


个体认知风格论文 篇1


1 方法

使用镶嵌图形测验考察被试认知风格。选择在认知风格测验中得分高的前30%的被试31名为场独立型被试;得分低的后30%的被试30名为场依存型被试,共选取61名被试,男生28人,女生33人,平均年龄21.4岁。被试视力正常或矫正正常。无精神疾病史。实验采用2 (认知风格:场独立、场依存)×4 (策略运用条件:自由选择、最佳选择、无选择上调、无选择下调)的混合实验设计。认知风格类型为被试间因素,策略运用条件为被试内因素。因变量为被试在每种条件下解决题目的反应时和正确率。实验设置了三种策略运用条件:c1:最佳选择条件——被试需要从上调策略和下调策略中选择可以得到最准确的估算结果的一种策略来解决问题;c2:无选择上调条件——要求被试都必须使用上调策略来解决;c3:无选择下调条件——要求被试必须使用下调策略来解决。实验材料为60道两位数乘法问题(如48×53)。

2 结果与分析

在本研究中,被试在c3与c4的反应时和正确率分别反映其上调策略与下调策略的执行情况。结果显示,认知风格对策略执行的时间和正确率的影响不显著。反应时(tc3 (59)=1.179,p=0.243>0.05;tc4(59)=0.450,p=0.655>0.05);正确率(tc3(59)=-0.942,p=0.350>0.05;tc4(59)=0.586,p=0.560>0.05)。以算术技能得分为协变量,对四种策略运用条件下被试的反应时做4 (条件)×2 (认知风格类型)的重复测量方差分析。结果表明:条件效应显著(F (3,174)=5.991,p=0.008<0.05),其他效应均不显著。以算术技能得分为协变量,对四种策略运用条件下被试的正确率做4(条件)×2 (认知风格类型)的重复测量方差分析。结果表明:条件效应显著(F(3,174)=19.958,p=0.000<0.05),认知风格主效应显著(F (1,58)=4.211,p=0.045<0.05),其他效应均不显著。


3 讨论




4 结论



基于个体学习风格的教学应对策略 篇2



1. 视觉型学习者的特点及相应的教学策略。



2. 听觉型学习者的特点及相应的教学策略。



3. 动觉型学习者的学习特征及其教学策略。



1. 场独立性与场依存性学习者的特点及相应的教学策略。



2. 沉思型与冲动型学习者的特点及相应的教学策略。



3. 整体性加工策略和系列性加工策略学习者的特点及相应的教学策略。


认知风格测量述评 篇3


最早以认知为中心的研究取向对认知风格的测量是从知觉测验开始的。代表性的方法是由Witkin和Asch提出的。Witkin等人在早期的研究中, 首先用身体调节测验来测量场依存性。它是通过模拟飞行员驾驶战斗机穿越低空云层时体验到的情况进行的测验。测验形式是让被试坐在一间小型倾斜的房间内的一把倾斜的椅子上, 然后要求被试将自己的身体调整到垂直地面的位置, 依存于场者往往把身体调到与倾斜的房间看齐, 表明在确定身体位置时, 把环境作为主要参照。独立于场者在调试身体时则更多的考虑利用身体内部的经验作为主要参照。场依存性测验进一步改进为框棒测验。该测验让被试坐在暗室内, 面对一个可调节倾斜度的亮框, 框中心安装有一个能转动度数的亮棒, 要求被试把亮棒调到完全垂直。倾斜的亮框对中间直线的方位判断有同化作用, 作用大小取决于个体的认知风格特征, 作用大者为场依存者, 作用小或无作用者为场独立者。

场依存性测验经过进一步发展, 为一种纸笔测验———镶嵌图形测验被开发出来。测验要求被试将一个简单的几何图形从一个比较复杂的几何图形中分辨出来。场独立者能排除背景因素的干扰从复杂图形中知觉到指定的简单图形, 而场依存者完成这项任务比较困难。镶嵌图形测验是目前研究采用较多的一种方法, 由于这种测验比较容易施测, 在以后的研究中发展了成人、儿童、学前儿童水平的个体测验和团体镶嵌图形测验。

