


小学英语试卷 篇1

近年来, 高考英语试卷除两份全国卷统一命题外, 其余基本都是各省市自主命题。笔者认真研究了每份试卷, 发现其共同特点是加大了考试改革的力度。这具体体现在以下几个方面:命题设置由知识立意转向能力立意, 由NMET的形式变化转向NMET的内容变化, 更加突显其为高校选拔人才和为中学推广素质教育服务的双利原则。其中, 较显著的变化是在笔试部分:第一, 主观题与客观题的比例一直在调整;第二, 客观题的命题内容在不断完善改进;第三, 新的主观题型频频出台。新主观题型的设计, 在保证信度评估的前提下 (制订评分细则进行人工评分, 兼用计算机网上评分——双阅卷) , 为考生提供了充分展示才华、张扬个性的写作空间, 使优秀生能够从考生群体中脱颖而出。这些题型有利于为高等学府提供优秀人才, 也对中学英语教改起到了积极的促进作用。

一、从1989年在全国推行MET、NMET试卷至今, 主观题与客观题的比例一直在调整

从1985年起, 广州第一次使用了MET题。这是一份按照标准化测试要求设计的试题。[1]经过几年试验, 从1989年开始在全国推行MET。试卷分值100分, 其中, 卷 (I) 85分, 是客观题 (选择题) ;卷 (II) 15分, 是主观题 (非选择题) 。这在当时条件下被广大师生认为是一大进步, 并且大家一致认为在考试的信度、效度上达到比较完美的统一。[2]到1991年又出现了NMET, 卷 (I) 105分, 是客观题;卷 (II) 45分, 是主观题。其中, 短文改错题20分, 书面表达25分。1992年的NMET, 卷 (I) 改为110分, 是客观题;卷 (II) 40分, 是主观题。其中, 短文改错题15分, 书面表达题25分。而后, 1996年的NMET, 客观题卷 (I) 降为95分, 主观题卷 (II) 增至55分。其中, 除短文改错题15分外, 又增加了单词拼写题10分, 书面表达由25分加到30分。[3]1999年的NMET增加了30分听力题。笔试题120分中, 第I卷客观题 (选择题) 85分, 第II卷主观题 (非选择题) 35分。这一比例配制一直延续至今 (全国卷I和II) 。可见, 客观题与主观题的赋分比例一直在调整。需要特别关注的是, 从2007年起, 广东卷已把客观题 (选择题) 中的单项填空题取消, 代之而起的是一篇赋值15分的主观题 (非选择题) ———语法填空题。此题要求学生阅读短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。这样一来, 再加上试卷上40分的写作题, 广东卷的主观题分值共计55分, 这就更加符合《普通高中英语课程标准 (实验) 》 (以下简称《标准》) 的要求, 进而促进中学英语教改水准的提高。

对此, 教研部门、测试研究工作者发表过许多评论, 较为一致的观点是, 建议今后全国高考英语卷 (含各省、市单独命题卷) 适当减少客观题的赋分比例 (理由是客观题太多, 有的客观题命题质量欠佳, 这已对中学教改产生负面影响) , 适当扩大主观题的比例, 以使广大师生加强基本功的扎实训练。同时, 还要大力提高客观题 (选择题) 的命题质量, 不断丰富题库, 确保高考的双利原则。关于主观题与客观题的比例, 多数人提出保持在四六开为好, 120分卷中70分客观题, 50分主观题, 类似于上述2007年广东省试卷的比例匹配。

二、笔试中的客观题 (单项填空、完形填空、阅读理解) 在逐年完善、改进

(一) 单项填空 (语法和词汇知识)

在2007、2008年各地高考试卷中, 单项填空除广东省试卷没有启用外, 其余十八个省、市还是照常使用, 但都作了较大的改进。改进的最大特色是向语境化、综合化演变。现把2007、2008年各省市高考英语试卷中一些有代表性的试题加以归类, 与大家共享。

1. 情景对话题

—How much do I owe you for lunch?—_________.It’s nothing.


A.You’re welcome.B.Forget it.

C.With pleasure.D.That’s right.〖B〗

近年来, 这种命题方式已被广泛采用。《标准》上列有功能意念和话题项目要求, 新教材无论哪一版本都在认真贯彻并编写这一内容, 把情景与语言运用的功能有机地结合起来, 把外国的礼仪文化背景知识和习惯用语有机地结合起来, 从而促进日常交际用语的有力开展。

2. 语境中的词语辨析题

—You are always full of_______.Can you tell me the secret?—Taking plenty of exercise every day.


A.power B.strength

C.force D.energy〖D〗

由此例句可以看出, 在日常生活交流中, 英语和汉语一样, 为使表达能够准确、贴切、形象、生动, 往往可以使用同义词、近义词进行修饰, 以表达人们对客观事物不同的情感和态度。英语中同义词和近义词是学习的一大难点, 学习时必须给予充分重视。

3. 动词短语和固定搭配应用题

We firmly believe that war never settles anything.It only________violence.


A.runs into B.comes from

C.leads to D.begins with〖C〗

动词是句子的关键组成部分, 其中“动词短语和固定搭配”是检测学生能否正确掌握词义并灵活运用的重点。《标准》上列有363个常用动词短语和固定搭配, 各套教材编写时均尽量将它们列入其中。因此, 在高中冲刺阶段, 教师应有意识地把“动词短语和固定搭配”加以梳理, 让学生记忆并运用。

4. 情景语法题

—Did you return Fred’s call?—I didn’t need to_______I’ll see him tomorrow.


A.though B.unless

C.when D.because〖D〗

过去, 单项填空题多从语法项目命题。如今, 命题思路根据《标准》要求, 已有重大变革。每一小题除在语境中考查基本语法、词汇知识外, 还着重考查句子前后和句子之间衔接上的综合运用。显然, 历年考查的单项填空题中所出现的句子, 在我们生活中是经常听到、看到的和经常说、经常写的。如果我们平常在生活中能多留心语法知识的应用, 一定会对高考单项填空题的解答大有帮助。

(二) 完形填空

近年来, 完形填空题的选材基本上是有教育意义的故事或有哲理的议论文。这些短文内容丰富、题材广泛、体裁多样、结构严谨、层次清晰、逻辑周密。从考查语言角度来看, 完形填空题是把短文填空和单项填空结合起来, 而且正向纵深发展, 主要考查学生的准确阅读理解能力、逻辑推理能力、联想判断能力、词语辨析能力、跨国文化背景知识能力。这就要求学生平时不仅要读课本知识, 而且要开阔视野关心国家大事、关心社会上的热门话题。文科学生要学些理科知识, 理科学生要学些文科知识, 要全面发展, 成多面手复合型人才。

(三) 阅读理解

纵观近几年的阅读理解题, 一大变化就是信息量大, 题材多样、体裁各异, 既涉及人文教育、社会现象、旅游观光、人物传记, 又有科普知识、广告新闻、航天网络等。特别是按《标准》要求使用新教材后, 阅读涉及的总词汇量有大幅度增加, 对考生阅读速度也有了更高的要求, 原来高考卷上阅读理解题有四篇文章, 现增加到五篇。这就要求学生平时要拓宽学习资源, 除教材外, 还必须从报刊、电视、广播、网络、说明书等多方面获取信息、处理信息, 提高综合运用英语的能力。真正的英语阅读理解能力, 既不是英语的语法知识、英语词语的记忆, 也不是单词拼写、词类转换、句型替代等方面的基本技能, 而应该是更高层次的要求, 即实际使用英语进行交际的能力。就大部分学习英语的学生而言, 他们将来实际使用英语的主要方面, 也是通过阅读获取信息。而要从国外发达国家获取宝贵信息, 通过阅读英文资料、文献则是当前最主要的途径和手段。正因为如此, 高考试卷一直把阅读理解题放在高赋分的位置上。因此, 要想提高阅读理解题的成绩, 平时一定要想方设法加大课外阅读量。[4]


近年高考英语科自主命题的许多省份, 对主观题都十分重视, 有的省份把几年前使用的主观题重新启用, 如2007年全国卷II和浙江卷的单词拼写、湖北卷的完成句子。有的省份还精心设计推出了新的主观题型。下面, 笔者选几种新设计的主观题型加以剖析。

(一) 2008年湖南省阅读填空题

1. 原题

阅读下面短文, 根据所读内容在文后第76至第85小题的空格里填上适当的单词或短语, 并将答案转写到答题卡上。注意:每空不超过3个单词。

The best thing you can say about the roofs of most city buildings is that you don’t have to look at them.That’s very good, since an urban landscape viewed from above can be an unlovely thing—block after block of tarred (铺有沥青的) black rooftops, sticky in summer, ugly year-round.Or at least that’s the way it used to be.

But urban roofs are going green.Environmental designers have begun to realize that the tops of buildings don’t have to be wastelands.Indeed, they can be gardens, planted with grasses, flowers and bushes.

A planted roof usually comes in one of two varieties:extensive or intensive.The extensive type is wide and shallow, with a soil depth of less than 8 inches, able to support smaller plants.The intensive type may be smaller, but it’s relatively deeper and home to larger plants.

Whatever the design, green roofs are not so simple as ordinary gardens.They have multiple layers beneath the soil, including a drainage layer, waterproofing, structural support, and so on.

But this system can do a great deal of good.A recent paper in the journal Bio Science tells that green roofs can control temperature, contain water and clean the air.And most impressively, they can cut heat loss from a building by 50%, lower air-conditioning costs by25%, and reduce the urban-heated-island effect by 2℃.

Of course, apart from the square feet greened and heat reduced, green roofs are even more valued since people can gain some psychological comfort simply by having a quiet place to go.As so often happens, what’s good for the planet can also be good for the spirit.

2. 参考答案

76.Roofs Going Green

77.Tarred Roofs

78.ugly year-round



81.possibly smaller

82.Multiple layers


84.controlling temperature


3. 剖析与联想

阅读填空题属于主观题范畴, 它实际是对已阅读信息进行第二次加工, 多数题要把分散的信息用一定的线索串起来, 使之系统化、条理化、明朗化与简单化。因此, 通过阅读表格能使读者迅速理清文章结构, 获取主干信息, 抓住段落主题, 了解文章大意。该题所选的短文简短明了, 难度适中, 结构清晰, 脉络分明, 写作风格严谨规范。题目是依据一定项目设计的表格, 已填好的部分项目是为考生提供的必要切入点, 即解题线索。应该说, 这类题有一定难度, 考生不仅要理解所读全文, 而且要在理解的基础上进行疏理, 还要用最准确、最简练的语言加以归纳和表达。

笔者认为, 在日常教学中, 教师要针对学生如何阅读, 特别是应对精读、细读、略读、跳读等阅读策略加以训练和指导。考生在解答这种题型时, 通常应选取略读方式, 迅速捕捉主要信息, 再顺藤摸瓜, 找出文章的来龙去脉。略读全文后, 最好要认真了解试卷上表格项目的设计, 再回到文中仔细品味答案。填写表格时, 不一定要按照题号顺序, 而要先易后难, 先把对号入座的细节题填满, 再去推理、延伸, 这样自然就会顺理成章, 填满所有空格项目。当然, 由于是主观题, 所填单词的词义、词类、词形以及书写规则都要准确无误。

(二) 2006年江苏省试卷对话填空题

1. 原题



N:Hi, Annie.Did you have a good holiday?

A:Oh, yeah, I had a great (76) t__________.But I’ve to tell you—the most amazing thing happened.

N: (77) R__________?What was that?

A:Well, I was swimming in the sea and a huge wave came along and (78) k_______my sunglasses into the water, I...

N:Why were you swimming in your sunglasses?

A:Oh, I don’t know.I’d just (79) I________them on top of my head.I’d forgotten they were there.Anyway, they were (80) g_________.I was very upset.You know they were quite expensive.

N:I remember— (81) n_______100 pounds.

A:Yeah.Anyway, the next day I was lying one the beach, sunbathing.

Then suddenly another huge wave...

N:Are you (82) s_______this was a good holiday?

