宾语从句聚焦论文 篇1
在九年级的中考备战阶段, 大多数老师都会采用三轮复习的方法, 其中不可避免地要对语法进行复习。一提到语法, 很多学生往往会面露苦色。由于复习阶段时间紧、任务重, 常见的语法复习课堂往往以老师为中心。课堂的大部分时间常以老师讲解语法知识、讲解语法题目的单方面信息输出为主, 学生们则被动地做速记员。在这种教师“一言堂”的情况下, 往往是老师讲得嗓子冒烟, 学生听得晕头转向、昏昏欲睡、云里雾里。课堂气氛极其沉闷, 学生感受不到一丝学习的乐趣, 教学效果可想而知。那么, 如何激发学生的兴趣、打造高效的语法复习课呢?笔者围绕“激趣”对宾语从句复习课进行了尝试, 采用了“激趣四部曲”, 取得了良好的教学效果。从学生脸上洋溢的笑容中、从上课积极反应的态度中, 我感觉到他们悄悄爱上了语法复习课。
爱因斯坦说过:“兴趣是最好的老师。”学生的学习兴趣, 是一种非常重要的资源, 是学生持续学习、不断探究更多求知领域的新的生长点。初中阶段的学生, 对许多旋律优美的英语歌曲还是非常感兴趣的。歌曲导入不是新授课的“专利”, 在语法复习课堂上, 也同样可以选用一些适合教学的、优美动听的英语歌曲来调动学生学习语法的热情, 让他们对语法复习也产生浓厚的兴趣。教育心理学表明:音乐教育与智育相辅相成, 将英语歌曲引入教学符合从感知到理解的认识规律。美妙的歌曲将知识与趣味、抽象与形象紧密结合起来, 为学生提供了更多的感性知识和形象材料, 并且用旋律为学生架起了由感性认识通向理性认识的桥梁, 使学生在学习过程中保持着高昂的斗志和浓厚的兴趣。在复习课堂上巧妙地运用英语歌曲, 一方面既有利于调节即将面临中考的学生的紧张学习气氛, 另一方面又可以让学生在浓厚的兴趣中轻松感知并习得语法知识, 何乐而不为呢?
苏霍姆林斯基说过:“兴趣的源泉在于运用。”语法复习的最终目的不是让学生简单地记忆语言规则, 而是要将语言形式及其意义、交际功能有机结合起来, 通过实际的语言运用去内化语言规则, 从而达到准确运用语言进行交际的目的。在语法复习课中, 如果教师整节课都在谈论抽象的语法规则, 照本宣科, 脱离真实的生活情境, 课堂必定没有一丝活力, 这样的课堂离高效实在是太遥远。只有充满生趣的教学活动才能让英语课堂焕发生命力, 让学生想学和乐学, 从而更好地提高英语课堂教学效果。此环节通过创设与奥巴马有关的三个具体情境, 课堂气氛相当活跃, 原本繁琐的宾语从句复习课一下变得生动有趣, 学生的参与热情也得到了极大的高涨。有一句话说得好:“Teach me and I’ll forget, show me and I’ll remember, involve me and I’ll learn.”只有让学生在真实的情境中投入与参与了, 才能更大限度地激发学生的兴趣, 才会使学生迸发出学习的激情, 从而更好地提高课堂效率。
如果教师在巩固阶段大搞“题海战术”, 让学生陷于滔天的题海中, 其导致的直接后果是学生的学习兴趣和热情日益枯竭。久而久之, 学生就会变成不断重复练习的机器人, 活脱脱一个“填鸭式”再现。怎样让学生摆脱海量的习题训练、产生语法复习的兴趣呢?此时教师首先要精选习题。殊不知, 题目并非做得越多越好, 学生只要掌握了正确的解题方法, 很多题目都能迎刃而解。如果一味让学生做题, 学生只会产生厌恶和抵触情绪, 这一点也不利于学生的兴趣培养。再次, 小组PK也不实为一种有效的激趣方法。初中生正处于不服输的年龄阶段, 好胜心和荣誉感都比较强, 很乐于参加竞赛活动。外语竞赛不仅可以发展学生的外语技能和技巧, 而且还能很好地激发学生的求知欲, 掀起学习外语的高涨热情。当然, 在比赛过程中, 教师一定要对比赛结果进行多种形式的评价, 对获胜组给予表扬或掌声, 对落后组给予鼓励和期望。这样, 学生才会更感兴趣, 才会在心中暗暗期盼这类活动的再次到来。只有赢得了学生的心, 才能赢得整个课堂。
语法复习课必然要涉及语法规则的记忆, 那么多的语法规则, 让学生记忆起来的确是一桩难事。很多学生往往今天记了, 明天就忘, 时常感觉脑子稀里糊涂, 搞不清方向。怎样让学生将记忆语法规则当做趣事呢?我经常尝试着用英语语法口诀。口诀语言简短明确, 语句押韵, 读起来朗朗上口, 易读易记, 犹如教学中的调味品, 饶有趣味, 能使乏味的语法知识“活”起来。有了好记的口诀, 学生的学习兴趣也浓了, 感觉原来枯燥的语法规则也是挺好玩的。
著名心理学家布鲁纳曾说过:“学习最好的刺激乃是对所学材料的兴趣。”对学生来说, “兴趣”将直接影响学习效果。尤其是在学生看来, “无趣无味”的语法复习课上, 如果老师总是按照老套套, 不动任何脑筋去激发学生的兴趣, 那么学生对这种课只会越来越反感。孔子曰:“知之者不如好之者, 好之者不如乐之者。”把学生的兴趣激发起来了, 那么你所教给学生的东西, 就会被当做礼物来接受。所以, 教师要想尽办法, 利用多种方法和手段, 打造高效的语法复习课, 让学生积极参与到语法复习活动中来, 让无趣无味的课堂变得有滋有味、妙趣横生。
“宾语从句”考题荟萃 篇2
—The people and the food.
A. if Jim likesB. how does Jim like
C. why does Jim likeD. what Jim likes
2. Could you please tell me how soon_______?
A. is your brother back from Britain
B. your brother is back from Britain
