


英文网站设计 篇1

摘要:高校英文网站作为特殊的宣传文本在对外传播中具有重要作用, 但其起步时间短, 存在问题较多。为推动教育国际化和信息化, 需要切实提高英文网站的建设水平。



随着高等教育国际化进程的加快, 高校间国际交流与合作逐渐增多, 英文网站在对外宣传中所扮演的角色日益凸显。它是海外学者和留学生了解中国高校办学特色、发展动态及校园文化的一个最直接的窗口;它在提供学校教学、科研等方面的信息, 吸引外国留学生求学、海外学者来访, 提升学校形象等方面发挥着重要的作用。但高校英文网站建设起步时间短, 在外宣翻译方面还存在很多问题。要充分发挥其集语言与媒介于一体的优势, 更好地发挥对外宣传平台的作用, 还有待进一步的研究和思考。


目前, 高校英文网站建设已形成一定规模, 但质量普遍不高。无论是重点大学、地方院校还是民办高校, 其英文网站均不同程度地出现结构、内容和语言等方面的失误, 甚至很多高校的英文网站建设还流于形式。这主要是因为高校英文网站基本按照中文翻译的模式搭建, 以传播者为本位, 造成语言晦涩生硬、译文可读性差, 直接影响受众对信息的接收及高校的形象定位。这从另一个侧面说明高校网站在对外宣传方面还十分缺乏内外有别的意识。译者在翻译中往往因循国内受众的心理需求, 忽略国外受众的思维特点、浏览习惯、文化背景和审美情趣等因素, 导致其无法贴近国外受众的实际需求。这种用内宣的思路进行外宣的做法, 使英文网站宣传成为一种摆设, 造成人力物力的巨大浪费。要实现对外宣传的应有效果, 就要研究国外受众的实际信息需求, 研究最恰当、最有效的语言表达方式。


网络媒介的飞速发展给翻译研究提出了新的课题。高校英文网站质量高低及其是否符合受众需求对于高校对外宣传起着至关重要的作用, 国内各高校应对其予以高度重视并采取切实有效的措施提高其建设水平。可以从以下两个方面入手:

一方面, 通过平行文本对比, 分析国内外高校英文网站在语言和结构方面的异同, 查找其可能存在的语言性翻译失误、文化性翻译失误与功能性翻译失误;另一方面, 以高校英文网站文本为语料, 对翻译发起人、译者和受众进行调查。其中, 对翻译发起人和译者可采取访谈式, 了解高校外宣翻译的具体目的、要求及重点考虑因素;对外国留学生及外籍教师等国外受众可采取问卷调查式, 了解受众对高校英文网站的信息需求及总体评价。其目的是要以受众需求为出发点, 将高校外宣翻译视为一个动态的过程, 将翻译发起人、译者、受众等主观因素与翻译行为发生的社会文化背景等客观因素视为评估这一过程的重要组成部分。翻译发起人在决定相关翻译要求时须考虑受众需求, 并和译者进行有效的协商。译者对于发起人的翻译要求须尽量满足, 同时又要对受众负责。但译文最终应顺应受众在语言规范、文本内容与呈现方式等方面的标准与规范, 充分重视受众的社会文化背景等客观因素, 来决定源语信息的内容选择、翻译策略的应用以及译文的表现形式。通过对源语的内容和呈现方式做出适当调整, 使译文符合受众需求, 使高校英文网站真正发挥对外宣传的作用。


[1]沈敏.对当前高校英文网站建设的若干思考[J].高等教育, 2011, (11) .

英文网站设计 篇2




E-mail :


To obtain a position with a strong, forward thinking, progressive company were I can fully utilize my knowledge and experience as a designer.

Notable Achievements

: Awarded Special Mention Prize. “ICSID/ Compiegne Industrial Design Award”, France, for co-design of a “Portable Office Project”.

Guest Lecturer, Industrial Design, University of Georgia.

Relevant Skills

Certified in CAD and in Architectural Drafting.

Human Factor for product design.

Human computer interface design.

CDRS(Pro/Designer), Pro/E, TDI, AutoCAD, Form Z, Strata 3D, Infini-D, Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop, QuarkXPress, Adobe Illustrator, HyperCard, Persuasion, MM Director.

Employment History

Harris Technologies, Atlanta, GA

Product Designer, - Present

Developed critical transmissions, performance monitoring, and diagnostics firmware (C, ASM) for broadband hybrid fiber/coax telecommunications network (TDMA receiver/transmitter). Documented interface/design and maintained MR (“modification request”) handling/response.

A & S Industries, Augusta, GA

Manager, Telephone Products Division / Manager, Advanced Product Design, - 2008

Hired as manager of Telephone Products, and later promoted to manager of Advanced Product Design, I was responsible for all new product design. Provided key technology enhancements to multiple product lines. Designed full product line including machines rated superior to all others by Consumer Reports, helping to increase company sales from $42.3 to $71.8M in one year.


B.A. Design, 2004

英文网站设计 篇3

关键词: 英文报刊    学习作用    教学设计



英文报刊内容紧密结合社会,反映现实,题材新颖,容易激发学生的阅读兴趣。如最近国内的“股市大跌”,在中国日报China Daily头版可以找到很多相关报道,如Stocks plunge to three-month low despite liquidity support; Stocks surge as policy support widens; Why the stock market dived so fast in such a short period。这些正是当下国民津津乐道的话题,中文报道铺天盖地。如果此时英语教师引导学生阅读这些英文报道,就可以帮助学生在兴趣中轻松读懂,并扩大相关股市金融词汇,可谓一举多得。

英文报刊内容包罗万象,报道贴近现实生活,又不乏趣味性,是英语学习者和爱好者学习语言的最好的阅读材料。如果学生对经济新闻不感兴趣,教师可以引导学生阅读其他内容,如天气,Typhoon Linfa makes landfall in Guangdong,disrupting normal life; China starts emergency response against typhoon... 这些天气报导是当下热点新闻,是很好的阅读题材; 又如国际新闻,Greek crisis:Athens racing to deliver reform plan to avoid Grexit – live;Trump said he had “nothing to apologize for” in his remarks,从目前的希腊经济危机到美国的总统竞选,内容丰富,题材广泛。这些丰富鲜活的语言资源可以满足学生多样化的阅读需求和兴趣爱好,因而可以最大限度地激发学生的读报兴趣。

学生通过教材接触的西方文化和风土人情是有限的,而报刊是学生拓宽课外阅读的首选材料。通过阅读英语报刊,让学生接触到大量鲜活的社会文化信息,耳濡目染地感受文化。例如Culture Insider:7 things you may not know about Summer Solstice;What are they trying to do to Prince George – turn him into Pinocchio?从中国夏至到英国的王子,不同的传统和文化熏陶,可以帮助学生认识到汉、英两种语言之间的差异,不断吸收地道的、符合英语思维的表达习惯。


目前,网络的普及对新时期的英语报刊学习产生了巨大的影响,为之提供了更广阔的发展空间。网络报刊资源日益丰富,只要输入online newspaper,就能轻松找到成千上万个网络报刊的链接。近几年,随着智能手机的普及,各大媒体纷纷推出自己的app,这为电子报纸的推广起到了极大的促进作用。对广大英语爱好者而言,新技术的发展无疑是一福音,极大地丰富学习资源,随时随地地学英语的时代已经到来。


英语教师可以把英文报刊内容引入课堂教学。在阅读课堂上,教师可利用英语报刊的丰富英语语言资料,帮助学生接触大量鲜活的语言,进而提高学生获得信息的能力。这要求教师课前备课,精心挑选语料,并设计教学活动,如略读(skimming)训练、查读(scanning)训练,抑或是词汇拓展训练。每次阅读课如果添加10至15分钟的读报训练,不但可以帮助学生了解天下大事,学习和巩固许多英语语言知识,而且可以提高学习兴趣,拓展学习范围。在听说课堂上,英文报刊内容的巧妙运用,会使听说课堂情趣盎然。笔者常常运用的方法是在听说课堂开辟15至20分钟的“What’s new today” 教学环节。其教学组织形式可以分为听说两大类。听力训练要求任课教师课前选编好5分钟新闻录音,课堂播放(可以是多个录音片段,或多个新闻简讯),并设计好相应的听后训练任务,如匹配练习、回答问题和填空练习等; 口语训练可以安排学生分享新闻,(学生朗读或报道一则他感兴趣的新闻并和其他同学一起讨论,也可以由教师提供新闻素材,由学生讨论等。








城市设计促进环境文化(英文) 篇4

Emscher Park is the recovery of an industrial area among the most degraded sites in Europe. In a post-industrial economic decline, the Ruhr region has found a new solution on shrinking becoming an icon of urban, economic, social and environmental change (Brown, 2001).

