


数据简化 篇1




1 挂蓝的预压方案比较









2 工程实例

2.1 工程概况

云南省昭巧路田坝大桥其主桥(60+110+110+60)m采用变截面预应力混凝土连续刚构箱梁,使用总重量约为45T三角形挂蓝施工。在考虑了以上几种预压方法的可操作性,结合现有的操作条件,利用已有的挂篮预压数据,决定只对挂篮主桁进行预应力斜拉试验,以达到挂篮预压的目的和效果。预压方案如图1所示进行分级预压,实测ZB4-500型千斤顶张拉70T时,实测主桁稳定变形为41.451 mm。


2.2 MIDAS建立验算模型




2.3 数据对比分析






3) MIDAS软件计算变形数据与实际预压数据比较偏小,值得进一步研究。.









数据简化 篇2

身处在信息爆炸的时代,消费者比以往任何时候都更容易获取知识和能力。然而,正是这种繁杂,容易让消费者迷失其中。益普索(Ipsos)研究显示,消费者希望简单、有效、可以使他们快速做出决定的信息,如果为其提供了这样的信息,他们会对品牌的粘度、依赖度和忠诚度更强。比如,打开电视当消费者看到很多大打品牌与情感牌的汽车广告。但是高密度的电视广告的真实效果会有多大?通过益普索(Ipsos) 调查发现,很多消费者买车,不是看广告而是在网上进行搜索,听朋友的建议,然后去4S店重点去看几款车。但是他们仍旧会觉得这个过程太复杂,而希望有更简单、直接的信息能帮助他们。大数据的发展使厂商不断在消费者的各种接触点提供大量的信息,但是他们并没有提供一种切中要害的信息有效引导消费者简单地作出决定。消费者每天面对铺天盖地的信息,但是他们决定购买的关键点显然并没有那么复杂。

包括益普索(Ipsos) 对电商用户购物路径的研究中也发现,网购过程面对大量的品牌和产品接触点信息,虽然都会对购买决策产生或多或少的影响,导致网购消费者可能会“犹豫不决”,但促使消费者“下单”的“临门一脚”往往仅仅是某个特定接触点的信息,对其最终决策产生决定性影响。此时,在深入洞察消费者心理和需求基础上,“切中要害”的接触点信息至关重要。


除了营销传播,益普索(Ipsos) 认为,用户体验同样需要“简化”。2013年4月,京东域名正式更换为JD.COM,同时对首页进行改版。显然京东已经意识到原域名360buy.com与现今的京东存在巨大的用户体验断层。相对于原域名‘360BUY.COM’,简化后的京东域名JD.COM更加符合中国用户的体验习惯。而据Google方面发布的“多屏时代”移动营销6大“黄金法则”显示,67%的用户更愿意在一个移动友好型网站上进行购买,61%的用户会在某个移动网站上无法立即找到所需信息时快速转向另一个网站。

数据简化 篇3

Juniper正是一家逐渐将业务范围从运营商级市场向企业级市场扩展的厂商, 近年来Juniper在金融领域斩获丰厚, 纽约证券交易所、香港证券交易所、中国邮政储蓄银行、光大银行等都是Juniper的客户。

Juniper金融服务团队首席架构师Andrew Bach分析, 与运营商客户不同, 金融客户有着许多独特的要求, 比如要求交易平台有非常高的网络速度、可靠性和安全性能, 能够极大地提升自身竞争优势。

Andrew Bach认为, 在上述所有要求中, 降低网络时延至关重要。因为金融市场行情瞬息万变, 每一笔交易是赔本还是赚钱就在一线之间, 为了保证用户能够在自己期望的时点交易, 金融系统就需要将系统时延缩减到最短, 以快速传递用户资料, 及时响应交易指令。此外, 能够提高金融系统效率也是客户所看重的因素。金融系统尤其是证券交易系统每天都需要处理海量交易信息, 即使在同一个时间点, 也往往会有多笔交易需要同步处理, 这就要求系统具有组播功能, 并能充分提高系统效率。

目前, 金融市场竞争日趋激烈, 各种小型交易所及经纪公司不断出现, 对传统的交易所带来了巨大挑战, 要想保持市场地位, 传统的交易所就需要在提高效率、简化网络、降低成本上多下功夫, 因此简化网络成为了金融行业数据中心的惟一选择。

