史诗作品 篇1
This essay examines two Victo rian women writers'work:Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Aurora Leigh(1856)and George E-liot's Middlemarch(1872),trying to locate the similarities between these two famous epic novels produced in the Victorian Era(1837-1901).
1 Female Bildungsroman
Both in epic form,centering around a female protagonist aiming for something higher than the society expects her to achieve,Aurora Leigh and Middlemarch belong to the bildungsroman.Affiliating themselves with the traditionally masculine genre:epic,Aurora Leigh is a novel-epic,whereas Middlemarch a home epic.Aurora Leigh,two thousand lines longer than Paradise Lost in nine books,is set in Florence,England and Paris,using Browning's knowledge from childhood of the Bible in Hebrew,Homer,Aeschylus,Sophocles,Apuleius,Dante,Langland,and George Sand.On the other hand,published serially in eight parts,Middlemarch is a novel of epic proportions,but it transforms the notion of an epic.Epics usually narrate the tale of one important hero who experiences grand adventures,and they usually interpret events according to a grand design of fate.However,Eliot is daringly exploratory in depicting a panoramic view of the provincial Middlemarch,and she calls her novels"experiments in life."(1)
Rebellion fuels both novels as the necessary precondition for love and autonomy.Aurora Leigh centers on the conflict between Aurora's artistic ambitions and her love for Romney,a love so threatening to her desire for autonomy that she remains unaware of it until the Seventh Book.Romney's first proposal of marriage to Aurora is not out of love and respect;rather,out of belief tha woman's place is at her husband's side.He attacks her poetry as irrelevant and feminine.Rejecting his offer and the conventiona marriage plot,Aurora summarily refuses,declaring
‘You misconceive the question like a man,
Who sees a woman as the complement
Of his sex merely.You forget too much
That every creature,female as the male,
Stands single in responsible act and thought
I too have my vocation,—work to do,(2.434-55)
In Middlemarch,Dorothea also demonstrates"suppressed rebellion"in Chapter 42 when she realizes that Casaubon is no willing to assist her in becoming intellectually powerful.She is eager to"minister to such a father"(chap.7,p 44)as"Milton's daughters did to their fathers"when she thinks she would acquire intellectual knowledge through this submissive service.Yet,the frustration and disappointment arising from his refusal to elevate her intellectually make her unable"to quell emotion"(205).She is unwilling to see her marriage as"the most horrible of virginsacrifices"as called by Will Ladislaw(chap.37,p 261).Although her outward compliancy masks her indignation,superiority,and scorn,she eventually counters his power with her authoritative silence.The mute rebellion is declared when she delays making any promises to Casaubon on the night of his death–creating"the silence in her husband's ear"that"was never more to be broken"(chap.48,p 349).She responds to the codicil in his will forbidding her marriage to Will"with the sense that around his last hard demand and his last injurious assertion of his power,the silence was unbroken"(chap.50,p 358).She didn't reply until she returns to live at Lowick,where she answers in the"silent colloquy"of a written text:"Do you not see now that I could not submit my soul to yours,by working hopelessly at what I have no belief in?---Dorothea"(chap.54,p 389).
