考研英语 透析翻译题难点


考研英语 透析翻译题难点(精选7篇)

考研英语 透析翻译题难点 篇1


根据全国硕士研究生统一考试英语考试大纲规定,考研翻译“主要考查考生准确理解内容或结构复杂的英语材料的能力。要求考生阅读一篇约400词的文章,并将其中5个划线部分(约150词)译成汉语,要求译文准确、完整、通顺。考生在答题卡2上作答。” 其测试的重点是考生对英语的理解能力及汉语表达能力,有关翻译部分的规定是“能将一般难度的英语短文译成汉语,理解基本正确,译文达意”。这就需要考生既要有比较好的英语基础,还要有扎实的汉语功底。翻译是一门语言的艺术,是语言之间的转换,是在准确理解的基础上用一种语言来忠实的表达另外一种语言;它是一项对综合能力要求比较高的题型,它不仅要求学生对词汇、语法、语篇以及文化等有较好的掌握,还要求学生有着很强的组词成句、组句成段的能力。但是其在评分时有合适标准和可接受的标准,也就是说只要考生所翻译的句子适合于上下文的基本思想而且其译文也能被人所接受,一般可以判定这个句子的翻译符合要求。



1) 变为汉语的主动形式。


It leads the discussion to extremes at the outset: it invites you to think that animals should be treated either with the consideration humans extend to other humans, or with no consideration at all.这种说法从一开始就将讨论引向两个极端,它使人们认为应该这样对待动物:要么像对待人类自身一样关切体谅,要么完全冷漠无情。

2) 译成具有被动意义的汉语结构。


For all the help this computer may provide, it should not be seen as a substitute for fundamental thinking and reasoning skills.尽管计算机可以提供那么多的帮助,它却不应该被看作是基本的思维和推理技巧的替代物。


How well the predictions will be validated by later performance depends upon the amount, reliability, and appropriateness of the information used and on the skill and wisdom with which it is interpreted.这些预测将在多大程度上为后来的表现所证实取决于所用信息的数量、可靠程度、适宜程度以及用来解释这些信息的技巧与才智。

3) 增添“人们”、“大家”等适当的词做汉语译文的主语。


And it is imagined by many that the operations of the common mind can be by no means compared with these processes, and that they have to be acquired by a sort of special training.许多人认为普通人的思维活动根本无法和科学家的思维过程想比较,他们并认为这些思维过程必须经过某中专门训练才能掌握。


During this transfer, traditional historical methods were augmented by additional methodologies designed to interpret the new forms of evidence in the historical study.在这种转变中,历史学家研究历史时,那些解释新史料的新方法充实了传统的历史研究方法。



Eg: It has been rightly stated that this situation is a threat to international security.这个局势对国际安全是个威胁,这样的说法是完全正确的。



Science moves forward, they say, not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tools.他们说科学的发展与其说源于天才伟人的真知灼识,不如说源于改进了的技术和工具等等更为普遍的东西。(将英语的一个句子结构翻译成一个词组)


When that happens, it is not a mistake: it is mankind’s instinct for moral reasoning in action, an instinct that should be encouraged rather than laughed at.这种反应并不错,这是人类用道德观念进行推理的本能在起作用。这种本能应得到鼓励,而不是遭到嘲笑。(When that happens, it is not a mistake原来是两个句子,现在组合成一个简洁的汉语句子。)




The true measure of the danger is represented by the hazards we will encounter if we enter the new age of technology without first evaluating our responsibility to environment.如果我们进入了技术新时代而不首先估价我们对环境所负的责任,我们将遇到公害,这些公害将表明危险真正达到了什么程度。


That our environment has little, if anything, to do with our abilities, characteristics and behavior is central to this theory.这种理论的核心是,我们的环境同我们的才能、性格特征和行为即使有什么关系的话,也是微不足道的。(原来的谓语,在译文中变成了在前的主语。)





I never passed the theatre but I thought of his last performance.每一次经过那家剧院,我都会想起他的最后一次演出。


Hardly a month goes by without word of another survey revealing new depths of scientific illiteracy among U.S. citizens.美国公民科盲日益严重,这种调查报告几乎月月都有。(双重否定)



Everyone has the right to be free from hunger.人人有不挨饿的权利。


This will be particularly true since energy pinch will make it difficult to continue agriculture in the high-energy American fashion that makes it possible to combine few farmers with high yields.这种困境将是确定无疑的,[来源:考研加油绽]因为能源的匮乏使农业无法以高能量消耗、投入少数农民就可能获得高产的美国耕种方式继续下去了。