数据简化 篇4

本报讯 在日前由爱数软件有限公司举办的云计算大会上,其高端备份容灾一体化新品TxCloud云柜正式亮相。TxCloud云柜是一款专门为满足大数据环境下数据备份容灾需求推出的新产品,主要面向大中型数据中心,为之提供一体化备份容灾云计算解决方案。这款采用标准42U一体化机柜式的服务器,集硬件平台和软件平台于一体,选用1U机架式服务器架构,重达850公斤。TxCloud云柜采用了统一的云计算体系架构,在资源池化、法规遵从以及节能环保等方面都有技术突破。

CA Technologies践行自上而下构建云平台

本报讯 CA Technologies 日前宣布公司被IDC评为全球云系统管理软件市场份额两大领导者之一。近年来,通过持续的研发和并购,CA Technologies不仅成为云计算平台管理技术供应商,而且成为云平台技术的提供商,特别是新推出的CA AppLogic 3.0更是受到市场欢迎。值得一提的是,与其他厂商不同,CA Technologies倡导的是自上而下的云平台构建方式,即根据应用的需求来搭建云平台。CA Technologies大中国区总经理孙志伟表示,这一方式能大幅降低云平台的部署成本、极大地缩短部署时间,真正做到从业务出发,实现更高的业务灵活性。


本报讯 日前,显示器对外发布了三星福韵系列显示器。三星福韵显示器包括B360、B560两个系列。三星福韵显示器采用了中国风的红色、金色以及“福”字纹路等设计。同期,三星还推出了具备“智联技术(MHL)”的显示器B550,智能手机用户可以通过miniUSB接口直联三星B550显示器进行高清视频播放。


本报讯 日前,华硕电脑在京举行VG278H 3D显示器发布会,宣布推出旗下首款27英寸全高清3D液晶显示器,这也是全球首款搭载英伟达 3D Vision 第二代技术标准的3D液晶显示器——VG278H。通过最新加入的“3D LightBoost”技术,华硕VG278H可将3D图像的亮度提高到传统3D显示器的两倍。VG278H还搭配了第二代主动快闪式立体眼镜,视域更宽广。

Novell Open Enterprise Server 11发布

本报讯 Novell 近日宣布推出 Novell Open Enterprise Server 11。最新版本在 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1 上构建,为客户提供更多灵活性和选择。Novell Open Enterprise Server 11 简化并精简文件管理和打印网络,使客户能够利用现有投资帮助降低成本并提升最终用户的生产力。


数据简化 篇5

Wind turbines with direct drive generators have the attraction of eliminating the need for a gearbox and are increasing in use[1].The use of a fully rated converter for grid interface also provides better control and fault ride-through performance.

The modeling and control of direct drive permanent magnet wind generators have received considerable attention in recent years.A number of papers have been published suggesting various ways of doing this[2,3,4,5].

It is of great importance to investigate the dynamic behaviour of direct drive permanent magnet wind generators for power system transient stability studies.Although the detailed models respond to grid disturbances with satisfactory accuracy,they exhibit a significant level of complexity and are extremely time-consuming[6,7].This paper attempts to develop a simplified model based on field measurements of a commercial 1.5 MW direct drive permanent magnet wind generator.The ultimate objective of this study is to develop a simplified model that can be readily implemented in power system transient stability analysis.

Akhmatov et al.have developed a detailed model of the PMSG(Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator)based variable speed wind turbine[6].The short term voltage stability and ride-through capability of the wind turbine have been examined to validate the model.Margaris et al.have examined two types of direct drive variable speed wind turbines namely electrically excited synchronous generator and PMSG[8].The dynamic behaviour of both models under stochastic wind conditions have been investigated.Chinchilla et al.have investigated the dynamic performance of a permanent magnet synchronous wind generator[9].A generator control algorithm has been proposed to maximize the energy capture under various load conditions.The experiments are implemented on a 3 k W prototype.Rolan et al.have analyzed the models of wind speed,rotor of the wind turbine and drive train[10].Furthermore,a complete model of the variable speed wind turbine with a PMSG has been developed in this paper.It has been shown that by varying the generator rotor speed according to the wind speed the maximum power point tracking can be achieved.Behnke et al.have examined the dynamic behaviour of permanent magnet synchronous wind generator to transmission network disturbances[11].The voltage ride-through capability has been analyzed based on a reduced order model.Hu Suju et al.have analyzed model of PMSG in voltage sag period with and without reactive power support[12].