随着认知风格其他理论的提出, 相应的测量方法也被不断开发出来。如测量齐平化-锐化型风格的图形化测验;测量冲动-思虑型风格的匹配熟悉图形测验;测量整体-序列风格的问题解决任务方法测验;测量同化者-探索者风格A-E的自陈问卷;测量言语化-视觉化的马科斯表象鲜明性问卷;戈登表象问卷等。但这些风格测验只能测量出认知风格的某个单一维度, 甚至于有些测验只能测量出认知风格维度的一端。比如, 在镶嵌图形测验 (EFT) 中, 高分意味场独立。相反, 如果一个人得低分, 就假设为场依存。但是, 低分数也可以由其他因素造成, 比如低动机, 看不懂说明或视觉缺陷等。尤其是一些研究指出镶嵌图形测验分数与流体智力有较高的相关, 这也说明了为什么场独立的人在其他许多任务上也能取得很好的成绩。还有许多认知风格的测验通常采用内省的自我报告法, 这些测验面临的一般性困难包括对默认和社会期望等的反应定势缺乏内部控制。


Riding以其认知风格的聚合模式为依据, 在前面测量方法的基础上开发了测量言语-表象和整体-分析两个认知风格维度的工具CSA。Riding和Taylor (1976) 在测量整体-分析和言语-表象风格时使用了反应时作为客观测验指标。对言语-表象风格的测量最初用的是“形象编码测验”。该测验要求7岁儿童听10段短篇散文, 每一段后面跟着一个问题。问题的答案不是由散文直接提供的, 只能通过阅读散文后产生的形象获得。根据从开始提问到结束回答所需要时间的长短来判断认知风格类型。反应时短的为形象型, 反应时长的为言语型。1981年, Riding和Calvey进一步发展了“形象编码测验”, 增加了评估形象编码和言语编码的问题, 使测验更加有效。但鉴于这种测验实施和计时都比较困难, 1989年Riding等人将测验改为由计算机呈现的言语-形象认知风格测验。测验是由计算机将单词成对呈现, 要求被试判断呈现的两个单词是否属于同一范畴。单词包括类别和颜色两种类别。在每一范畴中有24对单词, 其中一半的词对属于相同范畴, 另一半词对属于不同范畴。对颜色范畴反应快的是形象型;对类别范畴反应快的是言语型。

到1997年, Riding等人最终提出了“认知风格分析测验 (CSA) ”, 完成了对这两个基本风格维度评定工具的研究工作。CSA是呈现在计算机上用来测量认知风格两个维度的评估系统, 是一种客观的测试。它共包含三个子测验:第一个子测验通过判断陈述句的正误来测量言语-表象维度。它假设偏向以表象表征信息的被试对颜色类陈述句反应更快, 因为他们能从表象中直接提取答案, 而言语型被试只能建立部分表象, 他们不得不通过检索词汇记忆来回答有关颜色范畴问题, 所以反应时相对要长。相反, 在类别归类的项目中, 言语型被试所需反应时较短, 而表象型被试所需的反应时较长;第二个子测验是对整体维度的评价。项目中包括两部分复杂的图形, 要求被试判断这些图形是相同的还是不相同的;第三个子测验是对分析维度的评价。提供的项目包括一个简单的几何图形和一个复杂的几何图形, 要求被试确定简单图形是否包括在复杂图形中。

CSA具有以下几个优点: (1) 由于这是一个客观性的测验, 记分更具客观性;它能从维度的两端来对风格维度进行评价; (2) 由于它不包含调查问卷风格项目, 没有困难语句, 所以可以被应用到从小孩到成人较大的年范围; (3) 它的应用环境比较自由, 能运用在环境很大的范围中, 比如, 学校、工业和卫生服务行业等等; (4) 在属性上它可能不受文化风俗的限制, 现已经被应用到许多国家。

