


高考阅读理解 篇1

解答阅读理解题的能力是高考英语考查的重点, 自始至终占据主导地位, 是高考英语能否取得高分的关键, 也是整个高考成功与否的重要因素。加之高考的题量大、时间紧, 因此, 弄清高考阅读理解题的特点, 掌握解题技巧至关重要。


1. 阅读总量不少于2000个单词, 篇数为4—5篇, 设题20道, 要求在40分钟左右完成。


2. 题材广泛, 包括日常生活、传记、人物、社会与文化、史地、科技、政治、经济等内容。

体裁多样, 包括记叙文、说明文、议论文、应用文等。

3. 语篇及所涉及问题难易适中。

词汇绝大部分源自《考试大纲》规定的范围内, 生词的出现率一般为3%左右, 通常不用过长的句式、生僻的语法或过于隐晦的表达。


1. 掌握所读材料的主旨大意, 以及说明材料主旨大意的事实和细节。

2. 既能理解具体的事实, 也能理解抽象的概念。

3. 既能理解字面的意思, 也能理解深层次的含义, 包括对该话题的态度、写作意图、写作特点等。

4. 既能理解某段、某句的含义, 也能理解全篇的逻辑关系, 并能据此进行符合逻辑的推理判断。

5. 既能根据所提供的信息去理解, 也能结合中学生应有的常识、如地理、历史、文化知识去理解。


1. 理解文中具体信息的能力。

此类试题主要考查学生捕捉和再现文章中所提供的信息的能力, 分直接事实题和间接事实题。

2. 做出简单判断和推理的能力。

文章中作者有时并未把意图说出来, 要求学生根据字面的意思, 通过语篇的逻辑关系, 研究细节的暗示、推敲作者的态度、理解文章的深层含义。

3. 根据上下文推测生词词义的能力。

此类题型通过同义转换考查学生对短文中一些关键词 (包括生词和替代词) 、短语或句子的理解。

4. 理解主旨要义的能力。

主要考查学生把握全文主题和理解中心思想的能力, 也包括分析归纳文章的段落大意、重要情节的能力。

5. 理解文章的基本结构的能力。

有些文章没有明确说明, 但要求学生根据语篇, 对事件可能出现的结局或下文可能涉及的内容进行推理或预测。


根据以上对高考英语阅读理解的测试要求、考查形式的分析, 使考生明确了任务, 那么接下来就是如何有效完成的问题, 这需要考生掌握一定的解题技巧。一般来说, 多阅读是关键。如果考生平时练就了较好的阅读能力, 知识面比较广泛, 那么, 在考生做题时就会得心应手。同时, 掌握正确的解题技巧, 更是事倍功半。下面就具体谈谈英语高考阅读理解题的解题技巧。

1. 对原文材料迅速浏览, 掌握全文的主旨大意。

2. 细读题材, 各个击破。

掌握全文的大意之后, 细细阅读每篇材料后的问题, 弄清每题要求后, 带着问题, 再回到原文中去寻找、捕获有关信息, 做到有的放矢。

3. 抓住文章的首段与末段及段落的首句和末句。

文章的首段与末段、段落的首句和末句, 一般表达文章的主题和段落中心思想。因此, 首先要搜索目标, 找出文章及段落中的主题句。了解了它们的含义, 就可以顺着所提供的主要线索去捕捉文章的相关信息, 从而获得解决问题的答案。

4. 进行合理推断。

对文章有了详细而全面的理解之后, 就要按照文章内容、上下文的逻辑关系, 做出推理判断。阅读理解涉及词汇、语法、句型、段落结构、文化背景等各方面知识。答题时, 领会句子之间的逻辑关系, 特别是相邻句子之间的关系, 有利于理解全文。

5. 猜测推敲生词。

阅读短文时, 常常会遇到一些生词。这时, 考生要沉着冷静, 细心思考。首先要把整段、整篇文章看完。通过对全篇短文的理解, 就很有可能猜测出生词的大意。另外, 还可以从含有生词句子的上下文, 以及句子和段落之间的关系来判断、理解生词以求获得其真正含义。猜测生词的另一种方法是, 根据构词法推测。遇到生词后, 可从构词法角度分析判断生词。

6. 学会数据推算。

此类试题要求学生就文章提供的数据, 以及数据与文中其他信息的关系做简单的计算和推断。在做此类题时: (1) 要抓住并正确理解与数据有关的信息含义。 (2) 弄清众多信息中哪些属于有用信息, 哪些属于干扰信息。 (3) 不要孤立看待数字信息, 而要抓住一些关键用语的意义。

7. 利用常识解题。

多了解一些常识性知识有利于阅读理解。如果对文章的相关背景有所了解, 读起文章来一定既省时又省力。因此, 在学习过程中, 了解各方面的背景知识是十分重要的。

在做阅读理解题时, 一定要仔细看完, 看清楚试题要求再作答, 特别要注意not, except等词。有时, 要先看题, 后阅读文章, 带着问题去读短文, 可缩短阅读时间, 效果也许会更好。

总之, 阅读理解是高考英语试题中最重要的一项内容, 占有举足轻重的地位, 如果学生按上述方法去解题, 再做些适当的练习, 一定会在阅读理解上取得比较理想的成绩。

高考阅读理解 篇2


2.强调句(it is that do not only but also)

3.正话反说(潜台词)(sound like/seem look as though utopia)


5.双重否定(负负得正原则)(hardly unknown, do not less , nothing illegal)


7.复杂句中的拆分的固定结构,如from to between and
































































高考阅读理解高分策略 篇3









突破文章的拦路虎——长难句的理解。长难句包括倒装句、双重否定、句子的分割现象等。如果遇到句子的分割现象,要做到一点两划。一点是点出主语,两划是划出谓语和宾语。即要抓住句子的主干部分,去掉定状补,只留主谓宾,把长句变短。注意以文章所提供的事实为依据,遵循“三个一致”的原则,即选项与题干一致,选项与原文一致,题干与原文一致。有时候要注意选项与选项以及选项与原文之间的细微差别,选规则与原文最一致的选项。有时候选项与原文的主要意思是一致的,这使考生需要看的是定语、状语等修饰词是否一致,如果不一致就不能选。例如原文为 In spite of all this progress, career women were largely restricted teaching, nursing and office work.题干为 In the 1920’s,women were limited to being teachers, nurses or office workers.在措辞上原文多了一个largely, 而选项中没限定范围,这使我们就不能选这个选项。


应侧重首尾端和每段的第一句话。不少文章一开头便展示文章的主题,如新闻报道的主题句一定在首段。有时主题句位于段中,也有的无主题句,需要自己归纳中心思想。主旨大意题也包括文章标题判断题,标题判断题需要考生领会文章的大意,逾越文章的细节与段落,以语篇的中心内涵为依托,提问方式会用到 title, entitle 等词。


1.利用表示定义和同位关系的提示词猜测词义,如 is/are, mean, be called, that is, such as, or , in other words, namely等。

2.利用标点符号猜词。例如 We can feel acceleration, an increase in speed. An increase in speed 即是acceleration 的含义。


4.利用对比关系猜词。这里应特别注意表示转折关系和对比的连词 although, but, while, etc副词instead, yet, ect.介词短语 on the other hand, on the contrary, etc.







The writer implies but not directly stated that _____.

It can be inferred from the passage that _____.

The author strongly suggests that ____.

It can be concluded from the passage that ____.

The passage is intended to _____.

The writer indicates that _____.


文长题少,先看题,用略读的方法,带着问题去查读, 可以更快地找到答案, 省时省力。(广告类和报刊类阅读)文段题多,应仔细阅读短文,再去做题。如果文章情节复杂,信息量大,事实多,要抓关键词——who, what, when, where, how。应在难题上多下功夫,比如抓主旨大意或标题判断题。如果提干询问的是原因,应选择一系列连锁原因里离结果最近的原因。如果对题中的选项举棋不定,应选择最围绕文章中心的那个选项。在文章中标出信息处,标出题号。

高考英语阅读理解强化训练 篇4

高考英语阅读理解热点题型有细节判断题、推理判断题、词义推断题、归纳综合题、标题判断题等。这里提供一组新颖时尚的阅读理解材料, 供考生对这些题型进行强化训练, 相信对考生阅读能力的提高会有较大帮助。


Life is full of sweet surprises for Chinese pop singer Edell.

She majored in (专修) design in a Canadian college. But when she was looking for a job after graduation, she found herself rising as a star in singing. Then she became a hostess on TV. “These are roles I never expected to take, ” she said.

Edell is open to every possibility in life, not afraid to try new things. She says that every day she tries to get herself ready to take any chance that appears in life.

“My mom told me chance only rewards those with a prepared mind, ” she said. “So I've tried to explore my potential talents. Thus I won't be at a loss when the right opportunity comes up.”

Edell learned ballet (芭蕾舞) in her childhood until she broke her back in practice. She then fell in love with music. Like many girls her age, she has a rich collection of CDs. But she never dreamed of being a singer. One day she was noticed by a talent scout (物色人才的人) . She gave a try and succeeded! And that's not the end of the story.

Once she was invited to be the hostess of the Asian MTV Awards in Thailand. Though she has never had any experience, she accepted the invitation. “At least I could make a trip to the foreign country, ” she said. Upon arrival at the ceremony, she had to read through a 91-page English biography (传记) of every guest. She studied it so much that she could recite all the details in it.

It helped her greatly. She greeted those strange faces she had never seen before and talked with them like an old friend. She did a great job. The MTV channel was so satisfied that they offered her a job as a TV hostess.

“Try to get yourself well-prepared in life, ” she said. “In the meantime, try to live your life with brains.”

1. What is the best title of the passage?

A. Learn from Edell

B. Try to be a singer

C. Prepare for your chances

D. Do learn English well

2. What is special for Edell's life?

A. It is very interesting.

B. It is full of sweet surprises.

C. It is so sweet.

D. It is so changeable.

3. The writer mentioned Edell's mother to tell us ______.

A. her mother had great influence on her

B. she could do nothing without her mother

C. all her success belonged to her mother

D. her chances were given by her mother

4. What does the underlined word “It” refer to?

A. Studying the English biography hard.

B. The 91-page English biography.

C. The ceremony of the Asian MTV Awards.

D. The MTV channel.

5. What is Edell's strongest character?

A. Liking to remember things.

B. Liking to help others.

C. Liking to think of problems differently.

D. Liking to try new things.


It was about six years ago. We were at senior high school. Those days in school were gray to most Chinese students because of the college entrance examination pressure. Not our parents and teachers didn't love us, but they loved us too much. Our only happiness was a high grade in the exam.

One afternoon after the final exam, we four girls came to a small wood and we felt it only belonging to us that afternoon. We talked and laughed. We played all the games that we could think of. We felt we were on the top of the world for the first time in our life. We totally forgot the unhappiness in our life and we threw the homework and the endless exams far away out of the wood.

In the middle of the wood ran a small and peaceful stream. Now and then, we could see some wild ducks on the water looking for food. The water weeds danced happily while the water passed beside them. The air was so fresh that we breathed it freely.

The sun had set before we knew it. We had to leave the place which brought us much happiness. We agreed to come back again every time we felt bored.

Years later, we went there several times. But, every time we went there to find that great feeling, we failed. Strangely, the feeling was different from that of several years ago.

