


长期电力市场仿真 篇1

0 引言


目前的电力市场长期仿真模型主要为系统动力学模型[3],智能代理仿真模型[4],Monte Carlo模型[5]和短期的电力市场仿真模型[6]。前三种模型是研究一般市场长期影响的主要手段,但是考虑电力系统本身的特点不够。而短期的电力市场仿真模型虽然考虑了详细的市场规则以及电力系统运行约束,但是主要适合短期市场的运行,而进行年度模拟则时间开销太大。




1 机组与负荷表示










在上述条件下,电力市场的运行将根据每个负荷水平按照排序好的申报价格购买发电量直到负荷平衡。但是由于机组申报价格是随机变量,而且机组的强迫停运也是随机的,这样的模型很难直接求解。文献[12]对这类模型采用了Monte Carlo方法求解。

2 等效机组与模型求解

2.1 等效机组
















2.2 相关指标的计算












3 等效机组等效性证明框架











3.1 按照等效机组的计算











3.2 按概率事件计算过程











4 算例

以IEEE RTS数据为基础[16],对其中机组的成本数据用随机报价代替,对本文所提算法进行了测试。其中表2是系统的机组情况,负荷则使用第51周的数据。其中,每个机组的容量都分成了三块,且其第2,3块容量随机报价。按照公式(3)形式的数据显示在表3中。

按照本文给出的基于等效机组的计算方法,其中卷积用累积量之和进行。为了比较,同时进行了基于Monte Carlo方法的计算,其中期望生产电量的计算结果显示在表4中,容易看出,两种方法的最大的相对误差为3.91%。这些误差是计算中使用累积量产生的。

本文提出的方法在CPU采用AMD Sempron(tm)2500内存为1 G的条件下,计算需要11.65 s,而Monte Carlo方法为589.32 s。与固定成本时随机生产模拟的计算时间比较,本文方法大约是其的7倍。究其原因,本文提出方法比固定成本的情况多了7倍的等效机组(一个机组用7个等效机组替代)。即便如此,本文方法的计算速度对于市场长期模拟来说依然是可接受的。

5 结论




(3)该模型可以利用等效机组概念进行求解,其求解时间大约是传统电力系统随机生产模拟的m倍,m为随机申报电价的概率密度函数中表示的状态数。其计算时间开销将远远小于Monte Carlo类的模型,已可以接受。

本文给出的理论证明和实际计算证实了上述特点,而这些特点的长期电力市场仿真对于电力市场管理与电源投资等领域的研究是基础性的重要工具。(上接第23页continued from page 23)

长期电力市场仿真 篇2

Over the past two decades,many countries around the world have restructured or are restructuring their power industries by making energy markets competitive,unbundling electricity services and opening access to electrical networks.This reform process resulting in a shift from tight regulation in vertically integrated monopolies to light regulation of functionally separated operational units is an ever challenging task to the power industry.As stated in the July 2001 issue of the Wired magazine,the current power infrastructure is as incompatible with the future as horse trails were to automobiles,However,with concerted effort of public/private coordination,the present power delivery system and market structure can be enhanced and augmented to meet the challenges it faces.

Electrical energy is a unique commodity in the sense that it needs to match supply with demand instantaneously and yet there is no cost-effective means of storage support.Therefore,ancillary services have to be provided in the energy market to ensure stable and reliable power systems be maintained.The recent blackouts in Europe and the United States remind us that stable supply of electricity is indeed essential to sustain well-being in every metropolitan city.A prime concern is to ensure continuous supply of electricity from the point of generation to the end-point of use via sophisticated power delivery function which is changing and growing more complex with the exciting requirements of the digital economy,the onset of competitive power markets,the implementation of modern and self-generation,and the saturation of existing transmission and distribution capacity.Without appropriate investment and careful policy setting,the vulnerabilities already present in today’s power system will continue to degrade[1].