A:Yeah-but listen!When I looked down, there on the sand, (83) r_______next to me, were my sunglasses.I couldn’t (84) b_______my eyes!

N:You’re (85) j_______!That is amazing.

2. 参考答案











3. 剖析与联想

对话填空题是把读、说、写融合在一起的三位一体的题型, 可谓一举三得。对话填空题是经过演变而来的, 最早可追溯到1996年试题 (NMET) 试卷上, 在第一卷III阅读理解题B项中为补全对话题。这个题型的主干是一段连续对话, 其中五个句子被抽出, 打乱顺序后与两个虚设的干扰项混在一起, 放在对话之后, 要求考生从对话后的七个选项中, 选出五个正确选项, 把对话补全, 使其意思完整、连贯、通顺、合乎行文逻辑。该题重点考查考生综合运用英语的能力, 它既可考查考生的语言知识水平, 又可检查考生运用英语进行交际的能力。要做好这种题型, 考生首先要充当实际语言交际的角色, 要通盘了解情景内容, 对交际双方的身份、职务、年龄、性别及交际活动的时间、地点、场景、意图要有准确的了解, 然后再从选择项中找出贴切的句式, 放入所缺空白中。显然, 这是一道客观题。如今江苏省的对话填空题, 是把上述补全对话题和1996年第二卷上的主观题———单词拼写题或叫单词应用题型融入其中。这样, 既能考查考生的词汇量, 又能考查考生在特定场景中灵活运用词汇的综合应变能力。这一变化极大地提高了考试的信度, 是一次方向性的突破, 十分有利于促进中学英语教学改革, 使《标准》的要求更好地贯彻落实。

(三) 2008年北京市试卷开放作文题

1. 原题

请根据下面提示, 写一篇短文。词数不少于50。


2. 参考答案

From the picture I can see a pair of proud compasses and a hard-working pencil.The compasses are big, drawing a circle with ease, while the pencil is small, drawing a line with great effort.I think the compasses are reasonable to be proud because no one else can do the job better.At the same time, however, he should realize the pencil has his own advantages.The pencil can do other shapes better than the compasses, even pictures.So in my opinion, while we are confident in ourselves, we should recognize strengths in others and show due respect for them.

3. 剖析与联想

此题似乎有些怪异, 首先是“圆规”一词虽然普通, 但英语单词不常用, 这给考生带来了很大麻烦;其次是立意难以捉摸。不过命题者认为好可能就在此点, 因为是开放作文, 关键所在是“开放”。铅笔虽然线没画完, 但在努力, 不怕辛苦, 不怕付出, 满头大汗;圆规已经画好了圆, 有点骄傲。画面写清了, 然后一定要写立意, 你是向圆规学习, 还是向铅笔学习, 学习什么。

北京的开放作文题已启用七年, 正日臻完善。已出现的七次考题中, 有叙述文, 也有看图作文。大多数题目是给出文章开头, 设立一定场景, 写几句与文中事发地点、时间、主人公有关的话, 从而确定文章的写作范围, 一般定为50词左右。后面叙述事情的微妙变化, 则是给了考生极大的写作空间。而原来的情景作文题, 虽有较完整的主旨大意、段落要求, 但它的最大不足是没给考生留下灵活遐想的写作空间, 超长考生没有充分发挥写作才能的余地。

开放作文题对考生提出了更加明确的要求, 要求其一定要做到以下几点: (1) 看准题。对所给文章的题材、体裁要有一个基本把握; (2) 想好题。这一点是最关键处, 要把握文章的主旨, 从而谋篇布局, 设计独到的情节、引人深思的寓意; (3) 答好题。通篇作文, 首先一定要用准词, 包括词形、词类、人称、单复数的正确书写;要取得优异成绩必须注意能运用各种连词和各种复合句。其次要列好英文句式, 句式间要加以整合, 分好段落, 使语篇层次分明、前后连贯、合乎逻辑、行文流畅, 从而能表达丰富的想象力, 甚至富有诗意的美好愿望, 显示自己的英语水平。[5]

(四) 2008年新短文改错题型

2007年宁夏卷上第一次出现了新的短文改错题型, 与以往的短文改错题型不同, 原题型一般每行一个错, 而本题却是每行错误不固定, 从而加大了考试的难度。下面把2008年宁夏卷上的题转抄如下:

1. 原题


假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号 (^) , 并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线 (/) 画掉。

修改:在错的词下画一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。


2.只允许修改10处, 多者 (从第11处起) 不记分。

(注:因版面所限, 原题短文参见下文参考答案)

2. 参考答案

Dear Ms Smith,

I am secretary of City Student Union (CSU) .We were organizing an art exhibition for high school student will be held on the 9th of July in the Exhibition Hall of Beihai.More than1000 will be on show, high school students and teachers from all the eight districts will come to the event.As you are very with us Chinese high school students, we’d like to invite you to the exhibition.We would be grateful you could join that day.Looking forward to from you soon.

3. 剖析与联想

选择这一新型“短文改错”的原因是, 该题型除能够保留原有“短文改错”的优点外, 还具有其他优势。情景自然、任务真实是这一新型“短文改错”题的主要特点。为鼓励学生相互学习、共同研究、取长补短, 中小学外语教师常常要求学生交换批改对方的作业。因此, 这一题型提供的情景和任务类型对考生而言是自然、真实的。错误可能出现在短文中的任何地方, 又使任务的真实性程度较原“短文改错”题有了很大提高。

采用新题型后, 该题的考查范围有所扩大。打破一行一题的设计原则后, 命题者可以根据语言考查的实际需要设置试题, 可以对各个能够考查的语言点进行考查, 而不必像以往那样拘泥于形式上的限制而不得不在难以设题处强行设题, 却不能在明显为考点的地方设题。[6]

(五) 2008年山东省卷阅读表达题

1. 原题

阅读下面的短文, 并根据短文后的要求答题 (请注意问题后的字数要求) 。

[1]The word“addiction”usually makes you think of alcohol or drugs, but in modern-day society we are seeing some new kinds of addictions.Some people are compulsive (难以自制的) shoppers.Others find it impossible to pull themselves away from their work.Still others spend countless hours watching TV or playing computer games.

[2]Over the years, shopping has become a very common activity.Many people enjoy going to malls or stores more and more everyday, but it’s more than a common hobby for some of them.They have turned into shopaholics.They are people who simply enjoy shopping and walking around spending money without being able to stop doing it.They are hooked on shopping and usually buy things that they don’t need.Even though they don’t have enough money, they buy everything they want.

[3]The question is:why do they have this addiction?There isn’t a specific answer.Some people go shopping when they are sad, worried, upset or lonely and they want to feel better.They use this activity as a way to forget their problems.Shopaholics say that they feel more important and better after they buy something.They also tend to have this addiction when they feel guilty.

[4]Shopaholism seems to be a harmless addiction, but it can_________.Some of them can be psychological.If this is the case, people addicted to shopping should go to a support group to help them break this habit.However, the process, like for most addictions, is long, and they suffer a lot.It can also cause financial problems.They just think about satisfying their feelings, so they spend money they don’t have.They get deep in debt, and they can even go bankrupt and get sent to prison.

76.List three activities that might develop into addictions based on the text. (Please answer within 8 words) (1) ________________________ (2) ________________________ (3) ________________________

77.What’s the main idea of Paragraph 3? (Please answer within 8 words) ____________________________________________________

78.Fill in the blank in paragraph 4 with proper words. (Please answer within 6 words) ____________________________________________________

79.Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?Accordingly, these shopaholics should turn to a certain organization for help so that they can stop compulsive shopping.____________________________________________________

80.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 into Chinese.____________________________________________________

2. 参考答案

76.shopping, drinking, playing computer games, working, watching TV, taking drugs

(答出其中三种即可, 不根据原文回答不得分)

77.The reason why some people/shopaholics have shopping addiction

The possible reasons for shopaholism/shopping addition

78.cause/bring about/result in many problems

79.If this is the case, people addicted to shopping should go to a support group to help them break this habit.

80.他们购物成瘾, 而且通常买的都是用不着的东西。

他们购物上瘾, 常买些不需要的东西。

3. 剖析与联想


1) 把阅读和表达、输入和输出有机结合在一起。

2) 考查形式多种多样, 是区分度较高的测试题。


76) 从短文中找出三种方式, 考查考生对语篇的理解能力。

77) 要求考生依据短文中第三段的内容 (8个单词以内) 写出文章的主旨, 考查考生的归纳概括能力和表达能力。

78) 要求考生用6个词以内的短语, 补全文稿, 考查考生较高层次的理解和表达能力。

79) 要求考生从课文中找出相似句型的句子与所给句子匹配, 考查考生的阅读理解能力和语言运用能力。

80) 要求把短文最后一句翻译成汉语, 通过翻译来考查考生对英文的理解能力和汉语表达能力。

上面介绍的六种高考主观题型, 说明全国统一命题和各省、市自主命题后, 对如何提高考试的效度和信度都十分重视, 而且采取了许多行之有效的改革办法.

摘要:近年来, 高考英语笔试部分中较显著的变化为:第一, 主观题与客观题的比例一直在调整;第二, 客观题的命题内容在不断完善改进;第三, 新的主观题型近年来频频出台。



[1]李宝忱.从85年高考试题开始多样化谈起[J].中小学外语教学, 1986, (3) .

[2]李宝忱.MET题型的不断调整[J].中小学外语教学, 1988, (5) .

[3]国家教育委员会考试中心.普通高等学校全国统一考试 (1952~1997) 试题及解答汇编[M].北京:人民教育出版社, 1999.

[4]李宝忱.从NMET到新NMET高考英语新题型剖析详解[M].北京:开明出版社, 1999.

[5]李宝忱.再次聚焦高考英语新题型[J].试题与研究, 2008, (21) .

[6]刘庆思.高考英语科试卷新型《短文改错》题设计[J].中小学英语教学与研究, 2008, (4) .

小学英语试卷 篇2









享受英语试卷讲评课 篇3













3.突出重难点。对考试中的易错点、易混点、创新点,教师要重点讲解和分析,并作系统化的整理。而对于学生自己能解决的问题,如在讲到pick up、look up词组时,应放手让学生自己去查阅或探究,然后教师不失时机地创设生动语境,让枯燥的词组灵动起来:Yao Ming is so tall, so I have to look up at him. There is not much remaining time, so he has to pick up speed.让学生去欣赏、感受语言的魅力。一般而言,讲评一份信息含量大的试卷,我们要把重点放在阅读、作文及能力型新题上,重在思维启迪和规律总结。而对于学生会做的题目,要给学生一定时间去消化。对于创新性题目,教师要认真备课,讲评时要进行知识拓展,要归纳方法,不可淡化处理。为此,讲评试卷时,不妨从第二卷主观题开始或从试卷的创新题目突破。

4.突出理解差异。英语试卷的评讲过程要关注文化差异、理解差异。一旦有了文化差异的渗透,有些问题自然迎刃而解。记得在评讲高三期末试卷一篇阅读理解时有这么一个精彩的句子:The happiest people dont have the best of everything. They just make the best of every?鄄thing. Live simply. Love generously. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God. 这本是文中的教授用心良苦暗示来看望他的昔日学生如何成为the happiest people的句子,试卷中针对该句子进行设题。作为老师,我是百思不得其解,这么简单的句子会难倒我们聪明的学生。但走近学生,你会发现世界上最远的距离是理解的距离。学生的翻译让你忍俊不禁。一个学生是这么翻译“Live simply. Love generously. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God. ”这个句子的:“简单地生活。慷慨地爱。和蔼地说话。让上帝休息吧。”新课程标准提到要扩大学生接触异国文化的范围,帮助学生拓展视野,提高对中外文化异同的敏感性和鉴别能力,从而包容异国文化。“我的爱人”译为my husband 或 my wife ,而不是my lover。the first lady “第一夫人”代表州长夫人、总统夫人,不代表有第二夫人甚至第三、第四夫人;pet student 译为“得意门生”,而不是“宠物学生”;“as strong as a horse” 译为“壮如牛”等都彰显了中英文化的差异。




6.方法多样 ,灵动课堂。一份试卷,不同题型有不同讲法。比如在英语考试中学生得分率较低的完形填空试题上,我在讲评此类试题的时候,有意识引领学生就此次考查点进行归纳总结,得出此类题型的答题技巧和规范要领等。我通过研究发现,我们可以从“整体把握”“联系上下文”“把握关键句”“深挖提示语”等几个方面指导学生解题。短文填词的讲解主要侧重答题规范化及词形变化。阅读理解的讲评我经常让学生事先备好课,以备下节课轮流“登台献艺”。学生为了讲好讲透,会主动合作探究,仔细再阅读,让课堂激情四射。知识的火花在这里迸发,青春的烈火在这里燃烧,友谊在这里得到升华。这样的课堂怎能不让学生乐不思蜀,流连忘返?





