


语法歧义性 篇1



0 引言


1 语法手段


1.1 英语中的语法手段


1.2 汉语中的语法手段


2 语法手段的不足之处与语法的歧义性


2.1 语法次类划分的欠缺:名词充当施事者vs.受事者





例1a.He even hits me.b.Even I hit him.


2.2 语法范畴的混淆例2出租汽车


2.3 定语:修饰中心词vs.修饰定语


2.4 定语从句


2.5 句子成分的混淆


2.6 逻辑关系





2.7 如何应对歧义现象

语法歧义性可从很多方面得到解决。“a pretty dark dress”为例:首先,可用语调来消除其歧义。若“dark”被重读,则表示“a very dark dress”;若“pretty”和“dark”两个都被重读,则表示“a pretty and dark dress”。其次,可在语境方面消除歧义。“pretty”既可表示“very”又可表示“beautiful”,所以只要我们了解了语境,便可作出相应的选择,从而实现正确理解。然后,通过改变其结构如,“a pretty and dark dress”或“a dress that is pretty dark”也可做到消除歧义。最后,通过直接成分分析法,我们也可消除英语语句的歧义性,因不同意义往往对应不同的深层结构。

3 结语



[1]Crystal,D.A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonology.Oxford:Basil Blacken well.

[2]Pan Wenguo.A Contrastive Study of Chinese and English[M].Beijing:Beijing Language University Press.




语法歧义性 篇2

1 Lexicogrammatical Ambiguity

Lexicogramatical ambiguity is a kind of common yet complicated one.For lexicogrammatical ambiguity in phrasal level, two types of ambiguity will be explored, that is, the nominal phrase and the verbal phrase.

Phrases which have lexicogrammatical ambiguities like:old men and women;small bed and chair are difficult for us to decide whether the adjective is modifying all the following elements or only the immediate constituents.Thus for each of the two phrases, there are two interpretations.For the first one, it can be interpreted as the adjective“old”only modifies the immediate constituents“men”or it modifies the following noun phrase“men and women”.This is the same case for the second structure.Since the head has more than one modifier, which modifies different sentence elements and different attachments, they produce different meanings.This unclear modification relationship causes ambiguity though the whole phrase is still a subordinate structure.

Verbal phrases can also be ambiguous.For example, the following two phrases:visiting scholars;they are relieved.In those two clauses, the present participle“visiting”and the past participle“relieved”can function either as“classifier”and“epithet”.In English, verbs are classified into transitive and intransitive verbs traditionally.However, the boundary between transitive and intransitive verbs is not clear cut.The frequent occurring cases are some verbs can be used as an intransitive verb as well as a transitive verb.Another case in which lexicogrammatical ambiguity may be caused is when the present participle or the past participle is presented.In some clauses, it is hard for the reader or receiver to decide the function of the verb.For example, the clause“they are relieved”.It can be interpreted as a material process as well as a relational process.What is more, within the framework of transitivity system in SFG, the process is realized by the verb group.As a result, a clause can be interpreted into different processes when the verb by which the process realized can be used to realize more than one process.

2 Functional Analysis of Lexicogrammatical Ambigu-ity

2.1 Nominal Phrase

Two types of lexicogrammatical ambiguity on phrasal level will be focused on, that is, the nominal phase and the verbal phrase.The adjective noun+noun structure is the most frequent structural ambiguity.Now first please look at the following noun phrase:

1) old men and women

Halliday (2000) proposes the concept of“scale”and stated that language has five scales:morpheme, word, phrase, clause and text.He also suggested that in SFG, linguists adopt the smallest bracketing in structural analysis.Then the nominal phrase“old men and women”will naturally be analyzed as the adjective“old”modifies the coordinated structure“men and women”according to the smallest bracketing.

Another frequent construction is specifier+head.For example:

2) Small children’s bed

Halliday mentioned the two terms“classifier”and“epithet”when discussing the experiential structure of nominal phrase.The function of classifier is to state the category of objects while the function of“specifier”is to state the attributes of objects.Thus the construction then can be analyzed in the following way:the first is to treat“small”as“specifier”while“children’s”as“classifier”;the second interpretation is to treat“small children’s”as the“classifier”.

2.2 The clausal level

In this subpart, three kinds of lexicogrammatical ambiguity will be analyzed, that is, ambiguity caused by different functions of verbs;ambiguity caused by Elliptical structure and ambiguity caused by the unclear modification relationship.

