clause主语从句 subject clause同位语从句 appositive clause时间状语从句 adverbial clause of time地点状语从句 adverbial clause of place方式状语从句 adverbial clause of manner让步状语从句 adverbial clause of concession原因状语从句 adverbial clause of cause结果状语从句 adverbial clause of result目的状语从句 adverbial clause of purpose条件状语从句 adverbial clause of condition真实条件状语从句 adverbial clause of real condition非真实条件状语从句 adverbial clause of unreal condition含蓄条件句 adverbial clause of implied condition错综条件句 adverbial clause of mixed condition句子 sentence简单句 simple sentence并列句 compound sentence复合句 complex sentence并列复合句 compound complex sentence陈述句 declarative sentence疑问句 interrogative sentence一般疑问句 general question特殊疑问句 special question选择疑问句 alternative question附加疑问句 tag question反义疑问句 disjunctive question修辞疑问句 rhetorical question感叹疑问句 exclamatory question存在句 existential sentence肯定句 positive sentence基本句型 basic sentence patern否定句 negative sentence祈使句 imperative sentence省略句 elliptical sentence感叹句 exclamatory sentence句子成分 members of sentences主语 subject谓语 predicate宾语 object双宾语 dual object直接宾语 direct object间接宾语 indirect object复合宾语 complex object同源宾语 cognate object补语 complement主补 subject complement宾补 object complement表语 predicative定语 attribute同位语 appositive状语 adverbial句法关系 syntatic relationship并列 coordinate从属 subordination修饰 modification前置修饰 pre-modification后置修饰 post-modification限制 restriction双重限制 double-restriction非限制 non-restriction数 number单数形式 singular form复数形式 plural form规则形式 regular form不规则形式 irregular form格 case普通格 common case所有格 possessive case主格 nominative case宾格 objective case性 gender阳性 masculine阴性 feminine通性 common中性 neuter人称 person第一人称 first person第二人称 second person第三人称 third person时态 tense过去将来时 past future tense过去将来进行时 past future continuous tense过去将来完成时 past future perfect tense一般现在时 present simple tense一般过去时 past simple tense一般将来时 future simple tense现在完成时 past perfect tense过去完成时 present perfect tense将来完成时 future perfect tense现在进行时 present continuous tense过去进行时 past continuous tense将来进行时 future continuous tense过去将来进行时 past future continuous tense现在完成进行时

present perfect continuous tense过去完成进行时 past perfect continuous tense语态 voice主动语态 active voice被动语态 passive voice语气 mood陈述语气 indicative mood祈使语气 imperative mood虚拟语气 subjunctive mood否定 negation否定范围 scope of negation全部否定 full negation局部否定 partial negation转移否定 shift of negation语序 order自然语序 natural order倒装语序 inversion全部倒装 full inversion部分倒装 partial inversion直接引语 direct speech间接引语 indirect speech自由直接引语 free direct speech自由间接引语 free indirect speech一致 agreement主谓一致 subject-predicate agreement语法一致 grammatical agreement概念一致 notional agreement就近原则 principle of proximity强调 emphasis重复 repetition语音 pronunciation语调 tone升调 rising tone降调 falling tone降升调 falling-rising tone文体 style正式文体 formal非正式文体 informal口语 spoken/oral English套语 formulistic expression英国英语 British English美国英语 American English用法 usage感情色彩 emotional coloring褒义 commendatory贬义 derogatory幽默 humorous讽刺 sarcastic挖苦 ironic

小学英语语法大全 篇2

那么, 有没有一些简便易行的办法来改变枯燥的语法讲解, 帮助我们进行英语语法的学习并让我们能够将这些语法知识牢记于心呢?笔者在长期以来的教学实践中摸索出了一条行之有效的办法, 那就是唱英语歌曲, 学英语语法, 希望此法能对一些英语语法学习感到困惑的学生有所裨益。

说到英语语法教学, 首先我们得先来搞清楚语法的定义。《朗文应用语言学词典》对语法的定义是:“对一种语言结构的描述以及像单词、短语这样的单位组合构成句子的方式” (Richards, Platt and Weber, 1985) 。所以, 语法经常被认为是在句子层面对单词的词序给予明确规定的一套规则。

