高二语法练习 篇1
作为历史教学的有机组成部分, 历史练习是历史课堂教学的有益延伸和补充, 也是学生巩固基础知识、掌握基本技能的有效手段。但长期以来, 历史练习一直处于一种尴尬的境地。原因有多种, 如教师将练习单纯看成应对考试的手段, 以致学生觉得历史枯燥无味, 很少认真对待历史练习。又如, 高二文科生在高二阶段面临着理科、通用课等多门课的会考, 学习任务繁重, 只能对历史习题“视而不见”。一旦教师采取强制措施, 不少学生就“抄答案”, 以应付检查。
历史练习的出路何在?苏霍姆林斯基曾说, 在人的心灵深处, 都希望自己是探索者。在教学实践中, 笔者从“轻负高效”角度切入, 凸现学生体验, 让历史练习发挥了“四两拨千斤”的良好作用。
一、开卷疾读数十卷, 至死不解而无益——轻量重质, 提高习题含金量
早期苏联教育家对练习的方法与策略作过专门的论述。凯洛夫指出, 习题是教学工作的有机组成部分, 具有巩固学生的知识, 使学生的技能和技巧完善化的使命。而哈里斯·库柏则用研究表明:练习在改进学生的学习技能、发展学生的主导性和责任心等等方面有正面功效。但笔者认为, 只注重数量不重视质量的练习危害很大:它会压跨学生的心理承受能力, 使他们产生厌烦情绪, 丧失主动精神, 以致为按时完成练习而抄袭的现象频频出现。这表明不加筛选、随意盲目地加大学生的练习量, 效果不仅达不到预期, 甚至适得其反。因此, 历史练习应轻“量”重“质”。
另外, 眼下各类学习辅导材料铺天盖地且良莠不齐、大同小异。笔者所在的学校每学期开学初面临的学习辅导练习就达十几种之多。教师如何筛选练习材料, 并在课中适时、适量运用颇费思量。如什么类型的练习材料有利于巩固学生课堂所学的知识, 什么类型的练习材料有利于培养学生的创新意识, 等等, 只有轻“量”重“质”, 挑选那些质高而量精、具有典型性的练习材料, 才能收到既保证学习效果, 又减轻学生学习负担的理想效果。
以“20世纪伟大的科学家爱因斯坦”一课为例, 按照《教学指导意见》的要求, 本课教学目标是“了解爱因斯坦的成长历程和主要科学成就;认识爱因斯坦对科学和社会发展的巨大推动作用, 感悟其成长之路;感受爱因斯坦踏实地进行科学研究和勇于科学创新的精神”。从知识层面而言, 其中的“了解爱因斯坦的成长历程和主要科学成就”这一要求应该被理解为:“了解, 知道”要多, “理解, 分析”要少。因此, 与其让学生投身于题海做大量的练习, 不如让学生通过简单的知识罗列更能达成要求。所以, 在布置“了解爱因斯坦的成长历程和主要科学成就”相关练习时, 笔者根据教学指导意见, 去“重”就“轻”, 只要求学生列出知识框架, 这样的练习学生乐于接受, 完成的质量也不错。
当然, 要真正让学生变“要我练”为“我要练”, 不是短时间能达到的, 如何使历史练习更符合学情, 有效地激发学生的求知欲, 从而提高练习质量, 仍有待我们深入探索。
二、人间四月芳菲尽, 山寺桃花始盛开——差异并存, 分层布置练习题
新课程观认为, 每位学生的学习方式都有其特殊性, 特殊性就是差异性, 决定了不同学生的学习速度和效果有所不同。因此, 教师在备课中要针对学生的差异性, 找准学生的最近发展区, 按学生层次设计不同梯度的练习, 从而使各个层次的学生都达成练习要求。如可设计A、B、C三级式练习:A级习题 (容易题) , 适合所有的学生练习;B级习题 (中等题) , 适合大部分学生练习:C级习题 (难题) , 供学有余力的学生练习。只有充分考虑学生在知识水平、综合能力等方面的差异, 练习层次分明, 不同个体兼顾, 才能使每个层次的学生都能“跳一跳, 摘桃子”, 品尝成功的愉悦体验。
例如, 在选修三“第二次世界大战”这一单元教学中, 笔者设计了如下一道层次分明的习题。
漫画可以形象地再现历史情境。请观察下列漫画, 回答有关问题。
(图1:大象在天空中飞翔——《慕尼黑协定》换来的和平;图2:笑里藏刀——希特勒和斯大林的拥抱;图3:自由女神将象征世界自由的火炬交给罗斯福和丘吉尔, 寓意着要美英两国传承并维护世界自由。)
A级习题 (容易题) :图2讽刺了什么事件?
B级习题 (中等题) :图3对二战的进程有何影响?
C级习题 (难题) :根据图1和图2, 并结合所学知识分析二战由局部走向全面爆发的原因?
