


《人民文学》英文版 篇1

党的十七大突出强调了加强文化建设、提高国家文化软实力的极端重要性, 把包括中国文学在内的中国文化译介推到了一个前所未有的高度。而期刊, 凭借其连续性和时效性的优势, 在对外传播中所起的特殊作用不容忽视。只可惜, 新世纪伊始, 由于种种原因, 有着50年历史的《中国文学》英文版突然停刊。之后中国大陆的中国文学英译进入了长达十年的无期刊时代, 外国学者缺少了一个了解中国文学的可靠渠道。直到2011, 《人民文学》英文版 (PATHLIGHT路灯) 终于试刊。欣喜之余, 笔者又有些担心, 这盏指路明灯究竟可以亮多久?

本文通过对PATHLIHGT诞生背景, 试刊情况的梳理, 对该刊面临的机遇与挑战进行了思考, 最后提出一些建议, 希望有助于该刊的长期健康发展。

1 诞生背景

2001年, 由于种种原因, 成绩斐然贡献卓越的《中国文学》英文版停刊, 让人扼腕叹息。此后十年, 虽然有规模宏大的《大中华文库》译介出版工作得到了各界的广泛支持和认同。但《大中华文库》所涉及的均为典籍, 而同一时期现当代文学的英译主要是通过作者个人出售版权海外出版社译介出版的方式, 呈现出零散无序的特点。

近年来, 越来越多的有识之士认识到, 中外文学交流信息不对称的情况仍然非常严重。李敬泽 (李舫:2011) 指出, 国外汉学家、出版家、研究者对中国文学特别是当代文学特别感兴趣, 但遗憾的是, 他们没有可靠的渠道去了解中国文学正在发生什么, 因为这些方面我们的文学翻译明显滞后了。

从2001年到2010年中国大陆的中国文学英译经历的一个长达十年的没有期刊的时代, 对此, 学者颇为遗憾。徐慎贵、何琳、赵新宇、林文艺等纷纷撰文, 对《中国文学》英文版的突出贡献、历史文化价值、翻译选材、翻译策略等进行了多角度的深入研究。甚至到2012年5月, 亚斌还专门撰文, 强调中国文学译介中英文期刊的重要性。

翘首期盼中, 《中国文学》英文版虽未复刊, 但我们终于迎来了《人民文学》英文版的试刊。

2 理想与现实

《人民文学》英文版定名PATHLIGHT, 寓意是在“中西文化交流路上能起到一盏灯的作用”。

为了避免出现孤芳自赏的局面, 为了有效的进行跨文化传播, 该刊在装帧设计、编辑、发行诸方面付出了大量心血。装帧设计、编排上注重与国际欣赏习惯接轨;编辑队伍由中外编辑、译文审定者共同组成, 而翻译由主要依靠以英语为母语的外籍翻译家担纲。发行方面, 除了传统的纸质刊物, 力图有所创新, 将尝试使用网刊或者是电子刊物, 以保证杂志的定向抵达。

《人民文学》杂志官网网上书店资料显示, 截止2013年5月, PATHLIGHT共出版5期 (2011年的试刊, 2012年出版了三期, 2013年已出一期) 。这与之前相关人士所说的以季刊的形式出版似乎有些出入。而销量据权威图书监测机构“开卷图书”开卷在线截止2013年3月查询结果显示, 2011年试刊12月试刊号的累积销量为32本, 2012年3月所出的12年第一期销量为64, 而2012年9月所出12年第二期累积销量为17本。当然开卷统计的主要是联网的新华书店等渠道, 实际销售数量可能不至于此, 但是考虑到试刊号印了3000册, 暂时没有在海外发行 (钟润生:2011) , 这种销量的确让人看到形势严峻。在amazon.com上输入pathlight, 人民文学英文版没有出现在显著位置, 再补充条件Chinese, 才能找到人民文学英文版杂志, 而且2012年出的其中两期。电子刊物似乎依然不见踪影, 及时送达也遥遥无期。

3 机遇与挑战

《人民文学》英文版是试刊不到一年, 2012年10月中国文学界就迎来了属于自己的辉煌一刻, 莫言获得诺贝尔文学奖。谈到莫言获奖的意义, 中国作协副主席李冰 (董阳:2012) 指出, “……会使外国读者更加关注中国文学和中国作家, 激起他们对中国文学的兴趣, 而这种兴趣又会激发国外汉学家下功夫把更多的中国文学作品翻译介绍到世界上去。”

机遇难得, 但挑战也不小。人民文学英文版作为期刊的定位本身就成了一把双刃剑。期刊特有的连续性和时效性是它的优势, 但也对编辑和译者提出了更高的要求。这就需要有一支过硬的翻译队伍, 否则可能陷入等米下锅的窘境。人民文学英语版能请到国外译者固然是好事, 但是也必须做好多方面的准备。

首先, 是译者的精力和兴趣。考虑到人民文学英文版请到了英美澳大利亚等国的20多位翻译, 这些翻译家本身有很多还在大学担任教职, 有限的精力投入到翻译中很多是兴趣使然。葛浩文先生就曾经说过, 他选择作品翻译的重要条件之一就是“我喜欢且适合我译” (吕敏宏:2012) 。如若出现翻译的任务与兴趣不一致的情况, 又当如何。

其次, 如何看待译者的翻译策略。莫言获诺奖, 英文译者葛浩文功不可没, 但有人认为葛浩文对原著的改动太多。对此, 美国著名汉学家白亚仁 (李昊皎:2012) 表示:“在西方国家, 文学编辑很有权威, 经常要求修改、删节。在中国, 编辑很少发挥作用, 那么只好由译者来承担。”那么, 中国编审人员如何看待这种修改和删节, 是否应该赋予外籍翻译家更多的自由?

第三, 资金和市场渠道问题。曾任外文局副局长的黄友义 (2011) 说, 汉译外出版物要经过17道工序, 费用远高于面向国内发行的刊物。外国知名译者的加盟无疑有助于吸引对象国的读者, 但制作成本当然也会有所增加。出版成本高与发行量小之间的矛盾让资金问题显得更加突出。《中国文学》英文版停刊的一个重要原因就是国外发行中国图书的发行机构倒闭, 刊物发行量下降, 在市场经济条件下难以运作。虽然《人民文学》英文版并非以营利为目的, 但是前车之鉴, 值得警醒。

4 建议

面对种种挑战, 唯有勇敢面对, 积极行动, 才能办刊中赢得主动。笔者并非发行专家, 对发行问题不敢妄言。对于上面涉及的其他两个方面, 以为PATHLIHGT或可进行如下尝试:

1) 加强外国译者与中国作者之间的交流, 让译者和作者之间的沟通渠道更为畅通。译者与作者之间的交流有助于消除误解, 增进了解, 帮助译者更好的再现原文的风采。葛浩文译介莫言之所以获得成功, 除了他优秀的双语能力, 深厚的文学修养, 还有一个不能忽视的原因, 他重视与作者交流, 而且有顺畅的沟通渠道。莫言曾盛赞葛浩文先生, 认为能与这样的人合作, 是他的幸运。

