


创新大学英语预备级Unit_4教案 篇1


Unit 4

Unit 4 Sports Text Three: The Great American Sprinter—— Maurice Greene

Teaching Objectives(教学目的)Students will be able to 1.Grasp the main idea and structure of the text 2.Master the key language points and grammatical structures 3.Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.Teaching procedures(教学步骤)(1)Pre-reading activity(Period1)a.Information related to the text b.Introduction to the Text c.Pre-reading questions(2)While-reading activity(Periods2-4)a.The organization of the text b.Detailed reading---study of the language points(3)Post-reading activity(Period 5-6)a.Speaking Activity b.Writing Practice c.Have students finish the exercises

Period 1 Pre-reading activity a.Background Information 1.Maurice Greene Born: July 23, 1974 Birth place: Kansas City, US Nationality: USA Height: 5’9’’(1.75m)Weight: 175lb(79.4KG)Event: Track & Field sprints—60, 100 and 200 meters.PRs: 100m 9.79s(1999)

200m 19.86s(1997)

60m WR 6.39s(1998,2001)

2.The Olympic Spirit The Olympic motto is “Faster, Higher, Stronger.” The most important thing in the Games is not the triumph but the struggle;not to have conquered but to have fought well.After the hard training of a lifetime, every athlete deserves a medal in the Games, no matter whether he won or not.By undergoing the stress and strain of tough <<创新大学英语>>预备级

Unit 4 competition, the athletes grow in strength, endurance and discipline.The athletes must learn to respect and to cooperate with people from many nations during the Games.The purpose of passing the Olympic touch by way of relay was to spread the Olympic spirit and make the seeds of peace and friendship root, grow, bloom and bear fruits in more countries.The five rings represent the close unity and friendly meeting at the Olympics among athletes from five continents.The Games help promote a better and more peaceful world.b.Warm-up Activities Purposes: ·To start students talking about sports ·To start students thinking about the spirit of sports ·To familiarize students with the topics in the text.Activity one Directions: Ask each group to list the sports names as many as possible, then have a competition among groups.Tips:

Track and field, boat racing, boxing, cycling, shooting, diving, football, basketball, wrestling, hurdle race, table tennis, volleyball, badminton, baseball, handball, weightlifting, swimming, surfing, ski jumping, hockey, figure skating… Activity Two Directions: Ask Ss to have a group discussion.1)Which sport do you like most? Why? 2)Who is your favorite sportsman? 3)How do you understand “the spirit of sports”? Tips: · Football Competitive, violent, teamwork, exciting, fantastic… ·Liu Xiang Liu Xiang was the first Asian to win the men’s 110m hurdles at the Olympic Games in Athens.After that he has become the pride of our country and an idol to the young people.He broke the 110m hurdles word record on July 12th in 2006 and became the center of world attention again.He is optimistic, easy-going, confident, energetic and hard-working.Activity Three Directions: Ask some excellent English learners to share their learning experience.Period 2-4 While-reading activity a.Text Organization

Part one(Para 1): Becoming fluent in learning English requires four skills: reading, listening, speaking, and writing.Part two(Para 2-6): Read actively as much as you can and listen every day for about <<创新大学英语>>预备级

Unit 4 30 minutes.Within the productive skills, you need to learn to produce basic structures correctly and learn words and phrases to express meanings in English.Part three(Para 7): Learning English can not only teach us the language knowledge, but it also can give insights into English culture, and our mind is opened to new ways of seeing things.b.Detailed Study of the Text available: adj.able to be used;at one’s disposal 可(利)用的 e.g.The swimming pool is available only in summer.There are plenty of jobs available in the area.effective: adj.having a definite or desired effect 有效的 e.g.The medicine is an effective cure for a headache.means: n.(~ of)method by which a result is brought about 方法,手段 e.g.For most people, the car is still their main means of transport.The window was our only means of escape.by no means: not at all 绝不

e.g.It is by no means certain that the game will take place.This is by no means a good way to solve the problem.appear(to be): seem 似乎

e.g.He appear to have many friends.The house appeared to be deserted.fairly: adv.to some extent, but not very 还算,相当 e.g.I’m fairly pessimistic about his survival.It’s fairly cool for this time of the year.straightforward: adj.easy to understand or do 简单的,易懂的 e.g.It seems a straightforward explanation.input: n.what is put in or supplied 输入 e.g.Two input keys don’t work.This method changes the input power of the motor.output: n.the product of a process 输出

e.g.The average output of the factory is 20 cars a day.whereas: conj.in contrast or comparison with sth 但是,而 e.g.Some people like fatty meat, whereas others hate it.Whereas we want a flat, they would rather live in a house.complicated: adj.difficult to do or understand 复杂的,难懂的 <<创新大学英语>>预备级

