


定语从句关系代词 篇1

现行人教版高中英语课本第一册 (上) 和第二册 (下) 都安排了关于定语从句的练习题, 不少学生因为忽视了关系代词的指代作用而不知如何解答。关系代词代替先行词在定语从句中充当一定的成分, 这就是关系代词的指代作用, 这种指代关系对解答用定语从句合并两个句子及把定语从句从主句中分解出来的题目起着重要作用。笔者认为, 只要确定了指代关系, 这类题就轻而易举地解答了。

用定语从句合并两个句子的具体方法是: (1) 确定指代关系。分析所给的两个句子, 确定一个用作定语从句, 找出其中指代前面提到的人或物的词 (一般为代词) 。 (2) 确定先行词。把被指代的人或物的名词确定为先行词。 (3) 用关系代词替代指代者, 并提到定语从句的句首, 引导定语从句。 (4) 调整句子语序。把关系代词所引导的定语从句放到先行词的后面。


从上面的图示我们可以看出, 第 (2) 句中的hee指代第 (1) 句中的the waiter。这样, the waiter是被指代者, 就是被定语从句修饰限制的先行词;he是指代者, 就用指人且在定语从句中作主语的关系代词who或that取代 (为了便于说明, 以下就不再用that) 。因此, who就引导定语从句了, 再把该从句移到先行词the waiter后, 两个句子就合并成了一个带有定语从句的复合句。

2. (1) The woman is a scientist. (2) You met her in my office yesterday.

首先, 确定指代关系。第 (2) 句中的her指代第 (1) 句中的the woman, 那么第 (2) 句就为定语从句。其次, 确定先行词。通过上面的分析, 被指代的the woman就是先行词。再次, 用关系代词whom替代指代者her, 再把whom提到定语从句的句首。最后, 调整语序。这样, 两个句子就合并为:Thewoman whom you met in my office yesterday is a scientist.

另外, 可以依靠关系代词的指代作用把定语从句从主句中分解出来。例如:

1.“At last, ”I thought, “I’m going to visit tha interesting country, _____I have heard so much.”

该题要求用“介词+关系代词”填空。介词的选择要根据: (1) 与前面名词 (即先行词) 的搭配关系。 (2) 与后面定语从句中的动词或形容词的搭配关系。如果把该题中的定语从句分解出来, 就是“I

have heard of the country so much”, hear of为固定搭配, 这样就可以确定答案为of which。

2.In the office I never seem to have time unti after 5:30 p.m., _____many people have got home.

A.whose timeB.that

C.on whichD.by which

从中分解出来的定语从句应为“Many people have got home by the time”, 所以可以看出定语从句中缺少时间状语, 故A、B两项不正确。“到那时”要用by the time, the time指代主句中的先行词5:30 p.m., 因此, 引导词要用by which。

总之, 定语从句是高中学生必须掌握的英语语法知识, 只有借助关系代词的指代作用, 才能做到巧妙地、正确地解答一些有关定语从句的题目。


定语从句关系代词 篇2

1)when, where, why

关系副词when, where, why的含义相当于”介词+ which“结构,因此常常和”介词+ which“结构交替使用,例如:

there are occasions when (on which) one must yield. 任何人都有不得不屈服的时候。

beijing is the place where (in which) i was born. 北京是我的出生地。

is this the reason why (for which) he refused our offer? 这就是他拒绝我们帮助他的理由吗?


that可以用于表示时间、地点、方式、理由的名词后取代when, where, why和”介词+ which“引导的定语从句,在口语中that常被省略,例如:

his father died the year (that / when / in which) he was born. 他父亲在他出生那年逝世了。

定语从句关系代词 篇3

例1 For many cities in the world, there is no room to spread out further,_____ New York is an example.(2008四川)

A. for whichB. in which

C. of whichD. from which

例2 By nine o’clock, all the Olympic torch bearers had reached the top of Mount Qomolangma,_____ appeared a rare rainbow soon.(2008福建)

A. of whichB. on which

C. from whichD. above which 


一、 “介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句中介词的确定。

1. 介词和定语从句中的谓语动词一起构成一种习惯搭配。

很多时候,介词和定语从句中的谓语动词构成固定搭配。此时,which/whom所修饰的先行词作动词短语中介词的宾语。做题时,只要加以辨别,就可以轻松作答。如The man to whom I spoke is Liu Xiang.一句中speak to 为固定搭配。再如:

Yao Ming_____all the Chinese take great pride is playing basketball for China in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

A. in whomB. of whom

C. on whomD. for whom

此题中介词in和定语从句中的谓语take pride 构成搭配take pride in,故选A。


I saw a woman running toward me in the dark. Before I could recognize who she was, she had run back in the direction_____she had come.

