


名词作定语 篇1

在英语中, 把名词用作形容词, 放在另外一个名词之前 (即放在“定语”位置) , 这种现象称之为名词形容词, 如:a baby girl, shoe shop, train schedule, sports car等等。这样的定语就叫做名词定语。由于名词定语简洁、方便, 所以它在现代英语中的使用是相当普遍的。下面从四个方面来讨论名词定语的特点。

1 与形容词作定语的区别

1.1 在很多情况下, 使用名词做定语是因为没有相应的形容词, 如:

office building办公楼;table cloth桌布;college student大学生;paper tiger纸老虎。

1.2 有时, 名词有其对应的形容词, 但名词和形容词作定语有不同的使用场合和含义。

如:child star童星;childish ideas幼稚的想法;chemistry department化学系;chemical change化学变化;history teacher历史教师;historical events历史事件;the Youth League青年团;youthful days青年时期。

从以上例子可以看出形容词着重描写事物的外在表现, 而名词则着重表现事物本身的内在含义。

1.3 有的用作定语的名词是由形容词转化来的, 或是名词化的形容词。这时, 往往会出现歧义。如:

以上词组, 只要不加以特别说明, 一般被理解为第一种意思。

有的形容词转化来的名词总是以复数形式出现。在这些名词作定语时, 词尾的s一定要保留, 不然意思就不同了。

2 名词定语的语法作用

2.1 名词定语代替形容词或分词作定语。如:

race problem→racial problem China cotton→Chinese cotton

launch pad→launching pad researchworker→researching worker

在以上的词例中, 使用名词与使用形容词或分词并没有什么区别。

2.2 代替作定语用的介词短语。这种情况用得比较多。例:

a garden chair=a chair in the garden safety regulations=regulations for safety

machine shop practice=practice in a machine shop

2.3 代替定语从句。例:

investment money=money that is set apart for investment

the milk boy=the boy who brings the milk

2.4 代替带’s的所有格定语。例:

在名词前加上定冠词the就可以代替名词的所有格, 但是这个名词是专有名词。

the Pantagon decisions=Pantagon’s decisions

the Tom composition=Tom’s composition the Carter grin=carter’s grin

3 名词定语与被修饰语之间的语义关系

作定语的名词都是后面一个名词的修饰语, 但是它们之间的关系却各在不同。

3.1 名词定语表示逻辑上的主语, 被修饰的词表示宾语。例:

a department decision (a decision which is made by the department)

a drug addict (a person who is addicted to drug)

an animal trainer (a man who trains the animal)

有时正好相反, 名词定语相当于宾语, 而被修饰的部分表示主语:

3.2 名词定语作状语。

被修饰语相当于谓语。在这一类结构中, 表示谓语的名词常由动名词或动作名词来充当。

impulse buying=buying on impulse instrument flying=flying by means of instrument

3.3 名词定语表示同位关系。


Writer Smith Shepherd Matthew Farmer Goodwin

Judge Darling Singer carpenter Cardinal Nelson


a supplier country=a country which is a supplier

a killer shark=a shark who is a killer her lawyer brother=her brother who is a lawyer

traitor and robber Dickinson=Dickinson, a traitor and a robber

4 两个以上的名词作定语

常有这样的情况, 几个名词放在一起修饰后面那个主导名词。有时几个名词形成一个整体修饰最后一个名词。如:

world record holder世界纪录保持者

fire escape ladder太平梯

Christmas morning exchange of presents圣诞早上的礼物交换

mountain village school teacher山村学校教师

house property tax office building房产税务局的大楼

科技英语力求精炼、明了, 使用几个名词作定语代替各种后置定语的情况更为突出。例:

rungsten filament lamp钨丝灯

television transmission satellite电视转播卫星

air surface vessel radar飞机对水面舰艇雷达

motor car repair and assembly plant汽车修配厂

high voltage switch gear factory高压开关厂

以上对定语作了简单的分析。随着社会的进步, 语言的发展, 修饰语也将会日趋简便。名词定语的使用必定会越来越广泛。所以熟悉和研究它的用法是十分必要的。



名词作定语 篇2


1强调性别时a man doctor / two men doctors ;

a woman teacher / six women teachers a man cleaner / some men cleaners


2a girl actor / four girl actors a boy player / two boy players

a bus station / some bus stations 复数只变被修饰的词, 定语不再变复数。

3a boys’ team / a gentlemen’s holiday / Teachers’ Day / Children’s Day / Nurses’ Day……

