


疑问用法 篇1

摘要:作为疑问代词, “谁”与“who”都是用来构成特指疑问句的 (英语称特殊疑问句) 。从疑问的对象来看, “谁”和“who”都是用于问“人”, 可以指一个人, 也可以指不止一个人。从语法功能看, 两者都可作主语、宾语和定语。本文着重从两个方面谈“谁”与“who”用于疑问用法时的相同点和不同点:“谁”与“who”的语法功能, “who”与“谁”在各种疑问句中的用法。


作为疑问代词, “谁”与“who”都是用来构成特指疑问句的 (英语称特殊疑问句) 。从疑问的对象来看, “谁”和“who”都是用于问“人”, 可以指一个人, 也可以指不止一个人。从语法功能看, 两者都可作主语、宾语和定语。下面着重从两个方面谈“谁”与“who”用于疑问用法时的相同点和不同点: (一) “谁”与“who”的语法功能; (二) “who”与“谁”在各种疑问句中的用法。


“谁”与“who”都可在句中作主语、宾语和定语。下面将联系句中的谓语动词对二者在句中的语法功能进行描写。主要从汉英两语中的及物动词、不及物动词及英语中的系动词和汉语的形容词作谓语的角度来比较“谁”与“who”用于疑问用法时在句中的语法功能, 找出二者的相同点和不同点。



(1) (Who knows what will become of the world/Who knows what the world will be like) in one hundred years? (英语代词以一当十.P197)


(2) Who moved my cheese? (英语代词P197)


(3) 谁帮你学英语?

Who helped you with your English?

(4) Who did the work? (汉英语法比较指南P150)


此种情况下, “谁”与“who”相对应。


(5) 谁在哭? (刚才谁哭了?)

Who is crying? (Who cried?)

(6) 谁在跳舞?

Who is dancing?

(7) 谁在跑? (刚才谁跑了?)

Who is running? (Who ran?)

作不及物动词的主语, 句中的谓语动词常常表示动作正在发生、动作过去发生或将要发生。此时“who”作主语要求谓语动词必须是进行时态、过去时或将来时, 谓语结构发生变化。而汉语“谁”作主语的句子在这种情形下在谓语前加“在”、“将”或在词尾加“了”。

C.“谁”作主语用于判断句, “who”用于系表结构。

(8) Who is at the door? (朗文.P1617)


(9) Who is your father?


(10) 谁是我们的英语老师?/我们的英语老师是谁?

Who is our English teacher?

“谁”与“who”基本对应, 但例 (9) (10) 汉语的表达方式有两种, “谁”可以放在句首也可以放在句尾。


(11) 你们班谁最高?王林最高。

Who is the tallest in your class?Wangling is the tallest.

(12) 谁最大 (年长) ?老高最大。

Who is the oldest?Lao gao is the oldest.

此时, “谁”与“who”不对应。“who”作主语, 但不能用形容词直接作谓语, 中间要用系动词连接。

通过前面的对比我们看到, 作主语时, “谁”与“who”都可以出现在判断句和以及物动词、不及物动词作谓语的句中。但“谁”可以出现在形容词谓语句中, 而“who”则没有这样的用法。


二者都可以作动词和介词的宾语。英语“who”的宾格形式是“whom”, 不过现代英语两者可通用。但紧跟在介词或动词后面只能用“whom”。


(13) Who/whom do you want to see? (张道真.英语语法大全.P202)


(14) Who/whom are you teaching? (同上)


(15) 你刚才赞扬谁勇敢了?

Who did you praise for his courage?

(16) “他看见谁了?这么激动。”

“He looks so excited, who did he see?”

以上例句中的“谁”和“who/whom”都用来作行为动作支配的对象, 使受事宾语, 此时二者基本对应, 但二者的语序差别很大。

另外, “谁”与“who”均不能作不及物动词的宾语。要想带宾语必须借助于介词。


(17) Who must she speak to?/To whom must she speak? (张道真.英语语法大全.P208)


(18) “他在为谁工作?”“为公司。”

“Who is he working for?”“For the company.” (口语体)

(19) 你替谁出的这个主意?

Who did you give the idea for? (口语体)

(20) 我能跟谁讲?

I could speak to whom? (张道真.英语语法大全.P209) (口语体)

(21) 我为谁?为大家, 为人民服务。 (吴洁敏.汉英语发手册.P119)

For who/whom is all that I did?For everybody, serves for the people. (正式文体)

(22) 他为谁作出了贡献? (同上)

To whom did he make the contribution?

从两词在句中作介词宾语的位置上看:“谁”用在介词后面;而“who”除在正式文体中介词置于句首, “who/whom”位于其后外, 口语里通常是“who/whom”置于句首, 介词位于句末。英语里介词又称前置词, 因为它一般置于引出的名词之前, 这一点英语跟汉语是一致的。但疑问词作介词宾语时, “谁”与“who”在句中的位置却有差异, “谁”作介词宾语, 仍置于介词后, 而“who”作宾语时, 在口语体里, “who”可置于句首, 而介词不必置于“who/whom”前。通过上面的例子, 可以看出英语“who”或“whom”都是作介词“to”, “for”的宾语。而汉语“谁”的情形不能与英语完全对应。例 (18) (19) (20) (22) 句中的“为”“替”“跟”均为介词, 因为他们的后面有别的动词在句中作谓语。但例 (21) “我为谁?为大家。”里的“为”是谓语动词, 这一点跟英语不能对应。


英语who的属格形式是whose, 汉语“谁”的属格形式是“谁的”, 二者大致相当[1]。都可以作名词或名词短语的定语, 在句中作主语和宾语的定语。下面我们先来分析“谁”作定语时的各种情况及其对应的英语表达。


(23) 谁的运动服落在运动场上了?

