


mba考试写作案例分析 篇1

































第一段 总说段:提出问题(约50字~100字)

第(1)股 指出论方的错误观点。自然段1:起

第(2)股 表明自己对这一观点的看法。

第三段 分说段:分析问题(约400字~500字)

第(3)股 分论点

1第(4)股 分论据1 自然段2:承

第(5)股 分论点

2第(6)股 分论据2 自然段3:转

第三段 总说段:解决问题(约50字~100字)

第(7)股 归纳分论点。

第(8)股 照应第1段,扣题,概括全文主旨。自然段4:合2.“三段八股”文



参考文 冒险的投资









mba考试写作案例分析 篇2

英语专业四级考试 (Test for English Majors Band 4, 简称TEM 4) , 是我国自主开发的、兼具语言水平测试与学业水平测试的权威考试。考试共有六个部分, 其中写作部分总分25分, 考试需时45分钟, 所占分值最大, 耗时最长, 位于考试最后, 正应了英语的一句老话, last but not least, 其重要性不可忽视。同时英语写作也是学生的弱项和难点之一。学生普遍反映写作难, 易失分, 难提高。本文中以笔者所在学校为例, 就英语专业大二学生备考英语专业四级考试写作部分出现的错误入手, 归纳写作错误类型, 分析其产生的原因, 并结合以读促写和英语写长法之优点, 探讨切实可行的解决办法和教学建议, 深望可以抛砖引玉, 以助英语专业写作教学的改进。

1 学生习作错误分析

英语专业四级考试写作部分分为两项, 其一是要求学生能根据作文题目、提纲或图表、数据等, 在35分钟内写出长度为200个单词左右的作文 (composition) , 要求内容切题, 结构严谨, 条理清楚, 语法正确, 语言通顺恰当, 表达得体。其二要求学生根据提示在十分钟内写出长度为50-60个单词左右的便条 (note-writing) , 如发出邀请、通知, 表示感谢、祝贺或者歉意解释原因等等。出现的错误概括如下。

1.1 词法、语法错误

1) 单词拼写错误 (括号内是错误拼写)

如convenient (convinient) , true (ture) , controversial (controversal) , condition (condetion) apologize (applogize) , apology (appology) , decision (desicion) , indispensable (indespensible) , necessity (necessarity) , writing (writting) 。

2) There is a saying goes, life without aim like sailing without compass.

简单句里有且只有一个谓语动词, 所以第一部分应改为, There is a saying, 或者A saying goes that。同时句子的后部分动词like做动词表示喜欢, 应改为is like。并且单数可数名词不可以独立存在, 应加上冠词, 代词同时使用。所以改后的句子是As a saying goes, living without an aim is like sailing without a compass。

3) We planned to meet at this friday afternoon.But I afraid I can not make it.Because I have something important to do.

专有名词要大写。同时介词使用不正确。第二句话, 表示原因的状语从句不可以独立存在, 是dependent clause, 必须依附主句存在。所以原句应改为I could not make the appointment on this Friday afternoon because I have to take care of my sick mother.

4) Make aims and take actions is equal important to college students.

主语应是名词性短语。同时包含两个内容应是复数。同时副词修饰形容词。所以原句应该改为Making aims andtaking actions are equally important for college students.

以上的例句具有典型特点, 表明学生的单词和基本语法的基本功不扎实, 容易受汉语的影响, 忽略了英语语言的特点。

1.2 篇章结构

1) 缺乏逻辑思维能力, 没有正确使用主题句、论题句和关联词。

英语是注重逻辑的语言, 英语作文讲究逻辑。在整篇作文中, 则应该在第一段点明作文论题和作者观点, 即在论题句中点明论点point, 其后中间段落用论据support支撑观点。同时英语是讲究形和的语言, 逻辑关系的变化需要用关联词体现出来。如表示层次的关联词firstly;in the first place;first and foremost;secondly, equally important;furthermore;last but not least, 表示结果的关联词therefore;as a result;accordingly consequently等。考试中, 如果不用或者用错了关联词, 就会因为思想内容表达不清晰而失分。

2) 没有正确审题, 没有按照题目要求组织文章。

专业四级作文包括三个部分, 引言、题目和要求。这三部分都构成了作文的要求, 都需要认真研究, 作文都需要达到这三部分的要求。在培训中, 很多同学都只注意了一部分就匆匆开始答题, 最后因为跑题, 十分严重。