练习时让学生根据自己的学习基础, 自主从A、B、C三个级别习题中任选一题。这一做法充分考虑了每位学生的差异, 使不同层次的学生都能获得成功体验, 提高学习能力。
三、纸上得来终觉浅, 绝知此事要躬行——积极主动, 自行设计练习
如果说教师提供的分层习题对学生来说属于“被动型”, 那么让学生自行设计的习题就属于“主动型”, 符合新课程突出学生主体地位的教学理念。让学生自行设计习题也是师生互换角色的一种尝试, 有助于学生激发学习动力, 获得更广阔的学习空间和个性平台, 最大程度上挣脱标准答案的束缚, 展开想象的翅膀, 获取“处处是创新之地, 天天是创新之时, 人人是创新之人”的体验, 培养创新精神和创新能力。
1. 自行设计, 培养创新能力
笔者经常让学生尝试在课后自行设计习题, 促使学生自主思考所学知识, 培养创新的思维和能力。
例如, 在教学“朝鲜战争”后, 有学生自主编写了以下一道习题。
材料:20世纪50年代初, 美国把以苏联为首的社会主义阵营视为自己称霸全球的最大障碍。在美国看来, 朝鲜半岛上的冲突不仅威胁美国在朝鲜半岛的利益, 更是“苏联发动全球性战争的第一阶段”。对朝鲜进行武装干涉, 既可以维护和扩大美国在东亚的利益, 也可以借机向全球进一步推行自己的霸权政策, 加紧对社会主义阵营的包围和封锁。
设问:根据所学知识, 说明朝鲜战争和美苏冷战之间的关系。
这道学生自编的习题尽管选用的材料限于课文, 设问也不是很理想, 然而思考方向正确, 因为通过对课文的解读掌握相关知识正是近年最流行也是最实用的学习方法之一。眼下虽不成熟, 但久而久之, 学生就能通过这一方法抓住每课所学知识的重点, 尤其能在复习时抓住每一类型题的特点正确解题。
2. 发表观点, 提高创新能力
在学生设计习题后, 笔者让学生对自己的设计意图进行自评, 争取在互相学习、相互激励中提高自己的创新能力。
以上述学生设计的有关“朝鲜战争”习题为例, 有学生在评价该题设计意图时写道:“从知识层面来讲, 该习题有效地达到了了解‘朝鲜战争爆发的时代背景’的学习要求, 更好地理解了‘朝鲜战争是冷战的产物’这一概念。”也有学生这样评价:“虽然自己设计习题能有效地巩固学习成果, 但仍遇到了缺少材料的困难, 使自己一时无从着手。另外, 习题设计仅仅结合所学课本知识也不符合当今新高考的命题趋势, 如果该题能增加一些材料, 再将设问改为‘根据材料并结合所学知识, 概括朝鲜战争与冷战的关系’, 学习效果会更好。”
自行设计习题和自评、互评, 不仅调动了学生的学习积极性, 变“要我学”为“我要学”;也有利于学生巩固知识、查漏补缺, 提高运用知识的综合能力。久而久之, 学生的创新能力就能逐步得到培养和提高。
三、读万卷书, 行万里路——学以致用, 实践出真知
学以致用, 历来是教育追求的目标。历史学科的生命力在于“见前世之兴衰, 考当今之得失”, 因而有效的历史练习必须紧扣时代脉搏、贴近生活、联系社会, 不仅要使学生乐于练习, 巩固所学知识;还能引导学生把学到的书本知识与实际生活相结合, 亲身参加社会实践活动, 动口、动手、动脑, 灵活地运用知识, 最终把知识转变为技能。
例如, 教学选修三第六单元“和平与发展”之时, 恰逢东盟会议召开之际, 笔者立即引入这一时事热点, 设计了如下一道习题。
从20世纪60年代开始, 我国南沙群岛露出水面的岛礁以及海域陆续被周边国家侵占。到1991年底, 除我军控制的6个岛礁和台湾控制的太平岛, 其他44个岛礁分别被越南、菲律宾等侵占。1975年5月, 越南报纸刊登的越南全国地图, 把我国南沙群岛划入其版图, 并改名为“长沙群岛”。1982年12月, 越南成立“长沙县”, 划归同奈省管辖, 后又划归庆和省。从1975年4月至1991年11月, 越南先后共侵占我国南沙岛礁27个, 并声称拥有南沙全部海域的主权。
在东盟会议召开之际, 有越南人打出“把中国人赶出南沙群岛”的标语。面对这一情况, 中国再次强调和平共处五项原则, 申明“搁置争议, 共同开发”一直是中国方面处理南海问题的原则。面对南沙群岛问题的冲突, 中国政府一直保持克制态度, 与越南方面进行了积极的磋商。
请结合“和平与发展”一课的知识, 谈谈你认为南沙群岛问题该如何处理?为什么中国面对越南的侵占仍一再强调和平处理南沙群岛的原则?