Simply stated,today’s electricity infrastructure is inadequate to meet rising consumer needs and expectations.Specifying and creating new electricity market infrastructure governing the operation of the energy markets is a major challenge since these markets have exhibited wide variation in form and operational characteristics.Computer simulation has been recognized as a useful approach for examining the impact and behavior of different market structures.In recent years,sophisticated market simulation tools have become made available to the industry.Although these tools can provide many useful insights for the power system operators,they are limited in their ability to adequately analyze the intricate interactions among all the market participants prevalent in the deregulated power markets.Driven by these observations,this paper presents a simulator by taking advantages of the Internet for simulating all the trading processes in the power pool.The simulator is developed based on.Net platform,a distributed computing environment with excellent ability of scalability,high efficiency and performance for facilitating market participants to communicate easily with each others through graphical interface[2,3,4].

1 Needs for such type of simulator

Since electricity market involves participants located in wide geographically separated regions,its transactions right from placing bid from generators up to the final settlement stage have been handled as a form of E-Commerce with full support of interfacing commands over the Internet.Such system can enable seamless data exchange between control system operators (include independent system operators,regional transmission operators,transmission system operators) and control area operators already adopted as standard practice in the US and Canada and being partially implemented in Brazil,Thailand,China and part of the United Kingdom.The interfacing of real-time data and control commands require the use of a standard communication protocol,such as CIM (Common Information Models),GID(General Interface Definition),and the ICCP(Inter-control Center Communications Protocol).It prompts the needs to develop the simulator by conforming to the required standard of information systems and procedures to handle the data communication complexity underlying the power system operations.Many of these systems need continuous upgrading,matching with advancement of technologies,and revising the procedures where appropriate[1].

2 Capabilities of this type of simulator

The functionalities of the simulator are asfollows:

a.Visualizing the power system in real time.Realizes real-time communication through an integrated electric and communication system architecture based on the Web.The data are required to be processed by fast computational engine and visualized in user-friendly formats for the system operators to respond and administer.

b.Increasing system capacity.The simulator can support more clients to participate in,making improvements on data infrastructure,upgrading the functions of each module,updating the database from online data and eliminating most of the bottlenecks that currently limit a truly functional wholesale market.

c.Enabling(Enhanced) connectivity to consumers through Web.Having defined the market model,connectivity among participants can be enhanced with improved communications.This enhancement will provide new areas of functionality:one relates directly to electricity services (e.g.,billing information or real time pricing),and another one involves what are more generally thought of as communications services(e.g.,data services)[1].

3 Feature highlights

Common type of market flaws originate from its structural design which can best be identified by means of a power market simulator.Different market rules and associated market-based mechanisms can be included in the simulator to reflect incentives of various market participants for finding ways that benefit stakeholders,facilitate efficient planning for expansion of the power delivery infrastructure,effectively allocate risk,and connect consumers to markets.For example,service providers need a new methodology for the design of retail service programs for electricity consumers.At the same time,consumers need help for devising means to optimizing their usage pattern and all market participants need to handle different sorts of risks.Since efficient operation of both wholesale and retail markets requires transparent and open system of data access,development of certain data and communications standards for emerging markets is necessary.Further,to test the viability of various wholesale and retail power market design options before they are put into practice,power market simulation tools should be able to help stakeholders establish equitable power markets.

4 Architecture and design

4.1 Market structure

Economic modeling is a process to capture economic behavior of a system with such an approach as much an art as science but avoiding complicated market rules so far if possible.Effect market simulator observes the economic characteristics of a market and helps avoid paying unnecessary high reform cost for settling up an optimal market structure.This paper illustrates the process of setting up a simple pool power market model as shown in figure l[2,5,6].

The electricity market participants include:

a.Gencos.All kinds of electricity provider to the network could be regarded as Gencos.Gencos could either bidding in the spot market of the Poolco mode or contract with customers in the bi/multi-lateral market or both.A Genco’s objective is to maximize its own profit by balancing the forward contracts,load and price forecasting,risk management,optimal unit commitment and bidding strategies.

b.Discos.All kinds of electricity consumers from the transmission network could be regarded as Discos,including distribution companies,large customers and retailers.Discos can either bidding in the spot market of the Poolco mode or participate in the bi/multi-lateral contract market or both.A Disco’s objective is to minimize its cost by balancing the forward contracts load and price forecasting,risk management and bidding strategies.

