


法律英语汉译 篇1

Translation it is that openeth the window,to let in the light;that breaketh the shell,that we may eat the kernel;that putteth aside the curtain,that we may look into the most holy place;that removeth the cover of the well,that we may come by the water,even as Jacob rolled away the stone from the mouth of the well,by which means the flocks of Laban were watered[Gen.29:10].

1 An Introduction to Legal English

It is well-known that English has now become a global language and is being widely used by people in different countries and from different walks of life on numerous occasions for different purposes.With the development of economic integration in different parts of the world and globalization in the world as a whole,English has transcended national,racial and ethnic borders and become a universal language.People throughout the world have become more and more counting on English to communicate with each other and use it as a medium to get information or knowledge.With the development of science and technology by leaps and bounds,many scientific and technical terms are snowballing English vocabulary and having an ever-increasing impact upon ordinary people’s daily lives and work.

It is widely acknowledged that legal English is the style of English customarily used by judges,lawyers,prosecutors and other legal professionals in common-law countries such as the U-nited States of America,the United Kingdom,Australia,Canada,India,Malaysia,New Zealand,Pakistan,Singapore and South Africa in the course of their work.Legal English has traditionally been the preserve of lawyers from English-speaking countries(especially the U.S.,the UK,Canada,Australia,and New Zealand)sharing common law traditions.Nevertheless,legal English has now evolved into a global language.

2 The Features of Legal English

Few professions are as concerned with language as is the law[1].What on earth is law?As for this question,different people have different answers.Someone says:“Law is a profession of words[2].Someone says:“Law is the very profession of rhetoric[3]”.Modern legal English bases itself on standard English.Nevertheless,it contains a number of unusual features.The most important of these features are as follows:

1)A very striking feature of legal English is that it often combines precision with vagueness.A famous scholar Ceil Lucas wrote well:“Law should be clear and precise,because it would be unfair to subject a person to repercussions for breaking a rule that is not clearly understood.It is desirable to have rules of law that are clearly understood,so that people can conform their conduct to them and anticipate the results of legal decision making[4].”Fred Rodell also wrote well:“Dealing in words is dangerous business…Dealing in long,vague,fuzzy-meaning words is even more dangerous business and most of the words the law deals in are long,vague and fuzzy[5].”As we have seen,the nature of legal language is to some degree a product of the purpose that it serves[6].On one hand,in order to avoid loopholes in laws and increase the predictability and applicability of laws,in most cases,lawmakers have no choice but to choose most precise or exact words to convey their true messages to people as clearly as possible,but on the other hand,considering the complexity of social life,for the purpose of expanding the scope of the applicability of laws and improving the flexibility and elasticity of laws,lawmakers sometimes have to use some vague words when the nature,scope,degree or quantity of the legal fact concerned can’t be made definite in the formulation of laws,for instance,words like about,adequate,apparently,appropriate,excessive,reasonable and serious.The following is a case in point:

Article 192 Whoever,for the purpose of illegal possession,unlawfully raises funds by means of fraud shall,if the amount involved is relatively large,be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention and shall also be fined not less than 20,000 yuan but not more than200,000 yuan;if the amount involved is huge,or if there are other serious circumstances,he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years but not more than 10 years and shall also be fined not less than 50,000 yuan but not more than 500,000 yuan;if the amount involved is especially huge,or if there are other especially serious circumstances,he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years or life imprisonment and shall also be fined not less than 50,000yuan but not more than 500,000 yuan or be sentenced to confiscation of property.


2)The style of legal English is very formal and objective,and doublets and triplets are frequently used.There is a curious historical tendency in legal English to string together two or three words to convey what is usually a single legal concept.Maybe by doing so legal concepts can be rendered accurate and easy to understand.“Many such phrases have become idioms or fixed expressions.An illustration is the common phrase in American wills stating that“I give,devise and bequeath the rest,residue and remainder of my estate”to so-and-so.…These redundant expressions are likely to have arisen because lawyers drafting wills(who in the United States were and are often generalists with limited knowledge of wills law)were unsure which word(i.e.,devise or bequeath)was the correct one.So they deemed it safer to use both,and later decided to throw in give for good measure.David Mellinkoff has suggested another reason for the development of these redundant idioms:that at the time when English lawyers were using law French as a professional language,they would combine a French word with its native English equivalent,so that the hearer or reader(who might be either a native French or English speaker)would always understand at least one of the two.Thus,devise is French and bequeath is English.Other examples include breaking and entering,goods and chattels,had and received,and will and testament(Mellinkoff 1963:121)[7].”

3)Legal English extensively borrows words from Latin and French,not only because of the fact that in history Britain had been invaded and occupied by Roman empire and France respectively,but also because of the spread of Christianity into Britain and the far-reaching influence of Renaissance which originated in now Italy.It is well-known that Latin was originally spoken in Latium,a region of central western Italy in which the city of Rome was founded and grew to be the capital city of the Roman Empire,as well as in Ancient Rome.According to the research of linguists,about 25percent of English words are from Latin and there are more than 10,000 Latin words in modern English.The following legal terms are from Latin:Biens meubles动产,bona vacantia无主物,caveat emptor买者自慎之,Corpus delicti犯罪事实,de facto marriage事实婚姻,ex post facto事后的,faith accompli既成事实,guardian ad litem监护人,habeas corpus人身保护令,incipitur诉讼开端,jus ad rem物权,lata culpa重大过失或疏忽,mala fides恶意,narratio起诉状,onus probandi举证责任,procuration代理,querens原告renvoi驱逐外国人出境,stare decisis遵循先例原则,torus侵权行为,ultimum supplicium极刑,viva voce口头and the following legal terms are from French:appeal上诉,arson纵火罪,claim要求,contract合同,covenant契约,felony重罪,infan婴儿,pledge宣誓,plaintiff原告,robbery抢劫,purchase购买and treason叛国罪.According to An Etymological Dictionary Of the English Language compiled by Walter W.Skeat,26.4percent of English words are from French.The following English words are from French:justice(正义),judgment(审判),crime(罪行),plea(抗辩),suit(诉讼),plaintiff(原告),defendant(被告),attorney(律师),complaint(控告),summons(传票),verdict(裁决),sentence(判决),punishment(刑罚),prison(监狱),bill(法案),inquest(审讯),evidence(证据),slander(诽谤),libel(诽谤罪)and innocence(无罪).

4)Legal English prefers to use archaisms,in particular compounds that are made up of here,there or where plus one or more prepositions,because the use of these words can make law seem or sound dignified,majestic,serious,solemn,formal,authoritative and concise.Archaisms,namely,archaic English words,refer to words that appeared and were widely used in the period between AD 450 and 1100 as well as in Medieval Period(AD 1100-1500).The following is some common archaisms:

hereafter:in this document and after this point此后,以后

hereby:in this way or by this means以此,以此方式,特此

herefrom:from this fact or statement由此

herein:in this document此中,于此,在此文件中

hereof:of this关于这个(在本文件中)

hereto:to this至此(对于这个,于此)

hereunder:under this heading or below this phrase在下面(在此标题或短语下面)

hereinabove:above in this document,statement前文

hereinbefore:before in this document,statement在上文中

heretobefore:previously or earlier在此以前,到现在为止

herewith:together with this letter or written material随此

thereafter:after that此后

thereby:by that按此

therefor:for that因此

therefrom:from that从那里

therein:in that在其中

thereinafter:afterwards listed in that document在下文,以下

thereinbefore:before mentioned in that document在该文以上部分

thereinunder:mentioned under that heading在那标题以下

thereof:of that关于那,由此,由此

thereto:to that到那里

theretobefore:before that time在那之前

therewith:with that与之

whereby:by which凭那个

wherein:in which在何处

whereof:of which关于那个,关于什么

whereon:on which在那上面

whereto:to which对于那个

whereunder:under which在其下

wherewith:with which用什么,用那个

5)The vocabulary of legal English can be divided into two categories,namely,ordinary words with a specific and totally different meaning in law and words peculiar to legal English with a definite meaning in law.Some ordinary English words are quite confusing for people who are not familiar with legal English when they read legal documents or articles.Such English words include action(普通义:行动/法律义:诉讼),adopt(普通义:采纳/法律义:收养),confront(普通义:使面对/法律义:使对质),alienation(普通义:疏远/法律义:转让),will(普通义:意志/法律义:遗嘱),case(普通义:箱子或盒子/法律义:案件或案例),consideration(普通义:考虑/法律义:对价),bill(普通义:账单/法律义:法案或诉状),instrument(普通义:工具/法律义:法律文书),party(普通义:晚会/法律义:当事人),serve(普通义:服务/法律义:送达)and so on.Words peculiar to legal English include:affray(在公共场所斗殴罪),arson(纵火罪),bigamy(重婚罪),felony(重罪),misdemeanor(轻罪),kidnapping(绑架罪),perjury(伪证罪),plaintiff(原告),defendant(被告),prosecutor(检察官),robbery(抢劫罪),recidivism(累犯),theft(盗窃罪),agency(代理),agent(代理人),principal(本人),misfeasance(不当履行),force majeure(不可抗力),omission(不作为),tort(侵权行为)and so on.

6)The syntactical structures of legal English are usually very lengthy and complex,which makes it hard for common people without professional training in law to know exactly what these sentences mean.One source of the difficulty of legal language noted by Davies is that legal discourse may be addressing two audiences,both a lay audience and a legal audience(I have dubbed this the two-audience dilemma)[8].Now let’s have a look at the following two examples:

(A)Each of the Shareholders shall exercise all voting rights and other powers of control available to it in relation to the Company so as to procure(so far as it is able by the exercise of such rights and powers)that at all times during the term of this Agreement,the provisions concerning the structure and organization of the Company,and the regulation of its affairs set out in this A-greement,are duly observed and given full force and effect,and all actions required of the Shareholders under this Agreement are carried out in a timely manner,and in particular(but not in derogation of the generality of the foregoing),that any meeting of the Board and every general meeting of the Company has the necessary quorum throughout and is conducted in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement,and shall execute and do and procure all other third parties,if necessary,to execute and do all such further acts,deeds,assurance and things an may be reasonably required so that full effect may be given to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.


(B)If in any case Party A,after having become bound to transfer any Shares and Loans pursuant to the provisions of this Clause X to Party B or a third party,shall fail or refuse to do so the Company Secretary or any other person appointed by the Board shall be deemed to have been irrevocably authorized by Party A,with full power to execute,complete and deliver,in the name and on behalf of Party A,transfers of the Board may then register the purchaser or its nominee as holder of the Shares and issue to the purchaser or its nominee(as the case may be)a certificate of the same,and thereupon,Party A shall be bound to deliver up the certificates for the Shares,and upon such delivery shall be entitled to receive the purchase price therefore without interest.