I know that wonderful experience was just for once. We can never find that kind of happiness again which only belonged to the special afternoon in our life. That was a release of our uneasy heart. We can never go back to that young age or that simple life. It was our golden ages. No matter how boring and hard the life was, it gave us something worthy to recall. We'll treasure it forever.

1. What does the writer think of their senior high school life?

A. Unhappy. B. Helpless.

C. Useless. D. Meaningless.

2. What does “it” refer to in the second paragraph?

A. The final exam. B. Happiness.

C. A small wood. D. A high grade.

3. What does the second paragraph mainly tell us?

A. How the girls forgot everything in the wood that afternoon.

B. How the girls played games in the wood that afternoon.

C. How peaceful the wood was that afternoon.

D. How the girls relaxed themselves in the wood that afternoon.

4. What did the writer introduce to us in the third paragraph?

A. Hungry wild ducks.

B. Dancing water weeds.

C. Fresh air.

D. A peaceful stream.

5. What lesson can we draw from the passage?

A. Past happiness can't be returned but can be recalled.

B. We can never have a happy experience again.

C. Past experiences are always unforgettable.

D. Don't be lost in past experiences.


South Korea's civil servants have been ordered to do their public duty by switching off the heating and putting on long johns (衬裤) as the severe cold puts a strain (紧张) on power resources, according to officials.

In an emergency energy savings plan, all ministries and state-run companies have been told to turn off the heating from 11:00 am to noon and 5:00~6:00 pm, the Knowledge Economy Ministry said.

Government buildings have to keep the office temperature below 18 degrees Celsius (64 degrees Fahrenheit) and state employees are encouraged to wear thermal underwear (保暖内衣) to battle the cold, it said.

“Offices will be quite cold under the required temperature, so state employees, whether encouraged or not, will end up wearing thermal underwear anyway, ” a ministry official, Roh Keon-Ki, told AFP.

Officials will patrol (巡查) state buildings to check the temperature, he said.

“We're trying to set an example because the country may face a severe electricity shortage if the present pace of heating consumption (消耗) continues.”

Knowledge Economy Minister Choi Kyung-Hwan warned last week of possible blackouts (停电) after electricity demand soared (高涨) to record highs this winter.

Sunday's temperature in Seoul fell to a 10-year record low of minus 17.8 degrees Celsius. Large parts of the Han river that bisects (将……对半分) the capital are frozen over.

The temperature in the southeastern port of Busan sank to minus 12.8 degrees Sunday, the lowest level in 96 years, causing the death of a homeless man.

Water supplies in the southeastern city of Gimhae were cut off Sunday after pipes burst.

1. How long will all ministries and state-run companies turn off their heating?

A. An hour a day.

B. Two hours a day.

C. Three hours a day.

D. Four hours a day.

2. South Korea has ordered its civil servants to turn off the heating and wear long johns to ______.

A. work out

B. improve their work effect

C. protect the environment

D. save electricity

3. How many cities does the passage mention?

A. 2. B. 3.

C. 4. D. 5.

4. What do the last three paragraphs mainly tell us?

A. The severe cold in South Korea this winter.

B. The largest cities of South Korea.

C. The cities that Han river flows through.

D. The terrible working conditions in South Korea.

5. What is the best title of the passage?

A. To save energy, South Korea civil servants wear thermal underwear

B. South Korea will suffer from the coldest winter

C. South Korea will face a serious electricity short-


D. South Korea civil servants work in cold weather


Copenhagen, one of the world's most bicycle-friendly cities, has begun turning its present network of cycle paths into bike highways in an effort to push more people to leave their cars at home.

Considered one of Europe's two “bicycle capitals” along with Amsterdam, Copenhagen counts more bicycles than people and cycling is so popular that its bike paths can become crowded.

Two-wheeler traffic jams are especially regular on the main Noerrebrogade street used by around 36 000 cyclists a day. “You have to elbow (挤) your way in to go forward and some cyclists aren't always thoughtful, ” complains 22-year-old university student Lea Bresell.

The creation of bike highways “comes right on time”, says Danish Cyclist Federation spokesman Frits Bredal.

“Copenhagen's roads are overloaded with people who want to ride their bicycles in all kinds of weather, ” he says.

“It's a mode of transportation used by all social classes, even politicians ride bikes, ” he says.

It is on crowded Noerrebrogade — the busiest bicycle street in Europe, according to the cyclist association — that city planners have decided to build the first of Copenhagen's environmentally friendly streets. The jammed bike paths will be widened up to four meters on either side of the road, which will itself be reserved for buses only.

The idea is to make Noerrebrogade “Europe's great cycling street”, says Andreas Roehl, the Copenhagen city's bicycle program manager who is also known as “Mister Bike”.

But Roehl is not content with making life easier for Copenhagen's inner-city cyclists: He wants to get suburbanites (郊区居民) out of their cars and onto two wheels as well.

His goal is to hike the percentage of suburban people cycling to and from the city from the 37 percent it is today to more than 50 percent by 2015. Within the city, 55 percent of all commuters already travel by bike.

Already Copenhagen stands out among other European capitals for its cycling infrastructure (基础设施) , counting more than 390 kilometers of bike paths.

1. What do the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth paragraphs mainly tell us?

A. Why there are so many bikes in Copenhagen.

B. Why Copenhagen wants to build bicycle friendly highways.

C. Why Copenhagen is as famous as Amsterdam.

D. How bicycle friendly highways will be built in Copenhagen.

2. Why will Noerrebrogade street be the first of Copenhagen's environmentally friendly streets?

A. Because it is the longest.

B. Because it is the widest.

C. Because it is the most important.

D. Because it is the busiest.

3. Who is called “Mister Bike”?

A. Frits Bredal.

B. Andreas Roehl.

C. Lea Bresell.

D. A resident of Copenhagen.

4. What does the underlined word “hike” mean in the tenth paragraph?

A. Raise. B. Cut.

C. Keep. D. Hold.

5. What is the best title of the passage?

A. Copenhagen plans to build bicycle friendly highways

B. Copenhagen's streets will be widened up

C. Copenhagen's environment will be greatly improved

D. Copenhagen has countless bikes


Christmas carol (颂歌) “Silent Night” has topped the list of Britain's “most recorded Christmas song of all time, ” according to music licensing (专利授权) company PPL.

The 190-year-old Austrian carol beat more recent festive compositions such as “White Christmas” and “Winter Wonderland” to the top spot in a list of more than 170 recordings, PPL said in a statement on Monday.

Silent Night is a beautiful carol which expresses the feeling of Christmas entirely”, said Mike Dalby, Lead Reporting Analyst at PPL. “Everyone from punk band The Dickies right through to Sinead O'Connor has recorded it, which shows just how much it resonates (共鸣) with all different types of artists.”

PPL compiled (编制) the list using a database of about 1 800 Christmas themed recordings to rate (给……打分) the Christmas songs.

Sinead O'Connor's 1991 recording was the most popular version of the carol in Britain, according to PPL. More recent covers have been released from artists such as Christina Aguilera, Susan Boyle, and Annie Lennox, who recorded the song as part of her Christmas compilation (编辑) album released in the UK last month.

As an important part of carol services across the globe, Silent Night has been translated into 44 different languages from the original German.

The list has also shown the song to be a versatile (多样化的) track with recordings from range of music genres (流派) . The classic Christmas song has spawned (引发) a wide variety of covers, including pop, punk and even heavy metal versions.

The original version of the carol “Stille Nacht” was written in 1816 in Austria by the priest Father Joseph Mohr. It was first performed on Christmas Eve in 1818.

1. How many names of Christmas carol were mentioned in the first two paragraphs?

A. One. B. Two.

C. Three. D. Four.

2. Who sings “Silent Night” best according to PPL?

A. Sinead O'Connor.

B. Christina Aguilera.

C. Susan Boyle.

D. Annie Lennox.

3. “Silent Night” was first sung in ______.

A. English B. Chinese

C. German D. Russian

4. When was “Silent Night” first played?

A. In 1800. B. In 1816.

C. In 1818. D. In 1991.

5. What is the best title of the passage?

A. Silent Night, the most popular UK Christmas


B. Silent Night, the most popular English song

C. Silent Night, the most recorded song in the world

D. Silent Night, the most versatile track


“Hi! John.” Mary ran towards me with a rare bright smile on her face, saying, “I will have a dance performance tonight. I hope you'll come. Here is the ticket. Don't forget!” She left in a hurry.

“What?! What performance? Dance? Is that true?” I asked myself. Mary was not such kind of girl. She was a quite ordinary one. I had never seen her making up or wearing attractive clothes.

“I should go, I must go. That's a miracle (奇迹) !” I thought.

I arrived at the hall with the ticket and found my seat. Her performance was the seventh one, but was worth waiting for.

Time went slowly, I struggled with myself not to fall asleep.

“Let's welcome the next exciting dance — Latin!” Applause filled the hall at once.

I opened my eyes wide, fearing to lose anything. Wearing a golden and shining skirt, Mary appeared. Her dress went well with the brilliant lights. She was so beautiful: her stature (身材) was slim; her long golden hair lay back in curls over her ears. Dancing with a charming smile, she was fully absorbed in the Latin music. I could hardly believe my eyes.

After all the performance ended, I waited for her at the gate.

“Hi! How do you feel?” She stood in front of me with a bag and her crystal (水晶) high-heeled shoes in her hands.

“Fantastic!” I answered.

“Ha, ha. I knew it would be.” She could not hide her excitement, laughing like a child.

“May I lend a hand?”

“Thank you!” She handed her crystal shoes to me which were shining in the wonderful starry night; at the same time, I realized that every girl has a pair of special shoes which are like the crystal shoes of Cinderella.

1. When Mary said she would have a dance performance tonight, the writer felt ______.

A. embarrassed B. disappointed

C. ashamed D. surprised

2. What kind of person is Mary in the writer's eyes?

A. A plain girl.

B. A special girl.

C. A fashionable girl.

D. An attractive girl.

3. Why did the writer struggle with himself/herself not to fall asleep?

A. Because he/she enjoyed the dance performances.

B. Because he/she couldn't appreciate dance performances.

C. Because he/she didn't sleep well the night before.

D. Because he/she was very tired.

4. What does the seventh paragraph mainly tell us?

A. How well Mary danced that night.

B. How well Mary was dressed that night.

C. How beautifully Mary smiled that night.

D. How the writer appreciated Mary's performance.

5. What is the best title of the passage?

A. Every girl can dance

B. Don't look down upon an ordinary girl

C. Every girl has a pair of special crystal shoes

D. Every girl is beautiful


Being nice to your boss won't get you a pay rise, according to a new study showing that only aggressive (强势的) negotiators get what they want.

Researchers found the most effective strategies (策略) for getting a bigger salary were to be firm and “not take no for an answer”. Workers who started pay negotiations and tried to get a raise aggressively had the most success. Employees who had “done their homework” in advance of negotiations also earned themselves more holidays and benefit such as mobile phones and company cars.

But more employees who didn't want to annoy their employers compromised (妥协) and finally obeyed them. Workers who avoided salary discussions at appraisals (考核) or in interviews almost never got a raise.

Their study found those who actively sought out a rise earned an average $5 000 (£3 200) more every year than those who didn't. More aggressive workers then ended up earning up to $600 000 (£385 000) more over a 40-year career. This was based on the assumption (假设) that workers were given annual pay rises of up to five percent although the research did not explore career earnings.

They also found almost no difference between methods in male and female workers, suggesting that career-driven women were just as competitive during salary negotiations.