举例来说, 英语中有一个语法规则为“主语+动词+宾语”, 这是一个合乎英语语法的句子结构。如果不去遵循这项规则, “over girl the a stumbled stone”这些单词的组合就不合语法;而“The girl stumbled over a stone”就是正确的合乎语法的句子, 因为它符合了这条规则。当然, 我们还得顺便说明, “The stone stumbled over a girl”这个句子虽合乎语法规则, 但由于其句子意义完全违背常识, 这样这个句子便不可能被人接受。

关于对语法教学的理解和把握, 中山大学王宗炎教授曾这样讲过:“过去几十年以来, 语法流派越来越多, 理论体系不同, 描写方法不同, 不知道应该教哪一种。在英语学者的研究工作与英语教师的实际需要之间产生了一条越来越大的鸿沟。语言教师不太理解语言学者那些语法理论, 语言学者也不太明白语言教师的实际工作和所碰到的具体问题” (王宗炎, 2007) 。于是, 英语教师不仅对语法流派变得越来越茫然, 英语教师甚至对语法教学也常常不感兴趣, 只好凭自己的经验和偶然琢磨出的窍门来进行语法教学。因此, 许多基于语法的课堂教学效果相对较差, 这恐怕是由于“教师把语法作为一个抽象的系统来教, 把语言呈现为孤立的句子, 而不给学习者提供适于语法点的语境。学生要想掌握目标语的语法, 不能靠背规则, 而是要在交流的语境中使用这些语法项目。这便是经验主义教育理论所倡导的‘在使用中学习’或‘通过做来学习’的原则” (林立, 2008) 。

所以, 我们在让学生明白了语法的定义、清楚了一些语法的规则后, 还要在教学中总结出一些别致的办法, 以让学生们的语法学习从枯燥、乏味这种一成不变的讲解方式转变到有趣、放松、有效的教学形式中, 让他们学会并记住更多的语法规则, 从而能更加自如、正确地使用英语。

其实, “长期以来, 人们认为教师在哪一天教了哪个语法点 (如果教得好的话) 会对学生的语法学习产生巨大的影响” (林立, 2008) 。按照以上所述, 语法要教得好就需要有一定的语境让学生能“通过做来学习”, 这里的“做”, 笔者认为最好的形式便是“唱”, 即通过唱英语歌曲来进行有效的英语语法的学习。

培根说过:“兴趣是最好的老师。” 学生只有对所学知识产生积极的情感体验, 才会以极大的热情投身学习, 如果我们把握好了学生的学习兴趣, 学生听课效率就能得到提高。《基础英语》的编写者埃克斯利也曾提到:凡是能激发学生喜爱英语学习的方法, 便是教英语的好方法。多年来, 笔者在英语教学中恰当地运用了英语歌曲辅助语法教学, 收到了较好的成效。

我们知道, 在英语学习的过程中, 有不少人是从接触英语歌曲开始慢慢喜欢上英语学习的。英文歌曲非常优美, 它不但能调动各个层次学生的学习热情, 而且还能调节课堂的紧张气氛, 可以使教与学在积极主动、轻松愉快的过程中完成。

优美的歌曲让人“爱不释口”, 若采用灵活的方式将唱歌与语法知识整合, 便可以做到既加深学生对语法结构的认识, 又拓宽学生的思维, 歌曲便自然成为英语语法课上一种喜闻乐见的教学形式, 以下笔者仅略举例子以作简要呈现。

在Sad Movie这首经典歌曲中, Sad movies always make me cry这一句在“数”上要求“主谓一致”;且动词make有“宾语补足语”且为动词的话, 其动词不定式的符号to必须省略”。Big Big World这首歌的And I do do feel that I do do will miss you much 中, do已没有“做”的实义, 它位于实义动词feel (甚至延伸到助动词will) 的前面, 表示对实义动词“强调语气”的。动词的非谓语形式的使用在美国著名歌手理查德.马克斯Richard·Marx演唱的Right·Here·Waiting for you这首歌中的最后一句I will be right·here·waiting for you便是很好的学习“伴随状语”的例子。其中will be right·here是句子的谓语部分, 而waiting for you这个现在分词短语则是修饰谓语的伴随状语。布莱恩.亚当斯Bryan·Adams演唱的Here·I·Am, 学生便能认识什么是“倒装句”。在Jingle·bells这首经典英语儿歌中, 主要语法有“感叹句”的使用What fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh、分词的用法 (dashing through the snow, laughing all the way) 等。