To date most studies of modeling permanent magnet synchronous wind generator have been restricted to the analytical method.In this paper we attempt to develop a model of permanent magnet synchronous wind generator based on the numerical method.

The paper is organized in the following way.Section 1 describes the simplified model of a direct drive permanent magnet wind generator.Section 2explains how to improve the simplified model based on field measurements of a commercial direct drive permanent magnet wind generator.Finally,conclusions and proposals for future research are presented in section 3.

1 Permanent magnet wind generator modeling

Fully rated converter based variable speed wind turbines have been developed by various manufactures to meet increasingly strict grid codes[13].They consist of a synchronous generator(either electrically excited or permanent magnet)and a full AC/DC/AC converter.The external characteristics of a fully rated converter based wind turbine largely depend on the dynamic behaviour of the converter because the behaviour of the generators has been decoupled from the grid by power electronic converters.A suitable simplified model of a direct drive permanent magnet wind generator,rated at 1.5 MW,has been developed for this study.

1.1 Fully rated converter model

The required field for permanent magnet synchronous wind generator is produced by the permanent magnets while the generator side converter is used to control the generator speed in order to achieve maximum power point tracking.The grid side converter can be used to modify the phase angle of output current in order to provide reactive power control in response to a power factor command.The fully rated converter schematic is shown in fig.1.us is terminal voltage of PMSG,Ivis input current of PMSG side converter,Udcis voltage of DC side,Idc is capacitance current,Idis output current of grid side converter,and ugis output voltage of grid.

1.2 PMSG model

Permanent magnet synchronous wind generator can separately control active power and reactive power.It can be modeled as shown in fig.2.In normal conditions,it always uses fix voltage and fix active power control.Its simplified model is shown in fig.2[14].E″Qcmdis command electromotive force,τIP is time constant of active loop,τEQis time constant of reactive loop,Utermis terminal voltage,Pordis active power of control target,and X″is equivalent reactance.

2 Improve simplified model

In reality,the dynamic performance of the fully rated converter will be subject to certain logics and threshold settings if it undergoes large disturbances,which need to be taken into account for this simulation.Wind turbine parameters may differ from turbine manufacturers.This leads to the identification of turbine parameters,e.g.logics and threshold settings,being dependent on the external characteristics of the wind generator.

The following section shows how the external characteristics of the wind generator will change with the turbine parameters and what improvement on the PMSG model can be made to reflect this change.

2.1 Dynamic response to voltage dips

If a fault occurs at some point on the grid,it will result in voltage dips in one or more phases.The dynamic behaviour of wind generators to transmission network disturbances has been recorded at field measurements on a commercial 1.5 MW permanent magnet wind generator.Fig.3 5 show the generator terminal voltage and current for various voltage dips on the low voltage side of the turbine transformer.The generator output voltage is 690 V.

It can be seen from fig.3 5 that when the output power is maintaining constant,the current will increase along with the voltage dips.The measurements of terminal voltage and current are based on phase A when the permanent magnet wind generation is lightly-loaded(0.3 MW)and a fault happened on the grid which results in voltage dips on the low voltage side of the turbine transformer.

If the wind generator is controlled to fix the output power,when the voltage dip gradually increases the current will increase correspondingly in order to maintain constant output power.It is the case when voltage drops to 75%or 35%of nominal as shown in fig.6 and fig.7 where the output power maintains the same as that of pre-fault.However,i can be seen from fig.8 that when voltage drops to20%the output power also decreases.This is because the current does not increase to maintain a constant output power.It can be concluded that the curren is limited by logical operations about 0.05 s after the voltage dip.