Unit 4 e.g.For young children, getting dressed is a complicated business.The puzzle is too complicated for the children.come across: to find or meet by chance 偶然碰到,遇到 e.g.When reading, you can come across many new words.I come across one of my friends in the supermarket the day before yesterday.recommend: vt.to say that one thinks sth.is good or that sb.is fit for a position, etc.e.g.Can you recommend some books to the children.We can recommend the boy as a good student.in addition to: besides, as well as 除…以外

e.g.In addition to English, he has to study a second foreign language.concentrate: v.(~ on)to focus one’s attention 集中,专心 e.g.You should concentrate on your schoolwork.Be quite;let me concentrate on my homework.catch up on: to do what needs to be done because you haven’t been able to do it until now 弥补

e.g.Staff must stay behind after hours to catch up on their work.native: adj.associated with the place and circumstances of one’s birth 本地的 e.g.Her native language is German.automatically: adv.done without thought;unconsciously 自动地 e.g.The doors opened automatically as we approached.be exposed to sth: to be in contact with;to feel the effect of 与…接触,受…影响 e.g.We can learn much by being exposed to other minds.Studying abroad, he was exposed to a new way of life.involve: vt.to cause sb.to participate in sth;what such action will imply or entail包含,涉及

e.g.Learning English involves learning to listen, speak, read, and write.Don’t involve yourself in such trouble.isolated: adj.separated;kept apart from;sth.on its own 隔(分)离的 e.g.Not many people visit this isolated spot.isolation: n.(~ from sb./sth)when one group, person, or thing is separated from others

communicative: adj.relating to the ability to communicate, especially in a foreign language交流(际)的

e.g.The meaning of a word of phrase depends largely on the communicative context.<<创新大学英语>>预备级

Unit 4

competence: n.ability 能力,资格

e.g.His competence in handling money is excellent.His thorough knowledge and competence were recognized.amount to: be equal to等于;to add up to总计,合计

e.g.What you say amounts to a direct accusation.你所说的话等于直接的指责。

The total cost of repairs amounted to 100 dollars.insight: n.understanding, esp.of the character or nature of sth.见识,洞察力 e.g.Good teachers have insight into the problems of students.The novelist has a subtle insight into human nature.Period 5-6 Post-reading activity a.Speaking Activity P19 Activity two: name the ways of English learning according to the pictures.b.Have students finish the exercises.5

创新大学英语预备级Unit_4教案 篇2

剑桥少儿英语预备级上Unit 5 Let’s play

一、Teaching aims and demands

* 使学生能正确地做出向右转,向左转的动作 * 让学生能较熟练地说出拍手歌歌谣

* 使学生能模仿发出字母Ee 及所给单词的读音 * 使学生能读出第四部分所给出的句子

二、交际句型:Turn right

Turn left Hold your hands and stand in a circle You have one, I have one.Two little children see a big man.三、交际词汇: one ,two ,three ,four ,five ,a boy ,four boys ,a girl ,four girls



教师上课时,先让学生做一些简单的动作,比如,Stand in two lines.Turn right.Turn left.Hold your hands and stand in a circle.在说这些句子的时候,帮他们完成动作,以至于让他们理解这几句话的意思然后,集体一起说课文的第2部分。当学生能较熟练地说这些内容以后,教师可以让学生进行表演,边表演边说。这里教师特别要注意全班同学的整体性,不要让任何人掉队。所以,练习的遍数要多,人员要普遍,不要留死角。换句话说,全班的每一个人要有充分的练习时间。在做这部分的时候,让所有的学生都参与到这个活动当中来,在游戏活动当中来领略新的知识。

在学习完第1,2部分后,教师可以带领大家进行单,复数概念的练习,由于是初次与学生见面,所以教师只通过数数的方式,让学生知道1~5的含义就可以了,至于说a boy , four boys , a girl ,four girls ,也只是让学生知道有变化而已。在学习字母E e的时候,教师首先拿出字母E e卡片,然后再引导学生看教材的Ee字母的变形图。同时带领大家一起说,Big E is for sail ,small e is for whale.The ship has a sail, sailing behind the whale.教师说此段内容时,可以用节奏的方式说,并让学生拍着节奏说。经过数边的练习,然后进行组与组之间的比赛。