7)Passive voice,nominal constructions as well as subjunctive mood are frequently used in legal English.“We have already seen that lawyers tend to prefer passive and nominal constructions,both of which can promote an impersonal style.Similarly judges and legislators tend to speak in the third person…[9]”.The underlying reasons for employing passive and nominal constructions to promote the stylistic impersonality of legal English are that the main function and chief purpose of law are to serve as a key guide for people’s conducts rather than specific individuals and that the use of nominal constructions is capable of improve the precision or exactness of legal language.Subjunctive mood is often used to specify the conditions or circumstances to which law is to be applied.Please take a look at Article I of American constitution:

Section 9

(1)The migration or importation of such persons as any of the states now existing shall think proper to admit,shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the year 1808,but a tax or duty may be imposed on such importations,not exceeding 10dollars for each person.

(2)The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended,unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it.

(3)No bill of attainder or ex post facto law shall be passed.

(4)No capitation,or other direct tax shall be laid unless in proportion to the census or enumeration herein before directed to be taken.

(5)No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any state.

(6)No preference shall be given by any regulation of commerce or revenue to the ports of one state over those of another nor shall vessels bound to,or from one state,be obliged to enter clear,or pay duties in another.

(7)No money shall be drawn from the treasury but in consequence of appropriations made by law;and a regular statement and account of the receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time.

(8)No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States And no person holding any office or profit or trust under them,shall,without the consent of the Congress,accept of any present,emolument,office,or title,of any kind whatever,from any king,prince,or foreign state.










3 The Prerequisites,Steps and General Translation Principles for English-Chinese Translation

From the above-mentioned features we can clearly see that as English for special purposes legal English is not easy to understand,let alone to translate it into Chinese.What are the prerequisites for translating legal English into Chinese?Fundamentally speaking,the prerequisites for translating legal English into Chinese are to be knowledgeable in Anglo-American law and Chinese law,as well as proficient in English and Chinese language in that without a good knowledge in both Anglo-American law and Chinese law it is impossible for a translator to have an in-depth understanding of the true meaning of and nuance between various legal concepts in Anglo-American law and Chinese law,let alone to precisely or accurately translate these legal concepts from English into Chinese.It is well-known that AngloAmerican law and Chinese law belong to two fundamentally different legal families,namely Anglo-American legal family and continental legal family.Anglo-American law is called case law or common law while continental law is called written law or statutory law.Judges have played a vital role in the establishment and development of Anglo-American law,therefore Anglo-American law is nicknamed law of judges.There have been huge differences between Anglo-American law and Chinese law,making it very difficult for a translator to know the exact meaning of numerous legal English concepts and then properly translate them into Chinese.As a matter of fact,translating legal English into Chinese involves three steps,namely,understanding,expression and examination.Understanding is the basis and premise of expression and expression is the deepening of understanding and key to translation.The more profound the understanding of the source text is,the more likely the translator is able to translate the source text into target language.Examination is the final but essential step to ensure the quality of the translation of legal English into Chinese.In addition,to translate legal English into proper Chinese,the translator has to acquaint himself with various translation theories and skills and be very good at flexible use of translation skills.Peter Newmark thinks that“Translation is first a science,which entails the knowledge and verification of the facts and the language that describes them-here,what is wrong,mistakes of truth,can be identified;secondly,it is a skill which calls for appropriate language and acceptable usage;thirdly,an art,which distinguishes good from undistinguished writing and is the creative,the intuitive,sometimes the inspired,level of the translation;lastly,a matter of taste,where argument ceases preferences are expressed,and the variety of meritorious translation is the reflection of individual differences.”[10]Eugene A.Nida,a renowned translation theorist,thinks that“Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message,first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.”[11]

4 Translation Principles for English-Chinese Translation

The principles of translating legal English into Chinese are as follows:the principle of using formal words and expressions the principle of preciseness,the principle of conciseness,the principle of term consistency and the principle of using legal terms.In summary,translation principles can be divided into four categories,namely,(A)the source-language-oriented or the target-language-oriented translation principle;(B)the author-andreader-oriented translation principle which was first put forward by Alexander Fraser Tytler,a famous British scholar in the late eighteenth century in his Essay on the Principles of Translation In this essay Alexander Fraser Tytler wrote:“I.That the Translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work.II.That the style and manner of writing should be of the same character as that of the original.III.That the Translation should have all the ease of the original composition.”[12]

Yan Fu,a great Chinese translator,once put forward a very famous three-character translation principle called faithfulness expressiveness and elegance in 1898.He wrote:“There are three difficulties in translation:faithfulness,expressiveness and elegance.To be faithful has already being very difficult!Therefore if only faithfulness is allowed for and as a resultexpressiveness is lost,the translation is just like no translation at all.”By faithfulness,he meant the translated version did not run counter to the original text,that is to say the translated version should be precise or accurate with no distortion,omission,addition or subtraction of the meaning of the original text;by expressiveness,he meant the translated version was not confined to the form of the original text,but facile and clear;by elegance,he meant the use of vocabulary and syntax before Han Dynasty.Since the birth of Yan Fu’s translation principle,it has been deemed by a very large number of people as the golden rule in translation.As a matter of fact,Yan Fu’s translation principle also belongs to this category of translation principle.

(C)the aesthetic-oriented translation principle mainly advocated by literary translators like Ezra Pound in America and Fu Lei and Qian Zhongshu in China.In 1951 in the preface to the translated Balzac’s novel Le père Goriot Fu Lei wrote:“Translating should be like drawing and what is sought is not resemblance in shape,but resemblance in spirit.”[13]In 1964 in the article entitled Lin Shu’s Translation,Qian Zhongshu put forward his“transmigration theory”:The highest literary standard is“transmigration”.To transform works from the characters of one country into the characters of another country without betraying any trace of stiffness and far-fetchedness due to the differences in language habits and with the original flavor completely retained can be called to have reached the state of“transmigration”.(文学翻译的最高标准是“化”。把作品从一国文字转变成另一国文字,既能不因语文习惯的差异而露出生硬牵强的痕迹,又能完全保存原有的风味,那就算得入于“化境”。)[14]

Although the above-mentioned translation theories are extremely useful in the translation work,they are not fully applicable to the translation of legal English because of the seven features listed above.In my humble opinion,faithfulness,preciseness,professionality,unity as well as conciseness should serve as the guiding principle in the translation of legal English into Chinese.I’d like to dwell on these principles one by one.

Well,let’s first take a good look at the first guiding principle in the translation of legal English into Chinese.Because the main purpose of any form of translation is to help a person who does not understand certain language to accurately get the very message conveyed in that language,faithfulness should be the first and most important principle in the translation of legal English into Chinese.To strive for faithfulness,the translated text should reproduce all the message in the original text without any distortion,adding or omission and the style of the translated text should correspond to that of the original text.To strive for preciseness,the translated text should bear all the characteristics or features of legal language,accord with the expressive habit of the target language,namely,Chinese and be equal in connotation and denotation.In addition,in the process of the translation of legal English into Chinese,a translator should make his uttermost effort to avoid interpreting the meaning of a legal term superficially or taking a word or words too literally.Otherwise,the translated text may lead to misunderstanding or make serious mistakes.For instance“material evidence”should not be translated into Chinese as“物证”.Last but not the least,the translator of legal English should be good at coining or creating new legal terms in Chinese in that China is now still and will remain for a very long historical period a developing country,and the law in our country is not as sound and perfect as Anglo-American law which has evolved for many centuries.It is quite natural that when a translator tries to translate legal English into Chinese,he is bound to meet many Anglo-American legal terms that have no counterparts in Chinese.On such occasions,the translator has no choice but to coin or create a proper Chinese legal term.Of course in doing so he should be cautious and the standards concerning the coining or creation of new legal terms in Chinese had better be formulated by competent agencies so as to avoid confusion and enhance the unity of law.To strive for professionality,a translator of legal English should be familiar with both AngloAmerican and Chinese law,especially the common points and differences between the two laws.What’s more important,a translator of legal English should have an extensive,correct,accurate and in-depth understanding of various legal terms.Lastly a translator of legal English should use Chinese legal vocabulary and terms to translate corresponding Anglo-American ones in as many places as possible.To strive for unity,a translator of legal English should try his best to see to it that every Anglo-American legal term have a sole corresponding Chinese legal term in any case and every Anglo-American and Chinese legal term have a definite and fixed connotation and denotation on any occasion.To strive for conciseness,a translator of legal English should do his best to convey the message contained in every legal English word,term or sentence in the most economical manner in Chinese and avoid redundancy.In other words,simplest and fewest words should be used to convey the richest and maximum message.Being concise can make maximum message reach and be understood by as many people as possible.

5 Conclusion

Although legal English has a tendency to be plain,it is a variety of English featuring much specialization and professionalism,making it obscure and difficult to understand.The reasons for the obscurity of legal English and difficulties in understanding and translating legal English into Chinese may be manifold.Nevertheless,as a matter of fact,in the final analysis,the daunting difficulties in the process of the translation of legal English into Chinese lie in the huge and numerous differences between Anglo-American and Chinese legal backgrounds and legal cultures To be well qualified in the translation of legal English into Chinese,the translator should be knowledgeable in Anglo-American law and Chinese law as well as proficient in legal English and Chinese.In addition,a legal English translator should also bear in mind the features of legal English,and adhere to the abovediscussed principles for the translation of legal English into Chinese.As a saying goes,practice makes perfect.So long as a person persists in relentless legal English translation practice and be good at summing up experience and drawing lessons from various failures and mistakes,he is bound to become a competent skilled legal English translator.



