人性本质 篇1
今天大家太把传统企业转型看成一个自我革命的事了,其实很多传统企业是互联网不能取代的,我不认为它们的商业模式有本质问题,而是可以借鉴互联网的微创新思想,从用户体验角度把体验改得更好。你说苹果是一家互联网公司么,苹果开始卖i Pod时还是一家设备公司,后来通过体验的提升一点点发展起来的。
人性本质 篇2
作 者:黄大鹏 作者单位:南昌大学,江西・南昌,330031刊 名:安徽文学(文教研究)英文刊名:ANHUI LITERATURE年,卷(期):“”(10)分类号:B81关键词:人性 人的本质 后现代
浅析人性和人的本质 篇3
其次,尊重与社交暗示了人的另一属性--社会属性。马克思在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中说,"人是类存在物,……而人的类特性恰恰就是自由的自觉的活动。"[1](p96) 人在学会使用工具之后便开始了人与动物的决裂。劳动成为了人存在的必须条件。当动物在四季轮回中为生存挣扎着寻找自然的馈赠时,人已经用双手握紧工具开始了劳动实践的新历史。所以,马克思强调,人与动物的根本区别在于,人会使用和制造劳动工具。劳动一开始就具有社会性,因为劳动的前提是必须首先使用他人的劳动成果,正所谓"巧妇难为无米之炊"。马克思多次指出劳动及其成果的享受,无论就其内容或究其存在方式来说,都具有社会的性质。另外,我们必须承认没有人是绝对的孤立的存在物,他总是和一定的社会组织联系着,这就意味着他是社会组织的成员。脱离了这个组织的"狼孩"始终不会有现代人的生存手段,"狼"的烙印对他来说根本不会再抹去了。
想要分析人的本质究竟是什么,必须先明白什么叫做本质。关于本质,我们现在通常的理解是:(1)事物的内部联系,相对于事物的表现形式。 (2)事物的根本性质,相对于事物的一般属性、非本质属性而言,是事物众多属性中的一种重要属性。黑格尔指出:"某物的存在,必有其成分的根据,根据就是内在存在着的本质,而本质实质上即是根据。"[2](p259) 根据这种理解,本质就有两个显著特点:内在性和稳定性。用列宁的话说,它比较"扎实"和"稳固"。[3](p870)
马克思说:"可以根据意识,宗教或随便的什么来区别人和动物,一旦人们自己开始生产他们所必须的生活资料的时候,他们就开始把自己和动物区别开来。"[4](p24) 所以,马克思主义一向认为,人的本质只能是劳动和社会性。他说:"人的本质并不是单个人所固有的抽象物。在其现实性上,它是一切社会关系的总和。"[5](p56) 这样,马克思就从人的现实性的高度上揭示了人的本质。当然,有人会认为这个命题是荒谬的,原因在于,人的本质就是"社会关系"?其实不然。回归本质的概念,我们可以看出,所谓本质并不是一件具体的什么东西,它只是标志着自己区别于其他什么物体的一种特殊标准。马克思所说的社会关系的总和是人的本质,仅仅在于是社会关系的总和标志了人与动物的根本区别,或者说,动物不像人类那样有一个复杂的"社会"。如果人真的只是一种"关系",那马克思岂不是陷入了唯心主义的泥潭之中吗?
最后,人性是历史的可变的,而人的本质却是稳固和扎实的。关于人的本质的稳定性,上文已做论述,即无论社会关系的变化如何多端,对于人类而言根本毫无关系。但是人性相反。人所处的历史条件、阶级关系的环境时刻都在塑造着不同的人性。因为人是现实的而不是抽象的,是处于具体的社会关系之中而不是超脱于社会和历史之外的,因此历史条件、社会关系和实践活动总是不断塑造和炼铸着人性的各种面貌。纵使古代有孟子的性善论,荀子的性恶论,告子的不善不恶论甚至世硕的有善有恶论等等,但这些理论都不会被完全证实是正确。没有完全统一的人性,它总是因为外在条件的不同而不同。"穷人决无开交易所折本的懊恼,煤油大王哪会知道北京捡煤渣老太婆身受的辛酸,饥区的灾民,大约总不去种兰花,象阔人老太爷一样,贾府上的焦大,也不爱林妹妹的。"[6](p214) 可见,变化的是人性,不变的是人的本质。
人性本质 篇4
Instead of asking“What is human nature?”, we ask“What are the social constructions of human nature?”that is, “What does social life have to be like so as to make a particular conception of human nature persuasive to people?”.In this way, I believe, it will be a little easy to answer it because“What is human nature?”seems too broad in sense and too general to answer.
Different conceptions of human nature maintained by people in different social relations (ways of relating to others) cannot be mixed and matched.Social relations greatly influenced views of human nature.Egalitarians, individualists, hierarchists, fatalists and hermits see human nature form their own perspectives.And the changes in the pattern of social relations cause the changes in the ways of defining human nature.
Egalitarians believe that human beings are born good but are corrupted by evil institutions.This view is nicely expressed in“man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains.” (Rousseau, 1762) and“God makes all things good;man meddles with them and they become evil.” (Rousseau, 1974) .From an egalitarian perspective, human nature is not only good but it’s also easily changed.Egalitarians’view is well illustrated in“what is coming is nothing less than a new way of life and a new man.” (Reich, 1970) .Just as human nature can be made very bad by evil institutions (i.e.markets and hierarchies) , it can also be made very good by constructing an equal society.