2) 对外国译者的翻译策略采取更加宽容的态度。文学作品的译介和传播, 有时候, 过于强调所谓忠实反倒会可能成为阻隔。很多所谓忠实的书籍在市场上没有太大的销路, 而只能作为礼品赠予他国研究者, 最后在大学图书馆束之高阁。而赢得大量海外读者的恰恰是类似与葛浩文先生所做的那种看似不够忠实的翻译。出于读者和市场两方面的考虑, 葛先生常常略去小说中一些不必要的卫星事件, 使故事紧紧围绕在纵向主干事件的叙事线条上, 突出故事的发展脉络, 加快小说的叙事节奏, 以赢得更多的外国读者。而事实证明, 葛先生的这种做法效果极佳。据企鹅相关人士透露, 葛译《狼图腾》英文版至2011年5月销量已达几十万册 (转引自吕敏宏:2012) 。葛浩文先生对中国现当代小说的挚爱和坚持不懈的译介, 使得更多的中国小说真正进入了英美阅读界, 赢得了海外读者, 扩大了中国文学的世界影响。而这, 真是我们所期待的。因此, 中国当代小说要真正进入美国阅读界, 对于类似葛浩文先生采取的策略, 应该更加理解和包容。

3) 发现和培养自己的汉译英人才。一直以来, 中国翻译界共同的认识是, 我们不能只依赖外籍专家。但事实是严峻的, 业内人士估计, 能够胜任中译外定稿水平的高级中译外专家在全国也不超过一两百人 (黄友义:2011) 。中译英定稿专家当然数量更少。杂志编辑的过程中, 应该考虑创造条件让国内译者编辑与国外译者多沟通多讨论, 支持国内译者的学习提升。

4) 充分利用《人民文学》主办方中国作家协会的资源, 加强与各国汉学家的联系, 定期发送电子刊物或简报, 及时介绍中国文学的最新动向。同时, 条件允许的情况下, 邀请国外评论家对中国文学英译作品进行评介, 以期扩大其在英美国家的影响。国外文学研究界的研究和评论, 对一部文学作品的深入传播至关重要。《人民文学》英文版和中国作家协会可以充分挖掘自身优势, 联合国内外高校的相关院系研究所, 让作家与评论家零距离接触, 面对面交流, 从而深化研究者批评家对作品的认识。同时, 中国作家也可以有机会听取国外批评家的反馈, 对自己的创作做必要的调整和改进。

5 结束语

文学交流要力戒焦躁的心态和强加的姿态, 特别是英文期刊编辑出版, 绝不能因为赶时间而牺牲翻译质量, 因为过于忠实而失去读者。在对外交往中, 要加强理解, 消除误会, 促进沟通, 在相互交流中不断丰富完善自己。中国现当代文学译介前路漫漫, 盼各方携手, 让PATHLIGHT可以作为中西文化交流路上的明灯, 一直点亮。

摘要:2011年, 《人民文学》英文版试刊, 中国大陆的中国文学英译终于结束了一个长达十年的没有国家级期刊的时代。该文通过这本英文名为PATHLIHGT的期刊诞生背景, 试刊情况的梳理, 对该刊面临的机遇与挑战进行了分析, 最后提出一些建议, 希望有助于该刊的长期健康发展。


《人民文学》英文版 篇2




1.《爱丽思漫游奇境》Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland(Lewis Carroll)

2.《莎士比亚戏剧故事集》 Tales from Shakespeare(Charles Lamb)

3.《幸福王子》 The Happy Prince and Other Tales(Oscar Wilde)

4.《夏洛的网》Charlotte’s Web(E.B.White)

5.《丛林故事》The Jungle Books(Rudyard Kipling)

6.《格林童话选》 Grimm Selected Tales

7.《安徒生童话选》 Hans Andersen Fairy Tales

8.《幸运的吉姆》Lucky Jim(Kingsley Amis)

9.《亚瑟王和他的骑士》King Arthur and His Knights(William Kottmeyer)

10.《简·爱》(简写本)Jane Eyre(Charlotte Bronte)

11.《金银岛》 Treasure Island(Robert Louis Stephenson)

12.《所罗门王的宝藏》King Solomon’s Mines(H.Rider Haggard)

13.《秘密花园》The Secret Garden(Frances E.H.Burnett)

14.《老人与海》 The Old Man and the Sea(Earnest Hemingway)

15.《双城记》A Tale of Two Cities(Charles Dickens)

16.《圣经故事》 The Bible Stories

17.希腊罗马神话故事 Greek and Roman Mythology

18.《培根论说文集》Essays(Francis Bacon)

19.《鲁滨逊漂流记》Robinson Crusoe(Daniel Defoe)

20.《本杰明·富兰克林自传》The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

21.《一千零一夜》Tales from the Arabian Nights

22.《伊索寓言全集》Aesop Fables

23.《八十天环游地球》Around the World In 80 Days(Jules Verne)

24.《福尔摩斯探案故事集》Adventures of Sherlock Holmes(Arthur C.Ddyle)


1.《格列弗游记》Gulliver’s Travels(Jonathan Swift)

2.《摩尔·福兰德斯》Moll Flanders(Daniel Defoe)

3.《汤姆·琼斯》 Tom Jones(Henry Feilding)

4.《坎特伯雷故事集》The Canterbury Tales(Geoffrey Chaucer)

5.《都柏林人》 The Dubliners(James Joyce)

6.《汤姆·索亚历险记》 Adventures of Tom Sawyer(Mark Twain)

7.《哈克贝里·芬历险记》 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn(Mark Twain)

8.《名利场》 Vanity Fair(William Thackeray)

9.《远大前程》Great Expectations(Charles Dickens)

10.《雾都孤儿》Oliver Twist(Charles Dickens)

11.《大卫·科波菲儿》David Copperfield(Charles Dickens)

12.《呼啸山庄》Wuthering Heights(Emily Bronte)

13.《简·爱》Jane Eyre(Charlotte Bronte)

14.《白衣女人》 The Woman in White(Wilkie Collins)

15.《月亮宝石》The Moonstone(Wilkie Collins)

16.《傲慢与偏见》 Pride and Prjudice(Jane Austen)

17.《爱玛》 Emma(Jane Austen)

18.《青春》Youth(Joseph Conrad)

19.《野性的呼唤》 The Call of the Wild(Jack London)

20.《欧·亨利短篇小说选》 O’Henry Short Stories

21.《杰克·伦敦短篇小说选》 Jack London Short Stories

22.《红色英勇勋章》The Red Badge of Courage(Stephen Crane)

23.《黛西·米勒》Daisy Miller(Henry James)

24.《我的安东尼亚》 My Antonia(Willa Cather)

25.《觉醒》The Awakening(Kate Chopin)

26.《人性的枷锁》Of Human Bondage(w.S.Maugham)




l.《青年艺术家的肖像》 A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man(James Joyce)

2.《到灯塔去》 To the Lighthouse(Virginia Woolf)

3.Othello, Hamlet, Macbeth,King Lear(William Shakespear)

4.《弗洛斯河上的磨房》The Mill on the Floss(George Eliot)

5.《吉姆老爷》 Lord Jim(Joseph Conrad)

6.《儿子与情人》Sons and Lovers(D.H.Lawrence)

7.《蝇王》Lord of the Flies(William Golding)

8.《印度之行》A Passage to India(E.M.Forster)

9.《苔丝》Tess of the D’Urbervilles(Thomas Hardy)