通过这样设问, 有效地在书本知识与现实问题之间架起了一座相互贯通的桥梁, 赋予了知识鲜活的生命力, 既有利于学生增进学习历史的兴趣, 也有利于学生更好地理解、领悟教材内容。
“教者有心, 学者得益。”练习是课堂教学的延伸, 设计高质量的习题, 可以最大限度地拓展学生的减负空间, 促使学生自主学习, 顺利地达成教学目标。
高二语法练习 篇2
There be句型中的非谓语动词的使用
(一)非谓语动词(to do; doing; done)做名词的定语
修饰一个名词除了后面用定语从句以外,还可以用doing短语,done短语,being done短语,to be done短语修饰。其结构和意思如下:
1. 被修饰名词+doing短语:正在做……的人/正在发生的事。
2. 被修饰名词+ done短语:被……的人/事
3. 被修饰名词+being done短语:正在被……的人/事
4. 被修饰名词+ to be done短语:将要被……的人/事
1. The man who is sitting on the platform is a professor from Wuhan University.
The man sitting on the platform is a professor from Wuhan University.
2. The letter that was mailed last night will reach him tomorrow.
The letter mailed last night will reach him tomorrow.
3. The question that is being discussed is very important.
The question being discussed is very important.
4. You are welcome to a party which is to be given in our class at 7:45.
You are welcome to a party to be given in our class at 7:45.
1. 这些短语作定语应放在被修饰名词的后面。如果单独一个V-ing或V-ed形式作定语,则可以放在被修饰名词前面。
2. 分词作定语时,其动作应与全句动作同时发生。V-ing表示主动意义和正在做,V-ed表示被动意义。being done表示正在被做的。
3. 不定式作定语表示将要发生的,to be done表示将要被做的。
1. Goods imported from abroad are not always better than those made in China.
2. A bridge connecting Asia with North America across the Bering Strait could be a critical link in the proposed global highway which would allow people to travel overland to anywhere in the world.
3. A driver starting off in the evening on the Russian side would arrive in Alaska on the morning of that same day, effectively traveling many hours back in time.
注意:还有一些结构已经形成了固定的短语: doing/done+名词
the fallen leaves a washing machine
spoken English written English
a dressing mirror a waiting room
the coming year boiled water
boiling water等
(二)There be句型中的非谓语动词的使用:
There be + 名词+ to do:有……要做
+done: 有……被……
There is nothing to worry about.
There are birds singing in the tree.
with/without+名词+ doing 短语
to do 短语
1. Tom went away, without a word spoken.
2. Most of houses were built of bricks made of dried mud, with a roof supported by palm tree trunks.
3. He lay on his back, with his hands behind his head.
4. The silence was suddenly broken when a large car , with its headlights on and its horn blaring, roared down the arcade.
一. 单项选择:
1. With a lot of difficult problems _____, the newly-elected president is having a hard time.
A. settled B. settling C. to settle D. being settled
分析:With a lot of difficult problems _____ 意思是“有这么多难题要解决,”因此使用with+名词+to do 形式。
2. How many of us_____, say, a meeting that is not important to us would be interested in the discussion?
A. attended B. attending C. to attend D. have attended
分析:根据句意:比如说,我们当中参加一个对我们毫不重要的会议的人会有多少人对这个讨论感兴趣呢?_____, say, a meeting that is not important to us修饰How many of us做定语与全句动作同步。
3. Don’t you think the question _____ tomorrow is of great importance.
A. being discussed B. discussed
C. to be discussed D. to discuss
分析:难道你不觉得明天要讨论的问题很重要吗?_____ tomorrow做定语修饰名词the question,表示:“将要被讨论的……” 用to be done 结构做定语。
4. The picture ____ on the wall is painted by my nephew.
A. having hung B. hanging C. hangs D. being hung
分析:The picture ____ on the wall:挂在墙上的画。Hang在句中是不及物动词。hanging做picture的定语。
二. 翻译句子:
1. Though there is much to be concerned about, there is far, far more for which to be thankful.
2. The Amazon has over a thousand tributaries feeding into it. The entire river system is the size of North America.
3. There is every reason to be hopeful about the future. As I make visits around the country, I see at first hand the effort being made to bring communities together.
4. There is certainly much more to be done and many challenges to be overcome.
5. They all need to be reassured that there is so much to be gained by reaching out to others.
6. The implication drawn by Jesus is clear. Everyone is our neighbor-no matter what race, creed or color. The need to look after a fellow human being is far more important than any cultural or religious differences.
一. 单项选择:
1. The missing boy were last seen _____near the river.
A. playing B. to be plying C. play D. to play
2. Who did the teacher have ____ an article for the wall newspaper just now ?
A. writing B. write C. to write D. written
3. They would not allow him ___ across the enemy line.
A. to risk going B. risking going
C. for risk going D. risk going
4. - Where should I send my form ?
- The Personal office is the place ____.
A. for sending it B. to send it to C. to send D. to send it
5. The students, ____ at the way the question was put, didn’t know how to answer it.
A. being surprised B. surprising C. surprised D. having surprised
6. He is lying in bed, with his eyes looking at the ceilings and his hands ____ behind his head.
A. to cross B. crossing C. cross D. crossed
7. The old man was moved by what she said, with tears ___ up in his eyes.
A. welling B. welled C. rolling D. rolled
二. 阅读理解:
“ A band plays in Lumley Park every Sunday afternoon. I often attend these open-air concerts if the weather is fine, because I find it a very restful way of passing time, and because the band plays many kinds of music: dance music, marching music, anything with a tune you can whistle; you know what I mean.”
