


小学英语第二课堂教案 篇1




教学内容 词汇:short tall long short big small„„ 句型:(1):this is a „„(2):I have /she has„„ 教学步骤:


在进入课堂教学之前,先让学生sing a song:“”在优美的音乐伴随下营造一个愉快轻松的氛围,拉近师生之间的距离。消除学生本原有的压力感与紧张感,这一环节在于调动学生的积极性,使他们很快产生学习的激情,自然地进入学习状态。(2)课件展示,新旧知识交融



要学的知识引出后。就开始正式的教学生如何发音拼读,每交一个单词就一个事物为例引导孩子们去跟读、记忆。并且叫学生站起来读给大家听,读错了就叫另一个同学来纠正,同时予以鼓励,增强其信心。读对了就让大家鼓掌表扬,进一步调动班上所有人踊跃发言勇于探索学习的雄心。在教大、小、长、短、高、矮,这几个词时老师会以实物为例作比较,同时运用肢体语言(长和短时:将手臂伸展开就是长,双臂合拢就是短;高和矮时:站直就是高,蹲下就是矮;大和小时:老师和同学站在一起,老师大同学们小),并且在讲完六个新单词后就运用句型说自己有什么那是什么,比如说“I have a big mouth/she has a small eyes /she has long leg /he is tall /I am short „„”叫同学到讲台上描述自己的外貌,让台下同学描述台上同学的外貌。这样既锻炼了学生的胆量也复习了句型和单词,更增添了学习的乐趣。


(1)学生坐在原位,注视着教师。教师在教室里随意走动,他可以突然停在一个学生面前,用手指着自己的小鼻子说:This is my big eyes(有意讲错)那个学生也将错就错,指着自己的眼睛说:This is my small nose.(2)如果学生讲错了,就让他代替教师,再同样地做一遍。作用:巩固单词,操练句型。


小学英语第二课堂教案 篇2

(一) 课文地位 (Lesson Position)

1.本课是初二英语第二单元“Campus Life”的第三课, 在学习学校报刊、图书馆规则的基础上, 继续学习校园网, 了解更多的校园生活。


语法知识:as引导的原因状语从句, 这是本课中的难点。教学时可与because, since引导的原因状语从句做比较, 通过练习加以巩固。

(二) 课文目标 (Lesson Target)

1.通过对课文重要句型和重点词汇的学习, 看懂和理解如何介绍学校。

2.能通过小组合作, 简单地描述自己的学校。

3.学会通过网络了解学校的基本情况, 以便将来能在网上了解和选择学校。

(三) 课文重点及难点 (Lesson Focus)

核心词汇:set up, achieve, educational quality, home and abroad, consist of, as, required, basic, chemistry, staff, go on, social science, experienced, test, life science, ability.

以上为本课重点掌握词汇, 要求学生熟练运用。

拓展词汇:homepage, fine arts, remember, one another.

语法要点:本课要学习的语法知识为“as”引导的原因状语丛句。例如:As it is one of the city’s key schools, it attracts excellent students from both home and abroad.

(四) 教学步骤 (Teading Steps)

课前准备:课前让学生上网浏览自己学校或理想高中的校园网首页, 并打印出来, 并通过校园网首页的介绍了解学校的基本情况。

Step1.选几个学生打印出来的自己学校或校园网首页, 用投影仪给全班展示, 让学生了解校园网首页的版面设计及如何介绍学校的总体情况, 为后面的“Tuning In”做铺垫。尽量让学生用英文来表述, 由于这课单词较深, 学生基础参差不齐, 所以也可允许适当用汉语表达。

Step2.在PPT中展示“Tuning In”中有关一些东方国际学校校史展览会上的图片。通过“翻牌”游戏学习生词, 消除词汇障碍, 并为课文学习做铺垫。

活动安排如下:把学生分成两大组, 事先设计几个有关东方国际学校的问题, 把每个问题写在卡片上, 并反贴在黑板上, 让学生问一个对东方国际学校感兴趣的问题, 如果学生问到的问题正好是贴在黑板上的问题, 那就把它翻过来, 并让其他组学生回答, 答对的这组就可以得一分, 最后得分高的组获胜。

通过“翻牌”游戏引出新单词, 问题如下:

When was Dongfang International School set up?Is it a key school?How big is it?What are the major courses?How many special-grade teachers have the school got?How many senior teachers have the school got?What kind of facilities is the school equipped with?What are the minor courses? (涉及的新词汇进行适当讲解, 板书和带读。)

Step3.鉴于本课的词汇比较难, 所以可通过小组“拔河比赛”活动来进行巩固记忆, 并同时以活动来了解“Tuning In”中提供的有关基础学科的表达及有关东方国际学校基础设施及教学成就的有关问题。

活动安排如下:把学生分成两大组, 依次抽两组同学回答问题, 答对的这一组就向前一格, 看哪一组先到达中间的终点站。

在板书中画出“拔河”比赛的记录方式:→□□□□□□∣□□□□□□← (说明:这个活动也可以进行抢答, 答对的那组可以向前一格。)

Can you name your basic courses in English?

1.You take many basic courses at school, don’t you?

2.When will you begin to learn Chemistry?

3.Do you like Social Science?What about Fine Arts?

有关“Tuning In”中的问题。

1.When was Dongfang International School set up?

2.What does the school building consist of?

3.The school has achieved success in educational quality, hasn’t it?


由于课文篇幅较长, 所以要进行分段讲解来降低难度, 从而进一步熟悉课文内容。

Ⅰ.阅读课文第一段并跟读录音, 然后回答以下问题。

1.When was the school set up?

2.Why is it able to attract excellent students from both home and abroad?

3.What great success has it achieved?


1.Dongfang International School was___ ___in1954.

As it is one of the____ ____in the city, it attractsstudents from____home__abroad.

In recent years, the school has____great___in educationaquality.

2.Dongfang International School was___in___.

___it is one of the___schools in the city, it___excellent students___both___and__.

In___years, the school has___great___in__.

Ⅲ.播放课文第二段录音, 要求学生根据录音内容完成以下填空练习。

Ⅳ.小组活动。要求学生就“basic courses”进行“头脑风暴”活动, 说出各学科名称。学生讨论结束后, 要求他们阅读课文第四段, 补充讨论结果。

Ⅴ.要求学生完成WB上“Comprehension Check on the Text”。鼓励学生在不参考课文的情况下完成练习。以四人为一组, 互相讨论进行检查。

Ⅵ.利用SB中的“Lesson Notes”及本书中“Key words and expressions”教学生词、短语和句型。

1.As it is one of the best schools in the city, it attracts excellent students from both home and abroad.因为它是该市最好的学校之一, 所以吸引了来自国内外的优秀学生。又如:下雨了, 你最好待在家里。As it is raining, you’d better stay at home.

2.The school has an excellent teaching staff of 60.学校拥有一支由60人组成的优秀教师队伍。

staff为“全体职员, (学校的) 全体教职员工”。一般用作单数, 有时也可用作复数。

又如: (1) The company has a staff of about 80.这家公司大约有80名职员。

(2) The school’s teaching staff is/are excellent.这所学校的全体教职工都很优秀。

Ⅶ.播放课文录音1~2遍, 要求学生跟读课文, 模仿语音语调, 教师进行检查。


1.要求学生利用因特网查找学校网站的资料, 组织整理后在课堂上进行介绍。要求学生根据所学单词和句型, 从校园设施及课程设置等方面介绍学校。让学生通过观察、咨询老师、查阅资料等方式了解自己学校的一些基本情况。可发给学生如下调查表, 在PPT上展示本校的部分图片和调查表, 下发调查表并布置任务。

2.通过自己学校和东方国际学校的比较, 让学生说说自己的学校。


(1) My school was set up in...

(2) My school covers an area of...square metres.

(3) The...classrooms are equipped with...

(4) The playground consists of...

(5) The school library has a collection of...books.

优化教案,点亮课堂 篇3

















九年级英语课堂教案 篇4

1. Knowledge Objects

(1) Key Vocabulary

manatee, cheetah, chimpanzee, kangaroo, polar-bear, gentle, furry, enormous, playful, noisy, aggressive, spotted

(2) Target Language

I am like this animal because I am strong and intelligent. I like water, and I like to eat vegetables.

You’re like an elephant.


You’re like a manatee.


2. Ability Objects

(1) Train students’ listening ability.

(2) Train students’ communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

Love all kinds of animals because they are our friends.

