英语说明文写作策 篇1
在英语课堂上, 你喜欢你老师授课时只用英语还是英语、汉语兼用?某英语杂志社就此话题邀请中学生发表看法。请你围绕“How do you prefer your English classes to be taught? In English only, or in both English and Chinese”这个问题, 写一篇英语短文。
三、教学过程 (Teaching procedures)
Step 1 Task Assignment
围绕“How do you prefer your English classes to be taught? In English only, or in both English and Chinese”这个问题, 写一篇英语短文。
(A班实行以合作学习策略为指导的写作教学, B班学生将之作为课堂作业独立完成。)
Step 2.Pre-writing & Discussion
Task: Divide SS of Class A into small groups (Group of 4 is ideal) for the group cooperation. And tell them the task. Meanwhile, encourage them to express as many views on the topic as they can. It’s necessary to require them to write down their views.
小组分工寻找与话题有关的信息, 相关要点乃至必要的句型。在小组讨论之后, 各组还可派代表在全班进行讨论, 通过相互沟通, 互相启发, 选择其中有意义、合乎要求的信息。这一环节, 教师的主要任务是通过一些活动的设计与实施去激发学生的写作动机与积极性, 激活学生与写作任务有关的知识网络, 为高质量完成写作任务奠定基础。
Step 3 While-writing
Task: Write a rough draft on your own, paying attention to the topic sentence: I prefer my English classes to be taught in both English and Chinese. / I prefer my English classes to be taught in English only.
学生在第一阶段经过相互交流, 合作完成信息搜集任务, 获得了较为丰富的写作材料, 此时教师要求学生根据写作的需要, 删选材料, 重组信息, 进行第一次语言输出, 形成一篇语义基本连贯、有一定层次感的初稿。初稿写完后, 进行自查, 教师要求学生仔细重读一次初稿, 看主题是否完整, 内容是否全面, 条理是否清晰, 布局是否合理, 逻辑是否连贯, 有无语法错误或“汉式英语现象”等这一环节, 教师的主要任务是监督, 帮助和鼓励学生, 让学生在宽松的环境下充分的表达自我。
Step 4 essay marking
在A班同学经讨论, 合作完成自己的表达之后, 教师将作文本收上来, 并将B班同学独立完成的手稿一起, 特请本人同组的老师进行批阅。结果发现A班同学的作文整体上大大优于B班同学的作文。特别是优等作文篇数居多, 做到了内容完整, 层次分明, 论述主次分明, 中心突出, 理由充分;语言准确性与丰富性兼有:使用了高级词汇, 同时也有复杂结构和句型的运用 (不定式表目的;“it”作形式宾语;“with”结构;定语从句和倒装句等) ;并且注意了句子之间与文段之间的逻辑关系。下面就是其中的一篇佳作, 敬请欣赏:
I prefer my English classes to be taught in English only. As everybody knows, the mastery of a language doesn’t just mean the ability to write and read. To acquire this language, a pure English atmosphere is of vital importance. Only by using the language frequently can we have a good mastery of English.
However, there are some disadvantages with this teaching method. It will be difficult for us to understand what the teacher means. As a result, we will focus too much on teachers' words rather than their intended meaning.
As an old proverb goes, “Little strokes fell great oaks”. With constant practice in and outside the classroom, we will be able to master English. And we will all find it quite rewarding to be taught in English only.
而B班同学的作文自己独立完成, 大部分都存在内容不完整, 句型表达上明显单调, 语言准确性不够, 并存在有“汉式英语现象”等。, 下文所体现的:
I prefer my English classes to be taught in both English and Chinese. Some people think it is not the best way to learn English because the atmosphere of English is not high. But I think, we learn English batter, the most important thing is easy to learn. If we learn English step and step slowly, it is nothing serious. We can understand English clear which we have studied. And if we have a problem with English, we can ask the teacher where we don't very understand easy. So, taught in both English and Chinese is the batter.
此案例说明合作学习使他们集思广益, 并从其他同学身上看到了从不同角度去思考问题, 学习到了解决问题的方法。这也正是合作学习策略的魅力所在。
Step 5 Comment &Estimate.
教师将已批阅的作文返还给A班和B班学生, 并引导学生共同分析带有普遍性的问题和一些典型性的错误, 并及时进行讲评, 及时将信息反馈给学生 (有必要时给学生提供参考范文) , 使讲评具有时效性, 让学生得到启迪, 掌握写作技能, 提高写作能力, 使合作学习的效果得以升华。
总之, 合作学习理论是西文教学理论的精华之一, 它从关注知识的外部输入到关注内部生成, 与当今的英语课改理念完全一致。当然, 怎样恰当地在中学英语写作教学中开展合作学习任重而道远, 更是一门教学的艺术, 也是中学英语教师在今后的写作教学中应该思考和探讨的问题。
[1]普通高中英语课程标准 (实验) .人民教育出版社, 2003.
[2]周敏.合作学习在中学英语写作教学中的应用.教书育人, 2006, (11) .
[3]普通高中课程标准准实验教科书 (英语2) .人民教育出版社, 2009.
英语说明文写作策 篇2
1. 科学性。介绍事物或解说事理必须揭示其本质特征。做到概念准确,判断恰当,分类清楚。
2. 客观性。写说明文时,要按照事物的本来面目如实地加以介绍、说明和解释。不能带有个人愿望或主观倾向。
3. 知识性。说明文以说明为主要表达方式,用简洁的.语言介绍事物或阐明事理,使人们获得关于某一事物的知识和道理。
4. 解说性。说明文的目的就是在于把事物、现象或道理解释、介绍清楚,让读者明白。
1. 抓住中心,分清主次。首先根据要仔细阅读文字提示或观察图表,确定文章的中心内容。再根据内容把文章文分成几个段落,每段都要拟定一个主题句。然后确定中心人称和主体时态。
2. 列全要点,扩编句子。以拟定的主题句为中心,选择恰当的词和句型组织材料,编写句子,形成段落。
3. 布局谋篇,连段成文。按照一定的逻辑顺序,用适当的过渡词把已经写好的段落串连成一篇完整的文章。
1. 位于市中心。
2. 有50多年的历史。
3. 现有60个教学班,近3000名学生。
4. 校园美丽,教学设备先进。
5. 教师经验丰富,工作努力。
6. 已为国家培养了许多高素质人才。
7. 本校为全市最好的学校之一。
英语说明文写作策 篇3
(1)The Layout of a Hospital
Direction: You are asked to write a composition about “The Layout Of a Hospital”. Locate some important departments in the hospital based on the picture and information given below. Your compositions should be no less than 100 words.
1)the Emergency Department
2)the Out-patient Department
3)the Surgery Department
5)Physician Department
6)the Eye, Ear, and Throat Department
7)the Dental Department
8)the Laboratory
9)the X-ray Department
10)the Administrative Building
11)the Ward
Near the gate, on the west side of the road is the Emergency Department. Opposite the Emergency Department across the Main Road is the Out-patient Department. The building to the southwest of the lake is the Dispensary, which faces the Surgery Department lying on the other side of the road. Along the west wall, from south to north, stand three buildings: the Physician Department, the Eye, Ear, and Throat Department, and the Dental Department. The Laboratory is to the northwest of the round about, and beside the Laboratory, the X-ray Department is located on the same side of the road.
A winding road by the lake leads to the Ward. Near the end of the main road, the Administrative Building is situated on the east side. The hospital is nicely and conveniently laid out.
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