“One Sunday, there was a blind girl in the front row of the audience, just behind the band-leader. She must have been about fourteen or fifteen years of age, I should think. She had been sitting down until about halfway through the programme, when the band started to play ‘ The Blue Danube’ by Johan Strauss. I’d never heard them play this particular piece before; and there was something magical about the way they played it then. They’d only played a few bars when this blind girl stood up and began waving her arms about in time to the music, just as the band-leader himself was doing.
“After a while, I could see that more and more members of the band were watching the bind girl instead of the band-leader. And the leader must have noticed this himself, because he turned round and watched her, and saw that she was keeping perfect time. He was a very thoughtful man, that band-leader; I took my hat off to him. He moved to one side little by little, so that the band could see the blind girl better, and after a while he stopped conducting altogether. The band knew the piece quite well, of course, so things weren’t likely to go seriously wrong. But she kept time beautifully, and she made it clear when she wanted certain passages to be loud or soft, just as the band-leader himself had done. Since then, to be quite honest, I’ve never heard ‘The Blue Danube’ played better anywhere.
“I have seldom heard an audience clap more loudly than that audience, when the music was over. I should think they must have heard the noise on the other side of the town. When the blind girl sat down, even from where I was sitting I could see that there were tears running down her face.”
“ And she wasn’t the only one in that audience who was crying, I can tell you.”
1. The speaker thought that attending the Sunday afternoon concerts is a pleasure because ____.
A. a band plays music in Lumley Park.
B. He could pass the time in a peaceful way in good weather
C. His favourite music could be played by the band in the open air
D. All the above
2. When the band was playing “The Blue Danube”, a blind girl who was sitting in the front row behind the band-leader____.
A. stood up to play with the band
B. stood up and waved her arms to keep perfect time by herself
C. played just as the band-leader was doing
D. listened to the particular piece “The blue Danube”
3. While the blind girl was waving her hands to keep time, _____.
A. many more members of the band were still watching their and-leader
B. the band-leader stopped conducting after a while and took off her hat to the girl
C. the band kept playing wonderfully even without their band-leader
D. the audience preferred the blind girl to the band-leader
4. From what the speaker said, it can be inferred that _____.
A. he not only respected the band-leader but also thought highly of the blind girl
B. he thought the blind girl was doing better than the band-leader
C. he regarded the band as the first class band even without anyone conducting
D. with the blind girl conducting, the concert was much more wonderful
三. 短文改错:
Many children have a birthday cake with candle on their birthday. 1. ______
In some countries, like England and Scotland, there are another custom, 2. ______
too. There are people spank(拍打)or hit the child on his/her birthday. 3. ______
This may hurt a little, and they say it is very lucky for the child. The 4. ______
child must never cry. The custom sys that if you cry, you cry all year. 5. ______
The reason for birthday spanks is to make the bad spirits go 6. ______
away. The hard you spank the better it is. In Belgium, another 7. ______
country in Europe, the custom is a little difference. There a parent 8. ______
goes into the child room early in the morning with a needle(针) 9. ______
As soon as the child woke up, the parent pricks(刺)the child 10. _____
with the needle. This is for good luck.
一. 单项选择:
1. A
解析:那个失踪的男孩最后依次被看见正在河边玩。see sb. doing 的被动结构:sb. be seen doing.
2. B
解析:老师让谁写稿。have sb. do sth.:让某人做某事。
3. A
解析:allow sb to do sth.:允许某人做某事。 risk doing:冒险做某事。
4. B
解析:the place ____:把表格送到的地方。 send the form to the place
5. C
解析:surprised at the way the question was put形容词短语做定语。
6. D
解析:双手交叉在脑后。cross 与hand为动宾关系。With +名词+done结构。
7. A
解析:with tears ___ up in his eyes:指眼泪夺眶而出。well:涌出。与tears是主动关系。
二. 阅读理解:
1. D
解析:题干中的关键部分:出席周日下午的音乐会是一种乐趣的原因是……。根据第一段……if the weather was fine, because ….a very restful way of passing time, and because the band plays many kinds of music; dance music, marching music, anything with a tune you can whistle…可知A,B,C均符合题义。
2. B
解析:题干的关键:坐在前排即指挥后面的那位失明的女孩….。根据第二段最后两行… “this blind girl stood up and began waving her arms about in time to the music, just as the band-leader himself was doing.”…
3. C
解析:此题是判断“女孩打拍子时,乐队成员,乐队指挥,乐队和观众的表现。仔细阅读第三段,特别是最后四行The band knew the piece quite well, of course, so things weren’t likely to go seriously wrong. But she kept time beautifully, and she made it clear when she wanted certain passages to be loud or soft, just as the band-leader himself had done. Since then, to be quite honest, I’ve never heard ‘The Blue Danube’ played better anywhere.可以排除A,B,D。
4. A
解析:这是在总结作者的思想;根据第三段描述指挥 “he was a very thoughtful man,” 和最后两段可以得出结论:作者对小女孩和乐队指挥都给予了高度评价。
三. 短文改错:
Many children have a birthday cake with candle on their birthday. 1. candles
In some countries, like England and Scotland, there are another custom, 2. is
too. There are people spank(拍打)or hit the child on his/her birthday. 3.去掉are
This may hurt a little, and they say it is very lucky for the child. The 4. _but_
child must never cry. The custom says that if you cry, you ∧cry all year. 5. will
The reason for birthday spanks is to make the bad spirits go 6.√
away. The hard you spank the better it is. In Belgium, another 7. harder
country in Europe, the custom is a little difference. There a parent 8. different
goes into the child room early in the morning with a needle(针). 9. child’s
高考真题语法分类练习(一) 篇3
1. (2012四川) He will come to understand your efforts sooner or later. It’s just a matter of ___ .