The target is wrong, for in attacking the tests, critics divert attention from the fault that lies with ill-informed or incompetent users.把标准化测试作为抨击目标是错误的,因为在抨击这类测试时,批评者不考虑其弊病来自人们对测试不甚了解或使用不当。


“no more…than翻译成汉语“和……一样不”


The heart is no more intelligent than the stomach, for they are both controlled by the brain.脏和胃一样不能思维,都受大脑支配。


There is no reason they should limit how much vitamin you take, any more than they can limit how much water you drink.他们没有理由限定你吃多少维生素,就如同他们不能限定你喝多少水一样。

“not so much …as”翻译成“与其说……,不如说……”


It was not so much the many blows he received as the lack of fighting spirit that led to his losing the game.与其说他输了比赛是多次被击中,不如说是自己缺乏斗志。


There is no agreement whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to historical work in general or to the research techniques appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry.所谓方法论是指一般的历史研究中的特有概念,还是指历史研究中各个具体领域使用的研究手段,人们对此意见不一。


He is the last person I want to see in the world.他是这个世界上我最不愿意见到的人。




Congress made public a survey of human rights in 105 countries that receive U.S. aid.国会公布了关于接受美国援助的105个国家的****情况调查报告。



Anyone who stops absorbing new knowledge is certain to lag behind.任何人如果停止吸取新知识,就肯定会落后。(译为条件状语从句)

The strike would prevent the docking of ocean steamships which require assistance of tugboats.罢工会使远洋航船不能靠岸,因为他们需要拖船

考研英语 透析翻译题难点 篇2

87.Charity groups organized various activities to______(为地震幸存者筹款).

答案:raise money for people who survived the earthquake/the survivors in the earthquake

解析:考点一:organize sth./sb.to do sth.这里的to连接不定式作宾语补足语,因此应注意动词要用原形。很多学生会误以为to是介词而在此处误用了V-ing形式。

考点二:“筹集善款”一词此处最好用raise money;raise一词为常考高频词汇,除了“募捐善款”外还曾考过这几个含义:抚养;举起。

考点三:“幸存者”既可用survivors in the earthquake,也可用定语从句people who survived(from) the earthquake。注意:这里的survive可接from,也可以不接。

88.Linda______(不可能收到我的电子邮件);otherwise,she would have replied.

答案:couldn't have received my e-mail


对于过去事情作出推断的表达方式:1)若是十分肯定的用must have done;2)若是一般肯定的用might have done;3)若是否定的推断用couldn't have done。


89.It's my mother______(一直在鼓励我不要灰心)when I have difficulties inmy studies.

答案:who always encourages me not to lose heart/give up/dismay

解析:考点一:强调句it is...that/who。检验句子是否正确的方法:将it is...that/who去掉后便是原始的陈述句。以该句为例:

强调句:It's my mother who always encourages me not to lose heart/give up/dismay when Ihave difficulties in my studies.

原始句:My mother always encourages me not to lose heart/give up/dismay when I have diffi-culties in my studies.

考点二鼓励某人做某事:encourage sb.to do sth.否定为encourage sb.not to do sth.

考点三灰心dismay/give up/lose heart

90.The publishing house has to______(考虑这部小说的受欢迎程度).

答案:take the popularity of the fiction/novel into consideration/account

解析:考点:“考虑……”的固定搭配take…into consideration/account

91.It is absolutely wrong to______(仅仅以金钱来定义幸福).

答案:define one's happiness only by how much money he has/money或measure one's hap-piness only by money/how much money one has

考研英语 透析翻译题难点 篇3


1. 巧用断句


例1:Especially significant was his view of freedom, which, for him (此处指Beethoven), was associated with the rights and responsibilities of the individual: He advocated freedom of thought and of personal expression. (2014年第49题)

分析:原文结构比较清晰,但理解起来稍有困难,因为句首出现了倒装结构。考生可以用竖线将句子大致划分为三部分:“Especially significant was his view of freedom, | which, for him, was associated with the rights and responsibilities of the individual: | He advocated freedom of thought and of personal expression.”为便于理解,考生可先将第一部分恢复为正常语序,即“His view of freedom was especially significant”。考生不难发现,第一部分就是全句的主干,而后两部分分别为两个修饰成分。其中,第一个修饰成分是which引导的定语从句,用来修饰freedom;第二个修饰成分是冒号后面的同位语从句,用来说明his view of freedom是什么。考生在翻译时要注意调整句子结构,翻译完主干后先译同位语从句,再译定语从句。需要注意的是,考生即使没看出句首的倒装结构,没弄清各部分之间的逻辑关系,也不要慌张,而是要冷静下来,尽量准确翻译自己能看懂的部分,获得相应的分数。