Whose sweet was left on the playground?

(24) 谁家的狗丢了?

Whose dog has lost?

(25) 谁的书还没领回去?

Whose books haven’t been gotten back?

(26) 谁的手套还没带好?

Whose gloves have not been worn?


(27) 你在读谁的诗啊?

Whose poem are you reading now? (转引郭沫若.蔡文姬)

(28) 你在看谁 (来) 的信?

Whose incoming letter are you reading?

(29) 这次旅行你借谁的汽车?

Whose car are you going to borrow for this journey? (牛津双解.P1342)

(30) 你在修谁的电脑?

Whose computer are you repairing?

从上述例句可以看出, “谁的”无论作主语的定语还是作宾语的定语都与英语“whose”一样, 放在所修饰名词前。但例 (27) (28) (29) (30) 与英语有所不同的是语序。英语的特殊疑问句也就是对句中某一部分提问的疑问句, 不管就什么成分提问, 疑问代词都必须放在句首并且句末用降调[2]。以上例子均为“疑问词 (疑问词+名词) +一般疑问句”的形式。而汉语的疑问代词却留在相应的疑问焦点处。


(31) Whose is this? (表语)

这是谁的 (东西) ?

(32) Whose are those houses? (表语)


(33) Whose are/is lost? (主语)

谁的 (东西) 丢了?

(34) Whose are you using? (宾语) 你正在用谁的 (东西) ?

(35) Whose will you borrow? (宾语)

你要借谁的 (东西) ?


英语中的特殊疑问句在特定的环境中, 在一定的条件下, 往往会失去其本身应具有的表达功能, 从而产生一些附加的其他意义的功能[4]。也就是说它们有表达强调、情绪、感叹等的功能。

2.1 在强调句中的用法

(36) Who was it that won the first gold medal in the2000 Olympic Game?

是谁在2000年奥林匹克运动会上第一个拿到金牌的? (刘般若.英语考试教程.P180)

(37) Who was it that broke the window?

是谁打碎了玻璃? (同上)

(38) Who is it that you should ask?

你应该问的是谁? (同上)

根据上下文和语义意图, 说话人可以通过Itis/was+被强调的部分+that+句子的其他成分。这种结构强调除谓语以外的大多数句子成分, 比如说强调主语, 使之成为信息中心, 以上三个例子均是强调动作的执行者———主语。在这种结构中it没有意义, 只帮助改变一个句子的结构, 是某一部分受到强调。而be动词常用is或was, 但有时也有其他变化形式。that无意义, 起一种连接作用。汉语是通过语气和语调的加重来进行强调。两种语言在这种情形下差别很大。

2.2 在带有情绪问句中的用法

在表示不耐烦的情绪时, 疑问词“who”后面加“ever”或“on earth/in the world/the devil”等, 下列句子越往下表示的情绪越强烈:

(39) Whoever said so? (张道真.英语语法大全.P209)


(40) Whoever did you say? (同上)


(41) Who on earth/in the world/under the sun did you knock over?


(42) Who/whom the devil is he going to ask?


(43) Who the blaze is so late?


(44) Who the hell do you owe a debt to?


2.3 在形式疑问句中的用法

有些问句只是对别人说话的反应, 并不要求回答, 也无法回答。

(45) Who can fly in the air (Nobody can fly in the air.) ? (张道真.英语语法大全.P218)


(46) Who cares (Nobody cares.) ? (同上)


(47) Who must I kowtow to? (I need not.) (同上)


(48) Who else would I say?


以上例子在形式上是问句, 其实不用回答。汉语通过句尾加上“呀、啦”等语气词并通过上下文判断出也只是形式问句, 不须也没必要回答。

2.4 特殊问句表示感叹

(49) Who should come in but the mayor himself?

噢, 是市长来啦!

(50) Who may help us but our parents?


2.5“who whom whose”在句中做关系代词和连接代词

(51) Here comes a girl whom I talked with yesterday morning.

昨天上午跟我谈话的女孩来了。 (吴震宁.英语语法举一反三.P43-44)

(52) The man whom we just met is our manager. (同上)


(53) The girl whose composition got the prize is the youngest in the class.


(54) Do you who they are waiting for?


(55) Zhang Rungfang threw the ball to Lang Ping, who smashed the ball.

张荣芳把球传给朗平, 朗平扣杀。

(56) Whom the gods love die young.


(57) The bosses then brought out a man who said that Joe was the murderer.

老板带出一个人, 这人说乔是凶手。

(58) whoever says is wrong.


关系代词用以引导定语从句, 修饰在它前面的名词或代词 (有被称为先行词) , 并代替所修饰的单词在句中担任某一成分, 如主语、表语、定语、宾语等。例 (51) “whom”代替“a girl”在句中作宾语。例 (52) “whom”代替“the man”在从句中作宾语, 同理例 (53) “whose”在句中作定语, 例 (57) 中“who”代替“aman”在从句中作主语。还可以用来作连接代词, 引起主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句等, 例如 (54) (56) (58) 。汉语没有此种情况, 不能与之对应。

综上所述, “谁”和“who”用于疑问用法时在句中的语法功能从汉英两语中的及物动词、不及物动词及英语中的系动词和汉语的形容词作谓语的角度来比较具有以上相同点和不同点。



[2]吴震宁.英语语法举一反三.地震出版社, 2001, 5:43-44.


