


硕士研究生英文求职信 篇1

Dear Sir or Madam,

In addition to my academic excellence, my various aptitudes displayed in extra curriculum activities combined with fluent English ability as well as proficient IT skills prepare me a qualified candidate. I hold the belief that I will make positive contribution to your company.

Thank you for your time and consideration and I am looking forward to becoming an integral member of your motivated team and would appreciate your evaluation by granting me an interview.

With enthusiastically personal regards.

Sincerely yours,

Li Fang

硕士研究生英文求职信 篇2


随着经济全球化的发展, 越来越多的国内企业参与到国际竞争中来, 用国际上通用的语言思考、工作与交流的能力也越来越重要并得广泛重视。这种能力自然也就成为我国高层次财会人才参与竞争的一种有效工具。我国的教育机构、各类高等院校一直在思考如何顺应这种发展潮流, 推动各层次专业人才通过学习来获取这种能力。全英教学就是基于这种背景的一种有益尝试。从暨南大学会计学系硕士研究生《会计学》课程全英文教学的实践来看, 所谓全英文教学绝非仅仅指课堂教学语言使用全英文就可以, 而是包括从课程目标的设定、课程内容的安排以及教学方法等方面, 都要做到真正的国际化。

(一) 课程目标

《会计学》是工商管理学科硕士研究生各专业重要的专业基础课之一, 其目的是让学生系统地掌握会计学的基本原理与方法, 探索和研究会计学的一些专门问题, 使学生对会计学问题有一个较为系统的了解。有鉴于此, 课程的目标定位决不能仅限于讲授基础知识点, 还应该既注重理论探讨, 又强调实践运用;既讲授西方现存的理论体系, 又探讨最新的学科前沿。只有设定这样的课程目标, 才能真正定位于课程建设的国际化。同时, 还应该立足中国独特制度环境与企业经营特点, 讲授中国现行的财务制度与会计方法, 这是我国高校专业课程可以最终走向国际化的精髓所在, 但也绝不是美国的《会计学》课堂在中国的重演。笔者认为《会计学》课程应该力求达到以下三个层次的目标: (1) 向学生讲授会计学的基本知识、基本方法和基本技能即“三基”。这是课程必须要实现的基本目标。 (2) 在充分考虑“三基”的基础上, 培养学生形成国际化的全局“会计观”。即让学生能从全球经济、企业运行等大环境出发, 以国际视野看待会计系统在其中的地位、作用, 以及为实现这种价值, 会计系统应当采取的变化与变革、会计人员应当具有的素质和能力。尤其是, 中国会计系统应该采取的变化与变革。 (3) 通过研讨相关学术文献, 培养学生独立思考与自我学习的能力, 以及能够根据经济环境的具体情景灵活地运用所学知识的能力。

(二) 课程内容

为了有效达到国际化课程建设的目标, 全英文课程在课程内容的安排上绝不仅限于讲授基础知识点。因此, 我校在教学内容的安排上实现了模块化设计, 将该门课程的内容设计为不同等级的四大模块。不同模块之间层层递进, 环环相扣, 从教学内容上较好地吻合和实践了课程定位和目标, 以保障达到国际化课程的水平。具体而言, 《会计学》课程内容主要包括如下四大模块:

(1) 基础模块。由于《会计学》全英文课程主要针对工商管理学科硕士研究生各专业, 教学对象的专业基础通常参差不齐, 因此, 《会计学》课程先从基础模块开始让学生领略会计学, 以中国上市公司完整的年度报告为范例, 从“社会为什么需要会计”这个根本问题入手, 进而讨论会计的产生和发展、社会经济发展和技术进步对会计的影响、会计学科的主要分支、会计工作以及会计职业等主题, 从开始就给学生一个总括的会计观;接下来再讲授最基本的会计技术———复式簿记原理, 其内容包括会计要素和会计恒等式、账户的设置、借贷记账法的基本原理及其运用, 通过会计循环的学习, 学生将初步了解复式簿记原理;在此基础上, 通过分析更加复杂的经济业务, 让学生更好地理解并初步运用复式簿记原理。