10《汤姆叔叔的小屋》Uncle Tom’s Cabin(Thomas Beecher Stowe)

11.《马丁·伊登》Martin Eden(Jack London)

12.《嘉莉妹妹》Sister Carrie(Theodore Dreiser)

13.《小妇人》 Little Women(Louise M.Alcott)

14.《他们》Them(Joyce Carol Oates)

15.《美国悲剧》An American Tragedy(Theodore Dreiser)

16.《永别了,武器》A Farewell to Arms(Earnest Hemingway)

17.《愤怒的葡萄》 The Grapes of Wrath(John Steinbeck)

18.《贵妇画像》The Portrait of A Lady(Henry James)

19.《小镇畸人》 Winesburg, Ohio(Sherwood Anderson)

20.《了不起的盖茨比》The Great Gatsby(F.Scott Fitzgerald)

21.《纯真年代》 The Age of Innocence(Edith Wharton)

22.《爱伦·坡短篇小说选》Selections from Allan Poe

23.《飘》 Gone With the Wind(Margaret Mitchell)

24.《红字》 Scarlet Letter(Nathaniel Hawthorne)

25.《宠儿》 Beloved(Toni Morrison)

26.《麦田里的守望者》The Catcher in the Rye(J.D.Salinger)

27.《约翰·契弗短篇小说》The Stories of John Cheever


Washington Irving: “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”, “Rip Van Winkle”

Nathaniel Hawthorne: “Young Goodman Brown”, “The Minister’s Black Veil”, “Rappaccini’s

Daughter”,“My Kinsman, Major Molineux”

Edgar Allan Poe: “The Fall of the House Of Usher”,“A Tell-Tale Heart”, “The Black Cat”,“The Purloined Letter”

Stephen Crane: “The Open Boat”, “The Blue Hotel”

Katherine Mansfield: “Bliss”, “The Garden Party”

Katherine Ann Porter:“Rope”, “He”, “Theft”

William Faulkner: “A Rose for Emily”, “Barn Burning”

John Steinbeck: “The Chrysanthemums”

Ernest Hemingway: “a Clean, Well-lighted Place”, “The Killers”

Frank O’Connor: “My Oedipus Complex”

Flannery O’Connor: “Greenleaf”,“A Good Man is Hard to Find”

John Updike: “A& P”

中英文文学及文化的比较与翻译 篇3

【关键词】中英文文学 文化 比较 翻译












1.深刻领会作者思想意图。无论是中国文学还是英文文学,都是作者创作实践的结果,作者的创作意图决定了作品的思想主旨,其创作意图也会在作品中有所体现。文学作品的逻辑性,作者创作意图的指向性,要求译者在文学作品翻译中要深入了解作者的创作意图,全面把握作品的整体思路、中心思想,在翻译中做到译文原意与译意的贴切、统一。此外,根据中英文化差异,笔者还在采用归化法、简译、增译法等对文章进行适当删减或添加,力求在保证文化通顺、完整的基础上,使作品内容看起来更加连贯。如在翻译英国浪漫主义诗人雪莱的《Ode to the West Wind》时,我们可根据诗人的情感,将诗歌的标题译做“东风颂”,目的是将内容与情感融合到一起,增强译文的思想性、准确性。


2.参考作品的文化背景。语言和文学作品都会依托一定的文化背景而存在,在中英文文学作品翻译中,我们也常常会发现,语言与文化、文化与社会的关系极其密切,文化常会受特定社会背景的影响和制约。这就要求译者在文学作品翻译中,要深入了解文学作品的创作背景、社会文化背景,熟悉译语国家的文化传统、风土人情等,将译文内容与文化背景有机结合起来,认真思考和权衡原文和译文各要素,选择合适的词汇、文字来表达作者的意图,使译文在向目的语读者传递消息的同时又带有原作的特点,以实现跨文化交流的目的。如在《社会与孤独》中有这样一句话:It's wise for man in every instance of his labour, to hitch his wagon to a star, and see his chores done by the gods themselves.艾默生这句话的原意是“只要借助星星的力量,任何事都能办到”。在翻译时,我们可以根据上下文需要将之译为“只要借助自然的力量”或“只要胸怀大志”就可无坚不摧、战无不胜。




[1]熊志霞.中英文学作品及其文化的比较与翻译[J].校园英语, 2015,20:229-230.

[2]胡细辉.中英文学交流中的文化问题探讨[J].名作欣赏,2012, 06:151-152.


《人民文学》英文版 篇4

Under the influence of the Enlightenment, the France writers in the eighteenth century had a fanatic admiration for the classical literature.This revival is called Neoclassicism.As a reaction against the ornament and difficulty in literature of the late Renaissance period, neoclassicists maintained that eighteenth-century English literature should be easy to understand, clear and regular, elegant and didactic, restraint and rational.They also advocated that the eighteenth-century literature should imitate the classical works of the ancient Greek and Roman writers and poets, such as Homer, Virgil, Horace and Ovid.In addition, Dryden and his contemporaries made a comparison about the society between ancient Augustan Rome and eighteenth-century England, taking the similarities between the two and molding after Augustan literature.In An Essay of Dramatic Poesy, Dryden laid the principles of inappropriateness and wrong;and he pointed out“‘He affects plainness, to cover his want of imagination:when he writes the serious way, the highest flight of his fancy is some miserable antithesis, or seeming contradiction;and in the comic he is still reaching at some thin conceit’” (Lipking and Noggle 2126) , which had raised English literary criticism to a new level.However, the complete imitation from the classics was denied by later generations, for they thought that to some extent, the two societies were different, so the literary principles should be altered somehow, thus transferring writers’attention from the standard of right to the judgment of wrong.Hence, Pope tried to set well-accepted rules for poetry that were useful for the modern poets.This change could easily be seen in his An Essay on Criticism, in which the main topics about“wit, Nature, ancients, rules, and genius” (2496-2497) can easily be detected and the rules of art are stressed.Later, Samuel Johnson was not satisfied with the literary principles raised by the former writers, so he developed those principles with revolutionary ideas.

After the efforts of three generations from Dryden to Johnson, the eighteenth-century literary principles of poetry and prose, backed by the thoughts of neoclassicism, finally came into being.

2 Literary Principles

2.1 The didactic function of the works and their simple style

The first literary principle was to please the readers through simple styles of works, making these works play their didactic function.With the development of economy at that time, more and more people could have time to read, especially women at home.However, most of them were newly risen ones from the lower class or women at home, so they could not understand some obscure or profound works.In order to please them or make them understand, works should be written in simple style.Meanwhile, the aim of a poetry, as Dryden described, was to move the audience, and Horace’s Art of Poetry pointed out that visual and verbal art (early in the typographical style) could contribute to this effect;In addition, this art could vividly and directly convey the meaning to the audience;moreover, Pope’s use of personification vividly reflected the messages he wanted to express to the readers.Hence, the way writers expressed their emotions was no longer the same as writers in Ben Johnson’s time.The former ones preferred to use simple style to educate their readers.The stanzas below are selected from John Donne’s Song and Pope’s An Essay on Man.Donne wrote in his Song:

Go and catch a falling star,

Get with child a mandrake root,

Tell me where all past years are,

Or who cleft the Devil’s foot, (line 1-4)

Seeing this stanza at first, one cannot figure out what the writer wanted to tell and why writer put the falling star, the mandrake root and the devil’s foot here unless he or she sees the other few stanzas and has some knowledge about the rhetorical devices, such as hyperbole and metaphor.Therefore, this poetry is quite obscure.While in An Essay on Man, Pope wrote:

Observe how system into system runs,

What other planets circle other suns,

What varied being peoples every star,

May tell why Heaven has made us as we are. (25-28)

From the four verses above, one can easily figure out the main theme of the stanza is about the universe.The style is simple enough for the readers to understand.Everyone knows the meaning even without any background information about the universe.Those two stanzas listed above are both rhymed couplets.Nevertheless, the latter is much easier for readers to understand than the former.