Ⅱ. Teaching Key Point

Target Language

Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Points

1. How to train students’ listening ability.

2. How to train students’ communicative competence.

Ⅳ. Teaching Methods

1. Didactic to learn the new vocabulary.

2. Listening-and-answering activity to help

students go through with the listening material.

3. Groupwork to make every student work in class,

Ⅴ. Teaching Aids

1. A tape recorder

2. The blackboard

3. A projector

Ⅵ. Teaching Procedures

Step I Revision

Now let’s review five different verb tenses. Can you name the five tenses? Please look at the screen.

Show the names of the five tenses on the screen by a projector along with a sample sentence for each.

present progressive: You’re reading these sentences.

present: We use our books every day.

past with used to: He used to live in the countryside.

passive voice: Our classroom is found at the end of the hall.

present perfect: We have already finished Unit 14. We haven’t finished Unit15 yet.

Invite a student to read the verbs in these sentences. Then get other students to briefly explain what each tense is used for.

Present progressive describes things that are happening right now.

Present describes things that happen all the time or usually happen.

The past with used to describes things that were a certain way in the past, but have changed now.

The passive voice describes things that we don’t know who did, or we don’t care who performed the action.

The present perfect describes recent events.

Get students to think of two or three more sample sentences using each type of verb. Have several students read their sentences.

Step Ⅱ 1a

This activity introduces the key vocabulary.

Look at the signs on each animal’s picture and read the words to the class. Get students to repeat the name of each animal.

African elephants, chimpanzees, kangaroos, manatees, cheetahs, polar bears. If necessary, read the words and ask students to repeat them again. Then have students read the words by themselves.

Make sure students can read the words correctly and fluently.

Read the directions to the class. Point to the list of words in the box. Read the words and let students repeat them. Then get different students to explain what they think each word means in their own words. For example, A gentle animal is quiet and not dangerous. A fury animal is covered with soft hair. Ask some students to explain any words students may not understand.

An enormous animal is very great.

A playful animal is full of fun.

An aggressive animal is fond of quarrels and quick-tempered.

A spotted animal is marked with spots.

Let students begin filling in the answers on their own. When they work, walk around the classroom checking their progress and answering any questions they may have. After students have finished using all the words from the box, let the students write some other words in the blanks below some of the pictures.

Check the answers with the whole class.

Let students say the words they wrote under each heading.


Possible answers

manatee: gentle, shy

chimpanzees: noisy

elephants: enormous, gray

kangaroos: playful

cheetahs: spotted, fast

polar bears: aggressive, furry

Step Ⅲ 1b

This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.

Go through the instructions with the class. Look back at the list of words in Activity 1a. You will hear Ginny and Victor talk about the animals in the picture in Activity 1a. Now please listen to the recording carefully and circle the words on the list that they use to describe the animals.

Play the recording the first time. This time students only listen. Play the recording a second time. Now listen to the recording again and circle the words you hear on the recording.

Check the answers.


These words should be circled:

aggressive, gentle, shy, furry, gray, fast, spotted


Boy: Hey, Ginny, What’s that big, furry animal in the pond?

Girl: It’s a polar bear, Victor. They’re kind of aggressive.

Boy: Are they? They looks like really love water.

Girl: Uh-huh.

Boy: And what do you call those big, gray things in the water?

Girl: They’re called manatees.

Boy: What?

Girl: Manatees. They’re very gentle and very shy.

Boy: Oh. And how about the yellow and black spotted animals in that cage?

Girl: They’re cheetahs. The cheetah is the fastest animal on earth.

Step Ⅳ 1c

This activity provides oral practice using the target language.

Go through the instructions with the whole class.

Look at the sample conversation in the box and get three students to read it aloud to the class.

SA: I am like this animal because I am strong and intelligent. I like water, and I like to eat vegetables.

SB: You’re like an elephant.

SA: No.

SC: You’re like a manatee.

SA: Yes!

Tell students to think of an animal that is the same as them in some ways. Take a few minutes to write down a statement.

Say, You can write a sentence or two that describes how you are similar to the animal you choose. Don’t say the name of the animal.

A few minutes later, let student read their statements to the class and see how quickly the other students can guess what animal the students is talking about.

Statement 1

S1:I am like this animal because I am playful and funny.

Ss: You’re like a polar bear.

S1: No.

Ss: You’re like a kangaroo.

S1: Yes!

Statement 2

S2: I am like this animal because I run very fast. I like to wear colorful clothes.

