

BOOK阅读 篇1





笔者所在的教研室成员通过大量查阅互联网上先进的教学理念和学习比较兄弟院校的先进的教学经验,发现由浙江工商大学外国语学院的张艺宁老师提出来的“审美阅读(Aesthetic Reading)——文学交感(TTL)理论——发现阅读(Efferent Reading)”相结合的大学英语阅读教学模式,简称为ATE阅读模式是一种切实可行的先进的教学模式。该模式从审美阅读切入,提供宽松的阅读环境,充分调动学习主体的内驱力,使学生在欣赏和感悟阅读文本的基础上,进入发现阅读,达到感性领悟与理性分析的融合渗透,从而掌握阅读技巧,提高阅读技能和英语学习效益。该模式有六步教学流程:1.阅读导入(关注阅读文本的特点);2.审美阅读(关注阅读过程的自主性);3.交流阅读(关注学生的审美感悟);4.发现阅读(关注阅读技巧与阅读目的);5.任务汇报(关注信息的传递与理解程度);6.阅读巩固(关注学习内容与主题的强化)。



1. 研究的基本情况。






2. 大学英语教学的个例研究实践。

笔者以《致用英语综合教程2》(第二版,程晓堂主编)第三单元Manage Your Time的Reading A阅读课文部分,标题是The 80/20 Principle and Time Management《二八原则与时间管理》为例,阐述“ATE”阅读模式在教学中的具体步骤和要点。

















BOOK阅读 篇2

Publishers: China Renmin University Press

Tohum Basim Yayincilik

Version: English

Year: 2008

Title: Tea and Health Series

Publishers: World Publishing Corporation,Xi’an

Prunus Press USA

Version: English



Publishers: Huangshan PublishingHouse

North America Art Publishing House

Version: English


Title:Foreign Trade Growth and Economic Development in China

Publishers: China Renmin University Press

Enrich Professional Publishing

Version: English

Year: 2009

Title: Information Science&Techonlogy in China: A Roadmap to 2050

Publishers: Science Press Beijing


Version: English

Year: 2010

Title: One Hundred Chinese People's Dream

Publishers: Foreign Languages Press

Arab Thoughts Fund

Version: Arabic

Year: 2010

Title: Chinese Nature Worship

Publishers: Jiangsu People’s Publishing House

Huangmei Press

Version: Korean

Year: 2009

Title: China Economy Atlas

Publishers: China Renmin University Press

Cloud New Zealand Limited

Version: English


Title: China’s Economy 2009

Publishers: China Renmin University Press

Enrich Professional Publishing

Version: English



Publishers: Foreign Languages Press

Cooperación editorial

Version: Spanish

Year: 2010


Publishers: Foreign Languages Press

Cooperación editorial

Version: Spanish

Year: 2010

Title: Interpretation of China's Development from a Scientific Concept of Development

Publishers: Foreign Languages Press

Arab Thoughts Fund

Version: Arabic

Year: 2010

Title: The Chinese Treasure, World Heritage in China

Publishers: China Architecture & Building Publishing House

Isdatelstvo ASV

Version: Russian

Year: 2011

Title: Reverberations from Rock Art

Publishers: Ili People’s Publishing Press

CPG International Sydney

Version: English

Year: 2009

Title: Philosophy of Yu Qiuyu

Publishers: Shanghai People’s Publishing House

Korea Ada Media Press

Version: Korean

Year: 2009

Title: A Home with Xie Tian and Xie Di

Publishers: Shanghai Children & Juvenile’s Publishing House

Chungeoram M&B

Version: Korean

Year: 2010

Title: Localization of Chinese Sociology in 20th

Publishers: China Renmin University Press

Adam Marsza?ek Press

Version: Polish

Year: 2010

Title: Confucius from the Heart

Publishers: Zhonghua Book Company


Version: French

Year: 2008

Title: Chinese Symbols

Publishers: Jiangsu People’s Publishing House

M&B Press

Version: Korean


Title: The Diary and Letters of Dr. Hu Shih (Peking University Library Collection)

Publishers: China Renmin University Press

Cengage Learning

Version: English

Year: 2010


Publishers: China Renmin University Press

Cengage Learning

Version: English

Year: 2007


Publishers: China Renmin University Press

Cengage Learning

Version: English

Year: 2010

Title: Living in Shanghai

Publishers: World Publishing Corporation, Shanghai

Prunus Press USA

Version: English


Title: China’s Opening-up--the Impact on Monetary Policy Choice

Publishers: China Renmin University Press

Enrich Professional Publishing

Version: English

Year: 2009

Title: BREAKING THROUGH--the Birth of China’s Opening-up Policy

Publishers: Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press. CHINA

OXFORD University Press

Version: English

Year: 2009

Title: Power Grid Complexity

Publishers: TSINGHUA University Press


Version: English

Year: 2011

Title: Metallurgical Process Engineering

Publishers: Metallurgical Industry Press


Version: English

Year: 2007

Title: Development Finance in China: Case Studies

Publishers: China Renmin University Press

Enrich Professional Publishing

Version: English

Year: 2009

Title: Economic Reforms and Development in China

Publishers: China Renmin University Press

Enrich Professional Publishing

Version: English

Year: 2009

Title: Phase Diagrams of Precious Metal Alloys and Structure Parameters of Precious Metal Compounds

Publishers: Metallurgical Industry Press


Version: English

Year: 2007

Title: Controllability and Observability for Quasilinear Hyperbolic Systems

Publishers: Higher Education Press

American Institute of Mathematical Sciences

Version: English

Year: 2011

Title: Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Control Systems

Publishers: Science Press Beijing


Version: English

Year: 2011

Title: Fundamentals of X-RAY Crystallography

Publishers: Science Press Beijing

Alpha Science International Ltd.

Version: Englsih


Title: Quiet Snowman

Publishers: Tiandi Publishing House


Version: Thai

Year: 2010

Title: Musical Note in Sack

Publishers: Tiandi Publishing House


Version: Thai

Year: 2010

Title:Growth Without Crisis

Publishers: China Renmin University Press

Enrich Professional Publishing

Version: English

Year: 2009

Title: Children to Learn Painting

Publishers: Jilin Fine Arts Publishing House

Editions Belin

Version: French

Year: 2007

Title: Understanding China

Publishers: Zhejiang Photographic Press

Libreria Editrice Cafoscarina

Version: Italian

Year: 2009

Title: Neutrinos in Particle Physics, Astronomy and Cosmology

Publishers: Zhejiang University Press


Version: English

Year: 2008

Title: Real-Time Graphics Rendering Engine

Publishers: Zhejiang University Press


Version: English

Year: 2007

Title: Biomedical Sensors and Measurement

Publishers: Zhejiang University Press


Version: English

Year: 2009

Title: Modern Thermodynamics

Publishers: Science Press Beijing


Version: English

Year: 2011

Title: Evolution and Growth of China’s Wholesale Industry Since 1978

Publishers: China Renmin University Press

Enrich Professional Publishing

Version: English

Year: 2009

Title: Settlement Calculation on High-Rise Buildings

Publishers: Science Press Beijing


Version: English

Year: 2011

Title: The Wenchuan Earthquake of 2008

Publishers: Science Press Beijing


Version: English

Year: 2011

Title: The Chinese History and Culture

Publishers: China Renmin University Press


Version: Korean

Year: 2010

Title: Growth of the Service Sector in the Yangtze River Delta

Publishers: China Renmin University Press

Enrich Professional Publishing

Version: English

Year: 2009

Title: Fractional Dynamics (Applications of Fractional Calculus to Dynamics of Particles, Fields and Media)