“复数 + ’s ” 作定语,译为“…的…”

4Father’s Day / Mother’s Day 此处“单数 + ’s ”作定语。

过去分词作表语和定语 篇3



作表语的-ed形式大多已转化为形容词,用来表示主语所处的状态,常见的这类-ed形式有:disappointed, astonished, excited, interested, satisfied, surprised, frightened, amazed, annoyed, exhausted, pleased, puzzled, shocked, worried, terrified等。例如:

She looked disappointed. 她看起来很失望。

I was not satisfied with the result. 我对这个结果不满意。

拓展 除了以上表示主语情感的形容词化的过去分词作表语外,也有一些常见的表状态的过去分词也可以作表语。例如:

He was lost in thought. 他陷入了沉思。

Tom was hidden in the tree while Jack was looking for him. 当杰克到处找汤姆的时候,他就躲在树上。

The library is usually closed at 5:00 in the afternoon. 图书馆通常下午5点关门。

Della said ,”My hair is gone for you.” 德拉说“我卖头发是为了你”。

These trees are machine planted. 这些树是机器种植的。

When the singer came in, the guests were all seated. 歌唱家进来的时候,客人们都已就坐。

辨析 过去分词作表语与被动语态的区别:被动语态表示一个具体的动作,过去分词作表语表示主语的特点或所处的状态。例如:

We were amused by his story and burst out laughing. 我们被他的故事逗乐了,大笑起来。

We were amused to learn that he had made a foolish mistake. 听到他犯了个愚蠢的错误,我们都觉得好笑。(过去分词作表语)

The window was broken. 窗子被打碎了。(过去分词作表语)

The street is crowded with people. 街上挤满了人。(状态)

They were crowded with room. 他们被塞到一间屋子里。(动作)

注意 过去分词作表语时,连系动词除了be外,还可以用get, become, grow, turn等,而被动语态则无此用法。例如:

We became/got excited. (正)

We got excited by his words. (误)

We were excited by his words. (正)



The question discussed is very important. 被讨论的那个问题是很重要的。

I don’t like to see letter written in pencil. 我不喜欢看用铅笔写的字。

The reduced price will save you one dollar for each dozen. 降价会使你每买一打省一美元。

Lost time is lost forever. 失去的时间就永远失去了。

注意 过去分词作定语时,如果是单个的过去分词或带副词的过去分词放于所修饰的词的前面时,过去分词具有形容词的特点。例如:

a broken window 一扇打碎了的窗子

a newly invented machine 新发明的机器

a widely used metal 一种广泛使用的金属

a recently built house 一幢最近建造的房子

拓展 如果被修饰的词是由some\any\no\+thing\body\one所形成的不定代词或指示代词those等时,即使一个单一的分词作形容词用,也要放在被修饰词之后。例如:

Is there anything unsolved? 还有什么问题没解决么?