The study wanted to know the secret of the negotiating process. The results suggest workers who were more prepared for the negotiation process were able to use more aggressive strategies. By getting prepared, those who learned more about the market value of their position did their homework on the organisation and perhaps inquired about previous offers made about the organisation. These individuals were empowered (能控制局势的) and were generally more aggressive.

Furthermore workers who used a more competitive strategy, such as not taking no for an answer, threatening to withdraw from the process if the offer was unacceptable, were most successful in raising their salary.

The researchers interviewed 149 newly hired workers from different industries, who were asked to fill out questionnaires asking them what they did to earn a pay rise.

1. According to the passage, if an employee “does homework” before the negotiation, he may not earn ______.

A. a bigger salary

B. more holidays

C. a bigger house

D. mobile phones and company cars

2. If an employee wants to get a bigger salary, which of the following is what he needs to do?

A. Annoy his employer.

B. Compromise.

C. Avoid salary discussion.

D. Get prepared.

3. What does the fourth paragraph mainly tell us?

A. How many employees can get a bigger salary.

B. How aggressive an employee must be to get a bigger salary.

C. How bigger a rise an aggressive employee can get.

D. How much money an employee can earn a year.

4. What is the researchers' aim?

A. To discover the secret of pay negotiation.

B. To know the employees' attitude toward salary.

C. To know how employers treat employees.

D. To know how money controls employees.

5. What is the best title of the passage?

A. Aggressive workers are more likely to win pay rises

B. To win pay rises, quarrel with your employer

C. Don't be afraid of your employer at any time

D. Money means everything in employers' eyes


Families face being rationed (限额配给) to 80 bags of rubbish a year. Households throwing away more waste will have to take it to the tip (垃圾站) or buy a limited number of extra bags.

The plan which is already in use with one council (市政厅) , is being introduced by another and is under consideration by up to 180 more. The quotas (配额) are the latest attempt by local governments to cut down on waste to meet EU targets.

Doretta Cocks, of the Campaign for Weekly Waste Collections, said: “This is rationing. Some councils with fortnightly (两周一次的) collections and wheelie bins (有轮的垃圾箱) are already doing it by reducing the size of their wheelie bins.”

“They must think we are idiots. How can they claim to be concerned for the environment when they tell people to drive to the local tip? And what do you do if you don't have a car? Walk?”

The quotas ignore the voice from ministers to end such heavy-handedness.

The bag quota system is to be carried out by the Tory-led council in Wokingham, Berkshire, and is already in operation in Broxbourne in Hertfordshire.

Many of the 180 councils that still offer unrestricted weekly rubbish collections are watching the trial.

Wokingham officials have told residents that 75-litre bags will be given to each household and anything not left in them will not be collected.

“Every household will receive 80 bags every year, ” it said. “You can buy extra bags in rolls of ten but this will not be encouraged.”

Families of five will get 100 rubbish bags a year and households of six or more will get 120. A council spokesman said yesterday that those who cannot keep to their quota will have to drive to city tips to get rid of their rubbish.

Residents will have a weekly recycling collection limited to cans, paper and card, plastic bottles and so on.

Plastic packaging, tinfoil (锡纸) packaging and glass including bottles must either go with the general waste or be taken to recycling points. Green waste pick-ups cost an extra £60 a year.

The council, which charges a Band D council tax of £1 462 a year, has told residents it will save £922 000 a year under the new system. There will be no local consultation before it is introduced next April.

1. How many councils has the plan affected so far?

A. 2. B. 178.

C. 180. D. 182.

2. Doretta Cocks is ______ the plan according to the passage.

A. particular about B. curious about

C. angry with D. interested in

3. How much rubbish can a household be rationed to?

A. 100 bags of rubbish.

B. 120 bags of rubbish.

C. 6 000 litres of rubbish.

D. 180 bags of rubbish.

4. What does the underlined word “this” refer to in the ninth paragraph?

A. Receiving 80 bags.

B. Buying extra bags.

C. Driving to city tips.

D. Keeping to the quota.

5. What is the best title of the passage?

A. English families are rationed to 80 bags of rubbish a year

B. English families can't clear away their rubbish

C. English families are angry with their government

D. English government pays no attention to residents' interest


Made in China porcelain (瓷器) for royal wedding

A Chinese porcelain manufacturing company has won the order to make the official tableware (餐具) to be used at the British royal wedding of Prince William and his fiancee (未婚妻) Kate Middleton.

Guangxi Sanhuan Group, based in Beiliu, a city in China's southern Guangxi province known locally for its ceramics (制陶艺术) and porcelain ware, said they came out tops over more than 500 companies bidding (竞标) to produce royal wedding porcelain, fighting off strong competition from manufacturers around the globe.

The company is now burdened with producing some 16 000 porcelain tableware products to be used at the wedding.

Company officials said the products are divided into five groups including a dining plate, a coffee cup and saucer set (茶碟) , a commemorative (纪念性的) mug and a souvenir plate. They will be either used at the wedding or given to wedding guests as souvenirs.

The design is generally the same featuring a photograph of Prince William and Kate Middleton inside a heart shape with the words “William and Catherine” written below.

Set up in 1987, Guangxi Sanhuan is a modern Chinese success story — a once State-owned company that has now gone private, having a reputation of being a quality manufacturer for ceramics and porcelain over the last decade.

It employs more than 8 000 and is known for producing high-end table and dining ware for export to Europe, the United States and Southeast Asia.

The company is set to finish the production of the porcelain by the middle of January and its workers are pleased by the publicity generated by the order.

Besides this official order, other Chinese manufacturers have already been benefiting from the royal wedding as they produce tens of thousands of replica (复制品) royal engagement rings as well as other imitation wedding memorabilia that are in demand globally ahead of the April 29 wedding.

1. What does the second paragraph mainly tell us?

A. How Guangxi Sanhuan Group won the order to make royal wedding porcelain.

B. Where Guangxi Sanhuan Group lies.

C. Why manufacturers around the world bid to make royal wedding porcelain.

D. There was strong competition between porcelain manufacturers.

2. How many uses will the royal wedding porcelain have?

A. 1. B. 2.

C. 3. D. 4.

3. What is inside the heart shape of each royal wedding porcelain?

A. A photo of Prince William and a photo of Kate Middleton.

B. A photo of Prince William and Kate Middleton.

C. William and Catherine.

D. A few words.

4. When will Prince William get married?

A. In January.

B. In the middle of January.

C. On April 29.

D. The text doesn't tell us.

5. What do the sixth, seventh and eighth paragraphs mainly introduce?

A. A Chinese manufacturer.

B. The royal wedding.

C. Prince William.

D. The English Prince and his fiancee.


Three in ten Americans commit “financial infidelity (出轨) ” by lying to their partners about money, sometimes suffering consequences such as separation or divorce (离婚) , according to a new survey.

The Harris Interactive online poll of 2 019 adults released on Thursday showed 31 percent of American couples who have combined finances were not truthful about issues such as hiding cash or a bank account or about debt or earnings.

“Financial infidelity may be the new normal, ” said Forbes.com, which performed the survey with the National Endowment (基金会) for Financial Education.

One-third of respondents (响应者) also say they have been cheated, and both sexes lie to their partners about money in equal numbers. “These unwise behaviors cause great damage to the relationship, which is really not worthwhile. We must consider how important a family is to all of us. We must be honest to our partners in everything including money, ” said Ted Beck, chief executive of the National Endowment for Financial Education.

Sixteen percent of couples affected by financial infidelity said the cheat led to a divorce and 11 percent said it caused a separation. Sixty-seven percent said it led to an argument and for 42 percent it lessened trust in the relationship. What a great damage it is to the family members!

The most common lie, at 58 percent, was hiding cash. Fifty-four percent of respondents admitted hiding a minor purchase, 30 percent hid a bill, 16 percent did not disclose a major purchase and 15 percent hid a bank account.

Eleven percent lied about debt and an equal number were untruthful about earnings, the survey showed. It is suggested that all the couples should learn a lesson from this matter.

1. What does Ted Beck think of Americans' committing financial infidelity?

A. Rewarding. B. Unlawful.

C. Unwise. D. Unfair.

2. What does the fifth paragraph mainly tell us?

A. The harm of financial infidelity.

B. The meaning of financial infidelity.

C. The explanation for financial infidelity.

D. The percentage of Americans' committing financial infidelity.

3. What does the underlined word “lessened” mean in the fifth paragraph?

A. Raised. B. Dropped.

C. Harmed. D. Reduced.

4. Most Americans lie to their partners about ______.

A. hiding cash B. bank account

C. debt D. earnings

5. What is the best title of the passage?

A. Americans like to lie most

B. Three in ten Americans commit financial infidelity

C. Americans have the largest percentage of divorce

D. Americans like to hide their partners' cash


If you are looking to further your career and get a promotion, January is the best month of the year in many countries to get it.

An analysis of data on the professional networking site LinkedIn showed January, June and July are the top months for professionals to move up the position ladder within their companies in the US.

January is also a good month for promotions in India, along with April, July and October, and in France, Australia, Canada, Germany, Brazil, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and Britain.

LinkedIn, which has 90 million members worldwide, speculated (推测) that one reason why January is so popular for career advancement is that it coincides with (与……一致) the financial year.

“We looked at 12 countries, including the US, ” said Krista Canfield, a spokeswoman for LinkedIn. “If you look at India's data we also see a spike (尖峰) in April and it turns out that April is when India's financial year is.”

Another theory is that it is easier for companies to deal with promotions after the winter or summer holidays.

“September comes up as a really good time for people in France to go and try for a promotion, besides January, which is also a good month, ” she added.

Promotions were also more common in September in Spain.

LinkedIn analyzed nearly 3 million intra-company job promotions (内部升职) from data on its website from January 1990 to December 2010. Although January is still the most popular month, the company noticed that from about the year 2000 more promotions started occurring during other times of the year.

“It was becoming less likely that you would only get promoted in January and more likely you would get promoted during other months of the years, ” Canfield explained.

She attributes the change to (把……归因于) millennials, people born in the 1980s, who have entered the workforce.

“It could be that this newer generation is a bit more demanding, ” she explained, adding that if they don't get the desired promotion they simply leave the company.

“Just in terms of people's career paths, now you don't see those lifers…who have a career at one company. You're seeing people change jobs a lot more frequently.”

1. Which month is not the good time to get promoted in America?

A. January. B. March.

C. June. D. July.

2. How many months are the good time to get promoted in India?

A. 1 month. B. 2 months.

C. 3 months. D. 4 months.

3. Now, the chance to get promoted in January is ______.

A. on the increase B. on the decrease

C. out of the question D. still the same

4. What does the twelfth paragraph mainly tell us?

A. A millennial is particular about his or her position.

B. A millennial was born in the 1980's.

C. A millennial is strict with himself or herself.

D. A millennial is a lifer.

5. What is the best title of the passage?

A. January is the best month for a promotion

B. Which months are the best time in life?

C. Millennials can't get promoted in January

D. People change their jobs more frequently


2010 was the year the Earth struck back.

Earthquakes, heat waves, floods, volcanoes, super typhoons, blizzards (暴风雪) , landslides and droughts killed at least a quarter million people in 2010 — the deadliest year in more than a generation. More people were killed worldwide by natural disasters this year than have been killed in terrorism attacks in the past 40 years combined.

“It just seemed like it was back-to-back (接二连三) and it came in waves, ” said Craig Fugate, who heads the US Federal Emergency Management Agency. It handled a record number of disasters in 2010.