谈小学语文试卷的设计 篇4


1. 整体性的语言激励。

在试卷开头, 不妨写一段鼓励的话, 激发学生积极思考, 增强学生完成试卷的信心。如, 写在期中考试试卷的卷首文字:“亲爱的同学们, 半个学期的语文学习即将成为过去, 你想看看自己努力的结果吗?完成这份习题, 将帮助你了解自己的学习状态, 为你进一步调整自己的学习方法提供一个依据。”在期末试卷上, 可以写:“孩子们, 经过一个学期的耕耘, 现在到了收获的时候啦!请你到智慧乐园里走一走, 看看你播下的种子能收获多少成功的果实!”看了这样的文字, 学生会感觉考试更多的是一场智慧的游戏, 一次学习成果的展示, 从而消除对考试的恐惧感, 更好地促进学生的发展。

2. 具体的语言激励。

语文考试内容离不开字、词、句、段、篇。根据这几方面的内容, 也可以分别加上“字词闯关, 祝你成功”、“句型练习, 小试身手”、“短文分析, 阅读提升”、“写作园地, 生活再现”等激励语, 使试卷透出人文关怀, 给学生以暖意。在具体试题的设计上, 同样可以加上激励性的语言。例如:

(1) 我会变字的小魔术。

加一笔:了 (子) 大 () 二 () 木 () ()

加偏旁:子 (好) 门 () 云 () 巴 () ()

(2) 我懂得下面词语的反义词, 还能把它工整地写在格子里。

在试题中加上“我会”、“我懂得”、“我能”, 用暗示的方法激发孩子的自信心, 学生无形中增添了克服困难的勇气和解决问题的毅力。


考试对教学活动具有明显的导向性, 如果我们能借助考试传达语文教学的信息, 指导语文教学的方向, 这对遏制语文教学中片面强化考试的甑别和选拔功能无疑有着积极的作用。那么, 语文考试应该以什么为导向呢?《语文课程标准》指出:“语文课程应致力于学生语文素养的形成与发展。语文素养是学生学好其他课程的基础, 也是学生全面发展和终身发展的基础。”因此, 通过考试促进教师改进教学实践, 努力提高学生的语文素养, 这应该是语文试卷改革的重要内容。

1. 试卷应注重知识与生活的积累。

语文是非常注重积累的一门学科, 就汉字来说, 小学阶段应掌握常用字3500个, 每个汉字又能组成不同的词语, 同一个词语在不同的语言环境中又有不同的意思, 其容量之大可想而知。我们再来看看每个单元“语文园地”以及“日积月累”中出现的语文知识点, 牵涉成语、俗语、谚语、歇后语、对联、古诗词等, 现在的语文教学如果只让学生读一本语文课本, 那是远远不够的, 平时积累的重要性不言而喻。例如:

(1) 根据提示, 写一写你平时积累的名诗句或格言、警句。

珍惜粮食:谁知盘中餐, 粒粒皆辛苦。




(2) 新年快到了, 请你摘抄一副你喜欢的对联, 写在横线上。


(3) 学习了李白的《望天门山》, 你还知道李白的哪些诗句?选择你熟悉的写下来。


上述三道题侧重考查学生平时对语文知识的积累。当然, 通过考查, 更重要的是向学生传达“不应只注重课本知识”这一信息, 对学生平时的学习起到导向作用, 即课本和课堂固然是学习新知识最直接的渠道, 但课外广泛的阅读和留心周围的生活, 更能为学习语文打好基础。但考查学生的平时积累, 不能随意发散, 应立足于课本, 立足于学生的年龄特点, 立足于学生的实际情况, 否则只能增加学生过重的学业负担。

2. 试卷应突出语文知识的灵活运用。

在注重积累知识的基础上, 还要引导学生学以致用, 培养学生的语文实践能力。考试中不妨适当地设置一些运用题型, 让学生感受语文的魅力所在, 品尝到语文的独有韵味。例如:

(1) 学习《只有一个地球》后, 请你写两句“广告语”, 宣传保护环境的重要性。


(2) 看电视是否有益学习?有人认为“看电视有益学习”, 有人认为“看电视有害学习”。请用几句话表达你的观点。


这样的题目没有固定答案, 但能拓宽学生思维的空间, 更能发挥学生的主动性和创造力。第一题看似只是在编写广告语, 但在增强环保意识的同时, 已经将课本知识加以运用了;第二道题要用自己的观点说服别人, 还需要一定的论证, 题型本身就要求学生将语文知识灵活运用了。

3. 试卷应体现学习语文与实际生活的联系。

语文是最重要的交际工具, 生活中处处有语文。我们反对单纯为了考试而把语文肢解得支离破碎的做法。相反, 通过考试, 要让学生明白语文与生活的关系, 养成留心生活, 在生活中学习语文的习惯。

例如:仔细阅读“止咳灵”说明书, 然后完成练习。

本品适用于感冒、肺热或喉炎引起的咳嗽。温开水送服, 成人一日三次、每次四片, 儿童每次减半或遵医嘱。本品不得空腹服用, 服用前后一小时内不得食用酸冷食物。

(1) 文中“本品”指_____________。

(2) 标题上“止咳灵”是一种__________。

(3) 文中“服用”与“食用”都含“吃”的意思, 但“服用”指, “食用”指。

(4) 选用“服用”“食用”填空:


小青感冒引起咳嗽, 他应该止咳灵。

(5) “遵医嘱”的意思是______。九岁的丁兰咳嗽了, 她每______次应该吃片止咳灵。

(6) 结合你一次感冒的体验, 说说预防感冒要注意些什么。


这是根据“止咳灵”说明书设计的一道题, 充分体现了阅读和生活的紧密联系, 虽然篇幅短小, 不仅考查了孩子的理解、判断和运用能力, 还增长了一些生活X常J教学纵横识, 何乐而不为?


考试评价要摒弃片面的评价观念, 尽可能体现全面评价的理念。长期以来, 语文学科评价基本采用的是量化评价, 甚至简化为分数评价, 导致学生的学习为分数所驱使。因此, 试卷改革应树立“全面评价”的理念, 力求通过较为全面的描述和揭示评价对象的特质, 促进学生的发展。如:“最近老师高兴地看到你书写工整了, 真棒!”“你的课外知识真丰富, 继续保持课外阅读的好习惯!”“这一段课文内容没有领会透彻, 有困难吗?找老师帮帮你!”当然, 这样的定性评价会增加教师的工作量, 但教师可以用简洁的语言加以描述, 无须长篇大论, 关键在于点出学生最近一段时间内的学习状况。坚持定性评价, 更能反映学生分数以外的学习状况, 实现全面评价。

在试卷中可适当增加“爸爸妈妈的希望”“说说我的想法”等评价内容。这样做, 一方面学生可以对自己各方面表现进行反思、评价, 另一方面, 家长可以对孩子的学习进行评价。在传统考试评价中, 作为学习主体的学生往往被排斥在评价过程之外, 更多的是教师的试题设计、阅卷评分、试卷分析, 致使考试评价成为老师的单一活动, 给评价带来很大的局限性。增加家长评价与学生自我评价, 在评价主体上, 将教师、学生及家长评价相结合, 这就要求教师平时要更多地关注学生, 加强家校之间的联系, 这对促进孩子的发展有着积极的意义。

小学英语试卷分析 篇5



三年级: 本次命题,着重考察学生在语境中运用英语的能力,进一步强调英语的交际性和工具性,体现新课标理念,对英语教学改革起到良好的导向作用。现结合学生实际,对试卷分析如下:


听力部分第一题考查;学生对字母和单词的认读能力;第二题第考查学生对句子的理解;要求正确的回答问题,考查学生英语的应用能力。第三题考查对话。,单词的理解和认读 第四题主要考查学生对书中Let’s do中 指令性词语的应用掌握。第五题考查学生的单词的辨别能力。笔试部分第六题考对话的认读能力;第七题第九题考查学生单词的认读能力。第八题和第十题考查学生句子的认读能力。

二、具体情况分析。语言表达方面学生能够准确的用英语进行交际,语音语调正确,表明学生基础知识掌握较好,对英语的学习已经基本入门。失分最多的是第二题的第五题小题,书中并没有出现What would you like ?的问句。和听力部分的第五题,人名字的改变让学生容易犯错,同时也考出了孩子们对逻辑性强的题目有欠考虑。









四年级: 本次命题,着重考察学生在语境中运用英语的能力,进一步强调英语的交际性和工具性,体现新课标理念,对英语教学改革起到良好 的导向作用。现结合学生实际,对试卷分析如下:













五年级: 本试卷共分为两部分,第一部分是听力题,第二部分是笔试题。















1、加强词汇教学。包括单词拼写,词义记忆,语用功能的训练,在平常的教学中一定要常抓不懈。从阅卷所反映的问题看,在今后的教学中,在加强拼读与拼写的同时,应帮助学生进行有意识记,应加强对词的用法及内在含义的理解,要培养学生用英语解释单词的能 力,逐步启发引导学生用英语思考。单词教学一定要做到词不离句,这样,学生在学 会了单词的同时,也学会了词的一些基本用法。


























高考英语模拟试卷(十五) 篇6

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


1. The winning of hosting_____2014 Youth Olympic Games is_____victory not only for Nanjing residents, but for_____people of the whole Chinese nation.

A. the; a; theB. a; the; aC. a; a; theD. the; the; a

2. My daughter volunteered to work in a remote mountain village in West China last year, which is still_____on foot now.

A. accessibleB. availableC. appropriateD. responsible

3. —I haven’t seen you for a long time. What are you busy doing?

—I have been_____my French because I will go to work in France this summer.

A. speeding upB. lighting upC. making upD. polishing up

4. The French Revolution was successful in_____society of inequality, which had a great effect on many other countries, particularly_____in Europe.