2.2.1 Lexicogrammatical Ambiguity Caused by Different Func-tions of Verbs

Halliday (2000) proposes the transitivity system to explain the ideational function which is one of the three functions.The transitivity system consists of six different processes;they are material, mental, relational, verbal, behavioral and existential process.The first three are regarded as the main processes and the rest are minor processes.Different processes embrace different participants.For example, in material process, it typically includes“actor”and“goal”;“carrier”and“attribute”in relational process, etc.another significant constituent is“circumstantial elements”.Within the framework of transitivity system, another important constituent is“circumstantial elements”.Further more, the process is realized by the verbal group, the participant is realized by the nominal group and the circumstantial elements by the adverbs or the prepositional phrase.Now let us stride for the analysis of the ambiguity caused by different functions of the verb.Please look at the following example:

3) Comedian A:My dog’s got no nose.

Comedian B:Your dog’s got no nose?How does it smell?

Comedian A:Terrible. (Bloor&Bloor 1995:130)

We can see that this example is a joke in which the lexicogrammatical ambiguity plays a positive part.The conversation produces the funnies because the verb“smell”has different functions in the interrogative clause.As we have mentioned that the process is realized by the verb and this leads to the conclusion that the clause will be expressing different experiences when the verb functions differently.Thus, the interrogative can be interpreted into two kinds of processes and the interpretation would be like the following.This joke is based on ambiguity.Comedian B is asking about the dog’s ability to smell things.In the intended meaning of his question, the Process is mental and he (the dog) is Senser.Comedian A, ignoring the relevance of the question, surprisingly interprets it as an entirely new topic concerning the odour possessed by the dog.In this question, the Process is relational and he (the dog) is Carrier.Comedian A treats the verb smell as a copular verb.

2.2.2 Lexicogrammatical Ambiguity Caused by Elliptical Structure

Conciseness of ellipsis makes emphasis highlighted and expression forceful.However, it often causes a sentence ambiguous.In English, we often find elliptical structure in comparative sentences and they incline to be ambiguous.For example:

4) He likes you more than me.

The meaning of the clause can hardly identified because of its indeterminacy of meaning.The sentence can be interpreted either to mean“he likes you more than I like you”or“he likes you more than he likes me”.It means that the meaning of one sentence will be indeterminate when the participants in the clause are hard to identify.

2.2.3 Lexicogrammatical ambiguity caused by unclear modifi-cation

The introduction of the concept of“circumstantial elements”will be helpful and can provide an effective illustration for this type of ambiguity.Let us consider the following examples:

5) “I will tell you what I tell every taxpayer who sits in that chair, ”said the tax-collector at the beginning of Brown’s audit, “it’s a privilege to live in this great country, and you should pay your taxes with a smile.”

“Thank goodness, ”said the visibly relaxed Brown, “I thought you were going to ask for money.”

In the previous analysis, we thought that the prepositional phrase can be interpreted either as“means”or as“accompaniment”.But we did not go further at that time.Here we are going to deepen the analysis.

Another interpretation for this kind of lexicogrammatical ambiguity will be presented.And then with the introduction of the concept of circumstantial elements, the clause will be analyzed as the following:

3 Conclusion

The interpretation of lexicogrammatical ambiguity has beenshowed from the functional approach.It mainly discusses structur-al ambiguity on the phrasal and the clausal level.The ambiguityanalysis from a functional approach is much more efficient thanfrom other approaches.Further more, other kinds of ambiguity, like semantic ambiguity or grammatical ambiguity can also besolved from the functional perspective.Since for most of the sec-ond language learners, ambiguity is hard for them to learn.Thesufficient explanation of why ambiguity occurs and how to elimi-nate ambiguity can be helpful for foreign language learning.Ifmore and more scholars would take a functional approach in ambi-guity analysis, a new model for ambiguity analysis will be provid-ed and the study of ambiguous phenomenon can be deepened.