“The term ‘100-year event' really lost its meaning this year.”

And we have ourselves to blame most of the time, scientists and disaster experts say.

Even though many disasters seem accidental, the hand of man made this a particularly deadly, costly, extreme and strange year for everything from wild weather to earthquakes.

Poor construction and development practices make earthquakes more deadly than they need be. More people live in poverty in vulnerable buildings (危房) in crowded cities. That means that when the ground shakes, the river breaches, or the tropical cyclone (旋风) hits, more people die.

The January earthquake that killed well more than 220 000 people in Haiti is a perfect example. Port-au-Prince has nearly three times as many people, many of them living in poverty, and more poorly built shanties (棚户区) than it did 25 years ago. So had the same quake hit in 1985 instead of 2010, total deaths would have probably been in the 80 000 range, said Richard Olson, director of disaster risk reduction at Florida International University.

Climate scientists say Earth's climate also is changing thanks to man-made global warming, bringing extreme weather, such as heat waves and flooding.

The excessive (过多的) amount of extreme weather of 2010 is a clear sign of man-made global warming that climate scientists have long warned about. They calculate that the killer Russian heat wave — setting a national record of 111 degrees — would happen once every 100 000 years without global warming.

Preliminary (之前的) data show that 18 countries broke their records for the hottest day ever.

White House science adviser John Holdren said we should get used to climate disasters or do something about global warming. “The science is clear that we can expect more and more of these kinds of damaging events unless and until society's emissions (排放) of heat-trapping gases and particles are sharply reduced.”

1. What does the second paragraph mainly tell us?

A. How the Earth struck back in 2010.

B. Why the Earth struck back.

C. How terrorism attacks struck.

D. What natural disasters mean to us.

2. What does the underlined word “it” refer to in the third paragraph?

A. Earthquake. B. The Earth.

C. 2010. D. Natural disaster.

3. What do the fifth, sixth and seventh paragraphs mainly tell us?

A. The reason why there were so many disasters in 2010.

B. The way that natural disasters happened.

C. The way that man built buildings.

D. The way that people lived.

4. What is the way to cut back on the number of natural disasters?

A. To build stronger houses.

B. To develop less.

C. To reduce the emissions of heat-trapping gases and particles greatly.

D. To forecast the happening of natural disasters correctly.

5. Why did the writer give the example of the earthquake that happened in Haiti?

A. To show more people's living in vulnerable buildings can cause more people to die in an earthquake.

B. To show Haiti is a poor country.

C. To show Port-au-Prince is too crowded.

D. To show man's forecast ability of an earthquake reduced.





1. C 标题判断题。

认真阅读分析原文不难发现其主要介绍了机会不是等不出来的而是积极准备出来的, 因此以Prepare for your chances为题准确贴切。

2. B 细节判断题。


3. A 推理判断题。

认真阅读分析原文第四节不难发现, 爱戴认为自己之所以能够时刻准备着捕捉生活中出现的机会与母亲的教育分不开。

4. A 词义推断题。

认真阅读该词所在句及上一句不难发现, 上一句为该词所在句的背景信息, 因此It应指代爱戴认真学习91页的英语传记这件事。

5. D 推理判断题。

原文第三节首句是对爱戴最强个性的介绍, 可见其最强个性是喜欢尝试新事物。



精彩的经历有可能只出现一次, 无法再回首, 但我们却可以永远地珍藏。

1. A 推理判断题。

由原文第一节中的Those days in school were gray to most Chinese students because of the college entrance examination pressure.可以推出对作者来说高中生活是不愉快的。

2. C 词义推断题。

认真阅读分析画线词所在句不难发现and引导并列句, 第一个分句为第二个分句的背景信息, 由此不难推断it指代a small wood。

3. D 归纳综合题。

认真阅读分析原文第二节不难发现其主要描绘的是女孩们那天下午在小树林中谈笑、做游戏的娱乐情况, 由此不难推出答案。

4. D 推理判断题。

原文第三节首句为主题句, 由此可以推出作者在第三节中主要介绍了一个宁静的小溪。

5. A 推理判断题。

认真阅读分析原文不难发现最后一节为主题段, 作者表达了过去的美好时光难以再现但却可以回忆的观点, 由此不难推出答案。



为节约能源, 韩国政府让公务员穿保暖内衣。

1. B 细节判断题。

原文第二节中的all ministries and state-run companies have been told to turn off the heating from 11:00 am to noon and 5:00~6:00 pm表明各部及国营公司每天必须将暖气关掉两小时。

2. D 推理判断题。

由原文第一节中的as the severe cold puts a strain (紧张) on power resources可以推出韩国政府命令公务员关掉暖气穿保暖内衣的目的是为了省电。

3. B 细节判断题。

认真阅读分析原文最后三节不难发现原文共提及Seoul, Busan和Gimhae三座城市。

4. A 归纳综合题。


5. A 标题判断题。

认真阅读分析原文不难发现其主要介绍的是为节约能源韩国政府要求公务员关掉暖气改穿保暖内衣的背景信息, 因此以To save energy, South Korea civil servants wear thermal underwear为题准确贴切。



为了鼓励更多人骑自行车出行, 丹麦首都哥本哈根计划将现有的自行车道改建为自行车高速公路。

1. B 归纳综合题。

认真阅读分析原文第二节至第六节内容不难发现其主要介绍的是哥本哈根市自行车数目多, 自行车堵塞多, 这是哥本哈根要建自行车高速公路的原因。

2. D 推理判断题。


3. B 细节判断题。


4. A 词义推断题。

由原文第十节中的from the 37 percent it is today to more than 50 percent by 2015可以推出hike含义为“提高”。

5. A 标题判断题。

认真阅读分析原文不难发现其主要介绍的是为鼓励更多人骑自行车, 哥本哈根计划建自行车高速公路, 因此以Copenhagen plans to build bicycle friendly highways为题准确贴切。



《平安夜》, 翻唱次数最多的英国圣诞歌曲。

1. C 细节判断题。

原文第一节和第二节共提及 “Silent Night”, “White Christmas”和 “Winter Wonderland”三首圣诞颂歌的名字。

2. A 推理判断题。

由原文第五节首句Sinead O'Connor's 1991 recording was the most popular version of the carol in Britain, according to PPL.可以推出Sinead O'Connor唱《平安夜》最好。

3. C 推理判断题。

由原文第六节中的from the original German可以推出《平安夜》最初是用德语唱的。

4. C 推理判断题。


5. A 标题判断题。

认真阅读分析原文不难发现其主要介绍到《平安夜》为英国有史以来灌录次数最多的圣诞歌曲, 可见它是英国最受欢迎的圣诞颂歌。



每个女孩都有一双属于自己的水晶鞋, 穿上它尽情地跳舞可以展示自己的美!

1. D 推理判断题。

由原文第二节中的“What?! What performance? Dance? Is that true?” I asked myself.可以推出当玛丽说自己那天晚上将有一个舞蹈表演时作者感到很惊讶。

2. A 推理判断题。

由原文第二节中的She was a quite ordinary one. I had never seen her making up or wearing attractive clothes.可以推出在作者眼中玛丽是一个非常朴素的女孩。

3. B 推理判断题。

由原文第五节中的Time went slowly可以推出作者不会欣赏舞蹈表演。

4. A 归纳综合题。


5. C 标题判断题。

原文末节中的I realized that every girl has a pair of special shoes which are like the crystal shoes of Cinderella为主题句, 由此不难推出答案。




1. C 推理判断题。

由原文第二节末句可以推出在工资谈判之前做了“功课”的员工能为自己赢得更高的薪水、更多的假期、手机和公车等好处, 因此可能赢不到的是一幢更大的房子。

2. D 细节判断题。

由原文第三节可知, 如果一个员工想获得加薪, 他没有必要害怕激怒老板、妥协、回避薪水讨论, 但由第六节可知, 想加薪的员工必须在薪水谈判之前做准备。

3. C 推理判断题。


4. A 细节判断题。


5. A 标题判断题。

认真阅读分析原文不难发现其自始至终介绍的是在薪水谈判中强势的员工更易获得加薪, 因此以Aggressive workers are more likely to win pay rises为题准确贴切。



为保护环境, 英国每年每户限扔80袋垃圾。

1. D 推理判断题。

由原文第二节首句可以推出计划已经影响了182 (1+1+180) 个市政厅。

2. C 推理判断题。


3. C 推理判断题。

由原文第八节和第九节可以推出每户居民每年可以得到扔6000 (75×80) 升垃圾的配额。

4. B 词义判断题。

认真阅读分析画线词所在句不难发现, You can buy extra bags in rolls of ten为该词所在分句的背景信息, 由此不难推出this的正确指代。

5. A 标题判断题。

认真阅读分析原文不难发现其自始至终介绍的是英国政府限制每户每年扔80袋垃圾的计划, 因此以English families are rationed to 80 bags of rubbish a year为题准确贴切。




1. A 推理判断题。

由原文第二节中的they came out tops over more than 500 companies bidding (竞标) to produce royal wedding porcelain, fighting off strong competition from manufacturers around the globe可以推出第二节主要介绍了广西三环集团是如何赢得皇室婚礼陶器制造订单的。

2. B 细节判断题。

原文第四节末句They will be either used at the wedding or given to wedding guests as souvenirs.体现答案。

3. B 细节判断题。


4. C 细节判断题。

原文末句中的the April 29 wedding体现答案。

5. A 归纳综合题。




有调查显示, 十分之三美国人“财务出轨”。

1. C 细节判断题。

原文第四节中的These unwise behaviors体现答案。

2. A 归纳综合题。


3. D 词义判断题。

由语境及常识可知, 财务出轨对夫妻相互之间的信任是一种削弱, 由此不难推出答案。

4. A 细节判断题。

原文第六节首句The most common lie, at 58 percent, was hiding cash.体现答案。

5. B 标题判断题。

认真阅读分析原文不难发现其主要介绍的是十分之三的美国人财务出轨的背景信息, 因此以Three in ten Americans commit financial infidelity为题准确贴切。



研究表明, 一月份是升职最佳时机。

1. B 细节判断题。

原文第二节中的January, June and July are the top months for professionals to move up the position ladder within their companies in the US体现答案。

2. D 推理判断题。

由原文第三节中的January is also a good month for promotions in India, along with April, July and October可以推出在印度有四个月职业人士容易升职。

3. B 细节判断题。


4. A 推理判断题。

由原文第十二节中的a bit more demanding和if they don't get the desired promotion they simply leave the company可以推出千禧一代对职务挑剔。

5. A 标题判断题。

认真阅读分析原文不难发现其主要介绍了调查表明一月份是升职最佳时机, 因此以January is the best month for a promotion为题准确贴切。



2010年灾害多, 大多是人类惹的祸。

1. A 推理判断题。

原文第一节总体介绍2010年是地球反击的一年, 而第二节介绍了地球反击的方式, 可见答案为A。

2. D 词义推断题。

认真阅读分析画线词所在句和原文第二节的内容不难发现, 第二节为画线词所在句的背景信息, 而第二节主要介绍的是2010年各种灾害的发生, 可见该词指代natural disaster。