C. will your brother be back from Britain
D. your brother will be back from Britain
3. Do you know_______?
A. what time would the train leaveB. what time does the train leave
C. what time will the train leaveD. what time the train leaves
4. Our teacher asked me_______.
A. what was Ann doing these days
B. why Peter didn’t come to school yesterday
C. when will the dolphin show begin
D. how long I usually spend on my homework
5. I want to know_______the day after tomorrow.
A. what he will doB. what will he do
C. what he didD. what did he do
6. —Could you please tell me_______.
—It’s next to the post office.
A. where is the supermarketB. where the supermarket is
C. where was the supermarketD. where the supermarket was
7. Professor Nelson wanted to know_______.
A. when would the conference begin
B. when the conference would begin
C. when will the conference begin
D. when the conference will begin
8. No one can be sure_______in a million years.
A. what man looks likeB. what will the man look like
C. man will look like whatD. what man will look like
9. The teacher asked Lucy_______.
A. where does she come fromB. what did she like best
C. if she could speak ChineseD. when was she born.
10. Excuse me, could you please tell me which gate_______?
A. we have to go toB. we had to go
C. do we have to go toD. did we have to go to
11. —Could you tell me_______?
—About two months.
A. when are you leaving for Shanghai
B. how often you go to school library
C. how many tickets have you booked
D. how long you have been at this school
12. —Could you tell me_______?
—She came here on foot.
A. where Kate came fromB. when Kate came here
C. how Kate came hereD. why Kate didn’t come here
13. Do you know_______this time yesterday?
A. what she is cookingB. what is she cooking
C. what she was cookingD. what was she cooking
14. I’m new here. Could you tell me_______, please?
A. when does the first bus arriveB. when the first bus arrives
C. when did the first bus arriveD. when will the first bus arrive
15. I’m afraid that no one knows_______.
A. when will the game startB. where has our teacher gone
C. who will win the gameD. how long did the meeting last
16. Can you describe_______?
A. what your father is likeB. how your friend is like
C. what does your friend look likeD. how your friend looks like
17. —Can you tell me_______ it is from here to downtown?