首先, 引言会给与一些背景信息。考生需要认真审题, 找到关键词或论点, 需要在作文中体现。但是很多同学没有认真看引语部分导致跑题, 结果是非常可惜的。如2005年考题:

The students’union of your university is planning to hold an arts festival next semester, and they are inviting students to contribute their ideas and suggestions as to how it should be organized or what should be included.Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a composition of about 200 words on the following topic MY IDEA OF A UNIVERSITY ARTS FESTIVAL。

很多同学没有认真看引语, 只写大学艺术节的好处, 而没有写如果组织艺术节, 应该有什么样的活动, 因此而跑题失分。

其次, 在作文题目上也应该仔细审题, 特别要注意名词的单复数和修饰语。比如以下几个作文题目:

One Way to Solve the Problem

The Benefits of Volunteering

A Major Advantage/Disadvantage of Advertising on Television

第一个题目way是单数, 所以只需要提出一种解决的方法就可以了。第二个题目benefit是复数, 说明文中至少要有亮点好处。第三个题目, Advantage/Disadvantage说明要么谈好处, 要么谈坏处, 不能两者都谈, 而且好处或者坏处是单数, 只能谈一个。

1.3 文体的错位

1) 专业四级考试作文属于正式的文体, 不应该出现缩写、简写、口语和俚语。在学生培训的作文中, 经常出现you’re isn’t, it’s之类的缩写, 正确的写法是写出全部的拼写, 如you are, is not, it is等。简写如ads, pop music, dorm, photo等。应写出完整的拼写, 如advertisement, popular music, dormitory和photograph。口语词如you know, well, let’s do it, alright出现在正式的问题中显得非常不伦不类, 是应当避免的错误。诸如wonna, gonna等等的俚语更是不正式的英语, 是不标准的英语, 更是一个接受专业英语教育的学生在写作中绝对避免使用的。

2) 写作是一种用书面语言表达思想感情的交际方式。它要求写作者语言表达合适得体。《考纲》也明确要求了考生作文得体性。在专业四级培训中很多同学却不能根据具体的语境, 选择恰当的语言表达方式来表达自己的思想感情。如一篇要求考生给导师写一张不能按之前约定见面并再定谈论文时间的便条, 有些考生竟用了“I want to tell youthe appointment is cancelled because I have something to do Call me if you are free.”等诸如此类的句子。在和长辈上级的便条中应该使用客气的正式的文体, 使用如此随意的文体显然不能得到作文的要求, 在实际中也显然达不到正确交流的目的。

2 结语

错误分析对于帮助学生改进英语作文的帮助是显而易见的。通过对英语专业大二年级学生备考专业四级考试写作部分的错误分析, 我们发现出现的错误主要是词汇语法, 篇章结构缺乏逻辑思维能力和错误判断文体等。英语写作是一种技能, 有其特有的规律和技巧。写作课除了训练学生谴词造句、谋篇布局等写作技巧外, 更重要的是培养学生如何运用写作技巧更好更有效地表达自己的思想, 培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力、独立思考和创新的能力。为此, 教师在今后培训学生参加专业四级考试时可以参考学生出现的主要错误, 对症下药, 在平时训练中则应使用以读促写, 读写结合的教学方式进行写作教学。

摘要:英语专业考试是考核英语专业大二学生英语综合水平的一个重要考试。写作是其中一个重要的组成部分, 分值最大, 占时最长, 得分率也相对较低。本文以笔者所在学校为例, 就英语专业大二学生备考英语专业四级考试写作部分出现的错误入手, 归纳写作错误类型, 分析其产生的原因, 并结合以读促写和英语写长法之优点, 探讨切实可行的解决办法和教学建议, 深望可以抛砖引玉, 以助英语专业写作教学的改进。



[1]王初明, 等.以写促学:一项英语写作教学改革的试验[J].外语教学与研究, 2000 (3) .

[2]李森.改进英语写作教学的重要举措:过程教学法[J].外语界, 2000 (1) .

[3]杜金榜.从学生英语写作错误看写作教学[J].外语教学, 2001 (2) .

[4]陈立平.从阅读与写作的关系看写作教学中的范文教学[J].外语与外语教学, 2001 (4) .

