


英语中的部分否定 篇1

英语中的否定方式很多, 诸如全部否定、部分否定、含蓄否定、转移否定等等。部分否定则是比较特殊的一种, 值得我们重视和探索。

英语中的部分否定究竟否定多大一部分, 一般情况下是不太清楚的, 也就是说否定的量的具体界限不易确定。例如:Not a ll e c onomis ts a g re e with you. (不是所有的经济学家都赞同你。) 换个另外的表示法, 这句的意思是:Some economists don’t a g re e with you. (有些经济学家不赞同你。) 到底有多少很难说得准确。部分否定与全部否定之间存在着异同点, 相同点表现在这两种否定方式都可借助于not, 缩略为n’t;不同点表现在前者否定“部分”, 后者否定“全体”。而且, 与部分否定相应的全部否定句常采用none、no、neither、never、nothing等表示否定的词+肯定谓语, 或联系动词be+带否定前缀的形容词结构。试比较下面各组的例句:

1.Not a ll, a ll…not, not…a ll

(1) Not all the stars were visible.并非所有的星星都看得见。 (部分否定, not否定all。) None of the stars were visible.所有星星都看不见。 (全部否定) No stars were visible.所有的星星都看不见。 (全否) Not a star was visible.一颗星星都看不见。 (全否) All the stars were invisible.所有星星都看不见。 (全否)

(2) All did not go smoothly between them.他们之间并非一切都融洽。 (部分否定, 以下简称“部否”, not否定主语all) Nothing we nt s moothly b e twe e n the m.他们之间一切都不融洽。 (全否)

(3) I do not remember all these words.这些单词我并不是全部记得。 (部否) I remember none of these words.这些单词我都不记得。 (全否)

2.not both, both…not

(1) Not both the answer are right.不是两个答案都对。 (部否, not否定both。一个对, 另一个不对。) Neither of the ans we rs is rig ht.两个答案都不对。 (全否)

(2) Both the proposals are not acceptable.这两项建议并非都可以接受。 (部否, not实际上是否定both) Both the prop os a ls a re una c c e p ta b le.这两项建议都不可接受。 (全否) Ne ithe r of the p rop os a ls is a c c e p ta b le.这两项建议都不可接受。 (全否)

3.Not e ve ry, e ve ry…not

(1) Not every man can do that kind of work.那种工作并不是什么人都能做的。 (部否, not否定every) No man can do that kind of work.没有人做得了那种工作。 (全否)

(2) Every resolution here is not practical.这里的决议并非每项都是切实可行的。 (部否, not实际上否定every) Every re s olution he re is im p ra c tic a l.这里的每项决议都行不通。 (全否) No resolution here is practical.这里的决议都行不通。 (全否)

学生们容易受汉语的影响, 忘记本句型的要求, 用不定代词作主语。英语习惯是:不定代词不能出现在否定词的前面, 作主语只能用其相对应的否定代词。例如, 不可说:“Anybody can’t d o it.”而应说:“Nob od y c a n d o it.” (没有人能做那件事)

4.Not a ltoge the r, not a lwa ys

(1) Your composition is not altogether bad;the spelling is g ood b ut g ra mma r is p oor.你的作文并非都不好;拼法很好, 不过语法欠佳。 (部否, not否定altogether) Your compos ition is not g ood;b oth the s p e ll a nd g ra mma r a re p oor.你的作文写得很不好, 拼法和语法都差。 (全否)

(2) He is not always polite in his manners.他并不常常有礼貌。 (部否) He is always impolite in his manners.他老是没有礼貌。 (全否) He is never polite in his manners.他从来都没有礼貌。

以上是一些常见的部分否定句式。从所学的例句中可以看出, 英语部分否定not all, (all…not) not both (both…not) , not e ve ry (e ve ry…not) 等, not否定的实际是a ll, b oth, e ve ry等, 相当于汉语“并非都”, 这可说已经是约定俗成了。英美人用英语进行交际时, 还是用这两式句型。不仅在格言里, 而且在一般句子里, 都可见到这些句子的存在。请看下面从中外书籍中收集的例句:

(1) All the idioms are not illustrated. (《新编英语语法》P542)

(2) All that glitters is not gold. (Proverb)

(3) All cats don’t like water. (《A Grammar of Contemporary Eng lis h》P383)

(4) What though the field be lose?All is not lose. (《A Dictiona ry of Conte mp ora ry Ame ric a n Us a g e》)

(5) I haven’t read all the books. (《A Grammar of Contemp ora ry Eng lis h》P141)

(6) All men are not honest. (《英语惯用法》P142)

(7) All of them are not prepared. (《英汉比较语法纲要》P25)

(8) All men don’t live long. (《最新英汉活用词典》P12)