2. 巧用主干


例2:But the force of geographic conditions peculiar to America, the interplay of the varied national groups upon one another, and the sheer difficulty of maintaining old-world ways in a raw, new continent caused significant changes. (2015年第48题)

分析:这句话之所以显得复杂,是因为句中存在三个并列主语the force、the interplay和the sheer difficulty,而每一个主语后面的修饰成分又都很长。因此,针对这句话,考生应先概括出句子的主干“But the force, the interplay, and the sheer difficulty caused significant changes”,然后再分别理解三个of后面的修饰成分,最后将所有信息整合到一起进行翻译。考生如果无法准确理解每一个修饰成分,可以结合句子主干翻出全句的大体意思,确保译文有完整的主干结构,这样阅卷人也会酌情给分。


3. 巧用顺序


例3:This movement, driven by powerful and diverse motivations, built a nation out of a wilderness and, by its nature, shaped the character and destiny of an uncharted continent. (2015年第46题)


分析:考生可以利用竖线对原句进行拆分:“This movement, | driven by powerful and diverse motivations, | built a nation out of a wilderness | and, | by its nature, | shaped the character and destiny of an uncharted continent.”其中,句子的主语是this movement,根据上下文,此movement指的是移民潮,其后是一个过去分词短语做后置定语修饰主语。再往后是一个并列的谓语结构,即“built ... and shaped ...”,中间的by its nature则是插入语。这句话的语序不太容易调整,考生可以直接按照英文原文的语序进行顺译。




1. 定语从句


例4:The gardens of the homeless, which are in effect homeless gardens, introduce form into an urban environment where it either didn’t exist or was not discernible as such. (2013年第48题)

分析:这句话中有两个定语从句。第一个是以which引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰the gardens of the homeless,适用后置法来翻译;第二个是以where引导的限制性定语从句,修饰an urban environment,适用前置法来翻译。但考虑到后一个定语从句较长,如果全部堆在an urban environment之前,译文显得不那么流畅,所以改用后置法翻译。


2. 分词与不定式


例5:He (指Darwin) asserted, also, that his power to follow a long and purely abstract train of thought was very limited, for which reason he felt certain that he never could have succeeded with mathematics. (2008年第47题)

分析:句中his power的后面是一个较长的不定式to follow a long and purely abstract train of thought,作为定语修饰his power。尽管这个定语比较长,但由于句子结构非常紧凑,用后置法翻译不够通顺,所以改用前置法。


3. of结构

在of结构中,如果of表示从属关系,后面的修饰成分又是名词,那么比较好处理,直接倒过来翻译成“……的……”即可。比如,the expression of the necessary mode of working of the human mind就可以直译成“人脑工作必要模式的表达”。但如果of后面出现了动名词结构,那考生就需要根据修饰成分的长度进行灵活处理。

例6:Beethoven’s habit of increasing the volume with an intense crescendo and then abruptly following it with a sudden soft passage (a “subito piano”) was only rarely used by composers before him. (2014年第48题)

分析:这句话的of后面是一个超长的动名词修饰成分:increasing the volume with an intense crescendo and then abruptly following it with a sudden soft passage (a “subito piano”)。这是这道题的难点。由于动名词结构太长,在翻译时置于habit之前显然不妥当,所以只能作后置处理。


大学英语翻译教学重难点探究 篇4



作 者:刘文俊 高莉莉 作者单位:中国人民解放军空军雷达学院刊 名:青年与社会・中外教育研究英文刊名:CHINESE AND FOREIGN EDUCATION RESEARCH年,卷(期):“”(12)分类号:G642关键词:意译 直译 知识面 拆译 倒译 综合

英语翻译题 篇5

8页 译题

1、他快速地瞥了她一眼。(glance)He glanced at her quickly.2、随道云层的到来,天色很快暗了下来。(darken)As clouds were coming,it darkened quickly.3、我觉得这份工作对我来说是小事一桩。(a piece of cake)I think(that)this job is a piece of cake for me4、他为自己拥有这张著名的CD感到非常自豪。(proud)He is very proud having this famous CD.5、当火车驶进车站时,乘客们很高兴这趟旅们途终于结束了。(pull into)When the train pulled into the station, the passengers were happy that the journey was finally over


1、As a secretary, you should know how to set up appointments.作为秘书,你应该知道如何安排约见

2、Finding a time that suits everyone is going to be very difficult.找到一个适合每个人的时间将是非常困难的。

3、I will cook more food just in case my friends stay for dinner.我要多做点饭菜,以备万一我的朋友留下来吃晚饭

4、If a change is needed to be made, please contact me as soon as possible如果需要做变动,请尽快联系我。

5、You have given me a couple of phone numbers.Which one do you use often?你给了我好几个电话号码,你经常用哪个号码? 22页

1、她是位天生的音乐家。She is a natural musician/ she was born a musician2、那正是做此事的方法。That is the way to do it.3、这个房间足够大可以开晚会吗?Is the room big enough for a party?