When the permanent magnet wind generation is fully-loaded,the instantaneous voltage and curren can be observed if the voltage drops to 50%of nominal.The logical operations and threshold settings will result in the variations in current,voltage magnitude and power output as shown in fig.9 11.In this case,the current is limited to half of the rated value,and the logical operations are activated 0.05 s after the voltage dip as shown in fig.11.If the current exceeds the threshold setting,the logical operation will be activated.If the current prior to the voltage dip is larger than the threshold setting,it will be set to the threshold setting value.Conversely,it will remain the same as that before the voltage dip.

Compared with the lightly-loaded case,the current is activated for the voltage dip to 50%of nominal rather than the voltage dip to 35%of nominal.This is due to the different initial conditions where the former case contributes more to the output active power.Therefore,the current is set to limit the active power.Another threshold setting of permanent magnet wind generator is the ramp rate of the output power.This parameter requires the field measurements to identify.

Based on the discussion above,in voltage dip peroid,fig.2 can be modified by adding logical operations and threshold settings as shown in fig.12.In the fault recovery peroid,the active power climb speed is limited.So it needs to add a ramp limiter in active power control loop,shown as fig.12.

2.2 Model parameters identification

The parameters identification methods differ from the parameter types.In order to identify logics and threshold settings,their states should be investigated.Furthermore,the dynamic parameters should be identified through the dynamic process.

2.2.1 Identification of threshold settings

The threshold settings are identified by detecting the state:

a.set largest active current at IPmax=1 255 A;

b.limit active current at IPmax=628 A during a voltage dip;

c.the time of reaching the active current limit after a voltage dip as t0=0.5 s;

d.the ramp rate of active power as 800 kW/s.

2.2.2 Identification of dynamic parameters

a.Identification ofτEQandτIP.

τEQandτIPare identified by comparing the3-phase active powers in practical measurements and simulation.As shown in fig.13 and fig.14,with the voltage dip to 35%of nominal,the dynamic parameters can be identified due to the consistent change of active power.When the simulation is based on the simplified model,there will be no oscillation.In field measurements,however,the voltage dip will result in an oscillation for the duration of0.2 s.The time constant has been identified to be0.06 s.

b.Identification of X″.

With the voltage dip to 50%of nominal,X″can be defined by the change of output current.Based on calculation in the equivalent circuit,X″is0.79 p.u..By applying a voltage dip to 20%of nominal,X″is 0.81 p.u..Therefore the value of X″should be chosen to be around 0.8 p.u..

3 Conclusion

A permanent magnet wind generator model is presented in this study.A simplified permanent magnet wind generator model is presented to discribe normal,fault and fault recovery situation based on active and reactive power decoupling control The model parameters are identified by measuring the external characteristics of fully rated converter The parameters should be identified based on the parameter types.For logics and threshold settings,their states should be considered.For dynamic parameters,they have to be identified through the dynamic trajectory.


数据简化 篇6

我们一般认为, 汉字是沿着由少到多、由繁到简的道路发展的, 简化汉字顺应了汉字发展的历史潮流。实际上, 这和中国汉字发展的历史事实并不相符。上古特别是先秦时代, 汉字数量少, 其产生速度又落后于词的发展, 所以许多汉字一字表多词, “身兼数职”, 致使不同的词在书写形式上完全相同, 容易造成形义关系混淆, 影响词义表达的准确性。后来为了加以区别, 便在原来多词共用一字的基础上产生分化字, 让使用频率高的常用词占据原形, 给非常用字另造新字, “各施其职”。原有字和分化字之间, 在时间上形成古今关系, 统称古今字。古今字主要是由同源分化和同音假借形成的。今字多是以古字为声符, 增加或改变形符。原来的一个字, 分化成了几个字, 笔画也随着加多了。例如 (竖线前是本源字即古字, 竖线后是分化字即今字) :

(1) 禽|擒止|址益|溢县|悬责|债舍|捨

(2) 其|箕然|燃孰|熟莫|暮直|值辟|避

在文字职务分化前, 第一组例字是由于词义引申而造成一词多义的情况, 第二组例字是由于文字假借而造成一词多义的情况。相较而言, 分化字的笔画有繁化的倾向, 而且词义引申可能不止一个假借义, 所以一个本源字往往可能对应两个或两个以上分化字, 由此汉字的数量也大大增加了。例如:采|採、綵、彩;张|胀、涨、帐;莫|幕、暮、漠。可见, 汉字的字数在不断地由少变多, 形体也由简单变得复杂, 力求一字一声一义, 字字专职, 字义分化, 具体, 单一, 固定, 这正是汉字走向成熟的标志。可以肯定地说, 东汉以前的汉字是沿着由少到多、由简到繁的道路发展的。从东汉到汉字简化, 两千多年来汉字的总数还在不断增加, 正式书写的字体没有多大变化。所以, 客观地讲, 在汉字演变史上, 严格地说, 宏观上并不存在人们习以为常的“汉字简化”的趋势。

