


商务英语句子翻译 篇1

1.Oil prices increased from the second quarter of 2000 through to November but then eased,partly because of the global slowdown.2.World trade volumes rose sharply in 2000, particularly early in the year.3.The global economy in 2000 grew at its fastest pace in over a decade and a half.4.Actual foreign direct investment rose by 24.2% to $4.58 billion in the first two months of this

year while contracted FDI shot up by 47.1% in the same period.5.The country’s urban retail sales leapt nearly 12%.6.In April, the wholesale price index decreased 0.7% from a year earlier.7.Actual investment during January-October was reduced to 3%.8.Third-quarter US GDP data showed that profits had dropped to 4.1 percent of GDOP.9.Growth in property sales slid 13% in October from 37% in the first three quarters of 2001.10.The international Monetary Fund predicts that the country’s GDP growth will dip back below

8% in 2001.11.The country’s public debt to GDP ratio stood at 14.6 percent---a comparatively low figure by

international standards.12.GDP growth in the first half of this year was 7.9 per cent---among the highest in the world---

and is forecast to remain at 7.5 per cent for the whole year.13.The province’s export growth rates hovered around 9% throughout 2000.14.Overall growth in steel demand leveled out in the second half of 1999.15.The market conditions in Europe and Asia still remain unchanged at present.16.The trade deficit this year is 12% higher than that of last year.17.The report compares the performance of the newly emerging economies with that of the

industrialized nations.18.Investment has been running above the level of 2001 so far in 2002.19.East Asia still remains the fastest-growing region in the world.20.China is by far the world’s most populated country.21.The United States has been the largest tech exporter in the world by a large margin.22.The Whole region is expecting little or no growth in the coming year.23.Many renowned economists anticipated that the stock market would enter an era of

uncertainty.24.It is estimated that automobile sales this year will decline by a small margin.25.As projected earlier, the world economy is gradually sliding into a recession.26.The cross-border flows of short-and long-term investments have doubled between 1995 and

1999.27.The total GDP of the country this year is almost twice as much as that of 2000.28.Japan’s export of steel grew 5-fold last year, making it the largest exporter in the world.

商务英语句子翻译 篇2

英语翻译的特点是长难句比较多, 体现在两方面:一是修饰成分较多;二是句子结构层次较复杂, 从句嵌套现象层出不穷。由此可见, 长难句的结构分析在英语翻译中就显得尤为重要。

英语翻译的难点之一就是长难句的结构句子。为了攻克长难句, 应该注意以下几点:

1 熟练掌握英语中的“五种基本句型”

英语中, 常见的五种基本句型:

(1) 主语+谓语 (谓语为不及物动词)

(2) 主语+谓语 (谓语为及物动词) +宾语

(3) 主语+谓语 (谓语为及物动词) +宾语+宾语补足语

(4) 主语+谓语 (谓语为及物动词) +直接宾语+间接宾语

(5) 主语+系动词+表语

在英语翻译中, 划线部分的句子大多是长难句, 但是不管句子结构有多复杂, 都能够回归到英语的“五种基本句型”上, 即再复杂的句子, 只要提炼出主干或主句, 就能对句子的基本框架有了一个总体的把握。英语句子由短到长, 主要借助于连词、介词、分词、非谓语动词等手段, 其中连词主要是and, but等并列连词和what, which, who等从属连词, 换句话说, 这些连词、介词、分词、非谓语动词等把句子分成了一个又一个的小意群, 因而成了句子结构划分的拆分点。其中, 并列连词把两个独立的分句连在了一起, 从属连词把一个独立的分句与一个从句连接在了一起。具体说来, and, but连接的并列分句中的谓语动词都是主句谓语动词, 而从属连词which, that, where等所引导的从句中都各配备有一个属于从句的谓语动词。所以, 只要找到了这些连词和主从句的谓语动词, 句子结构就清晰地展现在眼前了。

2 抓住英语长难句的拆分点

(1) 要明确拆分的目的

拆分英语长难句的目的是把主句和从句拆分开来, 把主干部分和修饰部分拆分开来, 理清句子结构。

(2) 找出英语句子的拆分点

1) 标点符号

标点符号是英语句子当中最为明显的切分标志, 有几个典型的标点符号可以帮助我们迅速切分句子的意群。比如说双逗号、破折号、冒号、分号等。如果双逗号之间是介词短语或者是副词短语、或者双逗号前后是被分开的主谓结构, 这时双逗号之间往往是插入语的成分。破折号、冒号后面一般是解释说明的部分, 它们可以成为句子的拆分点。分号相当于and把句子分成并列的意群, 也是很好的拆分点。考生在读句子时应首先看看有没有这样的标点符号, 从而更好地断句。

