专英考试句子及翻译 篇1
1.E-Commerce: EC is the process of buying, selling, transferring, or exchanging products, services, and information via computer networks, including the Internet.2.E-Business: E-business refers to a broader definition of EC, not just the buying and selling of goods and services, but also servicing customers, collaborating with business partners, conducting e-learning, and conducting electronic transactions within an organization.E-business is the use of the Internet and other information technologies to support commerce and improve business performance.3.Authentication: Authentication means that a trusted authority can prove that you are who you say you are.4.Digital Certificates: A digital certificate is an electronic file that uniquely identifies individuals and Web sites on the Internet and enables secure, confidential communications.They serve as a sort of a digital passport or credential.5.Customer Relationship Management(CRM): CRM focuses on the provision and maintenance of quality services for customers, Effective CRM involves communicating with customers and delivering products, services, information and solutions in response to their problems, wants and needs.6.Supply Chain: Supply chain refers to the flow of materials, information, payments and services from raw materials suppliers, through factories and warehouses, to the end customers.A supply chain also includes the organizations and processes that create and deliver products, information, and services to the end customers.7.Supply Chain Management: The function of supply chain management(SCM)is to plan, organize, and coordinate all of the supply chain’s activities.Today, the concept of SCM refers to a total systems approach to managing the entire supply chain.SCM is usually supported by information technology.8.Encryption: Encryption is the process of transforming information so it is unintelligible to anyone but the intended recipient.[forms the basis of data integrity and privacy necessary for e-commerce.] 9.Decryption: Decryption is the process of transforming encrypted information so that it is intelligible again.10.Digital Signature: Instead of encrypting the data itself, the signing software creates a one-way hash of the data, then uses your private key to encrypt the hash.The encrypted hash, along with other information, such as the hashing algorithm, is known as a digital signature.11.Certificate Authority(CA): CAs are entities that validate identities and issue certificates.12.M-Business: M-business, or mobile business, defined as e-business enabled by wireless communications, is one of the newest frontiers in electronic communications.13.E-Business Models 1)Storefront Model: The storefront model enables merchants to sell their products online by providing a combination of transaction processing, security, online payment and information storage.It’s a basic form of e-commerce in which buyers and sellers interact directly.2)Auction Model: Auction sites act as forums through which Internet users can assume the role of either seller of bidder.3)Portal Model: Portal sites offer visitors the chance to find almost anything they are looking for in one place.a)Horizontal portals(search engines): portals that aggregate information on a broad range of topics.b)Vertical portals: portals that offer a great deal of information pertaining to a single area of interest.4)Bartering Model: The offering of one item in exchange for another.Unit 1 what is electronic commerce E-commerce framework : information infrastructure support services applications Five pillars: people;public policy;marketing and advertisement;support services;business partnership
Classification of electronic commerce:
B2B;B2C;C2B;C2C;P2P;Mobile commerce;Intra-Business EC;business-to-employees;collaborative commerce;nonbusiness EC;E-learning;exchange-to-exchange;E-Government
Unit 2 how E-Commerce works Commerce : the exchange of goods and services , usually for money.Roles : buyers;sellers;producers;Elements to conduct e-commerce :
A product;a place to sell the product(web sites);a way to accept orders--normally an on-line form of some sort.A way to accept money--normally a merchant account A fulfillment facility to ship products to customers A way to accept returns A way to handle warranty claims if necessary A way to provide customer service
The lure of E-Commerce: Lower transaction costs;larger purchases per transactions;integration into the business cycle;people can shop in different ways;larger catalogs;improved customer interaction
Building an E-Commerce Site: suppliers(供应商); your price point;customer relations;the back end : fulfillment , returns , customer service Unite 5 how to create an e-commerce web site Establish your online identity with the right web address: Make it memorable;describe your business;keep it short;Build a user-friendly site :plan your site;choose the right site-building tools(网页设计49);
Set up your web server--or select an ISP to host your site Minimize the risks of E-commerce: risk(spoofing, unauthorized disclosure 未授权的信息泄露,unauthorized action ,data alteration;解决方法:encryption ,authentication ,digital certificates)
Accept and manage all kind of payments : Test ,test test
:take time to review and test your site thoroughly before going live.Test its usability;good customer support;minimum response times;standard for replying to customer questions and concerns
Promote your site: register your site with search engines;put your domain name everywhere;advertise;purchase keywords;
NUNIT 6 E-Marketing Brand 品牌建设:name、logo、symbol(brand should be unique , recognizable and easy to remember.)