3. A 归纳综合题。

认真阅读分析原文第五节、第六节和第七节不难发现其主要介绍了人类行为是如何造成自然灾害频繁发生的, 可见它主要告诉我们的是2010年自然灾害频繁发生的原因。

4. C 推理判断题。


5. A 推理判断题。


高考阅读理解各种题型解法 篇5

(1)词义判断题是检查考生对生词的理解判断能力,在确定词汇的内涵时候我们可借助上下文判断与确定语意最接近的词汇或句型,根据语意的递进、转折、对比等特定语境确定应选的词汇;可借助过度词根据前后的句意反差,确定有关词汇或句型,还可以根据语段之间的逻辑关系,确定有关词汇。以高考题天津卷为例,第70小题是一道词义判断题,需要考生根据上下文对词义加以判断,考生需要阅读collisions前后的语句,即:“Researchers are worried about the increasing pressure on pilots and ground controllers. And increasing collisions, occurring at or near an airport, have called attention to the need for more aids to aviation control.”可以得知,航班的大量增加给飞行员及地勤人员造成很大压力,这就自然导致机场及周边地区不断增长的飞行事故。本题答案A项是最贴切的。又如:第62小题考查词义判断题。原文第五节中,年轻有为的Schipper回忆起,她五年前和Gould相见时的情况时说,“…Shane had come along to talk to us and watch us train. It seemed as if we had long been good friends. I don’t know why. We just started talking and it went from there.”那时,她们互相交谈,Shane还看她们训练,好像她们已是多年的老朋友似的。Schipper解释她都不清楚为什么她们从交谈中产生了解和友情。故it 意为the friendship最贴切。

(2)主旨大意题通常是指考查文章的中心思想, 考查文章的主题、立意、中心观点、基本观点。不少文章一开头便展示文章的的主题, 如新闻报导等;,有些文章中心思想常常贯穿于全文, 要弄清文章的中心思想,考生必须具备归纳和概括方面的能力。例如:

On the evening of June 21, 1992, a tall man with brown hair and blue eyes entered the beautiful hall of the Bell tower Hotel in Xi’an with his bicycle . The hotel workers received him and telephoned the manager , for they had never seen a bicycle in the hotel hall before though they lived in “ the kingdom of bicycles “.

Robert Friedlander , an American , arrived in Xi’an on his bicycle trip across Asia which started last December in New Belhi , India .

When he was 11 , he read the book Marco Polo and made up his mind to visit the Silk Road . Now , after 44 years , he was on the Silk Road in Xi’an and his early dreams were coming true .

Robert Friedlander’s next destinations (目的地)were Lanzhou, Dunhuang, Urimqi, etc. He will complete his trip in Pakistan.

考题 The best headline ( 标题) for this newspaper article would be __________ .

A. The Kingdom of Bicycles B. A Beautiful Hotel in Xi’an

C.Moarco Polo and the Silk Road D. An American Achieving His Aims

(3)逻辑推理题需要考生理解字面的概念,又要掌握主要情节之间的逻辑关系,既需要依据语篇的信息去分析推断,又需要结合地理、人文、科普等常识去分析判断。逻辑推理题要求考生根据作者的写作脉络,对未发生或已发生的动作给予判断推测。解题时应考虑原因与结果之间的联系、人际之间的各种关系、事件发展的可能与归宿以及英美社会风情与民族的心态。例如:天津卷第71题,这是一道逻辑推理题。根据短文的陈述,A、B项与短文基本内容不符。短文对航空运输的现状作了详细阐述后,在最后一节特别强调飞行员与地勤人员的沟通必须引起重视。应该说,此题选D项在情理之中。又如:Emma hart Willard was an American pioneer educator . In her time colleges and universities were men , and women were not permitted to attend . Emma received advanced education at home from her father and became a school teacher at twenty . She continued to teach at school for several years after her marriage , and began offering college lessons in her home to women students . Later she founded a school in New York State , which was the first school of higher education in the U.S A. for women . Emma Willard also tried to persuade New York State to pass a law to allow women to attend public colleges and universities , though that did not come about until after her death . Some years later people remembered her for her life-long efforts and elected her to the U.S.A. Hall of Fame in 1905.

During Emma Willard’s lifetime , women in the USA __________ .

A. were not allowed to receive higher education

B. Went to separate colleges and universities

C. Started to enjoy equal rights to education

D. Began to right for the right to higher education

答案: D 。

这是一篇人物传记, 记述Emma是在家里接受她父亲的教育,数年后她创造美国第一所 女子高等学校,而后又一直争取让妇女得到与男人同在校接受高等教育的权利。通过这些事实说明当时的美国妇女开始为争取与男子享受高等教育的权利而斗争,因此,答案D正确。

(4)标题判断题目的在于考查考生略读文章,领会文章大意及高度抽象概括能力。文章的标题往往可用很少的几个词加以概括,考生逾越文章的细节与段落,以语篇的中心内涵为依托构成了标题选择的独特视角。这种题型的提问方式有:1. The title that best expresses the idea of the passage is _______ ; 2. The paragragh could be entitled _______ ; 3. Which of the following titles best sums up the whole passage ? 4. A good title for this passage would be _________ ; 5. A suitable title for this passage would be _______。 以下是一个标题判断题的例子。

Shu Pulong has helped at least 1,000 people bitten by snake . “ It was seeing people with snake bites that led me to this areer , “ he said .

In 1963 , after his army service , Shu entered a medical school and later became a doctor of Chinese medicine . As part of his studies he had to work in the mountains . there he often heard pf people who had their arms and legs cut off after a snake bite in order to save their lives .

“ I was greatly upset by the story of an ole farmer I met . It was a very hot afternoon . The old man was pulling grass in his fields then he felt a pain in his left hand . He at once realized his had been bitten by a poisonous snake . In no time he wrapped a cloth tightly around his arm to stop the poison spreading to his heart . Rushing home he shouted ‘ Bring me the knife !’ Minutes later the man lost his arm forever.”

“ The sad story touched me so much that I decided to devote myself to helping people bitten by snakes , “ Shu said .

The best title for this newspaper article is __________ .

A. Astonishing Medicine B. Farmer Loses Arm

C. Dangerous Bites D. Snake Doctor


Like alcohol and drugs , TV can be enormously destructive to personal relationships . Look at our society , you do not need to be a psychiatrist (精神病医生)to know that TV has played an important role in the increase of violent crimes in our country .

Many people will disagree with what I have written and pint out that TV is a wonderful tool for education and does a super job of reporting news , and they have a point . But it’s very difficult to use the TV wisely . How can you get your children away from the set when their father can find nothing better to do ? It seems as if he has no control over his own environment because TV comes before everything .

What is the writer’s attitude towards TV ?

A. Positive (肯定的) B. Indifferent ( 中立的)

C. Indefinite (不定的) D. Negative (否定的)

通过阅读文章,可以看出作者并非全部否定电视的益处,其态度是辨证的, 虽然电视带来好多弊端,但它也有好多益处。所以选择B。

高考阅读理解解题技巧点拨 篇6



56. What does the course Basic Math mainly cover? (2012年北京卷)

A. Algebra. B. College Mathematics.

C. Arithmetic.D. Mathematics Education.

【原文】The lessons in Basic Math cover every basic aspect of arithmetic.

【解析】首先阅读题干,找到关键词Basic Math。然后根据这个关键词快速寻读,可以迅速定位到文章第二段第一句话。再将题干与对应的原文进行比较,题干中的course与原文中的lesson为近义词,由此可确定该句与题干可进行同义替换,答案应与every basic aspect of arithmetic相关。四个选项中只有C项符合,故选C。




68. What does the author imply about newspapers? (2012年湖北卷)

A. They are solution providers.

B. They are a source of inspiration.

C. They are normally full of bad news.

D. They are more educational than websites.

【原文】Once at the office, you glance through the newspaper with depressing stories or reports of disasters.

【解析】首先根据题干中的关键词newspapers迅速定位到文章第一段第五句话。根据句中的depressing stories or reports of disasters可以推断出报纸上坏消息较多,由此可知答案为C。




66. What does the word "epic" in Paragraph 1 most probably mean? (2012年上海卷)

A. Very slow but exciting.

B. Very long and difficult.

C. Very smooth but tiring. D. Very lonely and depressing.

【原文】Phil White has just returned from an 18,000-mile, around-the-world bicycle trip. White had two reasons for making this epic journey. First of all, he wanted to use the trip to raise money for charity, which he did. He raised £70,000 for the British charity, Oxfam. White's second reason for making the trip was to break the world record and become the fastest person to cycle around the world. He is still waiting to find out if he has broken the record or not.


... He spent more than 1,300 hours in the saddle (车座) and destroyed four sets of tyres and three bike chains.... Amazingly, he did all of this with absolutely no support team. No jeep carrying food, water and medicine. No doctor. Nothing! Just a bike and a very, very long road.

【解析】原文中epic修饰的是journey,由此可知epic在此处应为形容词。通过原文中making the trip was to break the world record and become the fastest person to cycle around the world可知A项中的slow与原文意思相反,因此A项不正确。而由18,000-mile和around-the-world可知B项中的very long符合原文,再看到后文指出he spent more than 1,300 hours in the saddle and destroyed four sets of tyres and three bike chains和no support team以及no jeep carrying food ...可知其旅途并不是一帆风顺的,因此可通过C项中的smooth将此项排除,同时B项中的difficult符合文意,因此正确答案为B项。




63. What can be the best title for the text? (2012年全国卷II)

A. Wild Bees B. Wax and Honey

C. Beekeeping in Africa D. Honey-Lover's Helper






高考英语阅读理解解题指导 篇7











1. 文章主旨给出的四种形式:文首,文中,文尾,没有明确主旨,需总结。

2. 主旨题的解题技巧:



c.在阅读时,注意therefore, thus, but, however, in short等转折词。




1. 对词义考查的两种方式:超纲词义含义推断;熟词生义或是在特定场合的意思。

2. 词义题的解题技巧:






1. 推理引申题的选项特点:


2. 推理引申题的答题技巧:








1. 事实细节题的常见提问形式:

1) Which of the following is TRUE (Not True) according to

2) Which of the following is mentioned in the passage?3) The author mentions all the following except%%.4) In the passage, the author states that%%.

5)以when, where, who, what, how, why, how many/much等词


2. 事实细节题的解题技巧:a.抓住关键词,理清信息。











摘要:在《新课标》中, 阅读的重要性仍然被放在了第一位, 对阅读的基本技能和阅读量作出了详细的规定。另外, 众所周知, 阅读理解在各层次英语试卷中都是测试的重点, 所占的分值最大, 而且也是考生感到最困难的一部分。阅读理解部分成绩的好坏直接影响着考生的英语总成绩, 因此它备受考生的关注。高中生如何熟练地掌握阅读技巧和方法, 攻克英语阅读理解这一被高中学生公认的难关, 就显得尤为重要了。本文力图就新课标阅读要求、阅读题型分类及解题策略等方面提出一些建设性的指导。



[1]中华人民共和国教育部.普通高中英语课程标准 (实验) .人民教育出版社, 2003.

[2]金莺, 宋桂月.高中英语课程标准教师读本.华中师范大学出版社, 2003.

[3]何安平.高中英语课程改革理论与实践.东北师范大学出版社, 2004.

[4]马晓梅.英语写作提高与范文百篇.西安交通大学出版社, 1998.

[5]李斌宁.英语学习经验谈.北京大学出版社, 1995.