怎样上好英语试卷评析课 篇7

2011年4月, 笔者参加了扬州市初三英语复习研讨会, 对其中的一节一模试卷评析课印象深刻。笔者结合自身的教学实践和所在学校英语教学的实际状况, 感触颇多, 觉得平时的试卷评析课存在诸多的问题, 其实只要教师肯动脑筋, 积极探索, 上好试卷评析课还是有一些切实可行的有效方法的。


教学离不开考试, 考试的过程实际上就是“查漏补缺, 发现问题的过程”。试卷评析对教学起着矫正、巩固、丰富和深化的作用, 评析的过程是师生思维强度最大化, 学生能力提高最大化的教学过程。因此上好试卷评析课是提高复习效率, 提升学生解题能力的重要保证。而我们现代的一些试卷评析课被上成了答案订正课, 教师在上面念答案, 学生在下面记答案, 一堂课是教师的“一言堂”“独角戏”, 学生毫无主动权。表面看起来学生听得非常认真, 改得非常仔细, 殊不知他们仅得到了标准答案, 对问题只知其一而不知其二, 以后遇到类似的问题仍然解决不了。

还有部分教师把评析课变成了“批评课”, 因答卷中的失误而埋怨、指责、讽刺、挖苦或嘲笑学生, 在课上经常听到老师这样的话:“这么简单的题目都不会做”“这个语言点我都不知强调多少遍了”“这道题是考前刚刚做过的”。言下之意考不好责任全在学生, 弄得学生灰溜溜的, 抬不起头来, 极大地挫伤了学生的积极性和自尊心, 如果教师语言过分尖刻, 学生还会产生对立情绪, 影响师生感情, 对今后学生的英语学习产生难以想象的后果。


上面所说的情况普遍存在于英语教学中。情况并非不能改变, 但是一堂成功的试卷评析课应该是师生共同努力的结果。在上试卷评析课之前教师和学生都要做一些准备工作。

1. 教师方面

(1) 分析考情, 抓住重点。教师自己应把试卷认真做一遍。在解题过程中要弄清本套试卷涉及的知识考点、方法考点, 试题的难易程度、命题意图、角度及命题规律。在做题过程中猜测学生的解题思路, 预计学生可能会犯哪些错误。对于学生可能犯的共性错误设计科学的评析方法。教师还应认真研究, 挖掘试题中的智能考察以此引导学生从正确的解题思路中悟出自己解题思路中的得失之处, 以便今后注意, 从而加强学生对自己能力的培养和提高, 增强应变能力。

(2) 及时批改, 有的放矢。试卷评析课最忌讳教师不批改就评讲, 教师只凭自己的主观估计来确定讲评的难重点, 事实证明这样并不合理。教师往往只能推断出学生错误的一部分, 有些错误往往出乎老师的意料。教师只有及时批阅了试卷, 才能了解学生各题的得分情况, 了解学生的整体水平, 才能分析普遍性错误, 整理出错误的性质、类型, 根据犯错的原因来确定讲评的顺序、重点和方法, 从而在讲评时能有的放矢, 有效地解决学生的缺陷和问题。

(3) 做好统计, 认清形势。教师应对考试成绩做总的统计, 包括试卷的难易程度, 本班和其他班优秀率、平均分、高分率的对比, 使学生了解自己在班级、年级的位次, 从而正确地认识和评价自己, 使他们在学习过程中不骄不躁、不气不馁, 既有压力又有动力。

2. 学生方面

在评析课前教师应把批改好的试卷发给学生, 不要急于评讲, 而应该给学生一定的时间让学生进行自我检查、自我分析, 使学生根据自己试卷中存在的问题, 主动复习教材, 查阅相关资料, 提出自己的疑惑。

学生提出问题其实比解决问题更重要, 通过提问, 能培养学生的问题意识及自学能力, 同时又发挥了学生学习的主动性, 激发了学生的学习兴趣。学生在听评讲课时就能结合自己的课前思考, 在归纳和反思中体味重点知识, 重新建立知识框架, 熟练掌握知识要点和相关联系, 切实提高自己的应考水平, 优化自己的思维能力。


即使教师和学生做了大量的准备工作, 要上好一堂试卷评析课, 还要注意运用科学的方法。本人根据自己多年的教学实践, 觉得下面几种方法还是有一定的作用的。

1. 准确简洁, 落实知识点

一份试卷的试题往往都来源于课本中最基本的知识点, 我们对试卷的评析也是为了更好地落实知识点, 所以在试卷评析过程中必须联系课本中的相关知识, 以落实知识点为最终目的和最基本的原则。但是在评析过程中涉及知识点的再现时, 应该做到内容精练、语言简洁, 否则试卷的评析会被繁琐的知识点回顾分割, 破坏课堂的整体性。

2. 审题解题, 科学指导

试卷评讲不能停留于指出不足、改正错误, 而应着眼于能力的培养。教师应教会学生审题时注意分析句子成分, 主语往往确定主题, 状语往往锁定空间、时间, 定语用来锁定要领内涵及外延。在解题时也有一些方法可循, 如选择题常用排错法、排异法等。有的题可根据题干得出正确答案, 有的题根据对四个选项的比较得出答案。

3. 适当变化, 拓宽思维

在试卷评讲时, 还要透过具体问题进行拓展延伸, 把试题进行变化, 在原有题目的基础上借题发挥, 也可以将答案要点增加丰富, 还可以将考点扩展深化、增加难度。在原来的试题讲完后, 在总结归纳提炼学生共性问题的基础上通过“一题多变”“一题多拓”对他们进行再体验、再刺激, 引导学生对某个知识点从多角度、多侧面进行合理的发散迁移, 拓展学生的思维空间。

4. 教师引导, 主动参与

我们要鼓励学生进行思考, 勇于提出自己的困惑, 大胆发表自己的见解, 热情解答同学的疑问, 让课堂上有更多学生自己的声音。主动探讨问题能使学生积极思维, 加速完成认识知识和掌握知识的过程, 也是打开学生思路的手段。教师通过启发、点拨、反问, 引导学生提出问题、解决问题。讲评的艺术是欲露先藏, 利用启发性的语言, 使学生的思维不断得到刺激, 解题思路逐渐形成。

5. 归纳总结, 升华认知

教师一方面应把学生试卷中的错误归纳、概括, 找到通病和典型错误, 找准其思维的薄弱点, 有针对性地引导学生进行辨析, 找准错因, 探究正确思路, 做到纠正一例预防一片。另一方面, 教师在开拓解题思路、总结解题规律时, 要抓住“通法”与典型思路, 通法是指常规解法, 典型思路是指常规法中机智、简洁的解题思路。抓通法, 使学生加深对知识技能的理解和记忆;抓典型思路能使学生开启智慧大门, 使能力得以升华。

小学英语试卷 篇8

创编小学英语试卷要与贯彻新课标精神相接轨。一份成功的试卷对教师的教和学生的学都会起积极的指导作用。实践证明, 好的试卷学生不是怕考, 而是想考;好的试卷不是测出“高分低能”, 而是测出“高分高能”。因此, 如何编制好的英语试卷, 发挥它的作用是我们急需研究的课题。



试卷必须改变它以往严肃、冷峻、呆板的“面孔”, 换之以轻松、热情和活泼, 从外表上让学生耳目一新, 兴趣盎然。

1. 设计祝福语

试卷氛围直接影响学生考试的心情和情绪。因此我们提倡在试卷上写些祝福语, 以示对学生的鼓励和提醒。体现人文关怀的祝福语可以消除学生对考试的恐惧心理, 使学生获得良好的情感体验。祝福语有卷首语、卷中语、卷尾语。我在编制试卷的时候, 利用卡通人物的形式做了如下尝试:




2. 设计活泼、优美的版面

试卷的版面, 要根据不同年龄、年级学生的特点来设计。低年级可以采用图文结合的形式, 像连环画似地将问题渗透在童话的情境中, 让学生在富有童趣的生活情境中完成题目, 感受到考试很有趣。中、高年级的试卷讲求整体上简洁与和谐, 显露语文美、排版的美, 它表现为形式上美观, 文字上对称;也表现为结构上合理, 表达上简明, 问题设计自然而不牵强附会。我们可以在不分散学生注意力的前提下穿插一些可爱的卡通人物、高高竖起的大拇指、精美的花边等, 以改变传统卷面的呆板、枯燥的老面孔。新颖的卷面, 融知识性、趣味体于一体, 符合儿童的心理, 孩子们非常喜欢这样的试卷, 或者考试内容设计写一写、画一画、猜一猜、想一想、涂一涂等多种游艺形式, 版面会更加活泼, 学生会在轻松、愉悦、没有压力的心态下完成质量测查的内容。小小的一些改变, 会使学生不再害怕考试、讨厌考试, 而是喜欢考试、期待考试。他们拿到试卷后也不再愁眉不展, 而是喜形于色。


1. 题型应丰富多样

小学生年龄小, 活泼好动, 以形象思维为主, 严肃呆板、成人化的试题会使学生感到枯燥乏味, 产生厌烦心理。在这种试题面前, 学生只是被动应试, 久而久之必然会扼杀学生的考试热情。因此, 英语试卷的题目形式一定要符合学生的年龄特点, 要丰富、多样、多变。如有听、说、读、写、选择、画一画、涂一涂、圈一圈等, 让学生在阅读题型后有一种耳目一新的感觉。这样就可以吸引学生的注意力, 启迪学生的智慧, 引发其思考, 使学生轻松地完成答卷, 使考试真正成为学生主动求知的学习过程。如在期中测试卷中, 我设计了以下题目:

试题:火眼金睛。分一分, 下面有很多单词, 请你按六种类别分类吧!把序号填在所属类别的图形里。

(1) tea (2) pencil-case (3) mouth (4) mouse (5) black

(6) plane (7) green (8) eye (9) brown (10) kite

(11) doll (12) arm (13) rabbit (14) sharpener (15) bread

(16) crayon (17) squirrel (18) hamburger (19) panda (20) foot

2. 试题应图文并茂

图画是一种无声的语言, 它具有直观、形象的特点, 可以帮助学生理解题意, 激发想象, 增加视觉美感。学生可以借助图画加深对文章的理解。因此在试卷中我们可以插入学生喜爱的动物、水果、植物等图片, 使试卷赏心悦目, 更具亲和力。我们也可以用活泼可爱的动物、水果等图案代替题目中的序号。如我在期末考试中就出了这样一道题:




考试应一改往日比较死板的单词拼写、句子搭配、组词成句等, 而可以设计成新颖的题目和题干, 让学生有耳目一新的感觉。

试题:生日大聚会。听音, 给过生日的小动物画生日蜡烛, 在蛋糕上用竖线表示即可。


工具性和人文性的统一是英语课程的基本特点, 在考试测评中也应积极体现这一科学理念。因此我们在命题时应考虑学生的生活实际和经验世界, 这样做更有利于学生人文素养的提升和健康人格的形成。如在六年级的期末考试中, 我就出了这样一道题目。

试题:智力大冲浪, Let’s go!

( ) 1.In which country would you find pyramids and sphinxes? (你在哪个国家可以找到金字塔和狮身人面怪兽?)


( ) 2.At what temperature does water freeze? (水在什么温度时开始结冰?)


( ) 3.什么东西是只属于你一个人的, 但是别人用得多, 你自己却用得少?

A.your bed%B.your name%C.your friend%D.your book

( ) 4.“white elephant”的汉语意思是 ______。


( ) 5.What is on the house?

总之, 新课程背景下的试卷不应是单一枯燥的文本, 而应是充满情趣的多元复合体。试卷是一种载体, 教师要借助试卷, 激发学生主动探究, 积极体验, 培养可持续发展的学习能力;试卷同样也是一种经历, 是学生自我建构知识与提升人生意义的经历, 是一种积累大量愉快而幸福的情感体验。教师要用心去思考试卷的形式, 使考试既能激发学生的英语学习兴趣, 又能保持学生的考试兴趣。从某种意义上说, 编制好一份试卷是一门艺术, 也是一份教学科研成果, 享受学习与考试的欢乐是学生的权利, 也是教师对学生应尽的义务。

摘要:考试是学业评价的重要方式之一, 课程改革不是取消考试, 而是把考试作为一个激励、展示的平台。新课程理念下的英语教学评价要求教师既要关注学生的学习水平, 更要关注他们在英语学习过程中表现出的情感与态度, 帮助学生认识自我、树立信心。命题方式如何, 将直接或间接地影响学生的情绪和成绩。本文就小学英语试卷的编制进行了阐述。



[1]章志光.心理学[M].北京:人民教育出版社, 2002.

[2]贾冠杰.外语教育心理学[M].广西:广西教育出版社, 2003.

[3][美]Ellen Weber.有效的学生评价[M].北京:中国轻工业出版社, 2003.

[4]王蔷.小学英语教学法教程[M].北京:高等教育出版社, 2003.

大学英语四级模拟试卷 篇9

Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled PayingKids for Chores?You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below.




Paying Kids for Chores?

PartⅡReading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(15 minutes)

Directions:In this part,you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answerthe questions.For questions 1-7,choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).For questions 8-10,complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.

Universities Must Deal Better with Complaints

With student complaints at a record high,universities will have to raise their game once tu-ition fees rise.

Two universities that have broken official rules for dealing with student complaints are namedtoday in the independent adjudicator's(仲裁人的) annual report.The two,Southampton and Westminster,are the first to be exposed in this way—yet another sign of the new era in which universities are expected to be more accountable (负责的) to students who expect to be treated as customers.

The Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA),which reviews complaints when students haveexhausted their university's procedures,also reports a record rise in the number of cases.Last year the office received 1,341 complaints against universities in England and Wales,the highest number ever and an unprecedented(空前的) rise of one-third on the year before.

As the adjudicator himself,Rob Behrens,points out,1,341 complaints represents just 0.05%of higher education students,and 53%of those were not justified.But,he also observes,the proportion of justified and partly justified complaints has grown for the first time in several years.He predicts the increase in complaints will continue."It's to be expected where you have rising tuition fees,where students are being invited to behave like consumers and where the labour market is difficult so students will do what they can to ensure they qualify."

He says his decision to expose the universities of Southampton and Westminster is not"nam-ing and shaming,with all the associations of moral censure that term implies".He was,he explains,simply following OIA rules—something those two institutions failed to do.

Westminster fell short in its handling of two complaints.One was from a student who argueda disability hadn't been properly taken into account.The adjudicator agreed.The other student claimed that an exam question and its marking scheme had been unreasonable.In both cases the university broke the rules by failing to resolve the cases,as recommended,promptly and in full.

At Southampton University,four months after the OIA concluded that an undergraduate had ajustified complaint about their experience on a placement,the university continued to oppose the decision and was refusing compensation.

In a second case,the university also failed to comply with the adjudicator's decision.And ina third one,although the complaint turned out to be unjustified,for 10 months the university delayed the investigation by failing to provide evidence despite the adjudicator's repeated reminders.

At both universities,it was only after the adjudicator involved the vice-chancellors (大学副校长) that the complaints began to be resolved.

Behrens is pleased the relationships between his office and both universities are now muchmore positive."As the government places more emphasis on the student experience,complaints have an important role in safeguarding that,"he says."Universities must see complaints as feedback to become more professional."

Both Southampton and Westminster universities want to charge undergraduates annual fees of£9,000.There is an expectation,not only from ministers,but importantly from students and their families,too,that all universities wishing to increase charges will move to increase student satisfaction as well.

Before making an investment of£27,000,for example,each student will ask,"Is this good val-ue?Is the teaching good?Is this the best route to a successful career?"

Universities are being encouraged,some may say pressurised,to become more transparent andaccountable in a number of ways.

The government is urging all universities to publish a student charter,a sort of statement ofterms and conditions to remind students of their responsibilities and their rights.Universities are also expected to publish"key information sets"by September 2012.These will enable students to shop around by providing the same 17 pieces of information about each institution,including,for example,the proportion of"contact"time and group work,and the careers and starting salaries of previous graduates.

The OIA is already looking at creative ways to cope with both limited resources and likelyfurther rises in student complaints.Settling more disputes by phone is one option;helping universities to install an independent ombudsman (巡视员) on each campus—an idea borrowed from the Netherlands and the US—is another.

The question is,are UK universities well prepared for the new consumer culture where thedeal is if you pay more,you expect more,and if you feel you're not getting it,you'll complain?

The question is particularly pertinent for the universities of Southampton and Westminster onthe day they are exposed for dragging their feet with a legally established adjudicator.Both vicechancellors were unavailable for interview.

In a statement,Professor Debra Humphris,Southampton's pro-vice-chancellor,education,saidthe vast majority of the small number of student complaints are dealt with swiftly,described the dialogue with the OIA as"constructive and supportive"and said that an improved complaints procedure will be in place this autumn.

In a more defiant statement,Professor Geoffrey Petts,vice-chancellor at Westminster,points outthat the university is working with the OIA towards compliance with its recommendations:"The University of Westminster was disappointed to have been cited in the OIA report.The university has robust procedures for handling the very small number of formal complaints which it receives from stude nts.”

Aaron Porter,the president of the National Union of Students,has welcomed the new step ofnaming universities that don't fully co-operate with the adjudicator."In an environment where students are paying higher fees and will therefore raise expectations,they need to know which institutions stic.k to the rules."

He also makes this warning:"Faced with increasing competition to recruit students,many uni-versities are being tempted to make grander and grander claims.They need to improve their offer,but they need to be honest in what they promise."

The advice is echoed by Steve Smith,president of Universities UK and vice-chancellor of theUniversity of Exeter.He sees,in the adjudicator's annual report,a sector getting to grips with a new world where students are more demanding and will make sure universities correctly follow procedures."It is vital that institutions are honest and transparent about what students can expect from their courses.In an age of marketing,don't oversell.Any institution will have to make sure they do what they say.”

1.Southampton and Westminster's being named shows that______.

A) the independent adjudicator is quite impartial

B) the two universities have a very bad reputation

C) universities are expected to be more responsible

D) college students are treated with much respect now

2.What is said about last year's complaints against universities in England and Wales?

A) Few of them turned out to be completely justified.

B) They were much less than those on the year before

C) Most of the complaints were exposed in the report.

D) The number of the complaints reached a record high.

3.According to Rob Behrens,the increase in complaints is likely to continue as long as______.

A) we are living in a customer culture B) universities increase tuition fees

C) students have to pay their tuition fees D) the level of unemployment keeps rising

4.When a student complained about an exam question,the University of Westminster______.

A) deliberately delayed the investigation B) didn't deal with the complaint swiftly

C) modified the marking scheme promptly D) handled the case following official rules

5.Behrens believes that complaints play an important role in______.

A) safeguarding the student experience

B) protecting the interests of universities

C) enhancing customers'shopping experience

D) improving government employees'service

6.Students and their families expect that universities wanting more tuition fees will______.

A) offer more part-time jobs B) lower entrance requirements

C) increase student satisfaction D) invest more in teaching facilities

7.For the OIA,to resolve more complaints with limited resources,one option is to______.

A) urge universities to simplify their procedures

B) use the telephone to deal with the complaints

C) cooperate with officials from other countries

D) send an independent ombudsman to each school

8.According to Professor Debra Humphris,the University of Southampton will be ready to use______this autumn.

9.Aaron Porter warns that universities should not only______butalso be frank in their offer.

10.Steve Smith,president of Universities UK,understands that we have entered a new era wherestudents become more______.

PartⅢListening Comprehension (35 minutes)

Section A

Directions:In this section,you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations.Atthe end of each conversation,one or more questions will be asked about what was said.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After each question there will be a pause.During the pause,you must read the four choices marked A),B),C) and D),and decide which is the best answer.

11.A) He fell ill on the jet plane.B) He has been working too hard.

C) He went to bed too late last night.D) He hasn't adapted to the new time yet.

12.A) The man doesn't have a strong enough will.

B) The man loves horror films.

C) The man will see the film anyway.

D) The man studied for the whole night last night.

13.A) Not to worry about the ticket.B) Buy a ticket at a higher price.

C) Book an air ticket in advance.D) Wait for others to cancel their booking.

14.A) The young man had some unusual problems.

B) The problem is common for young people.

C) It's not common for young men to leave home.

D) It was a problem for John when he left home.

15.A) The man will have no choices left.

B) The man had better go there quickly.

C) The man should go when he has spare time.

D) The books are a bit scratched and are of poor quality.

16.A) She can't afford the time for the trip.

B) She will manage to leave this month.

C) She has to change the time for the trip.

D) She hasn't decided where to go next month.

17.A) It is located near a large residential area.

B) It is open around-the-clock on weekends.

C) It is the same as other banks in any way.

D) It provides convenience and quality service.

18.A) He will go to see a doctor about his coughing.

B) He has had a heart attack because of smoking.

C) He is coughing because of too much smoking.

D) He has a serious lung disease and heart attack already.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19.A) Go to summer school.B) Take a vacation.

C) Stay at home.D) Earn some money.

20.A) They hired someone to stay in their home.

B) They left their pets with neighbors.

C) They rented their house to a student.

D) They asked their gardener to watch their home.

21.A) Walking the dog.B) Cutting the grass.

C) Watching the children.D) Feeding the fish.

22.A) They attend a house-sitter's party.

B) They check a house-sitter's references.

C) They interview a house-sitter's friends.

D) They look at a house-sitter's transcripts.

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

23.A) Writing reports for them.

B) Teaching them foreign languages.

C) Helping them deal with daily existence.

D) Introducing work for them.

24.A) They don't have support networks.

B) They cannot cope with the difficulties in their lives.

C) The woman is famous for helping others.

D) People from their nationality refuse to help them.

25.A) They were surprised at the flavors.

B) They could find food they know and love.

C) There was at least one Chinese restaurant in every China town.

D) Americans have different foods.

Section B

Directions:In this section,you will hear 3 short passages.At the end of each passage,youwill hear some questions.Both the passage and questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choicesmarked A),B),C) and D).Passage One

Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.

26.A) To do some research.B) To support his family.

C) To pay for his college education.D) To help his partner expand business.

27.A) It stood at an unfavorable place.

B) It lowered the prices to promote sales.

C) It lacked control over the quality of sandwiches.

D) It made no profits due to poor management.

28.A) They had enough money to do it.

B) They had succeeded in their business.

C) They wanted to make others believe that they were successful.

D) They wished to meet the increasing demand of customers.

29.A) Learning by trial and error.B) Making friends with suppliers.

C) Finding a good partner.D) Opening chain stores.

Passage Two

Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.

30.A) To exchange ideas.B) To prove their value.

C) To achieve success in life.D) To overcome their fear of silence.

31.A) About whatever they have prepared.B) About whatever they want to do.

C) About learning something new.D) About getting on well.

32.A) To explain why people keep talking.

B) To persuade people to stop making noises.

C) To encourage people to join in conversations.

D) To discuss why people like talking about weather.

Passage Three

Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

33.A) Bettering his way of life.

B) Improving his surroundings.

C) Modifying the face of the planet.

D) Altering the physical features of the earth.

34.A) When the ecological balance of the river is lost.

B) When people consume more fish than they used to.

C) When large numbers of algae,fish and birds are killed.

D) When the production of marine petroleum is increased.

35.A) Ecologists.B) Industrialists.

C) Businessmen.D) Environmentalists.

Section C

Directions:In this section,you will hear a passage three times.When the passage is read forthe first time,you should listen carefully for its general idea.When the passage is read for the second time,you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard.For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information.For these blanks,you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words.Finally,when the passage is read for the third time,you should check what you have written.

Today we are going to practice evaluating the main tool used when addressing groups—the (36)______.There are three main elements that combine to create either a positive or negative(37)______for listeners.They can (38)______in a voice that is pleasing to listen to and can be used effectively,or they can create a voice that doesn't hold the attention,or even worse causes an (39)______reaction.The three elements are volume,pitch and pace.

When talking about volume,keep in mind that a good speaker will adjust to the size of boththe room and the audience.Of course,with an (40)______device like a microphone,the speaker can use a (41)______tone.But speakers should not be (42)______on it.A good speaker can speak loudly without shouting.

The second element—pitch—is related to the highness and lowness of the sounds.High pitchesare for most people more difficult to listen to,so in general,the speaker should use the lower (43)______of the voice.(44)______.

The third element,pace—this is how fast or slow words and sounds are articulated—should al-so be varied.(45)______.Pauses ought to be used to signal transitions or create anticipation.It can be very effective when moving from one topic to another(46)______.

PartⅣReading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)(25 minutes)

Section A

Directions:In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select oneword for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.

Perhaps like most Americans you have some extra pounds to shed.You may even have tried afad(时尚) diet or two,but found yourself right back where you 47.The key to weight loss is regular 48 activity.And surprisingly,you don't have to give up eating or make the gym your second home to see long-term,49 effects.

Your body needs a certain amount of energy to maintain basic 50 such as breathing,blood circulation and digestion.The energy required to keep your organs functioning is referred to as the resting or basal metabolic rate.Any time you are active,51 energy is required.It isobtained from glycogen(糖原) and fat stored in the blood,liver,and muscles.The key to losing weight is to draw on the fat rather than on the carbohydrate reserves.

Which of the two energy sources you use depends on the intensity and 52 of your activi-ty.The higher the intensity,the more your body will pull from the stored carbohydrates.The lower the intensity,the 53 your body will rely on fat as its fuel.