Publishers: Higher Education Press


Version: English

Year: 2010

BOOK阅读 篇3

一、基于教材分析, 把准“读”的内容与目标

本课是PEP三年级上册Unit 4 Part B Start to read部分。Start to read是学习完了本单元词汇和句型之后, 针对专门阅读技能入门训练的板块, 通过阅读活动, 强化阅读字母、单词、短语和核心句型的能力。三 (上) 的起始阅读课是通过趣味性的活动强化字母的认读和核心词的认读, 主要通过趣味性的活动, 在生活用品中认读学过的字母以及核心词。三年级的学生作为英语的初学者, 对英语充满着好奇与热情。本单元学生通过学习已经能够听、说、认读11个有关动物的单词, 能够听懂、会说句型“What’s this/that?It’s a/an...Cool!I like it”等句型, 并能正确听、说、读、写字母Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn。本课教学内容的重点是通过趣味性的活动, 强化字母的认读和核心词的认读。本课的设计紧扣“We love animals”这一主题, 围绕学生喜闻乐见的动物园这一主情境, 以学生为主体, 让学生在真实的情境中进行认读训练, 在阅读复习巩固本单元所学的知识。

二、基于课型特点, 设计“读”的任务与方法

(一) 课前准备设计


(二) 课堂框架设计

(三) 教学过程设计

Step 1:Pre-reading (律动字母操, 读前先热身)

Let’s do the letter exercises

T:Class, let’s dance together.

T&Ss:A, A, A, .B, B, B, /b/, /b/, /b/...

Ss: (Chant and dance with the teacher to review the letters.)

Free talk

T:Letters are very fun.Now, let’s look for letters.

【设计意图】教师播放字母操音乐, 请几个学生上台领操, 通过身体的律动, 一起复习本册已学字母的音、形, 调动学生的学习积极性。

Step 2:While-Reading

1.Find and say (认读字母, 导入情境)

(1) Present some pictures with letters.

(1) T:Wow!What do you see?Big L or small l?

Ss look at the picture and try to find some letters.

S:This is_____. (Point and say) Big/small letter___.

(2) The teacher gives the students an example:

T:L, L, L, /l/, /l/, /l/.

Ss talk about the letters and their sounds.

(3) Differ from G/J, M/N...

T:Where is...?What color is it?

Ss differ from the letters.

S1:I see_____.


【设计意图】利用多媒体在Find and say情境图中呈现单个或几个字母, 滚动“What do you see?Where is...?What color is it?”等句型, 请学生找一找、指一指、说一说看到的字母, 引导学生看图进行字母辨认的操练。

(2) Elicit the topic.

T:M is for monkey.I love animals.Do you love animals?Today let’s go to the zoo together!

【设计意图】从字母m所代表的monkey很自然地切入本课的主题:We love animals。

2.Review words and sentences (围绕主题, 认读单词)

(1) Guess and say.

(1) Look at the hint and guess.

T:What’s this?What’s the first letter of monkey?

The teacher writes the words of animals on the board.

Ss Guess and say.

Ss look at the picture and guess.

S1:It’s a monkey.


【设计意图】呈现主情景图, 请学生同桌合作通过动物的叫声、轮廓、首字母等不同活动形式来猜一猜动物园中有哪些动物, 引导学生带着好奇心展开阅读, 让学生在真实的情境中进一步巩固、运用句型来询问近处以及远处物品是什么及作答。

(2) Listen to the sound and guess.

T:What’s that?It’s a_______.What’s the first letter of elephant?Can you act like an elephant?

S1:It’s an elephant.S2:E.

Ss act like elephants.

(2) Pair work.

T:Now, look at your sheet and talk with your desk mate.

--What’s this/that?--It’s a/an...

Ss work in pairs and talk about the animals at the zoo.

(3) Feed back.

T:How do you know?What’s the first letter of...?

S:I see c/d/...

【设计意图】通过“What’s the first letter of...?”这一问题, 自然地从字母认读过渡到词形的辨认, 整个活动都在动物园这一大情境中展开, 因此避免了词形的辨认活动孤立地、没有任何意义地进行, 同时渗透了阅读策略的指导。

3.Read and count.

(1) Feed the animals.

The teacher presents a picture of animals and different kinds of foods.Let the students feed the animals.

【设计意图】课本页面提供了本单元所学动物单词的书面形式以及各种动物所吃食物的图片, 在充分挖掘图画中的知识内涵之后, 我发现动物图片旁边所显示的动物单词并没有很好地辅助学生进行阅读, 因此对图片进行了一定的修改, 从看图、谈图入手, 激活学生原有的知识储备, 调动学生的学习兴趣, 拓展学生的知识。

T:The animals are very hungry.Let’s feed the animals.Listen!What does the dog say?

Listen to the dog:I’m dog.I’m so hungry~Woof~

T:Can you act like the dog?

Ss listen to the sound and try to imitate.

I’m____.I’m so hungry~_____~

T:Don’t worry.Let me help you.It’s for you! (Match the food with the animal.)

(2) Pair work.

S1:I’m____.I’m so hungry~_____~

S2:It’s for you!

Ss Work in pairs to feed the animals.Match the animals with their favorite food.

(3) Present the words of animals and match them with the pictures.

T:What’s this?Where is elephant?What color is it?

Ss match the animals with the words.

S:Elephant is red...

【设计意图】请学生将动物的图片与动物的单词进行再配对, 将主动权完全交给学生, 真正使学生成为阅读的主体。虽然三年级的学生语言支架非常匮乏, 但通过教师巧妙的设问, 学生仍旧可以结合已经掌握的颜色词借助句型“ red...”来向全班同学展开介绍, 使阅读的过程更加生动、有趣。

Step 3:Post-reading

1.Enjoy a funny animal book (延伸主题, 拓展阅读)

(1) Enjoy some pictures with audio.

T:You are so clever.Animals are so cute.We can see animals at the zoo.We can see animals on the books, too.Now, let’s read a funny animal book:Look!A monkey!Haha!It’s a bear.Cool!It’s a tiger.Wow!It’s a funny cat!Look!A blue bird.I like it.

(2) Read the page and choose.

(1) Read together.What’s this?It’s a duck.

(2) Choose the right answer.Ss read the page and choose the right answer.

(3) Read in pairs.

———What’s this?

——It’s a bear.

——_____!I like it!

(4) Read together and choose.Ss read again and choose the right answer.

【设计意图】教师先请学生欣赏一本有关动物的有声书, 在这本书中, 学生可以尽情观看可爱的动物图片, 可以读到相应的动物单词以及简单的句型。

2.Make a book.

T:We love animals.This is my animal book.Now let’s make our own animal books.