—Yes, it’s fifteen minutes by bus.
A. how muchB. how longC. how farD. how soon
18. I want to write to Sam, but I don’t know_______.
A. where is his e-mail address
B. where his e-mail address is
C. what place is his e-mail address
D. what his e-mail address is
19 He asked his classmate where.
A. does his teacher see the filmB. his teacher saw the film
C. his teacher see the filmD. did his teacher see the film
20. —Could you tell me_______tomorrow morning?
—Well, it will start at 9:00 o’clock.
A. when the meeting will startB. where will the meeting start
C. where the meeting startsD. when the meeting would start
宾语从句三要素 篇3
(1) 从句为陈述句时, 引导词为“that”并且可省略。
eg:I know (that) she is a good student.
注意:主句中谓语动词为think、believe、suppose时, 引导的从句如果是否定句, 否定需要前置。
eg:I don't think (that) they are at home.
(2) 从句为选择疑问句时, 引导词为if或whether.
eg:I'm not sure if (whether) he will come and see you.
(3) 从句为带有否定词not的选择疑问句时, 只能用whether.
eg:I don't know whether it will rain or not tomorrow.
(4) 从句为特殊疑问句时, 直接用那个特殊疑问词或词组做引导词。
eg:Hew ants to know where you live.
(1) 从句是疑问句时, 把主语之前的be动词、情态动词或时态助词放回到主语的后面, 形成陈述句的语序。
eg:I wonder how old LiLei is. (原来的句子为:How old is LiLei?)
eg:The girls want to know where you will visit. (原来的句子为:Where will you visit?)
(2) 疑问的从句为借用助动词的句型时, 必须丢掉主语前面的助动词do/does/did, 主语后面的谓语动词恢复原来的时态和人称。
eg:The teather asks what the boy did yesterday. (原来的句子为:What did the boy do yesterday?)
eg:I don'tknow what time Kate gets up in the morning. (原来的句子为:WhattimedoesKategetupinthemorning?)
主句时态为一般现在时, 从句时态不变;
主句时态为过去时, 从句时态要变成相对应的过去时态。
eg:Heasked his mother if she would take him to the party tomorrow.
注意:在此句中从句受主句过去时的影响, 由一般将来时的时态助词will变成过去将来时的时态助词would。
注意:如果从句讲述的是客观事实真理, 则不需要随主句变换时态
eg:The teacher told us (that) the earth moves around the sun.
除掌握好这三大要素外, 还要注意人称的转换及时间和地点的一些转换。此种变换在课文中有详细的讲解, 在这儿就不再赘述。
1.Professor Nelson wanted to know.
A.when would the conference begin;
B.when the conference would begin;
C.when will the conference begin;
D.When the conference will begin;
2.At the science museum, the boys and girls get to know.
A.what is the spaceship like;
B.what the spaceship looks like;
C.how the spaceship looks like;
D.how does the spaceship 1ook like;
3.I'm new here.Could you tell me, please?
A.when does the first bus arrive;
B.when the first bus arrives;
C.when did the first bus arrive;
D.when will the first bus arrive
4.-Could you tell me how long the book?
-Three days.
A.I can keep B.can I borrow
C.I can borrow D.can I keep
5. Could you please tell me how soon?
A.is your brother back from Britain;
B.your brother is back from Britain;
C.will your brother be back from Britain;
D.your brother will be back from Britain;
6.-Do you know
-He is adriver.
A.who is he B.who he is
C.what is he D.what he is
7.-Could you tell me when?
-At 10:25, in ten minutes.