学生难以掌握的一个语法知识之一恐怕要数“虚拟语气”了。在对学生讲解由if引导的非真实条件句时, 可以以英文歌曲Sunshine on My Shoulders为例。如“If I had a wish that I could wish for you.I’d make a wish for sunshine all the while.”引出虚拟语气即非真实条件句中对现在情况的假定并讲解其用法。这样学生就能在轻松愉快的气氛中学会虚拟语气这一较难的语法知识了。

学生难以掌握的另一个语法点是“复合句”。 美国著名歌手理查德.马克斯Richard·Marx演唱的Right·Here·Waiting for you这首歌中的一句歌词是:whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks, ·I·will·be·right·here·waiting·for·you. 学生在欣赏理查德颇为沧桑的嗓音的同时, 也能学到whatever引导的“让步状语从句”的用法;在Sealed With a Kiss 这首歌中, Though we got to say Good-bye for the summer, Darling, I promise you this I will send you all my love这句歌词既有though 引导的让步状语从句, 也有this的同位语I will send you all my love。而在哼唱As·long·as·you·love·me的同时也可以感悟什么是“条件状语从句”。That·is·why·you·go·away又可以说明什么是“表语从句”等等不一而足。

对英语歌曲的语法知识的学习, 除了老师在课堂上要作引导、讲解外, 学生在课后也可自行找出英语歌曲中出现的语法现象, 并且把它标识出来加以理解;未消化理解的也可在课内外与同学、老师们进行交流。在这个过程中, 教师务必做到要将学生不能解决的问题选出来让大家加以讨论, 使疑难都能得到解决。

在这一教学过程中歌曲的选择要注意科学性, 忌滥用。同时还要注意, 最好交叉选择经典歌曲、流行歌曲以及电影插曲等易于让学生接受的曲目。有时候也可以征求学生的意见, 或是让他们写下他们想听的歌曲, 这样做是为了得到绝大部分学生对所听歌曲的认可, 同时保证学生对所听歌曲的兴趣。

将英语歌曲和语法知识进行巧妙的融合, 不仅可以学习、复习英语语法知识, 也使原本比较费解的语法知识变得好学、好记。唱英语歌曲就能学好英语语法, 一度枯燥无味的英语语法的学习或复习像这样被放在英语歌曲的歌唱中进行, 教学简便易行, 操作性强;在学习时同学们也比较有积极性, 不至于感到乏味, 主动参与的热情非常饱满, 教学效果也势必会随之提高。

摘要:唱英语歌曲, 学习英语语法, 将这二者进行巧妙的结合, 不仅可以学习、复习英语语法, 也能使较费解的语法知识变得好学、易记, 一度枯燥的英语语法学习放在英语歌曲的歌唱中进行, 这种教学简便易行, 在学习时同学们也很有积极性, 主动参与的热情和教学效果也随之提高。



[1]Richards, J.J.Platt, and H.Weber, Longman Dictionary of Ap-plied Linguistics.London:Lonman, 1985.

[2]王宗炎.王宗炎英语教育自选集[M].外语教学与研究出版社, 2007.

语法填空解题技法大全 篇3




[例1]I can send a message to Kenya whenever I want to, and____38____gets there almost in a second. (2007年茂名一模)

解析:and连接前后两个句子,and后面的句子缺主语,应填名词或代词;结合前一分句,不难推知,“马上可到达那里”的是the message,替代the message用代词it。


[例2]It is said that a short-tempered man in the Song Dynasty (960—1279) was very anxious to help________33____ rice crop grow up quickly.(2008年广东高考)

解析:名词rice crop前还没有限定词,应当填限定词;根据句意,这个急性子人当然是急于使“他的”禾苗长得快,故填形容词性物主代词his。

[例3]...the head of the village was tying up his horse to my car to pull it to____35____small town some 20 kilometres away where there was a garage. (2007年广东高考)



[例4]... who should have the honour of receiving me________33____a guest in their house. (2007年广东高考)

解析:因a guest在句中不作主语、表语、动词的宾语,前面一定是填介词,使其成为该介词的宾语;又由句意可知,他们“把我当作客人”来接待,表示“当作”,用介词as。


[例5]...two world-famous artists, Pablo Picasso____34____Candido Portinari, which are worth millions of dollars.