在学生大声朗读之后,教师可以带领大家学习字母组合的读音。首先教师强调的读音,然后直接以拼音的方式拼出单词即可。比如,b—e-e=bee ,f—e-e—t=feet等,教师只要带领拼读就行了。

六、教学活动1 Listen and act 上课时,教师对学生说,OK , everyone.Stand up.Sit down.Stand up.Turn right.Turn left.Stand in two lines.Hold your hands and stand in a circle.在说这部分的内容的时候,教师一定要伴随一定的动作,不然学生不会理解,也不会去做动作,Hands up , one ,two(拍手)Hands down , one, two(拍手).Hands right, one , two(拍手)Hands left , one two(拍手)。做这个活动时,教师可以先由慢再逐渐加快,特别是说,hands up ,one ,two 的时候可以快一些,让整个的句子富有节奏感。教学活动 2 pat-a-cake 教师带领学生说此段歌谣的最后方法是两个人一组,一边拍手,一边说英语的句子。甚至教师在拍手的空隙间可以加进一个动作(比如,高大的人,上学,种树等动作)。在大家熟练的基础上,教师还可以让同学们之间进行比赛,比拍手的协调性及英语句字的准确性等。在用英语教学时,教师只需简单讲一下即可。如,now ,everyone , let’s play Pat-a-cake.Do you know? Let `s try it.You have one, I have one, two little children see a big man.Do you understand? Let `s do it in pairs.First you do it after me.Ready? Let `s start.教学活动 3 Color it!



剑桥少儿英语预备级上教案 篇3


本单元通过学习几个常用的单词来学习英语的前三个字母,Aa,Bb,Cc 让学生初步接触一下英语,包括英语的语音和语调。



An apple, please!Some cake? No!No!


Amy, apple, banana, bamboo, cake, cat, Cathy, candy




教师首先拿出一个苹果对学生说:“Hello, look here.This is an apple.Apple, apple.It’s an apple.”教师在说这个单词和句子时主义放慢语速,同时,要变换一下音调。教师同时强调一下发音的部位。“Amy is eating an apple.Amy is eating an apple.Look!I have many red apples.You can come here an say ’An apple, please!’ I can give you an apple, Who wants to come here and try?”教师从手中拿出事先用红纸剪好的苹果给那些想要的学生。如果学生多的话,教师可以让三四个同学到前面来代替教师的位置,发苹果。发完苹果后,教师对学生说:“Amy is eating an apple, Do you like to eat apples?(做假装吃苹果的动作)Yes, I do.Yes, I do.”教师切一小块苹果放在嘴里,边吃边说:“Yummy.”然后问一个学生:“Do you like to eat apples?”如果学生回答正确,教师要给小孩一点苹果吃。接着,教师可以用类似的方法练习香蕉及蛋糕等。

单元教学活动1 Listen.Point and sing.教师可以让学生一边听歌一边指苹果、香蕉和蛋糕。指的时候,教师告诉学生先指苹果,并按照上面所标的数字由小到大,速度也可以由慢变快。如果大家熟悉了歌曲的音调,教师还可以让学生自己指歌词唱,并变换速度。

单元教学活动2 Listen, point copy and say.教师可以通过图片来组织学生学习这些单词。特别是教字母Aa时,教师有有意识地将Amy与apple这个音区别开。同时要用图片强化学生们的记忆。教Bb和Cc字母时应注意Cc字母的单个发音/k/,教师要强调学生的模仿及跟读。

单元教学活动3 Match the beginning letters 教师可以事先用图片让学生做看图说英文的联系。然后,教师将图贴在黑板上,并将事先准备好的单词卡放在讲台桌上。教师说:“Look!We have many pictures here.This is an apple.Please find the word here and put the word under the picture..”说完后,让学生挑出与图相配的词并贴在图的下面。最再进行人读的练习。集体做完之后,教师让学生打开书并进行该题的连线。

单元教学活动4 Write the beginning letters and colour the sounds.该教学活动的目的是让学生练习刚刚学习的字母。比如apple,学生先将a写在按箭头走的圆圈红,共写5个a。然后,学生可以将这些圆圈涂成红颜色。其他的单词,如banana,cat,cake也是如此。学生要分别将b、c写在相应的圆圈内,并将b字母圈涂成黄色,c字母圈涂成蓝色。