4、看电影是乐事,而制作电影则是苦事。Watching a film is pleasure, but making one is hard work.5、尽管玛丽经常嘲笑杰克,他还是很喜难她。Even if Mary often laughs at Jack.he likes her very much.6、他说的话伤了我们的感情。(主语为从句)What be said hurt our feelings.(His words)

7、他想帮助穷人和老人。(宾语为不定式)He wants to help the poor and the old8、我的答复是我不能接受你的邀请。(表语为从句)My reply /answer is that I can’t accept your invitation.9、她住在一间朝南的房间里。(定语为现在分词短语)She lives in a room facing the south10、你来时我会把相片给你看的。(状语为从句,间接宾语在直接宾语之前)When you come , I will show you the photo.34页

1.玛丽辞职是明智之举。(wise)It was wise of Mary to resign

2.她真粗心,又忘了锁门。(careless)It was careless of her to forget to cock the door again.3.汤姆那样说话是错误的。(wrong)It was wrong of Tom to say like that

4.你花这么多钱真是愚蠢。(stupid)It was stupid of you to spend so much money.5.他们决定放弃这个计划,真是疯了。(foolish)It was foolish of them to give up the plan

6.你让我们用你家的汽车,你真好。(kind nice)It was nice/kind of you to let us use your car.7.他真慷慨,给了服务员10美元的小费。(generous)It was generous of him to give a ten-dollar tip to the waiter

8.这男孩只要3分钟就知道怎么玩这个电脑游戏,真聪明。(clever)It was clever of the boy to know how to play the computer game only in 3 minutes


1.把那张碟买回来更省钱。(economical)It might be more economical to buy the disk

2.你们能赶得上那趟火车吗?(in time)Will you be in time for the train?

3.我们长话短说吧,我还要开会呢。(brief)Let’s keep this conversation brief;I have a meeting to attend

4.我妹妹真是大方,买这么多东西送给她的朋友。(generous)It is generous of my sister to buy so many thing for her friends

5.对于这份工作,你要先考虑一下有什么喜欢和不喜欢的地方。(like;dislike)You should firs of all consider/ think about / about the job your likes and dislike.43页

1.It won’t hurt to make efforts and come up with your own ideas.做一番努力拿出你自己的主意总是没有什么害处的。

2.Running(经营)your own business usually involves working long hours.经营自己的公司常常意味着要长时间工作

3.Most customers appreciated the way their complaints(投诉)were handled.大多数顾客对其投诉得到处理的方式表示赞赏。

4.We must get there all means before he has a chance to tell the news to her.我们务必尽一切可能在他有机会把消息告诉她之前赶到那里。

5.Students should understand that to fail in an exam is not the end of the world.学生们应该明白,一门功课不及格并不是大难临头。1


1.冬季白天短,夜晚长。In winter, the days are short and the nights are long.2、他把车票拿给列车员看。He showed the ticket to the conductor.3、这个报告听起来很有意思。The report sounds interesting.4、他的父母给他取名为John。His parents named him John.5、我们大家都认为他是诚这实的。All of us considered him honest.6、全世界每天都在发生这种事情。Things of that sort are happening all over the world every day.7、那位先生能流利地说3种语言。That gentleman can speak three languages fluently.8、我要请人把我的电脑修理一下。I’ll get my computer mended/ fixed.9、每天早晨我们都听到他在声朗读英语。Every morning we hear him read English aloud.10、我的家乡在过去的10年里发生了巨大的变化。Great changes have taken place in my home town in the past ten years.64页

1、在夜里和乎无法看清道路。(barely)He could barely see the road at night.2、非常感谢你多年来对公司的忠诚。(loyalty)Thank you very much for your years of loyalty to the company.3、维护这栋房子很难,因为它太大了。(maintain)It is very difficult to maintain the house, as it is too large.4、俱乐部免费赠送T恤衫,以吸引年轻人加入。(give away;tempt)The club gives away T-shirts for free to tempt young people to join.5、他昨天穿了一件黑夹克,与他经常的花衬衣形成鲜明对比。(present a contrast to)He wore a black jacket yesterday, presenting a sharp contrast to the colored shirts he usually wears.70页

