


金融英文论文 篇1


①Journal of Finance,②Journal of Financial Economics,③Review of Financial Studies。

这三个比较起来,Journal of Finane的主编,很不喜欢纯数学的论文。可能Review Of Financial Studies是最喜欢数理模型的,当然既有理论,又有数据支持的最好。另外,Journal of Financial Economics发表的公司财务方面的文章很多,Review of Finacial Studies比较倾向于所谓的市场微观结构、资产定价和期权定价这些方面,而Journal of Finance可能是这三个里面最综合的,当然现在他的主编比较倾向于资本市场理论方面的文章,他也更喜欢数学模型一些。

金融英文论文 篇2


报刊金融报道指报刊中专门针对金融财经方面进行报道的栏目, 这些报道的目标读者是对金融财经方面感兴趣, 且具有一定专业基础知识的人。报刊金融报道除了具有报刊文体语言的一般特点外, 也充分体现了金融报道的语言特点。张健较早对报刊新闻报道的文体特点进行了系统的分析 (1) 。作为报刊英语的一种重要文体, 金融报道类的文章语言较普通新闻报道难懂, 原因是这些报道除了有不少专业的金融术语外, 其用词与一般新闻报道也有较大差异。

《新闻周刊》是美国家喻户晓, 且在全球影响力非常大的一份新闻期刊。与一般新闻媒体报道所强调的“速度”与“在场”特点不同, 《新闻周刊》的报道更注重新闻的“高度”和“深度”, 注重对新闻事件的深度挖掘, 并在“事实”的基础上提炼“观点”。 (2) 由此可见, 《新闻周刊》的金融报道同时兼具普通新闻报道以及深度评论类报道的特色, 体现出报刊金融报道的普遍特点。


语言简洁。报刊金融报道的一大语言特色是语言的简洁性, 其重要方式是缩略词及连字符词汇的大量使用。这是由报刊金融报道的特点决定的。一方面报道为了快速、准确地传递最新的金融资讯, 又要节省篇幅, 于是大量使用缩略词及连字符词汇。另一方面, 金融报道的目标读者都是具有一定金融知识或长期关注金融信息的人, 缩略词与连字符词汇非但没有阻碍其理解报道内容, 反而更便于其阅读。

从所分析的报道语篇中, 我们发现缩略词最常见的表现形式是首字母缩写词 (initialing) 和首字母拼音词 (acronym) 。如:IMF (International Monetary Funds) 国际货币基金组织;AIG (American International Group) 美国国际组织;TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) 救市援助金等。其中, TARP (救市援助金) 是本次金融危机新出现的术语。

此外, 连字符词汇也是这些报道语言的显著特点。连字符词汇的构成形式多样, 其使用的优点在于使句子结构简洁、逻辑关系清晰。 (3) 例如:

(1) In America, the price-to-earnings ratio of the S&P 500 when it is calculated on a market-capitalizationweighted basis is about nine times already depressed earnings. (NEWSWEEK, Mar.16, 2009, P14) (在美国, 如果按市场加权为基础计算, 相对于低迷的企业利润, 标准普尔500指数的市盈率已经回升到9倍。)

在上述例子中, 如price-to-earnings ratio (价格与盈余的比率, 即市盈率) 和market-capitalization-weighted basis (以市场资本加权为基础) 所示, 连字符词汇的使用不仅能化长句为复合短语, 化繁为简, 而且使语言逻辑更为清晰, 更便于传达金融信息。

表达生动。报刊金融报道除了其简洁快速地报道金融信息外, 也需要考虑可读性。因此, 用通俗、生动的语言来表达较为专业、晦涩难懂的内容是其另一特色。其中惯用习语、修辞语言的运用是较常见的手法。

英语惯用习语大多是隐喻性的。 (4) 由于习语为读者所熟知, 通俗易懂, 且生动形象, 非常适合把专业化的金融报道语言通俗化。

(2) For better or worse, the next president will sit at the eye of this storm. (NEWSWEEK, Nov.10, 2008, P44) (不管怎样, 下一任总统将身处“风暴眼”中心——全世界都在焦虑地关注着, 这位新当选的总统能否带领美国经济走出低谷。)

(3) In late September, global markets suffered the monetary equivalent of a heart attack. (NEWSWEEK Nov.10, 2008, P52) (到9月底, 全球金融市场“心脏病发作”, 资本市场将面临“死亡”的危机。)