法律英语汉译 篇2

4、This book tells people how to manage the Under those circumstances he had no choice but1、The police are still trying to find out what situation when they find themselves getting to face up to the challenge bravely.caused the fire(是什么引起了这场火灾)angry.(当他们生气时如何控制局面)


2、I don'tknow what size of shoes my father

5、After meeting Kathy for the first time at a We should start early if we want to make sure wears(我爸爸穿多大的鞋)birthday party ,John found himself falling in of getting there in time.3、The baby pointed to what looked like a ball love whih her(发现自己爱上了她)Unit14



4、We should always be gyateful for what our

1、在喝了三罐啤酒之后,玛丽连站都站不起来家儿童图书馆筹款。但是,音乐会门票的销family and friends(家人和朋友为我们所做的一了 售情况一点都不让人满意

切)After drinking three jars of beer ,Mary could Some famous singers were going to put on a5、Stella was eager to show her boyfriend what haldly get to her feet.concert to raise money for the children's she had bought for his brithday(她为他的生日

2、由于担心房产价格可能会下跌,一些房产商library.However ,the sale of the tickets was 所买的东西)开始急于出售房屋 far from satisfactory.Translation Some real estate developers are now eager to

2、这篇新闻报道真是地展现了监狱中的生活,1、这个小男孩最喜欢做的事就是搭积木 sell their houses for fear that the prices might 引起了公众的关注。一些记者决定继续追踪 What the boy likes to do most is putting dip.报道

together building blocks.3、当琳达打开房门时,眼前的景象使他惊呆了。This news report showed prison life in the raw2、就先前的工作经验而言,约翰是这个职位的橱柜的门都敞开着,地上到处是衣服和书 and got a lot of attention from the public.Some 最佳候选人 When linda opened the door ,she was shocked by reporters decided to follow it up.In terms of previous working experience ,John what she saw.All the cupboard doors were wide

3、安妮独自一人出发去了那个小镇。她一点都is the best choice for this position.open,and there were clothers and books lying 没想过,她的父母会为她的安全而担心

3、我的物理老师经常使用类比来说明一些较难here and there on the floor.Anne set out for the small town by himself.It


4、麦克早已经对老板每周一次的长篇报告感到never occurredto her that her parents might be My physics teacher often uses analogy to 厌倦,每次听着听着他总会打起盹来 worried about her safety.explain some difficult concept.Mike has already got tired of the long speech

4、去年,我取得了做外科医生的资格。回想在4、在家人和朋友的帮助下,汤姆经营的出版企given by his boss every week.He always dozed 医科大学度过的五年,我觉得那是我生命中

业逐渐兴旺起来 off in the middle of it.最艰苦也是最快乐的一段日子

With the help of his family and friends ,Tom

5、芬兰是一个以湖泊众多而著称的国家,我曾Last year I qualified as a surgeon.I looked back built up his publishing business bit by bit.经去过几次,非常喜欢那个地方 on the five years at medical university as the5、琳达没能进入那所著名的大学,但她打算重Finland is remarkable for its large number of hardest as well as the happiest time of my life.新开始,而不是逃避挑战 lakes.I have been there once or twice ,and I

5、布朗先生是一位十分杰出的实业家。他曾经Linda was not able to go to that famous like it very much.说过,“要想在商业领域里取得成功,你必须college,but she planned to start all over again

6、在贝蒂三岁生日的那天,爸爸送给她一直很得冒许多险” rather than give up the challenge.有意思的盒子。只要你一打开它,一只可爱Mr.Brown is an eminent business man.He once6、这个公司有着很好的公众形象。人们总是将的兔子便会突然蹦出来 said,“You have to take a lot of risks if you

它的产品与高质量和优质服务联系在一起 At Betty's third biethday ,Dad gave her an want to succeed in business”

This company has a very good public interesting box.Once you opened it , a lovely

6、彼得靠在饭店里洗盘子维持生活。但是最近image.People always associate its product with rabbit would pop out.饭店准备裁员,彼得每天都生活在被解雇的high quality and good service.Unit 10 恐惧之中

Unit 2 1.在孩子个性形成时期,家长要特别关心并注意他Peter makes a living by dishes in a1、孩子们很苦恼,因为他们的家长不允许他们们是否有心理问题的迹象。restaurant.But recently the restaurant has

在铁路轨道旁玩耍 Parents should pay special attention to their been planning to cut jobs and Peter is living The children are pretty annoyed that their children during their formative years and watch in daily fear of being fired.parents won't allow them to play around the for symptoms of psychological problems.Unit 15

railway track..2.天才往往对自己喜爱的事物充满了激情。

一、1.She took care of the blind man as if he

2、我打赌我只要速度快一点,肯定会比他们先Geniuses usually have a great passion for were her old father.到目的地 things they’re interested in.2.They are talking as if they had been I bet if I pick up a little speed I will reach 3.他不知道简就是她的亲生姐姐,只是觉得她的名friends for years.the destination sooner than they do.字听上去有一点点熟悉。3.Jerry acts as if he werean expert.3、这种糟糕的天气让人不想出去,你还不如在家舒He was no idea that Jane is his biological 4.It seems as if it were winter already.展一下筋骨,做做运动 sister;only her name sounds faintly familiar to 5.The postman spoke to me in a very loud You don't want to go out in such rotten him.voice as if I were deaf.weather.Its better for you to stay home and 4.看着稻谷在干燥的阳光下枯死,农民们毫无办法,二、1.有一张名牌大学的文凭,即使在公司解雇人stretch your legs and do pfysical exercises.只有叹息。的时候他也不担心会丢工作。

4、已经十点半了,你不应该还在睡觉!快赶到Seeing the rice corps dying in cry sun,theWith a diploma from a famous

飞机场去接你表弟 peasants could do nothing but sigh.university,he felt secure in his job even It'shalf past ten,and you 're not supposed 5.自从杰克的老板拒绝了他请长假的要求,他一直when the companywas laying off to be sleeping!It's time to head for the 在考虑辞职。people.airport to pick up your cousin!Ever since his boss turned down his request for 2.当鲍勃被指控撒谎时,他勃然大怒。

5、是谁想到让麦克来接管这项工程的? a long vacation, Jack has been thinking aboutBob flew into a rage when he was accused Wo came up with the idea to ask Mike to take over quitting his job.of lying.the project? 6.我不喜欢足球,今天也不例外,我不想和你去看3.由于她的愚蠢,我们的项目彻底泡汤了。

6、学校对不同种族背景的学生没有区别对待 球赛。Our project was totally ruined because of The school makes no distinction in treating I don’t care for soccer,and today’s no her stuoidity.students from different racial backgrounds.exception.So I don’t feel like going to watch 4.经理深受公司里同事们的尊敬。

Unit4 the game with young.The manager was held in high esteem by his

1.布鲁斯先生对他不尊重当地传统的行为表示了歉Unit12Usagecolleagues in the company.意。

1、Linda!It's Christmas time.Sing us 5.小男孩跑到他爸爸跟前,兴奋地猛拉他的袖 Mr.Bruce made an apology for his disrespect Christmas song.(给我们唱歌圣诞歌吧)子。

for the local traditions.2、Sam hopes that his daughter will live aThe little boy ran up to his father and

2.在会议上,双方就两国关系方面交换了各自的观happy life.(幸福一生)turgged his sleeve excitedly.点。

3、All human beings die in the end.Some die 6.很显然,他对他的论文很有信心。

At the meeting the parties exchanged their a peaceful death(平静而逝)Apparently, he was quite confident about opinions on the relationship between the two

4、He dreamed a bad dream(做了个噩梦)last his essay.countries.night and woke up with an ashen face.Unit 16


5、A hot bath before bed helps you sleep a 1.餐厅经理一看到百万富翁来用餐,就顾不得He is in such a bad mood that it is not good nights sleep(会让你睡个好觉)和我们说话了,满脸红光地迎了上去。

appropriate for him to appropriate for him to Translation The moment the restaurant manager set appear in public

1、他被捕后遭到毒打,但却没有向敌人透漏任eyes on the millionaire, he cut us short

4.你提水的时候至少应该做到不要把水泼出来吧。何有用的信息 and headed for the latter, his face You should at least try not to spill the water He was brutally beaten often being lighting up.when carrying it.arrested ,but he revealed nothing useful to the 2.欢迎乘坐我们的飞机。商务舱在楼上,经济


The argument of this scientist received

2、他们面试了很多人,最后终于找到了令他们Welcome aboard our plane.The business tremendous support from academic circles.满意的候选人 class section is upsrairs and the

6.无论你遇到什么困难,大家都会帮你度过难关的。They interviewed a lot of people before finally economy class is right on this floor.No matter what difficulties you may come across, getting hold of a satisfactory candidate.3.打喷嚏之后要说“对不起”。听到别人打喷嚏we will pull you through.3、他自愿捐助修建了一所学校以使那些穷孩子要说“保佑你”。

Unit7Structure 能读书 You must say“Excuse me” after sneezing1、I dozed off in the back of the car and woke He made a voluntary contribution to the cost of and “Blessyou” when someone else has sneezed.up to find myself already in Chicago.(发现自building a school so that those poor children 4.六号房间号码牌挂倒了,变成了九号,快去己已经到了芝加哥)could get an education.把它弄正!

2、After walking for a long time ,James found

4、为了你我一定会努力训练以争取获得进入决The sign for Room NO.6 has been turned himself in an empty street.(发现自己走在一条赛的资格 upside down into a 9.Fix it up immediately!空荡荡的街上)For your sake I will train very hard to get the 5.大超市一来,许多小商店都应声关了门。

3、If Jack carries on treating others so qualification for the finals.Many small stores have closed for good with rudely ,he will find himself losing all the

英语电影片名的汉译原则 篇3




“信息”并不简单指“事实形式的消息”。它更包括原文的语气与风格。影片译名所提供的信息无论从内容,文化或风格方面都要与原片名相一致,这是电影片名翻译的最基本原则。影片名包含有丰富的信息内容。作为片名,虽然客观上要求简练、整洁,但使人一看便可猜出属于哪类电影。例如经典电影Waterloo Bridge不是简单的音译为“滑铁路桥”,而是翻译为“魂断蓝桥”,让人一看就知道这是一部令人动容的爱情悲剧片。而另外一部影片the Third Man曾被译为“第三者”,而本片其实是描写目睹一场凶杀的第三个目击者。译文所给出的信息与原片名信息不等值,造成观众的迷惑,如果改译为“第三位证人”,效果会更好。而经典影片The BathingBeauty传神的翻译为“出水芙蓉”,完美的传达了对水上芭蕾舞演员生活的诠释。


市场经济与商业利益对影片名的翻译提出了特殊的要求。电影这一艺术形式首先要达到丰富人们文化生活,促进人际间的交流,另外还要赚取利润,必须产生社会经济效益。换言之,它必须具有商业价值。商业价值体现在翻译过程中要求大胆创新,甚至可以以改变片名形式为代价,最大限度地保存原片名之内容。片名强调新颖醒目,善于制造悬念,渲染气氛引起观众心理认同,激发审美愉悦而产生观看欲望。影片名的翻译一定要面向观众,便于观众接受,但又不能为了片面迎合观众而一味的媚俗。例如电影Soundof Music在台湾曾被译为“仙乐飘飘何处闻”就令观众颇为不解。后该片被译为“音乐之声”,已被广泛接受。一些奥斯卡经典影片如Waterloo Bridge译为“魂断蓝桥”也已成为经典之作。片名的汉译,应该在忠实于原片名和影片内容的基础上做到生动活泼,力求达到艺术的再创造。例如Gone With the Wind被译为《乱世佳人》,取代《飘》,为影片带来了空前的票房价值。