In the 1950’s and 1960’s, the industries of the Ruhr Valley have held an important role in German economic development. The gradual loss of competitiveness has led to an inevitable abandonment of sites in the 1970’s, with a consequent increase of the unemployment rate (La Belle,2001). In 1989, a partnership between the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, local municipalities and private companies promoted the IBA Emscher Park: an ambitious renewal program of an area of 115 square miles along the Emscher River. In ten years (1989-1999) IBA sponsored approximately one hundred projects that satisfy the criteria of architectural quality, public accessibility, energy and environmental conservation, social cooperation, self-organization and low maintenance costs (Kunzmann, 2004).

The IBA Initiative started with an ecological transformation of the territory through the re-naturalization of the river Emscher, the redevelopment of derelict industrial land and the reconstruction of the natural habitat. The ecological sensitivity of the design approach is exemplified by the Docklands Duisberg: a new urban waterfront that incorporates different activities and brings back the water within the city.

In the process of regeneration, the IBA also intends to preserve the industrial heritage, to enhance the value of local settlement systems and promote the cultural industries within the park to create new jobs (Arbeiten im Park). The monumental industrial structures, guardians of the memory of the work of the past, now have a new meaning thanks tothe creative reuse of their spaces. A flagship example of adaptive reconversion is Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord.It occupies the site of the former Thyssen steelworks in Duisburg-Meiderich that was shut down in 1985(Figure1).The designers Latz + Partners won the competition organized by IBA Emscher Park to transform the site into an industrial park of over 500 hectares. On the basis of in-depth analysis of the site, the project involves the conservation and reuse of most of the existing industrial structures. Through sensitive operations, a program with new uses has been introduced progressively in the area: a former furnace hosts an outdoor theater for concerts and shows, a gas tank has become a training camp for divers, a coal storage bunker is now used by the local mountaineering club. Other industrial spaces host performances characterized by international music(Figure2),a small experimental theater and a hard rock disco. The multicolored night lighting emphasizes the monumentality of the structures and it defines new landmarks within the landscape. The park is managed by a small partnership between the state, the local government and various local NGOs, and it has become an important tourist attraction for the region.

The experience of IBA Initiative represents a laboratory of ideas and approaches for the regeneration of brownfields.The long-term process of renewal adopts an experimental strategy of multi-purposed development and it is an example of top-down planning that crosses bottom-up initiatives.

Therefore, the approach is radical in the idea of sustainable and cultural development, in the selection and realization of the projects. The innovative aspect consists in considering ecology as a linchpin of the regeneration of the regional economy and in wanting to transform the brownfields in an infrastructure of open spaces and creative activities.The conservation of the industrial heritage is encouraged through temporary uses(Figure3). Events and art exhibitions take place in forgotten places becoming an opportunity for the community to meet, and then it all is consolidated in the cultural centrality (museums, theaters, cultural associations...).As a final result, these marginal spaces are transformed into new civic places.

Figure 1:Thyssen Steelworks manufacturing plant in the 1950s

Figure 2: Landschaftspark

The transformation of the Ruhr is an example of the balance between the ecological, cultural and social sustainability and the promotion of the innovation. The ecological recovery of soils, the restoration and the reuse of industrial heritage show how cultural, design and industrial capacities can work together.

The IBA Initiative is also significant because it involves various actors and especially as it pays attention to initiatives of local communities. Through the use of marketing and the media (light installations events, music festivals, art shows)and an intense work of branding, the area now has a new competitive image, strengthening the identity of the territory.

This case study proves how often these waiting sites need projects: soft operations with large-scale action are fundamental, rather than self-referential architecture.

2 Temporary use strategies in creating post-industrial identity: The case of Sulzer-Areal Site in Winterthur,Switzerland

Industrialization has always shaped sites and regions, and so does de-industrialization. Both processes involve structural transformations and conflicts between conservation and change (Oevermann, & Mieg, 2015). In the industrial heritage regeneration practice, temporary-use (Zwischennuztung) is a new model from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. When the developer's economic power is not enough to start the regeneration process or the property ownership is not clear,the temporary uses are encouraged, which could breed out the most suitable long-term adaptive reuse (Dong, & Hou,2012). Sulzer-Areal, as industrial heritage site has a tangible as well as an intangible dimension. The tangible dimension concerns the buildings, infrastructure, and technical equipment of a site; the intangible dimension concerns knowledge, practices, traditions, associations, and symbolic connotations. Furthermore, the intangible dimension includes the societal value given to the heritage site (Oevermann, &Mieg, 2015). Industrial success shapes the urban form and culture of Winterthur more than any other city in Switzerland.Historically, Wintherthur is known as a hard-working industrial city(Figure4). Due to the economic global crisis in the1930s, many industries experienced a severe drop in sales,and subsequent layoffs (Oevermann, & Mieg, 2014). However,after the Second World War, which Switzerland had survived without any damage, the country experienced a golden point for its export industries. During these years, industrial sites were hidden from the public eye by its gates. While photographs carefully documented the industrial products,there was no debate about the beauty of industrial sheds.In the 1970s, major changes happened in the industrial sector, which changed the perception of urban space and cultural values (Bartschi, 2011). In the 1980s, contrary to the decline of the productive industries, financial services sector triggered a change in social values: “American” principles of quick money replaced engineering virtues, which caused price rising in city centers (Hofer, 1999). The old Sulzer-Areal industrial sector is right by the historic center of Winterthur and its central station. Since 1834, when the Sulzer brothers built it as a foundry, this factory complex has spread out as far as the Zurich railway line, forming an exceptionally dense urban fabric, which occupies a surface area of over sixteen hectares. Even today its enormous industrial buildings and iron and steel production installations, with imposing bridge cranes on rails and gigantic diesel engines, remain intact and are an emblematic witness to the golden age of Swiss mechanical engineering (Bordas, 2006). From the 1980s,different solutions were proposed for its post-industrial future.In 1992, Sulzer invited eight international architecture offices to an architectural modification in the area of problematic existing buildings. Jean Nouvel and Emmanuel Catani won the competition from Paris, with a project called “Megalou”.Although, due to a delaying appeal by Switzerland’s traffic club against the high number of parking spaces granted by the Wintherthur administration in the 1996 planning consent,the project failed. After that, the Sulzer site was considered for temporary uses such as the following: the Architecture Department of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences(ZHAW) occupied Halle 180 since 1992, restaurants, studios,Company Offices, and recreational facilities. A rethinking of the strategy on the side of the property, which, in 2001,rejected the operation owing to the size of the investments,was required. Instead of intervening on the existing buildings,it was decided to turn them into public spaces, which had the twofold function of connecting the Sulzer-Areal sector with the rest of the city, while preserving its nature (Bordas, 2006).In the end the intervention focused on the far northeastern end of the complex, the one closest to the historic center of Winterthur and the station. Work was done on three free interstitial spaces that are clearly bounded by the presence of the industrial buildings around them. The most important part is Katharina Sulzer Platz, which connects the main road with the street that runs alongside the railway lines(Figure5). At the northern end of the central strip there are three-square pools with water that reflect the facades of the buildings. A number of chairs are scattered on the gravel(Figure6).Indeed, on the south side of Katharina Sulzer Platz the original rails are still conserved and along them a large crane, which has been restored, can move as well as a new platform that can serve as the setting for various events. Another action point is the Pionierpark; a courtyard surrounded by the oldest constructions and built on an old coal mine. Lastly, a metal drainage channel has been embedded in the paving to mark the route to the square.

Figure 3:Landschaftspark

Figure 4:The city of Winterthur,its railway network,and the Sulzer industrial sites

3 Amsterdam, NDSM shipyard hall, adaptive re-use through a bottom-up urban policy

In the late 1990 the city of Amsterdam underwent deep urban changes that contributed to the radical turn of the city’s urban policies. The northern bank of the Ij river was until the ’80s the inland harbor, and the ships construction industry site; as in the rest of Europe the sudden process of de-industrialization and industries dislocation (Arrighi,1996) led to the abandonment of these areas turning them into derelict brownfields. In the meanwhile the city center ran into processes of gentrification and real estate investments pushing out of the city center the former inhabitants, squatters and informal creative groups. In the late ‘90s there were many re-development processes that involved the devalued real estate assets of the city, and various different strategies of intervention for re-enhancing their value while trying to attract investments and wealth.

Under the pressure of the citizens, squatters, and alternative cultural scene, that claimed low rent and a more active role in the renewal of dismantled zones in general,the Amsterdam municipality decided to propose an unusual planning strategy, consisting in co-opting in the valorization processes non-institutional creative elements (i.e. those with the capacity to produce innovation) that until then had been relegated to the margins of the city. This strategy was adopted by the Amsterdam municipality to renew and boost the redevelopment of the northern Ij bank, choosing to reuse the existing building stock: this is the case of the NDSM,Nederlandse Droogdok en Scheepsbouw Mattschappij,docks area(Figure7).