【设计意图】四人小组自己发挥想象, 来制作一本属于自己的故事书。阅读过程是一个主动的、语言与思维相互作用的过程。学生在自制故事书的过程中, 通过小组合作读一读、选一选、贴一贴的方式, 复习了本单元所学的单词与句型, 并获得了学习英语和应用英语的机会, 学生兴趣盎然, 课堂氛围活跃, 故事构思精巧, 令我感触颇深。

三、基于教学实践, 做好“读”的反思与总结

(一) 读之有物, 创造地使用教材很重要

英语课程标准中指出:结合实际教学需要, 创造性地使用教材。教师可以根据实际教学目的和学生学习需求, 对教材中的部分内容和活动进行替换, 也可根据需要添加活动步骤等等。第一, 根据自己学生的实际情况, 对于教学要求有一定的拔高。通过一个单元的学习, 学生完全有能力做到认读核心句的能力。第二, Find out and say也做了一些调整, 将原先只是简单地找到同样单词的活动, 改编成学生通过找动物的食物, 从而找到单词的活动。这样的改进增强了学生的阅读能力。

(二) 读之有法, 在语境中进行有意义的阅读

起始阶段的学生要在语境中进行有意义的阅读。在语境中的阅读才是有意义的, 更有利于帮助学生理解。话题并不一定要标新立异, 只要适合的就是最好的。本单元的话题是“We love animals”, 因此本课最后采用的主题是“At the zoo”。动物园里的动物很全, 可以包含所有的动物。虽然整个情境很普通, 但是主题更真实。整堂课也是围绕着这个主题情境开展, 因此学生的阅读是有意义的。整堂课, 学生都享受着阅读带来的乐趣。因此, 教师把握了“Start to read”的关键词, 整个教学的设计都为学生能够享受阅读、培养阅读的兴趣和阅读能力而服务。

(三) 读之有理, 培养阅读兴趣和阅读方法

本堂课的成功之处在于体现“read”这个关键词, “to look at and understand something”, 读就是阅读、看懂、搜寻信息。为了提高学生的综合阅读能力, 教师最后设计了一本书。书本是阅读的载体, 书本中可以有图文的信息, 指导学生阅读的方法, 从图片、字母、文字等各个方面来获取信息, 同时培养学生融合多种阅读的方式:听读、默读、寻读、表演读等, 让学生在享受阅读乐趣的同时掌握一定的方法。

小学起始阶段英语的阅读教学, 一定不要仅仅拘泥于“读”, 而是应该通过听、说、读、写之间的相互联系、相互促进来进行整体的英语阅读能力和阅读水平的提高。在教学过程中, 教师应当立足教材, 认真研读教材编写的意图, 根据学生的实际情况灵活处理教材, 精心设计各种贴近学生年龄水平的任务活动, 在真实的语境中感知、体验、学习和运用语言, 以学生为主体, 搭建一个充分培养学生综合语言运用能力的平台。

摘要:小学英语的阅读教学一直是小学英语教学中的难点和重点。本文以小学三年级上册的一堂阅读公开课为例, 从如何把准“读”的内容与目标、如何设计“读”的任务与方法以及如何做好“读”的反思与总结等三个方面, 探讨了如何提高小学起始阶段英语阅读教学的有效性。

Book8教研课教案 篇4


Module 5 Unit 14 Hopes and Fantasies of the Children 一、教学内容分析: 本节课以谈论hopes and fantasies为topic,学生在Unit13中已经初步学习了如何运用所学的语言知识谈论自己的理想和幻想,本课主要在原来的基础上加深理解和综合运用语言的能力。 二、教学对象分析: 通过Unit13的学习,学生已初步了解如何区别“I hope I can…”和“I wish I could….”说出自己的希望和愿望,能够用简单的英语谈论自己的愿望。 三、教学目标: 1、语言知识目标: (1)掌握词汇 (三会)magic, stick, magic stick。 (2)进一步学习和巩固句型I wish I could…. (3)能理解对话的意思。 2、语言技能目标: (1)能正确流利地朗读对话,部分学生能借助提示词背诵课文。 (2)能运用正确的句型谈论自己的希望和理想,并运用所学的语言知识与同学进行简单的交流。 3、情感态度目标: 通过谈论Monkey King的故事,进而谈论自己的幻想,充分发挥学生的想象力和创造力。 4、教学重点: (1)三会词语的学习。 (2)进一步学习和正确运用句型“I wish I could…”。 (1) 对话的学习。 5、教学难点: (1) 正确运用所学的语言知识谈论自己的`Hopes and fantasies。 (2) “I wish I could…”与“I hope I can…”在用法上的区别。 6.教学策略: (1)通过课前布置、组织学生预习,让学生感知、了解要学习的内容。 (2) 学生在教师的引导下,通过多种渠道主动去获取信息。 (3)整体理解和学习课文,通过一系列的听、说、读、写的活动提高学生综合运用语言的能力。 四、教学媒体:PPT课件、金太阳课件、录音机等 五、教学课时:1课时 六、教学过程: (一)Warming up 1. Listen and sing a song “Oh, I Wish I Could Fly ” Let’s chant “I hope I have a bike”并用本班学生名字改写。 2. Free talk: Talk about their hopes ,wishes and dreams.个别学生讲出她们的hopes,wishes or dreams,其他学生用第三人称转述。 e.g. P1: I hope I can visit Beijing in August ,. Ps: ….hopes he can visit Beijing in August 2010. (二)Presentation and practice 1.承接上面的情景,引出课题Unit14 Hopes and Fantasies of the Children, 同时板书复习fantastic----fantasy------fantasies。 2.课件引出学习Monkey King, magic, stick and a magic stick。 T:Boys and girls, look here. Do you know him? Who’s he?学生回答。 T: Yes, he was the Monkey King. He had magic.He could become very tall and fly high in the sky. He had a magic stick。 3. 初步理解和学习课文,学生带着问题看金太阳课件,整体阅读课文内容,找出问题的答案,然后个别回答。Jiaming and Mike want to see a film and talk about their hopes and fantasies. Let’s learn together. Read the questions before reading the dialogue. 4.进一步学习课文。Read the dialogue again and mark out the sentences with “I wish….”,then read out loudly ,the teacher write them on the blackboard. Then read the sentences together. (三)Consolidation and development 1.Read in four,try to recite the dialogue according to the key words.学生看提示词背诵课文。 2、写话练习,学生用一句话介绍自己和理想、愿望,能力好的学生可以自由发挥,然后与同学交流分享,并贴在班级愿望树上。 3、拓展阅读 (四)Summing-up 1、“I wish I could…”与“I hope I can…”在用法上的区别。 1)表示自己的希望,这种希望一般有可能实现: I want to be a runner. I hope I can win the games. 2)表示自己的愿望,这种希望一般没有可能实现: I wish I could fly in the sky like the Monkey King. 2、“It’s time for …”与“It’s time to…”的异同。 (五)、Homework 1、Listen, read and recite the dialogue. 2、Tell your partner or friends about your hopes and fantasies。

BOOK阅读 篇5


导演(Director):乔恩·费儒(Jon Favreau)

主演(Starring):尼尔·塞西(Neel Sethi)

斯嘉丽·约翰逊(Scarlett Johansson)

伊德瑞斯·艾尔巴(Idris Elba)

露皮塔·尼永奥(Lupita Nyong’o)

类型(Type):动画(Animation)/ 家庭(Family)/ 奇幻(Fantasy)

国家/地区(Country/ Region):美国(USA)

制片公司(Production Company):华特·迪士尼动画工作室

(Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)

BOOK阅读 篇6

College English education has made great progress in China since the reform and opening up to the outside world.However, the learners’insufficiency in listening abilities has long remained a big issue.Listening plays an important role in people’s communicative activity.According to W.M.Rivers&M.S.Temperly (time) people take in about 45%of all information needed by listening.Listening is the ability to identify and understand what others are saying.This involves understanding a speaker’s pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and meaning.An able listener’s is capable of doing these four things simultaneously.The present situation of the listening instruction in China is not very encouraging.As Brown (1990) points out, the students are taught how to memorize, but are not taught how to listen and how to cope with their listening problems.As a result, students often feel very bored.They complain that they have become tired of the dull listening class.Some typical problems in listening instruction obviously appear such as there is often a lack of interaction in the listening classroom, what we experience in real life listening and what students are asked to deal with in the classroom are different, etc.