由于文化差异,我们有时无法在译入语中寻得完全一致的对应词,这样就必须懂得领会言外之意。英语片名的翻译要符合我国的民族心理和汉语语言文化的特色。中西文化背景和价值观念不同,片名汉译受制于汉文化。汉文化必然对源文化进行选择与规范,同时附加上自身文化色彩。电影片名总是浸润在源文化体系中,其内涵往往不为另一文化体系中的人们所知晓而造成双方理解与交际的障碍。电影片名包含了很多文化因素,对原影片名的文化与文化内涵的翻译成为翻译中最难达到的标准。体现文化内涵的方式多种多样,经源文化浸润的电影片名在翻译成汉语时,必须先经过汉语的浸润,体现汉语的语言习惯和文化内涵,才能完全被观众所接受和理解,进而收到好的效果。例如,在英语里,“d ragon”是邪恶的象征,而中文里“dragon”是“力量与成功”的代表。在英语语言中,“dragon”作“魔鬼”解释。“dragon”在东西方语言中,其文化意象的寓意是绝然相反的。影片Dragon Heart应该被译成《魔龙传奇》,而不是一开始就广泛引用的译名《龙的心》。


片名的翻译讲求摆脱原文词语束缚,深入把握作品的思想美学内容,以艺术家的匠心对待原片,进行新的艺术创造。用本族语言的艺术形式传达原作的形象、情感和语言的艺术美,从而将美感经验传导于观众。它包含两方面意思,即翻译本身的艺术性和译名的艺术性。电影片名的翻译是译者以被译电影为依据进行的一种创造性活动,随着生活水平提高,人们的审美水平不断提高,客观上要求译名具有艺术性,可供欣赏,引起共鸣。好的译名传递着“美”的信息,常引起观众遐想,有先睹为快的强烈欲望。Gone With theWind,it Happened One Night,the SecretAgent分别被译为“乱世佳人”、“一夜风流”和“间谍末日”,My Fair Lady译为《窈窕淑女》,可谓其中的代表。从译文可看出,译名言简意赅,字里行间传递了强烈的信息,且具有音韵之美,这是汉语文化的一大特点。要达到以上标准,译者须有很高的汉语文字造诣。

浅析英语长句汉译 篇4


例1.During a meeting with executives from 15 commercial banks on Monday,the PBOC emphasized that the banks improve their housing finance services and give priority to loans for first time homebuyers while keeping a closer eye on the associated risks.


这个句子前面是that引导的宾语从句,后面运用了连词and和while连词将整个句子连接起来,在进行英汉翻译时, 这几个连词的承接意思和汉语的思维表达方式一致,因此类似这种句式在翻译时可采用顺译法。


由于英汉两种语言表达习惯不同,所以在进行英语长句翻译时要采用逆序法。逆序法就是从句子的后面开始翻译。 在英译汉时对句子做些调整。

例2.In respect of mere luxury,it may be doubted whether there is not as much to be said for a bad memory as a good one.





例3.The mild capitalism emerging in Eastern Europe,though unthinkable in these Communist nations just a few years ago,is a far cry from the free-market economics practiced in the West and will probably remain so for a long time.





例4.The man in the street scarcely realize that many forms of business,some major industries,and one or two minor professions could be completely abolished without gravely injuring American society;whereas the disappearance---or even what we see in some quarters,the continuous neglect and degradation---of the teaching profession must mean a disaster to the entire nation.













小学英语汉译英练习 篇5















英语定语从句汉译动态思维研究 篇6

【关键词】英语 定语从句 汉译 动态思维

【Abstract】In the translation of English attributive clauses,we need to have an idea of the source language and target language.This is the basic requirement to do Chinese translation.This paper discusses the Chinese translation methods of dynamic thinking through analyzing the characteristics of the attributive clause.It will be visually presented before the readers,hoping to be able to provide some help for the related researchers or teachers and students.

【Key Words】English; attributive clause; Chinese translation; dynamic thinking












(1)Such adjectives can hardly distort the reality which they concealed.这种修辞改变不了它们掩盖的事实。

(2)That remained so even during a period when the Moslem calls for prayers from the minarets were neither permitted nor heard.甚至在既不允许也听不到穆斯林在清真寺尖塔上召唤祈祷者的时期亦是如此。

(3)People who need to lose weight fast are lining up at drugstores lucky enough to have the impressive new pill called PatentLEAN.需要快速瘦身的人正在各家药店门前大排长龙,他们将无比幸运地拥有令人印象深刻的名为PatentLEAN的新药丸。


(1)We wish to express our satisfaction at this to the Special Committee,whose activities deserve to be encouraged.关于这点,我们要对特别委员会表示满意,它的活动应当受到鼓励。

(2)The most ambitious project so far is a transatlantic fiber-optic cable to be built by 1988 that could significantly cut the cost of communication between the United States and Europe.迄今为止,最为雄心勃勃的工程是将于1988年铺成的横贯大西洋的光缆线路,这条线路将大大减少美国和欧洲之间的通讯费用。

(3)For that,use is generally made of correction motors which in the present state of the technique are complicated,very expensive and often do not give complete satisfaction.为此,通常使用的是校正电动机,但就目前的技术水平而言,这种电动机结构复杂,价格昂贵,且性能往往不尽如人意。

3.复句法。有些定语从句在逻辑含义上相当于让步、条件、原因、结果等状语从句,这时就应根据句子内部的逻辑关系,用相应的汉语偏正复句来翻译。如:(1)让步法:Photographs are taken of stars,the light of which is too faint to be seen by eyes at all.虽然许多星体的光线非常微弱,肉眼根本看不见,但它们的照片还是被拍下来了。

(2)条件:A country that wishes to become a member of WTO is to send in its application before a working party is formed by WTO for examination of the specific conditions of the country.一個国家,若想成为世贸组织的成员,须先呈递申请,而后由世贸组织成立一个小组对该国的具体条件进行审查。

(3)原因:We know that a cat,whose eyes can take in many more rays of light than our eyes,can see clearly in the night.我们知道,由于猫的眼睛比我们人的眼睛能吸收更多的光线,所以猫在黑夜也能看得很清楚。

(4)结果:In 1952,London had a very bad four-days smog in which 4000 bronchitis suffers died.1952年,伦敦曾连续四天烟雾弥漫,结果造成4000名支气管患者死亡。

(5)目的: Many universities have “close-circuit” television equipment that will telecast lectures and demonstrations to hundreds of students in different classrooms.许多大学都配备了“闭路”电视设备,以便为各个教室千百个学生进行电视讲授和演示。

(6)时间:Congress,which had met to continue its protests to the Crown,found itself raising an selecting George Washington as its commander in chief.国会先前曾集会决定继续向英皇抗议,而现在则发展到募集军队并推选乔治·华盛顿为总司令了。

4.融合法。此外,有些定语从句的翻译也常常采用调整句序或是融合法,即将原句中的主语和其后的定语从句融合为一个句子。例如:(1)Railroad tunnels which are miles long have been built through mountains.穿山而建的铁路隧道,长达数英里。

(2)There are events taking place at this time which dim their hopes and lessen the prospects.目前正在发生的一些事情,使他们感到希望渺茫,前途暗淡。

(3)Let no one nurse the vain hope of exploiting that example tomorrow,in the negotiations which the question of economic transformation will require.谁也别梦想今后就经济改造问题进行协商之时援例而行。

5.逻辑法。翻译定语从句最后须注意的一点就是,有时定语从句被别的成分将其与先行词分开了,这样的句子的翻译方法与前面所讲的没什么不同,只是翻译的时候必须注意原文的句法结构和逻辑关联。如:A new master will come tomorrow who will teach you German.教你们德语的新老师明天就到。

6.分译法。The election which has led to your being chosen to preside over this Assembly-a very wise choice indeed-is a tribute to your great country,which has contributed to the development of the history of free nations a tradition of peace that serves as an example for the legal community that we constitute,a country which has always commanded respect and admiration from all corners of the world.

此句是复合句,由一个主句和五个定语从句构成。其主句是The election …is a tribute to your great country; 第一个定语从句是修饰主语the election 的which has led …over this Assembly; 第二个定语从句是修饰your great country 的which has contributed to the development of the history of free nations a tradition of peace; 第三个定语从句是修饰a tradition of peace 的that serves as …legal community;第四个定语从句是修饰the legal community的that we constitute;第五个定语从句是修饰a country (your great country的同位语)的which has always commanded respect and admiration from all corners of the world.注意第四个定语从句隶属于第三个定语从句的一部分,第五个定语从句隶属于同位语的一部分。两破折号之间的a very wise choice indeed是插入语,用来对The election which has led to your being chosen to preside over this Assembly作进一步的解释。弄清句子的结构后,我们对句子的内容也就清楚明白了,翻译时可采用切分法将之译为:







英语定语的汉译技巧 篇7


英语前置定语的汉译是最简单的一类, 往往译成“……的”置于中心词之前, 但这其中有三个问题需要我们注意。

(一) 带“的”与不带“的”

一般情况下英语定语译成汉语时需要带“的”, 但有时为了符合汉语的表达习惯, 则要将“的”省去。例如:173 kilos译成173公斤。

(二) 多个前置定语的语序问题

英语和汉语都会出现多个前置定语的情况。在英译汉的过程中定语语序的处理是需要我们特别关注的问题。在英语中, 多个前置定语共同修饰一个中心词时, 其基本顺序是范围由小到大, 由次要意义到主要意义, 程度由弱到强, 由一般到专有, 意思越具体, 物质性越强就越靠近中心词, 而汉语正好相反。例如:the ancient Chinese history译成“中国古代史”。

(三) 名词作定语和形容词作定语往往含义不同

这里的名词和形容词指同一词根且意思相近, 它们在汉译的时候往往含义不同, 需要我们在平日的学习中注重积累和区分。例如:a gold watch译成“一块金表”;a golden chance译成“一个难得的机会”;silk stockings译成“丝袜”;silken hair译成“如丝秀发”。


在英语中, 各种短语可以放在中心词后面作定语, 这样可以增加对中心词的修饰, 进一步限制其语义范畴, 使该中心词的所指更加具体化。这类后置定语在汉译时, 需要我们准确判断其长度, 否则就会影响到我们对原文的理解。其常见的几种结构现举例如下:

名词+形容词+介词短语:He is a man suitable for the job.他是适合做这项工作的人。

名词+形容词+to do:A person afraid to overcome the difficulties is a cowardly one.一个不敢克服困难的人是个懦夫。

名词+副词+形容词:Students always lazy are sure not to pass the exam.平时懒惰的学生, 这次考试一定不会及格。

名词+形容词比较级+than:I bought a dictionary thicker than yours.我买了一本比你那本厚的词典。


英语的复合句结构严谨, 句内主从关系复杂, 其中的定语从句是使用最频繁的从句之一, 也是给英语句子的理解带来严重困扰的因素之一。由于汉语中只有定语修饰语, 而没有定语从句, 因此在翻译中如果对定语从句把握不好, 译文大多晦涩难懂。要译好英语定语从句, 首先要正确理解原文, 分清句子结构, 识别出定语从句并要找准其所修饰的先行词;其次要利用英汉语言对比的知识和一定的翻译方法进行正确而符合汉语习惯的翻译。

定语从句又分为限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句两类。限制性定语从句由关系代词、关系副词或that引导, 修饰先行词, 与先行词关系密切, 从句是整个句子不可或缺的部分。非限制性定语从句只由关系代词或关系副词引导, 不用that。作用是修饰先行词或整个主句。非限制性定语从句与先行词的关系比较松散, 从句只是对先行词的附加说明。去掉它, 句子的意思仍然清楚, 且从句与主句之间通常用逗号隔开。下面我们分别来看这两种定语从句的翻译方法。

(一) 限定性定语从句的翻译


例如:People who cannot distinguish between colors are said to be color-blind.译为:分不清颜色的人是色盲。

这里需要我们注意的是有时翻译过来的句子会显得过长, 这就需要我们按照中文的习惯将句子断开, 加以适当的调整。

例如:Anyone who is involved in working for homeless people knows that this is a vast problem and a growing one.