[5]谢薇娜.谈阅读与写作的交融性[J].外语教学, 1994 (4) .

mba考试写作案例分析 篇3
























mba论证分析写作方法 篇4





mba英文写作经典 篇5


In recent years, an increasing number of people are concerned with 主题.How to cope with the problem has become a big since.As a matter of fact, there are various approaches which can contribute to the resolution of the problem.In the first place,(people)should be educated to become aware that everyone can play his own role in the resolution of the problem.More importantly, relevant laws or regulations should be laid down to prevent the situation from worsening.Finally, those who follow the laws or regulations should be set as examples and awarded to lead the publicsbehaviors.Of course, it’s anything but easy to cope with the problem and calls for governments’ measures and the public’s efforts.With governments’ effective measures, coupled with the public’s considerable efforts, the problem is bound to be resolved in the near future.优缺点类:

There is no denying that 主题 is getting increasingly prevalent and playing an increasingly significant role in our life.However,(when it comes to this phenomenon, people views vary from one to another and)some hold it is a blessing, while others maintain it is a hell.As far as I’m concerned, I’m in favor of the former view and contend 主题 is a blessing.To start with, it makes our life easier and more convenient.More importantly, it keeps us well informed of the outside also extends our social circle, thus enriching our life.It’s true that 主题 has its unfavorable aspects such as its likelihood to bring about some trouble.But provided we have an appropriate attitude and make proper use of this phenomenon, it will benefit us in more than one way.数变类:


As is illustrated in the table/chart/curve/picture, the number of 主题 is roughly 数字 in 年份, approximately 数字 in 年份 and close to 数字 in 年份.Apparently the number of 主题 has been on a dramatic rise over the past few years.(文字作文手段)

The past few years witnessed a dramatic increase of the number of 主题.It’s reported that the number of 数字 in 年份, approximately 数字in 年份 and close to 数字 in 年份.What accounts for the increase? In my view, at least three factors contribute to the changed.To begin with, the change is closely related to the rising income of(theChinese people.)More importantly, the change has a

lot to do with the turning of the people’s attitude towards and outlook on life.Finally, the change is enhanced and promoted by the bettering policies.With the development of society, the rising trend is bound to continue for a couple of years in the future.As far as I am concerned, it’s a positive/negative trend and should be promoted/descendsince it is beneficial not only to individuals but to the whole society.(图画作文替换首段

As can be clearly seen from this cartoon, a thought-provoking phenomenon is depicted in a vivid manner.What we see in this picture is that图画内容简单描述.In fact, it goes with saying that we should attach more importance to it.)


Dear_____,(I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about your product /service.投诉信首句)

I am writing this letter(邀请函to invite you to city./④take part in a party.I think it would be a great idea if you could participate.)(申请函to try to apply for me if you can grant this opportunity for me.)(感谢信in purpose of expressing my heartfelt gratitude for you.)(道歉信in purpose of expressing my apology you.)(祝贺信in purpose of expressing my congratulations to you.You may not imagine how excited I was when I got the news.I am just as proud as you are and send my hearty congratulations.)(建议信in purpose of providing some conductive suggestions.In my opinion, you would be wise to take the following actions._______________________)(辞职信 It was very kind of you to give me this opportunity to work as an XX工作, but now I am very sorry to say that I have to quit my present job.)

(投诉信The reason for my dissatisfaction is(产品)the product that I purchased from your store 服务/(食品)As a well-established customer, I was really shocked and annoyed.)

(邀请函)、(申请函)、(感谢信)、(道歉信)、(祝贺信)、(建议信)、(辞职信)均根据要求简单描述。(投诉信I will be really appreciated if you can do something to change this situation.)(邀请函Please accept my invitation and let me know at your convenience as soon as possible)(申请函know that I have given you enough trouble and please ignore my request if it is too difficult.I will be really appreciated if you can give me this chance)(感谢信Words are beyond me to express my thanks to your kindness.Thank you again.)(道歉信Once again, I am very sorry for any inconvenience caused.I will be really appreciated if you can accept my

apologies and understand my situation.)(祝贺信Please accept my warmest congratulations.I wish you a great success and fulfillment in the year ahead.)(建议信I hope you will find these proposals useful, and I would be ready to discuss this matter with your to further details.)I would be looking forward to your prompt reply.(辞职信结尾I am sure that my working experience here will benefit me in my future career.I do apologize for any inconvenience brought about by my resignation, and I wish you all the best.)