(2) 要素模块。本模块主要以财务报告的六大要素为主线, 分别研讨如何具体确认、计量、记录企业的资产、负债、所有者权益、收入、费用和利润, 具体分析财务报告的编制原理与方法。这也是继基础模块之后的一个巩固性模块, 要求学生进一步了解这些原理背后的基本理论。当然, 在研讨的过程中, 既结合会计学科的新发展、新动向, 又结合实践中会计准则、内部控制、会计职业道德等内容的演进与发展, 穿插了大量国内外的企业实际案例。

(3) 报表模块。财务报告是会计系统的最终产品。在财务报告编报的基础上, 本课程还从报表使用者角度, 阐述如何理解财务报表信息以及报表分析的基本原理与方法。这是一个提高性模块, 强调学生在学习前面两个模块的基础上, 分析大量国内外案例, 熟练运用其所掌握的基础知识。

(4) 综合案例分析模块。本课程以最后的一个大型综合案例作为最后的综合测试环节, 将学生分成若干小组, 并组织各个小组讨论和交叉点评。这是课程设置的最后一个综合运用与提高性模块, 也是保障本课程教学目标和理念实践的一个重要措施。四大模块之间层层递进, 环环相扣, 较好地吻合和实践了课程定位与目标。


据相关调查发现, 我国高校目前仍有超过一半的研究生认为其专业课程内容的基础性知识偏重、前沿性知识比重过少。在教学方法上, 以教师主讲为主仍是主导的教学方式, 研讨式教学、互动教学、案例教学、实验教学和网络教学等方式还没有被广泛采纳。为了有效地采用国际化的教学方法和模式, 我校在硕士研究生《会计学》课程的建设中, 从教学方法上尝试了某些改革。

(一) 强调“学生为主导”的模块化教学

由于《会计学》课程强调学生对知识的综合理解与运用, 因此, 我校率先构筑全方位立体化全英文教学过程, 着手开展课程建设的国际化教学改革。将教学过程按教学环节划分为四大模块, 相互之间层层递进, 环环相扣, 较好地实践了本课程的教学理念。从基础模块到巩固性模块, 再到提升性模块, 最后是专门的案例分析模块, 始终坚持学生是课堂的主导者, 老师是倾听者, 教师与学生的角色发生根本转变, 而且也适应来自不同专业、基础各异的学生一起学习。通过这种模块的设计保证了教学过程中理论与实践相结合, 既有定性分析, 又有定量分析;既有理论探讨, 又有实践运用;既有西方现存的理论体系, 又结合了我国现行的财务制度与会计方法。

(二) 强调基于“情境导入”的案例教学

会计学科不仅是一门理论性和技术性很强的学科, 而且也是一门应用性和实践性很强的学科, 案例教学因此而成为一种深受青睐的教学方式。《会计学》课程的全英教学过程始终强调基于“情境导入”的案例教学, 让学生可以设身处地地站在决策者的角度来考虑其所面临的决策问题。以四个模块的教学内容来看, 案例分析的比重逐步加大, 而且绝大部分案例是基于中国情景的实际案例。通过“情景导入”, 让学生的学习过程处于一个开放的、现实的经济环境。特别是最后的综合案例分析模块, 学生通过个人准备、小组讨论、分组陈述和提问, 运用已有的知识和技能, 去探索某个决策问题的解决思路, 拓展自己的管理知识与技能。实践证明, 这种强调案例教学的方式非常受学生的欢迎, 教学效果也非常好。

(三) 强调“互动式”的科研教学化机制

为了改变当前很多研究生所反映的专业课程前沿性不足, 而基础性有余, 在《会计学》课程的教学过程中强调任课老师将科研教学化, 并采用互动方式来实施教学, 在教学过程中通过启发式、探究式教学引导学生开展科研活动, 阅读最前沿的学术文献, 以学术研讨的方式就某个学术专题展开讨论, 培养学生的创新意识和创新能力, 激发学生的学习热情并了解最新的学术前沿, 使教学与科研、教师与学生形成良好的互动机制。

(四) 强调基于“中国国情”的国际化教学

《会计学》课程的全英文教学并不只限于语言的英文交流与沟通, 更重要的是强化学生的感性认识和国际视野, 同时立足中国国情。在教学过程中, 我校侧重中西方实践发展的分析和比较, 力求通过这些学习打破物理课堂的约束, 让学生对国际和中国会计实践有一定的了解, 真正做到课堂的国际化, 而不是语言的国际化。强调立足本土, 引导学生以国际视野分析中国独特的问题, 这也是我国高等教育最终走向国际化的必经之路。