2.2 The rules of convention and wit

In addition, conventions and wit, as were stressed in Pope’s An Essay on Criticism, was a major point.Eighteenth-century society in England, like societies in other countries, was ruled according to certain conventions.Manners were different in various occasions.Every situation had its specific way of behavior.Hence, guides to manners proliferated in that period, making the public have a sense of order, which had deeply influenced literature at that time.Literary conventions, just like the system of the established codes of manners functioning in a society, served as a guide to the creation of literary works, uniting the past and the present together.Every lock has its key, the same goes into literary conventions.Every set of conventions was designated to a certain traditional genre, thus providing readers with clues about the content of the given poems or prose.A genre should have corresponding ways of speaking, an appropriate tone, proper use of language and certain rhetorical devices.Therefore, writers could not apply Latinate language into prose with a sense of delight;they also did not use epic style to describe trivial things except that they wanted to achieve the effect of satire, nor did they depict the life in cities with a pastoral genre.Maybe the reason why Dryden and Pope preferred to use the heroic couplet was that the heroic couplet is long enough to express and contrast ideas.However, just an appropriate use of genre could not arouse the readers’interests in reading, beyond that wit was necessary.Writers should be keen to recognize the similarities between two things and be inventive to evoke images in readers’mind.In this aspect, Shakespeare and Pope had done the best, no one could surpass them, so the main target of poets then was to combine conventions with wit, which instilled new life to the traditional literature and made literary works more attractive and original.As a result, a witty and intellectual art was developed;many poets and prose writers in the eighteenth century were masters of these;and they tried every effort to set conventions to their works.

2.3“Nature”as a main theme

Another important word in literature of this period was“nature”, which had so many meanings—external truth for the inherent order;the regularity of all kinds of things including social order, the regular rule or pattern of the universe;and the internal nature of human beings, such as love, beauty and kindness.To illustrate this point, taking flowers as an example, although there are many different beautiful flowers in the world, they all share the nature of withering in the end;while as for human beings, they may be from different occupations, whereas they can have the same virtue like kindness and sympathy.Therefore, in spite of individual and social disparities, the fundamental aspects of personality in human beings are the same:everyone may have a thing to fear;all people will die;and people may suffer loss and gain something....For this reason, poets of this period focused their sense in permanent truth in the idea of nature.If their characters were not in accordance with the readers’understanding of humanity at that time, their works would become failures.Besides, they advocated via their pens that the society should be in order and operated in a restraint system.The works of this kind were about ethical standards or morality.

2.4 Versification and language

Besides the principles of conventions and nature, versification was another literary principle that made poetry or prose rhythmical and pleasant.It was best exemplified in the heroic couplet, perfected by caesura—a slight pause, and challenged by blank verse.The heroic metre can be found in Dryden’s great satire—Absalom and Achitophel, Oliver Goldsmith’s The Traveller and The Deserted Village;while the couplet is embodied in Pope’s An Essay on Criticism;whereas the blank verse is in poems like the seasons by James Thomson, Edward Young’s Night Thoughts and Robert Blair’s The Grave.Take Pope’s An Essay on Criticism as an example to explain the heroic couplet.Below is the stanza about versification:

But most by numbers judge a poet’s song,

And smooth or rough with them is right or wrong.

In the bright Muse though thousand charms conspire,

Her voice is all these tuneful fools admire, (337-340)

From the above, we can see that this stanza is in a rhyming pattern of aabb.Besides, each line consists of five feet, i.e., this stanza is in the scheme of iambic pentameter.Therefore, it is written in heroic couplet.

Language was also a standard for the judgment of a good poem.As an attack on the eighteenth-century poets for their use of words in a complicated way, Wordsworth pointed out in the later edition of the Lyrical Ballads, “the language of poetry ought to be the same as the language of a simple farm-worker” (Thornley and Roberts 91) .Unlike the simple common language advocated by Wordsworth, poets and prose writers in the eighteenth century did prefer to use words in a rhetorical way and they were fond of using indirect or poetic diction, which made a poem or prose seem elegant and sentimental.Ways of diction were exemplified by personification (describe a thing or abstract quality in human form) ;periphrasis (an ambiguous way of describing a something with many words instead of a concise expression:“the planet we live on”for the earth) ;stock phrases (known as cliché) and Latinate words (words with Latin sense) .However, the overuse of all these dictions would result in mannerism.Hence, if poets or prose writers wanted their works to be enduring, they should be careful with their diction that could be neither too artificial nor too direct.

2.5 A compromise between the high art and the popular one

Nevertheless, the majority of the people were not from the aristocratic or the upper class so they did not have so much time to study those difficult works.So in order to entertain themselves, the ordinary people wrote verses or newspaper with a sense of broad humor or burlesque.As the taste of the majority changed, the former poets who wrote with a special diction began to adjust their ways of writing and the subject matter, so that they could have a large group of readers.Because of this, the gap between the high art and the popular literature was shortened;besides, the prose form and paper form had their own place in literature, which were characterized by the works of Joseph Addison and Richard Steele.The Tatler, co-written by Steel and Addison, is a paper of essays on various subjects;and followed The Tatler was The Spectator—a more popular paper.These two papers whose topics including town talks and witty humors in the club, were written in pure English prose without too much ornament, which contributed to the production of the novel because they described the behaviors or actions of imaginary characters.

3 Conclusion

美国文学名著英文读后感 篇5






《人民文学》英文版 篇6


With the development of the market-oriented economy and under the context of global village,the exchange of information and culture becomes more and more frequent and important.With more and more foreign books translated into Chinese,Chinese readers began to be familiar with many English books,such as Harry Potter,Gone with the Wind,Robinson Crusoe,and so on.However,to translate English books into Chinese is not an easy task,especially the translation of titles.The title is the eye and soul of a literary work.It usually carries information,reflects aesthetic judgment and guides readers in reading the literary works.Therefore,this paper focuses on strategies for translating titles of English literary works into Chinese.

1 Transliteration

Transliteration is to seek phonetic correspondence in terms of the translation of proper names,the names of the main characters in English literary works.It relates to the conversion of different alphabets in different language systems.Since the names of the main characters are usually used as the titles of English literary works,transliteration is an indispensable strategy in translating titles of English literary works.Many good examples of translating titles of English literary works into Chinese in transliteration have ever come into being,such as Jane Eyre/《简·爱》,Hamlet/《哈姆雷特》,Rebecca/《丽贝卡》,Rip Van Winkle/《瑞普·凡·温克尔》,Lolita/《洛丽塔》and so on.It keeps the style and rhythm of the original title and gives readers a shock of exotic flavor.