2 Family Influence
As two most recognizable women writers in the Victorian Age,George Eliot and Elizabeth Barrett Browning share stark similarities.They lost their mother when they were young,sixteen and twenty-two respectively.Both of them had close relationship with their father,who encouraged and supported their work,and consequently their fathers have significant influences on them.Browning stayed with her father till she was forty.Browning's Aurora Leigh is also influenced a lot by her father.The masculine knowledge her father imparted to her guided her throughout her life.On the other hand,Eliot's father continued to indulge her love of learning,purchasing books for her and helping her to learn German and Italian,and she reciprocated this love by attending to him till he died when she hit thirty.For Eliot,fatherfigures are the theme not only in her novel but also in her real life.In 1843,she was acquainted with the scholar Dr Brabant.Eliza Lynn,who visited Dr.Brant in 1847,was convinced that he was the original of Mr.Casaubon in Middlemarch.She describes him as"a learned man who used up his literary energies in thought and desire to do rather than in actual doing[…]he never got farther than the introductory chapter of a book which he intended to be epoch-making.."(2)This description of him runs parallel to Casaubon's,who never finishes his Key to All Mythologies.This real-life Casaubon nicknamed her"Deutera,"which she noted eagerly,"sounds a little like daughter."(3)George Eliot enjoys"filling the place of her daughter."(4)The visits came to an abrupt end when Mrs.Brabant became suspicious of their intimacy.Later,Eliot was translating Strauss's Life of Jesus for the married publisher Chapman,with whom Eliot also showed affection.She roused the jealousy of Chapman's wife and was forced to leave after ten weeks.Throughout her life,she was always falling for the father-figure men.Upon the night of her father's death,she wrote in anguish:"What shall I be without my Father?It will seem as if a part of my moral nature were gone."(5)Her mother had never been very close to Mary Anne,her father was"the one deep strong love"for her.(6)The father-figure affection was demonstrated in Middlemarch as the heroine Dorothea got married with the old Casaubon for masculine power and learning just as Eliot fell for Brabant and Chapman in real life.
They grow into their complete being with their late-found love.Both love relationships were severely opposed by the family,yet were proved to be very long-lasting and reproductive to their works(Both novels analyzed in this essay is written after they meet their lover).
3 Antihero
The 19th-century idealization of women also has implications for men.Women are passive,dependent,pure,refined,and delicate;men were active,independent,coarse,and strong.These divisions between male and female domains form the basis for the polarization of male and female interests and activities.
Both Romney Leigh and Will Ladislaw—men Aurora and Dorothea finally settled down with—are not so hero-like.Romney is effeminized in this story first in his desperate pursuit of a wife,a role that is thought to be a woman's.Women traditionally pursue men with the intent to find a husband;men are thought to be independent,whereas women are in need of the protection of a man.Aurora reverses this idea and emasculates Romney by putting him in the place of the pursuer.She goes on to say tha women are actually more independent than men,and it is men who need women most.
…The man's need of the woman,here,
Is greater than the woman's of the man,
And easier served;for where the man discerns
A sex,(ah,ah,the man can generalise,
Said he)we see but one,ideally
And really:where we yearn to lose ourselves
And melt like white pearls in another's wine,
He seeks to double himself by what he loves,
And make his drink more costly by our pearls.
At board,at bed,at work and holiday,
It is not good for man to be alone.(5.1073-1083)
Romney's repeated rejected proposals collapse the patriarchy and wipe out the traditional masculine ethos of the hero The most enlightening moment for him is in the Ninth Book when he is blinded and after reading her poetry,he begins to love her for who she is,he truly sees things then,yet his masculine privilege is dissolved and is forced to become dependent on her.Castrating his former patriarchal authority,he is edging his way into an equitable relationship.
Middlemarch doesn't depict a perfect Will Ladislaw,actually we barely know what kind of person he is.What we know abou him is his Polish background,his resemblance to his inherited grandmother,and his metaphoric association with gypsies,he has good relationship with the kindly spinster Miss Noble,who finally orchestrates the scene in which he and Dorothea decided to marry He is castigated by Henry James as a woman's man,(7)and called by Gilbert and Gubar as Eliot's"radically anti-patriarchal attemp to create an image of masculinity attractive to women."(8)Critics refuse to like him,and they could not understand why Eliot or Dorothea do.Will Ladislaw is given so little attachment and quality that he hardly exists,except serves as a choice.Henry James thinks he is a light figure,however,he also acknowledges,Elio loves Will.It's true that women like Will Ladislaw;he sympathizes with Dorothea's ill marriage by saying that it makes him savage to think that she will be buried alive in this marriage.He always seems to see more in what she says than she herself sees.She is relieved to find someone who recognizes her individual worth.His hopes focus upon Dorothea's views,her position,and her feelings Such awareness constitutes their relationship and negotiates the distance that they put between each other in the process of living in the aftermath of Casaubon's codicil.
[1]Eliot,George.Middlemarch[M].Edinburgh and London:Black-wood,1910.