Aerobic exercise is most 54 for weight loss.When you perform aerobic activities you 55contract large muscle groups such as your legs and arms.Walking,running,rollerblading,swimming,dancing,and jumping jacks are all forms of aerobic activity.Surprisingly,if your aerobic activity is low to moderately intense and of long duration,you will burn more fat than if you had 56 in a short burst of high-intensity exercise.In short,a brisk 30-minute walk will burn fat while a 100-yard sprint will burn glycogen.

Section B

Directions:There are 2 passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some questionsor unfinished state me nts.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C) and D).You should decide on the best choice.

Passage One

Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.

The warming of the Arctic is releasing a new wave of banned toxic chemicals that had beentrapped in the ice and cold water,scientists have discovered.

The researchers warn that the amount of the poisons stored in the polar region is unknownand their release could"undermine global efforts to reduce environmental and human exposure to them."

The chemicals leaking out as temperatures rise include DDT,lindane,chlordane,PCBs andHCBs.All of these persistent organic pollutants (Pops) are banned under the 2004 Stockholm Convention.

Pops can cause cancers and birth defects and take a very long time to degrade(降解),mean-ing they can be transported for long distances and accumulate over time.

Over past decades,the low temperatures in the Arctic trapped volatile(易挥发的) Pops in iceand cold water.But scientists in Canada and Norway have now discovered that global warming is freeing the Pops once again.

They examined measurements of Pops in the air between 1993 and 2009 at the Zeppelin re-search station in Svalbaard and Alert weather station in northern Canada.After allowing for the decline in global emissions of Pops,the team showed that the toxic chemicals are being remobilised by rising temperatures and the retreat of the sea ice,which exposes more water to the Sun.For example,air concentrations of PCBs and HCBs have shown a rising trend from about 2004 onwards.

Hayley Hung,a member of Environment Canada and of the team,said its work provided thefirst evidence of the releasing of Pops in the Arctic."But this is the beginning of a story,"she said."The next step is to find out how much is in the Arctic,how much will leak out and how quickly."With the exception of lindane,there was little existing knowledge of the scale of the Pops stored in high latitude(纬度) regions.

The fate of the frozen Pops depends on the speed of warming in the Arctic—it is currentlyheating up much more quickly than lower latitudes—as well as how the chemicals interact with snow and rain.Pops accumulate in fats and are therefore concentrated up the food chain,but Hung cautions that food chains themselves in the Arctic may be altered by climate change.

57.What have the researchers discovered in the Arctic?

A) The ice and cold water in the region contain banned toxic chemicals.

B) Poisons stored in the region are leaking out due to global warming.

C) The amount of toxic chemicals in the region could destroy all mankind.

D) The ecosystem in the region has been changed by rising temperatures.

58.What do we learn about Pops from the passage?

A) They pose a threat to marine life and humans.

B) They are substances that are easily degraded.

C) They can be found only in the polar region.

D) They will decrease in number if moving in the air.

59.By"the toxic chemicals are being remobilised"(Line 3,Para.6),the author means that the Pops______.

A) are taking in the form of ice or water

B) are becoming more and more poisonous

C) are able to move easily and quickly in the water

D) are no longer trapped in the ice and cold water

60.According to Hayley Hung,the scientists need to figure out______.

A) the harm the Pops will do to human beings

B) why the Pops have been trapped in the ice

C) the scale of the Pops stored in the Arctic

D) how to eliminate the banned toxic chemicals

61.What is said about the warming in the Arctic?

A) Human activities have sped it up.

B) It may change the food chains.

C) It is affected by the release of the Pops.D) It happened earlier than other regions.

Passage Two

Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.

If you haven,t heard or seen anything about road rage in the last few months,you've proba-bly been avoiding the media.There have been countless stories about this new and scary phenomenon,considered a type of aggressive driving.If you drive,you have more than likely encountered aggressive driving.

While drunk driving remains a critical problem,the facts about aggressive driving are surely asdisturbing.For instance,according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA),41,907 people died on the highways last year.Of those fatalities,the agency estimates that about two-thirds were caused at least in part by aggressive driving behavior.

Why is this phenomenon occurring more than ever now,and why is it something that seemedalmost nonexistent a few short years ago?Experts have several theories,and all are probably partially correct.One suggestion is sheer overcrowding.In the last decade,the number of cars on the roads has increased by over 11%,and the number of miles driven has increased by 35%.Meanwhile,the number of new road miles has only increased by 1%.That means more cars in the same amount of space;and the problem is magnified in urban areas.

Also,people have less time and more things to do.With people working and trying to fit extrachores and activities into the day,stress levels have never been higher.Stress creates anxiety,which leads to short tempers.These factors,when combined in certain situations,can spell road rage.

You may think you are the last person who would drive aggressively,but you might be sur-prised.For instance,have you ever yelled out loud at a slower driver,honked long and hard at another car,or sped up to keep another driver from passing?If you recognize yourself in any of these situations,watch out!

Whether you are getting angry at other drivers or if another driver is visibly upset with you,there are things you can do to avoid major confrontations.If you are susceptible (受影响的) to road rage,the key is to discharge your emotion in a healthy way.If you are the target of another driver's rage,do everything possible to get away from the other driver safely,including avoiding eye contact and getting out of their way.

62.What do we learn from the first paragraph?

A) The media coined the term"Road Rage"only a few months ago

.B) People have been raged by media reports and want to avoid them.

C) People not interested in the media know little about recent happenings.

D) Road rage has received much media coverage in the last few months.

63.According to NHTSA,last year on the highways______.

A) approximately two thirds of drivers were killed by road rage

B) road rage remained the No.1 killer and took 41,907 people's lives

C) more people were killed by aggressive driving than by drunk driving

D) drunk driving was a problem more serious than aggressive driving

64.Which of the following is not mentioned as a cause of aggressive driving?

A) Drivers'stress and anxiety.B) Rush hour traffic.

C) Increasing number of cars.D) Overcrowded roads.

65.According to the passage,aggressive driving is characterized by______.

A) driving at full speed B) yelling at another driver

C) talking while driving D) sounding the horn when passing

66.The last paragraph is intended to______.

A) tell people how to cope with road rage

B) inform people how aggressive drivers could be

C) tell people how to control themselves when angry

D) warn people against eye contact with another driver

PartⅤCloze (15 minutes)

Directions:There are 20 blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are fourchoices marked A),B),C) and D) on the right side of the paper.You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.

Are organically grown foods the best food choices?The advantages claimed for such foods 67 conventionallygrown food products are now being 68.Advocates oforganic foods—a term whose meaning 69 greatly—frequently proclaim that such products are safer andmore nutritious than others.

The growing interest of consumers in the safetyand nutritional quality of the 70 North American dietis a welcome development.71,much of this interest has been sparked by sweeping claims that the foodsupply is unsafe or inadequate in meeting nutritional72.Although most of these claims are not supported by scientific 73,the preponderance (优势) ofwritten material advancing such claims makes it difficult for the general public to distinguish fact74 fiction.As a result,claims that eating a diet consisting entirely of organically grown foods75 or cures disease or provides other benefitsto health have become 76 advertised and form the basis for folklore (民俗).

77 daily the public is surrounded by claimsfor"no aging"diets,new vitamins,and other wonder foods.Many an unfounded report 78 that naturalvitamins are superior 79 synthetic ones,that fertilizedeggs excel unfertilized eggs nutritionally,and the 80.One thing that most organically grown foodproducts seem to have in 81 is that they cost more than conventionally grown foods.But in many82 consumers are misled if they believe thatorganic foods can 83 health and provide better nutritional quality than conventionally grown foods.84 there is a real cause for concern ifconsumers,85 those with limited incomes,distrust the regular food supply and buy merely expensive organic foods 86.

PartⅥTranslation (5 minutes)

Directions:Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.

87.______(冒着破产的危险),he invested all his money in this facto-ry.

88.Many people______(理所当然地认为)marriage is the goal of every young woman's inmost thought.

89.It's time______(采取一些有效措施)to solve the pollution prob-lem all over the county.

90.John can not afford a car,______(更不用说房子了).

91.It______(我想起来)he might be interested in the problem we had disucssed.




Possible version 1:

Paying Kids for Chores?

A rising proportion of parents pay their children to do chores around the house nowadays.Forexample,some parents will give their kids allowances if they clean the room,do laundry,set the table,or prepare simple food for the family.

People differ on whether parents should pay their kids for doing housework.Supporters saytying kids'allowances to housework is a good way to teach kids accountability and responsibility.It also helps children learn about money and how it works.But critics of this approach say children should do routine housework for free.The reason is simple:chores are part of a family,and everyone does chores.

Personally,I don't think parents should adopt the pay-for-work view.Paying kids to help outsends the wrong message:they are entitled to freely have everything parents provide for them while the contributions they make to the family have to be paid for.It risks creating teenagers who would worship money and who are likely to drive a hard bargain just to take out the garbage.

Possible version 2:

Paying Kids for Chores?

To foster a love for work and help them become accustomed to it,many Chinese,especiallythose in big cities,pay their only child to do chores at home.Usually the amount of money given to the child depends on the child's age,the family's income and the child's expenses.

People's opinions vary towards this phenomenon.Some people think it's a good idea for par-ents to pay kids to do housework.It motivates children to do more jobs around the house,as paying chores shows them that they have to work in order to get allowances.Others,however,argue that it's improper for parents to take this approach,since paying them makes them lazy.They say many children now refuse to do anything unless there is some kind of compensation.

I'm in the camp that parents should pay their children in return for work done around thehouse.On the one hand,it teaches children that they should work for what they want in life.Onthe other hand,it provides solid lessons and opportunities related to money management.

PartⅡ1.C) 2.D) 3.B) 4.B) 5.A) 6.C) 7.B) 8.an improved complaints procedure9.improve their offer 10.demanding

PartⅢ11.D) 12.A) 13.D) 14.B) 15.B) 16.C) 17.D) 18.C) 19.D) 20.A)21.C) 22.B) 23.C) 24.B) 25.B) 26.C) 27.D) 28.C) 29.A) 30.D) 31.B) 32.A) 33.A) 34.C) 35.B) 36.voice 37.experience 38.result 39.adverse 40.amplifying41.natural 42.dependent 43.registers 44.During a presentation,it's important to vary pitch to some extent in order to maintain interest 45.A slower pace can be used to emphasize important points—note that the time spent not speaking can be very meaningful too 46.because a pause gives the listener time to think about what was just said or even predict what might come next

PartⅣ47.K) 48.F) 49.A) 50.H) 51.B) 52.C) 53.E) 54.D) 55.L) 56.I) 57.B) 58.A) 59.D) 60.C) 61.B) 62.D) 63.C) 64.B) 65.B) 66.A)

PartⅤ67.D) 68.B) 69.A) 70.B) 71.C) 72.A) 73.C) 74.B) 75.A) 76.C) 77.D) 78.B) 79.C) 80.D) 81.A) 82.D) 83.C) 84.B) 85.A) 86.D)

PartⅥ87.At the risk of going bankrupt/Running the risk of going bankrupt

88.take it for granted that

89.(that) some effective measures were taken

90.let alone/not to mention a house

91.occurs to me that


Short Conversations

11.W:You look very sleepy and tired.What's wrong,John?Did you stay up very late last night?

M:Oh,no.Well,you know,I've been here for only a few days.In my home country,it isstill late at night now.I am suffering from jet lag.It's so hard to overcome this.

Q:What does the man mean?

12.M:Hey,I've rented a horror film from the shop near the college.Could you come over andenjoy it with me?

W:You told me last night you're going to study this morning.Your plans are always good enough,yet you rarely carry them out.

Q:What can we infer from the conversation?

13.M:I can't believe I can't get a plane ticket for the summer holiday.I mean,it's only March.

W:Well,you know I wouldn't worry about it too much.People cancel their reservations allthe time.

Q:What does the woman suggest the man do?

14.W:John's room was in a mess.It seemed that he had never cleaned it.

M:This problem is not uncommon for a young man from home.

Q:What does the man mean?