例 (2) 中的惯用习语at the eye of this storm来自at the eye of the typhoon, 本意为“风暴眼”, 这里用来比喻公众关注的焦点。这个习语的使用生动形象地描写了当时刚当选的美国总统奥巴马面临危机挑战的处境, 以及他的政策将备受美国人民关注的程度。而例 (3) 则用heart attack (心脏病发作) 来比喻全球资本市场遭遇“死亡”式的危机。这个比喻生动形象, 用通俗的语言表达复杂的金融现象。

预测形式丰富。金融财经报道一方面报道金融事件, 但更重要的是通过挖掘事实, 提炼观点。因此, 财经报道少不了对金融状况的未来发展趋势进行预测。金融记者在其报道文章中对金融未来发展态势主要作出三种预测, 即十分有把握的 (certain) 预测, 如will, certainly, be bound to, be certain, no doubt等;可能性较大的 (probable) 预测, 如would, can, likely, probably等;可能性较小的 (possible) 预测, 如could, may, might, perhaps, possible等 (5) 。

通过对语料分析, 我们发现金融记者特别喜欢使用will和certainly来表示很有把握的预测。如:

(4) Given the scope and scariness of the financial crisis, it has already stimulated massive government intervention, and there will be more. (NEWSWEEK Nov.10, 2008, P44) (鉴于这次金融危机影响深远及罕见, 政府已经推出了大规模的救市措施, 而且更多的救市措施将会陆续出台。)

(5) What to do?More regulation is certainly in the offing. (NEWSWEEK Mar.9, 2009, P41) (该如何应对?可以肯定的是更多监管法规即将出台。)

例 (4) 中作者使用will来对政府面临这场罕见的金融危机将会出手干预作出十分肯定的预测。同样, 例 (5) 中作者用certainly非常肯定地推测政府将出台更多监管措施。

另外, 通过语料调查, 我们还发现记者对可能性较大 (probable) 预测的高频词汇是would、can和likely, 而对可能性较小 (possible) 的预测的高频词汇分则是could、may和might。

(6) In theory, big spending on public investment projects could make sense. (NEWSWEEK, Nov.10, 2008, P52) (从理论上讲, 在公共投资项目上大笔开支可能有其合理性。)

例 (6) 中使用could这个预测可能性较小的词, 显然作者对大笔的公共投资项目的做法并不是很认同。

数据引述多使用约估性词汇。报刊金融报道一般就金融及财经新闻事件进行深度的报道分析, 对所报道的内容所涉及的统计数字的处理并不需要像普通的新闻报道那样要求详尽、精确。因此, 记者对所涉及的许多金融信息、统计数据往往作模糊化处理。其中, 约估性的词汇的大量运用是金融报道语言的又一特色。请看以下例子。

(7) Thetotalspentonstimulus should amount to US$4 trillion, or about7 per cent of global GDP, a roughly sevenfold increase over current efforts. (NEWSWEEK Dec.22, 2008, P18) (总共投入的救市资金应该达到4万亿美元, 约占全球GDP的7%, 比目前投入的救市资金约增加了七倍。)

根据我们对语料的统计分析, 常见的约估词包括 (括号内数字为该词在语料中使用的频率) :about (33) , more than (32) , nearly (12) , less than (11) , almost (11) , some (9) , average (8) , over (6) , roughly (5) , above (4) , around (4) , below (3) , barely (3) 等。有趣的是, 表示略高的约估词 (如more than, over和above等) 比表示略低的约估词 (如less than和below等) 的使用频率高。

酌情使用含情感评价意义词。与一般的新闻报道要求尽量客观公正地再现事件本身不同, 报刊金融报道则更注重对事件的深度挖掘和分析, 提出独到的观点和见解, 因而记者本人的立场及感情色彩更加浓厚。

语言中表达情感的词汇手段大致有两类:一类是使用直接表达情感的词汇;另一类是使用含次生情感评价的词汇, 即在词义上附加上情感色彩。在语言使用过程中, 人们通过词汇的次生意义, 借助词汇本体的形象比喻, 经过词义联想, 把说话人的情感充分表露出来, 并对所指事物、人物进行评价。 (6)

直接表达情感的词汇的意义比较直观, 比较容易理解, 请看下例:

(8) The dumb, willfully blind optimists who dominated the late boom have been evicted and the ardent declinists, the bears and the prophetic historians have moved in. (NEWSWEEK Feb.16, 2009, P18) (那些愚蠢且顽固不化的乐观主义者已被驱逐出场, 他们的观点曾在经济繁荣后期盛行一时。而持经济下滑、经济将进入熊市观点的学者已经登场。)