[4]吴洁敏.汉英语法手册.知识出版社, 1981:119.


[6]牛津现代高级英汉双节词典[M].牛津大学出版社, 1988.


[8]英语语法大全[M].华东师范大学出版社, 1989.


疑问用法 篇2


He’s late, isn’t he?


He isn’t late, is he?





正:You love him very much, don’t you?


误:You love him very much, do not you?




误:Jim likes English very much, doesn’t Jim?


正:Jim likes English very much, doesn’t he?



That is a wallet, isn’t it?


Nothing is serious, isn’t it?


注意,如果陈述部分的主语为somebody, someone, everyone, everybody, no one, nobody等指人的复合不定代词时,其附加部分的主语在正式文体中用he,在口语或非正式文体中通常用they。如:

Nobody likes it, does he?


反意疑问句用法精析 篇3

一、 如果陈述部分为肯定形式,问句部分通常用否定形式;如果陈述部分否定形式,问句部分通常用肯定形式,并且两部分的时态要保持一致

(2009年上海卷)Sally’s never seen a play in the Shanghai Grand Theatre,__________ ?

A. hasn’t she

B. has she

C. isn’t sheD. is she

【解析】 Sally’s的完全形式是Sally has,判断反意问句部分用助动词has;never表示否定, 因此反意问句部分用肯定形式。故答案选B。

二、 反意疑问句中问句部分的动词与陈述部分的动词种类要对应一致

To get as much first-hand information as possible, inspectors will hold workshops and distribute the questionnaires,__________ ?

A. isn’t itB. won’t it

C. aren’t theyD. won’t they

三、 当句子的主语或谓语为特殊的词或词组时

1. 陈述部分的主语是everybody, everyone, someone, no one, nobody, somebody 等合成词或词组时,反意疑问句部分的主语在非正式文体中,往往用they,有时也用he;而当陈述部分的主语是指示代词或不定代词this, that, everything, nothing, something等时,反意疑问句部分的主语用it。

(1) (2000年上海卷)I don’t suppose anyone will volunteer,__________ ?

A. do IB. don’t I

C. will theyD. won’t they

(2) Everything is ready, isn’t it?

2. 陈述部分是“there be”结构的,疑问部分用there省略主语代词。

There was a loud scream from the backstage immediately after the concert ended,__________ ? 

A. wasn’t thereB. was there

C. didn’t itD. did it

【解析】 存在句的肯定句要用wasn’t there作反意疑问句,故答案选A。

There will not be any trouble, will there?

3. 陈述部分用 no, nothing, nobody, never, few, seldom, hardly, rarely, little等否定含义的词时,疑问部分用肯定形式。

(2009年湖南卷)You and I could hardly work together,__________ ?

A. could you B. couldn’t I 

C. couldn’t weD. could we

Nobody phoned me while I was away, did they?

4. 当陈述部分的主语是one时,反意疑问句部分的主语在正式场合用one,在非正式场合用you。

One should be happy in this situation, shouldn’t one/ shouldn’t you? 

5. 当陈述部分带有have表示“有”含义时,反意疑问句部分既可用have引导,也可用do引导;但当have不表示“有”含义时,附加疑问句必须用do的相应形式引导。

You have a good friend, haven’t you/don’t you? 

We had a good time in the city, didn’t we?

6. 陈述部分的谓语是used to 时,疑问部分用didn’t +主语或 usedn’t +主语。

He used to take pictures there, didn’t he?/usedn’t he?

7. 陈述部分的谓语是wish,疑问部分要用may +主语。

I wish to have a word with you, may I?

8. 含有ought to 的反意疑问句,陈述部分是肯定的,疑问部分用shouldn’t/oughtn’t +主语。He ought to know what to do, oughtn’t he?/shouldn’t he?

9. 陈述部分有have to +v. (had to+v.),疑问部分常用don’t +主语(didn’t +主语)。

We have to get there at eight tomorrow, don’t we?

10. 陈述部分有You’d like to +v. 疑问部分用wouldn’t +主语。

You’d like to go with me, wouldn’t you?

11. 当陈述句部分含有情态动词must时,要根据must 的具体含义而定。 

(1) 当陈述部分的must表示“一定、想必”等推测意义时,反意疑问句部分不用must,而必须根据must 后的动词而采用相应的助动词来构成反意疑问句。判断的方法是:去掉情态动词must,看陈述句用什么时态,反意疑问句部分要随陈述句的谓语变化而变化。

He must be a doctor, isn’t he?

He must have finished it yesterday, didn’t he?

It’s hot in the room. You must have turned off the air conditioner, haven’t you?

(2009年陕西卷)He must be helping the old man to water the flowers, __________?

A. is heB. isn’t he

C. must heD. mustn’t he

【解析】 陈述句中的谓语中虽有情态动词must, 但此处must表示对正在进行的动作进行推测, 将其不看作情态动词。而must后有助动词be,所以反意疑问句根据助动词be来构成,故答案选B。

(2) 当陈述部分的must 表示“必须”的含义时,反意疑问句部分用mustn’t。

They must hand in their papers right now, mustn’t they? 