Ss: You’re a kangaroo.

S2: No.

Ss: You’re like a cheetah.

S2: Yes!


like—(here prep. )in the manner of

Step Ⅴ Summary

In this class, we’ve learned some important words such as manatee, kangaroo, Po ;; ar bear, gentle, furry, enormous, playful, noisy, aggressive, spotted. We’ve also learned the target language I am like this animal because I am strong and intelligent. I like water, and I like to eat vegetables. You are like an elephant. No. You’re like a manatee. Yes!

Step Ⅵ Homework

1. Get students to write down some statements and read them to their partners.

Let the partners guess what animals they are talking about.

2. Review the new words in the box in

Activity 1a.

《白杨》小学课堂教案优秀示例 篇5















小学美术五年级下册第二课教案 篇6



课堂类型:造型 表现 设计 应用 教学目标:






教具学具:各种形状的盒子、塑料瓶、易拉罐等、胶、剪刀等 教学过程:



师问:看了这些形体,有什么特点吗?为什么? 生答:是立体的



















小学作文教案设计 篇7


1. 培养学生仔细观察的能力和习惯。


3.写出自己的真实感受, 写出趣味。



把游戏经过写具体, 写出自己的真实感受。


1. 利用游戏, 能激起孩子们的兴趣。游戏是孩子喜闻乐见的一种活动, 在游戏中, 学习、交流、体验, 可以激发学生的习作热情; 在游戏中, 孩子学会与人合作, 与人交流; 在游戏中, 教给孩子记录游戏经过, 抓住人物的语言、动作、神态以及场上气氛的描述, 丰富自己的见闻, 形成自己独特的感受……

2.习作由“说”到“写”, 降低难度, 循序渐进的让孩子在轻松中写作。

3.写作指导贯穿始终。在教学中, 指导学生按游戏前、游戏中、游戏后的顺序进行观察, 并且指导孩子抓住活动中人物的语言、动作等细节进行描述。在不知不觉中渗透方法, 进行指导。

4. 注重评价激励。在孩子的发言中, 发现孩子表达方面的闪光点, 激励孩子表达自己独特的感受, 让人人都能体验到成功的喜悦, 并且在各自的基础上得到不同程度的发展。





( 一) 导入

近几年, 魔术在春晚上真是火了, 你们想不想近距离的看一场魔术表演? 今天我也给大家变一个魔术———神奇的硬币。

( 二) 魔术

1. 魔术前

老师带来了四个纸杯和一枚硬币, 然后在杯子上标上1、2、3, 接着老师拿出硬币并说道: “你们把它放在其中的任何杯子里, 老师都能猜出硬币在哪个杯子里, 你们相信吗?”


老师接着说: “我其实是刘谦的师妹! 所以今天我就让你们见证一下这个硬币有多神奇。你们想不想看?”

“好我请一位同学用一句完整的话来描述一下我刚才都做了什么? 都说了什么?”

( 学生举手回答, 回答得又详细又完整的为他鼓掌)

说说你们听了老师的话后心里是怎么想的? ( 这时候可以出示一些关于心理活动的词语)


挖空心思 半信半疑 迫不及待 跃跃欲试 困惑不解 兴致勃勃 ( 这些词用幻灯片打出来)

板书: 魔术前: 心理活动

接下来请一个小助手, 请他上来帮老师一起来做, 注意看老师是怎么做的, 一会儿请同学来描述一下。



当小助手回答:“放好了。” (这是放在了第一个杯中)

或者小助手回答:“好了。” (这是放在了第二个杯中)

或者小助手回答:“恩。” (这是放在了第三个杯中)

说完之后老师问同学们: “刚才你们都看到老师是怎么做的了吗?” ( 找同学来回答, 这时可以出示一些关于动作的词语)


交头接耳 低声细语 鬼鬼祟祟 神秘兮兮 ( 这些词语用幻灯片出示)

2. 魔术中

( 1) 魔术马上开始大家要注意体会自己的心理活动, 观察别人的动作、表情、语言, 接下来魔术正式开始。

然后老师把身子转过去背对同学, 老师的小助手开始放硬币, 请同学们认真观察老师的小助手是怎么放的。

小助手放好硬币之后, 老师问小助手:“放好了吗?”