高考阅读理解教学指导 篇8

在高三英语教学实践中, 我体会到阅读能力培养的关键在于教师的指导和足量的阅读及训练, 即学生在教师的具体指导下, 进行独立的阅读实践, 加强以应用为目的的整体训练, 以此提高学生的阅读能力。那么, 如何提高阅读理解能力呢? 根据我校近几届学生的具体情况, 我介绍几种做法。

一、进行阅读训练, 扩大阅读量

高中生对英语阅读有着浓厚的兴趣和强烈的求知欲。教师应该抓住学生学习的契机, 给予其学习的金钥匙, 引导其博览群书。

教师应收集足量的高考阅读理解材料指导学生进行阅读并给予正确的引导、精心的指导和及时的疏导;做好课外阅读指导工作, 扩大阅读面, 养成阅读理解的习惯, 指导学生阅读英语报纸杂志等, 拓宽视野, 汲取原汁原味的语言精华。

二、掌握正确阅读的方法, 增强阅读理解效果

阅读是为了理解、吸收信息和获取信息, 因此阅读过程实质上就是获取信息的过程; 获得多少信息关键在于教师如何引导学生阅读。

阅读训练的目的是培养学生的阅读能力, 我们应该通过阅读理解训练与锻炼学生获取信息的能力, 使他们在书面交际中提高识记、理解词汇的能力, 猜测、判断语义的能力和分析篇章结构的能力。因此, 我在日常教学中着手开展如下做法。

1.采用浅层阅读方法, 让学生理解文章大意和轮廓。

通过泛读或略读 (Extensive reading) 的方式, 引导学生快速通读全文, 了解文章的大意和中心意思, 让学生“见之森林”, 知其概貌。泛读或略读就是让学生快速浏览全文, 并通过标题和主题句, 对文章内容、结构和作者的写作意图形成整体印象。之后, 教师可设计练习检测阅读效果, 帮助学生捕获信息, 可采用判断正误、排序和选择填空等练习形式。

2.进一步深层阅读, 局部了解文章的主要情节和要点。

采用精读或细读 (Intensive reading) 的方法, 引导学生仔细阅读文章, 抓住情节, 掌握要点。

泛读或略读后, 学生已知晓文章大意, 教师应指导他们运用已学的知识和已有的生活经验对文中信息进行逻辑推理和分析判断, 帮助学生掌握文章的段落结构, 分析各段之间的逻辑关系, 帮助学生准确理解人物性格、事实原因、事物发展规律、作者的观点及文章字里行间的深层含义。

为达到以上目的, 教师还要答疑解难。对文中影响阅读的语法和语言点, 教师要适当讲解, 但不可游离于文章之外。在这个过程中必须坚持以学生为本, 以学生为阅读实践活动的主角。教师应多角度、多层次、多形式地为学生设计阅读活动, 使所有学生全程参与阅读过程。教师可尝试用时间排序法、通篇提要法、深层提问法、图示法、瞻前顾后法、句式转变法等方式。


在教师的指导下进行独立阅读是培养学生英语自学能力的关键所在, 阅读技能在一定程度上直接影响阅读速度、效率和理解程度。如果教师有意识地在阅读教学过程中对学生的阅读技能加以精心指导和训练, 则有利于学生自学能力的培养。根据阅读理解题的特点和学生实际, 我主要从以下方面对学生的阅读技能加以指导和训练。

1.快速浏览, 培养抓住关键词和主题句的技能。

在阅读过程的第一步, 采用跳读或略读的方法快速默读课文, 着重指导学生如何抓住句子中的关键词 (Key words) 和段落里的主题句 (Topic sentences) , 以便更快了解文章大意。一般来说, 关键词能交代文章或段落的when, where, what, why, who之类的问题。主题句一般出现在文中段落的首句或末句 (有时也出现在中间) , 能概括地说明该段的主要意思或观点, 是文章的骨架所在。这样, 学生就可以充分利用这些技巧, 边读边有意识地寻找所需信息, 从而提高阅读速度和效率。

2.扩大词汇量, 促进阅读。

词汇是语言的三大要素之一, 更是阅读理解的基石。我们在阅读理解时遇到的首要问题就是词语障碍, 没有一定的词汇量作基础, 就谈不上理解能力的提高。有的语言学家通过调查发现, 外语学习者如拥有5000词汇量, 阅读正确率可达56%, 词汇量达到6400, 阅读正确率可达63%。因此, 熟练掌握课本单词, 适量扩充课外词汇是提高阅读能力的基础。


在阅读过程中令学生倍感头痛的是文章中的生词。猜词释义是一项很重要的阅读技能, 经常鼓励学生在一定语言环境中猜词释义可以培养学生阅读时积极思考的良好习惯, 提高他们的阅读兴趣。针对英语阅读中的生词, 可采用以下方法猜词。

(1) 根据上下文内容猜测生词。

英语词义不是孤立存在的, 在仔细阅读文章后, 可利用上下文提供的情景和线索, 进行合乎逻辑的综合分析和推理, 轻而易举地猜出词义。例如:He said to me, “Why not run withoutan umbrella?If you didn’t run, you would get drenched.”可以猜出“drenched”是“wet”的意思。

(2) 根据语法结构猜测词义。

“Every day We have to water the vegetable garden because oflittle rain.”water是很简单的常用词“水”之意, 但这里作“水”解释明显不对。指导学生注意have to的结构后所接词的形式, 让学生明白这里water由名词转化为动词, 作“用水浇灌”解释。

(3) 根据构词法判断、猜测词义。

英语中的构词法通常有三种:派生、转化和合成。学生在阅读中常常会碰到许多似曾相识的词, 这些词大多是由熟悉的单词派生或合成的新词。教师只要适时适当地介绍一些构词法知识并稍加点拨, 或采用多个英语释义选择方式进行训练, 就能帮助学生理解、掌握。

(4) 反义词猜词法。

阅读时, 学生经常会遇到诸如down向下;up向上;dry干燥的;wet潮湿的;early早的;late迟的;easy容易的;difficult, hard困难的等一对对反义词 , 假如这些反义词同时出现在某一句子或段落中, 那么, 学生将很容易地猜出生词的意思。

(5) 近义词或同义词猜词法。

看看上下文中有没有生词的另一种说法, 即找同义词或近义词。有时上下文会对一个生词做出进一步描述、解释, 或者提供一些暗示。一般来说, 这些同义词是比较简单的词汇, 有时可能是短语或句子, 同前面的生词用逗号隔开。例如:ifthe mother is ailing, the child suffers.例中用近义词对suffer与ail进行了进一步解释。学生即能通过学过的词汇或短语猜测出句中生词的意思。

(7) 高频难词的熟记。

教师应要求学生记好阅读理解的高频难词, 这有助于学生阅读理解能力的提高, 加深对文章的理解。


这两项技能是阅读理解深层次的要求, 要求学生在获取文章一定量的信息之后, 进行加工、制作, 去粗存精, 去伪存真, 做出正确的、合乎逻辑的判断推理, 更主要的是让学生在具体语言环境中, 培养“用英语思考” (Thinking in English) 的习惯和能力, 避免翻译式的理解。


教师平时在阅读课文时应该介绍一些英美国家的社会历史、文化风俗和传统方面的知识, 注意英语和其他学科的联系。不仅扩大学生的知识面, 还能活跃课堂气氛。


学生在阅读过程中总会碰到一些阅读疑难, 这些阅读疑难往往是精确理解文章的障碍。由于学生本身的学识水平、社会阅历、东西方文化和风俗习惯不同, 以及受汉语思维习惯的束缚等方面的因素, 因此很难自行扫除, 需要教师及时疏导。

总之, 加强对学生阅读理解综合指导和能力的培养和指导, 有利于学生在考试中获取更理想的成绩。

摘要:阅读理解能力是学生英语综合能力的核心。学生英语能力的高低在很大程度上取决于阅读能力的强弱。阅读是检验学生语言能力和获取更综合、更复杂、更精确信息的必要手段。因此, 每位教师都应该重视在阅读理解中形成观察、判断、推理与综合信息的能力, 着手对学生进行阅读理解能力的培养和解题指导。



[1]金爱英.图式理论与高中英语阅读教学中的导入策略[J].中学外语教与学, 2005 (12) .

[2]谢徐萍.预测在英语阅读中的作用[J].中学外语教与学, 2005 (12) .

[4]英语课程标准 (实验稿) [Z].北京:北京师范大学出版社, 2001 (7) .

高考英语阅读理解策略研究 篇9

高考英语中,阅读占的比例很大,所以在英语教学中,训练阅读技巧和能力一直是高中英语教学的重点, 对于阅读理解能力的测试也一直是高考英语测试的重点。教育部颁布的《普通高中英语课程标准》对阅读的基本技能和阅读量做出了详细的规定,《英语考试大纲》阅读理解部分也对学生阅读能力提出了明确要求,要求考生能够读懂书、杂志、报纸、公告、广告等关于一般性话题的简短文章, 考生应该能达到:(1)对文中具体信息理解;(2)理解主旨和要义;(3)对文章信息和说法能做出正确判断和推理;(4)能猜出生词词义;(5)理解作者说话的情感、意图、态度、观点。


1.细 节理解题


(1)直接信息题。学生先从问题着手找关键词 ,然后以此为线索,速读找到这一细节,选项和原文在语言表述上没有太大区别,采取“对号入座”的方法,把找到的原文信息与后面题目进行对照,即可得到正确答案。

(2)数字计算题。近几年高考中常考这类题 ,此类试题是在审清题意的基础上,准确理解涉及的句子,文章中有直接表现出来的细节,有的要经过计算才能得出正确答案。文章中经常出现许多数字,它们对解题产生一定的影响,经过对比就能够得出正确答案。

例1 2013福建A篇57. When she got the ring back, thewriter was about _____.

A. 13 years old B. 15 years old

C. 26 years old D. 28 years old


(3 ) 排列顺序题。做这种题 , 首先 , 看文章是否用了倒叙或插叙 ;其次 ,运用“首尾 定位法”,即先找出 第一个事 件和最后一 个事件 ,迅速缩小 选择范围 ;再次 ,注意每段 中的顺序 ,例如first,second,finally等一类词 ,这样就能 快速选出 正确答案。

(4)语义转化题。做这类题目时 ,用得最多的是“等量代换法”,考生需要对原文信息进行加工处理,然后进一步推理,最后做出正确判断。

例2 2010江西C篇66.What made some people different fromothers according to Confucius?

A. Family B. Potential C. Knowledge D. Community

文中用了set men apart,问题中是different, 不同的词表达同样的意思,很容易选出正确答案C。

2.主 旨大意题


例3:2013福建E篇75. What would be the best title for thepassage?

A. Alex Goldberg, Founder of Young Inspirations

B. Young People Find a World of Opportunity

C. Kieran,Banbury School Pupil to Paris

D. Debates Help Youth with Their Grades

本题运用逆推法讲解,如果选A,文章内容应该介绍人物Alex Goldberg,这样A就不攻自破了 ,很明显答案是B。

3.猜 测词义题

猜词义, 最基本的方法是根据上下文语境猜测单词或词组的确切含义, 即利用我们熟悉的词或短语和上下文的已知部分进行逻辑上的推理,有时还依靠常识和经验。归纳起来,有以下几种方法:

(1)根据定义或解释猜测词义 ;

(2)根据同义、反义、同位关系猜测词义 ;

(3)根据因果关系猜测词义 ;



例4:2010江西D篇69. What does“the days”in Paragraph3 refer to?