译为:任何参与这项工作的人都知道, 流浪青年的问题不仅是一个大问题, 而且是一个日益发展的问题。

一般来说, 在以下情况下会用到这种翻译方法:表意严谨的定义性语言结构;表示自然现象、客观规律的句子;表示特定的人、事、物等的定语从句;在文学作品中, 限制性很严、特制性很强的定语从句。


例如:I saw a young man out in the audience who introduced himself to me yesterday as the first American ever to be a law student in China.

译为:我在听众中看到一个青年, 他昨天向我介绍说它是第一个在中国攻读法律的美国学生。

这种译法适用于结构较复杂的定语从句, 我们可以根据时间顺序或逻辑重点将其译成汉语联合复合句中的前置或后置分句, 甚至独立句。

3.定语从句与主句合并, 译成汉语的单句。

在下列情况下, 可将定语从句与主句合并, 译为汉语的单句。

a.在一个定语从句中, 中心词既作主句的宾语, 又作从句的主语时。

例如:I saw a cow that was grazing under the tree.


b.当定语从句的主句是“there be或it be+主语+定语从句”的结构的句子时。

例如:I t was a hope which reflected the conviction expressed some years earlier by my grandfather.


c.当主句的谓语动词为think, see, know, hear, feel, have等时, 定于从句常被译为宾语。

例如:He did not know the reason why Tom did not show up.



有的定语从句仅以形式上的定语面目出现, 其实际功能却是阐述了被修饰事件发生的时间、地点、原因、方式等。在翻译此类定语从句时, 我们需要通过一定的语法手段将其状语化, 以符合中文的语言习惯。在此仅举两例。

例如:Those who are in favor please hold up their hands.

译为:如果赞成, 就请把手举起来。

例如:There are something original, independent and heroic about the plan that pleased all of them.

译为:这个方案富于创造性, 别出心裁, 很有魄力, 所以使他们都很喜欢。

(二) 非限制性定语从句的翻译

由于非限制性定语从句与主句的关系比较松散, 不是主句的不可或缺的部分, 而仅是对先行词的一些补充和说明, 所以在翻译这类句子时, 往往把限制性定语从句看成是另一个分句。

例如:In the old days, when I was a little boy, the city had no industry to speak of.

译为:在过去, 当我还是孩子时, 这座城市没有工业可言。

但同时, 非限制性定语从句也有一些特殊的译法。



例如:Last night I saw a very good film, which was about the French revolution.



有些非限定性定语从句由于和主句的关系不甚密切, 在翻译时, 我们可以把它译成一个独立句。

例如:I had a problem, which became clearly obvious just as I was to appear at the meeting.

译为:我遇到了一个问题。当我要出席会议时, 这个问题越发明显了。

综上所述, 翻译是一门创造性的语言艺术, 而英语定语的汉译更是一个重要的课题。在英语中, 定语的形式纷繁多样, 其译法也是灵活多变。究其根本, 我们首先要理清句子结构, 正确理解原文, 其次要摆脱原文语法结构的限制, 视不同的情况, 灵活选用适当的翻译方法, 准确、地道地表达原文, 从而使译文与原文达到最大程度的对等。

摘要:英语定语的汉译是英译汉中的重要课题之一。由于英语定语形式多样, 而汉语定语形式相对单一, 所以在翻译过程中, 需要我们灵活变通, 采用有效的翻译方法, 打破原文语法的桎梏, 使译文真正做到准确、生动。



[1]张海涛.英汉思维差异对翻译的影响[J].中国翻译, 1999, (1) :22.

[2]蔡基刚.大学英语翻译教程[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2003.

[3]潘文国.汉英语对比纲要[M].北京:北京语言文化出版社, 1997.

[4]章振邦.新编英语语法教程[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1995.

英语定语从句的汉译法 篇8



1.1 前置法

采用“的”的结构, 把从句部分译成汉语的定语, 置于被修饰词之前。

The room which served for studio was bare and dusty.

这个用作工作室的房间空荡荡的, 布满灰尘。

Nothing can take the place of complete rest such as you canget from sleep.


I like a room whose window looks out over the sea.


On the day before we left home there came a snowstorm.

在我们出发的前一天, 下了一场暴雪。

1.2 后置法

如果从句部分的译文较长, 前置显得不合乎汉语习惯, 可译成后置的并列分句, 有时要重复先行词。

Inertia is that property of matter because of which a forcemust be exerted on a body in order to accelerate.

惯性是物质的一种特性, 由于这个特性, 必须对一物体施加一种力才能使它加速运动。

Phamacology is the science which deals especially with chemical changes in medicine as a result of which it is possibleto develop new drugs.

药理学是一门科学, 它专门研究医药中的化学变化, 从而有可能开发新药。

These children have caring and loving parents who have notharmed them in any way whatsoever.

这些孩子的父母关心爱护他们, 而且从来没有以任何方式伤害过他们。

1.3 溶合法

在There be句型中, 常把主语和定语从句溶合成单句

There no places on the earth that the foot of man has nottrodden.


There are doctors who have grown up without having beencalled to treat a case of rabies.


There are very few but admire his talents.


There is much which will be unpleasing to the English reader.



2.1 前置法

限制性定语从句一般是描述性的或署名性, 如果从句比较短, 仍可译成前置定语。

He liked his sister, who was warmkind, but did not like his brother, who was aloof and arrogant.

他喜欢他那活泼和蔼的姐姐, 不喜欢他那冷漠高傲的哥哥。

But his laugh, which was very infectious, broke the silence.


2.2 后置法

译成并列分句 (重复或不重复先行词)

It is possible to find in an enectric field a large number ofpoints, all of which have the same potentials.

可以在一个电场中找到许许多多的点, 所有点都具有相同的电位。

Food is taken in through the mouth, where it is chewed and mixed with saliva.

食物经口摄入, 在口腔内咀嚼并与唾液拌合。

There are 103 elements found in nature, most of which are metals.

已经发现自然界有103种元素, 其中大多数元素是金属。


有些定语从句, 包括限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句, 在语义上具有状语的功能, 可表达时间、原因、条件、结果、让步、目的等。可译成相应的词或句。

I saw Mr.Li, who was walking on tha street.

我看见李先生, (当时) 他正在街上走着。 (时间)

The sick child, who had been given the medicine, soon fell asleep.

患儿服药后很快就入睡了。 (时间)

We don’t like the room, which is cold.

我们不喜欢那个房间, (因为) 它很冷。 (原因)

He would know nothing who wants to know everything.

(假如) 什么都想学, 就什么也学不到。 (条件)

The vampire bat attacked the cattle, which sickened and died.

吸血蝙蝠袭击家畜, 造成家畜生病死亡。 (结果)

There was something orginal, independent and heroric about the plan that oleased all of them.

这个方案富于创造性、独出心裁、很有魄力, 使他们都很满意。 (结果)

Some of the patients, who had taken the medicine, showed no better because they had neglected the doctor’s advice.

有些患者虽然服了药, 仍不见好转, 因为他们未遵医嘱。 (让步)

The disease, which may occur at any age, is most frequent in early adult life.

虽然该病可发生在任何年龄的人, 但在青年人中最为常见 (让步)

Envoys were sent out who should promote friendly relationswith other countries.

对外派出使节, 目的是促进与其它国家的友好关系。 (目的)

Singapore has a welfare called the central provident, which ensures that the retired have a nest egg.

新加坡有一项被称为“中央节俭基金“的福利计划, 以保证退休者有一份养老金。 (目的)

以上介绍的定语从句翻译尚不完善, 现抄录两句英文及其翻译, 供读者和同仁体味其翻译之妙。

President Reagan is only the latest in a long line of intergovernmentalists who want to make sense of the functions of national, stateand local governments.

主张各级政府协调整治的人, 历来都有, 他们的意图是要充分发挥联邦、州和地方政府的职能。里根总统只不过是最新代表人物。

The Gross family are returniks—Russians who emigrated to the west and now decided to return.

格罗斯一家人是回国移民, 他们原是移居西方的俄罗斯人, 现在决定回国定居。


[1].张培基、喻云跟, 李宗杰:英汉翻译教程, 上海外语教育出版社2010

英语小说题目汉译之浅见 篇9

书籍是信息和文化的载体, 在国际文化交流中日益发挥重要作用。目前随着我国与外国文化交流日益扩大, 英语等读物大量涌入国内市场, 关于其题目的汉译研究随之兴起并发展。

题目最先进入读者视线, 在一定程度上直接决定读者是否产生阅读行为。至此, 英语小说题目汉译的重要性不言而喻。

我国著名翻译界学者戈保权先生于《漫谈译事难》一文中提到译事有五难, 其中一难即“翻译书名难”。17世纪以来, 翻译理论常把翻译分为3类:严格的直译;自由的意译;创造、解释性的对译。英语小说题目的汉译同文章的翻译一样, 要采取合适方法, 遵循相应原则。斟酌对比之下方能更加合理, 更能够激发读者阅读兴趣。

2 英语小说题目汉译的方法

2.1 直译法

国外小说不乏有许多以主人公名字命名, 此类小说题目适宜采取直译方法。这样可以使原题目的精髓得以保持, 是忠实原著的体现。

以夏洛蒂·勃朗特的Jane Eyre为例, 中文译题“简·爱”是对两个英语单词的直接翻译。看似朴实的两个汉字背后涵盖了夏洛蒂描绘的浪漫神秘情节, 突出女主人公Jane简单、朴实的爱情观以及追求平等、真实婚姻的愿望。