[2]Gilbert,Sandra M and Susan Gubar.The Madwoman in the At-tic:The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination[M].New Haven:Yale UP,1979.
[3]Haight,Gordon S.George Eliot:A Biography[M].NY:Oxford UP,1968.
[4]Haight,Gordon S,ed.The George Eliot Letters[M].5vols.Lon-don:Yale UP,1956.
[5]Harris,Laurie Lanzen.Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism[M].Detroit:Gale Research Company,1981.
[6]Levine,George,ed.The Cambridge Companion to George Eliot[M].NY:Cambridge UP,2001.
七月史诗 篇2
一只船, 泊在历史的大潮中, 让世代儿女读着, 读成一部新生的巨著。
南湖, 开始了一只船的航程, 风风雨雨驶过数十载, 劈波斩浪。于是, 有了浪花, 有了船舷, 有了革命, 有了共和国的向往, 有了共和国辉煌的日轮。
镰刀斧头拼搏抗争, 凝聚了摧毁旧世界的能量, 书写着工农顶天立地、气吞山河的宏伟气概。这气慨连绵了两万五千里, 牵引小米加步枪的征程, 从井冈、湘江, 越千山, 涉万水, 爬雪山, 过草地, 在巍巍的宝塔山下, 雕塑一个崛起的民族。
有了七月的企盼, 七月的壮举, 才诞生了共和国的十月, 才有了中华民族立于世界之林的瑰丽。
长江为之欢腾, 长城为之鼓舞, 涓涓的浪花汇成波涛的大江, 茵茵的草地叠出繁花的锦绣, 古老的中国, 在世纪的舞台上演绎出悲壮的史诗。
七月的犁铧, 耕耘着革命的昨天、今天和明天, 土地才长出鲜花、硕果。耕耘着的汗珠才璀璨着母亲的未来, 书写着时代的骄傲。
中国的三大英雄史诗 篇3
三大英雄史诗中, 最为大家熟悉的可能当属《格萨尔王传》。《格萨尔王传》是一直在西藏以及青海、甘肃、四川、云南的藏族地区广为流传的史诗。故事讲述的是很久很久以前, 天灾人祸遍及藏区, 妖魔横行, 黎民百姓遭受荼毒。天神之子格萨尔降临人间。凭借自己非凡的才能和诸天神的保护, 降妖伏魔、锄强扶弱, 给人间带来幸福与安宁的故事。《格萨尔王传》是在藏族古代神话、传说、诗歌、谚语等民族文学的基础上发展而来的, 以说唱的形式描写和反映了藏族古代部落的历史。它是研究古代藏族的社会历史、阶级关系、民族交往、道德观念、民风民俗、民间文化等问题的一部百科全书, 同时也是一部形象化的古代藏族历史;背景广阔, 气势恢宏, 艺术技巧高超, 代表了古代藏族文化的最高成就, 具有很高的学术价值和认识价值, 被誉为“东方的荷马史诗”。
20世纪50年代中国政府就开始对这部史诗进行大规模的搜集整理。至今, 《格萨尔王传》已有120多部, 100多万诗行, 2000多万字, 其规模之宏大无与伦比。在数量上, 《格萨尔王传》比世界五大著名的史诗的总和还要多, 是世界上最长的史诗。据了解, 已被列入国家级非物质文化遗产名录的《格萨尔王传》将申报“世界非物质文化遗产”。
在新疆维吾尔自治区的克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州以及北部的特克斯等县, 主要聚居着勤劳勇敢的柯尔克孜族人民, 他们世代过着以游牧为主, 兼事农耕的经济生活。《玛纳斯》就是他们世代相传的一部具有世界影响的史诗。