简化字从推行至今, 已经半个多世纪了, 这里面固然有行政命令之功效, 但它本身的优点也是不可忽略的。简化字减少了汉字的笔画数目, 提高了阅读的清晰度, 减少了通用汉字的字数, 而且简化后产生了一批新的形声字, 表音比繁体字准确, 有些简化字便于分解称说。但是, 如果我们对汉字追根溯源, 从继承优秀文化遗产, 延续文化发展命脉的角度思考, 汉字的简化无疑给我们的文化掘下了一条不易跨越的鸿沟, 人为地割断了文化的发展。

简化字产生的方式主要有六种: (1) 简化形声字声符或去掉声符, 如“磐:盘”;“廠:厂”。 (2) 简化形声字形符或去掉形符, 如“點:点”:“誇:夸”。 (3) 把非形声字变成形声字, 如“竄:窜”。 (4) 把形声字变为非形声字, 如“寳:宝”。 (5) 取原字的一小部分或轮廓, 如“郷:乡”“門:门”。 (6) 合并几个不同的字, 如“几:几 (小桌) , 幾”。繁简之间一般是一对一的关系, 也有一对二、一对三或一对四的关系, 如“复:複、覆”, 不仅要求掌握与简体字相对应的几个繁体, 而且还要了解这几个繁体在古籍中各不相同的含义, 依据具体的语言环境加以识别。有的繁简字间是种意义相同的归并关系, 把在历史上有一定意义联系的古今字、异体字或通用字, 从中选择那些笔画少的作为简体字, 舍弃笔画繁难的字体, 如“舍|捨”归并为“舍”, 使已经稳定的一字一词一义变为一词多义, 读书时需要依据上下文的关系加以分辨。有的繁简字间是声音相同的替代关系, 这类繁简字在意义上毫不相干, 只是由于声音相同, 在简化过程中选择了笔画简单, 废弃了笔画繁难的, 从而把古书中本来有区别的两个或三个字归并为一个字, 如“帘:帘 (古代酒家用作标志的旗帜) ;簾 (指用竹、布、苇等做成的遮挡门窗的用具) ”, 使汉字又返回到一字多词, 依声假借的局面。现代通用简化汉字中大量存在的同音词、多义词不能不说给人们学习使用汉字带来了很大困难。

综上所述, 简化字中存在的为数不少的一字多词现象是汉字发展过程中的一种“回归”。这种回归使汉字由表意时的“各司其职”, 又重新扮演“身兼数职”的角色, 造成了汉字表意的不明确, 使得汉字不能很好地因形示意, 客观上削弱了汉字的表意功能。有的简化字弱化了形声字音符的表音功能。而假借简化字的出现又人为增加了大量“别字”, 加重了学习的负担。简化字很大一部分是在原有汉字基础上另造的新字, 客观上讲增加了汉字总量, 更重要的是切断了文化发展的脉络, 使得民国以前的文章除了接受过专门培训的极少数人之外, 一般人无法直接阅读, 造成文化传承的几乎中断, 从而产生不可估量的损失。

适应语言发展的要求, 古字由身兼数职时的表意欠准, 顺应文字自身发展的潮流, 演变到一字表一义的今字, 给人们使用汉字带来很大方便。而简化字在一定程度上反其道而行, 同源字合而为一, 同音字合而为一, 汉字表意表音的功能都受到一定的削弱。一字数词的情况增加了学习单字的实际内涵, 且表意欠准, 为人们学习、传承文化设置了重重障碍, 使人们难以在继承厚重的文化积淀的基础上有所突破。文化发展不能追根溯源, 其流其派要汪洋恣肆, 则如同无本之木, 难以根深叶茂, 枝繁果硕。