2.2 意译法

正如前文提及, 小说题目汉译不是文字上的机械对译。在忠实小说主题基础上可以另辟蹊径, 采取意译法, 达到灵活变通、吸引读者的效果。

将Oliver Twist译为“雾都孤儿”, 即是意译法的成功体现。“雾”暗指令人迷茫的黑暗社会;“孤儿”点明主人公失去双亲的身世。事实证明, 这一形象勾勒出主人公人生经历的译题受到了中国读者的广泛推崇和喜爱。

3 英语小说题目汉译的原则

3.1 注重文学性原则

题目作为点睛之笔, 概括作品内容的同时, 还要体现文学审美功能。这就要求翻译小说题目时要注重文学性原则, 彰显文学色彩。

英国作家爱米丽·勃朗特的Wuthering Heights曾被翻译成“咆哮山庄”, 与“呼啸山庄”这一现代读者广泛认同的译题看似相差无几, 但风格和意境却大相径庭。“咆哮”二字缺少文学底蕴, 降低了小说中凄美爱情故事的感情色彩, 使一部分读者对其敬而远之。

3.2 力求简洁的原则

汉语中包含许多能够吸引眼球的四字成语, 读起来琅琅上口。采用汉语成语作为汉译题目, 可以收到以简洁形式蕴藏丰富信息的效果。

小赫胥黎的小说Two or Three Graces, 将其汉译为“二三其德”, 避免了强加修饰下译为“女神的故事”的误译之嫌, 以简洁的字眼一语道破女主人公Grace随波逐流的人生经历:一生三次改嫁, 轻易随着每一任丈夫改变性情、爱好和人生追求。

3.3 揭示原著主题原则

小说作者往往是通过内容的构建突出特定主题, 优秀的汉译题目应从揭示原著主题原则出发, 成为沟通作者和读者的快捷桥梁。

以海明威的小说A Farewell to Arms为例。题目的意思为告别“arms”。众所周知, “arm”有“武器”和“怀抱”的意思。普遍认同的译题“永别了, 武器”着重突出了小说的反战主题, 却忽视了贯穿作品始末的追求自由爱情的主题。从充分揭示原著主题的原则出发, 考虑arm的双关意义, “战地春梦”这一译题不失为权宜之策, 它更加贴近原著主题, 通过“战地”和“春梦”分别指明故事的战争背景和爱情线索。

3.4 顺应读者心理期待原则

小说题目的汉译还要充分考虑读者群体的心理变化。在改革开放之后我国人民希望更多地了解异域文化的大背景下, 小说题目的汉译也要随之适时更新, 顺应不同时代背景下的读者心理期待。

英国作家狄更斯的代表作David Copperfield, 最初被译入国内的汉译题目为“块肉余生记”, 这一译题迎合了积贫积弱时代下我国读者的心理期待, 在当时不乏生动形象。随着时代的发展, 遵从顺应读者心理期待原则, 以文中主人公“大卫·科波菲尔”作为中文题目则更加符合读者期待多元文化的心理。

4 结语

本文结合前人提出的一些方法和原则, 选取个例加以探讨, 未能详尽。翻译并不完全局限于固定的方法和原则, 在具体实践中上述列举的翻译方法和原则实则是相互联系、互为补充的统一体。总而言之, 若要翻译出“立片言以居要”的好题目, 译者需要在掌握正确翻译方法和遵循必要原则的基础上, 具备一丝不苟的钻研精神, 反复推敲, 不可大意。

摘要:题目是一部著作的浓缩, 是整个作品的点睛之笔。长期以来关于外国文学作品题目的汉译研究是译学领域的重要课题之一。本文以英文小说题目的翻译为例, 列举两种主要翻译方法, 强调遵循力求简洁、注重文学性、揭示原著主题、顺应读者心理期待原则的重要性, 以期鞭策译者不断提升个人翻译能力及素养, 促进英语小说题目汉译活动的日臻完善。



[1]陈兵.漫谈书名的翻译[J].合肥联合大学学报, 1999 (4) .

[2]黄龙编.翻译技巧指导[M].沈阳:辽宁人民出版社, 1986.

[3]刘宓庆.翻译美学导论[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 1990.

[4]刘孔喜.文学作品标题的翻译[J].重庆文理学院学报 (社会科学版) , 2009 (1) .

[5]王明元.漫议外国文学名著题名的汉译[J].中国翻译, 1994 (6) .

[6]王育伦.书名翻译琐谈[J].现代外语, 1993 (3) .

[7]徐育才.试论书名与标题的翻译[J].语言与翻译, 1991 (2) .

英语新词语及其汉译研究 篇10






由复合法构成的英语新词语有很多,如:millenium bug(千年虫)、test-tube baby(试管婴儿)、summerslide(暑假后的成绩下滑)、fangirl/fanboy(女脑残粉/男脑残粉,指那些极度痴迷于某事物或某明星,甚至狂热到失去理智的地步的粉丝)等。

值得一提的是,free-range(散养式的)一词是由free与range复合而成的,该词与其他词语复合,又构成了很多复合词。如:freerange chickens(散养的鸡)、free-range ducks(散养的鸭)、free-range egg(散养的鸡下的蛋)、free-range farm(自由放养的农场)、free-range kids(自由放养、无人监管的孩子)、free-range parenting(给孩子更多自由时间的教养/散养的教养)等。





















首字母连写词是按照字母发音的词。例如:WTO(World Trade Organization)(世界贸易组织)、FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions)(常见问题解答)、GPS(Global Positioning System)(全球定位系统)、PK(player killing)(单挑)、ETC(electronic toll collection)(电子收费)等。


首字母拼音词是指一些词语的第一个字母组合在一起,并拼读成一个词。如:APEC(Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation)(亚太经济合作组织)、ASAP(as soon as possible)(尽快)、BRB(be right back)(马上回来)、IMHO(in my humble opinion)(恕我直言)、RUOK?(Are you OK?)(你还好吧?)、TTYL(talk to you later)(再见,回聊)等。这些新词语造词简洁,输入快捷,极大地提高了信息交流的效率。



类推法构词是现代英语新词语最重要的构词方法之一。因为它合乎人们的思维习惯,操作简便,构词范围广[]。由类推法构成的英语新词很多,例如;由air pollution类推出environment pollution、sound pollution、cultural pollution等新词语;同样,由babysitting类推出grannysitting(代人照看老人)、housesitting(代人照看房子);由fastfood(快餐)类推出slowfood(慢餐,指传统饮食习惯)等。

由水门丑闻(Watergate scandal)类推出各种各样的-gate“门”,指“丑闻”、“事件”。以美国前总统克林顿与白宫实习生Monica Lewinsky的桃色绯闻为例,英语中出现了诸如Forni gate、Monica gate、Tail gate、Intern gate、Lewinsky gate、Zipper gate等很多新词语。类似的英语新词语还有Billygate(比利门)、Whitewatergate(白水门事件)、Debategate(辩论门事件)、Blogate(博客门)、Camillagate(卡米拉门)、Volkswagen scandal(大众排放门)等。

6、专有名词普通化(Commonization of proper nouns)


1)人名(Names of people)

如:pasteurize(低温消毒)源自法国著名化学家,现代微生物学之父路易·巴斯德(Louis Pasteur),因其发明巴氏消毒法而得名。

2)书名(Names of books)

如:Catch-22(二十二条军规),源自美国著名作家约瑟夫·赫勒(Joseph Heller)根据自己在第二次世界大战中的亲身经历创作的黑色幽默小说《第二十二条军规》(1961)。在当代美国英语中,Catch-22已成为一个独立、使用频率极高的词,用来形容任何自相矛盾、不合逻辑的规定或条件所造成的无法摆脱的困境、难以逾越的障碍,表示人们处于左右为难的境地,或者跌进逻辑陷阱等。



7、旧词赋予新义法(Adding new meaning to the existing words)

旧词赋予新义法是指将英语中原有的词汇通过添加新义或改变词类形成新词的方法。例如:leggings原意为“(孩子的)护腿套裤”,现在又增加了“(无拉链的女士)紧身裤,健美裤”之义[]。同样,mouse原意为“老鼠”,现在又增加了“计算机的鼠标”之义,virus原意为“生理学中的病毒”,现在又增加了“计算机病毒”之义;Trojan horse原意为“特洛伊木马”,现在又增加了“木马病毒”之义;pad原意为“衬垫”、“便签本”,现在又增加了“平板电脑”之义;surf原意为“冲浪”,现在也增加了“网上冲浪”之义。这种给原有词汇赋予新义的方法从一个侧面体现了语言的经济性原则,因为它极大地减少了人们记忆新词的负担。


从表1可见,英语新词语构成方式多种多样。其中,由复合法、拼缀法、类推法、首字母拼音法、词缀法构成的新词居多。当然,英语中也有很多新词语是借用其他语言词汇构成的,如:Dobe(逗比)是日语里用来形容笨蛋的俚语,现在年轻人用它来形容那些荒唐的陌生人或好笑的朋友,feng shui(风水)则是借用汉语的新词语。限于篇幅,本文无法进行穷尽式讨论。




当今世界科学技术突飞猛进,新技术、新发明不断问世,这促进了语言的进化,使英语中出现了大量科技新词语,如:lunarnaut(lunar+astronaut)(登月宇宙航行员)、cyberzine(网络杂志)、nanotechnology(纳米技术)、genetic code(基因密码)、GMF(Genetically modified food)(转基因食品)、LED(Light Emitting Diode)(发光二极管)、CCTV(Closed Circuit Television)(闭路电视监控系统)等。


随着社会的发展,人们的业余生活更加丰富多彩,直接反映这种社会发展变化的英语新词语也俯拾皆是。如:open-collar worker(开领工人,指那些可以在家里通过使用与工作单位连接的电脑终端远距离工作的人,因为他们不用着装整齐地去上班,衣服可以穿得随随便便)[]、kidult(kid+adult)(老少皆宜的节目)、bungee(蹦极)、sky-diving(高空跳伞)、naked wedding(裸婚)、onlineness(online+loneliness)(指上网上得太多,随时看手机刷微博刷朋友圈,可是却越来越孤独的状态)。


经济新词语包括:e-commerce(电商)、B2B(business-to-business)(公司对公司)、bar code(条形码)、infonomics(information+economics)(信息经济)、womenomics(women+economics)(妇女经济,指以妇女为消费群体的经济)、E-tail(电子零售业)等。


随着科技不断进步,人们的教育理念不断更新,新的教育理念也应运而生,例如:quality education(素质教育)、appreciation education(赏识教育)、MOOC(massive open online courses)(慕课)、free-range kids(自由放养的儿童)、TOFEL(托福考试)、IETLS(雅思考试)等。


计算机技术的迅猛发展催生了很多英语新词,如:WWW(World Wide Web)(万维网)、BBS(bulletin board system)(网上论坛)、blog(微博)、networm(网虫)、computerate(omputer+literate)(有计算机知识的人)、cyberfair(网上集市)、app(application)(计算机应用程序)等。