Figure 5:Alongside the mobile platform there is another one,perforated at random by a series of round beds in which trees grow,forming a sculptural group

Figure 6:The central zone of the square is covered with pressed sand,square pools and a number of chairs,which recalls the rails of the cranes that crossed the space

The NDSM docks were property of the city municipality and were part of a wider neighborhood redevelopment project.The Municipality starting from the re-use of a single part, The NDSM shipyard hall, promoted the valorization of a bigger area(2sqkm) in the northern bank. The aim was to produce, through a relatively low investment, a space centered on cultural activities that would bring that forgotten part of Amsterdam back into people’s minds (Oswalt, 2013). This renewed popularity would “attract potential investors and renters and[…] allow a vibrant mixture of uses to develop”(Oswalt, 2013).

The process of reuse and redevelopment started when,in 1999, the municipality promoted a public ideas competition to support temporary uses in the NDSM shipyard hall. The competition was awarded to a group named Kinetisch Noord,a group coming from the former Amsterdam squatter scene;the building was entrusted for ten years. KN parceled the huge building to promote a multifunctional attitude toward artistic,cultural, leisure practices.

The building is a huge industrial shed (20.000sqm, 20 mt high), “generic” enough to be turned into a complex, flexible and jointed place. As in the Cedric Price utopias, the shed allows multipurpose use and a broad offer of commercial,creative and recreational services(Figure8).

Kinetisch Noord in 2000 and started to re-invent that space through the urban strategy named “Die stad als casco” (the city as a shell), the NDSM shipyard was the shell in which through open design workshops and the participation of designers, artists, activists and the civil society the whole city could take part in the renewal and regeneration of a city neighborhood. Inside the NDSM shipyard hall as concrete and iron shell, two were the main issues: one was the infrastructure, meaning water, electricity and heat supply,and the second was the partition of the shed into functional zones, small studio-boxes made out of containers with a DIY attitude, a skate park, a restaurant, actors studios and a theatre, an open space for a market (Inti, 2014).

The project could take place through the concurrence of three specific factors: the Broesplaatsfonds, a social security system to boost creative industries that sustained the people involved in the project, the availability of free/low budget space, and a support of 10 mln euros from the municipality.

The NDSM community, at first independently and maybe in opposition with the real estate market and investments produced what can be called a non-monetary value (Kiss, 2014), or better a symbolic value that in a short time generated positive externalities on the surrounding environment attracting new investments.

Metaphorically we could say that the NDSM regeneration process succeeded in producing an urban synecdoche(Augoyard, 1979), that is a part of a neighborhood becomes the symbol for the entire zone.

The NDSM shipyard hall was an abandoned space which embodied an economic potential energy (Fabian, 2012), that has been released through its productive and ecological renewal with a relatively low economic investment.

This is a case of a brownfield urban recycling, rescued from demolition and capable now of producing a low cost urban regeneration.

Figure 7:NDSM docks,2014

Figure 8:NDSM Shipyard hall,interior,2015

The production of innovations, micro-economies, creative milieu, subcultural communities and alternative lifestyles (Zukin,1989) within the NDSM shipyard hall marks the turn of a space,that was literally an empty box, into a place with new urban relevance and significance(Figure9).

The NDSM shipyard hall produced such positive externalities that the surrounding plots of the neighborhood increased their land value and became a bargain for real estate investors.

4 Conclusions

These three specific cases play a relevant role in the understanding of the renewed regeneration strategies for the European industrial heritage stock.

As we could see the issue is widespread all over Europe and elsewhere.

Nowadays, also due to the contemporary economic crisis,new strategies for the recycling and reuse are needed.

The three case studies show how challenging these adaptive reuse processes have been; their comparison highlights some common issues that are relevant for all those countries that own a devalued and abandoned post-industrial heritage stock.

One of the main issue is the evidence that when we talk about industrial heritage we are not talking just about the physical shape of the city, but instead the study of this item involves a lot of social and symbolical issues that must be taken into account.

To start with there are three main values to underline:a brownfield is portion of land that has temporarily lost its intrinsic significance but still preserves some historical and cultural values and some environmental values; thus a brownfield preserves a potential energy that can be released with the regeneration process that correctly enhances these values.

As we could observe the environmental issue was common to all three case studies, and for the Emscher site it was the trigger to start the regeneration of the site and to support the ecological awareness of the people. At the same time to preserve and enhance cultural and historical values it is fundamental to keep a social continuity, keeping low the conflict level and supporting integration. Moreover,as we could observe in the NDSM regeneration process, theemerging of new social groups, subcultural communities is the mean through which a space acquires new significance both from a spatial and a social point of view.

Figure 9:NDSM Events and installations,2010

This new significance is the first step toward the valorization, first symbolic and then economic, of the industrial heritage.

This shift from a sphere of meaning to another is reached progressively - see the long term program for the Sulzer Areal; it is achieved with the overlapping of temporary uses,flexible spaces, intensity of transformation, the empowerment of local communities, the management of a complexity of stakeholders and through participatory and inclusive processes. It is rarely the result of an architectural design,or a brief program, and generally seems not to suit the real estate investments time frame, but in the long run, as we could observe for all the three case studies, the positive externalities produced by this long time processes have a deeper impact on the economic valorization of the surrounding land.

Source of Figures

Figure 1:source from Thyssen Krupp Konzernarchiv,Duisburg

Figure 2:photo by Thomas Berns

Figure 3 :photo by Thomas Berns

Figure 4 :source from publication: Mieg, Harald A., & Oevermann,Heike. Industrial Heritage Sites in Transformation: Clash of Discourses.New York [M]. Routledge, 2014.

Figure 5 :source from website: Bordas, David B. Sulzerareal Winterthur(Switzerland), 2004. (2006)[2016-02-09], website: http://www.publicspace.org/en/works/d214-sulzerareal

Fig 6 :source from website: Vetschpartner. Landezine. (2010)[2016-02-09], website: http://www.landezine.com/index.php/2010/12/thesulzer-areal-by-vetschpartner-landscape-architecture/

Fig 7:photo by Vera de Kok(Creative Commons)

Fig 8:photo by Jip Bosch(Creative Commons)

英文教学设计 篇5

In the teaching program, the partners are Grade eight students who are about 14 years old.After one years` learning, some of them gained a lot of basic knowledge and became more confident, but a few of them seems could not follow their step and they lost their confidence in the class.So, it is very important to ask them to do preview.Junior students always full of energy and they are eager to know more things and want to express themselves ,so if teachers can apply interesting and appropriate ways in classes and encourage them at most of time, especially in the listening and speaking class, students will be more interested in English and more confident than before.II.Teaching objectives

A.Knowledge Objectives: 1.By the end of the class, students will be a master of the following words and expressions:

favorite January February March April May June July August September October November December

2.By the end of the class, students will be able to use the following sentence patterns:

a.what’s your favorite…

b.I like … best of all.c.I like….,I like…., but my favorite is..d.what’s date is it today?

e.what day is it today?

3.By the end of the class, students will be able to

B.Ability Objectives:

1.By the end of the class, students will be able to talk about what’s their favorite food or sports.2.By the end of the class, students will know the pronounce and the spelling of each month.3.By the end of the class, students will be able to use the right form of verb in different situations.4.By the end of the class, students will be able to use some common words of our daily life.C.Emotion Objectives: By the end of the class, students will know what are their favorite and insist on it.III.Teaching Key Points and Difficulties 1.Teaching Key Points:

a.learn to talk about what are their favorite b.the words of each month c.past tense of verbs and plural form of nouns 2.Teaching Difficulties: a.learn to talk about what are their favorite b.the words of each month and pronounce

c.past tense of verbs and plural form of nouns

IV.Teaching Procedures: Step1.Lead-in(4miutes)Purpose: The lead-in part is the prelude of this lesson.Daily greeting turn students` attention to the English class and create a pleasant atmosphere in which students are able to be involved in English learning.And the following questions lead in the topic.(Do you like basketball? Do you like football? Do you like pingpang? But what’s your favorite? Lead in the topic.)Activity1: Daily Greeting.Purpose: Give students the information that class is begin, draw their attention to the class, also, it can reduce the distance between I and students, so that make the teaching process going smoothly.In this part, I will greet all the students, and the students will response.Activity2: I love words Purpose: Check students` learning situation about new words of this unit.Before learning new contents, we should be familiar with the new word, so that the teaching activities can go smoothly.In this part, I will ask students play the word chant.Activity3: Answer questions Purpose: Lead in today’s topic In this part, firstly, I will ask students “Do you like basketball? Do you like football? Do you like pingpang? But what do you like best?”, and after students replied, I will say“so … is your favorite, the same as: … is your favorite sports.”and explain the meaning and use of favorite and let students follow my sentence, in this way, I can lead in this class successfully.Step2.Presentation(8 minutes)Purpose: The presentation part is used to introduce the topic and give the students clear instructions on what they will study.Activity1.How to ask the day? Purpose: present a picture which have twelve words of each month and I will read for them also explain the meaning of each word and ask them follow me to read, and after students replied, I will teach them a phase “ what’s the date is it today?”, and show the difference with “what day is it today ?”and also teach them the representation method of the date.(give an example :December 1st 1997, December 1 1997, Dec.1,1997.1st December,1997)And especially tell them: before the date, we should use a “the”.Activity2.Teach sentences.Purpose: still follow today’s central contents.In this part, I will teach students the following sentences:

I have a meeting this afternoon

She has a meeting this afternoon

I am having a meeting now

I had a meeting last night

After doing this, I will ask a question that “can you tell me the difference and the relations of these four sentence? You may find answers and more example on our text book, so, let’s read the statements in 4a and circle it together”.In this way, I can guide students into the next activities naturally.Activity3.Read the statement in 1a and circle it.Purpose: Present new key pints: do does did doing In this part, I require students read these sentences on 4a with me, they will find the new key points.And during the reading, students can make a deep impression on the new, and can find the usage of the new expressions.I explain the meaning and teach them the past tense of verbs, third person singular form of verbs, and the present form of verbs.Then follow this way go on the other 5 sentences.After this, students can generally use this expression.Activity4.Read the six sentences again.Purpose: Deepen the impression.Step 3: Speaking Practice(16 minutes)Purpose: The core purpose is to train students’ speaking ability under the guidance of CTL.As we all know, the most important reason to learn language is to be able to communicate with other people.Most of these communications happened in the form of spoken language.So speaking practice part in this class is crucial to improve the students’ oral language.Activity1.Make a list Purpose: Make a prelude for next activity In this part, I will ask students make a list of things they like to do best and their birthday.The list is prepared for the next speaking practice.Activitiy2.Speak out your list Purpose: Encourage students open their mouse, so that cultivate students` speaking ability.In this part, I will ask students discuss their list in groups, 2 guys a group, and use the phrase “what’ your favorite things? and what’s the date is your birthday ”.When students sharing with their partner, they will be more relax and they can practice the phrase.Activity3.Show your list Purpose: Give chance to students to perform and also check their learning situation.In this part, I will let 2 group of student show their conversation, admire their good performance also correct the mistakes they made in their conversation.Step 4: Listening Practice(6 minutes)Purpose: The listening practice is used to enhance their listening competence through the process of completing a succession of tasks.Activity1.listen to the type and work on 4b Purpose: Check the listening competence of students.In this part, firstly I will let students read these sentences in 4b, then, let them listening to Mike and his mother’s talking and finish 4b.after they do it, I will check the answer with them.Step 5: Pair-work(8 minutes)Purpose: This part is to consolidation, it will help students have a review of today’s content especially the key points and difficult points.Activity1.Pairwork Purpose: Practice make perfect, through this process, students will have a review of today` content especially the key points and difficult points.In this part, I will ask them look at the statement in 4c and 2 guys a group make conversations, use the phrases in the box below.When students are making conversations, I walking on the classroom listen.Activity2.Show your sentence.Purpose: Give students opportunity to show their conversation, also can check how much the mast of today’s contents.In this part, I will point 2 groups of students to show their conversation.Step 6: Homework(3 minutes)Activity1.Share a word

Purpose: The class not only teaches student knowledge but also some principles In this part, I will show a sentence-Rules like an umbrella, protect every one of us on my PPT, and ask volunteers to tell me It’s meaning, which aim to students can gained something in this word.Activity2.Show the homework on the ppt.Purpose: Practice make perfect, homework is the complement of the teaching process, and it’s very useful for students to review what they have learnt in the class.Desired Effect: This lesson is designed in accordance with the above steps.Students are expected to be actively involved in a series of tasks that the teacher prepared before class.By means of accomplishing these activities, students can ask the date in English and use the English to describe the date and express what is their favorite thing fluently both in oral and written English and improve their integrated competence, especially listening and speaking skills.Bibliography:

[1]覃先美,李阳.英语专业毕业论文写作教程[M].长沙:湖南师范大学出版社,2012.2 [2]靳玉乐.现代教育学[M].成都:四川教育出版社,2011.1



英文网站设计 篇6



(一) 大型医药企业大都建设了英文网站,欠缺日常维护。英文网站的日常维护是为了适应市场变化,也是吸引消费者,抓住网络商机的重要途径。某历史悠久的大型医药企业,其英文网站委托建站公司,整体建设相对滞后,设备落后,软件硬件欠缺日常维护。其网页的响应速度过慢,无法打开网站中的某些栏目,如打不开“Products” (产品)和“Download”(下载)的下级菜单,这样的网站很难吸引消费者,容易流失商机。

(二) 医药企业英文网站大都介绍了产品,但缺乏对医药产品质量认证信息的宣传。医药企业的英文网站不同于一般企业的英文网站,它提供的医药产品需要得到权威机构的认定,并对人的健康安全承担责任。对于医药出口而言,这一点显得尤为重要,因为医药产品只有通过国外的权威认证,才能得到国外消费者的肯定,进而开拓海外市场。我国多数医药企业即使得到了国外的权威认证,例如美国的FDA(食品和药品管理局)、欧洲的COS(欧洲药典适用性)认证等,也没有借助英文网站来加以宣传;即使有一些宣传,也只是停留在文字上,并没有通过多媒体形式对有关认证资料加以展示,以消除消费者心中的疑虑。

(三) 医药企业英文网站的建设理念陈旧,缺乏打造企业世界级品牌的意识。英文网站需要宣扬企业的历史发展、企业文化,向浏览者呈现“品牌效应”,而我国医药企业英文网站设计普遍忽略了品牌文化的打造。浏览网站的过程中,应该让浏览者感受到企业独特的文化内涵,比如某中药企业网站,尽管有“Culture”(文化)这一栏目,介绍了企业的管理理念、管理政策和企业精神等,但没有对中药独特的文化底蕴的介绍,特别是没有对企业弘扬中药文化方面的独特贡献进行介绍,没有发挥网络名片的功能,没有达到网络营销的目的,不利于医药企业开拓国际市场。

(四) 医药企业的英文网站忽视目标访问者的特征,未能体现交流平台的作用。某外资制药企业的网站,“Working Together for a Healthier China”(携手共进,共创健康中国)的标志语亲切友好,考虑到了目标人群。而我国有的医药企业的英文网站欠缺对目标访问者的考虑,如栏目内容较为陈旧,未得到及时更新,不利于吸引国外访问者。多数医药企业英文网站仅仅停留在介绍企业信息方面,简单的把中文网站的内容一一对应的英译过来,其布局及内容依然按照东方人的思维进行翻译,缺乏跨文化意识,忽略了国外访问者这一目标群体的特征,忽略了国外访问者的习惯与思维。


(一) 个案一:该类医药企业英文网站整体设计简单

中国医药500强排名前列的某企业,其英文网站只有“Home, Company Profile, Products, Contact Us” 四部分。各部分的下级链接界面中均是一副配上“Service for life”(为生命服务)的风景画。主页中有“News” 栏目,却没有具体内容。其它的下一级链接非常简单。比如,其产品的介绍“Products” 这个栏目,主要是“Name”(产品名称)和“Specification”(产品规格)的介绍,在“Specification” 中仅仅能看到规格的说明,而没有详尽的使用说明和注意事项等,网站中对其产品介绍显得非常单薄,没有对产品性能等的介绍,使网站的浏览者或消费者很难对产品有全面的了解。网站某些界面设计混乱,如“Contact Us” 界面中,本来应该介绍联系方式等信息,却显示了四种产品并进行了详尽介绍。同时发现这个英文网站内容更新不及时,国外浏览者或消费者或投资者很难通过这四个板块对企业的业绩,文化,管理等方面有比较深入的了解。总之网站设计过于简单,很难使浏览者和消费者了解企业的主要情况。然而此企业的中文网站建设较为专业,图文并茂,内容丰富。

(二) 个案二:该类医药企业英文网站界面友好,但内容匮乏

某省知名医药企业的英文网站分为“Home, About Us, Products, News, Culture”以及“Strength, Sales Network”(企业实力,销售网络)七大板块。每个板块内都有下一级链接,内容相对充实。网站界面上对企业的介绍,对产品的介绍配有图片,使得整个界面活泼,可读性强。“Products”分为“Raw material”(原料药)和“Finished Products”(成品药)分类清晰,但没有详尽的介绍。“Culture” 分为 “Corporation sign, Corporate culture, Employees appearance”(企业标志,企业文化,员工风采),看起来分类清楚,但不注意大小写,存在一定表达错误。同时,这家英文网站也存在其它问题,如更新不及时,“News” 栏目更新至到2010年。总体说来,其英文网站较为专业,版式简介大方,分类清楚。浏览者能够通过英文网站了解该企业的各个方面。但是再纵览一遍此企业的中文网站,不难发现,英文网站的建设完全依赖于中文网站的建设思路。英文网站中的内容基本是对中文网站内容的复制。尽管英文网站的界面友好,但忽略了中西方文化的差异。企业中文网站多是以企业自身为立足点,英文网站需要角色转换,以消费者的角度为出发点,以产品质量,营业额等数据作为吸引外国消费者的基石。endprint