A. luckB. value
C. timeD. fact
2. (2012全国Ⅱ) The Harry Potter books are quite popular; they are in great ___ in this city.
A. quantityB. progress
C. productionD. demand
3. (2012江西) You’d better write down the phone number of that restaurant for future ___ .
A. purposeB. reference
C. progressD. memory
4. (2012湖北) It is important to have your eyes examined regularly to check for any sign of eye disease that may not have any ___ .
A. symptomB. similarity
C. sampleD. shadow
5. (2012湖北) The officer insisted that Michael did not follow the correct ___ in applying for a visa.
A. patternB. procedure
C. programD. perspective
6. (2012福建) —Why do you choose to work in an international travel agency?
—Well, you know, English is my ___ . So it is my best choice.
A. strengthB. talent
C. abilityD. skill
7. (2012浙江) Your ___ as a student will be excellent if you develop a habit of reflection on how you learn.
A. operationB. growth
C. performanceD. character
8. (2012江苏) — Can I help you with it?
—I appreciate your ___ , but I can manage it myself.
A. adviceB. question
C. offerD. idea
9. (2011四川) Always remember to put such dangerous things as knives out of children’s ___ .
A. touchB. sight
C. reachD. distance
10. (2011山东) There’s a ___ in our office that when it’s somebody’s birthday, they bring in a cake for us all to share.
A. traditionB. balance
C. concernD. relationship
11. (2011福建) The lack of eco-friendly habits among the public is thought to be a major ___ of global climate change.
A. resultB. cause
C. warningD. reflection
12. (2011江西) What’s the ___ , in your opinion, of helping him if he doesn’t make an effort to help himself?
A. sympathyB. theme
C. objectD. point
13. (2011湖北) “Tommy, run! Be quick! The house is on fire!” the mother shouted, with ___ clearly in her voice.
A. angerB. rudeness
C. regretD. panic
14. (2010天津) James took the magazines off the little table to make ___ for the television.
A. roomB. area
C. fieldD. position
15. (2010山东) Those who suffer from headache will find they get ___ from this medicine.
A. reliefB. safety
C. defenseD. shelter
16. (2010湖北) This restaurant has become popular for its wide ___ of foods that suit all tastes and pockets.
A. divisionB. area
C. rangeD. circle
17. (2010江苏) The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patients, so he has a very good ___ .
A. expectationB. reputation
C. contributionD. civilization
18. (2010安徽) I haven’t seen Sara since she was a little girl, and she has changed beyond ___ .
A. hearingB. strength
C. recognitionD. measure
19. (2010江西) Last year the number of students who graduated with a driving licence reached 200,000, a (n) ___ of 40,000 per year.
A. averageB. number
C. amountD. quantity
20. (2010浙江) The school advisers help you talk through your problems but they don’t give you any direct ___ .
A. solutionB. target
C. measureD. function
冠 词
1. (2012四川) We are said to be living in ___ Information Age, ___ time of new discoveries and great changes.
A. an; theB. 不填; the
C. 不填; aD. the; a
2. (2012全国Ⅰ) Sarah looked at ___ finished painting with _____ satisfaction.
A. 不填; aB. a; the
C. the; 不填D. the; a
3. (2012全国Ⅱ) He missed ___ gold in the high jump, but will get ___ second chance in the long jump.
A. the; theB. 不填; a
C. the; aD. a; 不填
4. (2012安徽) Carl is studying ___ food science at college and hopes to open up ___ meat processing factory of his own one day.
A. 不填; aB. 不填; the
C. the; aD. the; the
5. (2012江西) The Smiths don’t usually like staying at ___ hotels, but last summer they spent a few days at a very nice hotel by ___ sea.
A. 不填; aB. the; the
C. 不填; theD. the; a
6. (2012山东) Being able to afford ___ drink would be ___ comfort in those tough times.
A. the; theB. a; a
C. a; 不填D. 不填; a
7. (2012辽宁) I woke up with ___ bad headache, yet by ___ evening the pain had gone.
A. the; theB. the; an
C. a; theD. a; an
8. (2012浙江) The development of industry has been ___ gradual process throughout ___ human existence, from stone tools to modern technology.