A.the bus will leave B.will the bus leave
C.the bus has left D.the bus had left
8. Could you tell me?
A.who is your Chinese teacher
B.who did your Chinese teacher
C.who your Chinese teacher is
D.when did Chinese teacher come back
宾语从句教学反思 篇4
宾语从句 篇5
宾语从句通常由that, if, whether和连接代词what, which, who, whom及连接副词when, where ,how, why等连接.其中that连接一个陈述句做宾语,在中语中that可以省略;除that以外的连接词连接一个一般疑问句做宾语,且疑问句语序改为陈述句.连接代词及连接副词其实就是特殊疑问句的疑问代词和疑问副词,连接一个特殊疑问句做宾语,语序改为陈述句.
She knows (that) she should study hard.她知道她应该努力学习.
He asked me if he could come in.他问我他是否能进来 .
Can you tell me which class you are in?你能告诉我,你在哪个班吗?
I know he lives in Xi'an我知道他住在西安
I know he lived in Xi'an several years ago.我知道他几年前住在西安.
I know he has lived inXi'anfor ten years.我知道他住在西安有十年了.
一般将来时----- >过去将来时
现在进行时 ---- >过去进行时
Lin Tao knows (现在时) who lives (现在时) here.
Lin Tao knew (过去时) who lived (进去时) here.
He has said (现在完成时) that he has seen it .
He said that he had seen it .
I say that she is reading
I said that she was reading
<1>陈述句; Lin Tao is a clever man.
宾语从句:He said that Lin Tao was a clever man.
Does he go home every day?
宾语从句:I wonder if / whether he goes home every day.
<3>特殊疑问句: What did she want to do?
宾语从句:I don't know what she wanted to do.
<1> I will eat as much as I can,Polly says.
Polly says that she will eat as much as she can.
<2> I’ve lived here since I was 3 years old, Mike says.
Mike says that he has lived there since he was 3 years old.
<3>Lin Tao is singing now,he told me .
宾语从句考点透视 篇6
一、考查引导词(that, if, whether和特殊疑问词)
He said that he could help me with my English.
Our teacher asked if you had finished your homework.
Can you tell me how I can get to your school?
1. I followed him to see ____ he was going, and I was very surprised when he went into the police station.(江西省)
A. howB. where C. whyD. whether
2. We haven’t decided ____. (广东省)
A. that we take a field tripB. how we take a field trip
C. who we’ll take a field tripD. if we will take a field trip tomorrow
解析:从句子的前半句We haven’t decided 可以看出是“我们还没有决定是否……”,that引导的宾语从句是陈述句,how表示方式,who表示是谁,与句子中的we矛盾。所以根据全句可以判断应该用if引导的宾语从句,故选D。
3. “Could you tell me ____?” “Glad to help.” (锦州市)
A. if I have been to the Great WallB. where did he study
C. how I can get to the station D. what’s your name
解析:A项if引导的宾语从句与第二句的回答不一致;B项where引导的宾语从句没有用陈述语序;D项what引导的宾语从句与答语不符;从后面的答语Glad to help.可以看出,特殊疑问词how引导的宾语从句符合题意,故选C。
1. Can you tell me which floor ____? (山西省)
A. does he live onB. he lives inC. does he live in D. he lives on
解析:特殊疑问词which引导的宾语从句要用陈述语序,也就是“主语+谓语”的句式。特殊疑问句Which floor does he live on?在宾语从句中用陈述语序就不需要用助动词does,所以直接用which floor he lives on。本题B,D两个选项都是陈述语序,但住在几层楼上要用介词on,故选D。
2. “Could you tell me ____ to go to Hainan by air?” “Just a minute, please. I have to check my computer.”(黄山市)
A. how much does it costB. how much did it cost
C. how much it costD. how much it costs
解析:特殊疑问句How much does it cost to go to Hainan by air? 在宾语从句中要用陈述语序,不需要用助动词does,直接是how much it costs to go to Hainan by air,本题C、D两个选项都是陈述语序,但本句中的could不是过去式,而是表示比can更加委婉的情态动词,后面不需要用过去时,故选D。
3. Could you tell me ____? I want to post a letter.(浙江省)