c.PX.PX is usually designed to deal with all sorts of market trading,administer and clear the Pool.PX establishes an energy day-ahead market to match energy supply bids and demand offers,balances the market and dispatch the generators in real time,which acts as a pool administrator and establishes the MCP(Market Clearing Price) or SMP(System Mariginal Price).It is also responsible for exchange settlement and information publishing.And the PX broadcasts the long-term and short-term load forecasting,trading and dispatch information in an electronic bulletin board through the Web.

d.ISO.ISO is independent of all market participants.It is responsible for the technical aspects of system operation,control and management,including security and transmission switching,frequency and balancing power,voltage and reactive power,congestion management and emergency control,and maintenance scheduling.

e.SCs.SC brokers run a separated marketfrom Pool for bi-lateral(multil-lateral contract).SCs could coordinate complicated transactions,offer futures and options contracts and provide attractive price deals.

These are generic constituents of any simulator model of which specific operation can be considered by interfacing among the generic units deemed appropriate to suit the market model under study[3,7,8].

4.2 The structure of the simulator

It is commonly found that simulator in the market is built by using JAVA/MAS-based components,CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) technology and even integrated software platforms.Also,object oriented structure is popular which has its advantages in distributed design for aspects on safety,robustness,scalability and flexibility.But this tool can support limited clients and has very long development span.The COBRA technology can be regarded as an object oriented tool which can provide a support platform to integrate various software and hardware materials.Owing to that the COBRA technology has serious shortcomings in cross-platform and Internet programming application,the power market simulator in this paper advocates on using.NET Framework based on the B/S (Browser/Server) structure for its excellent flexibility in Internet application[4].

In Internet applications,the B/S structure is widely used to publish huge volume of information on the Web or to provide dynamic information searching functions to client.This structure is compatible with traditional browser such as IE or Netscap.In the client side,their requests can be submitted as database by using the CGI (Common Gateway Interface) drivers on the Web server.In comparison with that developed based on the C/S(Client/Server) principle,the B/S structure has greater flexibility and can support more number of clients.Moreover,all it needs is linking up the client through the Web and subsequent maintenance or update of the system are very easy and flexible.Figure 2 shows a typical layout of the B/S structure[9,10,11]

4.3 Three-layer software architecture of the power market simulator

The simulator is designed with flexibility for establishing an electricity marketplace for one or more of the above three structures with five participants.Trading rules can be specified to suit various market architecture designs to cover a number of crucial issues such as:

a.Accurately evaluate the impact of different market structures and rules on the performance of the market and on the operation of the power system.

b.Analyze the market the operation based on a double-side auction scheme.

c.Determine the MCP and correspondingly the total CP(Cleared Power) for each generation company.

d.Simulate the settlement process.

e.Realize and mitigate market power if any andimpose penalties as required.

f.Specify long-term,day-ahead,or real-time operational frames.

g.Central exchange or tightly controlled dispatch,and so on.

With support of the Internet advancement,theWeb service system based on the layer architectures has proven advantages of high application compatibility and readiness of development tools.Figure 3shows the three-layer framework for developing the basic architecture of the simulator.

The special feature of this distributed module structure is that the configuration can easily be expanded,re-designed,maintained or operated in different platforms in case that the electricity market structures and rules are required to be changed.The functions of each layer are shown as follows:

a.View layer includes various soft components,programs and browser in the client side,which can provide plentiful and flexible interactive user interfaces to display and collect data,and fulfill the requests raised by the client according to the function modules provided in the controller layer.

b.Controller layer is the core of the distributed application system.It is responsible to process all the client requests from the view layer by applying the interfaces in the model layer and return the results to the view layer afterward.The controller layer also has to provide the rules for handling the services and function adjustments according to the clients’requirement.

c.Model layer fulfills the definitions,mainte-nances,access and update of data.The model layer accesses the database in the Microsoft.Net Framework with ADO.NET technology to manage and response the data request from the controller layer.

The design is particularly suitable for developing the graphic user interfaces required to separate the layers between database and display functions.Hence,the developer can modify each layer separately and reduce ambiguity.The structure of the power market simulator based on the.NET Framework can support multi-layer distributed process and make the data passing more readily[9,10,11,12,13].