小助手回答:“放好了。” (这是放在了第一个杯中)

或者小助手回答:“好了。” (这是放在了第二个杯中)

或者小助手回答:“恩。” (这是放在了第三个杯中)

然后老师转过身来走到杯子前, 先是用手敲一敲每个杯子, 然后再用鼻子闻一闻每个杯子, 接着对同学们说: “我已经猜出来硬币在那个杯子底下放着了, 接下来就是见证奇迹的时刻了! ”说完老师把放着硬币的纸杯掀起来。

这时候请学生们来说说当看到老师猜对后同学们的反应, 然后再找同学从头到尾把变魔术的过程说一遍, 看谁说的最详细、生动, 就给谁加三颗星。

( 2) 为了让他们更佩服, 再进行一次。 ( 这次从观众席里找一名同学, 但要让小助手来说放好了没有。)

老师把身子转过去背对大家, 然后这名同学开始放硬币, 这个过程中同学们要仔细观察他的动作、神态。

老师问: “放好了吗?”


然后老师转过身来走到杯子前, 先是用手敲一敲每个杯子, 然后再用鼻子闻一闻每个杯子, 接着对同学们说: “我已经猜出来硬币在那个杯子底下放着了, 接下来就是见证奇迹的时刻了! ”说完老师把放着硬币的纸杯掀起来 ( 同上) 。

接下来找同学来说说这名同学是怎么放硬币的, 老师又是怎么猜的。看谁说的过程最完整、最详细。


老师问: “刚才这名同学是怎么走上讲台的?”



同学回答: “迅速的/犹犹豫豫的/果断的放好。”


学生答: “转过身来, 慢慢走到讲台前, 先是用手敲了敲每一个杯子, 然后又用鼻子闻了闻每个杯子, 接着老师就说她知道了那个杯子底下有硬币, 并说见证奇迹的时刻到了, 然后就掀开了那个杯子, 结果老师猜对了。”

老师接着问: “当你们看到老师猜对了之后你们是怎么想的呢?”

学生回答: “很吃惊, 觉得很不可思议, 想知道老师是怎么猜对的。”

( 看那个同学回答的最完整、具体, 就给他加三颗星, 并用快乐作文特有的掌声鼓励他。)

板书: 魔术过程中: 老师、同学们的表现 ( 动作、语言、神态) , 以及自己的心理活动

3. 魔术后

魔术表演完了, 谁能来猜一猜老师是怎么知道那个杯子里有硬币的?

(学生举手回答, 多找几个学生说, 并给予鼓励。)

板书: 魔术后: 猜测

( 三) 指导

( 1) 同学们我们如果要写这篇作文的话应该按照魔术前、魔术过程、魔术结束后的顺序来写, 其中魔术前、后略写, 魔术过程要详写。

( 2) 游戏过程要注意描写同学们的动作、表情、语言及心理。


孩子们, 这个魔术好玩吗? 你们想不想知道这个魔术是怎么变得呢?如果想那就快拿起你手中的笔把它写下来吧, 老师要看看谁写的过程最详细、感受最真实, 然后老师就把这个魔术的奥秘告诉他。


[1]李吉林.李吉林情境实验与研究[M].人民教育出版社, 2005, (05) .

精心撰写教案 提高课堂教学质量 篇8

【摘 要】教案是教师对课堂上所从事的教学活动,所使用的教学方法,所要达到目的的总体规划,是备课成果的集中反映和总结。教案书写标志着教师备课的程度和质量,体现一个教师对教育事业的责任感。课前充分熟悉教材,认真备课写教案的工作做与不做或做得好坏对教学效果的影响关系极大。精心撰写教案是提高教学质量的重要环节。




























高二英语教案(第二十单元) 篇9

Unit20 The King of Stonehenge

Lesson Plan Type of lesson: Reading Title: The King of Stonehenge Background Information: Students: 30 senior high school students, second grade Lesson duration: 45 minutes Teaching objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1)Learn and master the following: Words: emperor, pin, find, clay, arrow, bow, cushion, spare, technical Phrases: date back to, have a hand in, in terms of, in the eyes of Sentence pattern: It’s certain that… 2)Improve their reading ability 3)Have a better understanding of the king of stonehenge discovered by archaeologists Teaching Aids: Blackboard, chalk, Key Points: 1)improve the students’ reading ability