尽管CSA具有许多以往测量方法所不具备的优点, 但它也不是十全十美的。也有一些心理学家提出了不同的看法, 并质疑了CSA的信效度。Ali Reza Rezaeia (2003) 等人对CSA进行了信度和效度的检验, 他们发现CSA的结构和理论背景比其他理论更加支持认知风格分析系统, 然而还没有实验研究来检验CSA的信度。他们进行了3个不同的实验, 实验结果显示出了很低的信度。考虑到CSA建立的理论背景, 以及测验两个维度信度上的差异, 他们提出了一些建议来改进CSA的信度和效度。这些建议包括:第一, 进行三个分测验时尽量不要出现中断;第二, 将来的CSA版本应该在结果中提供每个分测验中各个项目的反应时。CSA的结果中不显示每个项目的反应时, 而是只列出全部反应时的比率, 这样在结果分析时会失去很多的信息;第三, 改变问题的呈现方式, 这也是为了增加效度。CSA的一个局限性可能与言语-表象的两个量表的内容效度有关;第四, 增加CSA各个类型问题的数量。CSA每种类型问题的数量太有限, 一般而言测验的长度与测验的信度具有正相关, 所以为了降低由于随机误差所带来的影响建议增加每个种类项目的测验数量;第五, 在CSA测验中, 被试需要通过按一个有颜色的按钮来判断对错。如果判断为对, 就按一个红色的按钮, 如果认为错就按蓝色按钮, 但是红色一般都和危险、停止或者错误相联系, 很有可能在被试做出判断时将红色按钮与错误联系起来。因此, 建议将这些按钮改成同样颜色或没有颜色可能更好;第六, 使用规范统一的提问方式来替代有颜色标记的题干。一些测验的特征会受文化差异的影响, 对于正确答案没有普遍一致被接受的观点。例如, 在测验中火车与红色相联系, 而在某些情况下 (比如加拿大) 火车是黄色的, 这就可能带来混淆;第七, 提高言语-表象维度量表的可变性。

另外, Peterson等人针对CSA测验的不足编制了一种新的言语—表象维度的测验 (VICS测验) 。VICS测验提出了更准确的言语问题来提问两个条目是否是“人工的”或是“天然的”。为了评估言语—表象维度, 一项更恰当的实验任务就是让当前的被试判断两个物体在真实的生活里哪个更大。Peterson等人设计了两项实验来检查VICS的信度和效度。在新的VICS测验中, 两次测验中被用来表述一个人的言语—表象认知风格的言语—表象认知风格系数显示了内部一致性高相关 (r>0.72) 而且重测信度也是可接受的 (r=0.56) 。

摘要:本文系统回顾了从20世纪初到现在教育心理学研究中认知风格测量工具的发展, 展望了未来认知风格测量的趋势。



[1]刘惠军, 李洋.Riding认知风格测量的EEG证据.漳州师范学院学报.

[2]陆小英, 方格.认知风格的系统模型及测评方法.中国心理卫生杂志.

个体认知风格论文 篇4

1 Students’Cognitive Style

The idea of learning style comes from general psychology.It refers to the characteristic ways in which individual orientate to problem-solving.(Ellis,1994)Individual’s learning style is less flexible.

Cognitive style is an important part of learning style,which includes learning strategy.Learning strategy refers to a series o steps learners adopted to achieve learning goal.It is formed gradually in the long-term learning activity,which individual based on physiological characteristic is influenced by social environment and education,therefore,the factors if constituting learning style are physiology,psychology and society.Among them psychology includes cognitive,emotion and motivation etc.Cognitive is virtually the embodiment of one’s cognitive style in learning.Its manifestations are perception,attention,thought,memory which individual responds outside information stimulation and problem-solving.Contemporary cognitive psychology believes tha learning is the process of processing information,from this poin of view,cognitive style is learning style.Each learner’s cognitive style is unique and stable,teacher should analyses and researches every student’s cognitive style,work out appropriate teaching style,teach them according to their aptitude in order to promote overall development of their quality.

One’s cognitive style generally operates in an unconscious manner,that is,while an individual may be aware of the outcome of the information processing process he or she is often unaware of the mental processes used to acquire,analyze,categorize store,and retrieve information in making decisions and solving problems.