A. of whichB. by which

C. in whichD. from which 

同学们很容易根据先行词direction而误选C,事实上,应和定语从句的谓语动词come一起构成搭配come from。因此选D。

2. 介词和定语从句中的形容词一起构成一种固定搭配。

有一些介词和定语从句中的形容词一起构成固定搭配。 如:“Bird Nest” is a beautiful building, of which we are greatly proud.一句中be proud of 为固定搭配。平时掌握一些固定短语对于解决这一问题很有帮助。

3. 根据先行词来确定。

有些先行词本身就决定了该用什么样的介词来引导定语从句。如Yesterday we had a meeting at which we discussed many problems about the security of the Beijing Olympic Games.由先行词meeting可知在会议上用at the meeting,所以用介词at。 

当先行词是表示时间、地点或原因的名词时,则需根据先行词选择正确的介词。这些特殊的先行词需要记住,如当先行词为reason又在定语从句中作状语时,引导词只能为for which或why。如:Tell me the reason for which/why you missed the flight. 当先行词为way且在定语从句中作状语时,引导词只能为in which或that或省略。如:I don’t like the way in which/that he talks. 再如case, situation等常用in which/where来引导定语从句。 

4. 根据定语从句所表达的意义来确定介词。


In front of the house Tom is planting a tree, under which he will be able to sit and read some day.汤姆正在房前种一棵树,这样将来有一天他可以在树下读书。由句意可知用介词under。

本文开头两题就是这种情况,例1说“对世界上很多城市来说,没有再继续扩展的空间,其中纽约就是一个例子。”用of表示范畴,故选C。例2说“到九点时,所有的奥林匹克火炬手都登上了珠穆朗玛峰,在其上不久出现了少见的彩虹。”定语从句用的是倒装语序,正常语序应为a rare rainbow soon appeared above which,故选D。

再如:Human facial expressions differ from those of animals in the degree_____ they can be controlled on purpose.( 2007重庆)

A. with whichB. to which

C. of whichD. for which

定语从句说人的面部表情可以有意识地控制到某种程度,故选B,相当于to the degree。

The schools themselves admit that not all children will be successful in the jobs_____they are being trained.(2005江西)

A. in thatB. for that

C. in whichD. for which


The journey around the world took the old sailor nine months,_____ the sailing time was 226 days.(2004广西)

A. of whichB. during which 

C. from whichD. for which

句意:这位老水手的这次环球旅行历时九个月,其中有226天是航行时间。故选A,即and of the nine months。


1. 如果先行词前已有介词,则用关系副词,而不可将关系副词转换成“介词+关系代词”。如It happened on the day (that/when) I was born.可用that/when 引导,而不可用on which,因为先行词前已有介词on。

2. from where, since when为“介词+关系副词”结构,也可以引导定语从句。如:

Tom hid himself behind the door, from where he could hear the steps of his mother clearly.

3. 介词后面的关系代词不能省略。介词不提前时可以省略。

4. “whose +n.”引导定语从句时,可以转换成“the +n.+ of whom/which”或“of whom/which + the + n.”,whose可以指人也可以指物。如:

He lives in a big house whose window faces the sea.

=He lives in a big house the window of which faces the sea.

=He lives in a big house of which the window faces the sea. 


二、 “介词+关系代词”在定语从句中充当的成分。

1. 在从句中作状语。如:

But some occasions on which people clap change from country to another.但是有些场合,不同国家的人们鼓掌的方式不同。

2. 在从句中作定语。如:

Their use was limited by laws, the first of which dates back to the fourteenth century.法律限制了它们的使用,这最早可以追溯到14世纪。

3. 关系代词which有时作定语。如:

We arrived at noon, by which time the demonstration was over.我们是中午到的,这时示威游行已结束。


1. In Britain, every year 2.5 million animals die in experiments_____scientists develop and test new medicines.

A. whereB. that

C. in whichD. on which

2. Mark was a student at this university from 1999~2003,_____ he studied very hard and was made Chairman of the Students’ Union.