(9) All will not go. (《现代英语惯用词典》P6)

实际上, 在教学实践中, 我觉得应避免学生使用all…not结构这样的句式, 而用not all…代替, 不易引起误解。如“我们并非都是学生”就可说成:Not all of us are students.这在英语和汉语的表达上是一致的, 不会产生理解错误。至于all…not结构表示“部分否定”的句式, 也必须提到, 使学生对它有所了解, 以后碰到这样的句型就不会搞错。

摘要:英语中的否定方式很多, 诸如全部否定、部分否定、含蓄否定、转移否定等等。英语中的部分否定与全部否定之间存在着异同点, 相同点表现在这两种否定方式都可借助于not, 缩略为n’t;不同点表现在前者否定“部分”, 后者否定“全体”。部分否定则是比较特殊的一种, 值得我们重视和探索。



[1]章振邦.新编英语语法[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2003.

[2]费致德.现代英语惯用词典[M].北京:商务印书馆, 1995.

[3]雷馨.英语分类句型[M].北京:商务印书馆, 1979.

英语中的间接否定及其翻译 篇2

1具有否定意义的谓语动词及短语:exclude, spare, get out of, turn a deal ear to等。如:

She turned a deaf ear to my advice.她对我的忠告充耳不闻。

Get out of my way-I'm busy.别挡着我, 我忙着呢。

2具有否定意义的名词:refusal, negation, ignorance, absence等。如:

Please keep an eye on my luggage during my absence.我不在时, 请照看一下我的行李。

We are in complete ignorance of your plans.我们对你的计划一无所知。

3具有否定意义的形容词及短语:last, safe, far from, alien to等。如:

The rascal is safe in jail.那个坏蛋关在牢里就不能害人了。

You are the last person I want to see in the world.你是世界上我最不想见的人。

4具有否定意义的介词及短语:beyond, out of, in the air, in vain等。如:

He tried in vain to sleep.他无法入睡。

The bicycle is beyond repair.这台自行车修不了了。

5具有否定意义的连词:or, anything but, more than, rather…than等。如:

That's more than I could bear.我再也忍不住了。

The hotel was anything but satisfactory这家旅馆太不让人满意了。

6具有否定意义的副词:ill, out, safely, mortally等。如:

The remark was ill received.这句话引起的反应不好。

Sorry, she is out.对不起, 她不在家。

7某些具有肯定形式的习语、句子也可表达否定含义, 如:

A clear conscience is a sure card..问心无愧, 万无一失。

Where there is smoke, there is fire.无烟不起火。

8某些形式上肯定的虚拟语气也可表达否定含义, 如:

If only I were you.我要是你就好了。 (实际上我不是你)

If I had come earlier, I would have seen him.如果我早点来就见到他了。 (实际上没见到他。)

英语中的部分否定 篇3

一、用肯定结构表否定意义, 在意义上相当于英语的“can not...”, 译为 “简直不, 无法, 难以”

The impact they’ve had on my confidence is more them word can describe is more than words can describe (Book III Unit 6)


The blow is more than words can tell. (Book III Unit 6)


二、完全否定 (absolute negation)

Absolute Negation表示一种绝对没有的情况, 是对整体的全部否定。 它的构成方式有以下几种:

1.绝对否定词 (no, never, no one, nobody, none, nothing, neither, nowhere, no more, no longer, no way) 加上肯定谓语表示:

I would never have been able to finish those two miles if I were you. (Book I Unit 6)

如果我是你的话, 绝对不可能跑完那两英里。

Until the lawyer read her will, I never fully appreciated the depth of the old lady’s love. (Book II Unit 5)

直到律师宣读她遗嘱那一刻, 我才充分感受到这位老妇人深深的爱。

It was a moment I will never forget— ——a day that made me the richest kid in town. (Book II Unit 5)

这是一个我永生难忘的时刻—这一天, 我成了镇上最富有的孩子。

..., bring a little happiness into a place where no one ever looks forward to going. (Book Ⅱ Unit 6)


No longer was Jim the gentle, affectionate, loving man he was when we’d first met. (Book IV Unit2)

吉姆不再像我们初次见面时那样温柔、 体贴、 充满爱心了。

periodically asked for but never was given back his Olympic prizes.

他不时地要求把奥林匹克奖牌发还给他, 但最终也未能要回。

No one at the base has ever seen a figure like that.


We’re none of us getting any younger.


And nothing can grow there.


But neither the nursery nor the hotel my parents bought later had provided enough money to send my sister and me to college.


There were no more butterflies in my stomach when I opened up an abdomen or a chest.


First, weather would no longer be important.

首先, 气候将变得无关紧要。

I know there is no way to prepare for the next time.