To be an effective listening teacher, we need to be aware of these problems in listening instruction and gain a better understanding of listening instruction by exploring the component skills for listening (Yang Yang 2005) .

2 Context

Listening Course of New College English (Book 3) edited by Yu Sumei and Li Huiqin, published by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press is chosen as the listening material for the nonEnglish majors sophomores in Yunnan Agricultural University (YAU) .This book consists of sixteen units which includes four parts for each one and two intensive listening test papers at the end of it.The specific parts in each unit are:Part A Listening Strategy, Part B Listening and Speaking, Part C Additional Listening and Part D Home Listening.The requirements of the course are that non-English major sophomores should have the abilities to understand the English materials, improve their listening skills in analyzing, summarizing, judging and inferring.The contents of this book are covering language learning, campus life, modern technology, culture, sports, entertainments, daily life and anecdote of famous people etc.Part A and Part B are the main points which are required to finish in class time;Part C and Part D belong to the additional materials that students should listen by themselves after the class.All the students are from the different places of the whole nation with mixed gender, nationality, age and different English levels and none of them have passed the CET-4 Test (College English Test Band 4) .

3 An Analysis of the Designing and Learning Activities

Listening Course of New College English (Book 3) had already been validated by the Dean of the Foreign Language School in YAU before the students enrolled.As a required course, all the non-English major sophomores are given the opportunity to attend to this course with two hours every week in the language lab to practice their listening skills.

As a second-language teacher and a course designer, the objectives of the course should be considered carefully, such as the background of the learners, the learners’specific needs and their learning experience ect..As Lea says, “academics and course designers need to know who their students are and what experiences they will bring to their studies.” (Lea, 2004)

Because the students are from the different background within mixed English level, so in order to help them to improve their listening ability to meet the requirements the course required, I add some additional materials and activities in my listening course.

Although the limited classroom practice can not be the same as real life, we must control the input the students receive to some extent, for example, control the vocabulary and the speed, but even at beginning stages, we need to give our students a variety of listening exercises to prepare them for real life use of language.Variety is very important.Not only does it help students remain interested and motivated to learn (Biggs, 2003) , but it also provides practice in the many types of listening situations learners will encounter in real life.So I try my best to make use of the materials in the textbook and make my listening course more interesting and effective.The following are the learning activities of the course:

3.1 Learning listening strategies

The concept of constructive alignment (Biggs 2003) suggests that a curriculum should have a set of well-defined learning outcomes that are acquired via a set of appropriate learning experiences. (Exley&Dennick 2004)

As for the first required Part which includes one short passage or conversation, there are specific learning outcomes which are described as:

(1) to develop the ability of grasping some important listening strategies

(2) to develop the ability of understanding the whole passage and getting key information in listening materials

As we know, good listeners can sometimes guess or predict when a speaker will say something important and it is not necessary to understand every word when they are listening to get the main idea.As for the beginners, listening strategies are very important for them to guess, predict or infer what the speaker will say.So before a new unit, I don’t start in the exercise but a brief introduction about one or two listening strategies covered in this unit for the students and then I ask them to take some notes or write down the key information of the material, which is connected with the first level of Bloom’s taxonomy:knowledge, comprehension (Exley&Dennick 2004) .Based on the notes or the information, the students are required to summarize the general idea of the material they have just heard.Finally, they should finish the exercises in this part.And it is related to the second level of Bloom’taxonomy:Analysis, Synthesis and Evaluation. (Exley&Dennick 2004)

Let’s take one of the units for example, in the first exercise of unit 2 Weather, first of all, I introduced one of listening strategies to the students:listening for Important Details.After they listened to the tape for the first time, the students were required to write down some important details, such as the weather conditions, temperature, weather outlook, casualties and so on and then get the general idea of the material.And then after the second listening, they should finish all the exercises in this part.

3.2 Combination of speaking and listening

In the second required part which includes one listening passage and one speaking task, the learning outcomes are described as:

(1) to develop the students’speaking ability

(2) to improve the students’ability of listening in details

It is also important to develop speaking and listening skills, because in our real life these two skills are needed at the same time.However, it is hard to speak in English for non-English majors in YAU.So I combine speaking and listening in my course that means to combine the“input”and“output”together in the class practice.According to Anderson and Lynch (1988) , listening comprehension needs information sources such as background knowledge, procedural knowledge, knowledge of situation, knowledge of context and knowledge of the language system.In my practical teaching, usually I design some questions related to the materials they will listen to and then ask them to discuss in pairs or in small groups before listening.After that they should present their discussion results in the class.Then I introduce the background information and some difficult words or sentences relevant to what they will listen to.Finally, they begin to listen and finish the exercises.

Let’s take Unit 7 as an example.Before listening to the passage Fashion---Image or Reality?I designed some questions for the students to discuss in pairs, the questions were as follow:

Q1.Which is most important to you in deciding what to buy, brand name, quality, or price?

Q2.Do you spend money on fashion?

Q3.What kind of clothes do you like to wear?

Q4.Do you think it important to follow the latest fashion?Why or why not?

Q5.Do you believe in the saying“Clothes makes the man?”Why or why not?

After they discussed the above questions, I introduced the background information about fashion such as the concept of fashion, the overview of fashion and some famous brand name of clothing in the world etc.Then I asked the students listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the missing information from the passage they had hear.

By this way, the students had got the relevant knowledge and did the exercises well which met the requirements of learning outcomes.As Biggs (2003 P19) states that, “students and teaching presage factors jointly determine the approach a student uses for a given task, and in turn determines the outcomes.”

3.3 Dictation

This part is added by myself to meet the requirement in CET Band-4 examination.The purpose of it is to draw the students’attention in the detailed information and the writing speed.I always select some short passages with the content the students are familiar with as the dictation materials.Every passage will be read three times, when the passage is read for the first time, the students should listen carefully for its general idea.When the passage is read for the second time, they are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words they have just heard.Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, the students should check what they have written.