2 Literal Translation

According to Liu Zhongde[1],literal translation strives to reproduce both the ideological content and style of the entire literary work and retains as much as possible the figures of speech While translating a title of English literary work,a translator can employ literal translation when the vocabulary,the syntactical structure,and the rhetorical devices in English happen to be the same as Chinese.Literal translation can keep the original title invariant and convey the information of the original title directly For the translator presupposes Chinese readers will get the same cognitive effect.It is a common practice especially for the titles with names of people and places.For instance,Gulliver’s Trave was translated into《格列弗游记》and Washington Square was translated into《华盛顿广场》.Some other good examples are Pride and Prejudice/《傲慢与偏见》,Sense and Sensibility/《理智与情感》.

Since English and Chinese are two different languages with different vocabularies and grammars,the adjustment of the word order and omission make themselves two indispensable techniques in doing literal translation so that the title could be more concise and in accordance with Chinese norms.

2.1 Adjustment of Word Order

Sometimes word-for-word translation of some English literary work titles may not be in accordance with Chinese norms of expressions and their aesthetic tastes,therefore a slightly alteration of the word order or structure of the English title has to be necessary.The following serves as excellent examples:The Merchan of Venice/《威尼斯商人》,The Grapes of Wrath/《愤怒的葡萄》,A Streetcar Named Desire/《欲望号街车》,Tender is the Night/《夜色温柔》and Women in Love/《热恋中的女人》.

2.2 Omission

Apart from adjustment of the word order,omission also serves as a good technique in literal translation.Generally speaking,omission in the process of translating English literary work title into Chinese is to deal with English pronouns,and such functional words as articles,propositions and so on,which are of no need to be translated into Chinese.For example,An American Tragedy was translated into《美国悲剧》rather than“一个美国悲剧”,and An Essay on Man was translated into《人论》rather than“关于人的论文”.Here,“an”,“on”are omitted in the translation.And this kind of omission is often seen and some of them are The Wings of the Dove/《鸽翼》,The Scarlet Letter《红字》and The Lord of the Flies/《蝇王》.

3 The Combination of Literal Translation and Ex-planation

Chinese and English are two different languages,so are the literature styles of Chinese and English literary works.Feng Huazhan[2]once said,in his article On the Translation of Book Titles,that the English writers tend to use the name of the main character in the novel as book title,while Chinese writers prefer the titles revealing the general idea or the theme of the book.For example,if we literally translate the title of Myron and Witter’s literary work Dewey into“杜威”,it is possible that many Chinese readers may have no idea of what it is about.Is it about a person named Dewey or something else?In fact,this novel tells a story about a small-town library cat who touched the world.So Ma Ainong translated it into《小猫杜威》by adding two Chinese character“小猫”which means“little cat”,and this avoids readers’guess of what Dewey is.Some other examples are Oscar/《猎犬奥斯卡传奇》,Comeback/《归乡噩梦》and Robinson Crusoe《鲁滨逊漂流记》.

4 Free Translation

The language of every nation has its own vocabulary,sentence structure and way of expression.When the expression of the translated language contradicts with the spirit of the original title,it is free translation that we should adopt[3].“What is important is the extent to which receptors correctly understand and appreciate the translated text”,just as Nida[4]once said in Language,Culture and Translating,“It is essential that functional equivalence be stated primarily in terms of a comparison of the way in which the original receptors understood and appreciated the text and the way in which receptors of the translated text understand and appreciate the translated test”.In order to make the literary work title appears attractive and understandable to Chinese readers,translators sometimes have no option but to turn to free translation to make the title meaningful to Chinese readers when they are translating a title of English literary work into Chinese.Take American writer Paul Bowles’The Sheltering Sky as an example.If it was translated into“遮蔽的天空”,wha could that mean?Can anyone get a hint of idea that it is about a story of three worldly young travelers Port Moresby,his wife Kit and their friend Tunner adrift in the city and deserts of North Africa after World War II,and their encounters there.While it is well revealed by Meng Yalin who translated it into《情陷撒哈拉》.Some other good examples are The Sky is Falling《灭顶之灾》,The Hours《丽影芳踪》and so on.

5 The Combination of Literal Translation and Free Translation

Sometimes literal translation may distort the meaning and content of the original text while free translation may spoil the foreign flavor.Neither of them is the perfect strategy in translating titles of English literary works into Chinese.But the combination of these two strategies may contribute to a good title translation.The fact is that the two get well blended and combined in practice.Most of the successful translations of titles of English works have proved a full demonstration of it.

For example,Turning thirty written by Nike Gayle means“将近三十”in Chinese.While it would be too much plain if adopted as the title in comparison with《三十而栗》translated by Zhang Yan.With the literal translation,“三十”is kept and the Chinese character“栗”is added,which means“frightening”in Chinese.This title just expresses the main character’s feeling o fear when he is turning thirty.Other examples are Death of the Lion/《名流之死》,Nine Times Nine/《九九神咒》.

All in all,transliteration and literal translation are among a translator’s first choices in terms of the translation of titles of English literary works into Chinese,especially those titles named after the name of the main character or those which seems plain superficially while containing deep meanings,because they can retain the original taste of the title.If it is really hard to convey the original meaning of the title,a translator can turn to other translation strategies,such as the combination of literal translation and explanation and the combination of literal translation and free translation.Free translation is a translator’s last choice when translating titles of English literary works.


[1]Liu Zhongde.Ten Lectures on Literary Translation[M].Beijing:China Translation and Publishing Corporation,1991.



《人民文学》英文版 篇7











1. 教材选用的尴尬

目前高职高专院校并没有出版专门属于该层次的高职高专英美文学教材,因而使用的均是本科层次的教材。参考专门调查英美文学教学现状的几个报告发现,这些调查也大都把眼光放在本科院校,并没有特别关注高职高专院校的教材使用情况(程爱民等,2002:15-17;鲁吉,2003:10-13;罗媛,2007:8-10, 23)。通过这些调查报告还发现我们使用的教材在其中,例如文学史类教材有刘炳善编写的《英国文学简史》、常耀信《美国文学简史》,选读类教材有高等教育出版社2005年出版的《英国文学选读(第二版)》和《美国文学选读(第二版)》,或者更早时期外语教学与研究出版社1998年出版的吴伟仁编写的《英国文学史及选读》以及《美国文学史及选读》等都出现在程爱民等做的调查报告中。每套教材都有其自身特点,并且有一定的适应性,但这些特点却往往是阻碍高职高专学生学习英美文学选读的主要原因。


2. 教学辅助资源缺乏有效的整合


3. 教学模式缺乏主动适应性



4. 兴趣与态度





[1]高等学校外语专业教学指导委员会英语组.高等学校专业英语教学大纲[Z].北京:外语教学与研究出版社;上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2000.

[2]程爱民, 徐劲, 柯可, 唐晓忠.关于我国高等英美文学教学现状的调查报告[J].外语研究, 2002, (1) :15-17.

[3]鲁吉.高校英语专业英美文学类课程教学现状调查[J].西安外国语学院学报, 2003, (12) :10-13.

《人民文学》英文版 篇8

The term foregrounding was originally derived from the word“foreground”, which is used for the visual arts and means the part of a scene or picture that is nearest to and in front of the viewers so that they will readily put their attention on it.Foregrounding in linguistics was first postulated by Mukarovsky, later was adapted to literary field by the Russian Formalists during the early decade of the twentieth century and ultimately was introduced to academics in the West, through translations, by Garvin.