15.M:I think I'll get my second-hand books at the Student Union this year.So many of the books we are using are the same print.

W:I hope you're not planning to take your time going there.They are usually snapped up withinthe first week.

Q:What does the woman mean?

16.M:You're going to make a trip to San Francisco,aren't you?

W:Yes.But I haven't got the plane ticket yet.I'm thinking of postponing the trip to next monthsince this is the busiest month for the airlines.

Q:What do we know about the woman from this conversation?

17.W:The bank near the supermarket opens on Sundays,quite different from the other banks in the same street.

M:On Sundays people have time to go there.It is really convenient for people.Besides,theyoffer quite satisfactory service.

Q:What does the man think of the bank?

18.W:Did you go to see the doctor about your cough?

M:The doctor said if I keep smoking it will increase my chance of having a heart attack or,lungdisease.And I am thinking about quitting smoking as the problems seem to be quite serious.

Q:What do we know about the man?

Long Conversation One

M:I really don't know what to do this summer.I can't afford to just sit around,and there don't seem to be any jobs available.

W:Why don't you try house-sitting?Last summer my friend Margaret house-sat for the Dodds when they went away on vacation.Mr.Dodd hired Margaret to stay in their house because he didn't want it left empty.

M:You mean the Dodds paid Margaret just to live in their house?

W:It wasn't that easy.She had to mow the lawn and water the house plants.And when Eric housesat for Dr.Cohen,he had to take care of her pets.

M:House-sitting sounds like a good job.I guess it's a little like baby-sitting—except you're taking care of a house instead of children.

W:The Student Employment Office still has a few jobs posted.

M:Do I just have to fill out an application?

W:Margaret and Eric had to interview with the home owners and provide three references each.

M:That seems like a lot of trouble for a summer job.

W:Well,the home owners want some guarantee that they can trust the house-sitter.You know,they want to make sure you're not the type who'll throw wild parties in their house,or move a group of friends in with you.

M:House-sitters who do that sort of thing probably aren't paid then.

W:Usually they're paid anyway just because the home owners don't want to make a fuss.But if the home owner reported it,then the house-sitter wouldn't be able to get another job.So why don't you apply?

M:Yeah,I think I will.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

Q19.What does the man want to do this summer?

Q20.What did the Dodds do when they went away last summer?

Q21.What is one responsibility the house-sitter probably wouldn't have?

Q22.How do home owners determine the reliability of a house-sitter?

Long Conversation Two

M:So,you must have a lot of contact with overseas students in your work helping people coping with daily existence.

W:Sometimes.You know the life of a social worker is not all wonderful and working to help people in their daily life.I have to spend a lot of time pushing paper,and writing reports too.But when I do get out,yeah,I see a lot of foreigners.And sometimes they come in because life in A merica has just beaten them down and they can't cope financially or emotionally.

M:Really?I would think that they had a good support network in place,especially university students.

W:They do have a network,and a variety of support groups,but these can't meet all of the students'needs.They can't help with paying bills,dealing with American neighbors and customs,fitting in,getting a driver's license,etc.They try,but very often the student has to figure out a lot of this stuff by himself.And if he or she is shy,they don't have the courage to ask other people,even other people from their nationality.people,

M:So what are some of the things that overseas students struggle with?

W:This might interest you,but they struggle with the food,especially Chinese.You know,they come here knowing that Americans love Chinese food so much.They think that there will be good restaurants with Chinese food that they love.But they get here and they are extremely surprised.Americans enjoy totally different flavors.

M:So what do they do?

W:If they're brave and curious,they look around and test all the restaurants.There is usually at least one restaurant in every town that has almost quality food.

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

Q23.In which aspect does the woman help people in her work?

Q24.Why do people come to the woman for help?

Q25.How did Chinese students expect the American-made Chinese food before they came to the US?

Passage One

It was the summer of 1965.DeLuca,then 17,visited Peter Buck,a family friend.Buck askedDeLuca about his plans for the future."I'm going to college,but I need a way to pay for it,"DeLuca recalls saying."Buck said,you should open a sandwich shop."

That afternoon,they agreed to be partners.And they set a goal:to open 32 stores in tenyears.After doing some research,Buck wrote a check for$1,000.DeLuca rented a storefront in Connecticut,and when they couldn't cover their start-up costs,Buck kicked in another$1,000.

But business didn't go smoothly as they expected.DeLuca says,"After six months,we weredoing poorly,but we didn't know how badly,because we didn't have any financial controls."All he and Buck knew was that their sales were lower than their costs.

DeLuca was managing the store and going to the University of Bridgeport at the same time.Buck was working at his day job as a nuclear physicist in New York.They'd meet Monday evenings and brainstorm ideas for keeping the business running."We convinced ourselves to open a second store.We figured we could tell the public,'We are so successful,we are opening a second store.'"And they did—in the spring of 1966.Still,it was a lot of learning by trial and error.

But the partners'learn-as-you-go approach turned out to be their greatest strength.Every Fri-day,DeLuca would drive around and hand-deliver the checks to pay their suppliers."It probably took me two and a half hours and it wasn't necessary,but as a result,the suppliers got to know me very well,and the personal relationships established really helped out,"DeLuca says.

And having a goal was also important."There are so many problems that can get you down.You just have to keep working toward your goal,"DeLuca adds.DeLuca ended up founding Subway Sandwich,the multimillion-dollar restaurant chain.

Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.

Q26.What was DeLuca's purpose in opening the first sandwich shop?

Q27.What can we learn about DeLuca and Buck's first shop?

Q28.Why did DeLuca and Buck decide to open a second store?

Q29.What contributes most to their success according to the speaker?

Passage Two

Silence is unnatural to man.He begins life with a cry and ends it in stillness.In between hedoes all he can to make a noise in the world,and he fears silence more than anything else.Even his conversation is an attempt to prevent a fearful silence.If he is introduced to another person,and a number of pauses occur in the conversation,he regards himself as a failure.He knows that ninety-nine percent of human conversation means no more than the buzzing of a fly,but he is anxious to join in the buzz and to prove that he is a man and not a waxwork figure.

The aim of conversation is for the most part,to communicate ideas;it is to keep up thebuzzing sound.There are,it must be admitted,different qualities of buzz;there is even a buzz that is as annoying as the continuous noise made by a mosquito.But at a dinner party one would rather be a mosquito than a quiet person.Most buzzing,fortunately,is pleasant to the ear,and some of it is pleasant even to the mind.He would be a foolish man if he waited until he had a wise thought to take part in the buzzing with his neighbors.

Those who hate to pick up the weather as a conversational opening seem to me not to knowthe reason why human beings wish to talk.Very few human beings join in a conversation in the hope of learning anything new.Some of them are content if they are merely allowed to go on making a noise into other people's ears.They have nothing to tell them except that they have seen two or three new plays or that they had food in a Swiss hotel.At the end of an evening,during which they have said nothing meaningful for a long time,they just prove themselves to be successful conversationalists.

Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.

Q30.What is people's purpose in making conversation according to the speaker?

Q31.What do people usually talk about to their neighbors according to the passage?

Q32.What is the speaker's purpose in giving this speech?

Passage Three

Throughout history man has changed his physical environment in order to improve his way oflife.With the tools of technology he has altered many physical features of the earth.He has transformed wood lands into farmland,and made lakes and reservoirs out of rivers for irrigation purposes or hydroelectric power.Man has also modified the face of the earth by draining marshes and cutting through mountains to build roads and railways.

However,man,s changes to the physical environment have not always had beneficial results.Today,pollution of the air and water is an increasing danger to the health of the planet.Each day thousands of tons of gases come out of the exhausts of motor vehicles;smoke from factories pollutes the air of industrialized areas and the surrounding areas of countryside.The air in cities is becoming increasingly unhealthy.

The pollution of water is equally harmful.In the sea,pollution from oil is increasing and killingenormous numbers of algae (a very simple plant without stems or leaves that grows in or near water),fish and birds.The whole ecological balance of the sea is being changed.The same problem exists in rivers.Industrial wastes have already made many rivers lifeless.

Conservationists believe that it is now necessary for man to limit the growth of technology inorder to survive on earth.

Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

Q33.What is the purpose of man changing his physical environment?

Q34.When is the ecological balance of the sea lost?

Q35.Who would most probably disagree with conservationists?

Compound Dictation

Today we are going to practice evaluating the main tool used when addressing groups—thevoice.There are three main elements that combine to create either a positive or negative experience for listeners.They can result in a voice that is pleasing to listen to and can be used effectively,or they can create a voice that doesn't hold the attention,or even worse causes an adverse reaction.The three elements are volume,pitch and pace.

When talking about volume,keep in mind that a good speaker will adjust to the size of boththe room and the audience.Of course,with an amplifying device like a microphone,the speaker can use a natural tone.But speakers should not be dependent on it.A good speaker can speak loudly without shouting.

The second element—pitch—is related to the highness and lowness of the sounds.High pitchesare for most people more difficult to listen to,so in general,the speaker should use the lower registers of the voice.During a presentation,it's important to vary pitch to some extent in order to maintain interest.

如何上好初中英语试卷讲评课 篇10


教师在讲评前应逐一分析试题, 并对其进行恰当的分类, 即课堂上讲评、分析的题目必须有所选择, 遵循典型性原则, 分类进行。如果教师在讲评试卷时面面俱到, 逐题讲评, 这样既浪费时间, 又会使课堂平淡乏味。因此, 讲评前教师应深入分析试卷, 对学生的普遍性错误及出错原因要心中有数, 选取具有代表性的问题重点备课和讲评, 做到对症下药。对错误率较低的题则只需蜻蜓点水或课后个别指导, 真正体现“因材施教, 因人而异”的原则。一份试卷中总有一些错误率高、迷惑性大的试题, 还有一些能体现本阶段专题教学重点的试题。教师应选择这些试题作为讲评的重点。例如, 初中新目标英语教材中to的用法有两种。其一, to是动词不定式的符号, 没有实际词义, 其后接动词原形, 表达一种将要发生的动作。如, I want to drink some coffee.其二, to是介词, 后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。考试时, 许多学生在其后接动词时, 很难辨析该用动词原形, 还是用动名词, 容易混淆, 得分率较低。针对此普遍性难点, 教师可以在九年级复习时有针对性地归纳如下:下列短语中的to是介词, 接动词时用动名词作介词宾语。

1. look forward to doing sth.意为“盼望做某事”。

2. be/get used to doing sth.意为“习惯于做某事”。


be/get used to doing sth.此结构属于主动语态, 是系表结构。

be used to do sth.=be used for doing sth.“被用来做某事”。此结构属于被动语态, 表作用或用途。

used to do sth.意为“过去常常做某事”。属于一般过去时主动语态。

3. prefer doing sth.to doing sth.意为“宁愿做……而不愿做”。

此结构与“would rather do sth.than do sth.=prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.”意思相同, 只是后二者结构中动词均不用动名词。

4. pay attention to doing sth.意为“留意做某事”。

5. hold on to doing sth.意为“继续 (坚持) 做某事。”

6. put...love to doing sth.意为“把爱倾注于做某事之中”。

7. get down to doing sth./put one’s mind to do-ing sth.意为“开始做某事”。

通过以上归纳总结, 有针对性地重点讲解, 能够方便学生系统复习、牢固掌握。


试卷讲评从一定程度上讲是一个重新整理知识的过程。讲评过程中, 教师要帮助学生借题发挥, 类比延伸, 调动已有的知识积累, 理清相关的知识结构, 使学生形成一个知识经纬网络。教师应就所讲试题, 针对学生知识薄弱点, 联系课本进行归纳和深化。在讲评过程中, 对学生作必要的拓展, 重点培养学生发现、分析和解决问题的能力, 培养英语综合语言运用能力。

如, 2014年云南省昆明市初中英语学业水平考试中的词语猜测题。阅读短文部分如下:

In their last moments before the flight took off, I heard a father saying to his daughter, “I love you.I wish you enough.”The daughter said, “Daddy, our life together has been more than enough.Your love is all I ever needed.I wish you enough, too.”They kissed goodbye and the daughter left.I could see the father was very sad.