摘要:歧义是一个常见的语言现象, 有效地分析语言分析对于交际和外语学习都是很有帮助的。从功能方法的角度对词汇语法歧义进行了着重分析, 并特别解释及物系统框架内的词汇语法歧义。这充分说明系统功能语法为分析词汇语法歧义提供了一个全新而有效的模式。

语法歧义性 篇3

转换生成语法发展经历了五个阶段:古典理论时期、标准理论时期, 扩充标准理论时期、管约论时期和最简方案时期。

(一) 古典理论时期

从1957年转换生成语法诞生到1964年为古典理论时期, 是转换生成语法的初级阶段, 其理论体系主要体现在《句法结构》一书中。该书的核心理论主要分为两个方面:一是论述了语法的生成性, 二是论述了转换语法和转换规则。转换生成语法对当时美国流行的结构主义语言学提出了挑战, 从研究方法到研究对象, 转换生成语法对结构主义进行了全面颠覆。在这一理论阶段, 乔姆斯基认为语义学是独立于语法学之外存在的, 合乎语法并不意味着必须要有意义, 某些句子尽管没有意义, 但是却合乎语法规范。

(二) 标准理论时期

从1965年到1971年是标准理论时期, 这一时期的代表作是《语法理论的若干问题》, 在这本书中, 乔姆斯基提出了深层结构和表层结构理论, 并且把语义问题纳入到语法研究之中, 同时对转换规则提出了限制。所以, 在标准理论阶段, 转换生成语法包括了三部分:句法部分, 语义部分和音位部分。句法部分包括基础部分和转换部分, 它可以生成许多句法描写, 每一个句法描写都有一个深层结构和表层结构, 语义部分赋予深层结构以语义的解释, 音位部分赋予表层结构以语音形式。

(三) 扩充标准理论时期

从1972年到1978年是扩充标准理论时期, 1972年, 乔姆斯基发表《深层结构、表层结构和语义解释》一文, 其中提到“标准理论是不正确的, 他应当修正”, 因为“根本没有理由认为表层结构的性质在决定语义解释中不起作用, 早先提出的一些理论也说明, 事实上它们是起这样的作用的。”因此, 乔姆斯基的这一次修正主要是把部分的语义解释移到表层结构中去, 这样就把原来完全由深层结构决定的语义解释与表层结构联系了起来。

(四) 管约论时期

从1979年到1991年是管约论时期。1982年, 乔姆斯基出版了《管辖与约束理论的某些概念和结果》, 把转换生成语法推向了第四个阶段即管约论阶段。在这一阶段, 乔姆斯基先后提出了x阶理论, 题元理论, 格理论、管辖理论、约束理论、界限理论、控制理论、空范畴理论等。其中最重要的是管辖理论、约束理论和空范畴理论。

(五) 最简方案时期

1992年, 乔姆斯基发表《语言学理最简方案》, 对他以往的理论又作了一次根本性的修正, 标志着转换生成语法进入一个新的时期——最简方案时期。最简方案理论的产生起因于乔姆斯基对普遍语法和个别语法之间关系的更为深入的思考。根据原则和参数理论, 原则体现语言的共性, 参数体现语言的个性。然而, 参数如何设定却是一个大问题, 由于没有数量的限制以及统一和明确的标准, 随着越来越多的语言事实被发现, 研究中人们所设置的参数也越来越多, 且越来越繁琐。这在很大程度上影响了对原则的探讨。因此必须重新确立研究方案, 以便能够对语言事实作出最合理的解释, 这样就提出了新的方案。


转换生成语法认为, 每个句子都有两个结构层次:深层结构和表层结构。转换生成语法通过移位、删略、添加、复写等转换规则将句子在其表层结构和深层结构之间进行转换, 并以此来揭示句子深层结构上的异同, 这对解释语言中的歧义现象是一大贡献。

汉语歧义现象有结构关系不同而引起的歧义, 语义关系不同而引起的歧义及结构和语义关系都不同而引起的歧义。其中结构关系不同的歧义现象可以通过层次分析法来消除歧义, 例如:“学习雷锋的故事”, 这个短语通过层次分析法可以很好地消除歧义, 一种是首先在“学习”后面划分, 是动宾短语;一种是首先在“故事”前面划分, 是偏正短语。然而, 对于因语义关系不同而引起的歧义和因结构和语义关系都不同而引起的歧义, 层次分析法不能很好地解决, 这时就需要用转换生成理论来解决。

(一) 语义关系不同的歧义现象

“狗找到了”这个歧义短语, 是因为语义关系不同而产生的。它所产生的两种意思表层结构都一样, 都是主谓短语, 但是却有两种不同的深层结构, 我们用直接成分分析法不能解释, 但是可以运用转换生成语法中的添加、删略、移位等语法手段来区分歧义。在“狗找到了”这个短语中, 狗可以做动作的施事者, 意为“狗找到了东西”;狗也可以做动作的受事者, 意为“人们找到了狗”, 这里就运用了添加、移位手段来消除歧义。