玛纳斯是柯尔克孜族传说中的著名英雄和首领, 是力量、勇敢和智慧的化身。英雄玛纳斯及其7代子孙前仆后继, 为统一分散的柯尔克孜诸部落, 为争取自由和幸福, 率领柯尔克孜人民与外来侵略者和各种邪恶势力进行斗争。《玛纳斯》讲述的就是这样一个故事。《玛纳斯》最初产生于9至10世纪, 后来在流传过程中, 经过柯尔克孜天才歌手们世世代代的琢磨, 溶进了全民族的智慧, 具有极高的艺术性和浓烈的民族特色。像所有的史诗一样, 《玛纳斯》也以征战为主要内容, 史诗中描写了大大小小几十场征战, 塑造了许多悲剧英雄, 描写了众多惊心动魄的悲剧事件, 因此, 有着极强的艺术感染力。全诗从丰厚的柯尔克孜民间文学中吸取营养, 包含了柯尔克孜古老的神话、各类传说、习俗歌谣以及大量的民间叙事诗与民间谚语等, 展现了柯尔克孜人民生活的巨幅画卷, 是认识柯尔克孜民族的百科全书。在柯尔克孜文学史上, 《玛纳斯》起着承前启后的重要作用, 对于后世柯尔克孜民族文学的发展产生着深远的影响。
蒙古族的口头文学英雄史诗《江格尔》, 以主人公的名字命名。它热情讴歌了以圣主江格尔为首的6000又12位勇士, 为保卫以阿尔泰圣山为中心的美丽富饶的宝木巴国, 同来犯的形形色色凶残恶魔进行的斗争, 也赞美着英雄们的爱情、友谊和欢宴。虽然它的情节和人物都是虚构的, 但它以巨大的概括力生动反映了蒙古族部落战争时代的社会历史, 深刻地反映了蒙古族人民的历史、现实生活、思想愿望和崇高理想, 是一部不朽的富有理想主义精神和爱国主义思想的英雄史诗。
《江格尔》从产生到定型都是通过口头传播而得以流传, 经过历代民间艺人的千锤百炼, 内容不断丰富, 篇章日益扩展, 最终发展成为长达60余章、10多万诗行的宏篇巨帙。被中外学者誉为“蒙古民族史诗发展的顶峰”。
苗族史诗的历史叙述 篇4
在我国广大少数民族地区, 流传着许多有着丰富艺术和历史价值的文学形式, 苗族史诗, 也就是古歌, 是我国非物质文化遗产之一。《苗族史诗》分为五部分, 包括六千多行。这些史诗包含了最初的神话性叙事, 记录了苗族先民生活的经历和艰苦的斗争。在这些史诗中, 《金银歌》叙述了远古的开天辟地、铸日造月等有关天地、日月的故事。这些都展示了苗族先民对自然、宇宙和万物一切的认识, 也是最初先民们思想形成的最初阶段, 他们对自然充满了崇拜和原始的认识, 同时也思考着万物一切的形成和生长规律。这记录和叙述了苗族先民最早的思想认识和满足了后世对远古的想象与崇拜心理。
另一部史诗《古枫歌》记录了种子之屋、寻找撒播种子、砍伐古枫等故事, 这展现了苗族先民的崇拜意识, 他们对枫树的图腾有着别样的认知, 这是原始思维里对某种生物、植物的崇拜心理。还有《蝴蝶歌》这部史诗, 记录了蝶母诞生、弟兄分居、打杀蜈蚣、寻找木鼓、追寻牯牛、打猎祭祖等故事, 这是对苗族先民传统仪式和风俗的叙述, 让后世了解了远久的先民们如何祭祀祖先和举行祭祀仪式。史诗《洪水滔天》是关于姜央兄妹结婚、再造人类的叙述, 也是对人类最初由来的原始想象和祖先崇拜。
在苗族史诗中, 叙述历史的形式和结构也具有极高的研究价值。这些史诗的叙述结构有着明显的特征, 结构庞大、气势恢宏、包罗万象。无论是形式还是内容, 都体现出丰富的民族特色和文化特征, 让后世在史诗的结构中就可看出千百年来苗族的历史和民族心理、性格特征。形式牵制着史诗的内容, 固定的体制格式可以联系其史诗创作民族的各种文化因子。