2)help the students learn about the king of stonehenge mentioned in the passage Diffcult Point: 1)have a clear picture of the finds in the grave 2)get the reasons for the inportance of the discovery 3)master the key words and sentences Blackboard Design:(three parts: the left, the middle, and the right)The middle: 1)title: The King of Stonehenge

2)the finds in the grave and the reason for the importance of the discovery

3)some key words and phrases The left and the right: for complement Teaching Procedures: Step1 warming-up(5’)

Ss are asked to describe the kinds of objects kings and emperors in China were buried with, and tell the reasons why were dead kings given these objects after they died.T: Good morning boys and girls.Ss:…

T: Have a nice day today? Ss:…

T: Ok, this class we are going to learn the passage of the king of stonehenge.Let’s open the book and turn to page75.Before reading the passage, let’s discuss the first two questions in pre-reading.Ok, I will give you 3 minutes to discuss with your deskmate, then I will ask some students to show me the result.Are you clear? Ok, good!T: Time’s up.Who can show me the result of your discussion? Any volunteer? Ss:…

T: Good, and sit down please.Anyone else? Ss:…

T: Yes, actually, many kings and emperors in China were buried with lots of things which they used before their death.The more precious things buried with them, the richer or higher status the person had.And the modern people get to know the antient people and the antient culture by the discovery of the grave and the study of the finds.Step2 fast reading(5’)

Ss are asked to read the passage quickly and write down which objects were found in the grave of the ing of stonehenge.T: Now let’s read the passage quickly and find out the materials and objects the archaeologists discovered in the grave.I give you three minutes.Ss:…

T: Now time’s up, and where can you find the answer? Ss:…

T: Now together tell me the answer.Ss:…

T: Well done.Step3 Careful reading(15’)

Ss are asked to read the passage carefully and then answer the questions: how many reasons are mentioned in the passage for the importance of the discovery? What are they?

T: Boys and girls, now I will give you 10 minutes to read the passage again, please read carefully and then find out the reasons for the importance of the discovery.Now begin.T: 10 minutes is over.Are you ready to answer the questions? How many reasons are there for the discovery? Ss:…

T: Good, and what are they? Ss:…

T: Great!You have found the reasons.Now let me make a chart and show you the clear picture of the discovery.Step4 Listening and Consolidation T: Now, close your books and listen to the tape.After that, finish the exercise on the screen.(Teacher shows the screen and turns on the recorder.)

Decide if the sentences below are true or false.Write the letter “T” if the sentence is true.If it is false ,write “F” and correct the error.1()When the King of Stonehenge died, he was about 50years old.2()From tests on his teeth, it is certain that he spent his childhood in England.3()The most amazing find was two gold earrings.4()Stonehenge was begun around 2300 BC.5()In terms of technical development, people were going from the Bronze Age to the Stone Age at that time.6()It has been proven that the copper knives came from Spain and Western France.Suggested answers: 1 F When the King of Stonehenge died, he was about 40years old.F From tests on his teeth, it is certain that he spent his childhood in central Europe, perhaps Germany.3 T 4 F Stonehenge was begun around 3000 BC.5 F In terms of technical development, people were going from the Bronze Age at that time.Step 5 Analysis of key words and phrases(10’)Key words and phrases:

△ emperor n.皇帝 △pin n.针

△find n.发现

△clay n.粘土;泥土

△ arrow n.箭 △bow n.弓 △cushion n.垫石 △spare adj.备用的△technical adj.技术的 ●date back to: date from回溯到

e.g.In china, the needle treatment dates back to ancient times.●It is certain that ……

e.g.It is certain that your team will win.●Buried with he were the tools of a hunter or warrior.(=The tools of a hunter or warrior were buried with him.)●have a hand in

e.g.He had in composing songs for children when he was young.●in terms of

e.g.In terms of money he is quite rich, but not in terms of happiness.●It was thought that…

e.g.It is thought that the news is not true ●in the eyes of sb.e.g.You’re only a child in the eyes of him.Step6 Summary and Homework.T: In this class ,we’ve learnt about the King of Stonehenge by reading the passage and sentence patterns.After class , you need to do more exercises to master them freely.Studying archaeological discoveries can help us learn about the life of people during different periods , so if you have time ,go to visit the local museums or surf the Internet to learn more about archaeology.At last don’t forget to prepare for the exercises in post-reading.Exercise 1 2 3