A. during which time

B. for which time

C. during whose time

D. by that time

3. George Orwell,_____ was Eric Arthur, wrote many political novels and essays.(2004北京)

A. the real name

B. what his real name

C. his real name

D. whose real name

4. Frank’s dream was to have his own shop_____ to produce the workings of his own hands.(2005湖南) 

A. thatB. in which

C. by whichD. how 

5. The book was written in 1946,_____ the education system has witnessed great changes.(2007山东)

A. whenB. during which

C. since thenD. since when

6. The English play_____my students acted at the New Year’s party was a great success.

A. for whichB. at which

C. in whichD. on which 

7. The man pulled out a gold watch,_____ were made of small diamonds.(2008陕西)

A. the hands of whom

B. whom the hands of

C. which the hands of

D. the hands of which

8. Madame Curie, for_____life had once been very hard, was successful later.

A. whomB. whose

C. whichD. that

9. A modern city has been set up in_____was a wasteland ten years ago.

A. whatB. which

C. that D. where

10. —Do you know the artist_____ the headmaster gave a prize?

—Yes, he is the teacher_____ I have been taught painting for 2 years.

A. to whom; who

B. to whom; by whom

C. whom; who

D. who; that


1. A 因为先行词前已经有介词in了,所以用关系副词where。

2. A 根据句意可知,指的是1999~2003这段期间。

3. D whose指代George Orwell’s,而ABC项都不能引导定语从句。

4. B 根据先行词知在商店里用介词in,而此处in which+不定式,相当于定语从句。

5. D 因为句中的谓语has witnessed 是现在完成时,所以要用sincewhen。when指代上文中的in 1946,表示“这本书是1946年写的,从那以后,教育体制发生了巨大变化”。 

6. C 根据句意可知:我的学生在此剧本中扮演角色,故选C项。

7. D =of which the hands。

8. A life had once been very hard for whom(Madame Curie)。该题容易误选B。

9. A 此题what引导的是名词性从句,而不是定语从句,因为没有先行词。

定语从句关系代词 篇4


英语中有多种多样的短语可以放在名词后面作定语, 这样可以增加被修饰的名词的信息量, 限制该名词的语义范畴, 使该名词的所指更具体化。


(1) The books on the shelf are mine.书架上的书是我的。 (介词短语)

(2) She is the woman responsible for the improvement.她是那位负责改进工作的女士。 (形容词短语)

(3) The last man to leave the sinking ship was the captain.最后一位离开沉船的人是船长。 (动词不定式短语)

(4) I come from a city located in the soutern part of the country.我来自我们国家南方的一个城市。 (过去分词短语)

(5) We have an apartment overlooking the park.我们拥有一套俯瞰公园的公寓。 (现在分词短语)

从表层结构上看, 作名词后置定语修饰的短语与定语从句不同, 一个是短语, 另一个是从句。事实上, 从深层次结构来看, 任何作后置定语修饰的短语都可以看成是一个省略的定语从句。因此, 上面的五个作名词后置修饰的短语的例句都可以用定语从句表示为:

(1) The books that are on the shelf are mine.

(2) She is the woman who is responsible for the improvement.

(3) The last man who left the sinking ship was the captain.

(4) I come from a city which is located in the southern part of the country.

(5) We have an apartment which overlooks the park.

把作名词后置定语的短语看成是省略的定语从句, 是因为所有关系代词作主语的定语从句都可以省略用短语来表示, 其省略过程按照以下要求:

1. 定语从句中, 关系代词作主语, 谓语动词为“be”或含有“be”时, 可以省略关系代词“be”动词, 用短语表示:

a) The boy who is talking to John is from Korea.

a) The boy talking to John is from Korea.


b) The ideas which are presented in that book are interesting.

b) The ideas presented in that book are interesting.


c) People who are present at the meeting are university students.

c) People present at the meeting are university students.


2. 当定语从句中关系代词作主语, 谓语动词没有“be”动词时, 可以省略关系代词, 并把从句谓语动词改成现在分词或动词不定式:

a) English has an alphabet which consists of 26 letters.

a) English has an alphabet consisting of 26 letters.


b) Anyone who wants to pass the test should study hard.

b) Anyone wanting to pass the test should study hard.


c) Amelia Earhart was the first womam who flew solo across the Atlantic Ocean.

c) Amelia Earhart was the first womam to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.