In his Linguistic guide to English Poetry (1969) , G.N.Leech mainly analyses two types of foregrounding:foregrounded regularity and foregrounded irregularity, or rather parallelism and deviation, as a means of explaining the difference between poetic and norm language in a work of art.“Deliberate linguistic foregrounding”is not only used in poetry, asserts Leech, but also found in many others areas, like joking speech and children’s games, to name just a few.Therefore, literature distinguishes itself through the“consistency and systematic character of foregrounding” (57) .Today foregrounding has widely been accepted as one of the foundations of stylistics by many theorists.

ⅡTwo Types of Foregrounding

One type of foregrounding defined by Leech is the foregrounded regularity, mainly presented in parallelism.To some extent, parallelism can be regarded as foregrounded regularity (62) .Generally speaking, the use of every language consists in its rules and regularity.If some elements of the language pop out from its regular rules, either by similarity or contrast, those elements are foregrounded.Parallelism is a pattern technically used to make some elements in a language outstand other customary or standard elements.The following lines will illustrate the parallel patterns in poetry.

The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew,

The furrow followed free;

[Samuel Taylor Coleridge, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner]

The above lines are written in an alliterative structure.It consists in the recurrence of a particular phoneme∕b∕and∕f∕at the beginning of every stressed syllable of the two sentences in the first line, and∕f∕in the second line.By adopting such patterns, the author presents us with an ear-pleasing rhythmic pattern so that the reader can not only read the poem with great ease, but also feel a sense of intensity and fluidity of the actions of the breeze, foam and furrow.

Each generation are attracted by well-known tunes, like ballad, classical songs, pop songs and nursery rhymes derived from different places and composed in different languages, because such tunes have certain melody patterns of rhythms and thus leave a lasting aftertaste in our mind.Take the following nursery rhyme for example.

Are you sleeping, are you sleeping,

Brother bear, brother bear,

Morning bells are ringing, morning bells are ringing,

Ding dong ding, ding dong ding.

[a well-known English nursery rhyme]

The whole song is composed in a harmoniously parallel pattern.In line one, one sentence is repeated twice.In line two, phoneme“b”appears as the first letter of each word.In line three, morning and ringing share the same affix“ing”while in line four, phoneme“d”comes as the first letter of each word.Apart from that, the three onomatopoeic words in the last line are not only similar in sound but also in spelling and pronunciation.By such purposeful repetition, either in phoneme or in syllable, the composer achieves not only an unusual ear-pleasing sound effect, but also an effect of harmony between sound and word.In a nursery song devised mainly for singing to a baby, the seeming over-petitions also reflect the patience and love of the singer, the mother, to her baby.

He stood behind his desk in the far end of the dim room.The wife liked him.She liked the deadly serious way he received any complaints.She liked his dignity.She liked the way he wanted to serve her.She liked the way he felt about being a hotel-keeper.She liked his old, heavy face and big hands.

[Ernest Hemingway, Cat in the Rain]

Judging from the above lines, we will find that parallelism pattern is also widely used in fiction.The author purposefully uses six pronouns (the wife and five“she”) and six verbs (“liked”) to depict the protagonist’s emotion in a single short paragraph.On the one hand, the pronoun changed from“the wife”to“she”may not only imply the author’s objective point of view but also let the reader come closer to the character by shortening the character’s appellation from“the wife”to“she”.On the other hand, the author’s choosing six“liked”to describe the character’s inner actions foregrounds the eagerness of the character, who, as the short story relates later, is not satisfied with her present condition and wants something new and different.

Parallelism is thus used in different kinds of text as foregrounding to achieve a sense of prominence, purposefully making the main theme or character stick out from other things in the background, either by repeated phoneme, rhythm or other forms of parallel patterns.

Foregrounded irregularity, mainly presented in deviation, “is a disruption of the normal process of communication”and it makes up a“gap”in one’s understanding of the context;by filling such gap, the reader gets to the significance of the text (Leech 61) .Therefore, deviation is a technical strategy adopted by the author as a means to foreground the meaning behind the seeming irregular and abnormal patterns.From linguistic prospective, Leech classified foregrounded irregularity mainly into lexical deviation, grammatical deviation, graphology deviation, semantic deviation, dialectal deviation, and phonological deviation (42-51) .

Firstly, lexical deviation is related to the vocabulary, words, or morphemes of a language.By inventing new and odd words for a particular occasion, the author can obtain a special effect on the reader.Take affixation and compounding for example.Customarily we are permitted to add a prefix of fore-to a verb to convey the meaning of“beforehand”or“in advance”, such as foresee, forespeak, foreshadow, forerun, etc., and a reader can easily get the meaning of such words.However, from T.S.Eliot’s line“And I Tiresias have foresuffered all”in his poem The Waste Land, Ⅲ, the reader is always impressed by Eliot’s novelty in using“foresuffered”to achieve a surprising effect.As for compounding, widow-making is a good one which is formed in the pattern of car-making, prize-winning, textreading, etc.But a normal reader will be shocked at“widow-making”, because it is unnatural and abnormal to make someone to be a widow.By doing this, the author can achieve an effect of satire and irony.

While grammatical deviation is often used in a text to show something deeper behind the seeming ungrammatical pattern.It may appear strange when we hear someone say“I doesn’t know”, because the correct auxiliary verb should be“don’t”when the subject is“I”according to English grammar.However, “I doesn’t know”in dialogue may suggest more.It not only indicates the grammatical meaning, but also exhibits the speaker’s conditions, under which either he/she is not well-educated enough to master the grammar or he/she is in such a hurry to state some points that he/she unconsciously makes a slip of tongue.

Graphology deviation concerns more on how the language is written on the paper than other elements.It breaks the customary arrangement of writing language to realize some special purposes or effects devised by the author.Emily Dickinson, E.E.Cummings, and William Carlos William all are good at using irregular capitalization, punctuation, space, etc.to realize their purposes.Below are two examples.

Example 1

Futile—the Winds—

To a Heart in port—

Done with the Compass—

Done with the Chart—

[Emily Dickinson, Wild Nights—

Wild Nights 249]

Eaxmple 2

so much depends


a red wheel


glazed with rain


beside the white


[William Carlos William, The Red Barrow written in1923]

As seen from example one, Dickinson’s poems are famous for her overuse of dash and capitalization between lines.Though there are different versions in interpreting such writing technique, there is no doubt that capitalization can easily attract the reader’s attention and dash possibly may suggest a pause and hesitation of the speaker’s feeling, thus leaving room for the reader to do further meditating.While in example two, the space between different lines makes the whole poem look like a painting, with symmetrical picture of dots (the words) to convey the speaker’s intention and meaning.

Semantic deviation focuses more on the meaning of language.Such technique is often seen in poems, slogans, advertisements, proverbs, etc.“Failure is the mother of success”is a famous saying we are familiar with.But according to the rule of language, mother is applied to the title of a female person or animal that conceives and gives birth to a child.However, the inventor (of this sentence) uses failure as a mother who gives birth to success to make the abstract concept (failure/success) personified.Therefore, the seeming oddity of the language produces an abnormal power of significance if we interpret the word beyond the dictionary definition.