A. 不填; theB. the; a
C. a; 不填D. a; a
高二英语省略语法教案 篇4
1)省略主语:祈使句中通常省略主语,但为了强调也可以使用主语。例如 Stop singing and start to prepare for your recitation.不要唱了,开始为背诵做些准备把。You perform a dance first.你先表演个舞蹈吧。
2)谓语的省略:多出现在并列句及对话中,谓语部分相同时。例如: I was born in China and Lucy(was born)in America.我出生在中国,露西出生在美国。
What we can’t get seems better than what we have(got).我们没有的东西似乎比已经拥有的更好。
Reading makes a full man and writing(make)an exact man.读书使人充实,写作使人准确。
Some of us study French, others(study)GERMAN.我们有的学法语,有的学德语。
Peter enjoys swimming but Mike hates(swimming)比得喜欢游泳,而迈克则讨厌游泳。-Which program do you like? 你喜欢哪一个节目? -It’s hard to tell.很难说。
4)在含有比较结构的复合句中,常在as和than引导的分句中省略某些与主句相同的部分或省略在特定上下文或特定情景中某些不言而喻的成分或整个as, than从句。例如: The piano in the other shop will be cheaper(than those in this shop), but not as good(as those in this shop).另一家商店里的钢琴更便宜,但是并不一样好。
How beautifully she sings!I’ve never heard a better voice(than hers).她唱得多好!我从没有听过比这更好的嗓音。
5)一般疑问句和祈使句的答语中,常用“Yes/ No+主语+助动词”,而省略主要动词或其他成分,但助动词应和原句的动词时态保持一致。回答特殊问句的答语中常省略和问句相重复的部分,只保留新信息部分。例如:
-Could I borrow your dictionary? 我可以借你的字典吗?
-Yes, of course you can(borrow my dictionary).当然可以。-Have you ever been to Hong Kong? 你去过香港吗? -Never.从来没有去过。
6)复合句中从句的句尾和主句相同时,从句的句尾可省略。例如: Mary is going to sweep the floor though Alice won’t(sweep the floor).玛丽要打扫地板,而艾丽斯不做这件事情。7)两个或两上以上被形容词修饰的同一名词,前面的常被省略;重复出现的形容词,后边的可以省略。例如:
There were middle-aged(men)and elderly men to attend the meeting.有几个中老年男人出席了会议。We are young boys and(young)girls.我们是少年男女。
When(it is)heated, water sends out steam.加热时水会变成蒸汽。
He often kept silent unless(he was)spoken to.他常常保持沉默,除非有人和他说话。
Many roofs were replaced with new ones where(it is)necessary.必要的地方屋顶被换成了新的。
She hurried away as if(she was)very angry.她匆忙离开了,似乎是很生气。
She went on working though(she was)exhausted.尽管筋疲力尽,她仍然继续工作。
You’d better give a performance if you should be asked to.你最好进行表演,如果被邀请的话。
I think he should get a job, but you can’t force him to if he is not ready to.我想他应该得到一份工作,但如果他不愿意,你不能强迫他。
He didn’t come to the meeting, but he ought to have.他没有来参加会议,但是他本应该来的。The young girl is not what she used to be.那个女孩子不是原来的样子了。
10)某些动词短语之后的介词可以省略。例如:spend…(in)doing sth.花(时间)做某事;stop/ prevent sb.(from)doing sth.阻止某人做某事;be busy(in)doing sth忙于做某事;waste time(in)doing sth.浪费时间做某事。11)宾语从句中,连词that可省略,但如有两个以上的宾语从句,除第一个that外,其他的that都不可省略。另外,定语从句中,that, which, whom作宾语时可以省略。例如:
Mr Wang said(that)the job was important and that we should try our best to do it.王先生说,那项工作很重要,我们应该尽力去做。
This is the computer(that)his father sent him as a birthday gift.这是他父亲送给他作为生日礼物的那台电脑。
-Do you think he will come tonight? 你认为他今晚会来吗?
-Yes, I think so./ No, I don’t think so.是的,我认为他会来。/不,我不认为他会来。-Are you feeling any better? 你感觉好些了吗? -I am afraid not.恐怕不是这样。
类似的用法还有:How so? / Why so?/ Is that so? / I hope so./ I am afraidso.怎么会这样?/为什么会这样?/是那样吗?/我希望如此/恐怕是这样。
I suppose not./ I believe not./ I’m afraid not./ I hope not./ I guess not.我想不会的/我不相信会这样/恐怕不是如此/不希望如此/我认为不会如此。
1.The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him________.(NMET1995)
A.not to
B.not to do
C.not to it
D.do not to 2.-Alice, why didn’t you come yesterday?
-I_________, but I had an unexpected visitor.(NMET1997)
C.was going to
D.that 3.-Does your brother intend to study German?
-Yes, he intends__________.(1998上海)
C.was going to
D.that 4.-I’ll be away on a business trip.Would you mind looking after my cat?
-Not at all._________.(NMET1995)
A.I’ve no time
B.I’d rather not
C.I’d like it
D.I’d be happy to 5.-Do you think it’s going to rain over the weekend?