3. 在非限定性定语从句中, 省略要求与限定性定语从句一样。

d) Geoge Washington, who was the first president of the US, was a wealthy colonist.

d) Geoge Washington, the first president of the US, was a wealthy colonist.


e) Hawaii, which comprises eight principle islands, is a favorite vacation spot.

e) Hawaii, comprising eight principle islands, is a favorite vacation spot.

夏威夷由八个主要岛屿组成, 是理想的度假胜地。

正确选择定语从句关系词 篇5






强调句句型固定:It is/was + 被强调部分 + that + 其他部分,被强调的部分通常是主语、宾语或状语。当句子被强调部分指“人”的时候,可以把that换成who。


① I made a promise to myself that this year, my first year in high school, would be different.

② It was the lecture, rather than the language, that made it hard for him to adapt to the new environment abroad.

③ It was the middle of night when my father woke me up and told me to watch the football game.

④ We live in an age when more information is available with great ease than ever before.

①的句意为“我发誓,今年,我在高中的第一年,将变得很不一样”。that后面的内容对“我”所发的誓言作了补充说明,是a promise的同位语,所以这是名词性从句中的同位语从句。

②的句意为“是这个课程,而不是语言,让他很难适应国外的新环境”。去掉rather than the language这个插入语,很容易发现这是it开头的强调句。


④的句意为“我们生活在可以前所未有地轻松获取大量信息的年代”,when引导的是一个定语从句,修饰an age。




Well reach the sales targets in a month we set at the beginning of the year.

A. which B. where

C. when D. what

An ecosystem consists of the living and nonliving things in an area interact with one another.

A. that B. where

C. who D. what


前一句句意为“我们将在一个月内达成年初制订的销售目标”。空格后面的从句主语是we,谓语是及物动词set,set后面缺少宾语,所以必须选择一个关系代词。再仔细查看主句,可以找出真正的先行词the sales targets,据此,我们不难判断应该选用指物的关系代词which。

后一句句意为“一个生态系统包含一个地区相互影响的生物和非生物”。空格后面的从句只有谓语interact with one another,明显缺少主语,因此这里必须选用一个关系代词。再看主句,先行词是the living and nonliving things,因而,可以选用既能指人又能指物的that。



Ellen was a painter of birds and nature, , for some reason, had withdrawn from all human society.

A. which B. who

C. where D. whom

这是一个稍显复杂的非限制性定语从句——从句的关系词与其他部分被for some reason这个插入语分割开了。单从语法和句子结构来判断,很难确定此处应该用指人的关系代词who,还是用指物的which来指代birds and nature。

此时,我们必须结合从句提供的语境和句子的逻辑意义来判断。句意为“Ellen是个画鸟和自然的画家,出于某些原因,他远离人类社会”,忽略for some reason这个插入语,先行词是brids and nature吗?常识告诉我们,只有人才可能远离人类社会、不与人类社会交往(withdrawn from all human society),所以先行词不是birds and nature,而是a painter。由此,可以得出正确答案为B。







强调句句型固定:It is/was + 被强调部分 + that + 其他部分,被强调的部分通常是主语、宾语或状语。当句子被强调部分指“人”的时候,可以把that换成who。


① I made a promise to myself that this year, my first year in high school, would be different.

② It was the lecture, rather than the language, that made it hard for him to adapt to the new environment abroad.

③ It was the middle of night when my father woke me up and told me to watch the football game.

④ We live in an age when more information is available with great ease than ever before.

①的句意为“我发誓,今年,我在高中的第一年,将变得很不一样”。that后面的内容对“我”所发的誓言作了补充说明,是a promise的同位语,所以这是名词性从句中的同位语从句。

②的句意为“是这个课程,而不是语言,让他很难适应国外的新环境”。去掉rather than the language这个插入语,很容易发现这是it开头的强调句。


④的句意为“我们生活在可以前所未有地轻松获取大量信息的年代”,when引导的是一个定语从句,修饰an age。




Well reach the sales targets in a month we set at the beginning of the year.

A. which B. where

C. when D. what

An ecosystem consists of the living and nonliving things in an area interact with one another.