A. Imaginary life

B. Simple life in the past

C. Times of inventions

D. Time for constant activity

when从句修饰the days,是对the days的解释 ,答案是B。

4.推 理判断题

推理判断题虽然具有主观性, 但必须要求学生在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上,做出一定的判断和推理,从而得出文章的隐含意义和深层意义。在考题中经常出现的词有infer,imply,indicate,conclude,learn from,probably,most likely,prove/according to等。推理题的答案只能是根据原文表面文字信息进一步推出的答案, 即对原文某一句话或几句话所做的同义改写(paraphrase),既不能做出在原文中找不到文字根据的推理,又不能根据表面文字信息做过多推理。

例5:2013北京C篇63. It can be learned from the passagethat stars today%%%%.

A. are often misunderstood by the public

B. can no longer have their privacy protected

C. spend too much on their public appearance

D. care little about how they have come into fame


例6:2010江苏69. Which of the following words best de-scribes the author’s attitude towards China’s high -speed railwayplan?

A. Critical B. Reserved C. Doubtful D. Positive

尽管第8,9段中提到 高铁在中 国存在的 问题 ,如 :“some technical challenges ,so many issues ,such as safety ,railgauge ,maintenance of railway tracks.the key issue is really

money. ”但从最 后两段的 叙述中看 出作者是 支持的 , 比如 :高铁可以 带动商业 、旅游业更 快、更好地 发展 ,而且可以 加速中国西部的发展,是非常支持这一计划的,所以正确答案为D。


从近几年各省市的高考试卷看, 选材越来越丰富,材料的来源渠道也越来越广泛, 这就要求考生在解答高考英语阅读理解题型时, 不仅要结合英语国家的文化传统、风俗习惯、历史背景等对阅读材料进行识别和评价, 还要特别注意文中作者流露出的情感、态度、观点等。学生要想运用好这些做题技巧,在掌握熟词的同时,必须扩大不常见的单词量;注意分析长句结构。总之, 阅读理解是对学生综合能力的测试,比重大,分值高,在掌握了上述阅读技能的基础上,加上夯实基础,扩大词汇量,坚持不懈、持之以恒地训练,定能对提高阅读速度和能力大有帮助。


高考英语阅读理解题解题策略 篇10


考生要处理好理解与速度的关系。答题时要力求情绪平稳, 不要一味追求速度而影响理解的准确性;不要拘泥于一词一句的理解;不要遇到不懂的地方就反复读, 影响阅读速度。比较好的阅读方法是边看边想边理解。遇到生词或看不懂的地方先做个记号, 继续看下去, 因为一些疑难点往往会在下文中得到解决。关于阅读速度, 难度中等的文章应为每分钟60个单词左右;难度较低、生词不超过总词汇量20%的材料, 阅读速度应为每分钟70个单词左右。一般来说, “超纲”而又影响阅读理解的词汇都会用中文标出词义。只有保证了阅读的速度才有可能在规定时间内完成阅读、复读及答题的任务。


在训练方式方面要力求多样化。常见的阅读训练方式有:掠读、寻读、精读和泛读等。在掠读、寻读时要掌握查阅的技巧。查阅时考生应迅速找到某一特定信息在短文中的位置, 并以这个位置为中心, 扩展到上文和下文, 寻求正确答案。考生要学会用扫视的方法寻找信息。扫视时, 眼睛要纵向而不是横向移动。运用扫视来扩大视觉范围能帮助考生又快又准确地捕捉到想要查找的信息。考生应根据阅读目的选择阅读方式, 调整阅读速度, 合理分配阅读时间。


1. 抓住文章的首段与末段及段落的首句和末句。

文章的首段与末段、段落的首句和末句, 一般表达文章的主题和段落中心思想, 其它段落及句子只起补充、说明、解释或引申的作用。因此, 首先要搜索目标, 找出文章及段落中的主题句。了解了它们的含义, 就可以顺着提供的主要线索去捕捉文章的相关信息, 从而获得解决问题的答案。

2. 进行合理推断。

对文章有了详细而全面的理解之后, 就要按照文章内容、上下文的逻辑关系, 作出推理判断答题时, 领会句子之间的逻辑关系, 特别是相邻句子之间的关系, 这样有利于理解全文。表示逻辑关系的标志词是连接词、副词、代词、介词短语、关系词、插入语等, 通读时应特别注意。如:if, because, though, as, which, it and, but, however, therefore, so, for example, so that, so...that on one hand...on the other hand等词语。它们在上下文中具有条件、原因、让步、指代、递进、对比、列举、结果、目的、承上启下等作用, 正确理解并掌握这些词汇的作用, 对做阅读理解是大有好处的。

3. 猜测推敲生词。

阅读短文时, 常常会遇到一些生词。这时考生要沉着, 冷静, 细心思考。首先要把整段、整篇文章看完。通过对全篇短文的理解, 就很有可能猜测出生词的大意。另外, 还可以从含有生词句子的上下文, 以及句子和段落之间的关系来判断、理解生词以求获得其真正含义。猜测生词的另一种方法是, 根据构词法推测。遇到生词后, 可从构词法角度分析判断生词。

4. 判断生词词义。

运用构词法判断生词的词义, 也是提高阅读速度的一种技巧。考生可以通过已知的词缀 (包括前缀和后缀) 和词根就能猜测生词的含义。例如单词telescope由前缀tele (意思是far) 和scope (意思是instrumen for seeing or observing) 构成, 整个单词的意思是“望远镜”。为了熟练使用构词法知识猜测生词, 考生在平时应多积累词缀以及词根方面的知识。

5. 利用常识解题。

多了解一些常识性知识有利于阅读理解。如果对文章的相关背景有所了解, 读起文章一定既省时又省力。因此在复习中, 考生应了解下列知识:著名作家、艺术家及其主要作品;科普常识:尽量了解有关生态平衡、环境污染、计算机应用、诺贝尔奖等方面的知识;了解西方社会风土人情、社交活动、新年、圣诞节活动、宗教信仰、罢工斗争、失业现象、风俗习惯等;看新闻联播、世界各地和各类英语讲座等节目;熟记常用的缩略词语。

6. 正确理解题纲。

纵观历年高考试题, 阅读理解试题一般有以下几种题型:一是直接回答who, whom, which what, where, when, why, how等疑问词引起的细节问题;二是猜测词义题;三是推理判断题;四是综合概括题。在做阅读理解题时, 一定要仔细看完, 看清楚试题要求再作答, 特别要注意NOT, TRUE, EXCEPT等词。有时, 要先看题, 后阅读文章, 带着问题去读短文, 可缩短阅读时间, 效果也许会更好。

总之, 阅读理解题是高考试题中最重要的一项内容, 占有举足轻重的地位。我们要引导考生通过平时掌握阅读策略, 提高阅读水平, 扩大阅读的知识量, 再多了解、钻研一些命题、解题技巧, 这样就会拥有一双慧眼, 临阵不慌, 在高考中取得理想成绩。

摘要:阅读理解题是英语高考试题中最重要的一项内容, 占有举足轻重的地位。高考备考复习中要引导学生通过掌握阅读策略, 提高阅读水平, 钻研解题技巧, 临阵不慌, 在高考中取得理想成绩。

高考阅读理解题型分析与预测 篇11



① 阅读总量不少于2,000个单词,近两年达到2000~2500个词,篇数一般为5篇。

② 题材尽量多样化,包括日常生活、传说、人物、社会、文化、史地、科技、政治、经济等; 信息量大,有较为丰富的文化蕴涵。

③ 体裁尽量避免单一化,一般包括记叙文、描写文、说明文、议论文、应用文、新闻报道等。


1. 英语大纲和考纲对阅读理解部分的二级目标要求为:






2. 高考英语考试说明中关于阅读理解能力的要求为:







1. NMET阅读理解字数近年逐年增加,稳定在2000~2500之间,加强了对考生阅读速度的要求,大纲有关阅读的二级目标与要求是:能以每分钟70~80个词的速度读懂生词率不超过3%的有关人物传记、故事、记叙文、科普小品和有关社会文化、文史知识等不同题材的材料。语言更为地道,接近原文,并适当加大了阅读材料的文字难度。凡是根据构词法知识能判断出词性和词义的单词都不作为生词处理。

2. 强调语篇选材的真实性;语篇的语言难度相当,措辞浅显、生动、自然、地道,语句灵活而富于变化;在语篇逻辑上经得起推敲,而且在深度上也达到较高层次。常用词的深层或引申意义处理得当。

3. 阅读理解试题考点分布格局恰当,试题设计合理,有效地避免了违背生活常识和语段本意的偏题、怪题;注意答案的惟一性,避免模棱两可的选项设计;题干简洁易懂,清楚明确,既避免长句、难句,又避免生硬的套语。

4. 继续注重实用问题。学生需对较多的信息进行筛选,迅速找出适合题目要求的正确选项。干扰项只有在涉及到语篇的内容时才有可能发挥干扰功能。


(一) 07英语考纲变化及08高考预测

1. 近三年NMET阅读理解的阅读量一直大幅度递增。阅读量的不断增加意味着对阅读速度的要求越来越高,但目前NMET阅读理解对阅读速度的要求尚未达到教学大纲的要求(大纲要求考生达到70WPM)。因此,继续加大阅读量,提高阅读速度,仍是今后高考阅读理解命题的必然趋势。

2. NMET阅读理解侧重考查考生根据语境进行语篇分析和综合利用有效信息解决实际问题的能力,而涉及较低能力层次的考题的比例正呈逐年减少的趋势。近两年来推理判断题占三分之一以上,这说明根据所给信息进行正确推理是重头戏。

3. 文章深层含义及主旨大意类试题要求考生除了具有搜索、寻找细节的能力外,还要有分析、归纳、演绎的能力。近两年的试题在这方面的分布占三分之一,这说明对语篇进行整体理解,把握文脉,理顺结构,正确推断是考生必须培养的能力。

4. 从近两年的阅读文章来看,所选择的文段涉及记叙文、说明文、应用文和议论文等多种文体;内容涉及英美国家文化的多个领域,视野拓宽了,体现了“语言反映文化”这一重要理念。生词量逐年增加,要求考生对生词词义有一定的猜测能力,这些无疑对阅读提出了更高的要求

5. 透析2007年“考试大纲”,对考试内容和题型未做任何修改,仅对原“考试大纲”进行了个别文字上的变动。主要为:对“考试内容和要求”中阅读部分的要求进行了精简,删除了难以确切界定的“熟悉的有关日常生活话题的简短文字材料,例如公告、说明、广告及书、报、杂志中关于一般性话题的简短文章等阅读理解相关要求”,这就意味着阅读试题的选材范围会拓宽,可能会出现专业化的试题。考生对此应做好心理准备。

6. 主观题增加,客观题减少。


7. 命题限制松动,自主权限加大。


8. 试题的设计发生了变化


9. 2008年是使用英语新教材的第三届高考,考纲与2005年相比,需注意词汇掌握量有所不同:2005年要求应掌握2000左右的词汇及相关词缀,而新课标教材要求应掌握3600左右的词汇和词缀。


1. 切实搞好教材中的课文阅读教学。我们应在课文学习中注重培养一般的阅读技巧。如能把握所读教材的中心思想、主要事实、主要逻辑线索、时间和空间的顺序;能根据上下文理解作者的态度和观点;能根据已知的事实推断语篇未直接写出的意思。在这一过程中还可以巩固所学的词汇、惯用法和语法。