(9) As individual financial institutions try to minimize their risks, they actually increase the risk for the broader economy by denying needed credit or dumping securities (bonds, mortgages) .It’s a vicious circle. (NEWSWEEK Feb.16, 2009, P19) (由于各金融机构设法降低风险, 一味拒绝信用服务或大量抛售有价证券, 这些做法加剧了国家整体经济的风险。这是一个恶性循环。)

例 (8) 中作者连续使用三个情感词汇dumb (愚蠢的) , willfully (顽固不化的) 和blind (盲目的) 来批评那些对过去经济繁荣一味抱乐观态度的人。而例 (9) 中, 作者直接用vicious circle (恶性循环) 来形容个体金融机构为降低自己的风险所采取的拒用所需信用业务或抛售有价证券的手段所带来的危害国家整体经济健康的困境。

含次生情感评价词汇则比较隐蔽, 次生意义在词汇本义的基础上通过语义联想才能获得情感意义。如:

(10) These are the criteria for sorting out toxic assets and preventing any future contagion from causing another recession. (NEWSWEEK Mar.2, 2009, P43) (使用这些手段来整顿有毒资产, 防止这些“病毒”蔓延从而导致另一场经济衰退。)

(11) Wall Street serves as an ideal scapegoat for the deepening global recession, but the emerging consensus is that there's plenty of blame to go around. (NEWSWEEK Dec.15, 2008.P48) (华尔街成了把全球经济衰退推向深渊绝好的替罪羊, 然而现在人们越来越一致认为可归咎的原因还有很多。)

例 (10) 中contagion的本意是“传染病”, 这里用传染性的疾病这个意象来形容有毒资产 (toxic assets) , 一方面表示这些资产具有“传染性”, 同时也表露出作者对有毒资产的态度。例 (11) 中使用scapegoat (替罪羊) 一词则可以看出作者替华尔街抱屈的态度, 作者认为引发金融危机并导致全球经济走向衰退有很多深层的原因, 而不应该让华尔街来背负全部的责任。

由此可见, 情感评价意义词汇不仅给我们提供了语内信息, 而且有助我们窥见作者的立场和观点。


通过前文的分析, 我们发现报刊金融报道具有一般新闻报道的简洁、生动等语言特点, 另外, 报刊金融报道文章善于使用丰富多样的预测语言及酌情地使用情感评价意义词汇来表达自己对金融事件的观点和判断, 这是报刊金融报道较为独特的语言现象。为了更好地获取金融信息, 透视金融事件的本质及把握金融发展动态, 熟悉和了解金融报道文体的语言运用规律和特征无疑是大有裨益的。

摘要:本文以美国权威畅销杂志《新闻周刊》2008~2009年度的30篇有关金融危机的报道为语料, 对有关金融危机报道的语言特点进行分析。文章认为, 英文报刊的金融报道在用词上具有简洁、形象生动等特点, 这与普通新闻报道的语言特点有相似之处, 但在模糊数字的使用、预测方式多样及情感评价词汇的使用等方面又体现了金融报道语言的独特性。



1 张健:《英语报刊财经报道的语言特点》, 《外国语》, 2003 (2) 。

2 艾红红:《新闻周刊的立身之本在于“慢新闻”的深度和高度》, 《中国社会科学报》, 2010年5月4日 (第85期) 第17版。

3 王树槐、张霞:《金融英语词汇的特征及翻译》, 《中国科技翻译》, 2004 (2) 。

4 汪榕培、卢晓娟:《英语词汇学教程》, 上海外语教育出版社, 2006年版, 第383页。

5 张健:《新闻英语文体与范文评价》, 上海外语教育出版社, 1994年版。

金融管理专业英文简历 篇3

·comprehensive knowledge of defined contribution 401(k) pension concepts and regulations.

·effective leadership and team -buildng.

·extremely well organized.

·proven customer service skills.

·excellent pc skills and defined contribution 401(k)daily processing ,stock ,and mutual fund system logic.


name: stella ligender:female date of birth:august 23th,1973

martial status:married email address:

tel:(010)67183945-7869 mobile phone:139112167


1990- retirement & investment services plan analyst

·processed all contributions, loan repayments,benefit disbursements,fund transfers,and nonfinancial changes for daily/periodic 401(k) pension record-keeping transactions, including cash,mutual fund ,stock,and guaranteed investment contract money movements.

·resolved client questions and problems.

·interfaced productively with team ,department,field ,and sales personnel.