Yours Sincerely




To: 看件人

From: 写件人

Date: Jan 15, 2011

Subject: 主题单词/词组

I am writing this memo in purpose of 照抄题干.I do hope that you will pay attention to this matter and deal with it as soon as possible.……自由发挥 I will be really appreciated if you 照抄题干.Thank you for your cooperation and consideration.Regards.Yours,写件人


(首句: This article introduced that……简单概括)

(承上启下句: However, there are some problems on this issue.)

mba考试写作案例分析 篇6


Failure is not a stranger to life.It can happen anywhere, anytime and to anyone.No person succeeds all the time.The more development you want to make, the more failure you might encounter.On account of this, people are faced with failure now and then.There are different attitudes towards failure.Some are afraid of failure and they can not bear the blow of it, so they stay where they are and try not to make progress.Some optimists, however, fight against failure bravely and achieve all aims at last.Just as the old saying goes, failure is the mother of success.For my part, we’d rather accept or even appreciate failure than be afraid of it.Meeting with failure, we ought not to lose heart.Instead, all our courage should be called up to persist in what we are engaged in.To summarize in the proverb that where there is a will, there is a way.20XX年MBA英语真题写作参考范文

When it comes to health and wealth, different people hold quite different views.Some prefer health, and regard it as the most important part of life.But others take wealth as their top priority.It seems that the two sides can not reach agreement for the time being.As a matter of fact, some convincing arguments have been presented by both sides.On the one hand, those who place emphasis on health believe that good health is the foundation of everything, including making money.For instance, good health will enable them to work effectively, which may contribute to a promotion and a handsome salary.They also argue that good health can help them live longer and work longer.On the other hand, other people think otherwise.They assure that wealth can help them to enjoy their life.With a large sum of money, they can visit any place or do whatever they like without financial problems.Besides, wealth in some way stands for social status.According to what has been discussed above, both sides have their reasons.As far as I am concerned, the first viewpoint is both sound and well-grounded.Therefore, we should give our full support to health.20XX年MBA英语真题写作参考范文

When asked about which is more important: family or career, different people will offer different answers.Some believe that family is more important, while others considers quite the opposite.People preferring the former believe that family is more indispensable to their life.They claim family is the source of power.However, those who insist on the other attitude regard career as a method to realize their ambitions.Only when they make achievements in career can they feel happy and satisfied.In short, family and career are seemingly a couple of opposite things.As far as I am concerned, we should combine them in a way.Without career, we can’t earn a living or fulfill our ideals, yet our life would be even hard and incomplete without families.In brief, we should integrate the two appropriately.Only in this way can we live a colorful and meaningful life.20XX年MBA英语真题写作参考范文

To whom it may concern: I am writing to express my opinion about the current policy on the Golden Week holiday.As you might know , some believe it is a good idea to enjoy a week-long break.For one thing, it provides enough time for people to refresh their minds and thus to have better preparation for their future work.For another, it will lead to increased tourism and in turn stimulate the development of the local economy.Truly, the past decade has witnessed many advantages of the Golden Week holiday, but we should never ignore its disadvantages.On the one hand, it may lead to heavy traffic in that a large number of tourists go on traveling during the same period.On the other hand, some tourists, with no awareness of environmental protection, often drop litter at random so that scenic spots are polluted and thus it demands a tremendous sum of money to eliminate the pollution.Considering the current grim situation, it is necessary that the authorities concerned should take immediate measure to eliminate these disadvantages.Only through these efforts can we relieve the traffic pressure and at the same time enhance people’s awareness of environment protection.20XX年MBA英语真题写作参考范文

The diagram above clearly shows the dramatic elevation has occurred in the recruitment of Master of Engineering(ME)in the past seven years.According to the figures given above, we can see the recruitment of ME was on a steady rise from 1998 to 2004.In 1998, the number was at a low level, only about 2500.Surprisingly, it reached to more than 35000 in 2004 within no more than seven years.Some driving factors that contribute to the above-mentioned changes may be summarized as follows.First of all, China has become particularly active in manufacturing, which leads to the increasing demand of qualified engineers.Secondly, the development of job market on the whole can’t keep pace with the expansion of college graduates, which obliges many students to stay on campus for another reason.Taking all these factors into consideration, we may predict that with the rapid development of our society, the number of recruitment of ME will keep growing in the forthcoming decade.On the other side of the coin, however, this tendency may bring about many problems, such as the waste of talent.We should take measures to ensure this situation doesn’t get out of hand, and encourage students to choose majors in which knowledge and skills will be demanded in the job market.20XX年MBA英语真题写作参考范文