1、他离开办公室,非常失望。He left the office, very disappointed.2、玛丽慢慢推开门,既紧张又害怕。Mary opened the door slowly , nervous and frightened3、那个小男孩站在黑板前面,兴奋而自豪。The child stood before the blackboard, excited and proud.4、今天下午他来到我家,疲惫不堪,一声不吭。He came to my house this afternoon, exhausted and silent.5、我找到他时,他正躺在草地上,既满足又高兴。When I found him, he was lying on the grass, satisfied and happy.71页

1、Don’t be too hard on your child.别对你的小孩太苛刻了。

2、I think she is kind but rather childish.我认为她善良,但相当孩子气。

3、I wanted to calm them down but failed.我想让他们安静下来,但没有成功。

4、“Please forgive me,” she pleaded.“I’ll never do it again.”“请原谅我”,她恳求道“我再也不这样了”。

5、He looked up and found the teacher was looking at him angrily.他抬起头,发现老师正生气地看着他.79页

1、那房子面对公园。The house faces the park.2、别忘了查你的电子邮件。Don’t forget to check your e-mails.3、坐在前排的那个女孩是谁?Who’s that girl in the front row?

4、赶快,不然你就赶不上火车了。Hurry up, or you won’t catch the train.5、我不明白他为什么来得那么晚。I can’t understand why he was so late.6、那是一幢多么漂亮的建筑物啊!What a fine/ beautiful building(that is)!

7、坐直,孩子们!别靠在桌子上。Sit up straight, children!Don’t lean over the table.8、好黑的一个夜晚啊!我不敢出去。What a dark night(it is)!I am afraid to go out.9、我们乘公共汽车去还是坐火车去?Shall we go by bus or by train?

10、罗比并没说他要来参加晚会,是吗?Robbie didn’t say that he would come to the party, did he?


1、他坚持认为自己的信仰(belief)是唯一正确的信仰。He insists that his belief is the only right one.2、我只有在收到报告后才能给你准确的数字。Only after I have received the report can I give you ask John to come too?

3、我8点钟与你见面。顺便问一声,你能叫约翰也来吗?(by the way)I’ll meet you at 8 o’clock.By the way , could you ask John to come too?

4、这个坏消息很快成了小镇上每个家庭的谈论话题。(topic)The bad news quickly became the topic for every family in the town.5、在过去1个月时间里,至少有15个人遭到抢劫(rob)。(in the course of)At least 15 people were robbed in the course of the past month.99页

1、你该做作业了。It’s time(for you)to do(your)homework.Or: It is time for your homework.2、该关灯睡觉了。It’s time to turn off the light and go to sleep.3、该吃早饭了。It is time to have breakfast.Or: It is time for breakfast.4、该汤姆发言了。It is time for Tom to give a speech.5、到时间了,开会吧。It is time to start the meeting.Or: It is time for meeting.6、是到了该对你说出真相的时候了。It’s time to tell you the truth.1.I have waited for you at least an hour.我等了你至少一个小时了。

2.I’ll wake you up when it’s time to leave.到了出发时间我会叫醒你的。

3.It was apparent to all that he was guilty(有罪的)。很显然他是有罪的。

4.Susan tried to smile, but her voice gave her away.苏珊努力地想笑一笑,但她的嗓音暴露了她内心的感受。

5.Try to think about something happy when you’re down in spirits.情绪低落时就尽量想一想快乐的事情。

1、他以前从未开过汽车。He has never driven a car before.2、琳达又把她的护照给丢了。Linda has lost her passport again.3、今天已经喝了4杯咖啡了。I’ve already drunk four cups of coffee today.4、如果不下雨,我要去买东西。I will go shopping if it doesn’t rain.5、最近你有收到乔治的来信吗?Have you heard from George recently?

6、自从她到这里她交了很多朋友。She has made many friends since she came here.7、在周未,我总是睡到午饭时间才起床。On weekends, I never get up until lunch time.8、你现在见不到史密斯先生,因为他正在休息。You can’t see Mr.Smith now because he is resting.9、电话持续响了一分钟了,为什么不接听?The telephone has been ringing for almost a minute.Why not answer it?