单元教学活动5 Listen, sing, copy and draw.该活动的目的是让学生练习书写。教师可以先在黑板上做示范书写,然后,让七八个同学或者两个组的同学到黑板上来进行书写练习。人数的多少根据黑板前的空间来决定。教师根据学生的书写进行适当的点评,然后,再让大家在教材上描写歌词。在该题中,每个小图标旁还有一点空白地,目的是让学生们在旁边也画一个该图,进一步加深印象。画完画之后,教师可以带领学生一起唱出这首歌曲,如:

Aa Bb Cc.Aa Bb Cc.Apple and banana.Cat and Cathy.Aa Bb Cc.Aa Bb Cc.Amy and bamboo.Cake and candy.单元教学活动6 Spell the words。该教学活动是一个动手的活动。学生要根据所给的图和拼写时需要的字母,将他们按单词顺序依次写在该图下面的方框中。由于后面的字母还未学到,所以教师可以提醒大家参看单元教学活动3中图下面的拼写来完成该项任务。教师可以给学生提一个要求,然后看哪个学生完成得最快。如果课堂教学的时间不够的话,教师还可以将该活动布置为家庭作业,等下次上课时再检查结果。




你可以在英语网站上搜索到你想要的字母涂色或相关图片。你键入,然后键入the alphabet activity即可。


七年级英语上册Unit 4教案 篇4



本单元主要是谈论话题“Things around the house”,其中Section A则围绕学习“询问物品的位置”这个本单元的重点而展开多种任务型的教学活动,使学生学会基本句型“Where’s/ Where’re ~~~? It’s/ They’re on/in/under~~~~.”和 “Yes/No”疑问句,进一步体会和学会运用“Where„? Yes/No”疑问句的用法;学会运用方位介词“on/in/under”来表达物品的位置。通过以上两个方面的学习,使学生学会运用听关键词、推测词意的学习策略,识别不同物品的位置。这样既能让学生了解自己的家居环境,热爱自己的家,又能促使学生通过想象来设计自己理想中的房间和对好的生活习惯的重新认识。本单元与第五单元衔接紧密:由本单元“Is/Are „?”的学习过渡到第五单元“Do „?”一般疑问句的学习,最终促进学生综合运用语言能力的提高和形成学生在实践中学会学习的能力,从而为终身学习打下坚实的基础。


教学目标是教学活动的出发点和归宿点,根据布鲁诺关于认识领域的教学目标理论以及新目标教材大纲要求,结合以上分析,我确定本课的教学目标如下: 语言知识和语言技能目标:


Where’s my backpack? It’s on/in/under/behind/next to the chair. Are my books on the chair? Yes,they are.No,they aren’t. Is it on/in/under „„? Yes,it is.No,it isn’t.

(2)学习和掌握有关家具类的单词:table, bed, dresser, bookcase ,sofa ,chair ,drawer , plant , bag

(3)学会三个方位介词的用法:on ,in , under




学习策略:通过work in pairs and work in groups,听对话贴图,师生之间和学生之间的教学活动,培养学生学习英语的认知策略、元认知策略和交际策略等。







爱因斯坦曾说过:“兴趣是最好的老师。” 兴趣是学习自觉性的起点,是智慧灵感的源泉。本课的对象是刚进初中不久的七年级新生,有部分学生小学并没有学过英语,他们对英语有着极大的兴趣和好奇心。教师应该抓住这个有利因素,注重对学生学习英语兴趣的培养,保持他们强烈的好奇心和旺盛的求知欲。因此,教师在教学过程中要精心设计各种教学活动,积极采用新颖、丰富多彩的教学手段来激发学生的学习兴趣,用兴趣来激活他们的思维能力,唤起他们的学习注意力,进而充分调动学生的学习积极性和主动性,让他们积极参与到教学中去,真正成为一堂课的主人。俗话说:“良好的开端是成功的一半。”七年级英语教学是整个初中英语教学的基础,让学生迈好英语学习的第一步,对培养学生学习英语的能力和促进学生的个性发展有着很大的帮助。




