5 Implementation and analysis

5.1 The development tool of the simulator

The power market simulator makes use of the advanced features of the B/S structure embedded inside the.NET Framework,which has been accepted as a new technology for realizing the distributed Web services based on open standards and heterogeneous platforms.The structure of the.NET Framework is shown in figure 4 with discussion provided in the following context:

a.The program codes are separated from the client UI (User Interfacing) codes.The developer can easily modify the object-oriented and modular based components.After setting the parameters and the rules,these components can be utilized and called upon repeatedly.As a result,it saves a lot of programming time and enhances its efficiency.

b.NET platform is easier to use Internet based development system which out-performs any other similar tools such as DCOM and CORBA.It provides distributed function components on different computer platforms and loosely integrate the system and the Internet.

c.It works with an efficient database that ensures integrity of the system for easy maintenance.

d.Its object oriented features,such as scala-bility and class inheritance,make it adaptive for supporting 10 times more users than J2EE and inter-operation of multiple programming languages.

e.It can recompile the program into a DLL document while modifying the program,which can realize the secrecy of the program itself and secure the safety of the market data.

5.2 Key technologies

5.2.1 CLR(Common Language Runtime)

The source programs developed by Common Language Specification can be compiled into the same MSIL (MicroSoft Intermediate Language) and be called by each others on the.NET platform.Whatever programs the system adopts,they will be decoded into MSIL format codes and transplanted on the.NET platform.In operation,the MSIL format codes would be loaded and translated into binary codes in the local computer by its CLR compiler.

5.2.2 Database accessing technology:ADO.NET

ADO.NET is the best database accessing technology based on Internet application program,which can support various databases with OLEDB data source,such as SQL Server2000,Oracle and Sybase etc..It boxes most of the database operations into a set of objects,which are ready to be called by other program for execution.Moreover,it is an excellent database accessing technology in the server side for it needs to handle less number of layers between the front end application program and the data source for normal operation.Also,it needs less memory and disc storage to manipulate the data,even without knowing its source.By comparing with other database technology such as CGI,ADO.NET is well established for its flexible operations and multithreading.

5.3 Design of the system

The ASP.NET 2.0 is employed for developing the interface of the display layer with C#as the program language and SQL Server2000 as the database.The flowchart of the simulator is shown in Figure 5.

In its operation the server-side technology is fully utilized to create the Web pages by converting the algorithm into appropriate classes and then complied it into DLL files.Hence,the database operations which are embedded into the classes are manipulated to generate the I/O as required.By so doing,the structural platform can easily be used to call the instance of the classes to run the market clearing algorithm[12,13,14].

5.4 A pool-model market simulation results

To test the features and performance of the simulator,the example in reference[7]is employed.In this example,there are five generators and single demand bidding over four time intervals.The algorithm for determining market clearing price is embedded into the class,which is called by graph forming module.The graph function module could easily get the results by calculating the sum of the supply and demand incremental curves’areas.In Tab.1,the dispatched power of each generator is listed.A case referring to the 2nd time interval of the example in reference[7]is shown in figure 6.

Both the Gencos and Discos can submit their offers through the bidding interface and get the trading results through the information publishing module.The administrator runs the calculating engine and dispatches the roles and rights of all participants,through which different participants can act on their own strategic bids and get corresponding private and public information based on their rights.

6 Findings and comments

It has been shown that the Web-based power market simulator is operationg in modular format and adaptive for use by different market participants,ISOs,market administrators (e.g.,PXs) and interested parties within the market covering a wide geographical area.It serves various purposes including developing market rules and trading strategies,operation and resources planning,etc..

The market simulator has also been proven to be a useful tool for developing market functional modules by making different Web-based,object-oriented and distributed network technologies.It allows market functions be provided through the grid and adaptive for heterogeneous platforms.

7 Conclusion

In this paper,the electricity market simulator designed to be adaptive for studies on different market behavior has been presented and demonstrated in operation on pool-model power markets.The simulator system is developed based on the B/S structure taking advantage of the Internet and.NET platform with good flexibility and extensibility.It has also been shown that the modular features make it adaptive for used by different market participants including the market operators.