(3)当陈述部分的must 表示“有必要”时,反意疑问句部分用needn’t。

He must go now, needn’t he? 

(4)当陈述部分为mustn’t 表示“禁止”时,反意疑问句部分用must。

You mustn’t smoke in the room, must you? 

12. 带情态动词dare或need的反意疑问句,疑问部分常用 need (dare ) +主语。

We need not do it again, need we?

He dare not say so, dare you?

当dare, need 为实义动词时,疑问部分用助动词do/does+ 主语。

She doesn’t dare to go home alone, does she?

13. 反意疑问句的陈述部分含有由un-, im-, in-, dis-, 等否定意义的前缀构成的词语时,陈述部分要视为肯定含义,问句部分用否定形式。

It is impossible to learn English without remembering more words, isn’t it? 

He is not unkind to his classmates, is he?

14. 陈述部分由neither…nor, either…or连接的并列主语时,疑问部分根据其实际逻辑意义而定。

Neither you nor I am engineer, are we?

四、 当主句的主语或谓语动词为特殊结构时

1. 陈述部分的主语是I,疑问部分要用 aren’t I。

I’m late, aren’t I?

2. 陈述部分有had better+v. 疑问句部分用hadn’t you?

You’d better finish your homework, hadn’t you?

3. 陈述部分有would rather +v.,疑问部分多用 wouldn’t +主语。

He would rather read it ten times than recite it, wouldn’t he?

4. 陈述部分的主语为从句、动词不定式、动名词短语,反意疑问句的主语通常用it。

What she said discouraged you, didn’t it?

To get rid of a bad habit is not easy, is it? 

Skating is your favorite sport, isn’t it?

五、 当主句为特殊句型时

1. 并列复合句疑问部分,谓语动词根据邻近从句的谓语而定。

(2006年全国卷Ⅱ)We forgot to bring our tickets, but please let us enter,__________ ?

A. do youB. can we

C. will youD. shall we

2. 主从复合句的反意疑问句通常应跟主句变。

(1) (2011年重庆卷)I told them not everybody could run as fast as you did,__________ ? 

A. could heB. didn’t I

C. didn’t youD. could they

(2) (2011年上海卷)It doesn’t matter if they want to come to your party,__________ ?

A. doesn’t itB. does it

C. don’t theyD. do they

3. 若陈述部分为含有主语从句的主从复合句,则反意疑问句同主句变,并且疑问部分主语用 it。

(1) (2009年辽宁卷)It’s the first time that he has been to Australia,__________?

A. isn’t he

B. hasn’t he

C. isn’t it

D. hasn’t it

(2) Whether we’ll have a picnic depends on the weather, doesn’t it ?

4. 主句谓语是believe; expect; fancy; feel; imagine; suppose; seem; think; be sure;如主句中的主语是第一人称单数 I 时,主从复合句的反意疑问句应跟从句变,并且主句中的否定转移到从句;如主句中的主语不是第一人称单数 I 时,主从复合句的反意疑问句仍跟主句变。

(2006年福建卷)I’m sure you’d rather she went to school by bus,__________ ?

A. hadn’t youB. wouldn’t you

C. aren’t youD. didn’t she


(2002年上海卷)Mrs. Black doesn’t believe her son is able to design a digital cameral,__________ ?

A. is heB. isn’t he

C. doesn’t sheD. does she

5. 感叹句中,疑问部分用be+主语。

What colors, aren’t they?

What a smell, isn’t it?

6. 肯定祈使句的反意疑问句,疑问部分用will you或won’t you;否定祈使句的反意疑问句,疑问部分用will you。

(1) (2003年上海春)If you want help—money or anything, let me know,__________ you?

A. don’tB. will

C. shallD. do

(2) Don’t do that again, will you?

注意:Let’s 开头的祈使句,后用shall we?;Let us 开头的祈使句,后用will you?。

Let’s go to the film, shall we?

Let us go outing, will you?