显然, 在继续推进课程内容、教材、教学方法与手段、科研与论文等国际化的同时, 也要充分利用各种机制与技术来推进教学平台建设的国际化, 从而为课程建设的国际化提供支撑, 最终增强全英文教学的《会计学》课程的吸引力, 以实现我国高等教育的真正国际化。为此, 我校已经或者正在通过以下两个方面来建设一个国际化的教学平台, 从而有效地支撑《会计学》课程全英文教学的专业课程建设。当然, 其他更多的积极有效的措施还在不断的摸索之中。

(一) 基于以学生为主体的课前导航平台

在全英文教学的《会计学》课程建设方面, 必须确保拥有一个有效的课前导航平台。学生在进入学习之前, 可以先看到教师对本门课程的学习目标规划、学习建议、知识结构, 在清晰的导航下引领学生进入学习。在学习过程中, 每一章节上课之前, 教学管理部门会协助教师向学生提供本章节的学习资料如教学大纲、案例、电子课件、相关文献等, 学生在导航平台中可以看到教师对自己所提出的学习建议。这就从机制上保障了以学生为中心的教学理念, 保障了互动式的教学方法的运用, 也保障了以学生为主体的模块式教学的实施。这些措施也已经在全英文教学的《会计学》课程中得到实践并取得了良好的评价与反馈。

(二) 网络教学平台的建设

全英文教学的《会计学》课程除了呈现出经过教学设计的学习模块之外, 还有大量的英文学习资源如相关的学习网站、案例、视音频资料、相关文献等。目前, 我校正在大力推进全英文教学的《会计学》课程的课程模块与网络教学平台建设, 把与课程相关的教学大纲、实验指导、参考文献、网络课件、授课录像等上网, 使其成为学生自主学习的平台。此外, 还将借鉴国外一流大学的经验, 推出一些免费网络课程资源, 从而加强我国高等教育的国际影响。


上述只是我校在长期探索硕士生《会计学》课程全英文教学中的一些措施和经验。这些措施和经验是否具有“普适性”还有待进一步实践。如何以全英文教学为载体, 真正实现“国际化与本土化相结合, 素质教育与职业教育相融合”的高层次会计专业人才培养理念, 还有许多具体问题值得深入探讨。


[1]宋配晶、陈红、胡泊:《非英语国家高校开设全英文授课硕士生培养项目现状比较》, 《学位与研究生教育》2008年第9期。

[2]于永生:《会计专业双语教学现状调查报告》, 《中国会计学会会计教育专业委员会2010年年会论文集》。

[3]杨夏:《会计学双语课程教学改革探讨》, 《现代经济信息》2012年第17期。

新型硕士研究生求职创业探究 篇3



一、 硕士研究生就业的现状


二、 硕士研究生就业现状形成的原因












三、 改善硕士研究生就业现状的措施















硕士的英文求职信 篇4

dear sir or madam,

your recruiting advertisement for overseas trainhr.com is of great interests to me. With a sound educational background – two master degrees awarded by university of wollongong australia and one bachelor degree awarded by nanchang institute of aeronautical technology, china - and a keen desire to be a part of a professional firm, I am submitting my resume and wish to apply for the position referred above.

in addition to my academic excellence, my various aptitudes displayed in extra curriculum activities combined with fluent english ability as well as proficient it skills prepare me a qualified candidate. I hold the belief that I will make positive contribution to your company.

thank you for your time and consideration and I am looking forward to becoming an integral member of your motivated team and would appreciate your evaluation by granting me an interview.

with enthusiastically personal regards.

sincerely yours,

麻醉专业硕士研究生的求职信 篇5









硕士研究生求职自荐书 篇6








硕士研究生英文求职信 篇7

The title page is the first page of the thesis.It should provide the readers with the following information:the title of the manuscript,at which university the thesis was written,by whom the thesis was written and when the thesis was finished.The title should be clear and brief which must describe the study the author focuses on.

The second page of the thesis is signature page where the author’s supervisor signature is very important without which the thesis would have not legally been submitted.