2) 并列连词

考生一定搞清and, or, but, yet, for等都是并列连词, 是并列句的拆分点。

3) 从属连词

考生一定要清楚从属连词引导从句, 是主从复合句的拆分点。状语从句的连接词有:when, as, since, until, before, after, where, because, though, although, so that等;名词性从句连接词有:that, whether/if, who, whom, whose, what, which, whatever, whichever, when, where, how, why等;定语从句的连接词有:who, which, that, whom, whose when, why, where等。

4) 动词不定式和分词

不定式结构 (to do) 常常构成不定式短语, 可以用来做定语或者状语, 可以是拆分点;分词包括现在分词和过去分词, 常常用来构成分词短语做定语或者状语等修饰语, 也可以是拆分点。

5) 介词短语

由on, in, with, at, of, to等介词构成的介词短语可以用来做定语或者状语等修饰语, 所以它们也是拆分点。

以上这些“信号词”在拆分英语句子时可能是断开的地方, 但并不是绝对的。它们有助于我们看清句子结构, 进而更好地理解英语原文。

总之, 只要考生对句子结构有个透彻的理解, 弄清句子的各个成分, 并可以借助连词、介词、非谓语动词等手段把句子由简单变得复杂, 由复杂变得简单, 这样句子结构分析技能提高了, 长难句也就攻克了, 考研翻译也就解决了。


[1]陈定安.英汉比较与翻译[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 1998.

[2]辛献云.翻译教学中的译文比较教学法[J].外语与翻译, 2001 (2) .

关注英语课堂前十分钟的句子翻译 篇3




1. My ill prevents me from go to school.

2. I’m so serious ill that I can’t go to school.

3. Being ill, I will absent from school.

4. I’m seriously ill, thus making it impossible for me to go to school.

5. I’m seriously ill, that makes me unable to go to school.

6. It’s because I’m ill that I can’t go to school.

7. The reason why I can’t go to school is because I’m ill.


1. My illness prevents me from going to school.

2. I’m so seriously ill that I can’t go to school.

3. Being ill, I’ll be absent from school.

4. I’m seriously ill, thus making it impossible for me to school.

5. I’m seriously ill, which makes me unable to go to school.

6. It’s because I’m ill that I can’t go to school.

7. The reason why I can’t go to school is that I’m ill.

纠正之后,就给每句话点评打分。句1能使用短语prevent sb. from doing sth., 句2使用了so ... that ... 句型,句1、2属于平铺直叙的句式,所以都是1分。句3、4都用到了非谓语——分词做状语,句5用到了非限制性定语从句,均是较重要的语法现象,所以句3、4、5、都是2分。句6用到了it is ... that ... 的强调句型,句7既有定语从句又有名词性从句、表语从句,句式复杂,难度较大,学生能写出这样的句子,说明此学生的功底很深,所以得3分。

最后对此次翻译进行总结:任何句子都可以有多种翻译方法,可以从不同的理解角度进行翻译,只要短语、句式结构正确就可以。此次翻译我们把握了以下短语: prevent sb. from doing sth. /be absent from ... /make it impossible for sb. to do sth; 了解了以下句型: so ... that ... 句型、强调句型、名词性从句、定语从句、分词作状语;还注意到了以后不应当再犯的错误:修饰形容词需要用副词(seriously ill), 情态动词后跟动词原形(will be absent), the reason的定语从句用why引导,表语从句用that引导。

经过不停尝试,学生习惯后还可以试着翻译两句话,并学着如何把两句话用连接词连起来,使句子衔接紧凑,使得两句话不至于那么零散突兀。比如可以用到besides, moreover, furthermore, however, therefore, on the other hand, at the same time等。长期坚持这样做,就会为以后的写作打下坚实的基础。



英语句子翻译 篇4

如果这些数据统计If the data is statistically valid,it will throw light on the problem we are investigating.该公司否认The company denied that its donations had a commercial purpose.每当他生气Whenever he was angry ,he would begin to stammer slightly.背离传统It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition.汤姆过去Tom used to be very shy,but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience.很多教育家Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age.假设那幅名画Assuming this painting really is a masterpiece,do you think it’s worthwhile to buy it?