长期电力市场仿真 篇3





1 随机数在代理仿真中的应用环境









2 随机数在Java中的产生方法


2.1 Random函数生成随机数


2.2 Random类生成随机数



3 随机数在代理仿真中的影响分析



3.1 Random方法对代理仿真结果的影响


注:收敛轮数和MCP的算术平均值分别为154.20和0.334 5元/(kW·h);标准差分别为55.45和0.105 1元/(kW·h);差异系数(标准差相对于算术平均值的百分比)分别为35.96%和31.42%。

从表2可以看出:不同的实验结果差距很大,收敛轮数的差异系数达到35.96%,且收敛轮数大多仅比设定值高出几十轮,说明很快就找到“最优策略”,学习时间太短;MCP的差异系数达到了31.42%,且平均出清价格为0.334 5元/(kW·h),远远偏离了边际成本价格0.23元/(kW·h)。实验过程中还出现4次不收敛的情况,可以看出随机数对实验的影响很大。



实际上,计算机生成的随机数在整个可行域内并非均匀分布,例如:在文献[10]的例子中线性同余发生器生成的随机数区间为[0.058 8,0.941 1]。当参与者策略个数为20时,第1个和最后一个策略的选中率几乎为0,导致策略无效。


3.2 Random类生成随机数分析

3.2.1 无种子


3.2.2 有种子



通过大量的实验研究发现,限于篇幅,附录A图A2仅给出种子差为1 000的随机序列分布图,当随机种子间的差距为1 000(或呈较大倍数增加)时,差距拉开。



3.3 改进的带种子随机数生成方法的应用分析

基于代理的电力市场仿真中所需理想的序列是在每盘学习中,出现于各策略区间的随机数具有相同的概率,这与随机策略总数有关。本文提出一种利用带种子随机数生成方法生成整型数,通过基数来控制整型数的生成区间获得随机数的方法,其中,基数是指函数nextInt(int N)中的N:




以策略数50为例,不同种子下的电力市场仿真实验结果如图2、图3所示。图中所标种子皆指第1个代理的种子,+1 000表示后续各个代理依次以1 000递增获取种子,×10表示后续各个代理依次以10倍递增获取种子。

各代理种子间跨度设为10倍的方法下,出清电价和收敛轮数波动较大且无规律,结果不理想。初始种子间跨度设为1 000,不同初始种子下,基数N设在(50,200)即lg N值在(1.7,2.3)区间内,出清电价基本稳定在边际成本附近,收敛轮数均保持在500轮~700轮;随着基数增加,周期逐渐增加,生成随机数的性质逐渐接近前面介绍的2种方法,学习时间逐渐减少,出清电价也逐渐偏离边际成本。


以初始种子设为16 500为例,当基数不小于策略数时,不同策略数下电力市场仿真实验结果如图4、图5所示。

收敛轮数和出清电价随策略数的变化而改变,这是由市场本身性质决定的。从图4、图5可看出,随着基数的变化,出清电价和收敛轮数仍有规律,如策略数为40时,lg N值在(1.6,2.1),即基数设在区间(40,150),收敛轮数保持在300轮~400轮,出清电价在边际成本价格0.23元/(kW·h)附近。随着基数的增加,收敛轮数迅速下降,学习时间逐渐减少,出清电价也偏离边际成本,呈增长趋势。


4 结果分析



2)实验中,一个种子分配给一个代理,该种子生成的随机序列即为该代理学习过程中获得的随机序列,故可以通过改变种子的方法来改变参与者的学习过程。从本文中可以了解,种子间跨度小,虽然不同,但所获得的初始随机数相差很小,拉不开所产生的随机数在整个序列中的距离,导致具有相同策略空间的代理选择的初始策略都是相同的。但是,代理算法是用来模拟人类的行为的,不同的人会有不同的选择方案,本文对不同种子生成随机数的周期规律进行研究,发现当种子间跨度较大(如相差1 000)时,生成的初始随机数差距较大。


5 结语