A.I don’t believe
B.I don’t believe it
C.I believe not so
D.I believe not
高二英语下学期部分语法知识精析 篇5
1. 根据动词短语的不同特点,掌握其运用规律。
(1) 动词+副词(不及物)
Harry turned up after the party when everyone had left. 晚会后,人们都已离去,哈里出现了。
(2) 动词+副词(及物)
Please turn every light in the house off. 请把房子里的每一盏灯都关掉。
注意:①如果宾语较长,应避免把副词同动词分开。例如:She turned off all the lights which had been left on. 她关掉了所有还亮着的灯。
②如果宾语是人称代词,只能放在动词和副词之间。例如:She gave them away. 她送掉了它们。
(3) 动词+介词(及物)
I’m looking for my glasses. 我在找我的眼镜。
②动词短语可以放在句子或从句末尾。例如:She’s got more work than she can cope with. 她的工作多得使她应付不了。
(4) 动词+副词+介词
I look forward to seeing you soon. 我盼望不久就见到你。
例如:In this way both grain and vegetable can be well looked after.(不能漏掉after) 这样一来,粮食和蔬菜都能兼顾了。
2. 熟悉同一动词和不同介词或副词、不同动词和同一介词或同一副词搭配在意义上的差异。
(1) 同一动词和不同介词搭配。例如:
①hear from收到……的来信 hear of听说
②look after照料 look at看 look for寻找
(2) 同一动词和不同副词搭配。例如:
①ring back回电话 ring off挂断电话 ring up打电话
②put away放好 put on穿,上演 put up挂起,举起
(3) 不同动词和同一介词搭配。例如:
look for寻找 call for去取(某物),去接(某人) ask for请求 wait for等候 send for派人去叫
(4) 不同动词和同一副词搭配时,意义上的差异。例如:
①break out发生,爆炸 carry out进行,开展 go out熄灭 hand out分发 let out放出 look out当心 sell out卖完 set out出发 take out取出 work out算出
②break down出毛病 come down落下来 get down下车 take down取下 write down写下
I don’t think you are right. 我认为你错了。
not常放在上述动词及be afraid之后代替一个有否定含义的从句。例如:
问:Is it going to rain?
肯定回答:I suppose so.
否定回答:I suppose not. 或I don’t suppose so.
对于hope和be afraid,否定回答只能说I hope not. 和I’m afraid not.
省略的目的是为了避免重复,使语言精练。大体上来说,被省略的部分是上文已出现过的词语。有些被省略的部分,虽非上文出现的内容, 但是在意义上是不言自明的。
1) 省略主语。例如:Get up. (省略了主语you,祈使句中的主语通常被省略)
2) 省略主谓语或主谓语的一部分。例如:
No smoking. (省略了主谓语There is)
Have a cup of tea? (省略了主语及谓语的助动词部分will you)
3) 省略宾语。例如:
—Do you know Mr. Smith?
—I don’t know. (省略了宾语him)
4) 省略表语。例如:
—Are you hungry?
—Yes, I am. (省略了表语hungry)
5) 同时省略几个成分。例如:
—Are you feeling better now?
—Much better. (省略了I am feeling...now)
6) 其他省略结构。例如:
(1) 名词所有格所修饰的名词,表示住宅、店铺、教堂或上文已暗示或明确指出过的事物时,常常可以省略。例如:
We spent the weekend at the Smith’s.
(2) what和how引导的感叹句中,常可省略主语it和be动词。例如:
What a wonderful victory (it is) for her!
(3) 不定式省略,单独使用不定式符号to:
①代替动词不定式后被省略的动词,常在be afraid,expect,forget,hope,intend,like,love,mean,prefer,refuse,seem,try,want,wish等后边。例如:
I asked him to see the film, but he didn’t want to.
②在have,need,ought,be going,used等后。例如:
I didn’t want to go there, but I had to.
—Will you join us?
—I should love to.
注意:如不定式中有be, have, have been, 则常保留be, have, have been。例如:
—Are you a sailor?
—No, but I used to be.
—He hasn’t finished yet.
—Well, he ought to have.
—You wouldn’t have won if I hadn’t helped you.
—I would, I think.
—I think Mary should be told.
—She has been
—I am tired.
—I am, too.
—Do you like the play?
不可以说:Yes, I like. 而应该说:Yes, I like it / I do.
2. 并列句中的省略
He sang and (he) played the guitar. (省略主语)
John washed (his own shirt) and ironed his own shirt. (省略宾语)
I haven’t read this book yet but I will (read it) later.(省略谓语)
Peter has recently become(a hard-working students), and his brother always was, a hard-working students. (省略表语)
但如果be, have和do在前一个句中作主要动词,而在后一个分句中用作助动词,这时后一个分句中的助动词不可以省去。例如:
Jane has a good memory and has recited all the poems we taught her last night.
3. 主从句中的省略
1) 定语从句中作宾语的关系代词that, which, whom常可以省略;当先行词是time, reason, place时,作状语的关系副词when, why, where也可省去。例如:
This is the first time (when) he had trouble with the boss.
2) 宾语从句中的省略
The doctor believed something was wrong with Mike’s chest and he was trying to find out what (was wrong with Mike’s chest).
3) 一般状语从句中的省略
(1) 如果状语从句中的主语与主句的主语相同,而谓语又含有动词be(包括连系动词和助动词),这时可以把从句的主语和be动词一同省去。例如:
While (I was) walking along the street, I heard my name called.
Though(he was) tired, the little girl kept on studying.