如果这些数据统计If the data is statistically valid,it will throw light on the problem we are investigating.该公司否认The company denied that its donations had a commercial purpose.每当他生气Whenever he was angry ,he would begin to stammer slightly.背离传统It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition.汤姆过去Tom used to be very shy,but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience.很多教育家Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age.假设那幅名画Assuming this painting really is a masterpiece,do you think it’s worthwhile to buy it?

如果这些数据统计If the data is statistically valid,it will throw light on the problem we are investigating.该公司否认The company denied that its donations had a commercial purpose.每当他生气Whenever he was angry ,he would begin to stammer slightly.背离传统It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition.汤姆过去Tom used to be very shy,but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience.很多教育家Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age.假设那幅名画Assuming this painting really is a masterpiece,do you think it’s worthwhile to buy it?

如果这些数据统计If the data is statistically valid,it will throw light on the problem we are investigating.该公司否认The company denied that its donations had a commercial purpose.每当他生气Whenever he was angry ,he would begin to stammer slightly.教cherished tradition in our family.That育是我们Education is the most s ’at expensive restaurants,but sent me to why my parents never took me to dinner the best private school.手术康复the Shortly to surgery,he lost after his he job recovered and thus from had his life.go through another difficult phase of 与我们的neighbors,my In contrast to our affluent poor parents are our minimal needs.,but they have always tried to rather meet 科学家们water on Mars?

Have scientist found proof of 计划委员会narrowed the nuclear power plant to two coastal down The planning committee has the possible locations for towns.山姆不仅also for the rest of his life.both Sam not only lost his job but legs;he had to live on welfare 由十二人voted in unison that Mary was guilty.A jury consisting of 12 members 听到有人talent being questioned.Sean felt humiliated to hear his 研究表明bring a lot of health benefits.Research shows that laughter can 互联网is really annoying.A show Internet connection speed 法someone commit suicide is a crime.律规定As the law stands ,helping 玛interpret 丽在In different angle.the her data report from ,Mary a completely tries to 苏是一个amazing memory sets her apart from her Sue is a girl of great talent.Her classmates.是工人和dedication It is the creativity and the that business.turned of the the company workers into and a executives profitable 食medicine have soared in the past three 品和医药The prices of food and months.我们打算floors of the office building.We plan to repaint the upper 他popularity and artistic merit sometimes 的成功His success shows that coincide.我不愿意grandmother lying in a hospital bed and I don’t want to see my beloved groaning painfully.教cherished tradition in our family.That育是我们Education is the most s ’at expensive restaurants,but sent me to why my parents never took me to dinner the best private school.手术康复the Shortly to surgery,he lost after his he job recovered and thus from had his life.go through another difficult phase of 与我们的neighbors,my In contrast to our affluent poor parents are our minimal needs.,but they have always tried to rather meet 科学家们water on Mars?

Have scientist found proof of 计划委员会narrowed the nuclear power plant to two coastal down The planning committee has the possible locations for towns.山姆不仅also for the rest of his life.both Sam not only lost his job but legs;he had to live on welfare 由十二人voted in unison that Mary was guilty.A jury consisting of 12 members 听到有人talent being questioned.Sean felt humiliated to hear his 研究表明bring a lot of health benefits.Research shows that laughter can 互联网is really annoying.A show Internet connection speed 法someone commit suicide is a crime.律规定As the law stands ,helping 玛interpret 丽在In different angle.the her data report from ,Mary a completely tries to 苏是一个amazing memory sets her apart from her Sue is a girl of great talent.Her classmates.是工人和dedication It is the creativity and the that business.turned of the the company workers into and a executives profitable 食medicine have soared in the past three 品和医药The prices of food and months.我们打算floors of the office building.We plan to repaint the upper 他popularity and artistic merit sometimes 的成功His success shows that coincide.我不愿意grandmother lying in a hospital bed and I don’t want to see my beloved groaning painfully.教cherished tradition in our family.That育是我们Education is the most s ’at expensive restaurants,but sent me to why my parents never took me to dinner the best private school.手术康复the Shortly to surgery,he lost after his he job recovered and thus from had his life.go through another difficult phase of 与我们的neighbors,my In contrast to our affluent poor parents are our minimal needs.,but they have always tried to rather meet 科学家们water on Mars?