In most situations,cognitive styles and learning styles are used interchangeably.Generally,cognitive styles are more related to theoretical or academic research,while learning styles are more related to practical applications.A major difference between these two terms is the number of style elements involved.Specifically,cognitive styles are more related to a bipolar dimension while learning styles are not necessarily either/or extremes.Cognitive/learning styles measures conventionally lie somewhere between aptitude measures and personality measures.

Field refers to the situation surrounding,which can influence people’s perception in varying extent.Field independent and field dependent are a group of cognitive styles which are divided in terms of the extent influenced by situation.Field independent is that individual depends on the internal referents in his or her own life space and from his or her point of view to obtain knowledge and information.Field dependent is that individual relies on the external referents in environment surround him or her to define knowledge and information by external stimulation.The two categories of cognitive have obvious differences in contact with other people and in learning.Field independent people who like to be alone are less or not influenced by environment and their communicative ability is poor.On the contrary,field dependent people who are easy to be subject to environment utilize social referents to ensure their own attitude and action.They are interested in other people and good at communicate with others.With regards to special fondness for learning,the former have partiality for subjects have nothing to do with people like natural science,are used to individual research,thinking on one’s own and good at distinguish specific information from the whole.They are highly motivated and have strong ability to understand,analyze and infer.The latter is inclined to pay attention to subjects of interpersonal relationship such as the humane studies;they are sensitive to environment in the process of learning and good at social intercourse,take delight in studying with other people.

Wirkin,Oltman,Raskin and Karp suggested that in a field-dependent mode of perceiving,perception is strongly dominated by the overall organization of the surrounding field,and parts of the field are experienced as“fused”.In a field-independent mode of perceiving parts of the field are experienced as discrete from organized ground.(Ellis,1994)

As learner’s main characteristic,cognitive style is the key of successful teaching,teacher cannot neglect it and should have the knowledge and ability of psychological analysis,action and observing,adept to understanding cognitive style of different learners,similar with their study habits,investigate the adaptive extent of teaching and learning style,create the environment and condition which can be adapted to the characteristic of each learner in order to achieve the final teaching goal through making great efforts with teacher in the course of learning in appropriate speed and manner.

Any cognitive activity is an active construction of individual.In spite of the same teaching content,it is completely possible for different individuals to have different thinking process because of the difference on knowledge background and on the way of thinking.Thus it requires that teacher cannot only keep an eye on universal knowledge of general character,but should probe deeply into specific characteristic of every student.The more importan thing is that teacher should know that reasonable teaching method to a great extent is individualized instead of putting undue chase on unity.Cognitive style is not ability,but a favorite way in the process of using capacity.Their great match can create a superiority which results in surpassing the single cognitive style or ability.Therefore,the differences of cognitive style and ability should be taken into account in teaching activity.It is impossible for individual to have an only one cognitive style,they often have more style.With the change of tasks and situation,cognitive style individual showed is changing,the style they showed in a place and at a time is not absolutely worthy in different place and at different time.Teacher should adopt a correct attitude towards value of many styles.Cognitive style is not mutable,and it can be acquired through studying.

The application of modern educational technology allows tha teacher can teach students in multi-model way according to different situation.Field-independent learner adepts to study alone likes to initiate new things.Teacher should let them to make a thorough study to the problems they concerned in a space of free exploration which is created in modern technology in a manner they liked,or design the circumstances to create the condition for developing initiative education.Collective instruction can be combined with study on them own through digital network system.In the classroom teaching,students who have different cognitive style,motivation,interest and aptitude are allowed to separate themselves from the whole teaching framework in order to utilize their power to make their own decisions to do things they want to do and go back to the state of classroom.Information technology provides an alternate learning environment,teacher and students can communicate a wide range of subjects,give feedback promptly,adjust the center for the classroom at all times to change the role each other to make students take an active part in learning and explore rather than passive receive.At the same time,it is also favorable for teacher to engage in emotion education.The efficiency of study of the field-independent and the field-dependen learner are not obvious different in the active and intensive condition,however,the study efficient of the field-dependent learner is decreased obviously.The thought and exploration that is differen from the common run is not go on successfully and often fail Teacher can encourages and guides him in time to help him to strengthen his self-confidence and avoid detours.Teacher’s respect and love to students are the important factors of success in education supported by information technology.