A. where is the post officeB. where the post office is
C. how can I get to the cinemaD. how I can get to the cinema
解析:本题所给的四个选项中B和D都是陈述语序,但是本题的后一句是I want to post a letter. 可以看出前一句是问Could you tell me where the post office is? 故选B。
I don’t know what is the matter with him. 我不知道他怎么了。
1. Our head teacher saw the empty seat next to me and asked ____. (山东省)
A. where has Jeff goneB. where did Jeff go
C. where Jeff has been D. where Jeff had gone
解析:主句的asked是一般过去时态,所以宾语从句要用过去完成时,同时还要注意用陈述语序。根据本句的语境the empty seat next to me说明我旁边的人不在这里,应该用had gone,故选D。
2. Do you want to know ____ in the future? A special mirror invented by the French scientists can help you. (莱芜市)
A. what you will look likeB. what will you look like
C. how do you look likeD. how you look like
解析:主句是一般现在时,所以从句要根据说话的实际情况选择时态,由…in the future可以判断应该用一般将来时。同时还要注意宾语从句的陈述语序,综合考虑应该选择A。
四、如果主句使用Could you tell me…?并不都是一般过去时
1. “Could you please tell me ____?” “I live in Yan’an.” (陕西省)
A. where do you live B. where were you born
C. where you liveD. where you were born
2. “Excuse me, could you tell me ____?”“Sorry, I’m new here, too.”(浙江省)
A. where is the nearest bank B. how can I get to the bank
C. which the way is to the bankD. is there a bank near here
3. “Could you tell me ____?” “Sorry, I don’t know. You can ask the policeman over there.”(哈尔滨市)
A. where the science museum isB. how can I get to the science museum
C. where is the science museum
解析:以上三个例句,其主句Could you tell me…? 表示一种委婉语气,所以后面的宾语从句不需要用相应的过去时态。但是,都必须用陈述语序。所以答案为:1.C;2.C;3.A。
1. “Could you tell me what _____ this time yesterday?” “Er, I was reading in my office.”(扬州市)
A. are you doingB. you are doingC. were you doingD. you were doing
2. “Could you tell me ____?” “Yes. To take back my dictionary.”(南通市)
A. why did you come hereB. when do you come here
C. why you came hereD. when you come here
解析:这两个题主句是could you tell me,但是,第一个例句的宾语从句有明确的表示过去时间的this time yesterday,所以要用相应的过去时态,根据所给句子的意思应该用过去进行时,又要用陈述语序,故选D。
第二个例句,从问句上很难判断时态。但是,答语To take back my dictionary. 表示目的,所以应该问为什么来这里,从所给的四个选项中可以看出A和C是特殊疑问词why引导的宾语从句,又要考虑语序,所以选择C。
例如:Our teacher said that the earth goes around the sun.
解析:尽管主句是our teacher said,是一般过去时,但是宾语从句是客观真理,所以要用一般现在时。
——I wonder if she ____ to the ball.
——She is sure to come if she ____ time tonight. (江苏省)
A. comes; hasB. will come; will haveC. comes; will haveD. will come; has
1. I can’t understand ____ the boy alone.
A. why she leaveB. why did she leaveC. why she had leftD. why had she left
2. She told me the sun ____ in the east.
A. riseB. roseC. risesD. had risen
3. I don’t know ____ up so early last Sunday.
A. why did he getB. why he getsC. why does he getD. why he got
4. The manager came up to see ____.
A. what was the matterB. what the matter was
C. what the matter isD. what’s the matter
5. ——Mike wants to know if ____ a picnic tomorrow.
——Yes. But if it ____, we’ll visit the museum instead.
A. you have; will rainB. you will have; will rain
C. you will have; rainsD. will you have; rains
6. I really don’t know if she ____ it when she ____.
A. finds; arrivesB. finds; will arriveC. will find; will arriveD. will find; arrives