1. She had better tell you the news right now, __________?

A. had sheB. hadn’t she

C. did sheD. didn’t she

2. They would rather not have done that last week,__________?

A. would theyB. wouldn’t they

C. have theyD. haven’t they

3. You ought to do it again,__________ ?

A. ought youB. don’t you

C. do youD. shouldn’t you

4. He must be a good worker,__________ ?

A. mustn’t heB. needn’t he

C. isn’t heD. doesn’t he

5. He must have been ill last week,__________ ?

A. hasn’t heB. didn’t he

C. wasn’t heD. mustn’t he

6. Something in my voice must have made him feel safe,__________ ?

A. mustn’t itB. hasn’t it

C. must itD. has it

7. There used to be a temple here,__________ ?

A. didn’t thereB. did there

C. used thereD. was there

8. Neither you nor I was invited to the party,__________?

A. weren’t weB. were we

C. was ID. were you

9. Either he or she is to clean the window,__________?

A. are theyB. aren’t they

C. isn’t heD. isn’t she

10. The little child dared not climb the tree,__________?

A. dared heB. did he

C. was heD. does he

11. I don’t suppose he will be here by nine o’clock,__________ ?

A. will heB. won’t he

C. do ID. don’t I

12. That his parents were ill made him a little worried,__________ ?

A. weren’t theyB. were they

C. didn’t itD. wasn’t it

13. He tried his best, but he was not successful in the end,__________ ? 

A. didn’t heB. did he

C. was heD. wasn’t he 

14. You think she is going to become a teacher,   ?

A. do youB. don’t you

C. is sheD. isn’t she

15. It was in the park that I met her,__________ ? 

A. was itB. wasn’t it

C. did ID. didn’t I

16. He dislikes what you have said,__________ ?

A. does heB. doesn’t he

C. have youD. haven’t you

17. When you’ve finished with that book, don’t forget to put it back one the shelf,__________ ?

A. do youB. don’t you

C. will youD. won’t you

18. It’s the first time that Tom has taken the research student’s exam,__________ ?

A. isn’t heB. isn’t it

C. hasn’t heD. hasn’t it 

19. Lily, tell him your email-address,__________ ?

A. will youB. don’t you

C. are youD. didn’t you

20. He had little idea that it was getting so serious,__________ ?

A. didn’t heB. did he

C. wasn’t itD. was it

21. John has to get up early,__________ ? 

A. has heB. hasn’t he

C. does heD. doesn’t he

22. He studies hard and he is the best student in my class,__________ ?

A.doesn’t heB. isn’t he

C. does heD. is he

23. What a lonely day,__________ ?

A. will itB. won’t it

C. is itD. isn’t it

24. I wish you to go fishing with me this weekend,__________ ?

A. do IB. don’t I

C. don’t youD. may I

25. It’s a fine day. Let’s go fishing,__________ ?

A. will youB. will we

C. shall weD. shan’t we



6-10 ABBBB

11-15 ACCBB

16-20 BCBAB

21-25 DBDDC

疑问用法 篇4


疑问代词单用任指, 指的是在疑问代词在交际中表示任指用法时, 句中仅出现一个疑问代词。任指句表周遍性意义时, 表示所指的范围无一例外, 具有周遍意义。下列例句是句中“哪/哪儿”系列疑问代词 ( 记作Q) 只出现一次的情况。

( 一) QP + 都/也+ DP

这种情况下, 有疑问代词“哪/哪儿/哪里”及其构成的偏正短语作句子的主语, 记作QP, 句子后面的谓词性的短语记作DP。

(1) 世界上这么多地方, 哪儿都不如中国好。

(2) 今天可真热闹, 哪儿都是来拜寿的人。

( 3) 哪个单位的领导也不能特殊。

( 4) 这世风日下人心不古, 哪一家的都不那么听话了。

句子 ( 1) ( 2) 中的“哪儿”直接作主语; ( 3) 是由“哪儿”和它后面的名词构成的偏正短语作主语, “哪儿”充当主语的定语; ( 4) 是由含有疑问代词“哪儿”的“的”字结构作主语。 ( 1) ( 4) 为否定句, 其中的“都”可以换成“也”; ( 2) ( 3) 为肯定句, ( 2) 中的“都”不能换成“也”, 而 ( 3) 中的“也”可以换成“都”, 这是因为“都”表总括, 强调所有的对象, 既可用于肯定形式, 也可用于少部分否定形式; 而“也”表类同, 多用于否定句, 表达的语气稍委婉些。总体来说, “也”一般带否定式, 很少带肯定式, “都”经常带肯定式, 带否定式不多见。带肯定式的“都”很难换用“也”, 而带否定式的“都”都可以换用“也”。

上述这些语义可归为一点, 即表态性, 可以说, 大部分“QP + 都/也+ DP”格式的任指用法都含有表态的意义。

(二) 主语 (施事) +QP+都/也+DP

(5) 他哪儿都去过。

( 6) 他哪样都不缺。

( 7) 我哪世也忘不了他。

这种格式中, QP充当句子的小主语表受事, 当然, 句中的施事主语也就是大主语和小主语的位置可以互换, 互换后的格式为QP + 主语 ( 施事) + 都/也+ DP, ( 5) ( 6) ( 7) 可以变换为:

(5’) 哪儿他都去过。

(6’) 哪样他都不缺。

( 7’) 哪世我也忘不了他。

变换后的句子, 任指的“哪”系列仍表周遍意义, 只是强调的的对象不同, ( 5) ( 6) ( 7) 强调的都是施事主语, ( 5’) ( 6’) ( 7’) 强调的则是QP。但是这些句子的句式结构是一致的, 都采用了主谓结构作谓语的形式, 朱德熙先生在语法讲义中有提到, “表周遍性的词语只能放在主语位置上, 在意义上是受事, 全句往往采用主谓结构作谓语的格式。”

而并不是在任何情况下这种互换都能成立, 这是什么原因呢? 经过分析, 找们发现: QP从小主语侈到大主语位置上有一定的条件限制。


(8) 这三句话哪句都不对。 (哪句=这三句话)