直译是指在符合译语语言规范的前提下,按照新词语字面意思进行翻译的方法。据此,spotlight effect可译为“聚光灯效应”;cyberbullying可译为“网络欺凌”、jetiquette可译为“飞行礼仪”等。

wind rush一词的英语定义为the current high levels of investment in wind power as a source of renewable energy),我们可按照该词的英语意义,同时参照gold rush一词的汉义,采用直译法将其译为“风力投资热”。



例如:earthrise可译为“地出”,指在月球上看地球,地球从月球的地平线上升起;Facebook可译为“面书”、“脸书”,指美国的社交网络服务网站;data fast“数据节食”,指信息时代的人们为了清闲,有意识地避免与信息、数据接触[]、O2O(online to offline)可译为“在线离线”/“线上到线下”,是来源于美国的电子商务用语,指将线下的商务机会与互联网结合,让互联网成为线下交易的平台;skinship[医]皮肤友情(父母、老师与儿童皮肤交融)。



由于新词出现后不可能立即出现统一的译名,往往会出现一词多译的现象,随着东西方文化的交流和相互影响,有些英语新词甚至以“原貌”直接出现在汉语语篇之中[]。例如:Tweeter(推特)、OPEC(欧佩克)、bungee(蹦极)、talk show(脱口秀)、El Nino(厄尔尼诺)等。



意译是指根据原文的大意,在形式上有所创新的翻译方法。例如:mompetition(mom+competition)可译为“拼孩”,指妈妈之间的比拼,比谁的孩子看上去更好、更聪明,或比别人的孩子更超前等。slow parenting是在教育领域出现的英语新词语,与上文提到的free-range parenting基本同义。因此,我们可将其意译为“尊重孩子需求的、没有任何物质影响干预的慢育、慢教养”。














英语船舶管理文件的汉译技巧 篇11

0 引言


1 英语船舶管理文件的语言特点

1.1 文本类型


1.2 语言特点

船舶管理文件大多为航运公司质量、安全、环境管理体系文件,带有公文体的特点,用词规范正式、行文紧凑、表达程式化;同时,由于文件中包含大量海事法律法规公约(如SOLAS《国际海上人命安全公约》、MARPOL 73/78《国际防止船舶造成污染公约》、ISM Code《国际安全管理规则》、STCW《海员培训、发证和值班标准公约》等)的条款,又不可避免地带有海事法律英语的特点.从词汇角度看,船舶管理文件中科技术语很多,如 non-conformity,benchmarking,KPI之类的企业管理专业术语,bridge,log,general average之类的航海术语,以及不少海事法律专业术语.从语法角度看:英语船舶管理文件倾向于多用动词现在时,尤其是一般现在时;倾向于多用被动语态;倾向于广泛使用非限定动词、名词化短语;长句、复杂句也较多.在汉译过程中,这些都必须引起注意.

2 英语船舶管理文件的汉译原则


3 英语船舶管理文件的汉译技巧

3.1 术语翻译“约定俗成”、前后一致

英语船舶管理文件中的专业术语有相当数量借自英语常用词汇,它们是英语的常用词,但用到专业领域中却成了专业技术用语,具有严格的科学含义.比如bridge在航海英语中意思为“驾驶台”,log意思为“航海日志”,general average意思为“共同海损”.在翻译这些词时切忌想当然,一定要勤查专业词典或相关文献的中译本,遵循该专业技术领域的用语习惯,给概念以“约定俗成”的译名,即应注意术语的规范性.大连海事大学出版社出版的11卷《国际海事条约汇编》,中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T 19001—2008(等同于ISO 9001:2008)和GB/T 24001—2004(等同于ISO 14001:2004),在翻译时都可以参考.如 non-conformity,在 GB/T 19000—2000中为“不合格(不符合)”[2];在 GB/T 24001—2004中为“不符合”[3]2-3,同时附注 GB/T 19000—2000 中的上述译名;在ISM Code的中译本中为“不符合规定情况”[4]96、“不符合”[5],这些系相同含义,可以用其一,附注其他译名.

还可以借助网络搜索引擎来辅助术语翻译.如change of command,在google搜索栏输入带双引号的该短语后,出现很多搜索结果,其中较多的是军事用语“指挥官交接”,http://dict.cn上为“主官易人”,结合船舶特点及上下文,译成“船长交接”比较合适,绝不能想当然地译成“命令更改”.



3.2 名词化短语活译


例1.The company should establish procedures to ensure that new personnel and personnel transferred to new assignments related to safety and protection of the environment are given proper familiarization with their duties.


例2.The safety management system should ensure:1.compliance with mandatory rules and regulations;…



例3.ISO 14001 4.5.2 Evaluation of compliance[译文]合规性评价[3]5

例4.SMM 13.2 Responsibility for compliance[译文]符合规章的职责

例3的译文“合规性”依旧保留compliance的名词性质,意思为“符合规章的情况或属性”;例4则补充一个宾语,译成动宾结构“符合规章”,加上“的”构成形容词修饰名词“职责”,成为偏正结构,符合英语中介词短语修饰名词的结构.同样地,document of compliance 译成“符合证明”[5],实际上也是“符合规章的证明”,只因该译名已经约定俗成,就不必再复杂化.


3.3 被动语态转译


例 5.When planning for operations,reference should be made to existing rules and regulations and the requirements of the Company’s Management System.Documented procedures should be consult ed and followed as much as possible.Relevant IMO and industry publications when available should be consulted as well.


例6.For newly delivered ships,usually a ONE-year warranty period is given by makers or shipyards for defects on the shipboard equipments.Any such failure or damage of equipments during this pe riod is recorded and reported via the“Guarantee Claim Form”for follow-up till the defect is rectified.


例 7.Timber of‘log’form should be uniformly and compactly stowed in a fore and aft direction with a level or crowned top surface such that the total stow interlocks and can be effectively restrained by lashings,attached to uprights,in similar fashion to that recommended for packaged timber.




3.4 长句拆译

公文文体和科技文体由于修饰成分、限定成分、名词词组太多,每每要表达多重密切相关的概念,所以不得不用长句.[1]163而汉语一般不用后置定语,历来忌冗长拖沓,在修辞上主张长短句相替、单复句相间.因此,在汉译时,译文句子力求长短相隔,以中、短句为最好,长句宜在适当处切断.要将长句切断,必须进行句子成分分析,抓住句子的主语、谓语等主要成分,区分主、次结构,把复杂的长句简化为由几个主要成分组成的简单句,然后对充当定语或状语的从句、非谓语动词、名词短语、介词短语等进行位置调整,使之符合汉语习惯(或参照刘宓庆之句子翻译“六步法”[1]158),注意千万不能漏译.刘宓庆把英语长句汉译的方法归纳为6种:包孕、切断、倒置、拆离、插入、重组[1]160.而现在的一些翻译教材基本归纳为 4种:顺译法、倒译法、分译法或综合法[6]325-332.其实,除包孕和插入外,其他 4 种正好与后4种一一对应,而包孕和插入也不是针对整个句子的翻译,只是对句中局部的处理.且看下面的例句:

例8.Nothing in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall prevent the Member from having national laws or regulations or a procedure for the competent authority to authorize or register collective agreements permitting exceptions to the limits set out.



这段文字为《国际劳工组织公约》第180号第五条第六款,进行句子成分分析后发现它实际上是简单句(Nothing shall prevent sb.from having sth.),这样翻译重点就是要识别修饰语与被修饰语(刘宓庆“六步法”之第3步[1]158).句中有3个非谓语动词:争议之一是不定式短语for sb.to do sth.究竟修饰national laws and regulations or a procedure这3个名词还是仅仅修饰a procedure;争议之二是现在分词短语permitting exceptions to the limits是修饰collective agreements还是前面的national laws and regulations or a procedure,或者作为having的伴随状语;过去分词短语set out则比较简单,作后置定语修饰limits.

译文1错误地把a procedure for the competent authority to authorize切为一段,把register collective agreements permitting exceptions to the limits又切为一段.按照这一理解,for the competent authority to authorize修饰a procedure,permitting exceptions to the limits修饰collective agreements,却不知 authorize和register是并列的,而且还漏译set out.整个译文读起来含糊不清、不知所云.

译文2系官方译文,笔者怀疑其中的“和”字为笔误,应为“的”,否则汉语句子存在明显的理解错误.按照这一处理,for the competent authority to authorize or register collective agreements修饰 a procedure,翻译时采取前置包孕法,即放在它所修饰的词之前;permitting……作为having的伴随状语,而原句的中心内容则似乎译成Nothing shall prevent sb.from permitting sth.,因为having sth.被译成介词短语;第3处非谓语动词也被译成前置定语.该译文保留英语长句多重致密的思维特色,应该可以接受.

例9.The organization shall ensure that any person(s)performing tasks for it or on its behalf that have the potential to cause a significant environmental impact(s)identified by the organization is(are)competent on the basis of appropriate education,training or experience,and shall retain associated records.


本句为ISO 14001第4.4.2条中的内容.从句子层次上看,首先它是一并列句,The organization shall ensure… and shall retain…;第2层次为第1个谓语动词后的宾语从句,主要成分为any person(s)…is(are)competent;第3层次,现在分词短语performing tasks…作后置定语修饰any person(s);第4层次,tasks后面that引导的定语从句;第5层次,过去分词短语identified by…作后置定语修饰a significant environmental impact(s).一个只有46词的句子竟然有5个层次之多!

译文也是官方译文,因为句与句之间意思相对独立,故采取切断和拆离相结合的综合法,首先拆离短语on the basis of…,再在并列连接处切断,这样原句就译成3句:译文第1句把原句第3,4,5层次的定语以前置包孕式译出;译文第2句为拆离后的介词短语on the basis of…的翻译,重复“该能力”;译文第3句为切断后的并列句第2谓语的翻译,重复主语“组织”.译文长短句相间,符合汉语语言习惯.

例10.(The)Merchant undertakes that no claim or allegation shall be made against any person performing or undertaking such duties(including all servants,agents and sub-contractors of the Carrier)other than the Carrier,which imposes or attempts to impose upon any such person,or any vessel owned by any such person,any liability whatsoever in connection with the Goods or the carriage of the Goods from port of loading to port of discharge whether or not arising out of negligence on the part of such person and,if any such claim or allegation should nevertheless be made,the Merchant will indemnify the Carrier against all consequences thereof.


本句为并列句,第1分句中有一which引导的非限制性定语从句修饰claim or allegation(可能会误认为修饰the Carrier),第2分句中有一if条件状语从句,但其他修饰成分很多,翻译时尤其应注意这些修饰成分和修饰对象的对应关系,不能张冠李戴或有所遗漏.该句基本采取顺译法,在并列句连接处切断成两句,因为定语从句比较长,该句译时同英文语序依然后置,而句中作定语的短语则采取前置包孕法.