Cognitive style of learner is also a changeable dimension The learner who shows highly independent in a field may be dependent in another field.Most learners’cognitive style is not extreme,some of them can change his or her style in order to adap to different tasks.Meanwhile,any cognitive style will not be suitable for studying all knowledge,if learners adhere to one cognitive style in learning,they must be failure in some subjects which are unsuitable for themselves.Individual’s cognitive style is a habit;postnatal experiences and training have a great impact on it.The formation of cognitive style is influenced by society and education.The common social culture may cause a kind of general character in the same nation,class and group.We can find that Chinese traditional education lays special emphasis on the development of groups;people nurtured are lack of independent character and are dependent on the group and others.

When learners are aware of the matching relationship between characteristic of cognitive style and requirement of learning tasks,they will make efforts actively.A learner who has learning strategy at least can be conscious of his or her type of aptitude,know that complete study tasks requires different ways,and can adopt different learning way and strategy.Cognitive style is a way of studying which learner favorite unconsciously.Learning strategy is flexible,planned and can be did as the changing circumstances demand according to specific learning tasks.Only when teacher gives directions to students,can they fully understand themselves and maximize favorable factors and minimize unfavorable ones.While students have the awareness of learning strategy and understand their own study habits and their advantages and disadvantages,they will adjust actively.It means that they have learned how to study.Teaching activities are extreme complex,people’s research on cognitive style reflects individualism in cognitive activity,thus supply the overall development of students’quality with new vision.

2 Teaching Style

Teaching style is unique combination and manifestation of effective teaching thought,teaching skills and teaching way,which forms gradually in the long-term teaching practice.It is a symbol of stable state of specific character of teaching.The essential feature of cognitive style is its uniqueness which shows in many aspects such as distinctive teaching language,teaching method,teaching manner and teaching resource etc.

The formation of teaching style is very complicated,but it is not mysterious.The factors of influencing and restricting the formation of teaching style can be divided into internal factors and external ones.Internal factors are cognitive level,quality of thought and specific character.External factors are environment of teaching and learning,structure of course,system,teaching materials and teaching subjects and so on.The formation of teaching style is the result of mutual connection and promoting the development each other.External factors are the condition of forming teaching style;internal factors are the foundation of forming teaching style.In the course of forming teaching style,subjective initiative of teacher is the most active element for forming teaching style,which drives and effects many factors of forming teaching style,promotes teacher to remake teaching circumstances and conditions actively in order to continuous advance towards mature in teaching practice.

With regard to the formation of teaching style,we should synthesize objective and subjective,social and individual factors.From the point of subjective view,firstly,teachers’special living situation,social status,life experiences and cultural education they gained not only shape their characteristic,qualities,world outlook,but form their artistic view,artistic inclination,artistic talent and artistic essential thoughts etc.All these decided the difference on teaching style.Secondly,teachers form the distinct character of grasping teaching content,shaping teaching figure,arranging teaching structure,using teaching language and showing teaching techniques through the long-term life experience and teaching practice.Thirdly,teachers’different psychological qualities also will be shown by teaching,which becomes an aspect that cannot be neglected of forming teaching style.From the point of objective view,the main objective causes of forming teaching style are the changes in society,spirit of age and social convention in a certain historical time.With no exception,each teacher belongs to a nation;national tradition also influences teaching style in many aspects.Teaching style is diversity and has the unity of time and national color.

Teaching style is not formed overnight,but the result of initiative long-term labor of teachers.It embodies teachers’aesthetic ideal and ingenuity of artistic practice of teaching.However,teaching style has a process of engendering,forming,developing and changing,which is not solid or static.It is an arduous teaching artistic practice for a long period from beginning teaching,being ripe gradually to forming finally unique teaching style.This process of development can be divided into the stage of imitating teaching,of independence teaching,of creative teaching and of having style teaching.These stages have their own features,their sequence cannot be reversed.They need necessary subjective and objective conditions from one stage to next stage.In this kind of sequence,there are more and more elements of creative,thus only when there is certain of accumulation of quantity,can change of quality be given rise to.Developing from one stage to another stage,teaching style is formed finally.