在苗族史诗中, 这些民间艺术家运用盘歌问答的方式和生动贴切的比喻, 能将史诗中先民所构造的神话世界和现实生活联系起来, 虚实相构, 变幻无穷, 拟人比事, 丰富多样。少数民族的文学特点是很多地区还保留了口头传统, 这使得它更多的将最原始的民间状态保存其中, 并没有经过文人的不断加工而丧失特色。
在著名的苗族史诗《亚鲁王》中, 它运用了灵活多样的表现形式, 有叙事的形式吟唱, 有用相互道白的形式问答, 并且采用了形容、比喻、拟人、描述的表现手法。唱词以散文诗的叙述为主, 在歌唱过程中只强调押调, 不追求押韵, 变化多端, 韵律优美。
苗族英雄史诗《亚鲁王》广泛流传于麻山苗族地区, 它是关于苗族英雄史诗的重大发现, 它为苗族文学宝库的丰富起到了重要的保存作用。它是一部关于麻山苗人在丧葬仪式中对先民亡灵返回亚鲁王国时代历史唱诵的神圣诗篇, 是一部活形态存在的大型史诗, 是麻山苗人创作的一部精神圣典。据专家进行调查, 苗族歌诗散布在麻山紫云、望谟、罗甸等地区, 他们对《亚鲁王》相关唱诵的内容有所不同, 但也有共同相通的地方, 那就是关于苗族首领亚鲁王征战的故事。这些史诗的描绘中, 有两次大型战争的场景, 总共有10000万余行诗。记录了亚鲁王历经的创世、立国、创业及其发展过程, “亚鲁王”这一生动、伟大的形象, 就是这样在千百年间的流传中, 逐渐积累和完善的。
在这部英雄史诗中, 详细描述了每一代王的创世故事。记载的故事有开天辟地、万物起源、宗教习俗等相关历史和想象的传说。《亚鲁王》以史诗的形式描述了苗族在想象中对故国故事的记忆, 是研究苗族古代社会的“百科全书”。它集中体现了苗族史诗的特色, 彰显了它文学、历史学、人类学、宗教学、神话学、艺术学、美学、语言学等方面的价值。
在以往的苗族通史中关于苗族是如何从长江中下游、黄河下游迁徙到贵州, 又如何征战定居开发的, 描述极为简略。但是英雄史诗《亚鲁王》填补了两千多年前这段苗族口述历史的空白。可以说它的发现具有开创性的意义和极其高的艺术价值, 体现了史诗对于苗族文化和历史的重要性意义。
苗族史诗除奇特的神话幻想之外, 还详尽地记载了苗族族源、古代社会状况和风俗人情, 可以说不妄史诗的名称, 真正的记录了历史, 让苗族先民的生活和状态以文学的形式展现在后世的面前。可以说, 苗族史诗是最珍贵的、活在苗人心中的历史, 是最真实和动态存在的历史。《亚鲁王》传唱了几十个世纪, 而在更久远的以前, 史诗以它别样的形式在少数民族文学中占据了重要的一席之地。
苗族史诗作为我国非物质文化遗产中的一项内容, 具有着极高的文化价值, 它作为苗族丰富传统文化的重要精髓之一, 其口述历史的方式将苗族文化的特征和苗人的思维方式作出了真实的反映, 也将苗族独特的审美情趣和歌谣特色融入在了史诗的行间。同时, 在这其中, 我们还看到了苗族社会历史发展中, 逐渐发展和完善的观念和形态, 让这种独特的少数民族文化在不断的积累中展现光彩。因此, 史诗作为文化遗产对于苗族乃至于人类社会而言是作出了巨大的贡献的。
摘要:史诗作为记载原始历史和远古生活的重要题材对少数民族的人们起到了凝聚和延续的作用。在我国贵州清江水一带的苗族地区里, 流传着多种民间史诗, 而这些民族史诗多以叙事诗为主, 是苗族先民智慧的结晶和历史的记录。本文将探索苗族史诗所叙述的历史和其极高的价值。
[1]伍隆萱, 李炳泽.《苗族古歌与苗族历史文化研究》评介.中央民族大学学报 (哲学社会科学版) , 2005年第4期.
[2]过竹.《苗族文化的历史特质》.广西教育学院学报, 2012年第3期.
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