“I am old and my daughter lives much too far away.Maybe her next trip back will be for my funeral (葬礼) , ”he said.

“When you were saying goodbye, I heard you say‘I wish you enough’.What does that mean?”

He began to smile.“My parents used to say it to me.When we say‘I wish you enough’, we want the other person to have a life filled with enough good things.”He stopped for a moment and continued, “I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright.I wish you enough rain to appreciate (欣赏、感激) the sun more.I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive.I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life seem much bigger...I wish you enough‘Hellos’to get you through the final‘Goodbye’.” (Paragraph 7)

He then said goodbye to me and walked away.

57.The word“joys”in Paragraph 7 is about____________


C.enjoymentD.all above


本题主要采用根据上下文对比关系来猜测词义的方法。本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述作者在机场遇到一对即将分别的父女互相说“I love you.I wish you enough”, 后来这位父亲向作者解释了这句话在他心中的真实含义, 即希望对方的生活里充满美好的事情。短文倒数第二段中的“I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright...I wish you enough‘Hellos’to get you through the final‘Goodbye’.”是对“When we say‘I wish you enough’, we want the other person to have a life filled with enough good things.”的解释补充说明, 由此可判断, joys的意思应该与“pain”相反, 包括了A, B和C三项。故选D。

然后, 适当拓展此类短文中相关猜测词义的其他方法: (1) 根据文章中心或主题; (2) 利用构词法猜测词义; (3) 根据上下文的同义或对比关系来理解词义; (4) 同等关系法; (5) 根据上下文的因果关系或顺承关系法; (6) 生活经验或常识; (7) 示例法。当然, 有时要综合应用几种方法才能正确猜测词义。


对于评价结果的描述, 应采用鼓励性语言, 发挥评价的激励作用, 评价要关注学生的个性差异, 保护学生的自尊心和自信心。因此, 充分发挥试卷讲评课的激励性功能是试卷讲评课所要遵循的重要原则。在讲评课教师中常用的赞赏用语有“Thank you!”“Thanks for your answer.”“Good!”“Well done!”“Clever enough!”“Go on, please!”“Excellent!”“You’re the pride of our class.”“It’s very clever of you to do so”等。回答不完全正确时, 可以先予以肯定然后适当补充, 即使答得不正确, 也要挖掘闪光之处。例如, 当学生回答错误时, 可以说“Never mind, you may try it again.”“You’ll be better next time.”“It doesn’t matter.”“Work harder, you will make more progress”并尽可能地找到值得称赞的地方:“Your answer is not right, but your pronunciation is very good, thank you!”一旦学生受到教师的鼓励, 就会产生情感上的共鸣, 激起他们奋发向上的求知欲。而对于不能回答问题的学生通常用“If you..., you will be better.”“Thank you!Sit down, please!”“You’re clever”之类的语言往往获得较好的教学效果。


加强对学生答题方法的指导, 一般来说可以从以下方面入手:首先, 指导学生学会读题、审题、理解题意, 正确把握答题方向;教给学生如何捕捉材料中的关键信息, 快速准确地解决问题。其次, 指导学生理清答题步骤, 注意答题的条理性和规范性;第三, 指导学生答题速度, 并能在试题难度较大的情况下, 机动灵活地予以解答, 教给学生充分利用上下文提供的信息解决问题并验证答案。

英语考试越来越重视对综合语言能力的考查, 平时上课重在基础知识的感性理解, 而讲评试卷时就要突出综合语言能力的运用。因此教师在试卷讲评中不能简单对答案, 纠正错误, 要帮学生分析考点, 解题的关键是什么, 突破口在哪里, 干扰因素是什么, 什么是最佳答题途径, 并促使学生掌握正确的解题方法和技巧, 尽可能培养学生的能力。如做完形填空时, 可指导学生如下解题:

1. 首先跳过空格, 快速通读全文, 把握文章大意

快速阅读第一遍, 不要急于选择答案, 先确定文章体裁, 熟悉语言环境, 弄清作者的思路和文章脉络, 借助关键词和语义信息, 以文章主旨大意、语篇含意为主, 词句知识为辅。

2. 再次复读全文, 弄清语篇逻辑, 合理判断推理

在理解文章大意的基础上, 再读第二遍, 结合选项加深对文章语篇的整体理解, 开始边读边选择答案。确定答案的基本原则是选择既要符合词汇知识、语法知识、固定搭配和文化背景知识, 又要符合语篇逻辑推理的词语。尤其要注意: (1) 精读首尾句; (2) 抓住语篇标志; (3) 利用语法分析; (4) 注意同义词、近义词、反义词和固定搭配; (5) 重视文化背景知识。

3. 最后通读全文, 瞻前顾后, 综合验证

将完成的文章最后再阅读一遍, 把所选答案放入空格处验证, 可以从语感、语法、搭配、句子结构、文化背景知识及文章的逻辑顺序上总体分析答案的准确性, 推理上下文内容的协调统一性。看意义是否通顺, 语法是否正确, 逻辑是否合乎推理, 表达是否符合英语习惯。既要瞻前又要顾后, 即根据后面的说明或暗示来推理判断前面的答案, 或根据前面的线索来推断后面的答案。


1. 弄清命题思路。

教师都知道, 如果学生考试时, 能正确地揣摩出题人的考查意图, 就很可能把题做好。因此, 讲评中教师首先要交代试题考查知识内容和目标要求。目标要求涉及学生英语语言知识的识记、理解、分析、运用等方面的能力。比如说, 对于语法选择题, 教师就要说明每道题目的考查范围, 如果是动词, 首先要分清是谓语动词还是非谓语动词。如果是谓语动词, 就要考虑应该用哪种时态;确定了时态, 还要分清是在简单句中考查时态, 还是在主从复合句中考查时态等。如果是非谓语动词, 就要从动词不定式、过去分词或动名词三方面考虑等。这样, 学生就能够明确解答问题所必备的知识, 认清自己学习中的不足, 确定今后的学习目标和努力方向。

2. 掌握答题方法。

讲评中要引导学生了解、认识答题的基本思路及解题方法, 以便学生逐步掌握。下面以曲靖市2011年高中阶段学校招生统一考试书面表达题为例。原题如下:

An Interesting____________

提示:有趣的人让人轻松快乐, 有趣的事让人开怀大笑, 意味深长……在你的生活中一定不乏有趣的人和事。请用英语写一篇短文, 讲述你身边有趣的人或有趣的事。

要求: (1) 请补全所给题目, 如:An Interesting Teacher/Day/Book...词数不少于60。 (2) 语言流畅, 书写规范, 卷面整洁。 (3) 文中不得使用你的真实姓名、校名, 否则以零分计。

此题属于综合题, 学生答题时常犯错误。教师要引导学生进行如下答题分析:


(1) 审题:该作文属于半命题作文。题目是“An Interesting_________” (《一个有趣的________》) .本篇作文根据提示语应该以记叙文为主, 适时点题并辅以适当议论。根据提示可以写有趣的人, 也可叙有趣的事, 还可以介绍一本有趣的书等。然后适当对所写的人、事或物作简单的评价。总之, 该话题贴近考生生活实际, 让不同层次的考生都能够有话可说, 考生有较大的发挥空间。

(2) 写作要点:首先, 补全题目, 如An Interesting Picnic, 可以把野炊的过程描述下来, 内容可以包括记叙文的三要素:时间、地点和事件。此作文一般可按照总—分—总的布局安排, 即先用一句话作为第一个段落, 对该次野炊作积极的体验性评价, 接着写过程, 最后总结感受或评价。重点要把“有趣”作为中心来组织材料。这是记叙的部分, 是全文的主要部分, 应该详写。其次, 记叙结束后, 对该次有趣的野炊作简要的评价, 这是全文的次要部分, 应该略写, 点到为止。

(3) 例文

An Interesting Picnic

Our class had a good time last Sunday.

Our class had a picnic last Sunday.We went to the West Hill by bike in the morning.We had a short rest after we got to the foot of the West Hill.First we had our picnic lunch.After lunch we sang and danced happily.Then we began to climb the hill.We saw many beautiful flowers, heard the birds singing.We got a lot of wild fruits, too.We took many photos in the end.Everyone had a good time.

I felt very tired when I got home, but I was very happy.

英语试卷评析之我见 篇11



例如:The teacher suggested the dictionary he referred to ______.

A. buyB. buying

C. be bought D. bought

有些学生首先选A,把to看作不定式,后接动词原形;有些学生选B,知道refer to这一短语中to为介词,后接动名词。但我们通过观察可知,he referredto为一定语从句,若把它去掉,可看出句子中的主语是the dictionary,所缺成分为谓语动词,再结合suggest作“建议”讲时,后接从句为“(should) do”,所以正确答案应选C。这一题的错选主要是教师强调不够和学生的粗心大意而造成的。找出病根之后,就可有的放矢,类似的错误今后就能避免。



例如:________ , so he had to write a letter again.

A. As he hadn't received an answer

B. Not having received an answer

C. Having not received an answer

D. He hadn’t received an answer










英语试卷讲评课的思考 篇12


教师在讲评课前要做好以下几方面的准备工作:首先要及时、认真地批改试卷。每次考试后学生都急于知道结果,老师要趁学生有这种欲望时及时批改试卷, 告之结果,做到评讲时学生手里拿到的是经过认真批改了的试卷,不要先讲试卷再批改,那样不仅学生听课时一头雾水,老师备课也无目的、无针对性。同时讲评也要及时,要趁学生还处于思维热点,对自己的答题思路还很清晰的时候讲评,才能收到“立竿见影”之功效。其次做好试卷统计工作。最好列表统计最高分、最低分、平均分及每题的得分率;对主观题的错误类型要作好记录,弄清学生的得分、失分之处,了解他们的整体水平。统计是一项艰苦复杂而又必不可少的工作,它为试卷的分析和讲评提供了重要的依据。再次,做好试卷分析工作。一方面要分析试卷的内容、结构和答案,这样在讲评时,哪些内容该少谈,哪些内容该多讲,哪些该重点讲,就能做到心中有数,同时也避免了因试题设计或答案的不合理而导致讲评的连续性受到破坏;另一方面要分析普遍性错误和典型性错误,整理出错误的性质、类型,并从中了解学生知识和能力的缺陷及教师教学中存在的问题,以便确定讲评的顺序、重点和方法,在讲评时有的放矢地解决这些缺陷和问题,真正做到讲其所需,释其所疑,解其所难。


(一) 要以多鼓励, 少责备为主

评讲之前先小结测试情况,此时切记多表扬、少批评,充分肯定成绩,鼓励和表扬学生的进步;细心寻找学习中有困难的学生试卷上的“闪光点”,使他们看到自己的进步,增强信心,体会成功的喜悦,为以后的学习增强自信心。当学生接到试卷后心情十分复杂,多数学生都有后悔、懊恼的表现, 如果此时再一味地责怪学生“这些内容老师平时强调过多次,为什么还错?”等等,就会严重地挫伤学生的学习积极性,使他们对讲评课感到厌倦,甚至产生对立情绪。

(二) 重点讲解, 拓展外延,有目的地借题发挥


(三) 引导学生积极思考,参与讨论,重视发挥学生的主体作用


(四) 帮助学生掌握正确的解题方法

评讲试卷时不要只局限于某题的解答, 要对试题题型、知识点分布,解题思路和技巧进行归纳小结,并引导学生从中获取规律性,掌握正确的解题方法和解题技巧,从而帮助学生提高研究问题解决问题的能力。比如,在讲单选题时, 提醒学生要分析句子结构, 弄清出题人的意图, 思考题眼在哪里, 可采用哪种方法 (解答单选题的方法很多, 如还原法、简化法、补全法、语境法等) ;在讲完形填空题时,教学生要注意首句,要学会从整体出发,巧用上下文的暗示来选择答案;在讲评阅读理解时,提醒学生体会作者的意图,推理要以文章的主题和文章所提供的事实为依据, 切忌用自己的观点和看法以及常识经验进行无根据的推理和判断。

(五) 分析错因,对症下药,避免一错再错