Finally, some writers purposefully adapt some socially or regionally defined dialects to a text to achieve dialectal deviation.Mark Twain, for example, uses a lot of colloquial and vernacular language to depict the life of local people in many of his novels, in which characters from different cultural backgrounds talk differently, as cases in point are Huck, Tom and Jim.Seen through the experience and speeches of people from particular sections and societies, the author hides his standpoint and produces an effect of objectivity and authenticity.Of course, there are still other classifications if classified on different standards or basis.But no matter what deviation it is, it is purposefully used to highlight and foreground the author’s intention behind the lines.

III Conclusion

To sum up, both foregrounded regularity and foregrounded irregularity are to highlight some language elements on the basis of the normal or customary language system to give prominence to the philosophical or intentional views of the author.Though sometimes foregrounding may appear odd or incomprehensible, deeper meanings are often successfully conveyed through such oddity or incomprehension than otherwise from normal expressions restrained within the standard language system.Therefore, foregrounding creates a stage on which spotlight is put on particular language elements to draw the reader’s attention.It not only unveils the author’s deeper intention after a close examination, but also involves the participation of the reader to actively think rather than passively accept everything.

摘要:作为文学作品中的一种语言现象, 前景化已成为文学文体学研究中的一个重要概念。前景化包括对常见语言形式的重复或频繁使用, 也包括对常规语言形式的偏离或变异。分析前景化及其特征能使读者更好地理解作家在作品中所要表达的思想。本文旨在探讨不同形式的前景化在不同类别文本里边的表现形式及所起的功能。



[1].Leech, G. N.. A Linguistic Guide to English Poetry. London: Longman Group ltd, 1969.

[2].Shao, Jingdi and Bai, Jinpeng, eds. An Introduction to Literature. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001.

《人民文学》英文版 篇9

1 英文文学作品翻译中的风格传译

一篇好的译文, 是和原作“基调”完全相符的。想要和原作的风格保持一致, 就必需先对原作作者的写作风格进行详细的了解, 了解作者的生活年代、爱好、性格以及创作欲望等, 准确把握住原作作者的思想感情, 进入到他的精神世界中, 完全从作者的审美情趣出发, 才能够把原作作者想要传达给我们的东西准确地呈现出来。

《老人与海》是著名作家海明威的作品, 一经发表就得到了读者的热烈欢迎, 这部作品也把海明威的写作风格进行了淋漓尽致的表现:凝练、简洁以及精当, 给读者的感受鲜明、深刻[2]。通常都是运用一个连接词连接若干个短语, 不管是描写几个景物, 还是人, 所呈现的都是这些事物最本色的东西。了解了这些, 我们就来看一看不同译本的风格。例如:He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish.这是文章开头的一句, 第一种翻译:他是个独自在湾流中一条小船上钓鱼的老人, 至今已经去了八十四天, 一条鱼也没有逮到。第二种翻译:他是个独自在湾流中一只小船上打鱼的老人, 他到那儿接连去了八十四天, 一条鱼也没有捉到。第三种翻译:他是个老人, 独自驾了一条小船, 在墨西哥湾流捕鱼, 出海八十四天了, 连一条鱼也没有到手。通过阅读, 我们不难感到第二种翻译虽然在句子结构上和原文一致, 意思也一样, 但是频繁出现人称代词, 不但和汉语习惯不相符, 还破坏了原文中的节奏感。第一种翻译较第二种有所改善, 把原文分成了若干个短语叙述, 并且完全符合汉语习惯。最好的应该是第三种, 不但把原文意思完整地表达了出来, 还保存了原文的语序, 读起来更具有原文作者的风格, 让译文读者也可以体会到“海明威”式的气势。所以对于中外文学作品的翻译, 语言风格一定要和原作作者的写作风格相融合, 才更有利于进行风格传译。

2 英文文学作品的两种翻译方法比较

直译是指尽量保留原作中的语言形式, 不管是词语, 还是句子结构和修辞手法等全部保留, 同时还要确保语句通顺、易懂, 以最大化地把原作的语言风格真实地展现出来。而意译就是根据原作的意思, 而不注重细节方面的翻译, 力求译文语句的通俗流畅自然即可。这两种方式各有优点, 对其优劣更不能一概而论, 只能在具体的文学翻译中对比来说。比如在英文文学作品The story of an hour中There stood, facing the open window, a comfortable, roomy armchair.Into this she sank, pressed down by a physical exhaustion that haunted her body and seemed to reach into her soul.对于这部作品有很多翻译, 其中第一种翻译为:房间里有一张舒适的安乐椅, 正对着敞开的窗子放着。马太太一屁股瘫在这张安乐椅上, 她浑身倦怠, 精神恍惚。而第二种翻译是:正对着打开的窗户, 放着一把舒适、宽大的安乐椅。全身的精疲力竭, 似乎已浸透到她的心灵深处, 她一屁股坐了下来。不难看出, 第一种翻译方式是意译, 第二种则为直译。第一种读起来更为流畅, 通俗易懂, 但是其句子结构却和原文有较大的差别, 缺失了原文的风格, 特别是马太太和四字句的使用;而第二种翻译则把原文中的句式特点以及语言风格真实准确地展现了出来, 语句通畅, 所以说第二种翻译方式更胜一筹。德国学者Cauer更主张于直译, 称其直译更有助于展示原文中的语言风格, 但是如果一旦出现直译不能够对原文的意思表现清楚, 或者其翻译出来的语言不能让人正常理解, 这个时候就必须借助于意译了。简单来说, 在文学翻译中尽量直译, 如有必要则可进行意译, 这样不但可以最大化地保留原文的语言风格, 还可以让译本读者更好地理解原作。

3 英文文学作品翻译中词汇的选择

在翻译的过程中, 对于词汇的选择也是非常重要的, 因为它不仅要准确地表达原作中的意义, 还要符合翻译成汉语的表达习惯[3]。例如:有钱的单身汉总要娶位太太, 这是一条举世公认的真理。这个句子在《傲慢与偏见》中非常经典, 译者使用了夸张和讽刺的翻译手法来表达自己的婚姻观, 但同时也抓住了文章所具有的喜剧特色。因此, 在翻译时, 对于恰当的词汇选择显得非常重要。译者用通俗的“钱”充分体现出了原文的意思, 而却表达得非常准确。再例如:这句话足以引逗太太讲下去了。当贝内特太太听说一位单身汉购买了尼日斐花园后, 非常高兴地去告诉自己的丈夫, 但是丈夫并不搭理她。因此, 她变得不耐烦。于是, 丈夫说“既然你要说给我听, 我听听也无妨”, 这对于嫁女心切的贝内特太太来说, 每每遇到一个有钱的单身汉, 便将他作为自己女儿的“合法财产”, 而且深受鼓舞。而译者所使用的“引逗”一词, 充分体现出了原作中所要表达的意思。因为, 从贝内特太太和她先生的性格来看, “引逗”一词甚是合适, 贝内特太太是个急性子, 但是她的先生对她所讲的内容并不是很感兴趣, 而他的一句话又引起了贝内特太太继续讲下去的欲望。

4 结束语

语言是文化的载体, 文化是语言的土壤, 翻译是中西文化之间交流的重要桥梁, 翻译是不同的语言社会之间交往和交际的重要工具, 其目的主要是为了促进中西方政治、文化的交流和进步。但是由于中西文化之间的差距较大, 对文学作品的翻译有很大的影响, 所以在英文文学作品翻译中必须注重文化的翻译, 这样才能真正促进中西文化的交流。

综上所述, 在中西文化背景下, 充分认识中英文化的差异, 在翻译中注重文化和风格的翻译, 才能为中西文化的交流和传播做出贡献。


[1]魏琳.文学翻译中的风格视角探析[J].河南广播电视大学学报, 2011 (2) .