Marketing research :focus groups;interviews;paper and telephone surveys;questionnaires and
secondary research ;the demographics of internet 网络人口统计 E-mail marketing :opt-in e-mail Promotions :frequent-flyer miles ,point-based rewards;discounts, sweepstakes , free trials, free
shopping and e-coupons are all examples of promotions.Consumer tracking: Keeping user profiles, recording visits and analyzing promotional and
advertising results
Electronic advertising : It is conducted through such media as television, movies, newspaper and
magazines, as well as online and wireless channels.(banner advertisements;
pop-up ads;search engine “pay-for-performance” advertising;purchase
keywords)Search engines : A search engines is a program that scans Web sites for desired content, listing
relevant sites on the basis of keywords or other search-engine ranking criteria.Affiliate programs(联盟计划): Affiliates post links on each other’s sites in exchange for referral
fees , which usually consist of a percentage of each sale or a
fixed fee for click-throughs that result in sales.Public relations : provides customer and employees with the latest information about products,services and such issues as company promotions and consumer
reactions.through press release, speeches ,special events ,presentations and
e-mail.Crisis management :when a company is doing poorly,it will often issue
information regarding the causes and announce what steeps will be
implemented to remedy the problem.Customer relationship management :It involves communicating with customers and delivering
products, services ,information and solutions in response to their problems, wants
and needs.UNIT 7 E-Business models
Storefront model :To conduct storefront e-commerce ,merchants must organize online product
catalogs , take orders through their web sites ,accept payments securely ,send
merchandise to customers and manage customer data.Shopping-cart technology : This technology allows customers to accumulate items they with to
buy as they brows an e-business Web site.Auction model: Sellers can post items they wish to sell ,the minimum prices they require to sell
the item and deadlines to close the auction.Bidders may search the items they
are seeking ,view the current bidding activity and place bids.Reverse-auction model : :this model allows buyers to set prices that sellers compete to match,or
even beat.Portal model(门户模式): Portal sites offer visitors the chance to find almost anything they are
looking for in one place.Horizontal portals: such as search engines.They aggregate information on
a board range of topics.Vertical portals : It offers a great deal of information pertaining to a single
area of interest.It empowers customers by allowing them to state the
Name-your-price model(客户定价模式):price they are willing to pay for products or services.The online
business passes each customer’s price request to an appropriate industry
partner, who decides whether to sell the product or service to the
customer at the state price.Comparison-pricing model: They allow customers to poll various merchants in search of the
lowest price for a desired product or service.Bartering model(实物交换): the offering of one item in exchange for another.Unit 12 online payments Credit-card payment : a merchant must have a merchant account with a bank Digital cash and E-wallets : Digital cash is stored electronically and can be used to make online