The abstract is a summary of the author’s study which should be coherent and provides information including the following aspects:the purpose of the study,the research questions to be addressed,the subjects involved,the instruments used to collect the data,the procedures for collecting and analyzing the data,the findings and the conclusions.The abstract in Chinese is important as the abstract in English,which is normally written for the members of the higher degree committee who are not good at reading in English.To some extent,the quality of the abstract in Chinese determines the author’s success or failure in obtaining a graduate degree.So the author should spend as much time on the abstract in Chinese as he/she does on the abstract in English.

The next page is about acknowledge where the author expresses his/her gratitude to the people who have offered help in the process of research and thesis writing.The people include such as the supervisor,the teachers and the classmates who once gave the author suggestions or advice on his/her research,persons who helped the author collect data and do proof-reading and so on.The bes strategy to express the author’s thanks is to specify exactly why each person should be thanked and what the people to be thanked has done in the relation to the author’s research and thesis writing The author should be sincere but he/she needn’t be over-modes otherwise it could make the readers think the author might be an incompetent researcher.

The following page is about the table of contents which lists the heading of the beginning,body and ending parts of the thesis The beginning part which is marked by Roman numbers is different from the body and ending parts which are sequenced by Arabic numbers.The subheadings of each chapter in the body of the thesis are listed which show their different levels.

The last two topics in the beginning part of the thesis are lis of tables where the tables in the thesis are put together and each table has a page number and list of figures in which all the figures in the thesis have their page numbers.A table that must be a square or a rectangle in which the author presents words and numbers in rows and columns is different from a figure that may refer to a graph,a chart or a diagram,or a picture.

The first topic of the body part is introduction that is short without many technical terms and that the casual readers can understand and get a whole picture of the author’s study.

The literature review follows the introduction.The author should tell the readers what has already been done and what problems remained to be solved.The readers can get a main idea of the author’s proposed study and the previous study.

The following chapter is about methodology which tells the reader about the design of the proposed study and includes general and specific research questions or hypothesis,information about subjects,instruments,the procedures for data-collection and data-analysis.However the information in this chapter should be explicit and transparent so that any readers can replicate the author’s study.

The next chapter is results and discussion where the author interpret and explain his/her results,answer his/her research question,justify his/her approach,and critically evaluate his/her study.The author also needs to critically analyze his/her work,recognizing the limitations and shortcoming of his/her study and explaining how the work could be improved.

A conclusion chapter should stress the importance of the thesis statement,give the essay a sense of completeness,and leave a final impression on the readers,which includes major findings,implications of the findings and recommendations for future research.

The ending part is made up of references which refer to materials the author cited in his/her thesis and include author(s),date,title,the place of publication and the publisher and so on and appendices that are important,but can’t be put in the body of the thesis and include complete questionnaire,interview schedule,test papers and so on.

In the preceding paragraphs we have talked about the main structure of a thesis.We know that a good topic is beneficial to the author which will lead to his/her success in thesis writing.The following paragraphs will focus on how to choose a topic.

1 The Importance of the Topic

The topic is what matter the author will focus on in his/her thesis or what question should be solved.What should be chosen as the topic is the first key step for the author to write the thesis which is related to the success or failure of academic research and determines the value of the thesis.The importance of the right topic is mainly in the following areas:

1)Choosing a topic in the right direction or not decides whether the thesis proceeds smoothly with high quality and has a impact on further development of the author’s future research disciplines.Proper topic can guarantee that the thesis writing can be carried out smoothly and it can avoid the error of diametrically opposite.

2)A topic decides what the author should write.Right topic determines the objectives and scope of the thesis and the author can collect and deal with the materials within a certain range without reading and studying blindly that will waste a lot of time and efforts.The author can complete high-quality thesis efficiently within the limited time with right topic.

3)A topic directly affects the quality of thesis.Poor topic no only wastes the time and efforts of the author,but also affects his or her aped of thesis writing,which may lead the author to a blind alley.At last the author has to finish writing thesis hastily with poor quality while good topic can lay a foundation to a thesis with high quality.