1.duty report

2.复习unit 2所学过的物品名称,为新课学习作铺垫。





活动过程:(1)学生以小组为单位,从课本P19 的图画中寻找家具,规定时



语言知识:What’s this ?It’s------.2、直观法教学介词

(1)老师拿出铅笔和铅笔盒,通过不断变换铅笔在铅笔盒的位置,形象直观地引出三个介词: on, in, under

(2)学生拿出自己的铅笔和铅笔盒,跟着老师边说边做动作,通过实践来体会这三个介词的用法。这一过程用chant 的形式来进行,这样既强化了记忆,又避免了机械的死记硬背。

Step 3.师生互动,学习探究



一、Jimmy 是个粗心大意的男孩,他总是把东西乱放。请你帮他把需要的东西找出来。做1B的练习。




Where is /are-----?It’s / They’re--------.学生两人一组通过看图说话的形式来巩固和加深对重点句型的理解。3.投影出1B的图片,引出本课另一重点句型:

Is the baseball/Are the books-----?

Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.学生两人一组,其中一人凭记忆猜猜物品都放在什么位置,另一人打开书本检查正误,从而自然而然地操练这一重点句型。




活动过程:投影出一所空房子的图片以及各种家具的图片。教师提问:Where is/are-----? 学生以小组为单位进行讨论,并选派代表来猜:Is it /Are they-----?


语言知识:Where is/are-----?Is it /Are they on/in/under-----?Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.任务二:寻宝大行动



语言知识:Where is/are-----?Is it /Are they on/in/under-----?Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.任务三:找差别







Unit 4Where is my backpack?

Where is-----?Where are-----?方位介词

It’s on/in/under-----.They’re on/in/under-----.onNo, they aren’t.生理解、记忆和操练。




创新大学英语预备级Unit_4教案 篇5

Teaching aim: Grasp the usages of-ing form and use them freely STEP1.[自学探究](SB P21 Discovering useful structures)

1.v.ing 做定语

▲动名词放在所修饰的名词前面作为定语,表示该名词的用途或有关的动作。walking stick 手杖

printing shop 印务馆

dining room饭厅 reading room 阅览室

swimming pool 游泳池

washing machine洗衣机 a waiting room(= a room for waiting)候车室 a walking stick(=a stick for walking)手杖

▲现在分词做定语,说明所修饰名词进行的动作。a waiting man(=a man who is waiting)正在等待的男人 a dancing girl(= a girl who is dancing)单个分词作定语,分词前置。We can see the rising sun.The sleeping boy is my son.分词短语作定语,分词后置;分词修饰不定代词something等要后置。The girl standing under the tree is my niece.There is nothing interesting.2.v.ing 作表语

▲动名词做表语是对主语内容的解释,这时主语与表语位置可以互换。(1)Its full time job is laying eggs.他的专职工作是产卵。

(2)Our job is playing all kinds of music.我们的工作就是演奏各种音乐。(3)Playing all kinds of music is our job.演奏各种音乐是我们的工作。*现在分词做表语,表明的是主语的性质与特征,主语与表语位置不可互换。(4)The film is touching.(5)This girl is charming.(6)My job is interesting.3.v.-ing作宾语补足语的用法

v.-ing 形式主要用于以下两类动词后构成宾语补助语。⑴表示感觉和状态的动词,如see, hear, feel, smell, watch, find, notice,listen to ,look at等。表示动作正在进行。例如:

I heard Mr.Smith singing in the next door.我听到史密斯先生在隔壁唱歌。I felt someone patting on the shoulder.我感到有人拍了拍我 的肩膀。She smelt something burning.⑵表示“指使”等意义的动词,如have, set, keep, get, catch, leave等.强调的持续性。例如: We won’t have you doing that.我们不允许你这么做。I’m sorry to have kept you waiting long.对不起,让你久等了。The joke set them all laughing.The teacher often caught him sleeping in class.II.Make a thorough inquiry during class.Teacher and students work toghter.STEP2.精例点拨

1.The salesman scolded the girl caught _____ and let her off.A.to have stolen

B.to be stealing

C.to steal

D.stealing [解析]本题考查动词非谓语形式在句中作宾补的用法。正确掌握并灵活运用非谓语形式是解此类题的关键,另外,解这一题目也要用还原法,即catch the girl stealing,若没有把catch the girl stealing 还原,也是很难找出本题的答案的,因此,解题时,不但要有扎实的基础知识,还要掌握解题技巧。本题旨在考查catch sb.doing sth.(发现某人做某事)这一短语,故先排除A、C两项,由于girl与catch之间是被动关系,因此需要用catch的过去分词形式作后置定语,stealing所作的只能是定语中的补足语,故本题最佳答案为D。