解析:因Pablo Picasso (毕加索)与Candido Portinari (坎迪多·波尔蒂纳里)这两个名词之间没有连词,一定是填连词;两者是并列关系,应填and。

[例6]...all I saw was this beautiful girl, whose smile just melted me________36 ____almost instantly gave me a completely new sense of what life is all about. (2008年深圳一模)

解析:因melted me和gave me两个动宾短语之间没有连词,一定是填连词;两者是并列关系,故填and。


[例7] I wanted to see as much of the city as possible in the two days____32____I was to return to Guangzhou. (2008年广州一模)

解析:因I wanted to...是一个句子,I was to return...也是一个句子,这两个句子之间没有连词,也没有分号或句号,一定是填连词;根据句意和两句之间的逻辑关系,可知“参观这个城市的尽可能多的地方”应是在“返回广州”之前,故填before。

[例8] He was very tired after doing this for a whole day,________37____he felt very happy... (2008年广东高考)

解析:因He was very tired...是一个句子,he felt very happy...也是一个句子,这两个句子之间没有连词,也没有分号或句号,一定是填连词;根据句意和两句之间的逻辑关系,可知“干了一整天活累极了”与“感到非常高兴”是转折关系,故填but。

技巧6:若结构较完整,空格后的谓语动词是原形,特别是与上下文时态不一致或主谓不一致时,很可能是填情态动词或表示强调或倒装的助动词(do, does, did等)。

[例9]What is acceptable in one country ________36________be considered extremely rude in another. (2007珠三角五校联考)

解析:句中What is acceptable in one country是主语从句,空格后的be considered是谓语;因其中的be是原形,故空格处必定是填情态动词或助动词does(由语境可知是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数);由句意及作者的语气可知,需填表示“可能”的情态动词may。

[例10] He had no time or energy to play with his children or talk with his wife, but he ____________bring home a regular salary.



(1)由it is...that...强调结构的形式,判断填it还是that。

[例11] ...and____40________was only after I heard she became sick that I learned she couldnt eat MSG (味精)!(2007年广州一模)


(2)由倒装句式判断,是填构成倒装的条件的only, so, neither, nor, never, hardly, seldom, not, until, had等,还是填do, does, did等。

[例12] ________________with hard work can you expect to get pay rise.

解析:由can you expect to...可知,这是倒装句,根据构成倒装的条件可知,应填副词only,因为“only +状语(with hard work)”放在句首,句子要用倒装。


[例13] ...as ____32___took them just three minutes to steal paintings by two world-famous artists...(2008年佛山二模)

解析:由句式结构可知,这是it takes sb. some time to do sth.句型,本句的不定式to steal paintings是真正的主语,空格处填形式主语it。

[例14]Dating sites also make____36____easy to avoid someone whom you are not interested in. (2008年惠州二模)

解析:由句式结构可知,to avoid...是真正的宾语,easy是宾补,空格处应填作形式宾语的it。

(4)so /such...that...句型。

[例15] This made the goat so jealous ____34____it began plotting against(谋划对付)the donkey.(2007年惠州二模)


(5)more...than... (与其说……不如说……,比……更……)句型。

[例16]Cynthias story shows vividly that people remember more how much a manager cares_____40____ how much he pays. (2007深圳宝安期末)





[例17]His fear of failure___36____(keep) him from classroom games that other children played with joyous abandon. (2008年深圳一模)

解析:因主语His fear of failure后没有别的谓语动词,需填的动词应为谓语动词;因主语与keep是主动关系,应用主动语态;由从句谓语动词played可知,要用一般过去时,故填kept。