·completed,verified,and mailed all required client reports.

·plan year packages,and auditors#39;#39;#39;#39; requests.

·processed adps/acps and correction of year-end participant tax information.

—promoted four times in four years

—consistently met or exceeded all established standards for timing and accuracy

—selected as one of first two people to participate in changeover to daily 401(k) processing environment from a monthly processing enviroment ,and quickly adapted to new system

—chosen to train new hires and other plan analysts transitioning to the daily processing environment

—served as technical liaison with systems personnel in identifying, communicating, and resolving processing problems with the new system

—served effectively as team leader and account manager for new pilot team concept while maintain own book of business


college bachelor of science, business administration

金融管理专业英文简历 篇4

·comprehensive knowledge of defined contribution 401(k) pension concepts and regulations.

·effective leadership and team -buildng.

·extremely well organized.

·proven customer service skills.

·excellent pc skills and defined contribution 401(k)daily processing ,stock ,and mutual fund system logic.


name: stella ligender:female date of birth:august 23th,1973

martial status:married email address:

tel:(010)67183945-7869 mobile phone:139112167


1990-1996 retirement & investment services plan analyst

·processed all contributions, loan repayments,benefit disbursements,fund transfers,and nonfinancial changes for daily/periodic 401(k) pension record-keeping transactions, including cash,mutual fund ,stock,and guaranteed investment contract money movements.

·resolved client questions and problems.

·interfaced productively with team ,department,field ,and sales personnel.

·completed,verified,and mailed all required client reports.

·plan year packages,and auditors#39;#39;#39;#39; requests.

·processed adps/acps and correction of year-end participant tax information.

—promoted four times in four years

—consistently met or exceeded all established standards for timing and accuracy

—selected as one of first two people to participate in changeover to daily 401(k) processing environment from a monthly processing enviroment ,and quickly adapted to new system

—chosen to train new hires and other plan analysts transitioning to the daily processing environment

—served as technical liaison with systems personnel in identifying, communicating, and resolving processing problems with the new system

—served effectively as team leader and account manager for new pilot team concept while maintain own book of business


college bachelor of science, business administration

金融专业英文简历自我介绍 篇5

2、An executive assistant position utilizing interests, training and experience in office administration.


3、A position in management training programs with the eventual goal of participating in the management rank of marketing.

管理 培训 计划方面的职位。最终目标在参与市场管理层。

4、An entry-level position in sales. Eventual goal; manager of marketing department.


5、A position requiring analytical skills in the financial or investment field.


6、To begin as an accounting trainee and eventually become a manager.


7、An entry-level position in an accounting environment, which ultimately leads to financial management.


8、A position as data-processing manager that will enable me to use my knowledge of computer systems.


9、An entry-level position responsible for computer programming.


10、Administrative assistant to an executive where short-hand and typing skills will be assets.

金融英文论文 篇6





2 . 对思维的影响。由于人们的行动都要受到思维的支配,人类的思维有一个主要的功能,就是对未来的行为结果进行预测。通过思维的活动,自我效能感会对人们产生促进或阻碍的作用。自我效能感较强的学生,更愿意去想象成功的写作作品,因此能够真正促进到学生的写作实践。









金融类个人简历英文 篇7

姓 名:国籍:中国 目前所在地:广州民族:汉族 户口所在地:广东省身材:168 cm kg 婚姻状况:未婚年龄:22 岁 培训认证:诚信徽章:求职意向及工作经历人才类型:普通求职 应聘职位:金融/证券/保险类:金融、财务类:会计相关岗位、行政/人事类: 工作年限:0职称:无职称 求职类型:全职可到职日期:随时 月薪要求:1500--2000希望工作地区:广州 个人工作经历:公司名称:信诚人寿广州分公司起止年月:2008-07 ~ 2008-08 公司性质:所属行业: 担任职务:实习保险代理人 工作描述: 离职原因: 公司名称:广州中羿投资顾问有限公司起止年月:2007-07 ~ 2007-08 公司性质:所属行业: 担任职务:实习外汇、黄金操盘 工作描述: 离职原因: 公司名称:广州市海珠区素社街办事处起止年月:2006-07 ~ 2006-08 公司性质:所属行业: 担任职务:实习会计助理 工作描述: 离职原因: 公司名称:英孚教育集团广州分公司起止年月:2005-07 ~ 2005-08 公司性质:所属行业: 担任职务:实习会计 工作描述: 离职原因:教育背景毕业院校:福州大学阳光学院 最高学历:本科获得学位: 经济学学士毕业日期:2009-07-01 所学专业一:金融学所学专业二: 受教育培训经历:起始年月终止年月学校(机构)专 业获得证书证书编号 2005-092009-07福州大学阳光学院金融学毕业证语言能力外语:英语 优秀 其它外语能力:客家语 国语水平:优秀粤语水平:优秀工作能力及其他专长计算机水平:

熟悉同花顺 大智慧,国信证券等炒股软件;用友等财务软件,通晓会计电算化;外汇操盘。

通过国家计算机MS-Office一级,Visual FoxPro二级考试,获得合格证书,能编写简单程序。通过必修课:信息检索。























金融专业英文自荐信[最终版] 篇8

Hello!Thank you for your busy schedule to put themselves forward more of my material.I am a financial department of Nanjing Audit University, a 00 graduates.In order to become a competition of contemporary social needs of personnel, four-year universities in the learning process, I hard work, academic excellence, scholarships have been awarded and has a one-time English through national CET(CET-6)and Jiangsu province Computer three-tier(VFp5.0)examination.Learning, I also actively participated in various social activities, as student leaders, and made a number of outstanding achievements.Four years of social work practice, let me out of one day living in an ivory tower image of the traditional college students, not only exercise my ability to organize and coordinate, but also made me understand that you want to do a job first of all must love the job.In addition, I also actively participated in physical exercise, and I have created the capacity to bear any responsibility physique.I love my profession, and I will be doing the job of a cavity filled with warm and dry out the determination of a cause.All you need to pay a little confidence, I will return you unlimited!

Look forward to working with your interviews!

夜的声音(英文) 篇9


The crckets chirp.

Ooo oooo whoo whoo The owl’s almost


Yet shuddering sound.

The cast of the Whispering wind Sends the dark Blanket

The stillness

The coolness of the night.Whisp win whisp win

The night has come Again.

金融英文论文 篇10

clarification” of its alleged mass surveillance as “a basis for building new transatlantic trust”.默克尔在德国议会发表讲话时,敦促美国政府对其据称开展的大规模监听行为加以“澄清”,以此作为“建立跨大西洋信任的基础”。

In her toughest words on the scandal so far, the chancellor said: “The relationship with the US and the negotiation of a transatlantic free trade agreement are currently, without doubt, being put to the test by the accusations that have been aired against the US about the gathering of millions of bits of data.”这是默克尔迄今对这一丑闻的最强硬表态,她说:“毫无疑问,德国对美关系和跨大西洋自由贸易协定谈判目前正面临考验,而其肇因正是有关美国搜集海量数据的指控。”

The revelations from Edward Snowden, the former National Security Agency contractor, have caused outrage in Germany after it emerged Ms Merkel’s own mobile phone had allegedly been tapped for a decade.根据美国国家安全局(NSA)前合同工爱德华•斯诺登(Edward Snowden)的爆料,默克尔的手机据称已被监听了十年之久,这一爆料在德国激起了极大愤怒。The chancellor’s statement confirms that, as the Financial Times reported earlier this month, Berlin is making an explicit link between the affair and the trade negotiations.默克尔的声明证实,正如英国《金融时报》本月早些时候报道的,德国政府正在将这一事件与贸易谈判明确联系起来。

Berlin is pressing the European Commission, the EU’s executive arm, to incorporate data safeguards into the negotiations for the planned Transatlantic Trade and Investment