There is nothing almost changed since I left the town 2 years ago. 自从我两年前离开这个镇以来,这个镇几乎没有什么变化。

注意 有时为了强调,还可以将单一的分词置于被修饰名词之后。例如:

They decided to change the material used. 他们决定改变所用的原材料。

The experience gained will be of great value to us. 得到的经验将对我们很有价值。

1. are harmful to people’s health. (pollute)


2. The problem was very difficult to solve. (discuss)


3. She walked out of the room, .


4. , the competitor dared to face the challenge, (defeat)


5. people high levels of radiation for a long time are likely to develop severe illnesses. (expose)


1. Polluted air and water

2. discussed at the meeting yesterday

3. followed by her little daughter

4. Defeated for several times/Having been defeated for several times

名词作定语现象之问题探析 篇4


英语中可以充当名词的定语有很多, 有些可用名词替代。如下面名词替代作定语的一些例子:

a teacher who is a woman%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%a woman teacher%%%女教师

the industry relating to steel%%%%%%%%%%the steel industry%%%钢铁产业

a coin made of nickel%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%a nickel coin%%%%一枚镍币

a place at which a bus stops%%%%%%%a bus stop%%%%%公共汽车站

the shift of the day%%%%%%%%%%the day shift%%%%白班

the scissors used in kitchen%%%the kitchen scissors%%厨房剪

an album for collection of photos%%%a photo album%%%%影集

通过上述例子我们不难发现, 名词作定语既简洁凝练, 又不乏清楚明晰。作定语的名词往往用来表示性质、类别、材料、用途、时间、地点、内容等。



1. 有些名词与其同根形容词作定语几乎没什么区别。如:marriage age%%%%%%%%marriageable age%%%%%婚龄

grammar points%%%%%%%grammatical points%%%%语法点

atom weapons%%%%%%%%atomic weapons%%%%%原子武器

psychology research%%%%%psychological research%%%心理学研究

environment protection%%%%environmental protection%%环境保护

2. 有些名词与其同根形容词作定语, 在意义和语用方面

却不同。一般情况下, 名词作定语侧重说明被修饰的名词的内容或性质、类别等, 表现事物的内在含义;同根形容词作定语则常用来描写被修饰的名词的特征, 描写事物的外在表现。如:

a gold ring%一枚金戒指

a history lesson%一堂历史课

a beauty spot%一个景点

the golden sun%金色的太阳

a historic meeting%有历史意义的会见

a beautiful country%一个美丽的国家

3. 有些名词和它的同根形容词作定语时, 似乎字面意思相同, 但却有着不同的感情色彩。例如:

名词Jew用作定语通常被认为是无礼的和粗俗的, 不可以说Jew lawyer (犹太人律师) 或Jew ethics (犹太种族) 。而用Jew ish lawyer或Jewish ethics却是可以被接受的。


一般情况下, 名词作定语侧重说明被修饰的名词的内容或性质、类别、材料、用途、时间、地点、内容等, 而名词所有格作定语要么是为了强调定语与被修饰的名词之间的所有关系, 要么表示二者之间逻辑上的主谓关系。如:

the man doctor%那个男医生

the man’s doctor%那个男人的医生

the guest professor%客座教授

the guest’s request%客人的请求


名词作定语问题中最大的问题是作定语的名词的单复数问题。在一般情况下, 英语中的不可数名词和大多数的可数名词无需作任何形式上的改变就可以作另一个名词的定语, 如:air conditioner (空调) , water pollution (水污染) , fire fighter (消防员) , coal mine (煤矿) , stone forest (石林) 等;又如computer crime (电脑犯罪) , book store (书店) , baby food (婴儿食品) 等。而有些作定语的名词的单复数形式确定起来则稍显复杂。

1. man, woman作定语时, 它们的单复数形式随它们后面所修饰的名词的单复数的变化而变化。如:

a man doctor%%%%men doctors%%男医生

a woman teacher%%women teachers%女教师

2. 英语中有些名词总是以复数的形式出现并使用的, 如

clothes (衣服) , trousers (裤子) , scissors (剪刀) , glasses (眼镜) , arms (武器) , goods (货物) , customs (海关) , savings (储蓄) 等, 它们作定语的时候, 不可以去掉后面的s。如:

clothes line%晾衣绳

trousers pocket%裤袋

scissors jump剪式跳高

glasses case%眼镜盒

arms dealer%军火商

goods service%货运服务

customs officer%海关官员

savings account%储蓄存款帐户

3. 一个数词+名词构成合成定语, 用来修饰另一个名词的时候, 这个合成定语中的名词一般保留单数形式。如:

a twelve-mile drive%驱车十二英里

a five-year plan%五年计划

two-dozen pencils%两打铅笔

a six-page paper%六页纸的论文

a three-leg table%三条腿的桌子

4. 有些名词虽然以s结尾, 但并不是复数名词, 而是单数名词或不可数名词。作定语的时候, s要保留。如:

a maths problem%一道数学题

a physics student%一名物理专业的学生

news studio%新闻演播室

名词作定语 篇5

1.Everything he said seemed quite reasonable.2.She made a list of all the articles there are on the subject.3.There is no difficulty we can’t overcome.4.Begin is really a devious sort of guy who will do these things.5.Last week I saw Modern Times with Charlie Chaplin playing the leading role, which I think

one of the most amusing films.6.Westminster Abbey, which is one of the oldest churches in Great Britain, contains the graves

of many famous Englishmen.7.Our teacher, who is getting old, will soon retire.8.My uncle, who will be seventy tomorrow, is still a keen sportsman.9.Envoys were sent who could strengthen our international position.10.Chinese trade delegations have been sent to African countries, who will negotiate trade

agreements with the respective governments.第三节 名词从句的译法

1.What she was afraid of was their taking her daughter abroad.2.Whatever I have is at your service.3.Whoever fails to see this will make a big blunder.4.Isn’t it strange that he should have left without telling us?

5.It is a consolation that she is still alive.6.That he will refuse the offer is unlikely.7.Everybody knows that matter takes up space.8.I promised him that I would give him more help.9.He has made it clear that the meeting will not be postponed.10.That is why we called off the meeting.11.The idea that one can do the work without thinking is wrong.12.I have no idea when he will return.第五节 状语从句的译法

1.She sobbed as she told us her miserable past.2.“Why did you ask me to come in the middle of the battle?” Mr.Bethune asked General Nieh

as soon as he entered.3.As the weather was fine, I opened all the windows.4.Now that everybody is here, let’s begin our discussion.5.What if anything happened to me?

6.We’ll come over to see you on Wednesday if we have time.7.But Prometheus also knew, powerful as Zeus was, once a god had given a gift, it could not be

名词作定语 篇6


名词性从句和定语从句是英语语法学习的重点和难点, 很多学者对它们分别做过研究, 例如“WH-从句作为小句——兼论小句的语段性质” (满在江2011, 5:24) 是从Chomsky的转换生成理论研究名词性从句;“翻译教学的事件分析途径——定语从句的翻译” (邓跃平, 2011, 8:35) 从认知—功能视角研究限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句;“英语定语从句译法补遗之补遗” (曹明伦, 2011, 3:83) 从语篇翻译角度把定语从句归纳成五类, 提出了相应的翻译原则。

一些美国学者也认为定语从句 (亦称关系从句) 对于英语学习者来说较难学习, 因此在亚利桑那州立大学面向英语初学者开设的“美国英语和文化课程”中, 教材Basic English Grammar (Azar, 1995) 里不包括关系从句。

大学英语四级考试和大学英语六级考试的“汉译英”这项试题始终是考生失分较多的地方。几乎在每次考试, 该项考题都有需要被翻译成定语从句或名词性从句的汉语原文, 而这正是考试的难点之一, 考生容易出错。“As”一词也是难点, 在一次测验中, 笔者要求学生用“as”翻译句子里的五个短语, 结果三个班的学生 (共计约180人) 平均得分不到60分, 由此可见, 我们有必要探讨一下, 是否可以用较简洁易懂的方式给学生讲解清楚这些语言点。