electronic payments.Consumers deposit money into digital cash accounts for use in digital transactions.E-wallets keep track of billing and shipping information so that it can be entered with one-click at participating merchants’ sites.Micropayments :Micropayments enable ways for nominally priced products and services to be sold profitably over the web.(contact)和非Smart cards : it has many functions, from authentication to data storage.接触型接触型。Improved security : use PIN(personal identification number)to access the information stored on the card;password;encryption;photo identification
Unit 14 supply chain management E-Supply chain :when supply chain is managed electronically , usually with Web-based software, it is referred to as e-supply chain.The supply chain includes three flows: material flows;information flows;financial flows A typical supply chain links a company with its suppliers, its distributors;and its customers.Supply chain involves three segments: upstream;internal supply chain;downstream;Upstream : where sourcing or procurement(采购)from external suppliers occurs Internal supply chain: where transformation ,assembly ,and packaging take place;Downstream : where distribution to customers takes place, frequently by external distributors , or a disposal takes place.E-commerce can make the following contributions to supply chain management: Digital product such as software Replace all paper documents that move physically with electronic documents Provide an integrated messaging system Change the nature and structure of the supply chain from linear to a hub Enhance collaboration and information sharing among the partners in the supply chain Shorten the supply chain and minimize inventories Facilitate customer service Introduce efficiency
Global supply chains : supply chains that involve suppliers and customers or other business partners that located in two or more countries are referred to as global supply chains.Unit 17 Public-key cryptography TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol Internet security issues : eavesdropping(偷听)、tampering(篡改);impersonation(扮演
包括:spoofing and misrepresentation)
Public-key cryptography facilitates the following tasks: Encryption and decryption ;Tamper detection ;Authentication ;Non-repudiation不可抵赖性
Symmetric-key encryption 对称密钥加密
public-key encryption 公钥加密
Encryption strength(加密强度)is based on both the cipher(算法)used and the length of the key.Digital signature : It is used to solve tamper detection and related authentication;the method is one-way hash
Unit 22 wireless technology and M-business M-business(mobile business)LBS: location based service ; it can be used to improve wireless marketing, customer relationship management and business-to-consumer and business-to-employee applications.Wireless marketing ,advertising and promotion Wireless marketing can be classified as a pull strategy ,a push strategy or a combination of both.A pull strategy assumes that users will request that specific information be sent to their wireless devices in real time(实时).A push strategy is enacted when an organization delivers marketing messages to wireless devices at a time deemed appropriate by the company.Successful implementation of wireless advertising requires that the content provider , advertiser and carrier establish a system that delivers ads to consumers at the right location and the right time.Promotions: distributing e-coupons to their wireless devices according to their locations.CRM: customers can receive timely and relevant information on demand ,and companies can interact more efficiently with their sales and field forces.Key terms Lesson 01 business process 商务过程 public policy 公共政策 support services 支持服务 business partnership 商务伙伴关系 business-to-business(B2B)企业对企业 consumer-to-consutmer(C2C)消费者对消费者的电子商务