(2) 当从句的主语和主句的宾语一致时,也有这样的省略。例如:
Her father told her to be careful when crossing the street.
(3) 用so或not代替上文内容,用if so/not的省略句式。例如:
Get up early tomorrow. If not, you will miss the first bus.
4) 比较状语从句中的省略
(1) 如从句中含有与主句相同的成分,通常仅保留参与比较的部分(即比较的另一方),省略其他成分。例如:
We are more confident than(we have) ever
(2) 如从句中含有先行主语it时,通常省略it和其指代部分(名词性从句或不定式)。例如:
He spent more money than(it) was intended (that he should spend).
(3) 比较状语从句中的宾语一般情况下不可省略。例如:
James enjoyed the movie more than Susan enjoyed it. (不能省略it)
He speaks English as well as his teacher does.
1. 用强调句型“It is(was)+被强调的部分+that(who)+原句其他部分”来强调说话人的意愿。
对主语进行强调:It was I that/who didn’t realize all my mistakes until you told me yesterday.
对宾语进行强调:It was all my mistakes that I didn’t realize until you told me yesterday.
对状语进行强调:It was not until you told me yesterday that I realized all my mistakes.
2. 用助动词“do/does/did+动词原形”来表示强调。例如:
He does know the place well. 他的确很熟悉这个地方。
Do write to me when you get there. 你到那儿后务必给我来信。
3. 用形容词very, only, single, such等修饰名词或形容词来加强语气。例如:
That’s the very textbook we used last term. 这正是我们上学期用过的教材。
Not a single person has been in the shop this morning. 今天上午这个商店里连一个人都没有。
How dare you buy such expensive jewels?你怎么敢买这么贵的宝石呢?
Why ever did you do so? 你究竟为什么要这么做?
This is just what I wanted. 这正是我所要的。
He was badly wounded. 他伤得很严重。
I really don’t know what to do next.我的确不知道下一步该怎么做。
5.用in the world,on earth,at all等介词短语可以表达更强的语气(常用于疑问句)。例如:
Where in the world could he be? 他到底会在哪儿?
What on earth is it?它究竟是什么?
Do you know at all?你到底知不知道?
6. 用感叹句来表示强烈的感情。例如:
How interesting a story it is!这是一个多么有趣的故事啊!
What a beautiful day! 多好的天气啊!
7. 用倒装句将要强调的部分置于句首来加强语气。例如:
On the table were some flowers. 桌上摆着一些花。
Many a time have I climbed that hill. 我多次翻过那座山。
Only in this way can we solve this problem. 只有这样,我们才能解决这个问题。
8. 用if来表示强调:
1) if从句+I don’t know who/what,etc. does/is/has,etc.;主句部分也可以用nobody does/is/has,etc.或everybody does/is/has,etc.来代替。这里的if从句往往是正话反说,反话正说。例如:
If he can’t do it, I don’t know who can. 要是他做不了这件事,我不知道还有谁能做。(强调只有他能做)
If Jim is a coward, everybody is. 要是吉姆是个胆小鬼,那么人人都是胆小鬼。(强调吉姆不是胆小鬼)
2) if从句+it be主句(把所要强调的内容放在it be的后面,把其他内容放在由if引导的从句中)。例如:
If anyone knew the truth, it was Tom.如果说谁了解事实的真相,那便是汤姆。
If there is one thing he loves, it is money. 如果说世界上还有他爱的东西,那便是金钱。
1. In some western countries, demand of graduates from MBA courses has .
A. turned downB. turned over
C. fallen downD. fallen over
2. To keep healthy, Professor Johnson
cycling as a regular form of exercise after he retired.
A. took upB. caught on
C. carried outD. made for
3. It’s ten years since the scientiston his life’s work of discovering the valuable chemical.
A. made forB. set out
C. took offD. turned up
4. We all think you speak English as fluently as .
A. speaks a native speaker
B. a native speaker does
C. will a native speaker
D. a native speaker is
5. —You should have thanked her before you left.
—I meant ________, but when I was leaving I couldn’t find her anywhere.
A. to doB. to
C. doingD. doing so
6. You are putting on weight. Why _______ your milk without sugar?
A. not havingB. not have
C. you not haveD. you not to have
7.about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research.
A. So curious the couple was
B. So curious were the couple
C. How curious the couple were
D. The couple was such curious
8. Not until the early years of the 19th century _______ what heat is.
A. man did knowB. man knew
C. didn’t man knowD. did man know
9. In history of China sometimes little _______ about the economic development.
A. the government cares
B. does the government care
C. doesn’t the government care
D. the government doesn’t care
10. Autumn coming, down _______.
A. do the leaves fall
B. the leaves will fall
C. fall the leaves
D. the leaves have fallen
11. —_______that he managed to get the information?
—Oh, a friend of his helped him.
A. Where was itB. What was it
C. How was itD. Why was it
12. It was said that not until the old man had passed away _______ to his relatives.
A. she let out the secret
B. was the secret let out
C. out she let the secret
D. out let the secret
13. New ideas some times have to wait for years before ________.
A. being fully accepted
B. fully accepted
C. fully accepting