(二) 结构和语义关系都不同的歧义现象

“咬死了农民的狗”这个歧义短语, 是由结构关系不同和语义指向不同而产生的歧义结果。在这个句子中它的深层结构有两种不同的理解, 一是动宾短语, 一是定中短语。运用层次分析法、句子成分分析法只能看出它的不同结构关系, 还不能解释歧义现象。因为同时它还有两种不同的语义指向。“咬死了农民的狗”, 狗可以做动作的受事者, 意为“农民的狗被咬死了”;狗也可以做动作的施事者, 意为”农民被狗咬死了”, 这里就运用了移位、添加、删除等语法手段消除了歧义。

转换生成语法提出以后, 很快发展成为现代西方语言学中最有影响的一种理论, 对世界各地的语言研究产生了深刻影响。转换生成语法提出的深层和表层结构理论对汉语研究起着一定的作用, 通过深层和表层结构的转换可以消除用其他方法不能消除的汉语歧义, 从而促使人们更好地运用语言, 提高表达效果。


[1]刘润清.西方语言学流派[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2004.

[2]南世锋.浅谈乔姆斯基的转换生成语法[J].湖北广播电视大学学报, 2009, 3.

[3]李科凤.略论转换生成语法在现代汉语歧义句中的运用[J].文教资料, 2006, 3.

基于框架理论的词汇性歧义句分析 篇4

1 框架与框架理论

“框架”这一概念最早是由Charles Fillmore(1985)引入到语言学研究中的。框架理论提供了句法形式的统一观,它可以被看作是一种描写认知语境的方法,此语境为认知范畴提供背景并于认知范畴相联系(温格瑞尔&斯密特,2009)。

2 歧义与词汇性歧义句



(1)当多义词在句中可以理解成两种意思造成的歧义单词的两种意思造成句意的两种不同解释。例如:Mrs Smith cannot bear children.史密斯夫人不能生小孩。/史密斯夫人对小孩难以忍受。(2)当多义词在句中可以理解成两种相反意思造成的歧义,多义词一般有两个相反的意思,如wear既可表示耐磨、耐穿,也可以表示穿破、磨损。.例如:This leather won't wear.这种皮革不耐磨。/这种皮革不会磨损。

(3)当多义词在句中可以理解成两种词性造成的歧义sweet,表示亲切的和蔼时为形容词;,表示糖果时为名词。例如:The girl talking to her manager is a sweet salesgirl.一个和蔼可亲的售货员正与经理谈话/一个糖果售货员正与经理谈话。


(1)同音同形异义词(Comlete Homonyms)这两个单词无论发音还是拼写都相同,但是意义不同,即同形同音异义词。例如:bark(树皮;吠);bank(河岸;银行);bear(忍受;熊);base(基础;卑鄙的)等。交谈中使用这些词较容易造成歧义。例如:Ask for me tomorrow,and you shall find me a grave man!“Grave”即可意为“坟墓”,也可意为“严肃的”。

(2)同音异形异义词(Homohones)英语中有些词,如熊(bear)、赤裸的(bare)、花(flower)、面粉(flour)、听见(hear)、这里(here)、小时(hour)、我们的(our)等;这些词发音相同,但是拼写不同,表达的意思更不同,因此在口语交际时可能会产生误解。例如:I bought some flower.我买了一些花。I bought some flour.我买了一些面粉。




3 框架的确立与词汇性


例如:(1)I drew some money out of the bank.

(2)My house is on the south bank of the rive r.“bank”是一个多义词;在句(1)中为银行框架,句(2)中为河岸框架,因此人们可以迅速准确地把“bank”定为“银行”和“河岸”两种意思,这正是由于框架限定“bank”一词的范围而起的作用。但有些句子中框架须与上下文语境互映来激活某个具体框架,以达到消歧的目的。

如:语境(1)A:Who is the most knowledgeable man among John,Toby and Tom?B:John.A:Why?B:Because John is a bachelor.在句(1)中,因为“knowledgeable”激活了学习这一框架从而限定了“bachelor”只能理解为“学士”语境(2):A:Has Johnmarried?B:John is a bachelor.


4 结束语



[1]Fillmore C J.Frames and the Semantics of Understanding[C].Quaderni di semantic,1985.

[2]Cort W,Cruse D A.Cognitive Linguistics[M].New York:Cam-bridge University Press,2004.