peer-to-peer application 对等应用程序 mobile commerce 移动商务 intra-business EC 企业内部电子商务
business-to-employees(B2E)企业对员工 collaborative commerce 合作商务 e-learning 电子学习
e-government 电子政务
Consumer segmentation 消费者细分 Lesson 02
Marketing 市场营销 customer service 客户服务 transaction cost 交易成本 purchase per transaction 单次交易的购买量 business cycle 商业周期 customer interaction 客户互动 enterprise computing 企业计算 virtual hosting service 虚拟宿主服务 simplified e-commerce 简化的电子商务 Mail order 邮购
Mail order purchase order 邮购订单 Warranty claims 产品保证条款 Knowledge base 知识库 Market share 市场占有率 Brand loyalty 品牌忠诚度 Affiliate program 联盟机制 Forum 论坛 Special discount 特价
Repeat buyer program 重复购买机制 Retailers 零售商 Wholesaler 批发商 Distributor 分销商
Mail order catalog 邮购目录 Mail order purchase order 邮购订单 Warranty claims 产品保证条款 Knowledge base 知识库 Market share 市场占有率 Brand loyalty 品牌忠诚度 Affiliate program 联盟机制 Lesson 05 internet identity 网络身份认证
E-commerce storefront 电子商务在线商店 Site map 网站地图
Web hosting company 网页寄存公司 Internet payment gateway 因特网支付网关 Store front 店面 Domain name 域名
Established business 线下业务
Internet service provider(ISP)网络服务提供商
Brick-and-mortar stores 传统商店 Product specifications 产品详情 Testimonial 证明书 Site map 站点地图
Web design studio 网页设计工作室 Small-and medium-sized businesses 中小型企业
Product specification 产品详情
FAQ(frequency asked questions)常见问题 Rule of thumb 经验法则 Financial institution 金融机构
Online payment processing 在线支付处理
Lesson 06 brand 品牌 Branding 品牌建设 marketing research 市场研究 e-mail marketing 电子邮件营销 opt-in e-mail 许可电子邮件 Spamming 垃圾邮件 customer tracking 顾客跟踪 electronic advertisement 电子广告 banner advertisement 横幅广告 pop-up advertisement 弹出式广告 search engine 搜索引擎 pay-for-performance 按效果付费 pay-for-performance 网络会员制营销
click-through 点入率 public relations 公共关系 crisis management 危机管理
customer relationship management(CRM)顾客关系管理
electronic customer relationship management(eCRM)电子顾客关系管理 Marketing mix 行销组合 Monetary value 货币价值 Purchasing preferences 购买偏好 Buying power 购买力 Point-based reward 积分奖励 Free trials 免费试用 E-coupons 电子优惠券 Referral fee 引荐费
Personalized direct e-mail 个性化直邮 Log-file analysis 日志文件分析 Anonymous account 匿名账户 Lesson 07 Electronic funds transfer(EFT)电子资金转账
Electronic date interchange(EDI)电子数据交换
storefront model 店面模式
shopping cart technology 购物车技术 auction model 拍卖模式 portal model 门户模式
name-your-price model 用户定价模式 comparison-pricing model 对比定价模式 bartering model 实物交易模式 Merchant server 商户服务器 Designated increment 指定的增量 Intelligent agents 智能代理 Online product catalog
Shipping information Personalized service 个性化服务 Data mining 数据挖掘 Personal-identification Bidding process
Lesson 12 credit-card payment信用卡支付 digital cash 数字现金 e-wallet 电子钱包 micropayment 位置不 smart card 智能卡
personal identification number(PIN)个人识
acquiring 收单银行 authorization 授权,认可 credit card association 信用卡联盟 issuing bank 发卡银行
internet merchant account 互联网商家账户 payment processing service 支付处理服务 processor 处理器 settlement 资金结
Electronic funds transfer 电子资金转账 Toll booth 收费所
Recurring billing payments 分期付款 Settlement 资金结算
Electronic founds transfer 电子资金转账 Point of sale(POS)销售点
Card-not-present transaction 无卡交易 Contactless card 非接触型卡 Contact interface 接触型接口
Electronic bookkeeping procedure 电子记账程序
Dial-up connection 拨号连接 Fraudulent transaction 欺诈性交易 Lesson 14
supply chain management 供应链管理 e-supply chain 电子供应链 materials flow 物流 information flow 信息流 financial flow 资金量 upstream activity 上游活动
internal supply chain activity 供应链内部活动
downstream activity 下游活动
enterprise resource planning(ERP)企业资源规划
global supply chain 全球供应链 Inventory control 库存管理 Build-to-order 按订单制造 Materials handling 物料处理 Digitization of software 数字化软件 Physical flow 实物流