2. 加大课外阅读的力度,保证语言材料的输入量。《普通高级中学英语课程标准(实验稿)》在八级目标(普通高中毕业要求)有关阅读技能的规定中指出:除教材外,课外阅读量应累计达到36万词以上。教师在选择泛读材料时,一定要保证其合理的难度、语言的地道和内容的趣味性;应着眼于获取信息、拓宽视野、获得乐趣;既能在不同的语言材料中复习旧知识、学习新知识,又能在不知不觉中提高阅读能力。

3. 精选阅读材料,确保所选材料的语言规范、地道、真实,且难度合理。根据高考近年来所选阅读篇目的内容多涉及实际生活,如新闻、广告、科普、文化等,我们在选材时也应多选取这方面的内容;同时,我们还应选取有关英美文化、习俗、天文、地理、政治、历史等方面文章。

4. 熟练掌握阅读技巧。掌握一定的阅读技巧,有助于快速、准确地理解文章内容和作者的意图。例如:(1)首句或尾句常常是文章的主题句,阅读时注意首句或尾句的意思,不但能够帮助正确理解文章的主旨,选出正确的标题,还有助于按照作者的思路进行思考和判断,从而能够避免理解上的偏差。 (2)利用文章中的关联词来把握文章的细节脉络。 (3)利用中学所学的构词法,如前缀、后缀、合成、活用等形式来猜测生词的词义;利用同位关系、解释关系、因果关系等来推断生词词义。

5. 了解大学四级词汇。近年来,高考英语阅读理解部分的语段词汇量大约1500词,生词量为3%左右,也就是说,会出现大约45个生词,它要求考生在做阅读理解时跳过生词或猜出生词的意思,这对于学生正确理解文章的内容必然大打折扣。如果学生能够在各方面适当地扩大一定的词汇量,必然能使原本较难的文章变得较易,从而提高阅读理解的正确率。

高考阅读理解 篇12

标题配备题是高考英语阅读理解的重要题型之一, 备考时应注意下列几点:


近几年高考英语阅读理解考查实践表明, 高考英语阅读理解标题配备题常有下列几种形式:

1. 短语式

短语式标题可为单纯的名词短语, 也可为带介词 (表示范围) 的名词或动名词短语, 语言简洁, 观点明确, 立场分明。

Ireland, Past and Present ( 2011年安徽卷)

Weakness and Kindness (2011年广东卷)

Banking on Gardening (2011年新课标全国卷)

2. 陈述句式

陈述句式标题为一个简短的陈述句, 它可清晰表达作者的观点和写作目的。

Law could bury ancient secrets for ever, archaeologists warn (2011年上海卷)

TV Will Better the World (2010年福建卷)

3. 疑问句式

疑问句式标题可为一般疑问句、特殊疑问句, 也可为反意疑问句, 这种标题发人深省, 劝告力度大。

Shouldn't We Know Who Invented the Windshield Wiper? (2011年江苏卷)

Why do I read? (2010年四川卷)


问答式标题由简短的问句和答句构成, 问句常表示条件, 答句常表示结果, 观点逻辑性强, 劝诫力度大。

Need speed? Slow down. (2011年四川卷)



1. 高度的概括性

首先, 标题必须用简短的文字反映文章的主题, 对文章内容进行高度的浓缩, 这样读者一看到标题就对文章将要介绍的内容有一个大致了解, 就会带着期待性心理愉悦顺畅地阅读文章。

2. 强烈的针对性

虽然标题是对文章内容的高度概括, 但也不能太过笼统、抽象、泛化, 而失去对文章具体内容的指向, 否则即使看到标题读者也无法了解文章的主题和所要介绍的大致内容, 这样阅读文章就失去了方向感、成功感和满足感。

3. 一定的醒目性

任何标题的配备都是为了吸引读者, 因此其必须精彩亮丽, 具有一定的醒目性。这样, 标题或短小精悍、言简意赅, 或句式对称、丰满挺拔, 或新颖时尚、情感动人, 充满美感, 醒人眼目。当然, 配备标题时也不应一味追求醒目性而忽视高度的概括性和强烈的针对性, 醒目性应服从于概括性和针对性, 这是一个十分重要的原则。


既然标题是用精彩简短的语言反映文章的主题, 因此寻找关键信息提炼主题是解题的关键。实践表明, 主题信息常常在文章的下列位置出现:

1. 文章首句

首句是文章最先展现在读者面前的具体内容, 也常常是作者最想表达的观点, 因此它最有可能成为文章主题。利用这一点常常可以快速寻找到主题信息成功配备标题。必须注意的是, 阅读首句时停留时间要长, 阅读次数要多, 思考的深度应深, 这样就不会因疏忽大意而错过在刚开始阅读文章时就捕捉住主题信息并成功提炼出主题的机会。

例1:原文:Human remains of ancient settlements will be reburied and lost to science under a law that threatens research into the history of humans in Britain, a group of leading archaeologists (考古学家) says. In a letter addressed to the justice secretary, Ken Clarke, 40 archaeology write of their “deep and widespread concern” about the issue. It centers on the law introduced by the Ministry of Justice in 2008 which requires all human remains unearthed in England and Wales to be reburied within two years, regardless of their age. The decision means scientists have too little time to study bones and other human remains of national and cultural significance. (2011年上海卷阅读理解C篇首节)

试题:Which of the following might be the best title of the passage? (75题)

A. New discoveries should be reburied, the government demands

B. Research time should be extended, scientists require

C. Law on human remains needs thorough discussion, authorities say

D. Law could bury ancient secrets for ever, archaeologists warn

分析:认真阅读分析原文第一节不难发现, 首句Human remains of ancient settlements will be reburied and lost to science under a law that threatens research into the history of humans in Britain, a group of leading archaeologists (考古学家) says.为主题信息, 对其加以提炼不难推出D为正确答案。这是一个陈述句式标题, 用朴素的语言清楚表明了作者的观点。

例2:原文:Ireland has had a very difficult history. The problems started in the 16th century when English rulers tried to conquer (征服) Ireland. For hundreds of years, the Irish people fought against the English. Finally, in 1921, the British government was forced to give independence to the south of Ireland. The result is that today there are two “Irelands”. Northern Ireland, in the north, is part of the United Kingdom. The republic of Ireland, in the south, is an independent country. (2011年安徽卷阅读理解D篇首节)

试题:What can be the best title for the text? (71题)

A. Life in Ireland

B. A Very Difficult History

C. Ireland, Past and Present

D. The Independence of Ireland

分析:认真阅读分析原文首节不难发现, 首句Ireland has had a very difficult history.为主题信息, 进行概念转换不难推出C为正确答案。这是一个短语式标题, 用简短的文字清楚表明了文章的主题是介绍爱尔兰的过去和现在 (历史) 。

2. 文章首节其他位置

不少情况下作者在亮明自己观点之前需要先过渡一下, 或先推出多个画面、举出特定例子然后亮明自己的观点, 或先介绍错误观点然后道出正确观点。显然, 首节其他内容尤其末句也很有可能成为主题信息, 阅读时应仔细认真, 弄清哪一个句子是作者真正想表达的观点, 是其与读者真正想分享的内容。

例1:原文:In the animal kingdom, weakness can bring about aggression in other animals. This sometimes happens with humans also. But I have found that my weakness brings out the kindness in people. I see it every day when people hold doors for me, pour cream into my coffee, or help me to put on my coat. And I have discovered that it makes them happy. (2011年广东卷阅读理解A篇首节)

试题: Which of the following is the best title for the passage? (30题)

A. Wheelchair Experience

B. Weakness and Kindness

C. Weakness and Strength

D. A Driving Experience

分析:认真阅读分析原文不难发现, 首节第三句But I have found that my weakness brings out the kindness in people.为主题信息, 表明作者认为弱者的存在可以导致强者的善良, 由此不难推出B为正确答案。这是一个短语式标题, 用最简洁的文字揭示了弱者与善良之间的关系。

例2:原文:We know the famous ones—the Thomas Edisons and the Alexander Graham Bells—but what about the less famous inventors? What about the people who invented the traffic light and the windshield wiper (雨刮器) ? Shouldn't we know who they are? (2011年江苏卷阅读理解A篇首节)

试题:Which of the following can best serve as the title of this passage? (59题)

A. How to Help Students to Sell Their Inventions to Producers?

B. How to Design a Built-in Device for Cleaning the Window?

C. Shouldn't We Know Who Invented the Windshield Wiper?

D. Shouldn't We Develop Invention Courses in Universities?

分析:认真阅读分析原文首节不难发现, 末句Shouldn't we know who they are?为主题信息, 追踪句中they的指代不难发现C为正确答案。这是一个反意疑问句式标题, 语气坚定, 劝告力度大。

例3:原文:Cassandra Feeley finds it hard to manage on her husband's income. So this year she did something more than a hobby (业余爱好) : She planted vegetables in her yard. For her first garden, Ms. Feeley has put in 15 tomato plants, and five rows of a variety of vegetables. The family's old farm house has become a chicken house, its residents arriving next month. Last year, Ms. Rita Gartin kept a small garden. This year she has made it much larger because, she said, “The cost of everything is going up and I was looking to lose a few pounds, too; so it's a win-win situation all around.” (2011年新课标全国卷阅读理解C篇首节)

试题:Which of the following might be the best title for the text? (66题)

A. Family Food Planning

B. Banking on Gardening

C. A Belt-tightening Move

D. Gardening as a Hobby

分析:原文首节末句中的The cost of everything is going up为主题信息, 表明Cassandra Feeley在自家院子里开辟蔬菜园的目的是为了弥补生活费用的上涨, 可见对她来说, 开了一个蔬菜园就犹如开了一家园艺银行, 用简洁的文字表达一下不难发现B为正确答案。这是一个短语式标题, 用简洁的文字表明了文章的主题。

3. 文章末节

还有一些时候, 作者先不直接亮明自己的观点, 而用具体例子或详细的论证来展开文意, 直到文章快要结束时才表明自己的观点, 道出自己的写作目的。因此文章末节也有可能包含文章主题信息。阅读文章时如果不能在首节确定主题不要着急, 应耐心阅读下文尤其末节, 只有这样才能成功获取主题信息, 正确配备标题。

例:原文:Strategic speed serves as a kind of leadership. Teams that regularly take time to get things right, rather than plough ahead full bore, are more successful in meeting their business goals. That kind of strategy must come from the top. (2011年四川卷阅读理解E篇末节)

试题:Which could be the best title for the text? (60题)

A. Improve quality? Serve better.

B. Deliver value? Plough ahead.

C. Reduce time? Move faster.

D. Need speed? Slow down.

分析:认真阅读分析原文末节不难发现, Teams that regularly take time to get things right, rather than plough ahead full bore, are more successful in meeting their business goals. 含主题信息:商家不能不顾一切强调生产速度, 造成产品质量下降, 而应该定期花时间进行调整。精简一下语言不难推出D为正确答案。这是一个问答式标题, 清楚地表达了欲速则不达、想快就要慢的道理, 哲理性强, 说服力强。

需要说明的是, 有时文章也可能没有明确的主题信息, 而需要考生读完文章后进行概括和总结。此时不能着急, 而应沉着冷静地思考作者想表达的是什么观点, 在赞扬什么, 批评什么, 从而准确概括出文章主题。有时文章每一段的段首有一个段落主题句, 抓住这些段落主题句并联系起来思考一下, 可以快速高效地概括文章内容提炼文章主题。限于篇幅, 这里不再赘述。