* 哪句这三句话都不对。

(9) 这几家店哪家都是他开的。 (哪家=几家店)


b. QP和前面的大主语被其他成分隔开时, 必须去掉这些成分, QP才能前移, 否则就不行。

(10) 您现在这样哪儿也去不成。

* 哪儿您现在这样也去不成。


( 三) V + QP + 都/也+ DP

“哪/哪儿” ( 或由“哪/哪儿”构成的偏正短语) 与动词构成动宾结构充当句子的状语。

( 11) 斯蒂夫去哪儿都带着这只包。

(12) 柴米油盐酱醋茶, 少了哪样都不行。

(13) 离开哪家都是死路一条。

其中 ( 12) ( 13) QP和动词互换位置之后仍是一个遍指句。

( 四) 介+ QP + 都/也+ DP

“哪/哪儿” ( 或由“哪/哪儿”构成的偏正短语) 与介词构成动宾结构充当句子的状语。

(14) 生活好了, 在哪儿吃都是团圆饭。

(15) 往哪个方向跳, 距离都是一样远。

(16) 他比哪家的孩子都调皮。

与疑问代词“哪/哪里”搭配的常用介词有: 在、用、从、对、比、和, 等等。

(五) “哪/哪儿”前面出现关联词“不论”“不管”“无论”的情形

(17) 不管在哪个国家, 都有好人和坏人之分。

( 18) 无论是哪个民族掌权, 本质都是一样的。

(19) 不论哪家死了老人, 家家户户都要量力相帮。

(20) 外地人来北京, 不管去哪儿, 王府井必来。

这些连词只能出现在“哪/哪儿”之前, 当“哪/哪儿”与动词或介词构成动宾短语或介宾短语是, 连词只能在动词或介词之前。原则上讲, ( 17) ( 18) ( 19) 中的连词“不管”“不论”去掉后, 疑问代词“哪/哪儿”仍是任指用法, 仍具有周遍意义; 而去掉 ( 20) 中的“不管”后, 整个句子是病句。这是由于, 前三个句子中均有“都/也”出现, 也就是说, 在疑问代词的周遍性任指句中, “不管/不论”这类连词可与“都/也”必须有一种出现, 当然二者也可以同现, 同现时起强调、加强语气的作用。而这一格式表示在任何条件下结果都不变, 所以在此基本语义的前提下, 它同样具有表态性说明的特点。


在现代汉语中, 疑问代词前后配合双用其不表疑问, 表任指。对类似用法我们都可以做出相同的概括, 即都可以归结为疑问代词的双用任指。接下来我们将结合具体的语料对现代汉语中疑问代词双用任指用法进行分析。

( 一) “哪哪/哪儿哪儿”重叠连用

重叠连用时, 和“都”搭配使用时表周遍性任指。而重叠用法的有这样几种例子:

( 21) 盒饭在出租车经济聚集的地方出现了, 加油站、饭店门口, 哪哪都是。

(22) 当时她刚刚沐浴出来, 头发上、脸上、身上, 哪哪都挂着水珠。

(23) 老太太今天八十大寿, 哪哪都是人。

这种情况下, “哪哪”只和“都”连用, 且只能处在主语的位置。

( 二) “哪哪/哪儿哪儿”间隔连用

当剧中有两个“哪/哪儿”出现前后呼应时, 前一个叫先指词, 后一个叫承指词; 先指词的任指性强, 承指词的任指性较弱。


(24) 哪里有疫情, 哪里就有人民解放军的身影, 哪里就有爱和希望。

(25) 哪个想去就哪个去吧。

( 26) 谁像你那么有钱, 爱去哪就去哪。

(27) 作哪一处的官, 就是哪一方的父母。

(28) 您哪时到, 哪时有您的座儿。

所举例子中, 先指词可充当句子的主语、动词宾语、介词宾语、定语、状语; 承指词同样的可充当小句的主语、动词宾语、介词宾语、定语和状语。并且先指词和承指词前后呼应, 所指相同。先指词任指性强, 具有不定性; 承指词任指性弱, 相对于先指词来说是有定的。这些都是先指词与承指词在句中充当相同的句法成分的例子, 而语料处理中, 我们发现, “哪系”疑问代词配合双用在句子中可以充当不同的句法成分, 但前后疑问代词所指仍相同, 仍具有任指性。例如:

(29) 哪里最危险最艰苦就出现在哪里。

(30) 哪儿有困难, 他就出现在哪儿。

( 31) 哪种便宜就买哪种。

( 32) 有的研究市场行情, 帮助亲友背着算盘种田, 哪样赚钱种哪样。

( 33) 一些人背着中共起草了一个对中共极为不利的“折衷方案”, 先送蒋、美, 再送中共, 并商定哪方接受这个方案就站到哪方去。

( 34) 作为临时经营的纳税人, 在边界的任何一方都可以纳税, 哪边税负低便. 往哪边跑。

( 35) 哪里有偏差, 哪里的电火箭就. 点燃, 迅速地恢复太空器的正确姿态。

( 36) 哪里发生了这类问题, 就. 把主要责任放在哪里的主要领导身上。

(37) 到哪里去都行, 哪里都是党的工作, 这一点我早想通了。

(38) 我走到哪儿, 哪儿便是我的办公室。

(39) 他们把战争带到哪里, 哪里的人权状况就一团糟。

(40) 田单的军队打到哪儿, 哪儿的百姓群起响应。

例 (29) 至 (34) 中前一个疑问代词做主语, 后一个疑问代词做宾语;例 (35) 、 (36) 中前一个疑问代词在句子充当主语, 后一个疑问代词做定语;例 (37) 、 (38) 中前一个疑问代词在句子做宾语, 后一个疑问代词充当主语成分;例 (39) 、 (40) 中前一个疑问代词做宾语, 后一个疑问代词做定语。例 (29) 至 (40) 中疑问代词前后所指相同, 具有任指性