Product life cycle 产品生命周期 Procurement via consortia 联盟采购
Corporate intranet 企业内部网 Lesson 17 symmetric-key encryption 对称密钥加密(私钥加密)
public-key encryption 公钥加密(非对称密钥加密)
length of the key 密钥长度
one-way hash(message digest)单向哈希值(信息摘要)
digital signature 数字签名 One-way hash 单向哈希法 Lesson 19 secure electronic transaction(SET)安全电子贸易
cardholder 信用卡持有人 merchant 商家 issuer 发卡金融机构 acquirer 收单金融机构 payment gateway 支付网关
purchase-related information 购买相关信息 order-related information 订货相关信息 Lesson 20
privacy 个人隐私
intellectual property right 知识产权 copyright 著作权,版权 trademark 商标 patent 专利 defamation 诽谤 Lesson 22
personal digital assistant(PDA)个人数字助理
mobile business(m-business)移动商务 location-identification technology 位置识别 技术
location-based service 基于位置的服务 wireless marketing 无限营销 pull strategy 拉策略 push strategy 推策略 opt-in/out 选择加入/退出
wireless advertising industry 无线广告业 short message service(SMS)短信息服务 customer relationship management(CRM)客户关系管理
mobile payment(m-payment)移动支付 mobile wallet(m-wallet)移动钱包 double opt-in policy 双重选择加入政策 Content provider 内容提供商 Short message service 短信服务
专英考试句子及翻译 篇2
英语翻译能力测试是英语应用能力考试的重要组成部分, 而翻译教学由于涉及到跨文化等相关知识的运用, 考生若没有一定的英语基本功, 想在这部分得到高分就很难, 同时, 具有了一定的英语基础知识, 也不等于具有较高的翻译能力。考生应该在学习和复习时掌握一些翻译的基本常识和一些常用方法, 对翻译实例认真练习并总结规律, 避免常见错误, 提高自己的翻译技能和应试能力。
考生应首先了解翻译命题规律, 高职高专英语考试中涉及的英语句型大致有以下特点:句子较长, 也就是说复合句的考查较多, 包括定语从句、状语从句等。句子虽然不长, 但包含着较难理解的词、词组或短语, 尤其是一些表示抽象意义的词, 另外, 句子中往往含有比较复杂的语法现象如被动语态, 虚拟语气。翻译考查的技巧主要包括:定语从句的译法;被动语态的处理;长句的处理。掌握这些命题规律为考生复习应考提供了很大的方便, 考生可以根据自己的实际情况, 多选择与上述内容有关的段落或句子进行相关练习。
非英语专业的高职高专学生在学习英语中最大问题是缺乏主动思考, 考生对翻译基本要求和技能没有把握, 在翻译测试中, 考生或多或少都会遇到一些障碍。首先, 缺乏基本的翻译常识。作为公共英语学习者, 学生在英语学习的过程中很少或根本就没有进行过系统的翻译训练, 缺乏对翻译要求等常识性东西的基本了解。其次, 对英译汉翻译技巧知之甚少。任何事情都有其内在的规律, 翻译也不例外。考生在备考时应掌握一些英译汉中经常采用的翻译技巧, 注意体会英语和汉语之间的差异, 总结翻译规律, 运用各种翻译技巧以提高自己的翻译技能和翻译质量。第三, 对试题考点的理解把握不透。为了增加试题的难度, 试题设计者往往选择一些语法结构错综复杂的句子, 这就要求考生练习翻译句子时, 仔细分析句子的语言结构, 分析清句子结构并真正理解之后再去翻译。第四, 缺乏中文表达能力。英译汉是英语和汉语两种语言之间的转化, 要求译文符合汉语表达习惯。因此, 考生在复习时也应注意训练自己的汉语表达能力。
考生在平时练笔时应该了解并遵循一定的翻译步骤, 才能避免不必要的错误。英译汉的过程包括理解、表达和校核三个阶段。理解是表达的前提, 若不能正确地理解原文就谈不上确切的表达, 表达是理解的补充, 因此, 英译汉需要考生从英语到汉语, 再从汉语到英语反复的推敲翻译。具体练笔时, 考生要做到以下几点:
第一, 认真理解理解阶段的目的在于读懂英语原文, 弄清原文的意思。首先, 考生应通读全文, 从整体上把握整篇段落的内容, 理解句子内部的语法关系, 搞清句子和句子之间的逻辑关系。其次, 细分句子语法结构。从翻译试题来看, 有些句子结构比较复杂, 复杂的句子如果不搞清楚它的语法结构, 很难达到正确完整地理解原文的要求。在分析句子结构时, 考生要注意首先把句子的主语、谓语和宾语找出来, 弄清句子的骨干结构。在分析句子的骨干结构时还应该注意分析具体的语法如省略, 倒装, 强调等。再次, 理解句子及关键词的含义。考生要理解全句乃至全段的整体意义和语言风格特点, 通过上下文, 弄清句子中所有实词和虚词的词汇意义, 确定句子中代词段落中所指代的内容, 找出句子中短语和常用词在该句中的具体含义。
第二, 准确表达表达就是译者把自己从英语原文理解的内容用汉语表达出来, 表达的好坏取决于译者对英语原文的理解程度以及译者的汉语水平, 同时, 表达上还存在许多具体的方法和技巧。翻译中常用的表达技巧方法是直译和意译。所谓直译, 就是在译文语言条件许可时, 在译文中既保持原文的内容, 又保持原文的形式。汉语和英语两种语言存在着许多共同之处, 许多英语句子的翻译完全可以采取直译的方法, 这样可以获得一举两得之功效, 既保持了原文的形式, 又正确表达了原文的内容。如:strike while the iron is hot (趁热打铁) ;more haste, less speed (欲速则不达) 。汉语和英语在词汇、句法结构和表达方法上有很多的差异, 当原文的思想内容与译文的表达形式有矛盾不易采用直译的方法处理时, 就应采用意译法, 意译就是不拘泥于原文的形式, 重点在于正确表达原文的内容。在具体的翻译过程中, 笔者建议考生采取灵活的方法, 不论是直译还是意译, 只要是符合“忠实、通顺”的翻译原则, 都是可取的。考生在应试时对结构比较复杂的句子可以先采取直译的方法, 然后再对直译得出的结果进行加工润色, 在保持原来句子意义的基础上, 根据汉语的表达习惯, 用既符合原文的意义又符合汉语表达习惯的句子表达出来。
第三, 仔细校对校对阶段是理解与表达的进一步深化, 是对原文内容进一步核实以及对译文语言进一步推敲的过程, 通过校对, 考生可以发现译文中可能存在的一些问题, 确保自己理解和表达的内容准确完美。在校对阶段, 首先要注意人名、地名、日期、方位和数字等的准确;其次要看汉语译文的词与句有无错漏;同时修改译文中译错或表达不够准确的句子、词组或词汇;最后确定无错别字和标点符号的正确使用。
英语翻译能力的提高固然在于考生平时的练习, 同时, 掌握必要的翻译技巧也十分必要, 考生应该在平时做题中自己主动思考, 总结翻译技巧理论, 将理论应用到实际翻译中, 只有通过不断的练习和积累, 才能提高自己的翻译技能, 在考试中取得理想成绩。
摘要:翻译能力的培养是高职高专英语教学的重要组成部分, 英语应用能力考试中的翻译主要测试考生将英语正确译成汉语的能力, 为了提高考生的翻译能力, 考生应该明确认识翻译试题的特点, 适当运用各种翻译技巧, 避免翻译中的常见错误和问题。
[1]肖军石, 汉英、英汉翻译初探[M].北京:商务印书馆, 1982
[2]卢保江, 高等学校英语应用能力应考指南[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2006
句子翻译题型及解题技巧 篇3
(1)They ____(同意) us on some matters yesterday afternoon.