As is shown in the table, the traffic accidents in 2005 add up to 1965 and increase by approximately 10 percent.Apparently, the number of traffic accidents dramatically increased in 2005 compared with the previous years.What accounts for the increase? In the light of the table, we can find that a couple of factors contribute to the change.To begin with drives careless driving behaviors are mainly responsible for the traffic accidents.Among them turning left without care gives rise to the most accidents of 608, while driving under the influence of alcohol leads of the accidents increase rate.In addition, the increase of the accidents has something to do with pedestrians’ careless behavior.Pedestrians’ crossing roads carelessly is blamed for 401 accidents and causes an increase rate of 12 percent.Drivers’ ill driving habits such as failing to give a signal also result in traffic accidents, though the accident rate slightly decrease.Now that we are aware of the causes of the traffic accidents and the increase of them, it is time for us to work out measures to cut down the number.With strict driving regulations and education to drivers and pedestrians, the traffic accidents are expected to fall off and we are expected to live in a secure traffic environment.20XX年MBA英语真题写作参考范文

The past several years have witnessed the emergence of a widespread social phenomenon.That is, a growing number of people are in quest of college education for adult despite whatever degrees they have required before.It is reported that 390 university graduates, together with 15 candidates who have master’s degrees have taken the National Adult College Entrance Examination in Shanghai this year.This issue, without the slightest question, has given rise to great concern in the public.People’s attitudes towards this phenomenon differ widely.Some find it quite understandable when considering the fact that life-long education is an era of knowledge explosion.Rather, one has to recharge himself with updated information so as to keep up with the development of the society.And yet those who hold negative views regard it as a waste of time as well as educational resources.Personally, I am in favor of the former opinion.Education is becoming a lifetime study, just as the old saying goes: live and learn.After all, there is no denying the fact that education is of benefit to both personal growth and economic prosperity.And this is also the exact reason why I have determined to do an MBA.20XX年MBA英语真题写作参考范文

In the new millennium, text message is set to become an essential feature of individuals’ life.It comes no surprise that a vast majority of people are indulged in sending and receiving short message, considering the great pleasure and convenience it brings about.Still, there are some others viewing text message as a curse of modern life, for it cause extra waste and do harm to our health.Text messaging, as a means of communication, shortens the distance between people, which, many believe, is one of its apparent advantages.By sending regards to them via short message, we can not only maintain contact with our friends and relatives, but share pleasure with them as well.Another benefit obtained from text message is the convenience for people to keep up with the latest information they need whatever they go and whatever they do.For instance, a large number of people have subscribed to various short-message services ranging from weather forecast to fashion news and enjoy them very much.Accordingly, with text message people’s daily life will be greatly enriched.Truly, apart from those benefits, text messaging might have its drawbacks.But it is my view that its negative impacts depend, to a large extent, on how it is used.As a consequence, if we make proper use of it, short message will never do us more harm than good.20XX年MBA英语真题写作参考范文

小作文参考范文: Dear president,I am writing this letter in purpose of expressing my appreciation for your hospitality accorded to me and my delegation during our visit to your company.During the entire visit, my delegation and I were overwhelmed by the enthusiasm expressed by you and your faculty members.I sincerely hope we could have more exchanges like this one so that we would be able to further our communication to explore the feasible ways to expand our cooperation.I am looking forward to your early visit to china, when I will be able to pay back the hospitality we received.With kind personal regards.Faithfully yours,Zhang Wei


From the information given in the above column chart, we can see a striking contrast in mobile-phone subscriptions between developing and developed countries from 2000 to 2008.During this period, there has been a dramatic increase from 0.4 to 4 billion mobile phone subscriptions in developing countries, while that of developed countries remained steady under 1 billion during the decade.At least two fundamental factors could contribute to this phenomenon.On the one hand, with the rapid increase in economy happening in the developing countries, the telecommunication industry in those countries got a great bound to meet the demand of globalization.As a result, the user of mobile phone which can narrow the distance between people and link the whole world together rose at an incredible speed.On the other hand, the extremely advanced civilization of developed countries means less potential in many aspects including in the area of private telecommunication tools and their demand for further enlargement of such tools tend to saturation.In conclusion, while mobile phones subscriptions, if used carelessly or without restraint, could prove to be a double-edged sword, the fact remains that it is already extremely prevalent in both developing and developed countries and even today, continue rise in popularity.Given the levels of intelligence, prudence and discretion imbued in people, I am sure that most of them will be able to sidestep the potential drawbacks of mobile phones, while taking advantage of all its merits.20XX年 MBA英语真题写作参考范文