[2]张娜娜.论文化语境对文学翻译的影响[J].海外英语, 2011 (3) .

《人民文学》英文版 篇10

Two years ago, the US Senate passed“Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Reform Act of 2011”, the debate about exchange rate between China and US becomes hot again.In recent years, the United States frequently puts pressure on China by the exchange rate issue.Since a series of currencies measures were implemented from 2005, the US dollar against the RMB exchange rate decreased from 8.27 to 6.29, and pushed up the RMB still further.They argue that the USin Sino-UStrade deficit may be reduced if the RMB appreciate, so they force the RMB to appreciate.This article would not only find the relationship between the Sino-US trade balance and the RMB exchange rate fluctuation, but also discuss how the exchange rates impact our country’s import and export trade.At last, some views about the dispute of Sino-US exchange rate are presented.

二、The literature review

In the 1930s, Abba Lerner states that if the current account is initially zero, a real currency depreciation causes a current account surplus if the sum of the relative price elasticities of export and import demand exceeds 1.If the current account is not zero initially, the condition becomes substantially more complex, then the external devaluation of the national currency will certainly be able to improve its trade balance of payments, which is the famous“Marshall-Lerner condition”.After the1980s, economistsincreasingly note the problem of exchange rate pass-through, forming the theory of incomplete exchange rate pass-through.As well as the changes in a national income, currency devaluation can improve the trade balance conditions, and devaluation caused more than national income to increase exports, which is called LawsonMetzler effect.If we do not take into account the time lag of monetary depreciation effect, due to exchange rate movements, the change in financial asset prices can be completed in an instant.But the exchange rate shocks may affect the economy with some lags.So when the exchange rate changes, the change in trade and national income is relatively slow, so the devaluation of the currency could lead to trade balance deteriorate first and gradually improve subsequently, which is known as the J-curve effect.

In the view of academic circle in the USA, with the expansion of China’s current account balance of payments surplus in 2005, Joseph Stieglitz, Robert Mundell, Stephen Roach and Ronald Mc Kinnon firmly opposed to the appreciation of the RMB, but after2005, these scholars change their points.Although these scholars do not believe that a substantial appreciation of the RMB is conducive to the development of Sino-US economic and in varying degrees, they recognized the independent and progressive RMB appreciation.

From the point of Chinese scholars, Lin Yifu (2007) , Li Yang (2005) , Fan Gang, Yi Gang, Cheng Side and He Liping were tend to support the policy of RMB exchange rate is relatively stable, while Yu Yongding (2003) , He Fan and Hu Zuliu argued that the yuan should be revalued.

三、Empirical research

This paper selects monthly data of Sino-US trade balance and the exchange rate of USD to RMB, from January 2007 to January 2013.Because of seasonal fluctuations in trade balance, firstly, carry out X-12 seasonal adjustment to the data, secondly, analyse data in the use of unit root test, cointegration analysis, and Granger test.The analysis find out the impact on Sino-US trade, exerted by the exchange rate.The results show causal relationship between the exchange rate and the trade balance is not clear, and trade balance have an affect on the exchange rate, but not obvious.The exchange rate exert a great influence on trade balance, however, it can not decide the size of trade balance between two countries totally, there is no necessary connection between them.

The data of the Sino-US trade balance comes from the official website of China Customs, and the data of the exchange rate is from the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, the two Chinese official data is strongly persuasive.For analysising and processing data, Y is the logarithm of the Sino-US trade balance, that is lnnx, X is the logarithm of the exchange rate of dollar against the RMB, that is lne.

1. ADF stationary sequence inspection

Classic regression model is the smooth variable based on the non-stationary variables, using the classical regression model may appear spurious regression and many other issues.Therefore, the economic variables stationary test is necessary.As we can see from Dependent Variable:D (Y)

the figure 1, The null is not significant at the 1%, 5%and10%level, the value of t is less than the statistical values, passing the test.Although the original time sequence of the variables are non-stationary series, the corresponding first-order differential sequence pass the 5%significance level test, and individual variables are integrated of order one sequence.Because of the regular use of the 5%level, we also analyze at a 5%level in order to be calculated later consistent.

2. Least squares method

The least squares method to test whether there is a linear relationship between the Sino-US trade balance and the exchange rate.If there is a linear relationship, the relationship between the two is apparent.The actual inspection, we found that the R-value only 0.000656, even neglecting the possible linear correlation of D (x) and D (Y) .That is to say, a linear relationship does not exist between the Sino-UStrade balance and the exchange rate.

Method:Least Squares

Date:03/04/13 Time:08:34

Sample (adjusted) :2007M02 2013M01

Included observaltions:72 after adjustments

3. Granger causality test

In the first test, the concomitant probability P=0.9941, itcannot reject the null hypothesis of D (X) is not D (Y) Granger cause, and in the confidence level of 95%, it reject to made Type I error is 0.0059.So that D (X) is not D (Y) Granger causes, that is, the exchange rate is not the causes of the Sino-US trade balance.

Pairwise Granger Causality Tests

Date:03/04/13 Time:08:35

Sample:2007M01 2013M01


In the second test, the concomitant probability P=0.9812, D (Y) isnot D (X) Granger causethat can not reject thenull hypothesis.In the confidence level of 95%, it is not that D (Y) Granger causes D (X) , namely Sino-US trade balance is not the exchange rate Granger causes.

四、The conclusion

Firstly, thereisnostable equilibrium relationship between the Sino-UStradebalanceand theRMB exchangeratein thelongterm.

Secondly, there is no causal relationship between the RMB exchange rate and the Sino-US trade balance.So, it is impossible to change the Sino-US trade deficit, using the adjustment of RMB exchange rate.Because of the strong complementarity in Sino-US trade, exchange rate has limit affect on the balance of trade between the two countries.

Finally, the Sino-US trade balance did not show significant J-curve effect, which means that there isn’t time lag effect of the exchange rate on bilateral trade balance.The conclusion of the exchange rate on the trade balance do not play an important role has been confirmed once again.Because of the RMB exchange rate is not the bilateral trade balance of payments reasons, and thus through the adjustment of the RMB exchange rate can not solve the problems of the current balance of trade between China and USA.As trade between China and the United States, there was not only complementary, and there is a lot of competition, so we can not wish to improve Sino-US trade payment by forcing the appreciation of RMB exchange rate.

摘要:近年来, 人民币升值影响了全球经济的神经。实证研究人民币是否被低估, 并进行了详细的分析是人民币问题影响到美国经济衰退。为了最大化研究人民币升值的后果, 我们更使用月度数据而不是年度数据。考虑到中国和美国的实际情况, 我们还利用VAR模型检验了人民币升值的迹象, 发现在长期两者不存在任何因果关系。



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