It lies midway between two of the trees, not too near yet not too far from the trunks. (Book I Unit5)

它就放在两棵树的中间, 距离树干既不太近, 又不太远。

It wouldn’t be worth it, even if my foot did heal. (Book I Unit6)

即使我的脚真的好了, 这也不值得。

I couldn’t believe it. (Book I Unit 6)


Not because she wanted me to win, but because she wanted me to keep going and not give up. (Book I Unit 6)

并不是因为她想要我获胜, 而是因为她希望我坚持跑下去不要放弃。

Here I was surrounded by people I did not know and who did not know me. (Book I Unit 1)

在这里, 周围都是我不认识的人, 而他们也不认识我。

..., but he cut me short with a sharp“No, you can’t”. (Book II Unit 2)

但他猛然打断了我, 厉声说道:“没有, 找不到。 ”

The shame which I felt can not be described. (Book II Unit 2)


Step by step, I can’t see any other way of accomplishing anything. (Book II Unit 3)

一步一步地走, 这是唯一的成功之路。

It is really not that complicated, Mary. (Book II Unit 7)

其实这事并没有这么复杂, 玛丽.

“The wash did not let me die.” (Book IV Unit 1)

“这些要洗的衣服还不肯让我死呢。 ”

The fact that I don’t enjoy it doesn’t matter. (Book IV Unit3)

我不喜欢音乐, 这无关紧要。

You’ll never amount to anything if you spend your time that way.


三、部分否定 (Partial Negation)

Partial Negation是对集体中一部分被肯定、表整个意义的词用一般否定词not修饰, 表示的是一部分被肯定, 一部分被否定。 《大学英语》中有以下三种形式:

1.用 “not+...+表示全体意义的词”表示:

I didn’t mean all the thing I said.


They can’t tract down all the cheaters any more.


The intent is not to catch everyone but rather to catch enough to spread the world.


2.用 “表全体意义的词+not”表示:

But all this hasn’t made a dent, not a dent, in the situation.


All of us couldn’t fit in there.


3.用 “not+表全体意义的词”表示:

We’re not always as perceptive as we might be about-applying the rule.


Not every winter is critical for deer of course.

当然了, 并非每个冬天鹿都处于危难之中。

Not everyone can interact with such persistance and over long hours.


A good many patients gain renewed selfconfidence when gainfully employed and lose some, if not all, of their most acute symptoms.

许许多多病人一旦受聘从事有一定收益的工作, 便重新获得失去部分, 如果不是全部的话, 最严重的症状。

4.用little, few, hardly等部分否定词:

Unfortunately, he discovered that he had little aptitude for programming. (Book III Unit7)

遗憾的是, 他发现自己在编程方面没有什么天分。

四、转移否定 (Transferred Negation)

Transferred Negation指的是形式上与逻辑上否定的不一致, 《大学英语综合教程》中主要有以下三种形式。


I don’t think it’s because they don’t know how, Ithink it’s because counter productive. (Book III Unit 6)

我想这样不是因为它们还知道怎么做, 而是因为这么做会适得其反。

I don’t believe I’ve the pleasure of knowing you.


But the two policemen didn’t think that would be much help.


His friends and doctors didn’t think he could do it, as he had lung cancer.

由于他患有肺癌, 朋友们和医生们都认为他不能做那事。


But it doesn’t seem to the economy.


I didn’t seem able to do anything tight.


But he doesn’t seem to understand and kept trying to coins into her hand.

但他却好像没有听懂, 只管把硬币往他手里塞。

And I’m positive that he didn’t for a moment feel that he was in anyway cheating the store.



I don’t teach because teaching is easy for me.


We didn’t set up the cooperation merely because we wanted to make profits.


John didn’t marry Alice because she was rich, nor she was pretty.


I didn’t leave college because I was tired of learning.


五、排除否定 (Excluded Negation)

Excluded Negation指的是句中含有排除连词和排除介词 (but, except, besides, beyond, unless, as well as等) 的否定句。

My doctor won’t let me drink anything but champagne.


To Betty Van Meter, this man was not an enemy but rather a suffering human being.

在贝蒂·范·米特眼里, 这个伤兵不是敌人而是个受苦受难的人。

It was so far beyond my means that I had never thought of going there.

这远远超过我的经济实力, 所以从来我连想都没有想过去那种地方。

Of the guests, none except the American noticed this.


Unless you do , you are not likely to do the most efficient kind of reading.

不这样做, 你的读书就不可能是最有效的。

Technology includes techniques, or ways to do things, as all as the machines that may or may not be necessary to apply them.

除机器外技术还包括技艺即制作方法, 而这些技艺方法的运用并不一定都要机器。


[1]英语天地.1966, 12.