3 Matching Teaching Style with Cognitive Style

Teaching should pay attention to the appropriate match between students’cognitive style and teacher’s teaching style.It is the teachers’responsibility to suit their teaching style for students’cognitive style,because students may be self-centered and have little awareness to adjust their innate cognitive styles according to teachers’teaching style in the classroom.Effective matching between teaching styles and learning style can only be achieved when teachers are,first of all,aware of their learners’needs,capacities,potentials and learning style preferences in meeting these needs.In all academic classrooms,no matter what the subject matter,there will be students with multiple learning styles and students with a variety of major,minor and negative learning styles.An effective means of accommodating these learning styles is for teachers to change their own styles and strategies and provide a variety of activities to meet the needs of different learning styles.(Rao Zhenhui,2001)

Teaching is like a catalytic agent to form and improve learner’s cognitive style,but cannot change its essential feature.Constructuralism believes that everyone is an independent subjec and constructs the world in his or her own manner in the process of teaching.Only when teaching style and method match the style of learner’s learning and thinking can learner be more successful.Teacher should follow the sequence of individual psychological development to choice,compose,manage teaching goal,content and technique and suit the instruction to the student’s leve according to individual learning style,learning inclination in order to provide the opportunity for each student to show their special skill,elaborate enthusiasm and individual quality advantage of learner on different level,and put every student in the advantage of education.

Teacher may do the following steps at first so as to guide students to know their cognitive style and then observes and analyses their cognitive style.By classifying different cognitive style teacher can have an overview and adopts diversity teaching style rather than single one.Firstly,teacher should help students to understand the advantages and disadvantages of their cognitive style.Secondly,teacher should encourage students with differen cognitive style to compete.For example,cooperative learning based on the network and computer is the most concerned study model at present.It adopts that organizes students with differen style into groups,assigns tasks and divides up the work properly Each member follows a certain cooperative principle to cooperate and help one another.By doing this,students are helped to complete the complex intelligent tasks and increase their motivation It also promotes the interactive between teacher and students and is beneficial to develop students’comprehension ability Thirdly,teacher should develop students’metacognitive strategy“Give a man a fish and he eats for a day.Teach him how to fish and he eats for a lifetime.”By guiding students to apply metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive experience to learning,they can master learning strategy,adjust their own way to adapt different learning tasks.Fourthly,teacher should develop students a varied personalities and cooperative spirit in order to promote individual and society harmonious.All these works are the basis o effective matching.

Teacher can observe carefully students’psychological changes.Asking them whether they are Some typical behaviors which can be attributed to cognitive style are:

You feel uncomfortable when asked a question in an open meeting.After you respond,you spend a lot of time thinking about what you should have said.

In discussing problems in a meeting,one group member gets upset and storms out of the room,yelling all the way.

After analyzing a group of job candidates against the advertised criteria for selection,you are uncomfortable with the top ranked candidate and actually offer the position to the third ranked candidate.

You find yourself getting upset when a professor does not follow the syllabus.

Professor B seems to jump from one topic to another and from one example to another.You do not see the connection,but to some in the class,he makes perfect sense.

After working on a project in a meeting,the leader of the team adjourns the meeting stating the she is happy that group has developed a workable plan.You feel uncomfortable because,from your perspective,the plan contains only broad policy statements and the operational issues have not been worked out.

Teacher should provide a teaching method which can match the cognitive style according to the understanding of students’cognitive style.When they match well,it will be beneficial to enhance students’performance.

4 Conclusion

In this thesis I have discussed students’cognitive style,teachers’teaching style and the matching of these two elementswhich can make students to get twice the result with half the ef-fort on study in the classroom.It is so necessary for teacher tocreate relax and harmonious environment and understand the dif-ferences and similarities of students’cognitive style in order toinstruct them alternatively.Teacher should develop more teachingstyle to match students’cognitive style.By doing this it reflects anew educational idea of learner-centered which meets the require-ment of quality education.




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[2]Rao Zhenhui,2001.Matching Teaching Styles with Learning Styles in East Asian Contexts[J].Online Available from:http://www.iteslj.org/Techniques/Zhenhui-TeachingStyles.html.