10、比尔又在给他女朋友打电话。这是他今晚第3次打电话给她了。Bill is phoning his girlfriend again.That’s the third time he’s phoned her this evening.122页

1、她总能想出好主意。(come up with)She can always come up with good ideas.2、你最好带上地图以防迷路。(in case)You’d better take a map in case you get lost.3、他为自己没有放弃动而感到骄傲。(be proud of)He was proud of himself for not giving up.4、他讲起英语来好像他是个美国人。(as though)He speaks English as though he were an American.5、他参加了这场英语演讲比赛,而且赢了。(take part in)He took part in the English speech contest and he won.6、I’m in love with you with all my heart.我全心全意地爱着你。

7、Since my father quit his job, we didn’t dine out often.自从我父亲辞职后,我们就不常在外吃饭。

8、She glanced at me in silence, and her face revealed nothing.她无声地瞥了我一眼,面无表情。

9、My alarm clock didn’t work and I slept in for nearly an hour.我的闹钟坏了,我睡过头近1小时。

10、They continued to keep in contact with each other otter they graduated.毕业后他们仍然继续保持联系。


1、What you said just now reminds me of your father.你刚才说的话令我想起了你的父亲。

2、Her face lit with pleasure when she heard the news.听到这条消息,她脸上洋溢着快乐的光芒。

3、Out of habit, I go out for a walk after dinner every day.出于习惯,我每天晚饭后出去散步。

4、He still went ahead with the experiment, even though he knew it was dangerous.尽管知道有危险,他仍然继续实验。

5、When we’re together all he talks about is his work.I wish he were more romantic.我们在一起时,他光谈他的工作。我希望他更浪漫些。147页

1、他说如果明天没课他要来看你。He said he would come to see you if he had no class tomorrow.2、停电时我们正在测试一台新机器。We were testing a new machine when the electricity went off.3、他们午饭后出去了,现在才刚回来。They went out after lunch and have just come back.4、到昨晚9点钟时我已经读完了这本小说。I had already finished reading the novel by 9 o’clock last night.5、我相信我到达机场时,我的全家都将在等着我。I believe when I arrive at the airport, my whole family will be waiting for me.6、伊评测(Ian)在苏格兰信过10年。现在他已不信在那儿了。Ian lived in Scotland tor ten years.Now he’s not living there.7、当他们的第一个孩子出生时,他们已经结婚3年了。When their first child was born, they had been married tor three years.8、我们现在晚了。等我们赶 到电影院时电影将会已经开始。We are late now.The film will have already started by the time we get to the cinema.9、我一直在这学习了4年。所以到明年夏天我就已经毕业了 I have been studying here for four years , so by next summer I shall have graduated.10、我一开始还以为自己做得对,但马上就意识到自己犯了一个严重的错误。At first I thought I’d done the right thing, but I soon realized that I’d made a serious mistake.161页

1、公司正在找具有音乐天赋的年轻女孩。The company is trying to find young girls with a talent for music.2、要想知道真相,你就得揭开这些秘密。(unlock)If you want to know the truth, you have to unlock the secrets.3、玛丽很擅长学外语,因为她生来就记性好。(be born with)Mary is good at learning a foreign language since she was born with a good memory.4、夫妇俩对彼此都很坦率,这是他们幸福婚姻的关键(key)。(open)The couple are open with each other and that’s the key to their happy marriage.Or: The couple are open with each other and that’s the key to their happy marriage.5、这个歌手唱得很好,赢得了观众的热烈掌声(applause)。(perform)The singer performed beautifully/ wonderfully and won big applause from the audience.168页

1、He worked so hard that eventually he fell ill.他工作太卖力,最膈自己病倒了。

2、We can do the job well if we put our mind to it.如果我们把心思放在工作上,就能够把它做好。

3、She takes to reading English in the park every morning.每天早晨她喜欢在公园读英语。

4、I never expected life in the countryside would be so colorful.我从没想到乡村生活会如此丰富多彩。

5、He is a smart businessman, who knows the best place to sell his products.他是个精明的高人,知产道哪里最适合销他的产品。176页

1、据说那封信已经写完了。It is said that the letter has been written.2、这条消息过去从未听说过。This news has never been heard before.3、所有的试卷都批改(mark)完了。All the papers have been marked.4、冬天这个地区完全被大雪覆盖着。This region is completely covered with snow in winter.5、那个盗贼(thief)昨天已经抓到了。The thief was caught / arrested yesterday.6、其他问题也需要在明天的会议会上讨论。Other problems also need to be discussed at the meeting tomorrow.7、在那次空难中有128人鲁难罹难,59人受伤。128 people were killed and 59 people injured in the air crash.8、电视是什么时间、什么地方、由谁发明的?When, where, and by whom was the television invented?

9、这张桌子是钢制的,非常结实,上面可以站人。The table is made of steel and it is firm enough to stand on.10、我的那批贷(goods)已经发出(deliver)了吗?Have my goods been delivered?