(2)Mr. Smith gave us ____(一条) advice on how to keep healthy.
【答案及解析】(1)由所给的汉语“同意”可以想到英语的agree,后面又有us,因此可以想到短语agree with sb.“同意某人”;从时间状语yesterday afternoon可知时态为一般过去时,故答案为agreed with。(2)该题考查不可数名词的表达形式。advice为不可数名词,那么很容易知道答案为a piece of。
I’ll ____ to the zoo with my parents, if it ____ ____ tomorrow.
This story is ____ ____ ____ that one.
【答案及解析】(1)本题考查if引导的条件状语从句,如果主句用一般将来时,if引导的从句可以用一般现在时,故答案为:go; doesn’t rain。(2)本题考查形容词比较级的用法。其结构为“be动词+形容词比较级+than”,由此可以知道答案为:more interesting than。
(1)去年冬天,她不仅在酒吧唱歌还为别人写歌。(not only…but also; pub)
(2)他们宁愿买辆新车,也不愿修理旧车。(would rather…than)
【参考答案】(1)Last winter she not only sang in the pub but also wrote songs for others.(2)They would rather buy a new car than repair the old one.
(4)注意汉语中的同一个词在英语中的不同表达。如good, well, fine都表示“好”,但其用法就不同了。
【参考答案】(1)The article was written in the form of a diary. (2)Please pay attention to what I am going to say. (3)The lost parts were found after the ship was pulled out of the water.
英语句子从其句子成分来说,除了定语、状语等修饰成分外,共有五种基本结构:①主语+不及物动词; ②主语+连系动词+表语; ③主语+及物动词+宾语; ④主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语; ⑤主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语。
在翻译句子前,先要仔细审题。切勿一看到中文句子马上就动手写。审完题后再看看要把它译成以下三种句子种类中的哪一种:①简单句; ②并列句; ③复合句。
(1)Waste can be seen everywhere in the school. Some students ask for more food than they can eat and others often forget to turn off the lights when they leave the classroom. They say they can afford these things. But I don’t agree with them.
Waste can bring a lot of problems. Although China is rich in some resources(资源), we are short of others, for example, fresh water. (2)It is reported that we will have no coal or oil to use in 100 years. So if we go on wasting our resources, what can we use in the future and where can we move? Think about it. (3)I think we should say no to the students who waste things every day. Everybody should stop wasting as soon as possible.
(4)In our everyday life, we can do many things to prevent(阻止) waste from happening, for example, turn off the water taps when we finish washing, turn off the lights when we leave the classroom, try not to order more food than we need, and so on. Little by little, everything will be changed. (5)Waste can be stopped one day, if we do our best.
【答案及解析】⑴该句中有can be seen,我们可知这是一个被动语态的句子,故应翻译为:在我们学校里,浪费现象随处可见。⑵该句中It is reported后面跟的是一个宾语从句,will表将来,答案应为:据报道,一百年后,我们将没有炭和石油可用。⑶该句中I think后面跟的是一个宾语从句,who又引导定语从句。该复合句可翻译为:我认为我们应该对那些天天浪费东西的学生说不。⑷该句中有prevent…from doing意为“阻止……做某事”。该句翻译为:在我们的日常生活中,我们能做许多阻止浪费发生的事情。⑸该句中if引导一个条件状语从句,而主句又是被动语态,故该句翻译为:如果我们都尽力的话,将来有一天浪费就不会发生了。
英语 翻译句子02-01