小作文参考范文: Dear Li Ming,Congratulations!I’m absolutely delighted to hear that you have just been admitted to Stanford University.I know there was a lot of competition this year but your hard work and perseverance certainly paid off.I’d like to give you several practical proposals on how to prepare for your university life.Firstly, it’s my hope that you will take advantage of the library in your university by reading books outside the college curriculum.Secondly, I believe that free-time should be divided into three main activities: physical exercise, relaxation, and communication with friends and family.Wish you further success in your continuing studies and hope you will invite me to your graduation ceremony in four years time.Yours faithfully,Zhang Wei


mba考试写作案例分析 篇7

在MBA的案例教学实践中, 我们也深刻地体会到案例教学课堂效果与教师是否具备扎实的理论功底, 对相关行业信息的了解程度及个人经验有关外, 还有与学员互动及课堂控制的沟通能力与技巧也紧密相关。具体包括老师有没有能很好引导和调动学员的积极参与技巧, 是否能针对案例问题对学员有深入提问引导的沟通技巧等方面。


以培养职业经理人为目标的工商管理专业硕士教育非常注重强调对MBA学员思维模式、管理认知沟通能力、解决问题能力等方面的培养。本人认为MBA案例教学以提升学员管理能力的教学效果导向下, 教师在案例教学中能否更进一步地帮助提高和改善学员管理能力的训练是有技术方法可循的。如“提高解决问题能力”、“改善思考方式”和“锻炼沟通能力”及“创新能力”其实要求教师有一定的沟通技术能充分引导激发学员的潜能, 使其思考分析引导学员达到最佳思考分析状态, 创新能力也自然顺导而出。

教师对案例问题的提问引导设计、案例讨论中的沟通互动技术、引导案例深度剖析的科学提问设计技术等方面, 对整个案例教学效果、学员参与及学员提供的知识信息都非常重要, 而这些沟通技术正是影响教师与学员案例讨论互动关系及引导能力锻炼的关键。


在接触到企业NLP教练技术后使自己在教学实践中深受启发, 认为企业教练技术在沟通技术上能帮助解决以上问题。企业NLP教练技术是“NLP”即为“身心语言程序学”与教练技术 (Coaching) 两相结合。教练要与受训者良好建立和谐的关系下, 帮助其提升成长改变, NLP正好能提供进行这种工作的各种有效手法和技巧。它们都是研究人、尊重人、关注人的, 同时有各自的起源又各具优势。

1. NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) 神经语言程式学。

自1971年Richard Bandler与John Grinder二位创始者在美国加州大学SantaCruz分校开始着手研究以来, 经过几十多年不断的发展, 目前在北美与欧洲一些国家, NLP被广泛应用于人际沟通、个人成长、企业经营管理、教育创新、教育训练等领域, 效果理想。在沟通技术方面, NLP可以给出一套技术方式使沟通者能根据每一个人独特的思考模式, 实现如何参阅沟通对象外表快速了解内心, 怎样能够有效地达到对方配合的沟通效果。NLP能帮助沟通者在沟通的过程中, 使用怎样的语言、声调和身体语言最能使得对方接受自己的一些方法技巧。

2. 企业NLP教练技术。

企业教练技术起源于20世纪90年代的美国, 作为一种新颖有效的管理技术, 从其产生就被欧美企业在管理实践中广泛运用。如美孚石油、国泰航空、爱立信、IBM公司、宝洁公司、英国航空公司、柯达公司、BPAMOCP石油公司等多家国际著名企业。

“企业NLP教练技术”中教练的工作是帮助个人和团队最大化地发挥能力的过程。能使被教练者洞察自我, 发挥个人的潜能, 有效地激发团队并发挥整体的力量, 从而提升企业的生产力。教练帮助人们释放自我的能量、超越个人的障碍和局限, 达到个人的最佳水平, 同时促使团队优秀地完成任务。教练通过一系列有方向性、有策略性的过程, 洞察被教练者的心智模式, 向内挖掘潜能、向外发现可能性, 令被教练者有效达到目标。