先指词和承指词有时不止一个, 但都同形同指, 也有少部分是异形同指的。

( 41) 哪儿口大就往哪里塞呗。

( 42) 哪个敌人弯身先看见他, 他就打死谁。

很多观点认为这大概是作者有意避免重复使用同一个代词, 但是我认为这和疑问带词“哪”系列有关, 因为“哪”和名词构成的偏正短语既可表示人、事、物, 也可以表示处所, 所以“哪”系列作先指词表示处所或人时, 用其他表示处所或人的疑问代词来承指相同的对象也是理所当然, 甚至可以用有定代词来承指:

( 43) 哪里发生了这类问题, 就主要把责任放在那里的领导身上。

然后, 我们来讨论一下这种重叠现象所可能具有的语用义。首先, 任指表示“任何一个”的含义, 没有数量的变化, 按理不能发生数量性重叠, 但实际语料中任指重叠的例子并不少见, 例如:

( 44) 烧煳了的碎绸子片飞得哪儿哪儿都是。

( 45) 向前看, 哪儿哪儿都没有出口, 只有我头上的灯照出一步一步的路来。


在《疑问代词的任指用法及其句式》中, 胡胜伦和王健慈两位语言学家认为承指词为零形式存在的条件有三, 分别是疑问代词为“谁/什么”;先指词与承指词同指; 先指词和承指词句法位置对应相同。并给出了相关的例子:

你们谁喜欢他, 谁就嫁给他。

你们谁喜欢他, 就嫁给他。

您想买什么, 您就买什么。

您想买什么, 您就买。


(46) 他现在想去哪儿就去哪儿。

(47) 喜欢哪件就拿哪件。


(46’) 他现在想去哪儿就去。

( 47’) 喜欢哪件就拿。

以上两个例子满足承指词为零形式条件中的后两个, 省略承指词后的句子中, 疑问代词的任指性虽有所减弱, 但仍具有任指性, 且句子也没有语病。因此, 我认为疑问代词“哪”系列的任指用法中的承指词也可以零形式出现。


老一辈的语言学家和年轻学者对疑问代词的任指用法及其他非疑问用法都作了大量深入的研究, 虽然各家着力点不同, 但都影响深远, 对后来人的学习和研究都有很大的启发作用。在这篇文章中我们以“哪”系列疑问代词为切入点, 重点分析了它的非疑问用法中的任指用法的句型句式, 可以看到疑问代词的任指用法及其句式都各有特点, 而每一个疑问代词的任指用法也是有很大区别的, 所以今后对疑问代词任指性的研究可以侧重于每一个疑问代词自身的特殊性, 及与其他疑问代词任指性用法的区别方面。

摘要:疑问代词的基本用法是表示疑问。现代汉语疑问代词主要有“谁、什么、哪、哪儿、哪里、怎样、怎么”等。疑问代词的“疑问”, 并不是句法义, 而是一种语用义, 通常表示特指问。而表疑问之外, 疑问代词还有表示非疑问的用法, 本文就疑问代词非疑问用法中的任指用法进行整理研究。又疑问代词的任指用法分为周遍性任指和呼应性任指, 本文专门就疑问代词“哪”系列的任指用法为例, 分析其用法及其句式特点。



[1]胡胜伦, 王健慈.《疑问代词的任指用法及其句式》.《汉语学习》, 1989 (6) .

[2]段朝霞.《含有疑问代词的遍指句》, 1999.

[3]陆俭明.《周遍性主语句及其他》.1986 (3) .

[4]朱德熙.语法讲义[M].北京:商务印书馆, 1982.

[5]黎锦熙.新著国文法[M].北京:商务印书馆, 2000.

[6]王力.中国现代语法[M].北京:商务印书馆, 1985.

[7]吕叔湘.汉语语法论文集 (增订本) [M].北京:商务印书馆, 1984.

疑问用法 篇5


1.There _____ only fifty dollars in my pocket.I couldn’t afford to buy the refrigerator.A.has

B.was C.had been

D.were 2._____ to be a lot of rats in that area.A.There are said

B.It is said C.There is said

D.It says 3.We’re expecting _____ there _____ a celebration.A./;to have

B.for;to be C./;to be

D.for;to have 4.There’s nothing _____ with her.A.the wrong

B.the matter C.happening

B.mistaken 5.The more work _____ to be done, the more nervous the manager felt.A.there was remained

B.there was remaining C.there had left

D.was there left 6.There _____ a sudden idea in my mind.A.went

B.flew C.came

D.entered 7._____ is believed to be a tenth planet moving around the sun, but scientists haven’t found it yet.A.That

B.It C.There

D.He 8.Where there is plenty of sun and rain, _____ fine crops will be found.A.there

B.where C.there are

D./ 9.—Do you want me to do this?

—You needn’t tell me, if you don’t want _____.A.it

B.so C.this

D.to 10.When _____ where he was born, John said he was a New Yorker.A.asking

B.being asked C.was asked

D.asked 11._____ World War III should happen? A.What about

B.What if C.If what

D.What 12.Don’t speak until _____.A.you speak to

B.spoken to C.you will speak to

D.you will have to speak to 13.—Who’s got my money?