Have scientist found proof of 计划委员会narrowed the nuclear power plant to two coastal down The planning committee has the possible locations for towns.山姆不仅also for the rest of his life.both Sam not only lost his job but legs;he had to live on welfare 由十二人voted in unison that Mary was guilty.A jury consisting of 12 members 听到有人talent being questioned.Sean felt humiliated to hear his 研究表明bring a lot of health benefits.Research shows that laughter can 互联网is really annoying.A show Internet connection speed 法someone commit suicide is a crime.律规定As the law stands ,helping 玛interpret 丽在In different angle.the her data report from ,Mary a completely tries to 苏是一个amazing memory sets her apart from her Sue is a girl of great talent.Her classmates.是工人和dedication It is the creativity and the that business.turned of the the company workers into and a executives profitable 食medicine have soared in the past three 品和医药The prices of food and months.我们打算floors of the office building.We plan to repaint the upper 他popularity and artistic merit sometimes 的成功His success shows that coincide.我不愿意grandmother lying in a hospital bed and I don’t want to see my beloved groaning painfully.教cherished tradition in our family.That育是我们Education is the most s ’at expensive restaurants,but sent me to why my parents never took me to dinner the best private school.手术康复the Shortly to surgery,he lost after his he job recovered and thus from had his life.go through another difficult phase of 与我们的neighbors,my In contrast to our affluent poor parents are our minimal needs.,but they have always tried to rather meet 科学家们water on Mars?

英语高中翻译句子 篇5

(determined, change one’s mind, give in)

Jack gave me a determined look, which showed me that he would neither change his mind nor give in

2. 约翰,想办法把这房间整理好。(think of, get sth done)

John, think of ways to get this room tidied up.

3. 他不停劝说我,如果我去旅游,让他相陪。(persuade, company)

He kept persuading me to take him for company if I went for a trip.

4. 尽管她并不喜欢画,她却坚持要和我一起去看画展。(be fond of, insist)

Although she was not fond of paintings, she insisted that she (should) go to the exhibition with me.

5. 花了一周时间才把衣物和药品送达灾区。(transport运输)

It took one week to transport the food, clothes and medicine to the disaster-hit area.

6. 我们以为保罗是一个可信赖的人,但实际上他只关心他自己。(reliable, care about)

We thought that Paul was a reliable man, but actually he only cares about himself.

7. 首先想到沿着河流从源头到终点骑车旅游的是你的表姐。(强调句)

It was your cousin who first had the idea to cycle along the river from where it begins to where it ends.

8. 由于他的车损坏了,他获得了1000元的保险费。(insurance)

Because his car was damaged, he received RMB1000 from the insurance company.

9. 我妹妹很固执,她根本听不进别人的意见。(stubborn)

So stubborn is my sister that she won’t listen to any suggestion.

10. 请耐心点。火车十分钟后到。(be doing 表将来)

经典英语句子带翻译 篇6

2、Annals not overmatch wisdom not of。志不强者智不达。

3、Give up the belief, is death。放弃信念,无异死亡。

4、The only true faith to happiness。只有信念使快乐真实。

5、The ideal is to dominate the world。理想是世界的主宰。

6、Brambling yasutomo lofty ambition is!燕雀安知鸿鹄之志哉!

7、People have faith is invincible。人有了坚定的信念才是不可战胜的。

8、Winter has come, can spring be far behind?冬天已经到来,春天还会远吗?

9、The day is too busy, no longer young。白日莫闲过,青春不再来。

10、The dark night is a prelude to the day。沉沉的黑夜都是白天的前奏。

11、People have faith, is invincible。人有了坚定的信念,才是不可战胜的。

12、Have faith is to pay a high price。产生信念是要付出很高的代价的。

13、Wonderfull Life not cost is not the。美好的生活不花代价是得不到的。

14、Selfishness winner, you can eliminate the public。私心胜者,可以灭公。

文言文句子翻译“三步走” 篇7

从历年高考的作答情况看, 为数不少的考生容易出现并且易造成失分的错误主要有三种:一是脱离语境, 误译词语; 二是以今测古, 替代不当;三是粗释大意, 遗漏要点。为此, 考生必须将上述内容列为复习重点, 注意字词和句子的关系, 并加以重点强化和灵活把握。不擅翻译的学生更应该把“取法于课内, 巩固积累于课外”作为备考的基本原则, 因为这是考生准确翻译句子的必备条件。