3.4 After-class Listening

Because of the limited class time, Part C and Part D which include one or two passages for each are designed as the home listening materials for the students, the learning outcomes in these two parts are described as follow:

(1) to develop the students’interests in English listening

(2) to enlarge the students’knowledge in different cultural background

As a language teacher, I know that it is important to design tasks to help the ESl (English as a second language) students develop their English listening skills and motivate their interest in Eng⁃lish.Part C and Part D in Listening Course of New College English (book 3) are like that, which covering the stories of some famous people, modern technology and entertainment etc.These two parts are assigned to the students as their home tasks, they are not only required to grasp the main ideas of the materials, but to search more cultural background information related to what they have heard.After that, they need to write a short summary about their home listening tasks and hand it to me in the next class.Because the requirement of these parts are little more difficult than Part A and Part B, so the students also have the priority to choose the part they want to listen to based on their interests or their own listening level.

Besides that, I provide the website which can listen and download the latest English news report to the students.They can listen to the news they are interested in and can get a chance to share their listening results with their classmates during the listening class next time.

Some of the students are active in doing this, they are motivated by their intrinsic motivation which they are interested in the task and motivated extrinsically because of the value or importance they attach to what the outcome brings. (Biggs, 2003)

3.5 Assessment

Biggs (2003) mentioned that assessment practices must send the right signals to students about what they should be learning and how they should be learning it.In a good aligned system, assessment always defines the actual curriculum (Ramsden 2003) .Assessment methods and requirements probably have a greater influence on how and what students learn than any other single factor.Assessment is often described as being either formative or summative.But no form of assessment is purely summative or formative (Brown&Glasner 1999) .

So in my listening course, assessment includes dictation, Q&S, summary checking and examination.Formative assessment such as the results of dictation, Q&S and summary checking are often used in the classroom practice and I record the students’score with five grades:A (90%-100%) ;B (80%-89%) ;C (70%-79%) ;D (60%-69%) and E (below 60%) .At the same time every grade will go with the written feedback provided by me.By this way, I can assess how well the students are learning what they are being taught and know that whether they have achieved the learning outcomes or not.It also can provide teacher and students with information and insights needed to improve teaching effectiveness and learning quality.Meanwhile, I also share feedback with students, using it to help them improve their learning strategies and study habits in order to become more independent, successful learners.So I think it is one method of inquiry within the framework of classroom research, a broader approach to improving teaching and learning.

Besides that, as a required course, Listening Course of New College English (Book 3) had a required summative assessment which involved in the final examination in last semester for grade2014 non-English major students.The percentage of listening comprehension in the test is 20%, covering short conversations, passages and dictation.The findings in my two classes of 120 students showed that 6 students (5%) got the marks below 10 scores;75 students (62.5%) got the marks between 10-15 scores;39 students (32.5%) got the marks between 15-20 scores.Compared with the scores of listening comprehension in the Entrance Test for the New Comers when they enrolled in this university which showed that 73students (60.8%) got the score below 10;46 students (38.3%) got the score between 10-15 and only 1 student (0.8%) got the score up to the 15, the findings in this final exam showed that the students’listening component had been improved in a certain extent.

3.6 Evaluation of the designing

As feedback from students and illustration of data in the final examination, the design of my listening course has been proved effectively in improving the students listening ability and motivating the students’interests in English listening.

But there are also shortages in my teaching, the design inclass listening activities which are less relevant to learners’afterclass real life listening encounters.Most students are excellent in class listening practice and do the exercise in the textbook well, but they feel difficult to understand the real life language such as slang or other colloquial English said by native speakers.In real life we are required to listen in many different situations and for different reasons without background information introduction or difficult words analysis.To be an effective listening teacher, I need to realize these problems and gain a better understanding of listening instruction.I intend to provide more listening sources related to the real life in my future listening course, for example, the news on the television or radio, friends while having an informal chat, others talking on their mobile phones or in a public place, songs and movies, small talk at a party etc.I hope these will be helpful to shorten the distance between the classroom listening and the real life listening.

4 Conclusion

In conclusion, although there are lacks in the designing of Listening Course of New College English (Book 3) such as the objectives and selection of materials, it has met the requirements of good curriculum design and the whole teaching and learning system also reflect the course’s concept of constructive alignment.


[1]Anderson A, Lynch T.Listening[M].Oxford University Press, 1988.

[2]Biggs J.Teaching for Quality Learning at University[M].Sec-ond Edition.Open University Press, 2003.

[3]Brown G.Listening to Spoken English[M].Second Edition.Long-man, 1990.

[4]Brown S, Glasner A.Assessment Matters in Higher EducationChoosing and Using Diverse Approaches[M].SRHE andOpen University Press, 1999.

[5]Exley K, Dennick R.Giving a Lecture From Presenting toTeaching[M].Routledge Falmer, 2004.

[6]Lea M.Academic Literacies:a Pedagogy for Course Design InStudies in Higher Education[M].Routledge Falmer, 2004.

[8]Ramsden P.Learning To Teach In Higher Education[M].Sec-ond Editio.n Routledge Falmer, 2003.

BOOK阅读 篇7

Knowledge Goals:

1.Get a general idea of Orient carnival ---Torch festival .

2.Learn the usages of the Passive Voice in some certain cases.

3.Learn to make use of The Passive Voice in different tenses and behind modal verbs.

Ability Goals:

1.Enable the student to understand the different forms of the Passive Voice used in different cases.

2.Enable the student to finish the tasks related to the usages of the Passive Voice quickly and correctly.

3.Enable the student to use the Passive Voice in specific contexts correctly.

Moral Goals:

1.Help the students learn to appreciate the traditional culture,and learn to introduce local festivel in English.

2.Enable the students to solve problems by cooperating with their group members .

Teaching Important Points:

Use suitable methods to help students master the use of the Passive Voice correctly.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.How to help the students understand the use of different The Passive Voice to express their opinions.

2.How to enable the students to use proper The Passive Voice in specific contexts flexibly and correctly.

3.How to help the students finish all the tasks with the needed grammatical information in limited time successfully.

Teaching Methods:

Inductive method,Explanation,Discussion,Evaluation,Individ ual and Group work.

Teaching Aids:

Multi-media,PPT,Learning plan and Blackboard.

Teaching Procedures:

Step I.Greetings

Greet the students as usual.

Step II.Lead-in

Instruction: The purpose of this step is to lead in the topic-Torch festival and the use of the Passive Voice.

1.Listen to a song of the Yi Ethnic.

2.Share a story about the Torch Festival with students and they are asked to pay attention to the underlined words.

It was said that long long ago,a god of heaven envied Yi people’s happy life,so he sent many locusts to the ground to destroy their crops.However,Atilaba,a brave Yi wrestler,used torches to help people drive away the locusts.The crops were saved,and people got a good harvest in that year.In order to celebrate the success of driving the insects away and Yi people’s harvest ,a new festival was set up then,which is called Torch Festival and celebrated on lunar June 24 or 25 every year from then on.

3.Ask the students to tell what kind of voice they belong to.

4.Lead in the new lesson--Passive Voice and its basic form.

Step III.The Passive Voice learning

Instruction: The students have a general idea of Passive Voice in previous lessons,so they will be asked to summarize the usages of Passive Voice in different cases by themselves and share the knowledge with the class.

1.Some students were asked by the teacher to work as assistants and guide the rest of the class to review the passive voice in different cases and know more about Torch Festival.

2.Students will join in the learning activities vividly and individually.

3.Students will review the passive form in the following 8cases:

(1) Passive Voice in Simple Past Tense:was/were+ done

Yi people created torch festival in the past.

The torch festival was created by Yi people in the past.