1 名词性从句

首先, 我们要弄清楚两个语法词汇, 即“句子”和“从句”。完整的句子 (指包含主谓宾的句子) 包括陈述句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。从句源于句子, 地位比句子低了一个层次, 只能作主句的一个成分。名词性从句是指具有名词性质的从句, 换句话说, 名词能作何种成分, 名词性从句就能作何种成分, 比如名词可以作主语、宾语、表语或同位语, 那么把名词性从句放在这些成分的位置, 就构成了主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句或同位语从句。句子变成从句, 原来的形式需要一些改动:陈述句需要在它的前面加个“that”;一般疑问句需要变回陈述句, 再在其前面加个“whether”;特殊疑问句疑问词不变, 后面的句子变成陈述语序。

主语从句顾名思义是把名词性从句放在主语的位置作主语, 但由于“英语在组织句子信息时强烈偏好句尾重 (endweight) ” (Yule, 2002:257) , 所以我们需要变动一下语序。例如:

A:It is hard to understand.


A:He can’t support himself.

B:Oh, I see.That he can’t support himself is hard to understand for you.*

恰当的英语表达应该是把主语从句放在句子后面, 用形式主语it占主语的位置, 原句变成:It is hard for you to understand that he can’t support himself.

2 定语从句

定语从句 (亦称关系从句) , 是指从句作定语, 用来修饰名词 (先行词) 、部分句子或整个句子 (先行项) 。该从句由关系代词that, which, who, whom, whose和关系副词where, when, why和how加上缺一个成分的句子构成。关系代词在定语从句中作代词能作的成分, 例如主语、宾语、定语或表语, 关系副词在定语从句中作副词能作的成分, 例如时间状语、地点状语、原因状语或方式状语。关系代词和关系副词中“关系”一词的含义是指它们与被修饰成分 (先行词) 有关系, 通过它们的关系或联系, 先行词可以在该定语从句中取代该关系代词或关系副词所作的成分。这样就容易理解含有定语从句的长句子了, 这也是英译汉的方法之一。

3 对比分析名词性从句与定语从句

从上文我们可以看出名词性从句本身是完整的句子, 不缺任何成分, 是陈述语序, 在主句中作名词能作的成分;定语从句是关系代词或关系副词加上一个缺一个成分的句子, 在主句中作定语, 前面有一个先行词或先行句。


Can you answer my question who your friend is?

I like the girl who is her sister.

1) 句划线部分是陈述语序的特殊疑问句, 作“question”的同位语, 因此是名词性从句中的同位语从句。

2) 句划线部分不是陈述语序的特殊疑问句, 前面有个名词“the girl”, 因此它是修饰该先行词的定语从句。


需补充一点, what一词较特殊, 它作关系代词时, 是“先行词和关系代词的结合体” (张道真, 2008:283) , 因此可以看作“先行词加that”的集合体, 后面加上缺少一个代词能作的成分的句子, 引出定语从句时, what前面就没有先行词了。例如:

I don’t know what your trouble is.

What worries me is that you can’t speak English well.

从以上例句我们可以看出, what作为关系代词引出的句子不像定语从句, 因为它身兼二职, 前面没有名词作先行词, 没起到作定语修饰名词的作用, 倒起到了名词的作用, 如在例句3) 里作宾语;在例句4) 里作主语, 因此有一些语法学家认为what引出的从句是名词性从句。但是张道真认为, 关系代词what引出的是定语从句或称关系从句。笔者认为, 这是给一种特殊词汇用法起了两个名称, 没有必要深究, 该文依然按照张道真的观点论述。


As作连词的一个意思是“由于”, 该文不在此赘述。根据2005年出版的《牛津现代英汉双解词典》里的解释, as可以作关系代词, “相当于that, who, which”, 例如:

5) He lost, as you know.

6) He is a writer, as is his wife.

张道真对as做了较全面地研究:“As作为关系代词, 只能用在限制性关系从句中, 只能用在such, same, as或so后面, 不能用作所有格” (张道真, 2008:282) .

