


托福听力冷门历史类话题应对心得分析 篇1


The first guitars were wooden. This is the Spanish guitar and the strings were made from animal products. Then came steel strings. And that led to the lap guitar,which is also called the steel guitar because the player slides a steel rod up and down the neck. And those are all acoustic guitars. OK?

But then eventually we have electric guitars. Over the years,many inventors and musicians contributed to the design of these instruments. And each design was intended to alter the sound in some way,at first at least with the electric guitar,to make it louder.

很明显的,教授接下来就开始讲到吉他的发展过程,第一种吉他,wooden aka spanish guitar;接着steel guitar;lap guitar;然后有了electric guitar。而且重点说到“ 很多的发明者和音乐家对这种乐器的设计做出了贡献,而且每次的修改的目的就是为了改变电吉他的声音,也就是要素中提到的对话题的影响。

托福听力冷门历史类话题应对心得分析 篇2


… inside there is a seed with a hard shell. It appears that the shell has to crack open or breakdown somewhat to allow the seed soak up water.(听到这里如果思考一下为什么种子要吸水,不难想到是为了发芽) You know, if their seeds remain inside their shell, they will not germinate. 如果在听前半句时想到了发芽,按照逻辑后半句所说的如果种子无法破壳,那么也就无法发芽了。germinate也就是发芽的意思。

These paintings were made deep inside a dark cave, where no natural light can penetrate. 在又黑又深的山洞里,自然光当然是无法照射到了,所以penetrate是穿透的意思。

托福听力冷门历史类话题应对心得分析 篇3

细节题是托福听力中最平民化的一种题型,它考查的是professor在讲解知识时谈到的知识要点。细节题的表述方式往往非常简单清晰,最常见的就是According to the lecture, what is true about X.X.X? 而正确答案往往都是文本中的原话。