(2) Passive Voice in Simple Present Tense:am/is/are +done

They held Bonfire Party to celebrate the torch festival in the past.

Bonfire Party was held by them to celebrate the torch festival in the past.

(3) Passive Voice in Simple Future Tense:will be+ done Yi people will hold Torch Festival on August 8 of solar calendar this year.

Torch festival will be held on August 8 of solar calendar this year.

(4) Passive Voice in Present Continuous Tense:am/is/are+being+ done

They are singing a toast song.

A toast song is sung by them.

(5) Passive Voice in Past Continuous Tense:was/were+being+ done

They were playing a special musical instrument.

A special musical instrument was being played by them.

(6) Passive Voice in Past Perfect Tense:had +been+ done

They had lit the fire before the we arrived.

The fire had been lit before we arrived.

(7) Passive Voice in Present Perfect Tense:has/have +been+done

People have done a lot to protect the tradition.

A lot has been done to protect the tradition.

(8)带情态动词的被动语态:情态动词后+be done

We can enjoy wonderful performances there.

Wonderful performances can be enjoyed by us there。


Instruction: There are 3 tasks for the students to do,which are designed to consolidate what they have learned about passive voice and get more information about Torch Festival.

Task 1 Correct the errors in the sentences.

1.Students will be asked to finish the tasks by discussing with other members in their group,and each group will choose a representative to report answers and write them on the blackboard.

2.The teacher will give necessary help if in need,and then help to give proper evaluations.

1The Torch Festival was enjoyed by millions of people today.( is)

2Some performances will given by Yi people.(will be)

3The work had been finish before they went home.(finished )

4Those customs couldn’t be forgot by us.(forgotten )

Task 2:Fill in the blanks

1.Students will be asked to use the proper form of the given words to fill in the blank according to the context.They will finish the tasks by discussing with other members in their group,and each group will choose a representative to report their answers.

2.The teacher will give necessary help if in need,and then help to give proper evaluations.

Torch Festival1 is considered (consider)as an important festival of the Yi people,which falls on June 24 or25 every year.The coming Torch festival 2will be held (hold) on August 8th this year.Many wonderful activities can 3be seen there ,such as Bull fighting,wrestling,Dance shows ,Horse racing ,and the Beauty contest,but the most attractive activity is the Bonfire Party,People sing and dance around the for a whole night,torch festival is not a simple holiday,but a symbol of the Yi family’s brave spirit.Yi torch festival 4has been recorded (record) in the national Intangible cultural heritage list(国家非物质文化遗产名录) for a long time.As we know,all of the activities 5are being prepared (prepare)now! How I wish I could join it immediately!

Section 3:Make a poster

1.Students will be asked to make a poster in group,and then stick their work on the blackboard.

2.The group which uses the most passive voice and makes a beautiful poster will be the winner of this section,the teacher will give proper evaluation.




3.关键词:凉都消夏文化节The Summer Cultural Festival of Cool Capital

Name: ____________________________________

History: ____________________________________

Place: ________________________________

Date: ____________________________________

Activity: ____________________________________

Step IV Summary

1.Emphasize the usages of passive voice in different cases.

1)Basic form:be+done,“be” can be changed into different forms in different tenses.

2)Behind modal verbs,“be” needn’t be changed .

2.Lead the students to understand there are many traditions in our hometown waiting us to appreciate ,we should learn English well to introduce the customs to the world.

Step V Homework

Design a School Carnival

Name: What’s the name of your carnival?

History: Why do you hold such a carnival?

Theme(主题): What’s your carnival for?

Date: When do you plan to celebrate your carnival?

BOOK阅读 篇8

2.能够使用句型“What’s your favourite season?”提问,并能够根据实际情况回答。

教学重点:正确书写五个单词season, spring, summer,fall, winter并运用句型“What’s your favourite season?”和“What’s the weather like in…?”进行熟练的问答。

教学难点:season, spring和favourite的发音。


学情分析:通过两年多的英语学习,五年级已经学生有了一定词汇和句型的积累,能用简单的英语进行交际,会写简单的英语短文。同时,他们还有着这个年龄段孩子好奇、好动、求知欲强的特点,因此课堂上他们需要可以想象、发挥、展示的空间。四季虽然在概念上很宽泛,但我的课堂教学并不局限在于学生语言的机械操练,适时地注意了学生人文文化的渗透,全方位地培养学生的文化素养。此外,学生在四年级已经学习过有关天气的知识,能够熟练说出每个季节的气候特点It’s warm/ hot/ cool/ cold. 以及一些季节事物单词、短语。本课我用句型Spring is warm. Summer is hot. Fall is cool.Winter is cold.将知识点串联起来。学生喜欢谈论季节话题,不同的学生对每个季节有不同的想法,因此,课堂上学生通过师生、生生、小组等一系列学习活动的参与,轻松说出自己最喜欢哪个季节以及这个季节的天气特征,从而扩展到这个季节的活动。由此抒发对大自然的赞美和热爱之情。最后,学生通过看图说话、写单词、选词填空,完成一篇“My Favourite Season”一个小练笔,做到了新课程提倡的词不离句、句不离篇的教学理念,让学生充分享受英语学习的成就感。


Step1 Warm-up

1.Let’s chant


2. Enjoy the video of the four seasons

学生观赏关于四季的一段视频,引出本节课要重点学习的5个单词:spring, summer, fall和winter。



Step2 Lead-in

引入单词season。How many seasons are there in a year?What are they?通过视频引出单词season,并且依次拖拽四季图片,初步认识四季的四个单词。

利用图片的拖拽功能依次呈现四季,让学生一目了然。让学生对四个季节有了初步的认识,加强four seasons的理解。



Step3 Presentation

1. 单词操练

(1) 将单词分音节教授,利用单词卡片做大小声游戏,板书示范书写,加强5个四会单词的学习;

(2) Flash the cards游戏巩固5个四会单词的学习。

(3) 让学生在游戏当中对本课时的5个四会单词进行学习巩固,提高学习兴趣。


What can you see in the picture?

What’s season is it?

What’s the weather like in …?

What can you do in …?

让学生自己来描述每个季节的事物 ,天气及活动。





2.Make a chant


对四季的特征进行描述,引入句型:Spring is warm. Summer is hot. Fall is cool. Winter is cold.



3.My favourite season is …

教师示范 :My favourite season is summer. 引入单词favourite。通过划分音节来教授此单词,询问学生:What’s your favourite season?





Step4 Practice and extension

1.Group work

四人一小 组来进行 练习 , 训练句型 :What’s your favourite season?

My favourite season is …




2. Music Box

播放歌曲“What’s your favourite season?”音乐停止时让拿到Music Box的同学抽出一个季节回答,全班同学齐问:What’s your favourite season?