—I _____.A.do

B.have C.am

D.got 14.—I got tired of the village life there.—Why _____ to my home for a few weeks? A.do you come

B.not coming C.don’t come

D.not come 15.John must have written his report, and _____, too.A.Peter must write, too

B.Peter must C.Peter must have written

D.Peter must have 16.The cup was broken by someone, but _____.A.I don’t know who

B.I don’t know by who

C.I wonder by whom

D.I don’t know whom 17.You must study hard _____, or you will regret _____.A.when you young;while old

B.when young;while old C.while young;when you old

D.while you young;when old 18.That old man sat there, _____.A.his stick in hand and pipe in his mouth B.stick in hand and pipe in mouth C.with stick in hand and pipe in his mouth D.stick in his hand and pipe in his mouth 19.—Will the Smiths be going abroad this summer? —No, they finally decided _____.A.not to be

B.not to C.nothing

D.not to do 20.She said she would come to see me, _____.A.and she has

B.but she never C.but she wouldn’t

D.but she never was 21.They complained about the smell _____.A.as we

B.we as C.like we

D.like we do 22.He loves English more than she.This sentence means _____.A.He loves English more than he loves her B.He loves English more than she loves English C.She loves English more than he loves English D.She loves him more than he loves English 23.She is screaming _____.A.as if is she mad

B.as if mad is she C.mad as if

D.as if mad 24._____, I used to go to the park.A.When was in Shanghai

B.When I in Shanghai C.When in Shanghai

D.When was Shanghai 25.They didn’t complete the work, but they _____.A.could do

B.had completed C.could have

D.should 26.John spent more than half of the money, _____.A.if ever

B.if any C.if necessary

D.if not all 27.He has gone, but no one knows _____.A.where

B.where to go C.the place where

D.where to go to 28.—Was that the new schoolmaster who walked by? —_____.A.It must be that

B.It must have been C.It must be

D.This must have been 29.There couldn’t have been anyone in the classroom this time yesterday, _____? A.couldn’t there

B.could it C.was there

D.hasn’t there 30.Your brother doesn’t enjoy skiing, _____ he?


B.does C.don’t


31.I think they will go to Tien An Men Square tomorrow, _____? A.don’t I

B.will they

C.won’t they

D.do I 32.They don’t believe you are wrong, _____?

A.do they

B.aren’t you

C.are you

D.don’t they 33.Let us go to the park this afternoon, _____? A.will you

B.do you C.shall I

D.Both A and B 34.Have a little more chicken, _____? A.do you

B.don’t you

C.won’t you

D.haven’t you 35.There used to be a temple here, _____? A.didn’t there

B.did there C.used there

D.was there 36.The students used to go to see him, _____? A.used they

B.don’t they

C.usedn’t they

D.didn’t he 37.The visitors must have left, _____? A.haven’t they

B.mustn’t they

C.didn’t they

D.don’t they 38.You two had breakfast just now, _____? A.hadn’t you

B.didn’t you

C.had you

D.had not you 39.Mary has just bought a new dictionary, _____? A.didn’t she

B.don’t she

C.hasn’t she

D.doesn’t she 40.You have to get up at six every morning, _____? A.don’t you

B.have you C.haven’t you

D.needn’t you 41.Better late than never, _____? A.will you

B.isn’t it

C.don’t you

D.better you 42.It is Mike who told you that story, _____? A.wasn’t it

B.isn’t it

C.didn’t he

D.did he 43.What he said is not wrong, _____? A.did he

B.didn’t he

C.is it

D.was it 44.To grasp English is what I want most, _____? A.don’t I

B.must I C.is it

D.isn’t it 45.The suit’s finished, _____? A.doesn’t it

B.isn’t it C.haven’t you

D.have you 46.The little child dared not climb the tree, _____? A.dared he

B.did she C.was he

D.could she 47.The woman doctor dislikes such a patient, _____? A.does she

B.doesn’t she

C.is it

D.isn’t it 48.—She isn’t in the classroom, is she?

—_____ She is in the bedroom.A.Yes, she is.B.Yes, she does.C.No, she isn’t.D.No, she is.49.—The place isn’t too bad, is it? —_____ it’s a bit too crowded.A.No, but

B.Yes, though C.No, because

D.Yes, yet 50.He must be a writer, _____? A.mustn’t he

B.can’t he

C.isn’t he

D.doesn’t he 51.Everyone knows the secret, _____? A.don’t everyone

B.don’t they

C.didn’t he

D.does he 52.Everything is all right, _____? A.isn’t it

B.isn’t everything

C.are they

D.weren’t they 53.You’d rather not do it again, _____?

A.hadn’t you

B.didn’t you

C.had you

D.would you 54.He often needs help with his homework, _____? A.needn’t he

B.need he C.doesn’t he

D.didn’t he 55.—Alice, you feed the bird today, _____? —But I fed it yesterday.A.do you

B.will you C.didn’t you

D.don’t you 56.I am late, _____? A.am I

B.aren’t I C.am not I

D.don’t I 57.My pen is missing.I can’t find _____ anywhere.A.that

B.this C.it

B.one 58.—Who is there? —Oh, _____ Alice.A.he is

B.she is C.this is

D.it is 59._____ took him two years to write that book.A.That

B.This C.It

D.What 60.He is fifty, but doesn’t _____.A.look at it

B.look for it C.look him

D.look it 61.The baby is crying.Who is looking after _____? A.her

B.him C.it

D.that 62.He knew the order, but he would have none of _____.A.that

B.this C.them

D.it 63.We all took _____ for granted that he would agree with us.A.him

B.it C.that

D.what 64._____ he is making rapid progress in spoken English.A.He seems that

B.It seems that C.That seems

D.It is seemed 65.—The critics thought the acting was generally poor.—I didn’t find _____.A.it

B.it so C.it to be too

D.it was, too 5 there be句型、省略、反意疑问句和it的用法答案