在MBA案例教学中, 案例帮助提供了一定的问题或角色背景, 那么教师在引导案例的问题解决和带给学员知识信息过程中就可以扮演教练的角色, 帮助和引导学员充分发挥其潜能, 带领进入思考解决问题的最佳状态。

1. 教学沟通中遵循NLP的基本假设前提。

我们在MBA教学中会发现, 理想的课堂效果是要形成教师与学员间的有效沟通, MBA的学员都是有个性与主见的, 他们在乎自己的观点对学员的影响力及教师对其意见的尊重, 因此NLP的基本假设前提帮助理解沟通的意义是受对方的回应影响。教学沟通中遵循NLP的基本假设前提, 可以帮助形成和谐有效的沟通。

2. 企业NLP教练技术基本技巧。



倾听是为了获取资料, 了解真相, 有针对地给予回应。在NLP技巧中, 有感官敏锐度的训练、检定语言模式等都可以帮助提升教练技术倾听能力。教练可以通过身体态度姿势传达对发言者的重视, 保持良好的目光接触, 开放的态度, 身体的前倾以表现鼓励尊重学员。教练技术还可以以心理参与与语言参与的方式, 支持性陈诉, 反馈性陈述都可以加强与学员建立良好沟通关系。

提问——帮助对方挖掘自我盲点, 发现其潜力所在。

提问问出好问题就是在帮助解决问题。教练技术的发问是一个有针对性的发问, 问的是和被教练者的目标有关系的、有帮助的问题。提问问题的方向目的有:为了收集信息、为了帮助对方明确目标、为了引导启发对方、为了激励对方、为了挑战对方。哈佛大学的C.Roland Christensen教授归纳的十种问题类型对提问设计技术有非常大的参考价值。


区分的目的在于提高学员的自我洞察力, 让学员看到更多的选择和可能性, 从而支持学员对认知事物和接受改变观点的基础。帮助学员辨识案例事实信息哪些有用的, 哪些属于“添乱”之类。

回应——发挥镜子的反射作用, 及时指出对方存在的问题。

研究认为MBA案例教学中有时我们的教师就可以是教练的角色, 从拓宽学员的信念入手, 着眼于“激发学员的潜能”, 得到更好的解决方案。教练不是帮学员解决具体问题, 而是提供一面镜子, 以教练技巧反映出学员的心态, 使学员洞悉自己———理清自己面临问题的状态, 并就其表现的有效性给予直接的回应, 使学员及时调整策略认清目标, 以最佳状态去创造解决问题的方法。

本人在MBA教学中承担《市场营销管理》及《企业经营竞争沙盘模拟》等的课程, 实践中加以运用有这样的体会, 认为将NLP运用于教育心理学改善沟通技术会有很好的帮助, 能根据分析学员所想, 调动其配合, 通过有效沟通影响其观点。教师能将学员“要我学”的心态轻松地转变成“我要学”。


[1]傅永刚.案例教学对于MBA学员管理能力提升的实证研究[J].管理案例研究与评论, 2009 (4) :286-288.

[2]卢小丽, 武丽慧.MBA学生参与案例教学的影响因素研究[J].管理案例研究与评论:第2卷第1期, 2009, (01) :67-69.

[3]邱祝军.浅谈案例教学中教师的角色定位[J].中国校外教育下旬刊, 2008 (8) :68.

[4]Christensen, C, R. (1991) , Education for Judgment.Boston:Harvard BusinessSchool Press.

[5]陈国海, 刘春燕.企业心理教练[M].广州:暨南大学出版社, 2005.

新托福写作考试揭秘 篇8







新托福考试在地域、种族、宗教、性别、年龄、教育程度等各个方面不能有丝毫歧视,这使得新托福考试的考核内容有明确的范围界定:首先,综合写作部分不能考查对任何学术知识点的认知程度,因此没学过相对论的考生只要英语好,照样能做对关于相对论的题目,这样保证了公平性;其次,独立写作部分不能考查针对某一种族、地域、宗教、文化、年龄段存在认知限制的题目。有些考试机构提供的模拟题就不符合该公平原则,因而没有复习价值,比如:“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?North Americans have be—come too dependent on the automobile for transportation.”这个题目中明显含有区域限制。因此,考生在选择模拟题时,千万要慎重。
