全班同学参与Music Box的游戏将课堂推向高潮,句型的训练即照顾到整体,又关注到个体。



3.My favourite season

以一篇小练笔总结本节课,教师先示范说出自己的MyFavourite Season,再请一名学生在白板上书写,其他同学自己在下面写,最后进行表述。




Step5 Consolidation

1.Good to know

What season is it now? 引出我们现在处于春季,让学生读一些关于保护环境的警句。加入情感态度,我们现在处于春季,万物复苏的时期,应该保护好的花草树木,创造良好的生活环境。

2. Homework

BOOK阅读 篇9

本单元的主题是“新闻”, 内容涉及新闻工作者应该具备的素质和新闻采访的基本程序等。语言知识和语言技能主要围绕“新闻”这一中心话题进行设计。阅读文章通过Zhou Yang———一个跃跃欲试的新手, 和他的上司Hu Xin———一位经验丰富的资深记者之间的对话形式设置行文, 引导学生了解新闻工作者应该具备的素质、新闻采访的基本程序及采访时应该注意的要点等。

本课时为第一课时, 整合了Warming up, Pre-reading, Reading & Comprehending四部分。通过对本课的学习, 学生能了解新闻工作者应该具备的素质、新闻采访的基本程序及采访时应该注意的要点, 熟悉并掌握与新闻工作相关的一些重要词汇和短语, 了解文章的框架结构, 最后通过自主学习和合作学习达到用英语进行采访的目的。


1. 熟悉并掌握与新闻工作相关的一些重要词汇和短语。

2. 理解文章信息, 了解新闻工作者应该具备的素质, 新闻采访的基本程序及采访时应该注意的要点。

3. 训练学生的阅读技巧, 培养学生的思维能力。4. 培养学生用英语进行采访的交际能力。

5. 引导学生提高团队合作意识, 理解倾听的艺术性, 并尊重新闻的真实性。


(一) 激发兴趣, 引入新词, 铺垫新课

1. 通过一则“Big News—Jin Xiuxian (金秀贤) will come to our city”, 激起学生的兴趣, 串联出文中重点词汇、短语。为理解课文做铺垫, 克服词汇障碍, 同时引入新课。

【教师活动】通过创设Big News情境, 引出重点词汇、短语, 随着情境, 环环相扣, 在图片 (图1-图4) 的帮助下, 引导学生在情景中理解并掌握词汇和短语。

T:Hi, everyone!Big News for you! Jin Xiuxianwill come to our city!A journalist and a photogra-pher have a nose for news. They want to cover a story.Because it is a real scoop. But they must get the factsstraight and they shouldn’t get the wrong end of thestick. Or they will be accused.

【设计意图】2014年最火的韩剧《来自星星的你》中的男主角金秀贤拥有大量的学生粉丝, 以此为话题导入, 通过创造一个剧情, 串联出读前须知的重点词汇、短语, 尽量贴近学生的生活, 能激起学生的兴趣和参与度。

【学生活动】借助图片 (图1—图4) 和故事情节, 在教师的引导下, 理解并掌握重点词汇和短语。

2. 简单回顾, 巩固掌握的词汇、短语, 然后引入新课。出示图片 (图5) , 让学生根据英语解释, 给出相应的词汇、短语 (图6) 。

T:All the words and phrases are important for usto understand the text. OK, let’s see what’s the textabout.

(二) 由浅入深, 层层设问, 诱思导读

【任务一】阅读前, 根据题目预测文章内容。

【教师活动】引导学生根据题目My First WorkAssignment“Unforgettable”says new journalist, 预测文本可能讲什么内容, 激发学生对阅读文本的兴趣, 激活学生已有的背景知识。

T:Look at the title My First Work Assignment“Unforgettable”says new journalist. Predict what thetext will be about and why it is“Unforgettable”.

【学生活动】根据自己头脑中已有的图式, 展开丰富的联想, 预测文章内容。

【任务二】阅读中, 学生阅读课文。

1. The passage is organized in order of___________.

A. time B. place C. questionsD. scenes2. How many questions have Zhou Yang asked?

A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 8

【设计意图】通过这两个问题引导学生解读文章的题材, 了解作者布局谋篇的特点, 让学生从整体上抓住文章的基本行文思路, 在头脑中形成对文章的整体框架构建。这两个问题是为了给下面的切块理解做好铺垫。

3. What’s the answer to questions 1 and 2 askedby Zhou Yang? (图 7)

【设计意图】通过回答问题一和问题二, 引导学生理解关于新闻采访工作的第一步:要有团队精神, 要互相帮助。其中, 阅读中的词汇障碍引导学生用学过的英语去解释并加以理解。

4. What about question 3 to 5 asked by ZhouYang? (图 8)

【设计意图】通过理解问题三至问题五, 引导学生理解新闻采访工作中应注意的事项, 进而明确问题三至问题五主要是回答新闻采访工作中如何得到准确的报道。其中, 阅读中的词汇障碍引导学生用学过的英语去解释并加以理解。

5. What about question 6 and 7 asked by ZhouYang? (图 9)

【设计意图】通过回答问题六和问题七, 引导学生理解这两个问题主要是关于新闻报道中如何保护自己免受控告。其中, 阅读中的词汇障碍引导学生用学过的英语去解释并加以理解。

【师生互动】在教师的引导下, 学生积极主动地去解决问题。问题设计逻辑性强, 遵循学生的思维习惯, 同时适时地运用思维导图, 深入浅出地引导学生理解文本的信息, 彻底把握文本的篇章结构。

6.From the questions Zhou Yang asked, can youtell what kind of person he is? (图 10)

7. From Hu Xin’s answers, what a good journalistshould be? (图 11)

8. Do you think Zhou Yang is well fit for his job?

Why or why not?

【设计意图】通过6、7、8三个问题, 进一步让学生从文本蕴含的信息分析Zhou Yang的性格特点, 同时归纳出作为一名新闻工作者需要具备的素质和技能, 并在此基础上引发学生思考和评判ZhouYang是否适合担任新闻工作者这份工作, 表达自己的观点, 在互动交流中修正并充实自己的看法 (庄志琳2011) 。

(三) 读后活动

【教师活动】引导学生做一次采访实践。 (图12)

T:You have learned how to be a good journalist.I want to know if you are fit for the job. Now it’syour turn to conduct a interview. At the beginning ofour class, we know Jin Xiuxian will come, so givehim an interview. Do it with your partner. One is ajournalist, the other Jin Xiuxian.

【学生活动】同桌之间互相讨论, 分角色, 积极准备。然后在全班同学面前进行表演。

【设计意图】课文导入的话题可以进一步为读后活动设计所应用, 从而做到前后照应, 使得整篇文章的设计完整统一, 浑然一体。通过引导学生做采访实践, 可以检验和巩固学生对文本的理解, 从而完成教学目标。

(四) 作业


Write down the interview according to what youhave discussed.