一、读———联想所学, 通读全文

首先, 要读懂读通, 能概括其主要内容或含义;其次, 要正确理解句子之间、分句之间的逻辑关系;最后, 要理解语句的深层含义或在文中所起的作用。

(一) 阅读时要注意句子的停断。

如:“邹忌讽/齐王纳谏”, 不能读作“邹忌讽齐王/纳谏”。

(二) 要留意句中的专用名词, 细心体会。

如称谓、地名、国名、典章制度等, 不要错读导致误解。

(三 ) 要 注 意 古今 异 义 现象 , 勿 将两 个 单 音 词 误 作 一 双音 节词理解。

如“微夫/人之力不及此”, “其/实汉贼也”等。

(四) 要体会古今语言的语法差别。

特别是文言文的特殊句式和词类活用, 如倒装句、被动句及使动、意动用法等。

平时复习, 遇到不懂的字词, 要养成查工具书的习惯。查阅工具书时, 要注意词的义项选择。

二、译———直译为主, 意译为辅

文言文翻译要考虑采分点的问题, 就必须坚持直译为主、意译为辅的翻译原则, “大智若愚, 大巧若拙”。这样, 原文字字有落实, 译文字字有根据, 得分必高。

(一) 直译。

1.直译的原则:严格按照原文字句进行 , 尽量保持原文用 词造句的特点, 力求表达方式和原文一致。


(1) “对”, 字字落实。严格按照原文的词义、词序和句式, 逐字逐句, 把文言句翻译成现代白话句, 尽量把原文的单音词对应译为现代汉语的双音词。例如:“家居, 非事未尝入州城。语及时事, 辄颦蹙不答” (2013年高考全国卷新课标卷Ⅰ《马文升传》) , 可译为“在家闲居, 无事从不到州城去。说到当时政事, 总是皱着眉头不回答”。对译时多选用与文言实词相对应的、有共同语素的双音节词。

(2) “补”, 补足成分。我们要翻译的句子会有此处省略N字的情况, 必须增补省略句中被省略、而今天又不应省略的部分。例如:“一鼓作气, 再而衰, 三而竭” (《曹刿论战》) 可译为“ (第) 一 (次) 击鼓 , (士兵们 ) 鼓足勇气 , (第) 二 (次) 击鼓 , (士兵们的勇气) 就衰减了, (第) 三 (次) 击鼓, (士兵们的勇气) 就竭尽了”。

(3) “换”, 以白换文。用现代汉语相应的词句替换原文词句。主要是替换那些不宜用对译法翻译的文言词语。 例如: “ (卢) 循晨造南津, 命三军入城乃食” (2013年高考全国大纲卷《杜慧度传》) 中的“造、乃、食 ”就不便对译 , 就用替换法译为“卢循清晨到达南津, 命令三军攻入城中才能吃饭”。

(4) “留”, 保留名号。就是要保留原文某些不必翻译的词。某些专用名词, 如人名、地名、官名、物名、国号、年号等, 可以保留不译。

(5) “删”, 省去不译。对于在句子中只起协调音节作用的词语 (如发语词、音节助词、语气词等) , 和只有语法功能而无实际含义的词语 (如结构助词、某些连词等) , 在翻译时就应删去。另外, 偏义复词在翻译时也应把不表意的一个词删掉, 如“所以遣将守关者 , 备他盗之出入与非常也”中的“出”应在翻 译时删掉。

(6) “调”, 调顺语序。文言倒装句的语序务必调整, 如“会元遗脱脱征饷, 胁王以危言” (2010年全国卷一) 中, “胁王以危言”是倒装句中的介词结构后置句, 这句应译为“拿吓人的话威胁梁王”。再有, 古人一句两断的句子需要调整语序。如“馆陶众庶, 合境悲泣” (2009年全国卷一) , 应翻译为“馆陶县整个境内的百姓都悲哭”。

(二) 意译。

如果语句难以直译, 就遵循原文的意思予以意译。但仍须坚持直译为主、意译为辅的原则, 需要意译的情况有如下几种。

1.处理某些词语的词典意义或典故意义, 要意译。当词语的词典意义和这个词的语境意义有相当距离时, 就不能用词典意义简单替换, 而应该意译。例如“臣生当陨首, 死当结草” (李密《陈情表》) 就需要意译为“我活着应当不惜肝脑涂地, 死了也要报恩”。