This view of human nature is closely related to social relations of egalitarians.By making human beings naturally good, egalitarians can persuade each other that (1) uncooperative behavior is a product of the false consciousness that evil institutions have imposed on individuals, and that (2) a cooperative society is a viable way of organizing life.If an egalitarian were to be persuaded that human nature is relatively bad, he could hardly resist hierarchical arguments for increasing institutional limits on individuals or deny the individualists’claim that there was no meaning in remaking human nature.
For individualists, human nature, like physical nature, is very stable, whatever the institutional settings are, individualists believe that human beings remain essentially the same:self-seeking.By making human beings self-seeking, individualists can justify a way of life which intends to encourage existing human nature rather than change it.Individualists also believe that no institutional arrangement can prevent human beings from pursuing their self-interest at the expense of the larger community.To make full use of the inevitable conflicts among self-interested individuals and groups, individualists believe that they ought to establish the political system, on the other hand, conflicts among different interest groups, are helpful to create a political system.
It is only after one accepts that human nature is self-seeking that the conclusion (a competitive political system is best) becomes persuasive.If one were to refuse the idea, as the egalitarians and the hierarchists do, the conclusion would be forceless.
Similarly, egalitarian and hierarchical institutions must teach their adherents to reject the proposition that“it is not from benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our diner, but from their regard to their own self-interest.We address ourselves, not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities but of their advantages.” (Smith, 1937) .To accept this proposition is to accept that social relations should be based on“truck, barter and exchange”.The egalitarians and the hierarchists do not accept this social construction of human nature because it denies that pursuing the good of the collective can motivate individuals.
Hierarchists believe that human beings are born sinful, but can be redeemed by good institutions.This conception of human nature helps to keep a way of life rich in institutional limits.Hierarchy teaches its adherents to refuse the egalitarian’s view of human nature because it would gradually weaken the need for the careful regulation of human activities.Similarly, hierarchy does not agree with the individualist’s view that human nature can not be changed.
The hierarchical view of human nature is more colorful than the individualists’view and the egalitarians’view.The moral philosopher of the Whig party in the United States, historian Daniel Walker Howe found, “conceived of human nature as a hierarchically arranged series of powers or faculties.” (Howe, 1974) It was the task of the higher powers of conscience and reason to regulate, discipline, and restrain the lower, baser passions and impulses, which, left to themselves, would escape from control and weak havoc. (Howe, 1974)
For fatalists, human nature is unpredictable.They believe that some people may be benevolent, but more are hostile.Never knowing what to expect for others, fatalists take actions by distrusting their fellow human beings.This suspicious view of human nature justifies their exclusion form the other three ways of life mentioned above.
Some diagrams that describe the myths of nature can represent these four views of human nature.Just as the individualist’s view of physical nature can be represented by a U-shape.So is their conception of human nature:no matter what efforts are undertaken to change human nature, man remains self-seeking.An inverted U, as is the case with their view of physical nature, best represents the egalitarian’s view of human nature:Man is basically good but his nature is highly susceptible to institutional influence.The hierarchical construction of human nature, paralleling that of physical nature, is shaped like a curved and flattened M:Human nature is naturally evil but can be made somewhat better with the strict limits determined by the hierarchy.A horizontal line best represents the fatalistic conception of human (and physical) nature:Human nature is so unpredictable that it is essentially random in character.
What, then, is the hermits’conception of humannature?The hermits certainly believe in the inherent goodness of man, and maintain that we must not do anything to others (as the hierarchists or the egalitarians might say) to save them from themselves.To do this to another human, in our inescapable ignorance of his or her condition, would be to interfere with the proper course of his or her life.But the hermit at other times appears to believe in the inherent sinfulness of man.It was said that proudly vegetarian American Buddhists were frightened to learn form their teacher that there were weevils in the rice they were eating, and that the taking of life was unavoidable even though one did everything one could to avoid it.The hermit, however, speaks not of sin but of ignorance, and this enables him to be affected by the hierarchist’s low opinion of human nature.It is up to the individuals, not others, to do what he can to lessen his ignorance.He can ask others to help him do this so long as his request does not force them, but they, for their part, should not force their attentions upon him.
The hermit subsumes all the rival myths of human nature so that he is able to see this unique goal:the state of enlightenment in which all desire is transcended.At that moment he escapes from the wheel of suffering and from the social map.
Having changed the question from, “What is human nature?”to“How is human nature socially constructed?”We no longer need to choose between these competing conceptions.Rather than join in the fruitless debates over which conception of human nature is more realistic than the others, we prefer to show each way of life to make a particular view of human nature seem more reasonable to its adherents than the other views.
摘要:Human nature in the Social Contract by Jean Jacques Rousseau is one of the focuses.As for this point, people in different social relations bring about different views.The following passage respectively discusses the conceptions of human nature from egalitarians, individualists, hierarchists, fatalists and hermits.The results may lead to our better understanding of this topic.
[1]杜瑞清.西方文化名著选读[M].西安:西北工业大学出版社, 1997.
[2]Corning, Peter A.“Human Nature Redivivus”.In J.Roland Pennockand John W.Chapman, eds., Human Nature in Politics[M].New York:New York University Press, 1977:19.
[3]Howe, Daniel Walker.Political Culture of the American Whigs[M].Chicago:University of Chicago Press, 1974:29.
[4]Reich, Charles.The Greening of America[M].New York:Random House, 1970:350.
[5]Rousseau.Jean-Jacques.Emile.Trans.Barbara Foxley[J].London:Dent, 1974:5.