【设计意图】为了进一步训练学生的书面表达能力, 要求学生课下将“采访”用英语写出。在学生口头表达的基础上, 考查学生的书面语言功底, 提高学生的书面表达水平。



作者信息:273300, 山东临沂, 山东平邑教体


yanhui77528@163. com



该教学设计理念新颖, 目标明确, 活动由浅入深, 面向全体, 并适当照顾差异, 围绕整篇文章的主要脉络设计问题, 核心主线清晰, 问题设计逻辑性强, 有层次, 遵循前后知识的联系, 尊重学生的认知规律, 思维顺畅, 自然连贯。


1.教师充分解读文本, 由浅入深地设计教学任务, 引导学生了解新闻工作者必备的素质、新闻采访的基本程序及采访时应注意的事项等。为学生读后活动———采访, 打下了坚实的基础。

2. 教师充分挖掘文本信息, 层层设问, 以不同形式呈现阅读任务, 各个环节目标明确, 诱思导读, 培养阅读和理解能力。

3. 教师充分利用“读前—读中—读后”活动, 调动学生的积极性, 培养学生的合作意识。如读前引入金秀贤的新闻, 读后角色扮演采访金秀贤的活动, 前后照应, 同时注重挖掘文本的情感态度和文化内涵;读中适当渗透阅读方法和技巧。


新生儿清洁Super Book 篇10






1 妈妈切忌自行掏挖宝宝耳道,以免造成伤害。

2 若宝宝耳道有脓性分泌物流出,需去耳鼻喉科就诊,以排除中耳炎等其他耳部疾病,不要在家自行处理。

3 给宝宝洗头和洗澡时,建议捏住宝宝双耳,以免脏水流入耳道。





1 不要将纱布的同一面在宝宝的眼部周围来回擦拭,擦完一个部位后要换一面,以免增大眼部细菌感染的机会。

2 用于宝宝眼部清洁的纱布,每次使用后都要清洗干净,在太阳下曝晒,以免滋生细菌。










1 清除宝宝鼻腔分泌物时,妈妈切不可用自己的指甲抠,以免损伤鼻腔黏膜。

2 使用棉棒时,不要探入鼻道过深,以免弄伤鼻腔。






1 清洁男宝宝的小蛋蛋时,可以拿起他的小雀雀,以便更好地清洁到下面的皮肤,但动作一定要轻柔。

2 男宝宝3岁前,都不建议刻意翻起包皮清洗,以免过早翻动宝宝柔嫩的包皮而伤害到他的生殖器。









1 用浓度为75%的酒精消毒脐带


2 用浓度为95%的酒精干燥脐部


3 穿纸尿裤时避免摩擦脐部




BOOK阅读 篇11

本单元的话题是体育名人, 这是一个非常贴近学生生活、具有时代性的教学主题。阅读部分介绍了我国著名体育明星李宁及他的成功事迹, 要求学生能够正确理解介绍李宁的阅读文章。这一部分的学习是为了后面的练习做准备, 起到承上启下的作用。


1.教材中的练习2、5、6都是对重点词汇和短语的处理, 而且有些词汇都是重复出现的, 所以我把词汇部分重新整理了一下。

2.对文章结构的把握是这节阅读课的重点, 教材中没有相关的练习。所以, 我设计了寻找段落大意和分析文章结构的任务。

3.将教材中讨论的问题换成了一个更开放性的问题, 发挥学生的主动性、创造性。


根据《新课标》的教学理念和素质教育的要求, 阅读课应以培养学生从语篇中用英语获取信息和处理信息的能力。依据新课标的要求和对教材、学生的分析, 确定如下教学目标:

1.语言知识:能够识别新学词汇、短语 (retire, retirement, background, brand, logo, advantage, guarantee, purchase, designer, slogan, launch a new brand, have a major advantage over, every ten seconds, achieve one’s ambitions等) 并能推断出意义。


1) 培养学生运用阅读策略预测课文内容。

2) 通过略读、查读等阅读活动提高学生的阅读理解能力。

3) 帮助学生学会分析文章结构。

3.学习策略:学习在阅读材料中根据上下文猜测词意, 学会运用阅读策略对文章信息进行分析、理解和加工;养成自主学习和合作学习相结合的学习习惯, 提高学习效率。

4.情感态度和文化意识:学习体育明星的拼搏精神, 增强健身意识。


1.帮助学生学会分析文章结构, 并运用于写作中。


五、教学过程 (40分钟)

我将教材内容进行了加工, 整个教学过程分为五个环节:Lead in, Pre-reading, While-reading, Post-reading, Homework。

Step 1 Lead in (3分钟)

播放一段李宁体操表演的视频, 引出中心人物, 然后问他们:

What is the sportsman doing?

What else do you know about him?

设计说明:激活学生相关的背景知识, 激发学生的阅读兴趣, 从而更好地理解作者的写作意图。

Step 2 Pre-reading (3分钟)

Task:Predicting: (pair work)

Write 2 or 3 predicting questions.Then ask your partner your questions.

设计说明:让学生根据题目和图片写出两到三个预测文章内容的问题, 然后两人小组活动预测文章内容, 培养学生预测文章内容的阅读策略, 使学生初步了解文章主题。同时, 两人小组活动互相交流信息, 取长补短, 主动探索, 共同解决新问题。

Step 3 While-reading

Skimming (7分钟)

Task 1.Check your predictions.

Task 2.Match the main idea with each paragraph.

Task 3.Divide the whole passage.

设计说明:通过三个任务, 引导学生运用略读技巧寻找主题句, 初步了解文章内容。帮助学生学会分析文章结构。任务设计有梯度, 降低了难度, 有助于实现难点的突破。学生在任务活动中, 不断积累语言知识和实践经验。

Scanning (20分钟)

Read Part 1 Li Ning’s success in his sports life.

Task 4:Guess the meanings of the words in the context of the reading.

设计说明:通过此任务, 帮助学生学会利用上下文语境猜测词义, 从而提高阅读速度和阅读能力。

Task 5:Check the true statements.

1.Li Ning won seven medals at the Los Angeles Olympics.F

2.He was not happy with his results at the Seoul Olympics.T

3.He won 106 gold medals in major competitions across the world.T

4.Li Ning retired with the feeling that he had succeeded.F

设计说明:在了解文章大意的前提下, 让学生利用关键词通过查读的方法找出相关的信息, 培养学生运用查读的策略, 训练学生的阅读技巧, 提高把握文章细节的能力。

Read Part 2 Li Ning’s success as a businessman.

Task 6:Answer and discuss (pair work)

1.Why did Li Ning start a sportswear company?

2.Why are his sports clothes more successful?And how can you know?

设计说明:通过完成此练习, 帮助学生挖掘文中的深层含义, 更好地理解作者的写作意图。

Task 7:Find the sentences in Part 2 which have the same meanings with the following sentences.

1.Because Li Ning didn’t perform well in the 1988 Seoul Olympics, he made up his mind to begin a new life.

2.He decided to make a product come onto the market which can be more successful or better than global giants like Nike.

3.Li Ning’s sports clothes have beautiful designs and because they are cheaper they have more advantages.

设计说明:让学生找出与课文意思相同的句子, 降低了学生理解长难句的难度, 帮助学生透彻地理解课文的难点, 为下一个环节让学生学会paraphrase长难句做铺垫。

Read Part 3 Li Ning’s goal after his retirement.

Task 8:Paraphrase the following sentence.

Like Pele and Muhammad Ali before him, who have worked with the United Nations for children’s rights and peace, Li Ning has discovered that the work of a great sportsman doesn’t finish.

设计说明:帮助学生理解长难句的同时, 又让学生更好地了解李宁退役后的目标和作者的写作意图。

Step 4 Post-reading (6分钟)

Task 9:Discussion (group work)

Why has he been successful?

What can you learn from Li Ning?

设计说明:引导学生讨论李宁的成功之处, 学习他们的拼搏精神, 提高学生语言交际的能力。利用学生已学到的知识完成现实生活中的实际任务。另外, 小组活动也有助于培养学生的合作精神。

Step 5 Homework (1分钟)

Task 10:Write a short passage about another great sports personality.