(三) 个案三:该类医药企业网站建设较为成熟,仍需改进

以一家以现代中药生产科研为主的企业网站为例,其英文网站主界面有“About Us, Our Business, Investor Relations, Media Center, Contact Us”(关于我们,公司业务,投资者关系,媒体中心,联系我们)五个主栏目。每个栏目下都有几个链接。如“About us 下有“Company Profile, Chairmans Statement, Corporate Structure, Awards and Achievements, Management Team, Corporate Information”(集团介绍,主席致辞,组织架构,奖项及成就,管理团队,公司资料)每一级链接都图文并茂,清晰明了,或是图片加文字,或是数据表格加文字,让浏览者或消费者一目了然。“Our Business” 的下级菜单“Products”中进行了有效分类,如“Injections,Soft Capsules, Granules, others”(注射液,软胶囊,颗粒剂,其它剂型)。对于某一产品的介绍从“Function, Main Materials, Specification, License No, Attention, Usage & Dosage, Storage, Quality Guarantee”(功能主治,成分,规格,批准文号,注意事项,用法用量,贮藏,质量保证)这几个方面进行介绍,非常详尽。与上文提到的两家企业不同,在国际业务拓展方面,英文网站设置了“Investor Relations” 这个栏目有14个下级菜单。如“Financial Highlights”(财务摘要),以表格形式把本企业2008年到2013年的“Assets and liabilities”(资产及负债)展现出来,以柱形图展现“Profit attributable to shareholders”(股东应占溢利),以折线图展现“Gross and net profit Margins”(毛利率及纯利率),非常直观;“Financial Reports, Circulars, Announcements, IR calendar”(财务报告,通函,公告,财务活动日志)等栏目里面的图片美观,内容充实,更新及时,从2004年到2013年都有显示;“Online video”(在线视频)有一段对企业和产品介绍的视频。“FAQs”(常见问题)小栏目的设置,界面友好,体现人文精神。总体看来,这家医药企业网站尽管也存在个别和中文网站对应翻译的现象,但其英文网站建设相对成熟,界面美观友好,内容更新及时,值得推广。这类英文网站建设的较为成熟,但类似医药企业较少。


(一) 重视医药企业的信息化建设,完善网站的界面设计

调查中发现国外著名药企的网站注重图像、文本、视频三者有机结合,其网站信息量大,集趣味性和娱乐性为一体。如某世界领先的多元化医药产品保健公司的网站主页面,一副天真活泼小女孩奔跑的图片配上如下文字:“最重要的是生命”,其主页面朝气蓬勃、积极向上,宣扬了企业文化与精神。而前面列举的个案一为代表的我国医药企业网站以文字为主,只有一副单调的“Service for life”图片,鲜见带有企业文化与产品宣传的视频。应该说我国医药企业的英文网站整体界面较为单一枯燥,未能恰如其分地宣扬企业精神,这主要和设计网站的理念息息相关。英文网站的栏目设计,页面布局等体现了医药企业的信息化建设,动态效果的使用,起到宣传企业形象,利于吸引潜在客户,有助于对外销售产品。企业应该意识到信息化建设是拓展国外市场的重要途径,应成立英文网站设计或建设小组,保证合理的资金投入以及实施对网站的监管,包括招聘网站建设人才,对网站进行评估,对网站整体风格,栏目设置等提出指导性的意见,审核网站发布的内容等等。


调研中还发现国外的医药企业,注重采取灵活的多种多样的现代化渠道进行互动交流,充分体现了开发与利用网站的交际功能。如“Follow us on Twitter,Like us on Facebook, Watch us on YouTube, Visit us on Flickr, Follow us on LinkedIn”(在Twitter,Facebook,YouTube,Flickr,LinkedIn上关注我们)。其中和”Twitter、Facebook、Flickr、LinkedIn”这些网络平台合作,给浏览者提供了充分交流的平台,从而也展现了企业形象,扩大了企业在国际上的影响。而我国医药企业的网站中除了少数较成熟的企业外,普遍未采取多种多样的展现自我和对外营销的方式。一方面这与东西方文化差异有关,另一方面源于对网站的交际功能开发不足。我国医药企业应该重视和国外浏览者或消费者的在线沟通交流,借鉴上述外企采用多种渠道联系的方式,同时设立在线咨询、在线订购、在线支付等栏目,促进网上的对外销售;同时,还应该从国外消费者的角度,合理设置栏目,使网站符合浏览者的思维方式、心理特性以及消费需求。只有这样,充分发挥网站的交际功能,才会有助于医药企业扩大出口。

(三)改进现有网站中的语言错误,避免翻译失误。不难发现,部分医药企业在英文网站建设方面注意了遣词造句。比如,“About us”这个表达就较为符合英语表述。但同时还存在着大量的语用性和文化性翻译错误,这类错误是指翻译者拘泥于词汇、语法、语义等层面的表达,忽视东西方不同文化、价值观等差异造成语用失误。比如某企业网站上“Welcome to meet X!” (X指企业) 应该改为 “Welcome to X!”(欢迎)。汉语表达中,常常采用归纳法;英语中,常用演绎法,简言之,英语注重开门见山,英语写作中需要把重要信息置于句首,然后交代其它信息。英语网站中的企业新闻的内容安排应该采取上述提到的倒金字塔结构,充分体现英语思维或西方文化。再如,英语网站中的语体问题,由于受汉语的影响,通常认为,媒体中出现的语言应该是标准规范的书面语,例如我国企业英文网站在“Products”中一般直接解释产品,或者加上如下介绍:“抗生素和维生素系列是主导产品,这些产品由发酵玉米、淀粉和其它天然农产品生产”,该句子使用了较为正式的定语从句形式。而国外的某著名药企用如下表达:“We make a wide range of prescription medicines, prescribed vaccines and consumer healthcare products. You can find out about these through the links below.”(我们生产各种处方药、疫苗和保健产品,您可以通过以下链接找到它们),句中“We”、“You” 的使用,让浏览者倍感亲切。总之,翻译过程中,译者要具有高度的跨文化意识,减少语言性失误和语用失误,翻译出产品的内涵和韵味,有利于展现产品的实力,激发消费者的购买兴趣,提高企业的国际竞争力。



[1] 查志刚.提升外贸企业英文网站的营销水平 [J] 经营与管理, 2008 (12).

[2]卢小军.中美网站企业概况的文本对比与外宣英译 [J] 中国翻译,2012 (1).

英文网站设计 篇7


1 Introduction

The value of a strategic,process approach to listening instruction is increasingly recognized(Vandergrift,2004).There is evidence to believe that a process approach can help students learn how to listen,guiding them through the stages that seem to characterize real-life listening(Field,1998;Goh,1997;Vandergrift,2004).The metacognitive strategies underlying this approach help listeners become more aware of how they can use what they already know to fill gaps in their understanding.(Vandergrift,2004).

Nevertheless,research in the classroom reveals that instruction in listening has too often been associated with testing,focusing on the product of listening(Sheerin,1987,cited from Vandergrift,2004).Although various activities are designed in books of listening instruction,their outcomes are limited to the understanding of a particular listening text instead of involving students in thinking about the process of listening(Goh,2002).There is no denying that the persistent problem facing most ESL learners remains as to what on earth leads to effective listening in the language teaching classroom.

The situation,therefore,can only be remedied"if teachers understand the nature of listening comprehension and can sensitize students to important issues and provide the optimum listening practice"(Buck,1995).Through carefully designed listening tasks with an inbuilt disparity,students can be motivated to participate and cooperate with one another in practicing listening skills and strategies.More importantly,class discussions abou listening from a metacognitive perspective are called for so tha teachers can enhance their students'awareness of learning to listen(Goh 2002).

2 A Listening Plan

This paper proposes a listening plan based on the strategic process approach.It details learner profile,the selection and use of the material as well as the tasks designed at each step of listening instruction.The rationale for doing so is also elaborated.

2.1 Learner Description

1)The lesson is for the non-English major bilingual classes the 2nd semester of Grade one of my university.Students have to go through a battery of English proficiency tests,among which listening and speaking abilities are particularly emphasized,before they are admitted by bilingual classes.

2)Students in the class show a good understanding in listening to intermediate level texts and can speak almost fluently Their average English score in college entrance exam is 110 ou of total 150.Their receptive vocabulary size is around 8000.

3)However,students complain that they seem to be caught in a bottleneck particularly in listening.Such problems remain persistent as failure to recognize words they know in writing or get overall meaning while they understand individual words.

3 Rationale for the Proposed Lesson

3.1 The selection of material

1)It can arouse students'interest.The beautiful text Youth by Samuel Ullman is the favorite of many famous people including General of the Army of US,Douglas MacArthur,who,according to my knowledge,is popular among my students.They may wonder what's in the text that makes it appealing to so many people.

2)It is appropriate for students in terms of its language level(upper intermediate),appropriate length(2-minute short listening text),normal speed,little accent(American accent)and listening skills and strategies to be used.