[例18] That was definitely not an attractive idea so I politely declined her invitation, ____40____(close) my book and walked away. (2008年广州一模)

解析:虽然句中已有谓语动词declined,但由and walked可知,所填词与declined和walked是并列关系,所以也用一般过去式closed。

[例19] In Logan, three people ____8____(take)to a hospital, while others were treated at a local clinic. (2007梅州二模)

解析:因主语three people与take是被动关系,即三个人被送进医院,故用被动语态;由were treated可知,要用一般过去时,故填were taken。



[例20]...but it is not enough only ____35___(memorize) rules from a grammar book. (2007年佛山一模)

解析:因it是形式主语,后面用不定式作真正的主语,故填to memorize。

[例21]________________(speak)out your inner feeling wont make you feel ashamed, on the contrary...

解析:句中已有谓语wont make,所以speak应为非谓语动词;谓语前面应为主语,作主语,表示一般情况,要用动名词短语,故填Speaking。


[例22]________________(complete)the project as planned, well have to work two more hours a day.

解析:因句中已有谓语will have to work,所以complete应为非谓语动词;因“(为了)按计划完成这项工程”是“我们每天不得不额外多工作两小时”的目的,作目的状语,用动词不定式,故填To complete。

[例23]Some people say that oldest children, who are smart and strong-willed,are very likely _____33_____


解析:因在形容词likely后作状语,要用动词不定式,故填to succeed。


[例24]He saw the stone, ___37____(say) to himself: “The night will be very dark.”(2008年东莞一模)


[例25] The headmaster went into the lab,________ (follow)by the foreign guests.

解析:句中已有谓语went,而follow又不是与之并列的,故为非谓语动词;又因the headmaster与follow是被动关系,故用过去分词作伴随状语。


[例26]There will be a meeting,_____40____(start)later this year to review the film.(2008年广州二模)

解析:因a meeting与start是主动关系,用现在分词短语作定语,补充说明a meeting,故填starting。

[例27]Lessons ___39___(learn)in sports can help us in our dealing with other people.(广东考试说明)

解析:因句中已有谓语can help,所以learn应为非谓语动词;又因lesson与learn是被动关系,要用过去分词短语作定语,故填learned。




[例28]The youngster immediately fell ____ (silence)as tears flew down from his big blue eyes.


[例29] In a ________(danger)part of the sea off the coast of New Zealand, they learnt to...


[例30] Teachers must try their best to make most of their students ________(interest)in the subject

解析:因所填词在句中作宾语most of their students的补足语,用形容词;表示“感兴趣的”,填interested。


[例31] When Chinas ancient scientific and technological ________(achieve)are mentioned, the nation will generally refer to the Four Great Inventions.

解析:在时间状语从句中,要求填的词作主语,Chinas ancient scientific and technological是主语的定语;作主语要用名词,又由are可知,主语是复数,故填achievements。

[例32] These people have made great____ 39 ___(contribute) to China with their work. (2007年茂名二模)

解析:在句中作及物动词have made的宾语,要用名词形式;表示“作贡献”,contribution前面没有不定冠词时,习惯上用复数,故填contributions。

[例33] ...instructors expect students to be familiar with _____32____(inform) in the reading... (2008年三校联考)



[例34] ...the remains date from this period because of their ____38____(similar) to those found elsewhere. (2008年广州二模)


[例35] With the large numbers of students,the

________________(operate)of the system does involve a certain amount of activity.



[例36] As I looked _____32____(close)at this girl, I fount that... (2008年深圳一模)


[例37] There must be something ____40____ (serious) wrong with our society. (2008潮州期末)


[例38]Singles are flocking(涌向) to the Internet ___33____(main)because their busy lifestyles leave them little time... (2008年惠州三模)


技巧14:有可能是词义转换题,词类或词性不一定要变,主要是考查具有与词根意义相反的派生词,需根据句子意思及前后逻辑关系,在词根前加un—, im—等,在词根后加—less等。

[例39] People certainly have a variety of reasons for going back to school but one important thing to know is, no knowledge is ____________________(use).


[例40] Your mistake caused a lot of ____________(necessary)work in the office.