A. that B. where

C. who D. what


前一句句意为“我们将在一个月内达成年初制订的销售目标”。空格后面的从句主语是we,谓语是及物动词set,set后面缺少宾语,所以必须选择一个关系代词。再仔细查看主句,可以找出真正的先行词the sales targets,据此,我们不难判断应该选用指物的关系代词which。

后一句句意为“一个生态系统包含一个地区相互影响的生物和非生物”。空格后面的从句只有谓语interact with one another,明显缺少主语,因此这里必须选用一个关系代词。再看主句,先行词是the living and nonliving things,因而,可以选用既能指人又能指物的that。



Ellen was a painter of birds and nature, , for some reason, had withdrawn from all human society.

A. which B. who

C. where D. whom

这是一个稍显复杂的非限制性定语从句——从句的关系词与其他部分被for some reason这个插入语分割开了。单从语法和句子结构来判断,很难确定此处应该用指人的关系代词who,还是用指物的which来指代birds and nature。

此时,我们必须结合从句提供的语境和句子的逻辑意义来判断。句意为“Ellen是个画鸟和自然的画家,出于某些原因,他远离人类社会”,忽略for some reason这个插入语,先行词是brids and nature吗?常识告诉我们,只有人才可能远离人类社会、不与人类社会交往(withdrawn from all human society),所以先行词不是birds and nature,而是a painter。由此,可以得出正确答案为B。







强调句句型固定:It is/was + 被强调部分 + that + 其他部分,被强调的部分通常是主语、宾语或状语。当句子被强调部分指“人”的时候,可以把that换成who。


① I made a promise to myself that this year, my first year in high school, would be different.

② It was the lecture, rather than the language, that made it hard for him to adapt to the new environment abroad.

③ It was the middle of night when my father woke me up and told me to watch the football game.

④ We live in an age when more information is available with great ease than ever before.

①的句意为“我发誓,今年,我在高中的第一年,将变得很不一样”。that后面的内容对“我”所发的誓言作了补充说明,是a promise的同位语,所以这是名词性从句中的同位语从句。

②的句意为“是这个课程,而不是语言,让他很难适应国外的新环境”。去掉rather than the language这个插入语,很容易发现这是it开头的强调句。


④的句意为“我们生活在可以前所未有地轻松获取大量信息的年代”,when引导的是一个定语从句,修饰an age。




Well reach the sales targets in a month we set at the beginning of the year.

A. which B. where

C. when D. what

An ecosystem consists of the living and nonliving things in an area interact with one another.

A. that B. where

C. who D. what


前一句句意为“我们将在一个月内达成年初制订的销售目标”。空格后面的从句主语是we,谓语是及物动词set,set后面缺少宾语,所以必须选择一个关系代词。再仔细查看主句,可以找出真正的先行词the sales targets,据此,我们不难判断应该选用指物的关系代词which。

后一句句意为“一个生态系统包含一个地区相互影响的生物和非生物”。空格后面的从句只有谓语interact with one another,明显缺少主语,因此这里必须选用一个关系代词。再看主句,先行词是the living and nonliving things,因而,可以选用既能指人又能指物的that。



Ellen was a painter of birds and nature, , for some reason, had withdrawn from all human society.

A. which B. who

C. where D. whom

这是一个稍显复杂的非限制性定语从句——从句的关系词与其他部分被for some reason这个插入语分割开了。单从语法和句子结构来判断,很难确定此处应该用指人的关系代词who,还是用指物的which来指代birds and nature。

定语从句关系代词 篇6



误 We?蒺ll reach the sales targets in a month what we set at the beginning of the year.

解析 定语从句的引导词中是没有what的,what在名词性从句中作主语或宾语,而在定语从句中作主语或宾语的关系代词可用that或which。比较下面两个例子:

①He told me all that he knows.(that引导的定语从句修饰先行词all)

② He told me what he knows.(what引导的宾语从句)

正 We?蒺ll reach the sales targets in a month(that)we set at the beginning of the year.

2. that和which

①误 Please send us all the information which you have about the candidate for the position.

解析 当先行词被不定代词、形容词最高级或序数词等修饰且引导词在定语从句中作主语或宾语时,只能用that引导定语从句。

正 Please send us all the information(that)you have about the candidate for the position.

②误 Care of the soul is a gradual process in that even the small details of life should be considered.

解析 分析句子结构可以看到,a gradual process后为“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句,当先行词为物时,此时的引导词只能是which。

正 Care of the soul is a gradual process in which even the small details of life should be considered.

③误 China Today attracts a worldwide readership,that shows that more and more people all over the world want to learn about China.