1、I was moved by your loving concern for my son.你对我儿子充满爱意的关怀令我感动。

2、I was annoyed with myself for giving in so easily.我为自己如此轻易地让步而感到懊恼。

3、I used to stay up late watching movies with my roommates.我过去常常和我的室友们一起熬夜看电影。

4、He was very reluctant to tell the police everything he knew.他很不情愿地告诉警察他所知道的一切。

5、It matters a great deal to her what other people think of her.别人怎么看她对她来说很重要。


1、他今天无需上课。(need)He needn’t go to school to day./ He doesn’t need to have a lesson / He needn’t have a lesson.2、昨晚一定下过雨。(must)It must have rained last night.3、杰克现在该到家了。(ought to)Jack ought to be home by now / Jack ought to have got home by now.4、你本来不该做那件事。(should)You should not have done it / You should not have done that thing.5、他可能忘了给她回电话了。(may)He may have forgotten to call/ ring her back.6、汤姆也许已经离开巴黎了。(might)Tom might/ may have left Paris.7、我不敢让父母知道那知消息。(dare)I dare not(don’t dare to)let my parents know the news.8、他们本不应该买下那栋房子。(should)They should not have bought that house.9、如果你能来,我们会非常高兴。(could, would)If you could come, we would be much pleased/ happy.10、你能否把自行车借给我用一下,明天就还?(could)


1、我们对大脑知之甚少,认识到这一点至关重要。(vital, recognize)It is vital to recognize how little we know about our brain.2、我们在家里过个安静之夜的期望被客人的到来给破坏(ruin)了。(expectation)Our expectation of having a quiet night at home was ruined(毁坏)by the arrival of guests.3、现在你已身处现实世界,开始职业生涯时机已到。(it is time to …….., get sth started)You are now in the real world and it’s time to get your

professional life / career started.4、一旦确定了你中意的公司,最好浏览该司网站以获得尽可能多的信息。(once)Once you have identified companies that you like, you’d better visit their websites to learn as much as you can.5、倘若你对自己的未来还确定,就应该找到你最感兴趣的是什么。(be certain about, identify)If you are not certain about your future, you

should identify what interests you most.224页

1、Take your time, Madam.More haste, less speed.慢慢来,夫人。欲速则不达。

2、They can easily make room for you to sit at this table.他们很容易就能为你腾出位置在这张桌子边坐下来。

3、Fold up your clothes and don’t just throw them on the floor.把你的衣服叠起来,别就这么扔在地板上。

4、You haven’t done the job properly -you’ll have to do it again.这件工作你没有做好,你得重来。

5、He has done so much in such a short time that everyone thinks that it’s a miracle(奇迹)他在这么短的时间里取得了如此大的成就,大家都



1、我很能过,因为你误解我了。(understand)I was very upset because you misunderstood me.2、玛丽的儿子正变得越来越独立。(depend)Mary’s son is becoming more and more independent.3、每个人都难以忘怀童年的黄金岁月。(gold)It’s difficult for everyone to forget the golden years of childhood.4候选人的承诺使许多选举人上当受骗。()The candidate’s promises misled many voters.5、她发现这份工作并不像她想象的那样简单。(cover)She discovered the job wasn’t as easy as she had imagined.6、他正努力使这个村庄的电话系统现代化。(modern)They are trying to modernize the telephone system of the village.7、这个故事里的英语被简写了,可更容易理解。(simple)The English in this story has been simplified to make it easier to understand.8、他们正在尽力把讨论的内容扩展到包括环境问题。(wide)They are trying to widen the discussion to include environmental issues.9、从历史背景(historical context)来研读这部小说是非常重要的。(history)It is important to read the novel in its historical context.10、尽管遭到警察毒打并被投入监狱,甘地(Gandhi)创立了非暴力抵抗(resistance)原则。(violent)Though beaten by the police and sent to jail , Gandhi invented the principle of nonviolent resistance.249页

1、我们应该在10天之内完成这个任务。(be supposed to)We are supposed to finish the task in ten days.2、为了跟上时事,他每天都阅读报纸或者看电视。(keep up with)Every day he reads newspapers or watches TV in order to keep up with current events.3、火车有可能晚点,因为现在正在下大雨。(be likely to)The train is likely to be late, for it is raining heavily/ hard.4、比赛前的那个晚上,我一直睡不着,因为我担心我会输。(lie awake)On the night before the match, I lay awake, because I was worried that I might lose.5、他从底层做起,后来经过努力而取得成功。(at the bottom;work one’s way up to)He started at the bottom and then worked his way up to success.6、His father likes to respond to his questions by telling him to wait for a while.他的父亲喜欢在回答他的问题时叫他稍等会儿。