4)A good topic is beneficial to improving the author’s research ability.Choosing good topic is the first step for the author to start research.The author needs certain research ability and thinks actively.Before the author confirms the topic,he or she should dive into specialty knowledge and gradually learn the research methods through consulting,collecting materials and clearing them up.The author should think over his or her specialty knowledge and deepen the understanding of some questions form a different angles in order to improve his or her all kinds of abilities relating to learning research.So it’s important to choose a good topic which to some extent,represents half success in finishing thesis writing.

2 How to Confirm the Scope of Choosing a Topic

The strategies of choosing a topic are diverse.Generally speaking,the sources of topic come from two aspects.One is from theory research,and another one is from practical research.No matter what is theoretical or practical,the scope of the thesis of English major can be divided into the following aspects.

1)Topics relating to literature

The theses of literature mainly research on literature works in Britain,America,Australia and other English speaking countries The different regions,times,forms,types of literature works can be one of topics that the author chooses.The author can also analyze different writing styles,schools,background of a work,the themes of the works and so on.Over these years,studies in comparative literature have been popularized.

2)Topics relating to translation

We can choose some translation theories,translation methods some problems in practical translation,translation and culture,the relationship between translation and thinking as one of the topics Of course,we can also choose the history of Chinese and foreign translation,or comments on different translated versions of a work as one of the topics which is not old.

3)Topics relating to linguistics

Topics about linguistics should be more from different angles and perspectives.Linguistics can be considered from lexicology,semantics,pragmatics and other content;the various branches o modern linguistics theory,such as sociolinguistics,comparative linguistics;and linguistics to other areas,such as linguistics to translation and its impact on teaching,all of which can be one of the topics.

4)Topics relating to English teaching

English as the most widely used language in the world,is being taken seriously more and more.English teaching has become more significant and important.Domestic and foreign scholars are also exploring a variety of English teaching theories and practice from different aspects.So we can choose between them as one o topics which are English teaching theory,English teaching history a specific curriculum teaching,curriculum design,English teaching content,teaching methods and so on.

5)Topics relating to English for Specific Purposes

English for specific purposes includes business English,scientific English,news English,legal English.We can choose from them such as their words,syntactic and discourse characteristics as one of topics.

3 Principles of Topics

1)The topics should be based on reality.The author should choose the topic from his/her own subjective and objective conditions and take into account his/her professional level and ability and the influence of subjective and objective factors on the topic For example,if the author chooses comparative literature as the topic,he/she must read and study carefully those works relating to the topic.Or it’s impossible for him/her to give a profound analysis in the full article.It’s better for the author to keep the topic in line with the structure of his/her own knowledge,research capabilities and writing skills.Meanwhile the author should consider his/her own interests and hobbies.We know that if a person is deeply interested in something,he/she will research on it with strong desire and writing mood,which leads to more likelihood of success.

2)The topic should strive for new innovation.Innovation is the life of the academic and scientific research that thesis writing should follow.What is not identical with others and has his/her own unique perspective can be called the author’s innovation.For example,There are numerous topics about how to improve listening teaching.If the author writes his/her thesis from the view of artistic conception,his/her thesis must be innovative.If the author always uses the topic and study methods that have been selected for many times by others,the thesis he/she writes must be nothing new at al which is not beneficial to the development of some disciplines.On the basis of predecessors’achievements,the author should try to identify a field that is weak or does not be touched upon by others The author also can use new methods to study the old topic tha modifies and supplements previous findings.Only innovation tha promotes the development of the disciplines can ensure the academic value of the author’s thesis.

3)The topic should have a certain degree of flexibility.A first,maybe the author chooses the topic from momentary interes and has a superficial understanding.With deep reading and further collection,the author may have deepened his/her understanding o the selected topic.At this time,the author should adjust the selected topic accordingly,rather than rigidly adhere to it,which has an impact on creativity.

ters the author’s character,but also needs hard work and solid ef-forts.There are many rules in it that we can find and follow.




[1]Randa Holewa.Strategies for writing a conclusion.[EB/OL].[2012-06-28].http://leo.stcloudstate.edu/acadwrite/conclude.ht ml.

[2]How to write your dissertation[EB/OL].[2012-06-28].http://www.mondofacto.com/study-skills/research/how-to-write-your-dis sertation/05.html.

[3]Harlen Seyfer,吴古华.英语学术论文写作[M]北京:高等教育出版社,1998.