金融英文论文 篇11

The Kerry Center Hotel, Beijing, China

September 15-16, 2005

08:30 – 09:00

08:30 –12:00

09:00 –09:05

09:05 –09:20

09:20 –09:50

09:50 –10:15

10:20 – 10:30

10:30 – 11:00

11:00 – 11:30

11:30 – 12:00

12:00 – 13:30

13:30 – 14:40

Registration Plenary Session(Grand Ballroom, 2nd Floor, Kerry Center Hotel)Welcome Address:Jesse Wang, Chairman, CICC Forum Opening Speaker:Wang Qishan, Mayor, Beijing Municipal Government Keynote Speaker:Zhou Xiaochuan, Governor, The People’s Bank of China Keynote Speaker:Shang Fulin, Chairman, China Securities Regulatory Commission Chairperson: Levin Zhu, CEO, CICC Tea Break Keynote Speaker:Wu Jinglian, Economist, Development Research Center of the State Council Keynote Speaker:Guo Shuqing, Chairman, China Construction Bank CorporationKeynote Speaker:Gao Xiqing, Vice Chairman, National Council for Social Security Fund Chairperson:Levin Zhu, CEO, CICC Lunch Buffet(Hall One, Grand Ballroom, 2nd Floor, Kerry Center Hotel)Panel Discussion 1:The equity capital market reform Speaker:Shao Ning, Vice Chairman, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council ◇ Advance SOE reform through international capital markets Panelists: Liu Xiaodong, Vice President, Shanghai Stock Exchange◇Matters needing attention: Listed companies’ normal practices Lei Larry Zhang, Special Advisor, New York Stock Exchange◇ Perspectives of Chinese issuers from international capital marketsJane Zhu, Head of Asia pacific, London Stock Exchange◇ Latest development of European Capital MarketsLawrence Fok, Executive Vice President, Hong Kong Stock Exchange◇ The Impact of HKSE listing rule amendments on issuers Chairperson: Bi Mingjian, Managing Director, CICC1


15:40 – 15:50

15:50 – 16:50

16:50 –17:50

Panel Discussion 2:Speaker:Panelists:Chairperson: Tea Break Panel Discussion 3:Speaker:Panelists:Chairperson: Panel Discussion 4:Panelists:Chairperson:The debt capital market outlook Tang Shuangning, Vice Chairman, China Banking Regulatory Commission ◇ Increase capital adequacy ratio through debt issuance: The commercial bankpracticeMa Jihua, Deputy Director-General, Fiscal and Financial Affairs Department of National Development and Reform Commission ◇ Key issues in Corporate Bond market and its policy research Shi Wenchao, Deputy Director-General, Financial Market Department of the People’s Bank of China ◇ Features and market trends of short-term bondJohn Cheng, Executive Director, Fixed Income Department of CICC ◇Structured Products and Debt Capital Market Innovation Bi Mingjian, Managing Director, CICC Strategic merger and acquisition Xie Ping, Manager-General, China SAFE Investment Corporation Limited ◇ The strategic sale of state-owned commercial bank prior to IPO Li Dongsheng, Chairman, TCL Group ◇ Benefits and lessons learned from TCL international strategies Huang Zhaohui, Managing Director, Investment Banking Department of CICC ◇ Case Study:The strategic sale of Pakistan Telecom Edward K King, Managing Director, Co-Head of M&A Asia, Morgan Stanley ◇ Opportunities and pitfalls of Chinese companies’ oversea expansion Bi Mingjian, Managing Director, CICC Assets securitization in China Fan Xun, Deputy Director, Investment Business Department of China DevelopmentBank Hu Bing, Researcher, Research Department of China Securities Regulatory CommissionYang Xusheng, Partner, King & wood Law Firm Alex Zhao, Managing Director, Investment Banking Department of CICC Bi Mingjian, Managing Director, CICC 2

09:00 – 12:00 Concurrent Sessions(with Tea Break from 10:30 to 10:45)

12:00 – 13:30

13:30 – 17:00

Session One:Financial institutions(Hall Three, Grand Ballroom, 2nd Floor, The KerryCenter Hotel)Speakers:Luo Ping, Deputy Director-General, International Department of China Banking Regulatory Commission ◇ BankingYang Shen, President, Chinese Real Estate Association◇ Real EstateMen Xiaowei, Deputy Director-General, Department of Commercial Reform and Development of Ministry of Commerce, PRC ◇ RetailJia Xinguang, Chief Analyst, China National Automotive Industry Consulting and Development Corp.◇ Automobile manufacturing Chairperson:Ha Jiming, Chief Economist, CICC Session Two:Commodities and Industrial Goods(Kowloon Hall Two, The KerryCenter Hotel)Speakers:Jiang Runyu, Researcher, the Institute of Economic Research of the State Development and Reform CommissionChen Wei, Deputy General Manager, Beijing Eagle Petro-Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd.◇ Petroleum & ChemicalsLi Shijun, Deputy Secretary-General, China Steel Industry Association ◇ SteelHuang Shengchu, President of China Coal Information Institute ◇ Coal Chairperson: Qiu Jin, Managing Director, Research Department of CICC Lunch Buffet Concurrent Sessions(with Tea Break from 15:00 to 15:15)Session Three:Infrastructure(Kowloon Hall One, The Kerry Center Hotel)Speakers:Wang Yonggan, Secretary-General, China Electricity Council ◇ Electric PowerJia Dashan, Director, Transportation Research and Consultant Department of 3

Ministry of Communications

18:30 – 21:30