[例41]...there was a lot of information about the citys well-known tourist____34___(attract)... (2008年广州一模)


[例42]The other frog went on jumping as hard as he could...He jumped even ___36___(hard)and finally made himself out. (2008年期末)


[例43]Storms which produced at least 13 tornadoes swept along New Mexicos border with Texas on Friday, destroying homes and other buildings and injuring at least 16 people, several critically, authorities said.

The ______33____(bad)damage was reported in the towns of Logan and Clovis, which are about 80 miles apart, police said. (2007梅州二模)


英语语法:名词语法 篇4





advice 建议,忠告 living 生活,生计

equipment 装备,设备 progress 前进,发展

furniture 家具,设备 scenery 风景,景色

information 通知;信息 machinery 机器,机械

knowledge 知识,学问 traffic 交通流量

baggage / luggage 行李,皮箱 trouble 烦恼,麻烦

cash 现金 thunder 雷声,轰隆声

apparatus 仪器 weather 天气,处境

clothing 衣服 work 工作,劳动

paper 纸,钞票 luck 运气,幸运

technology 工艺,技术 jewelry 珠宝

2. 复数形式的名词用于单数概念,其谓语动词用单数。(这些名词一般为表示学科或疾病的名词)

economics 经济学 measles 麻疹

physics 物理学 mumps 腮腺炎

mathematics 数学 rickets 软骨病,佝偻病

dynamics 动力学 news 新闻

the united states 美国 the new york times 纽约时报



1. 复数原则:两个或者两个以上的名词由and连接作主语时;主语由both … and … 连接时,谓语动词用复数。

baseball and swimming are usually summer sports.

both bread and butter are sold in that grocery. 那个杂货店既卖面包,也卖黄油。

2. 就近原则: 由 either … or … ; neither … nor …; not only…but also…; …or …; there be …等引导的主语, 谓语动词的单复数取决于最靠近动词的名词的单复数。

not only the students but also their teacher is invited to attend the party.

3. 就远原则:主语,+ as well as +另一个主语,谓语动词的单复数取决于第一个主语的名词的单复数。

my mother, as well as my two brothers, has a key to the office.


同例:with…; together with…; along with…; including…; in addition to…; besides …; except…; as much as…; accompanied by …; rather than…等等

4. 表示时间、距离、价值、量度的复数名词作主语时谓语动词用单数。

one hundred dollars is a large sum for the poor .

twenty days have passed since i met her last time.

自从我上次见到她到现在已经过去二十天。 ( twenty days 这里不作整体看待, 故谓语动词用复数。)

5. and连接两个名词表示一个概念做主语时,谓语用单数; 若表示的是多个不同的概念时,谓语动词用复数。

war and peace is a constant theme in literature.

战争与和平是文学中永恒的主题。(war and peace是一对概念,看作一个主题)

同例: ham and eggs n.火腿蛋 steam and bread

law and order bread and butter

apple pie and ice cream folk and knife

wheel and axle 轮轴 needle and thread

love and hate egg and rice 蛋炒饭

the writer and translator is delivering a speech in our university tonight. (指同一个人)

the writer and the translator are delivering a speech in our university tonight. (指两个人)

a black and a white dog are playing in the yard. (指两只狗)

a black and white dog is playing in the yard. ( 指一只狗)


early to bed and early to rise makes one healthy, wealthy and wise.

( 指“早睡早起”一件事)

to work hard is necessary

what i said and did is of no concern to you.

reading three classical novels and making some social investigations are assignments for the students during the holiday. ( 注意: 指不同性质的两件事,谓语用复数 )

7. many a, more than one + 单数可数名词,尽管表示复数意义, 谓语仍用单数。

many a student has made such a mistake.

more than one stranger agrees with me.


在“more + 复数名词 + than one”结构作主语时,谓语动词用复数。

more persons than one have been involved. 卷入其中的远不止一人。

8. 由 every …and every …; each … and each…; no … and no…; many a …and many a … 等连接的并列主语,谓语动词用单数。

every man and every woman working here is getting along well with me.

no difficulty and no hardship has discouraged him.