3)It helps students listen to learn in addition to learning to listen.Besides metacognitive and cognitive listening comprehension strategies to be experienced and learned to facilitate students how to listen,they are also able to listen to learn.The beautiful literary work to be listened to here has"great potential for developing creative and critical thinking through listening tasks"(Goh 2002).

3.2 The use of material

3.2.1 The underlying principles

1)A macro-goal:To help learners to become skilled listener,autonomous learner.

2)Process-focused:we are teaching listening rather than testing listening outcome.It is essential to let students know their teacher and the whole class are jointly exploring and constructing meaning with the help of listening strategies and their prior linguistic and cultural resources.

3)A metacognitive awareness pervasive in pre-listening,during-listening and post-listening tasks:Show students how to use metacognitive strategies.

3.2.2 The application of principles

1)Introduction serves to a)maximize students'interest and curiosity at the very beginning;b)direct their attention to the listening task;

2)In the task 1,listeners focus on important upcoming content(selective attention)while continuing to use relevant information to help them understand,confirm or revise their prediction(monitoring)as they go along.

3)In Listening task 2,students are supposed to restructure the text by taking down key words.Mutual scaffolding in pair discussion(social-affective strategy)help them learn from each other.This is to set up a relaxing class climate in which students are free to speak out what is really on their mind about the comprehension,and they are allowed to take their time for self-monitoring and evaluation.Students are encouraged to think not just about the content of listening,but more importantly about the process of listening by pair discussion.

4)Evaluation task enables students to speak in front of a group,also involves everyone to listen and judge.

5)By appreciating the text with the transcript on the classroom screen,students are to notice the gaps in their comprehension of language accuracy and consolidate what they have learned.Meanwhile,up to now,there are more attention resources affordable to the ideas or language use in the text.

6)Post-listening discussions aim to challenge students'critical thinking in terms of how language can be best used to organize ideas and how students evaluate ideas in the text.What is equally important is to provide an opportunity for students to reflect on their cognitive process during the listening,and how to flexibly apply listening skills and strategies to tackle similar problems in the future listening.

7)About extended activity:Students in China,an input-poor context of learning English,should make the most out of those authentic English materials to improve their listening and speaking.This partly explains why the extended activity is designed in this way.Another reason is that recitation competition doesn'mean mechanical memorization,but calls students'attention to the pronunciation,intonation,language use,and techniques o making public presentation.Students are motivated to display their progress and learn from each other on this occasion.

4 Lesson Plan

Table 1.

5 Conclusion

Listening class is not merely about getting students to listen and complete accompanying tasks.(Goh 1997)Instead,listening is an active process of constructing meaning,involving listeners existing knowledge to match with the linguistic cue,with the help of strategies.Research reports that skilled listeners use more metacognitive and cognitive strategies in their listening and they appear to use those strategies more flexibly and effectively(Vandergrift 2003).

One problem facing students in my university is what on earth can lead to effective listening.When the frequently given suggestion"practice makes perfect"seems so weak and fragile,we should take a closer look at 1)what is going on in their listening process;2)how are their cognitive and social-affective factors interfering with their listening;3)what is the possible scaffolding teachers and their peers can provide to compensate the gaps in their listening comprehension before,while and after listening?4How students can have more control of their listening while teacher's initial guidance is removed?

Experience can be really useful when we constantly reflec on it.Therefore,metacognitive awareness should be prioritized to help learners be more reflective,regulated and responsible.


[1]Buck G.How to become a good listening teacher[J]//D Mendelsohn,J Rubin,Eds.A guide for the teaching of second language listening.San Diego,1CA:Dominie Press,995:113-128.

[2]Burns B.Guided Reading,A How-to for All Grades[M].Skylight Training&Publishing Inc,2001.

[3]Field J.Skills and strategies:Toward a new methodology for listening[J].ELT Journal,1998(52):110-118.

[4]Goh C C M.Metacognitive awareness and second language lis-teners[J].ELT Journal,1997(51):361-369.

[5]Goh C C M.Teaching Listening in the Language Classroom[M].Singapore:SEAMEO Regional Language Center,2002.

[6]Lynch T.Nudge,nudge:teacher interventions in task-based learner talker[J].ELT Journal,1997,51(4).

[7]Rost L.Listening[J]//R Carter,D Nunan,eds.The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages,2001:7-13.

英文网站设计 篇8

Ruttingisamajorform ofdistressfoundinasphalt pavements.Mixsabilitytoresistruttingisoneofthe mostimportantcriteriainthemixdesignofanasphalt pavingmixture.Ruttingisdefinedastheaccumulation ofirreversibledeformationorpermanentdeformationin anyormore pavementlayersunderrepeated trafficloadingoveraperiodoftime.

Uniform designisaoptimizedesignmethod.Ex-perimentdataisobtainedeffectivelyandanalyzedusing uniform design.Thethicknessandthemodulearetwo ofthemostimportantfactorsinasphaltpavementstructuredesign.Thesimulationsareconducted undera parametricstudytoinvestigatethebeneficialeffectsof thethicknessand the module to the rutting criteriabasedonuniform design.

1 Uniform design

Theuniform designisanewdesignmethodforin-vestigationtheexperimentwithfactorsandlevels.By usingthismethod, aregressionequationcanbequicklyobtained bythe lowestexperimenttimesand the shortestperiod.Theequationcandescribetheinflu-enceeachfactoronobjectivefunctioninfixedquantity, thereforethebesttechnologicalconditioncanbegot quickly[1].

2 Selectionofmechanicsparameter

Thereexistmanypredictionmodelsforruttingand theycan bebroadlyclassified intothreecategories:mechanisticmodels, empiricalmodelsincludingfield regressionmodelsandlaboratorymodels, andmechanistic-empiricalmodels.Inthemechanisticmodel, the mechanism ofruttingishypothesizedandananalytical modelis developed to modelrutting.The existing mechanisticmodelsforpredicting rutting in asphalt surfacinglayersincludelayer-strainmodels[2,3,4], viscoelasticmodels[5,6,7,8,9,10,11], viscoplasticmodels[12,13], and mechanicalenergymodels[14].

Inlayer-strainmodel, eachlayerisdividedintoa numberofsublayers, assumingeitheralinearornonlinearrelationshipbetweentheelasticstressfieldand verticalpermanentdeformationineachlayer.Theverticalandradialstressesatthemid-heightofeachlayer arecomputed based on elastic theory.Examplesof computercodesisBISAR program[15].

Withtheexception oftheSAPSIprogram, theyare allsuitable for analysis ofan elastic-layer or vicoe1astic-1ayersystem subjectedtostaticloads.The SAPSIprogram issuitableforviscoelastic-layeredsystem subjectedtodynamicloads.Theplasticstrainis expressedasafunctionofstresses.Thelogicofthis approachisbasedontheobservationthat, formaterials usedinthepavementstructure, permanentstrainsare proportionaltoelasticstrains.Inotherwords, limiting theelasticstrainwillalsolimittheplasticstrain.The totaldeformationisthenobtainedbysummingtheaveragedeformationoveralllayers.

Thetraditionallayer-strain modelisselected in thisstudy.Themaximum compressivestraininthetop ofthesoilsub-gradeofasphaltpavementisregardedas oneofthemostimportantfactorsaffectingtheresistant torutting[16].

3 Analysisoftheresistanttorutting

Thetypicalthreelayersstructureofasphaltpavementisselectedinthisstudy, includingthethickness ofasphaltsurfacinglayerfrom 7cm to 32cm;the thicknessofbaselayerfrom 0cm to 70cm;themodule ofbaselayerfrom flexiblebasetosemi-rigidbase, itis asshownfigure 1.

Thesimulationsareconductedunderaparametric studytoinvestigatethebeneficialeffectsofthethicknessandthemoduletotheruttingcriteria, covering thethicknessofasphaltsurfacinglayerh1, thethicknessofaggregatebaseh2, themoduleofasphaltsurfacinglayerE1, themoduleofaggregatebaseE2, the moduleofsubgradelayerE0.Accordingtheregulation ofuniform design, tenleversareselectedforeachfactor, uniform designtableU (108) ischosenandh1, h2, E1, E2, E0arearrangedinrowsof 1, 3, 4, 5, 7ofuniform designtableaspresentintable 1.Themechanics respondsarecomputedbythefiniteelementsoftware BISAR asshownintable 2.

Withthecomputedresultsobtainedasdescribedinthe precedingsection, amultiplylinearregressionanalysis wasconductedforEq. (1) .Theformulaishighlysignificant, withveryhighvaluesofstatisticalcoefficients ofmultiplydeterminationequalto 0.773.

Asshowninregressionequation (1) , thecoefficientsofh1, h2, E0, E1andE2arenegative, themaximum compressivestrain, which isin thetop ofsoil sub-gradeofasphaltpavementunderthecenterofthe interspace'swheel, hasdecreasedwiththeincrease ofthethicknessofasphaltsurfacinglayer、thethickness ofbaselayer、themoduleofasphaltsurfacinglayer、the moduleofbaselayerandthemoduleofsoilsub-grade.