2.处理一些修辞格 , 一般要意译。例如 :“汝爝火余烬 , 敢与日月争明邪! ” (2010年全国卷一) 中的“爝火余烬”、“与日月争明”是比喻, 翻译时就要意译为“你们 (元朝) 就像火把将要烧完, 怎么敢和太阳月亮 (一样的明朝) 争夺光明”。

3.处理一些特殊句子 , 要用意译。例如 :“汉之为汉 , 几四十年矣” (《论积贮疏》) 把“汉之为汉”译为“汉朝成为汉朝”或“汉朝建立汉朝”都讲不通 , 如果意译为“汉朝建立政权以来”就通顺了。


译文要准确、通顺, 就要讲究规范, 符合“信、达、雅”的前两个标准。所谓“信”, 就是忠实于原文, 不误译, 不漏译, 不增译;“达”就是无语病, 通顺明白, 符合现代汉语的表达要求和习惯。

具体来说, 翻译句子应对关键词语提出较高要求:“字不离词, 词不离句, 句不离篇”。统计近几年的考题, 关键词语主要是以下几类: 一是古今异义的词语, 二是有词类活用的词语, 三是表现句间关系的虚词, 四是复音词。例如, 2013年高考安徽卷的翻译句子题考查了古今异义词“中国”, 新课标卷Ⅰ考查了复音词“耆硕”、“颦蹙”。由此可见, 要准确翻译关键词语, 必须带回文本, 联系语境。

理解并翻译文中的句子 篇8

例1 (2012届南京市、盐城市高三一模)把文中画线的句子翻译成现代汉语。

(1) 且今魏氏之卒,近在淮次,一军未测去就,惧有异图。

(2) 及辅政,招令出都,将大用之。

(3) 及高祖围郢城未下,颖胄遣卫尉席阐文如高祖军。

解析 本题重点考查同学们理解并翻译文中句子的能力。翻译时要注意各句的采分点:(1) “次”“去就”“异图”,语意表达通顺。“去就”可以译为“离开留下”“去向”“行动”等。(2) “及辅政”“大用”,语意表达通顺。(3) “及……未下”“如”,语意表达通顺。

答案 (1) 况且现在北魏的军队靠近在淮河边驻扎,全军的去留无法预测,恐怕有别的图谋。(2) 等到(齐明帝)辅佐朝廷政务时,招令(夏侯详)一同出城,准备重用他。(3) 当高祖率军围攻郢城却久攻不克时,颖胄派遣卫尉席阐文到高祖军中去。

例2 (2012届苏州市高三第一学期期末考试)把文中画线的句子翻译成现代汉语。

(4) 公尚壮,上三留,奚去之果?

(5) 亲戚之不仕与倦而归者,不在东阡在北陌,可杖屦来往也。

(6) 满三月,无妻子之请者,尽没有之。

解析 本题重点考查同学们理解并翻译文中句子的能力。翻译时要注意各句的采分点:(4) “壮”“果”,疑问句式。(5) 定语后置,“不在……在……”,“杖屦”活用为动词,语意通顺。(6) “妻子”“请”“没”。

答案 (4) 您的身体还很强壮,当今皇帝多次

挽留您,(您)为什么坚决要辞官呢?(5) 那些不做官和厌倦官场生活回到故乡的亲友,不在东郊就在北郊,大家可以拄着拐杖穿上鞋子互相往来。(6) 满三个月,没有妻子儿女询问认领的,全部没收充公。
















现 场 练 兵








(1) 我以旷野无人,而子哭之恸,实怆于心。

(2) 赵曰:“曩言无家,今焉往?”

(3) 居久之,颇涉怀想,因市药诣金陵。 



(1) 我因为这旷野无人,而你又哭得这样伤心,实在让我心酸。(要点:“以”“子”“恸”“怆”)

(2) 赵某说:“你先前说没有家,如今要到哪里去呢?”(要点:“曩”“焉”,“今焉往?”疑问句中宾语前置)

(3) 又过了好久,赵某很想念这女子,于是买了一批药材去了金陵。(要点:“久之”“因”“市”“诣”) 











上一篇:高中语文《第1专题 第3课 雨巷》教学设计 苏教版必修下一篇:会计从业人员的职业道德