2.In the study, I found my son ______ at a desk, with his attention ______ on a book.A.sitting;fixing


C.sitting;to be fixed

创新大学英语预备级Unit_4教案 篇6

Calamities and Rescues Objectives:

★ first listen, and then talk about traffic accidents ★ read about calamities and rescues

★ write to describe how an airplane crash takes place ★ practice the use of subject clauses ★ write to apply for holiday insurance ★ visit Culture Salon for an introduction to the Red Cross

I Passage A

Death of a Dream


In 1961 the 18 members of the US figure skating team boarded a plane to travel to Belgium on their way to the world championships in Czechoslovakia.As the plane approached Brussels, the weather was good, but something was wrong with the plane.Twice it descended as if to land but pulled up and ascended again.The second time it exploded and crashed to the ground.All 72 people on the plane were killed and there were ten families that had lost at least two dear members.The crash site was a scene of total destruction.Later three pairs of melted skates were found dangling from one of the wings.The competition in Prague was canceled to honor the dead.Never before had such a terrible tragedy occurred in the sport of skating.2.Language Points 1.championship: a competition held to determine the champion;position of a champion Examples:

An American team won the pairs championships.They won the men’s and women’s singles championships respectively.2.beam: smile brightly and happily Examples:

He is beaming with delight.He beamed inside.3.dazzling: showing skill, qualities or beauty Examples:

She gave him a dazzling smile.She has a dazzling diamond.4.senior: older in years;higher in rank, authority, etc.Examples:

Mr.Gray is a senior officer in this bank.He is too senior to try for a young man’s job.5.bound: ready to start, having started(for)Examples:

They were on the New York express, bound for Maine.That ship is bound for South America.6.distress: a state of danger or great difficulty Examples:

If the storm continues on the mountain, the climber will be in distress by morning.The lifeboat went out to rescue a ship in distress.7.signal:

(n.)something intended to warn, command, or give a message Examples:

A red light is often used as a danger signal.American Indians used to occasionally send smoke signals.(v.)send a signal or signals to Examples:

The general signaled to his officers for the attack to begin.She was signaling wildly, waving her arms.8.contact: get in touch with somebody Examples:

I shall contact you by telephone.I must contact my lawyer before I make my fi nal decisions.9.lower: move or let down in height Examples:

Lowering the window shade will keep out the sun.He sat quite still, with his gaze lowered to the carpet.10.approach:(n.)movement towards or near to something Examples:

Our approach drove away the wild animals.With the approach of the Spring Festival the weather turned cold.(v.)come near or nearer Examples:

Walk softly as you approach the bed.I saw a figure approaching towards me.11.collision: an accident in which two or more people or vehicles hit each other while moving in different directions Examples:

The liner is reported to have had a collision with an oil tanker.The two cars were broken into pieces in the collision.12.in any case: whatever happens Examples:

In any case, I shall return in a day or two.In any case, I would insist upon your being paid.13.crash:

(n.)a violent vehicle accident Examples:

There have been a lot of crashes lately.All the passengers were killed in the plane crash.(v.)fall or strike suddenly, violently and noisily Examples:

I heard the dinner tray crash to the floor.Standing on the beach, I could hear the waves crashing against the rocks.14.rear: raise;lift up Examples:

A lion suddenly reared its head from among the tall grass.The skyscraper rears above the neighboring buildings.15.explode: burst or cause to burst violently and noisily Examples:

The boiler exploded and many people were injured by the hot steam.He pumped the ball up too much and it exploded.16.scatter: separate or cause to separate widely Examples:

A flock of birds scattered when the shot was fired.The government scattered the factories instead of concentrating them in a single area.17.stun: shock into helplessness Examples:

He was stunned by the unfairness of their judgment.She was stunned by the news of her father’s death 18.tragic: very sad;unfortunate Examples:

The tragic accident took eight lives.The driver of the car made a tragic mistake.19.comb through: search something thoroughly Examples:

The students spent many hours in the library, combing through old books looking for facts they wanted.He combed through the files searching for evidence of fraud.20.wreckage: the broken parts of a destroyed thing Examples:

After the accident, the wreckage of the cars was removed from the highway.The shore was covered with the wreckage of the destroyed ship

1.championship: a competition held to determine the champion;position of a champion Examples:

An American team won the pairs championships.They won the men’s and women’s singles championships respectively.2.beam: smile brightly and happily Examples:

He is beaming with delight.He beamed inside.3.dazzling: showing skill, qualities or beauty Examples:

She gave him a dazzling smile.She has a dazzling diamond.4.senior: older in years;higher in rank, authority, etc.Examples:

Mr.Gray is a senior officer in this bank.He is too senior to try for a young man’s job.5.bound: ready to start, having started(for)Examples:

They were on the New York express, bound for Maine.That ship is bound for South America.6.distress: a state of danger or great difficulty Examples:

If the storm continues on the mountain, the climber will be in distress by morning.The lifeboat went out to rescue a ship in distress.7.signal:

(n.)something intended to warn, command, or give a message Examples:

A red light is often used as a danger signal.American Indians used to occasionally send smoke signals.(v.)send a signal or signals to Examples:

The general signaled to his officers for the attack to begin.She was signaling wildly, waving her arms.8.contact: get in touch with somebody Examples:

I shall contact you by telephone.I must contact my lawyer before I make my fi nal decisions.9.lower: move or let down in height Examples:

Lowering the window shade will keep out the sun.He sat quite still, with his gaze lowered to the carpet.10.approach:(n.)movement towards or near to something Examples:

Our approach drove away the wild animals.With the approach of the Spring Festival the weather turned cold.(v.)come near or nearer Examples:

Walk softly as you approach the bed.I saw a figure approaching towards me.11.collision: an accident in which two or more people or vehicles hit each other while moving in different directions Examples:

The liner is reported to have had a collision with an oil tanker.The two cars were broken into pieces in the collision.12.in any case: whatever happens Examples:

In any case, I shall return in a day or two.In any case, I would insist upon your being paid.13.crash:

(n.)a violent vehicle accident Examples:

There have been a lot of crashes lately.All the passengers were killed in the plane crash.(v.)fall or strike suddenly, violently and noisily Examples:

I heard the dinner tray crash to the floor.Standing on the beach, I could hear the waves crashing against the rocks.14.rear: raise;lift up Examples:

A lion suddenly reared its head from among the tall grass.The skyscraper rears above the neighboring buildings.15.explode: burst or cause to burst violently and noisily Examples:

The boiler exploded and many people were injured by the hot steam.He pumped the ball up too much and it exploded.16.scatter: separate or cause to separate widely Examples:

A flock of birds scattered when the shot was fired.The government scattered the factories instead of concentrating them in a single area.17.stun: shock into helplessness Examples:

He was stunned by the unfairness of their judgment.She was stunned by the news of her father’s death 18.tragic: very sad;unfortunate Examples:

The tragic accident took eight lives.The driver of the car made a tragic mistake.19.comb through: search something thoroughly Examples:

The students spent many hours in the library, combing through old books looking for facts they wanted.He combed through the files searching for evidence of fraud.20.wreckage: the broken parts of a destroyed thing Examples:

After the accident, the wreckage of the cars was removed from the highway.The shore was covered with the wreckage of the destroyed ship

3.Important sentences

1.This was going to be the time of their lives.This was going to be their most important and memorable experience.2.The crash site was a scene of total destruction.The place where the plane crashed was completely covered with wreckage.3.The crash stunned skaters and figure skating fans around the globe.The crash shocked figure skaters and their fans everywhere in the world.4.All that remained as rescuers combed through the wreckage were three pairs of melted skates dangling from one of the wings.When rescue workers carefully looked through the wreckage, the only things they found(to remind them of the skaters)were three pairs of melted skates suspended from one of the wings.II Passage B

In the Nick of Time


As Katie Pritchard unloaded some groceries from her car, she thought her two sons were playing safely nearby.But they had wandered onto a railroad track and into the path of an approaching train.The train’s engineer and its conductor saw them on the track but could not stop the train in time.The boys ignored the train’s whistling horn and screeching brakes.So the conductor, Tony Falzo, a former gymnast, hung from the front of the train, jumped at exactly the right moment, and rescued the two boys from the moving train, which barely missed crushing them before it finally stopped.One of the boys had a minor cut and the other was unharmed.The mother said she could find no word in a dictionary to express her gratitude to Tony.2.Language Points

1.unload: remove(a load)from(something)Examples:

They unloaded the books from the car.The plane unloaded the passengers at the terminal.2.wander: move about without aim or purpose Examples:

After tea I wandered alone about the town.What peculiar pleasure it is to wander through a strange city.3.cluster: a number of things of the same kind growing or being close together in a group Examples:

Many flowers grow in clusters.Here and there in the suburbs are newly built houses in clusters.4.put away: place something tidily Examples:

The letters were all put away in numbered files.If you have finished with those tools, I wish you’d put them away.5.roar: a deep loud continuing sound Examples:

She was frightened by the lion’s roars.The roar of airplane engines announced a coming air aid.6.kneel: go down or remain on the knee(s)Examples:

She knelt down to pull a weed from flower-bed.He went into the church, knelt(down)and began to pray.7.head for: move toward Examples:

— “Where are you heading for?”

— “I’m heading for London.”

It’s not clear how many of them will be heading for Shang hai.8.slam: push, move hurriedly and with great force Examples:

He slammed the book down on the table and angrily walked out.She slammed on the brakes and the car came to a stop.9.steer: direct the course of(as a ship or vehicle)Examples:

He steered the car skillfully through the narrow streets.He steered the boat between the islands.10.screech: a harsh, piercing sound Examples:

The girl’s screeches brought the police.The forest seemed full of monkeys’ screeches.11.pound: beat repeatedly Examples:

With a madly pounding heart he took the steps three a time.Her heart began to pound and new life came into her limbs.12.leap: jump over Examples:

When the bus slowed down the man leaped off.He leaped six meters in the broad jump.13.scoop: take up or out Examples:

He scooped his books off the floor.She scooped the baby up in her arms and ran from the flame.14.crush: press with great force so as to break, hurt Examples:

Don’t crush this box;there are flowers inside.Several people were crushed to death as they tried to escape from the burning theater.15.beneath: below Examples:

They sheltered themselves beneath their umbrellas.She concealed the bottle beneath her mattress.16.instant: a moment of time Examples:

Not for an instant did I believe he had lied.Mr.Carey considered the question for an instant.17.giant: very large Examples:

He bought giant Christmas trees last year.The giant packet gives you more for less money.18.stride: a long step in walking Examples:

In a few strides he crossed the room.He reached the house several strides before us.19.tuck: put into a convenient narrow space for protection, safety, etc.Examples:

The bird tucked its head under its wing.Jack tucked a napkin under his chin.20.perch:(cause to)go into or be in the stated position(especially unsafely, or on something high)Examples:

He would take out his spectacles and perch them on the end of his nose.The little village perches high among the hills.21.everlasting: lasting for ever;endless Examples:

What is the key to everlasting happiness?

Their contributions to science have earned them an everlasting place in history.22.appreciation: grateful feeling Examples:

He showed no appreciation of my help.How can we express our appreciation for your help?

3.Sentence Explanation 1.Just over a slight rise to the west, a 19-car freight train slowly made its way up the incline.On the other side of a small hill to the west, a 19-car freight train slowly climbed up the slope.2.Falzo knew right away that the train was going too fast to stop in time.Falzo quickly realized that the train was going too fast to stop before it hit the children.3....Falzo knew he couldn’t outrun it....Falzo knew he couldn’t run faster than the train.4.With one child tucked under each arm, he pressed Todd and Scott down into the roadbed gravel.He held the two kids one under each arm and pushed them down into the roadbed gravel between the rail tracks 1.This list goes on, and it is expanding every day.he list of different kinds of advertisements is very long, and it is getting longer and longer.2.Without them acting as sponsors we would not be able to stage international sporting events.Large companies provide the necessary financial support needed for international sporting events, and in return they get to advertise their products at these sporting events.3.As useful as it is, advertisements are sometimes abused by unscrupulous people.Although advertisements have many advantages, some people use them in a dishonest way, usually for a bad purpose.4.Yet these advertisers blatantly ignore facts and promote their products nonetheless.Though these advertisers are consciously aware of the harm of smoking, they choose to overlook the obvious facts and keep on advertising cigarettes.5.Besides giving us a mental jolt they methodically numb and abuse our minds until we watch them without actually seeing and hear their chatter without actually listening.Not only do advertisements surprise us and distract us from the middle of an exciting program, they also attack us mentally to such an extent that we simply feel we don’t see or hear anything when the same advertisements are being repeated.6.Presently advertisement on television is based on hard-selling and relentless assault on the viewers.Now advertisers usually promote their products by putting viewers under extreme psychological pressure and attacking them with repetitive advertising of the same prod