Inordertocomparethefactorsasdescribed above, thestandardpartialregressioncoefficientisselectedforeachfactorascriteriaasshownintable 3.

ThefactorisdirectproportiontoPj, theorderoffactorsareh2>E0>h1>E1>E2, asfollow thethick-nessofbaselayer>themoduleofthesoilsub-grade>thethicknessofasphaltsurfacinglayer>themoduleof asphaltsurfacinglayer>themoduleofbaselayer.

4 Conclusion

Basedonuniform design, thesimulationsareconductedunderaparametricstudytoinvestigatethebeneficialeffectsofthethicknessandthemoduletothe ruttingcriteria, andtodeterminehowmucheffectsare influencedbythethicknessofbaselayer, themodule ofthesoilsub-grade, thethicknessofasphaltsurfacing layer, themoduleofasphaltsurfacinglayeraswellas themoduleofbaselayer.Asdiscussedabove, theapproachofimprovingtheresistanttoruttingistoincreasethethicknessofbaselayer, themoduleofthe soilsub-grade, thethicknessofasphaltsurfacinglayer, themoduleofasphaltsurfacinglayerandthemoduleofbaselayer.

英文网站设计 篇9




随着信息科技的飞速发展,旅游网站的功能越来越丰富,帮助用户高效、便捷地访问网站越来越重要。但由于对英文网站建设的重视力度缺失,不少旅游网站的英文版在使用的便捷性方面普遍存在一些缺陷。例如,大多英文旅游网站的信息检索方式单一,系统不能提供多样化的高级检索方式,给用户带来了不便,影响网站的易用性。根据美国一家研究,网站易用性的公司Nielsen Norman Group使用“眼球跟踪设备”研究网页浏览者的浏览行为时,发现用户对网页的浏览视线呈F形,即用户对网页信息的浏览重点区域分布呈F形。而目前很多英文旅游网站无论是用户浏览网页还是搜索引擎搜索页面都未遵循F形规律,这都不便于用户快捷地获取信息。为提高信息搜索的效率,网站应对旅游服务及产品信息的结构布局进行调整,使用简化的操作流程、易用的导航标识和强大的搜索引擎,给用户带来良好的体验。

英文网站设计 篇10


根据世界旅游组织预测,到2020 年中国将超过其他国家,成为世界第一大旅游目的地。为抓住这一有利契机,中国政府发布了《国务院关于加快发展旅游业的意见》,其中肯定了涉外旅游业的战略性产业地位,并明确提出以信息化的发展来优化涉外旅游经济的运作,积极开展旅游在线服务,实现涉外旅游经济的快速增长。但在信息技术高速发展的大环境下,英文旅游网站的服务质量却难以令人满意,可以从以下两方面入手,努力提升其旅游信息化的服务水平。






英文网站设计 篇11



高职服装英语是涵盖服装设计、服装史论、服装工程、服装文化和服装贸易专业知识的专业英语学科,其中服装设计的西方理念和实施又属该课程学习内容的重中之重。单一静态的课本知识不足以调动基础差的高职生学习热情,也不利于学生将服装专业英语知识转化成观察和了解欧美时尚时装的审美能力和判断力。因此教师为学生提供一档合适的英文双语服装设计类节目是有着极为迫切和必要的。如何利用体现西方服装设计理念的英文原声设计类节目贴近高职生的服装英语学习,值得从事本门课程教学的教师们的关注。在当代大学英语教学提倡融入英语原声双语影视节目成为普遍热潮的大形势下,关于在高职服装英语教学中引入设计类欧美原声节目的必要性、可行性及实施策略的见解少有见文。以美国原声版知名时装设计类真人秀节目《天桥风云》为补充性教学辅助素材,以节目题目“天桥风云”和“教学”或“英语”为主题词,在被中国学术期刊界、教育界、出版界、图书情报界等社会各界赋予盛誉的中国知网CNKI(China National Knowledge Infrastructure)上进行跨库检索,截至本文撰稿成文日期2016年7月17日跨库检索查询到的期刊论文为零,同期仅能查询到一篇发表与2013年题为“中美时尚文化对比研究——以《创意星空》和《天桥风云》为例”的硕士论文且不是关于服装英语教学的研究。可知关于在高职服装英语课中,用该档英文赛事节目作为教学有益补充的研究是个全新的探索,期待本文为本门课程带来抛砖引玉的新见解新成效。



要认识到风靡全球的设计师选秀节目美国《天桥风云》对高职服装英语课的必要辅助意义,需要先了解该节目的实力出场团队,节目构成及赛项看点。本文提及的《天桥风云》不是拍摄于1997年共36集,由韩国张东健、金南珠、韩载硕等主演、披露韩国时装界耀眼吸引的风光背后那些让人艳羡的模特行业现实生活的韩国言情、都市、偶像剧《天桥风云》,而是由Bravo Cable公司发行、由Eli Holzman主创、海蒂·克鲁姆 Eli Holzman编剧,于2004年12月1日在美国首播的一档时装设计师展示才华的英文原声真人秀节目。其英文名称是《Project Runway》,因受著名韩剧《天桥风云》影响,“天桥风云”成为其节目众多版本译制名中最受国人欢迎一名。

节目的评委嘉宾及选手三方实力派组成人员均值得学生在教师指导下思考学什么及如何学。节目中的男主持人兼导师“Make it work”先生蒂姆·古恩Tim Gunn,曾获得艾美奖真人竞技类节目最佳主持人五次提名和一次获奖。另一名常任女主持人兼评委是曾出演过著名品牌维多利亚的秘密时尚秀的名模Heidi Klum。节目常任男评委是“钟情巴黎的美国纽约人” 老牌设计师迈克·柯尔(Michael Kors),其设计风格简约明朗自成一格被誉为“不脱离现实的幻想家”。另一位能与之高人气抗衡的常任女评委是尼娜·加西亚(Nina Garcia)。她曾担任法国著名时尚杂志《Elle》的美国版《Elle》杂志的时装总监编辑,后转任同享世界盛誉的法国著名时尚杂志《Marie Claire》的美版《Marie Claire》杂志的时装总监(《Marie Claire》中国大陆简体版译作“《嘉人》”,港台繁体版译作“《玛利嘉儿》”)。作为一位深谙装扮之道的女性,她以令人称赞的时尚业内行和品位裁判者的经验撰写出版了被媒体和公众认为是迄今为止最经典的四本时尚“圣经”,是一位时尚风向标级的高产畅销时尚书作家。两位评委善于用自身内化积淀的年代服装元素来判断分析点评选手的设计,言辞犀利点评到位。另外节目每期会邀请业界有威望的客座嘉宾充当评委之一,为挑战赛带来了新的专家视角和商业意义,可以避免服装设计流于艺术而失去实际商业价值。见多识广且为各大时装秀第一排的座上宾的金牌主持人、资深导师及实力派大牌评委们的自身素质和专业水准,为节目的档次和质量夯实了基础。参赛的时装设计师赛怀揣梦想充满才华,手下诞生的服装不亚于四大时装周展示的名牌[1]。每季赛事最后的获胜者常将获得在知名时尚杂志美国版展示作品的机会,十万美元创业启动资金、名牌跑车,和在纽约时装周举办个人作品发布会的机会等。

节目构成:节目每集时长为63分钟左右。从每季第一集十几位来自全美各地的爱好设计的或业余或专业的选手一同参赛开始,每集通过比赛产生出单次设计赢家(winner)、安全晋级选手和被淘汰者。整季赛事最后成功晋级的3-4位选手将凭各自体现往期各次设计特色的整套服装系列,参加世界顶级水准时装周,每季最后一集最不容错过。节目每集开场是简要的前情回顾,提及上集比赛的主题、制作服装过程中的导师指导批评、成品T台秀、精华点评及比赛结果。随后展示本季奖品及选手在本场赛前的真人秀访谈。接着是选手来到特定场地揣测比赛主题,导师和主持人到场揭晓比赛任务。之后是选手与客户交流用时30分钟内绘制设计草图(sketch)。而后去坐落在曼哈顿的美国纽约最大的布料店Mood(英语全名为Mood Designer Fabrics穆德公司/全名穆德设计师面料公司)选购面料,有时间和预算采购资金限制。随后回到赛事指定工作室开始为期一至两天的现场服装制作,期间有导师指导与交流。服装完成后是模特试装和调整环节。然后是主持人介绍到场评委嘉宾及正式T台成衣秀。走秀时能看到屏幕左下方有衣服特色关键词和选设计师名称,可听到参赛者独白。随后是公布晋级者并在剩下选手中由评委听取选手对服装的自我陈述。之后评委会交流点评和集中商讨,最后公布赢家和淘汰者姓名。