9. 由 all of, most of, half of , a lot of, part of 等加名词构成的主语,谓语动词的数取决于该名词的单复数。

all of us are going to see the game.

all of his time was spent on gambling

three-fourths of the people are illiterate.

同例: plenty of…, one fourth of…, none of…, some of …, majority of …, … percent of …, the rest of …, reminder of …。

10. a number of ( a total of , an average of ) +复数名词,谓语动词用复数。

the number of ( the total of, the average of ) + 复数名词, 谓语动词用单数。

a total of ten thousand dollars were donated last month.

the total of dollars donated last month was 100,000 dollars.

同例: a / the variety of;a / the group of

11. 定语从句的谓语动词注意与先行词保持一致,但注意the only one of… 的用法。

one of those men likes to drive fast.

one of those men who like to drive fast is her son.

he is the only one of those men who likes to drive fast.

12. 由some,any, no,every 构成的复合词如somebody, nothing, nobody, anything, everybody等代词作主语,谓语动词用单数;由each, every one, no one, either, neither, another, the other作主语时,谓语动词用单数;由either, neither, each, every修饰名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。如:

more than one example is necessary to make the students understand this rule clearly.

neither is satisfactory.

is either of the singers reading now?

13. the + adj / v-ed 表示一类人时, 用复数谓语动词; 表示抽象概念时, 谓语动词用单数。

the sick have been cured and the lost have been found.


同例: the poor / dumb / innocent / guilty / unemployed / aged / oppressed / exploited…

we can do the difficult first. the impossible takes a little longer.


the best is yet to come. 好戏还在后头。

14. a pair of + 由两部分物体构成的名词(如:shoes, scissors, glasses, jeans, pants, trousers)作主语时,谓语动词用单数。

my new pair of pants is being altered. 我的一条短裤正在修改。

15. 当主语被one ( a ) and a half 修饰时,谓语动词用数。

one and a half apples is left on the plate.

16. 当主语由 a series of…, a portion of …, a species of …, a kind of …, a sequence of …, a chain of…, a piece of … 加名词(单数或复数)构成时, 谓语用单数。

a series of lectures on psychology is said to be given by mr. li.

a large portion of her poems was published after her death.

英语b级语法重点总结语法 篇5


1.不可数名词只用单数形式。如果要表示数量多少,需在其前面加量词来表达。如:a piece of news(一条新闻);two pieces of advice(两条建议)

2.名词所有格的构成是名词加“’s”,如:Mary’s room;如原词已有复数词尾-s,则只加“’”,如:the students’ hall, 通常用于有生命的存在物的名词;名词所有格也可以由介词of加名词构成,通常用于无生命的存在物的名词, 如:the window of the classroom.


What a beautiful house! Especially there are many ______.

A. furniture B. furnitures C. pieces of furniture D. pieces of furnitures

小学英语语法 篇6


at noon在午时 at night在夜间 at present目前

(2)on:用于星期,某天,某一天的上午、下午、晚上(指具体的某一天时,一律用) on sunday在星期天 on sunday morning 在星期天的上午

on march 8 在3月8日


in 1999 在19 in november 在11月份

in summer 在夏季 in the afternoon在下午


i think he will be back in an hour .我想他一小时后就会回来。

i heard that she would be back in a month.我听说她一个月后回来的。


wei hua got up before 7 o’clock this morning .今天早晨,魏华在7点之前起床了。


after that ,no noe should ever kill a seagull . 从那时起,任何人不得捕杀海鸥。


by the time i arrived ,she had already gone .



florence often worked for twenty-four hours without rest .



during the lifetime of one man ,north america and europe will more further apart by nearly two metres . 在一个人的一生期间,北美洲和欧洲由于漂移,其间的距离将要增加差不多两米。


he ,who led the united states through these years ,was shot on april 14, 1865 ,at a theater in washington



the worders were made to work from 7 in the morning to 7 in the evening .工人们被迫从早7点工作到晚7点。


since that time ,my eyes had never been very good.从那时起,我的眼睛一直不是很好。


he will arrive within an hour .他一小时内就人到。

2、表示地点(at、in、on 、under、over、above、below、near、by、between、among、around、around、in front of、behind、in 、into、out of、along、across、,through、