解析 逗号之后的句子是一个非限制性定语从句且引导词在该定语从句中作主语,故应该用which引导。

正 China Today attracts a worldwide readership,which shows that more and more people all over the world want to learn about China.


误 Happiness and success often come to those that are good at recognizing their own strengths.

解析 当those代指人作先行词时,定语从句的引导词用who。类似的词还有one(s),he,不能用that,更不能用which(指找物)。另外,如果在非限制性定语从句中,即使代指人时也不能用that。

正 Happiness and success often come to those who are good at recognizing their own strengths.


误 We saw several natives advancing towards our party,and one of them came up to us,to who we gave some bells and glasses.

解析 分析句子结构可知,第二个逗号后的部分应为“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句,先行词为one of them(人)。当先行词为人时,在“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句中,关系代词只能选择whom。

正 We saw several natives advancing towards our party,and one of them came up to us,to whom we gave some bells and glasses.


① 误 The number of smokers,which is reported,has dropped by 17 percent in just one year.

解析 as和which均可引导非限制性定语从句。as引导非限制性定语从句,位置非常灵活,可位于主句前、主句后,也可位于主句中间。which引导非限制性定语从句时位于主句之后。且as意为“正如或正像……”,which无实际意义。故根据本句意及结构,要用as引导中间的定语从句。

正 The number of smokers,as is reported,has dropped by 17 percent in just one year.

②误 He is such a lazy man that nobody wants to work with.

解析 分析本句句子结构可以看出,如果把该从句当作状语从句(such...that...结构),从句缺少宾语;如果把该从句当作定语从句,引导词错误,因为先行词被such修饰时,要用as引导定语从句。

正 He is such a lazy man that nobody wants to work with him.

或He is such a lazy man as nobody wants to work with.


误 He wrote many children?蒺s books,nearly half of them were published in the 1990s.

解析 逗号后无连词,如果前后句是并列句应该加并列连词;如果前后句是主从复合句,根据句意及结构可判断应该为非限制性定语从句,关系词代指children?蒺s books,位于介词of之后故应该用which。

正 He wrote many children?蒺s books,and nearly half of them were published in the 1990s.

或He wrote many children?蒺s books,and nearly half of which were published in the 1990s.

【技巧拓展】 选择关系代词还是人称代词,主要看前后句是并列句还是主从复合句,如果已有并列连词,填人称代词;如果没有,则判断为非限制性定语从句,选择适当的定语从句引导词。


①误 Students should involve themselves in community activities which they can gain experience for growth.

解析 定语从句引导词的判断不能简单只看先行词类型,还要关注其在定语从句中所做的成分。该句中尽管先行词为community activities(物),但从定语从句的结构分析可知,引导词在定语从句作地点状语,故要用where引导该定语从句。

正 Students should involve themselves in community activities where they can gain experience for growth.

②误 That evening,when I will tell you more about later,I ended up working very late.

解析 此句中尽管先行词为指时间的“That evening”,但我们不能用when引导后面的定语从句,原因是在这个非限制性定语从句中缺的是介词about的宾语。故应该用which引导该非限制性定语从句。

正 That evening,which I will tell you more about later,I ended up working very late.

【技巧拓展】 关系代词或关系副词的选择有两个原则:一是看先行词是人还是物;二是看关系词代替先行词在从句中作什么成分。若关系词代替先行词在从句中作主语、宾语、定语或表语,则选择关系代词引导定语从句;若在从句中作状语,则选择关系副词引导定语从句。例如:

We?蒺ll remember those days that/which we spent together.(作宾语)

We?蒺ll remember those days when we played by the sea.(作状语)


误 The student is standing there is our monitor.

解析 在定语从句中,当先行词在定语从句中作主语时,关系代词不能省略。

正 The student who/that is standing there is our monitor.




1.My mother was so proud of all what I had done that she rewarded me with a trip to Beijing.

2.I refuse to accept the blame for something which was someone else?蒺s fault.

3.The old temple which roof was damaged in storm is now under repair.

4.The newly built cafe,the walls of it are painted light green,is really a peaceful place for us,specially after hard work.

5.When I arrived,Bryan took me to see the house which I would be staying.

6.We have launched another man-made satellite,that is announced in today?蒺s newspaper.

7.We live in an age that more information is available with greater ease than ever before.

8.Sales director is a position in that communication ability is just as important as sales.