4 结束语



[2]国家质量监督检验检疫总局&标准化管理委员会.GB/T 19000—2008 质量管理体系 基础和术语[S].北京:中国标准出版社,2009.

[3]国家质量监督检验检疫总局&标准化管理委员会.GB/T 24001—2004 环境管理体系 要求及使用指南[S].北京:中国标准出版社,2005.




浅论英语谚语的汉译 篇12

谚语是熟语的一种, 是流传于民间的比较简练而且言简意赅的话语, 多数反映了劳动人民的生活实践经验, 而且一般都是经过口头传下来的, 多是口语形式的通俗易懂的短句或韵语。英语谚语是英语语言国家劳动人民集体智慧的结晶, 是英语语言文化的一个重要组成部分, 具有比喻生动、寓意深刻、用词精炼等特点, 一般没有一个多余的词, 单句讲究韵律, 双句讲究对仗, 文体非常口语化, 读来琅琅上口, 便于记忆流传。

英国作家和哲学家Francis Bacon (弗朗西斯·培根) 曾说:“the genius, wit and spirit of a nation are discovered in its proverbs”。 (从一个民族的谚语中可以发现民族的天赋、智慧和精神) 具有生动形象、含蓄隽永表达力的英语谚语在英语中起着举足轻重的作用, 能让英语学习者更深入地了解英语语言背景文化, 同时也能在一定程度上调动英语学习者的学习积极性。

作为极富特色的一种语言形式, 英语谚语在汉译的过程中, 译者要将所有的特色都准确地翻译出来, 让不同地域、不同文化背景的中国人都能明白其中的特殊含义, 着实并非易事。下面就介绍英语谚语汉译的几种常见也是实用的方法。


(一) 直译法

直译, 是指在符合汉语语言规范化的基础上, 在不引起错误的联想或误解的前提下, 把原文的内容、形式、精神、修辞手法和民族特色都输入到汉语中去, 努力减少翻译过程中的损失。

英语谚语大多数采用生动形象的比喻, 只要不影响译文读者的理解, 我们都应当尽可能地使用直译法。英语和汉语谚语中有一些相同或近似的谚语, 这些谚语字面意义、形象意义相同或相近, 隐含意义相同, 也就是说, 此类谚语的字面意义和形象意义所传达出的文化信息是相同的, 可以直接采取直译的方法。如:

Like father, like son.有其父必有其子。

Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁。

One swallow does not make a summer.一燕不成夏。

A rat crossing the street is chased by all.老鼠过街, 人人喊打。

All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马。

(二) 意译法

意译, 是指译出的汉语在遣词造句这两方面均用自然的表达形式, 是地道的符合习惯的汉语, 读起来不像是译文, 而像是原文。

运用意译法翻译英语谚语是指根据英文原文的大意来翻译, 不逐字逐句翻译, 通常主要适用于英语与汉语存在巨大文化差异的情况。从跨文化语言交际和文化交流的角度来看, 意译强调的是译语文化体系和原语文化体系的相对独立性。大量的实例说明, 意译的使用体现出不同语言民族在生态文化、语言文化、宗教文化、物质文化和社会文化等诸多方面的差异性, 意译更能够体现出本民族的语言特征。

有些英语谚语所用的比喻表达方式如果采用直译, 译文很难被中国人所接受, 也有一部分谚语由于语言结构和文化背景的缘故, 无法直译, 同时有的谚语没有很强的比喻, 或根本没有比喻, 直译无法传达出原文的确切含义, 增加补充又会使译文显得冗长, 这时译者就得打破原文的结构模式, 舍弃原文的形象, 在译语中选择恰当的词语, 将其意义表达出来即可, 这样会帮助读者更好地理解原文。如:

It never rains but it pours.不鸣则已, 一鸣惊人。

Justice has long arms.天网恢恢, 疏而不漏。

It’s no use crying over spilt milk.覆水难收。

Throw away the apple because of the core.因噎废食。

Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。

(三) 套译法

有些英语谚语和汉语谚语在内容和形式上都相符, 两者不但有相同的意义和隐义, 而且还有相同的或大体相同的形象和比喻, 或相同的说理方式。对这些对等或基本对等的谚语, 我们可以采用套译的方法, 一方面可以使译文更加通顺, 另一方面更容易为译文读者理解和接受。

套译法也称“借译法”, 即借用汉语谚语来复述英语谚语, 这种方法是翻译英语谚语的普遍而又重要的手法, 采用此译法, 既能保持英语谚语的风采, 又与汉语谚语相吻合, 读起来颇有浓郁的汉民族谚语风味。如:

He that sows the wind will reap the whirlwind.玩火者必自焚。

Love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌。

The pot calls the kettle black.五十步笑百步。

Don’t teach fish to swim.不要班门弄斧。

Money makes the mare go.有钱能使鬼推磨。

(四) 直译意译结合法

在翻译有些英语谚语时, 单纯直译或意译都不能确切、有效地表达原来谚语的含义。为了弥补直译难达意, 意译难传神的不足, 可以双管齐下, 采用直译意译结合法来翻译, 也就是前一句翻译词意, 后一句翻译寓意, 这样就能将字意和寓意均表达出来, 交相辉映, 相得益彰, 以期收到画龙点睛的效果。

直译意译结合法和直译加注法其实有着异曲同工之妙, 都是在单独的直译或者意译无法完美译出英语谚语的情况下使用的, 都可以使要表达之意更加一目了然。按形式来看, 运用这种方法翻出来的译文有点像我们汉语的歇后语, 但又绝非歇后语。汉语的歇后语由两部分组成:前面部分是个比方, 后面部分是对比方的解释, 即本意。在交际中有时只说前半部的比方, 让听者或读者领会后面的本意, 而这类英语谚语译出后只有一部分, 后面部分是译者加的。如:

Fish begins to stink at the head.鱼要腐烂头先臭——上梁不正下梁歪。

Let sleeping dogs lie.睡狗莫惹——麻烦莫招。

The early bird catches the worm.早起的鸟儿有虫吃——捷足先登。

Even Homer sometimes nods.荷马也有瞌睡时——智者千虑, 必有一失。

The blind eats many a fly.瞎子吃苍蝇——眼不见为净。


(一) 切忌望文生义

一般说来, 谚语是浅显易懂的。英语谚语和汉语谚语中, 有一些看似一模一样, 然而其寓意却相异乃至相反, 造成一种似是而非、貌合神离的假象, 这使得译者在翻译时容易望文生义, 忽视谚语本身所具有的深刻内涵。谚语内容丰富, 含义深刻, 翻译时常常需要认真推敲, 才能弄明白其深刻内涵, 同时也要格外警惕小心, 确切地理解谚语的含义, 既不能拘泥于文字, 刻板翻译, 也不能望文生义, 词不达意。如“Fine feathers make fine birds”不可译为佛要金装, 人要衣装, 而是“Said of an overdressed person who does not really up to his or her clothes”, 即指“那些长得并不漂亮, 而过分打扮的人”, 含有讽刺意义, 可译为“好的衣裳只能打扮出好的外表”。

又如, “Give a dog a bad name and hang him”直译为“给一只狗一个坏名声, 然后勒死它”, 有的词典里面就译作“欲加之罪, 何患无词”。这些都是望文生义的结果, 事实上, 这条谚语的真正含义是“Give a person a bad reputation, slander him, and the bad reputaion will remain”即“人一旦有了坏名声, 他永远也洗不清”。

还有一个容易犯错的例子。“Lock the stable door after the horse is stolen”不可译为亡羊补牢, 英语谚语的意思即“take precautions too late to be effective”, 强调的是“迟了”, 相当于“贼去关门”或“雨后送伞”。而汉语谚语出自《战国策·楚册四》“亡羊补牢, 犹未晚也”。此谚语强调的是“未迟”, 这更像英语中的另一谚语“It’s never too late to mend”。

(二) 注意保持原有风格

英语谚语是在特定的文化背景下产生的, 有着特定的民族风格。在翻译的过程中, 有的英语谚语很难找到合适且对应的汉语谚语。在这样的情况下, 不要盲目追求对应, 以免失去原有风格, 影响表达效果。千万不要用充满本国民族色彩的谚语去套译原文, 也就是说不能用包含中国地名或人民的汉语谚语去套译英语谚语, 以免外国人由于缺乏对中国历史典故的了解而造成歧义。如“Beauty lies in the lover’s eyes”最好不要译作“情人眼里出西施”, 这样的话, 中国的读者看了这个译文, 不禁会想:难道外国也有个西施?最好是译成“情人眼里出美人”。

又比如, “Talk of the devil and he is sure to appear”和“Two heads are better than one”最好分别译作“说到魔鬼, 魔鬼就到”和“两个人的头脑总比一个人的好”, 而不是我们所熟知的“说曹操, 曹操就到”和“三个臭皮匠, 顶个诸葛亮”。因为这样的译文中国读者也许容易理解, 但是英语国家的人就不知所云了, 让他们感觉莫名其妙, 不伦不类。

(三) 注意通俗易懂

谚语来自人民的日常生活, 是人民群众口头创作的喜闻乐见的艺术形式, 因此, 口语化是谚语的一个鲜明特点。在谚语翻译过程中, 我们要体现翻译的“俗”而不是“雅”, 即把谚语翻译成符合群众口头语言的文学形式。译文不应该是文绉绉的, 语体应更接近日常口语。如“Waste not, want not”就不应该翻译成“俭以防匮”, 而应译作“不浪费, 不愁缺”。又如“A good beginning is half done”应当译作“好的开始是成功的一半”而不是“能善其始, 事以成半”。

当然, 并非所有的谚语在翻译的过程中都要尽量“俗”, 有的英语谚语出自《圣经》、典故, 或具有时代特色, 或与一定人物、地点相关联, 或具有一定的文化根基, 这样的谚语就只能尽量保持其“雅”的特点, 而不能一味地追求“俗”。如“Do as you would be done by”应译作“己所不欲, 勿施于人”。


英语谚语是英、美等国人民在长期的生活实践中千锤百炼的语言精品, 它们不仅仅是语言艺术的精华之一, 而且还反映了这些国家人民的智慧和生活哲理。在英语谚语汉译的过程中, 译者不仅应忠实、准确表达出丰富的寓意与原来的思想内容, 又要符合英汉各民族语言习惯, 翻译通顺流畅, 彰显语言魅力, 并尽量保持谚语的原汁原味。因此, 译者既要熟悉西方文化, 又要具有较为扎实的中文功底, 才能游刃有余地把英语谚语翻译得传神、到位。


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