7) Such a student as works hard will succeed. (张道真, 2008:282)

8) The same accident as happened to you, had happened to me. (张道真, 2008:282)

9) As many children as come will be admitted. (张道真, 2008:282)

As也可引出非限制性定语从句, 修饰前面部分句子或整个句子, 例如:

10) I advised my brother, as was my duty. (张道真, 2008:288)

11) He became crazy, as many could see. (张道真, 2008:288)

12) As has happened many times, children may get drowned in this river. (张道真, 2008:288)

13) The result, as may be expected, is poor. (张道真, 2008:288)

As引出的关系从句的谓语动词是be动词时, be动词可以省略, 例如:

14) The results as proclaimed in today’s newspapers are encouraging. (张道真, 2008:551)

15) His ability as displayed during the last three months was inadequate. (张道真, 2008:551)

16) I will tell you a story as told by my mother. (张道真, 2008:551)

As引出的关系从句的谓语动词与主句的谓语动词相同时, 关系从句可以省略谓语动词, 例如:

17) I had the same trouble as you.

从以上例句我们可以看出, as学起来确实不容易, 这个难度不单纯源于as复杂多样的用法, 更是由于词典对as的理解有些偏差。《牛津现代英汉双解词典》解释as是关系代词, 相当于“that, who, which”。然而, 笔者认为, as一词不能换成“that, who, which”, 因为as含有“像……”的意思, 而“that, who, which”不能表示“像……”的意思。此外, 如果as是关系代词, 引出定语从句, 那么定语从句应该修饰先行词, 先行词, 顾名思义, 是走在前面的词, 而定语从句则跟在它的后面, 但as引出的从句不都是跟在主句后面的。

因此笔者想出了一个较大胆的理解方法:as作关系代词时, 我们不妨把它理解成“like what”或“like+某人+who”, “like”在这里作介词, 表示“像”, 而as引出的从句可以理解成介词like加what引出的关系从句或like加某人加who引出的关系从句, 因此as及其引出的从句整体上可以看成介宾短语, 作主句的状语。


6) He is a writer, as is his wife.理解为:He is a writer, like the person who is his wife.

译文:他是一位作家, 正如他的妻子。

如果将“as”理解为“who”或“which”, 整句话就成了, “He is a writer, who is his wife.”或“He is a writer, which is his wife.”这些句子显然不合常理。

12) As has happened many times, children may get drowned in this river.理解为:Like what has happened many times, children may get drowned in this river.

译文:像这样的事已发生多次, 在这条河里, 儿童易溺水身亡。

13) The result, as may be expected, is poor.理解为:The result, like what may be expected, is poor.

译文:正如人们预料的那样, 结果很差。

15) His ability as displayed during the last three months was inadequate.理解为:His ability, like what was displayed during the last three months, was inadequate.


20) Canadian law requires that the Nexen deal must be submitted for review by Industry Canada under the terms of the Canada Investment Act, as is the case for all large foreign investments in the country. (Global Times, 2012, 9, 13:14)

译文:加拿大法律规定, 根据加拿大投资法案的条约, 尼克森交易必须提交加拿大工业协会审议, 正如对待所有在加拿大做大笔投资的公司一样。”

As一词有“像……”的含义, 表示“如同……一样的 (另一个) ……”;that, who, which则表示与先行词是“同一个……”, 例如:

17) I had the same trouble as you.理解为:I had the same trouble like what you had.


18) This is the same watch as I lost. (It is not mine.) (张道真, 2008:282)

理解为:This is the same watch like what I lost.


19) This is the same watch that I lost. (It is mine.) (张道真, 2008:282)


每个词语的创造和存在都有它的独特的原因和意义, 如果as可以与“which, that, who”互换, 那么as还有何存在价值?通过以上诸多例句, 我们可以看到, as一词被词典解释为关系代词的这条用法可以表示“像什么那样”或“像某某那样”, 与“like what”或“like加某人加who”的意思和用法相同, 因此在理解句子意思时, 当as指某事或某物时, 可以用“like what”代替as;当as指某人时, 可以用“like加某人加who”代替as。这样理解, 就避免了将as等同于which, who或that所造成的语义理解偏差, 从而有助于英语学习者去准确理解进而正确运用。


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