7、Don’t worry.I am sure I will find a job soon and then our life will be better off.别担心。我肯定会很快找到一份工作的,那样我们的生活就会好些。

8、She talks to me as if she were my boss.她跟我说话,(那口气)就好像她是我的老板一样。

9、Hearing my congratulations on her success, she was very happy.听到我祝贺她成功,她非常高兴。

考研:三招击败翻译题 篇6








考研英语 透析翻译题难点 篇7

1.1 四级翻译题型综述

大学英语四级考试自2006年12月采用新题型, 增加了句子层面的汉译英的测试。共有5各句子, 句子约为15-30个词, 句中要求学生根据句子结构和意思将括号中的汉语部分翻译成英文。大学英语四六级考试考核的语言要求里对翻译有如下要求:考生用正确的语法结构和符合英语习惯的表达, 将单句中的汉语部分译成英语。翻译部分主要考核学生运用正确的词汇和语法结构并按英语习惯表达思想的能力。虽然所占比例仅为卷面分数的5%, 但由于非英语专业的学生基本上都没有开设翻译课, 翻译技巧的训练不足, 缺乏双语翻译的联系和技巧, 考试的时候显得力不从心, 成为考生失分比较多的一题。

1.2 近年翻译题的考查重点

从2006年12月以来, 四级考试翻译的考查重点主要是词组短语、语法结构和习惯用语这几方面内容;而语法大都是围绕考查几个重点语法知识, 即:虚拟语气、倒装、比较结构、非谓语动词的用法、词语的固定搭配等;此外, 时态是英语语法的重要组成部分之一, 选择正确的时态是翻译句子的关键点所在。以2011年6月的四级翻译题为例, 第87题为:The university authorities did not approve the regulations, _____ (也没有解释为什么) , 这道题目就是针对倒装结构的一个考点;第88题为:Jane is tired of dealing with customer complaints and wishes that she______ (能被分配做另一项工作呢) , 这道题目的主要考点就是动词wish后面的从句使用虚拟语气的情况。而这些语法是在汉语中缺少的, 所以很多学生对这些语法的掌握一直比较弱, 得分自然不高。

2 语法翻译法的特征及利弊

语法翻译法产生于18世纪的欧洲。它首先通过详细分析一门外语的语法规则, 接着应用这一知识把句子和文本从外国语翻译成本族语, 或将本族语翻译成外国语。语法翻译法主要有以下特征:1) 重视阅读和写作;2) 词汇选择仅基于阅读文本;3) 通过双语词汇表、词典和背诵学习词汇;4) 句子是教学和语言联系的基本单位;5) 强调语言的准确性;6) 通过讲授语法规则和翻译练习教授语法;等等。

从二十世纪五十年代至今, 语法翻译法在我国非常流行, 因为其有助于学习者理解、翻译外语, 学习者可以系统地掌握语法规则, 为进一步提高阅读翻译能力打下坚实的语言基础。但由于其本身的特点, 导致了它最直接和最明显的缺点, 即学生交际能力的欠缺, 很多学生知道语法规则, 但不能在交际 (听和说) 中使用, 也就是我们常说的聋哑英语。

3 四级翻译训练中语法翻译法导入的必要性

由于上文提及的缺点, 在大学英语的教学过程中, 语法翻译法被广为诟病甚至否定, 转而倾向于采用交际教学法, 以培养学生在特定社会情景下恰当使用英语语言的能力。交际法自20世纪70年代末传入以来, “交际”已经成为了外语教学的核心概念, 交际能力的培养作为外语教学的主要目的载入了各级教学大纲。在这种背景下, 二语习得中出现了“去语法化”, 语法受到了忽视, 语法意识减弱, 学生理解和表达外语的准确性出现了很多问题。可矛盾的是, 普通高校的大学生更多关心的是能否通过四级或者六级考试, 而且普遍认为外语交际能力的的提高是一个漫长的过程, 学生若是看不到自己的显著进步, 难以获得知识成就感, 学习就会变得很盲目, 不能为实现明确的目标而努力。

更重要的是, 交际教学法所提倡的素质能力的培养, 是针对学生高分低能的状况踢出来的, 可以理解为能力的培养是在一定知识基础上进行的。而普通高校学生, 如作者本人所在院校学生的英语水平的现状绝大多数是低分低能。所以, 对于普通高校来说, 当务之急是以四级考试来激发学生的学习动机, 传授给学生必要的语言知识, 否则交际能力的培养只是空谈。

笔者认为, 通过语法教学法帮助学生较好应对四级翻译题, 就是一个最直接的效果体现。

4 结语