播放英语原声影视不应只是教师放映、学生观看这么简单的过程[4]。教师在播放前用5分钟讲解并带读自制PPT内总结的本集时装词汇和句子,注意提到与课本相关的表达和理论。在后15分钟节选性播放,在对应环节可暂定片刻,重点要求学生边看边思考自身在到达特殊赛场时关于主题有何推测,拿到主题后有何构思,成衣登台前如何搭配配饰发型及妆容,看到成衣秀时能否抉择孰优孰劣,斟酌选手的自述并听取评委的点评,感受并寻思成与败的致因。留给课后自学的是中间环节的制作过程。教师应建议学生时刻铭记课本的设计理论,从决定设计质量的美学、性能和价格三方面评价赏析领悟节目中的设计。课后拓展性阅读评委的时尚著作,访问评委及获胜者的官方主页以获取更多更新性理念和时装资讯,并通过世界大学城网络平台与教师保持观后互动。教师可在实践课上让学生开展观后小组PPT presentation(陈述)赛,将上述思考点用PPT形式及口头表达方式与同班分享,随后教师进行点评指导。








英文网站设计 篇12

The so-called long-short-pile composite foundationis a foundation treatment method of combining two or more than two different lengths of vertical reinforcement with soil among piles to share the upper loads.The long-short composite foundation is a kind of composite foundation that can not only improve the bearing capacity,but also decrease the settlement.Its generation can be attributed to the theory and technology development of composite foundation in recent years[1,2].Long and short piles can be made by combining different materials (such as reinforced concrete,plain concrete,lime soil and crushed stone etc.)[3,4].The following is a case of applying two different lengths of composite piles,CFG piles and two lime piles (mixing flyash into quicklime),into a high-rise building.

1 Project Situation

There is a high-rise commercial and residentialbuilding with podium inZhengzhou.Its plane shape is rectangular,about 81.0 m long from east to west and18.0 m wide from south to north.The building has 30storeys on the ground and 1 underground,with shear wall structure and raft foundation.The relative elevation of the raft bottom is-6.76 m and the foundation plate is 1.0 m thick.The raft is placed on the layer②silt.The underground water is about 1.0 m below the natural ground.Because the soil of the layer②silt is in moderate liquefaction and its bearing capacity can't meet the requirements of upper structures,the treatment method of long-short-pile composite foundation for the whole foundation is selected to combine CFG piles with two lime piles.The lime piles are 400mm in diameter,and 7 m long,with the end into the layer②silt,while the CFG piles are also 400 mm in diameter,and 18 m long,with the end into the layer④medium sand.The interval between those piles is 1 200 mm.

According to Engineering Geologic InvestigationReport on this site,the typical engineering geologic,physical and mechanical indexes are just as shows Table 1.

2 Design of Long-short-pile Composite Foundation

According to the upperstructural design require-ments,the characteristic value of bearing capacity of two-lime-pile and CFG-pile composite foundation should be no less than 480 kPa.For a single CFG pile,the characteristic value of bearing capacity should be up to 550 kN.

Note:Es refers to modulus of compression in the pressure range from self-weight stress to the summation of self-stress and superimposed stress neededby settlement calculation.

2.1 Design Calculation of the Bearing Capacity of Composite Foundation

The formula to calculate the bearing capacity ofcomposite foundation is[5]:

In this formula,m1,m2 mean the replacement ra-tios for long piles and short piles respectively,andβ1,β2 refer to strength reduction factors for short piles and soil between them respectively.Ra1,Ra2 are the characteristic values of the vertical bearing capacity of a single long and short pile respectively,which is determined by the static load test or the bearing capacity of a single pile which is decided by pile body strength.Ap1,Ap2 are the cross sectional areas of long and short piles respectively,while fspk,fsk refer to the characteristic values of the bearing capacity of composite foundation and soil between piles respectively.

In the optimum design,the floor plan of the wholefoundation piles is shown in fig.1.The interval between piles is 1 200 mm,and the replacement ratios of the long and short piles are m1=m2=0.087.

2.1.1 Calculated the characteristics Value of the ver-tical bearing capssity

According to Technical Code for Ground Treat-ment of Buildings (JGJ79—2002)(Code for Ground Treatment for short),the formula to calculate the characteristic value of the vertical bearing capacity of a single CFG pile is[6]:

Please see Code for Ground Treatment for themeaning of each symbol in the formula.The calcula-tion result is Ra1=628.3 kN.

2.1.2 Design of two lime piles

From Code for Ground Treatment,we can see thatthe proportionate limit of the compressive strength of two lime pile body is among 350~500 kPa.Here it takes 450 kPa,and can calculate the bearing capacity of a single two lime pile Ra2=56.5 kN by use of the cross sectional area of the pile body.

2.1.3 Calculation of the characteristic value of the bearing capacity of long-short-pile composite foundation

Putting the calculation result into the formula(1),the result is fspk=567 kPa.Here it takes 0.8 as strength reduction factors for both short piles and soil between them.This shows that the result can meet the design requirements.

2.2 Settlement Calculation of Composite Founda-tion

2.2.1 Calculation Diagram

Fig.2 is the illustration of settlement calculation.Along the vertical direction,the settlement region can be divided into three parts:long-short-pile area H1,long-pile area H2 and underlying stratum area H3.The superimposed stress in the foundation bottom is p0=370 kPa.

2.2.2 Settlement calculation

In engineering practice,the settlement of eachpart can be calculated according to the suggested method in Code for Design of Building Foundation (GB50007一2002).The formula to calculate the settlement of long-short-pile composite foundation is[7]:

In this formula,sc is calculated settlement;sH1,sH2,sH3are calculated settlement for each area H1,H2and H3 respectively;ψis empirical coefficient of settlement calculation;Espi is multi-modulus of natural stratum and piles,or modulus of natural soil;zi,zi-1 are the distance from the foundation bottom to the Stratum i-1 bottom respectively;are the average coefficient of superimposed stress in the range from the calculation point of the foundation bottom to the Stratum i bottom respectively;n1,n2,n3 are the number of stratum in each area H1,H2 and H3 respectively.

The formula to calculate the multi-modulus Esp1,Esp2 for Area H1,H2 respective is as follows:

In the formula,Ep1,Ep2,Es are modulus of com-pression for long piles,short piles and natural soil respectively.

The progress to calculate the multi-modulus andsettlement can be seen in table 2 and table 3.

Notes:②A is the part of short piles into the layer②silt;②B is the otherpart of the layer②silt;④A is the part of long piles into the layer④medium sand;④B is the other part of the layer④medium sand.

According to Code for Design of Building Founda-tion,the calculation depth zn of foundation settlement should meet the following conditions:the calculated settlementΔs'n which is based on the depth Im above zn should meet the requirements of the following formula:

When the calculation reaches the bottom of layer⑧cobble,the requirements of settlement calculation are met.The total settlement is.

In the formula,the value ofψcan be looked into Code for Design of Building Foundation in accordance with the equivalent valueMPa of the modulus of compression.

3 Composite Foundation Test

(1) The Q-s curve of vertical static loading test ofa single CFG pile is shown in fig.3.

(2) The p-s curve of loading test of CFG singlepile composite foundation is shown in fig.4.The size of the test bearing plate is 1.44 m.

(3) The two lime pile body takes the dynamicpenetration test (DPT),and the soil between piles takes the standard penetration test (SPT).The test results of DPT indicate that the compactness of the shallow part of the two lime pile body is non-homogeneous,while the pile body in the depth range of 0~1.3m is slight denser.The other part of the pile body is in range between medium density and state of density.Through testing and calculation of soil between piles,it can be seen that the site liquefaction within the depth of 20 m is basically eliminated.

(4) The testing data show that,the characteristicvalue of the vertical compressive bearing capacity of a single CFG pile is 583 kN,which meets the design requirement;the characteristic value of the bearing capacity of composite foundation of a single CFG pile is544 kPa,which also meets the design condition;the site liquefaction within the depth of 20m is basically eliminated.

4 Comparison of Actually Measured Settlement Data with the TheoreticallyCalculated Results

Throughout external wall of the whole building,16 observation points are distributed evenly.The settlement data of them are basically uniform.The actually measured data are shown in table 4,smin is the minimum accumulated settlement,smin is maximum accumulated settlement and 5AVG is average settlement.

From table 4,it can be seen that till the wholestructure is completed,the actually measured average settlement is 31 mm,bigger than the theoretical calculated value of 19.3 mm.It shows that the theoretical calculation is related to the settlement experience parameter.Its selection must be verified by a large number of practical engineering.

5 Conclusion

(1) It is workable to deal with the liquefactionfoundation of high-rise building by the long-short-pile composite foundation technology,which combines CFG piles with two lime piles.This method can eliminate the site liquefaction and meet the requirement of bearing capacity and settlement.

(2) It is simple and feasible to calculate the set-tlement of the long-short-pile composite foundation by using the suggested methods in the current code,but the selection of the settlement experience parameterψis still needed to be verified by lots of practical engineering.




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