小学英语语法大全 篇7

有些英语教师, 对课文中出现的语法现象讲解得详详细细, 认认真真, 学生也能背出那些语法规则, 但是实际运用起来却错漏百出, 没有真真正正地运用好语法, 掌握好语法。例如:九年义务教育英语教材初一下学期教到一般现在时态, 教师很容易讲清楚, 学生也很快记住了相关语法规则:一般现在时, 当主语是第三人称单数时, 谓语动词要加s或es;当主语是其他人称时, 谓语动词用原形。但是, 由于汉语没有这种变化, 学生很容易做错。

教师要使学生真正接受这种语言现象, 养成习惯, 做起题来万无一失, 就必须经过多次的反复的练习才行, 教师在课堂上也要多给出例子, 例如:他每天早上六点钟起床。He gets up at six every morning.他们 (你们) 经常在学校吃午餐。They (You) have lunch at school.等等, 老师还要指出动词加es或es的变化与名词的复数形式一样, 并注意把以上两句变为否定句和一般疑问句时的情况作讲解。变否定句时把doesn’t或don’t加在动词gets和have前, 第一句加了doesn’t以后gets要改为get, 第二句动词have照抄即可。把以上两句变为一般疑问句, 第一句在句子开头加Does, 动词gets变为原形get, 大写H要改变为小写h, 第二句在句子开头加Do, 大写T要改变为小写t, 其他照抄, 句末加问号即可。又如, 在教学现在进行时, 学生也很快记住了语法规则:现在进行时是由助动词be的现在式 (is, are, am) +动词现在分词 (动词+ing) 构成;现在分词构成有三种情况:一, 一般的动词直接加ing;二, 以不发音e结尾的动词去掉e再加ing;三, 以重读闭音节结尾的, 且末尾只有一个辅音字母, 应双写这一辅音字母再加ing。可是学生翻译或运用起来不是把助动词be丢掉, 就是把现在分词的ing丢掉。例如翻译:我正在读英语, 正确翻译是:“I am reading English.”而学生往往翻译为:“I am read English”或“I reading English”。再如学习了动词以后, 学生们学习了行为动词作谓语, 还是忘不了“be”, 例如翻泽“我每天学英语”, 正确的翻译是:“I study English everyday.”多数学生却翻译为:“I am study English every day”.

总之, 对于初学英语的学生来说, 犯这种或那种语法性错误的现象很多, 它的主要原因是东西方语言习惯的差异。要克服这种错误现象, 必须着重听说读写的训练, 着重于实践。反复实践, 反复训练, 才能得以巩固所学的语法知识, 才能做到正确地运用所学的语法知识。

那么, 对课文和句型中出现的一些新的语法现象怎么教?我认为不是当新的语法知识一出现就开始大讲, 特讲, 讲个不停。特别是一些比较难的语法项目, 很难在学生初次遇到时就能讲明白的。有些语法知识最好在学生积累了一定的语言材料以后再进行讲解。比如, 教到被动语态时, 先让学生理解了句子意思才讲解。The desk is made of wood.这书桌是木材做的。English is spoken by many people in the world.世界上大多数人讲英语。然后, 教师指出被动语态的结构是由be+动词过去分词构成, 不同的时态be的形式分别不同。举例一一讲解不同时态被动语态的句子。

对于一些还没有教到的语法知识, 可以先让学生了解其意义, 把它作为句型来记忆, 而暂不作其他要求, 等到学生积累了一定的语言材料以后再回过头来讲解, 这种方法可达到事半功倍的效果。否则学生听不懂, 做不对, 说不出, 很容易挫伤学生学习的积极性和兴趣。例如, 现在完成时是初中阶段很难学的一个时态, 内容多, 难理解, 与汉语习惯差异大, 只能一点一点地讲从九年义务教育新教材Book III里的unit 6开始, 课本里有四个单元, 在十六课中都逐渐出现现在完成时态, 先从对话Have you got...?入手, 指出现在完成时的结构, 及逐一举例讲解出现的各种情形。总之, 现在完成时只能慢慢地讲解, 等到学生有了一定的基础, 才能系统地加以归纳、比较、总结并用于指导实践。
