speaking教学 篇1
1 教学内容
江苏省中等职业学校试用教材, 第一册十六单元, Speaking部分
2 教学班级
3 原始课例
本单元的中心话题是“成功与失败”, 无论小到从一个人, 一个家庭, 一个企业;或是大到一个团体, 一个党派, 一个国家乃至整个世界, 从各层面或是各个阶段“成功与失败”都是有话可说的。本单元基本上是围绕这个中心话题来设计的。主要谈成功的意义和取得成功的方法。
就本节课的内容来说, Task1对话是从判断是否成功完成某件事入手, 让学生学会能否确定完成某事的“交际用语”的用法。取材于学生生活, 让学生感到亲切, 觉得有话可说, 激发了学生动口的兴趣, 再加之Task2的内容训练, 使得Speaking这项活动对学生的听、说、读、写等多个技能进行了训练。另外, 本节课学习的内容从不确定成功到通过某些途径有可能成功的语境, 为学生学习本单元Reading部分中的“Don’t give up.”和“Tips on how to be successful kids”做好了铺垫。
4 教学目标
4.1 知识目标
1) Learn and grasp the“new”words:exam, maths, difficult, certain, direction, doubt, present, receive, invitation, accept.
2) Learn and grasp the useful expressions:be sure of/about, be certain, in the right direction, lose one’s way, come across.
4.2 能力目标
1) Train and improve the abilities of listening, speaking and reading.
2) Learn how to express certainty and uncertainty.
即:如何使用好本节课中的useful expressions? (See Page 175) .
3) Learn how to use“un-”to make new words.
4.3 情感目标
1) 通过本节课Task1两个对话的学习, 激发学生积极去寻找自己的优点, 设法用自己的优势力量去战胜自己的弱点, 同时增强自己对于不能确定做好某那些事的自而有信心去做好。
2) 通过Task2的训练也能增强学生学习英语的信心, 从而激发学生学习英语的兴趣。
5 教学重点
1) Learn how to express certainty and uncertainty
2) Learn and grasp the expressions about certainty and uncertainty
6 教学难点
Learn how to express certainty and uncertainty
7 教学策略
1) 本课为Speaking, 重在培养学生的口语表达能力。因此选择使用交际教学法在具体教学中以情景教学为主, 活动教学为辅, 充分利用多媒体手段创设情景, 利用图片等辅助设备, 培养学生直接用英语理解、表达和思维的能力。
2) 在本课教学过程中贯彻交际教学原则, 采用任务型教学模式, 通过视听法、听说法、团体教学法和自觉实践法等辅助教学方法来组织各种课堂活动。
8 学习策略
本课学生的学法主要有五官并用法、强化记忆法、发现学习法、比较归纳法和联想记忆法等, 分别在下列情况下使用。
1) 本课在学习回生词时, 要求学生对于这些回生词要强化记忆, 五官并用, 为下面的视听学习扫除障碍。
2) 在进行导入视听训练时, 要求学生学会抓住关键词。
3) 在做Task1时, 要求学生划出对话中表示“确定”或“不确定”的句子。
4) 在学习如何表达“确定”或“不确定”时, 要求学生对于表达“确定”或“不确定”的短语或句式进行归纳、比较和联想相近短语活句子。
5) 在做Task2时, 要求学生讨论发现并编写对话, 以便于表演。
9 教学过程
9.1 Lead-in
通过简单的问答形式, 向学生呈现那些对他们来说可能是的回生词。然后, 找较好的学生教学那些回生词, 并要求强化记忆 (为学生再听对话时扫除生词障碍) 。
9.2 Presentation (Task 1)
Dialogue 1
1) 通过听对话内容, 训练学生再不看书情况下抓住对话中谈的可能是什么事。然后通过多媒体把对话的内容呈现在屏幕上。要学生找出对话中不能理解的句子, 分小组进行讨论 (如果不行, 老师给予提示) 。
2) 要求学生找出对话中表示“确定”或“不确定”的句子, 并试着联想还有那些这样的表达形式。 (板书到黑板上)
3) 朗读对话内容。
Dialogue 2
1) 学生自己诵读Dialogue2, 划出表示“确定”或“不确定”的句子。
2) Pair work分角色阅读Dialogue 2。
英语教师的角色定位对于学生自主学习能力的发展和英语综合能力的提高有着直接的影响。学生自主必须以教师自主为前提。学生有效自主学习的关键在于教师的支持、指导和促进。教师应具备帮助学生正确认识自己的学习态度和学习策略的能力, 帮助学生制定其学习策略, 使学生能够找到最佳学习方法, 引导学生由“指导性学习”向“独立性学习”转变, 促进学生自主学习意识的形成。英语教师还要真正树立“以学生为中心”的教学观念, 把教学重心放在教会学生学习上。要实施民主化教学, 提倡师生平等, 努力为学生创造民主、宽松、和谐、的语言学习环境。教师应以培养自主创新能力和综合应用能力为宗旨的教学理念指导教学, 关注每一个学生的成长, 给予每个学生合理的尊重和发展的空间。作为学习合作者的教师在积极参与学生的学习、给予各方面指导的过程中, 教师自身的职业自主性也会得到有效发挥。
2) 激发学习兴趣培养自主意识
激发学生的学习兴趣不但能增强学生学习动力、提高学习效果、培养自主学习能力, 最终还能提高学生英语综合应用能力。首先, 教师要实现由注重知识传授向注重培养思维能力、应用能力和创造能力的转变。教师通过设定多样化的语言环境, 使学生按照某一特定的交际目的学习英语, 掌握运用英语进行交际的功能, 也就是听、说、读、写、译五种实践技能, 最终使学生具有直接用英语进行思维的能力。其次, 老师和学生可以利用丰富的网络资源, 模拟真实的语言环境, 使学生获得生动、形象的切身体验, 激发和保持学习兴趣。最后, 教师应帮助学生选择适合自身特点的学习方法和策略, 并鼓励学生进行小组合作学习。学生不再单纯地依赖教师, 而是与小组其他成员一起交流、协商、合作, 共同解决问题, 而交流、协商和合作都是促进学习者自主性的重要因素。
3) 打造扎实的英语基本功
高校英语专业本科教学大纲明确指出:“扎实的基本功主要是指外语的基本功, 即语音、语调的正确, 词法、句法、章法的规范, 词汇表达的得体, 听、说、读、写、译技能和外语实际运用能力的熟练。”学生一旦形成了良好的学习兴趣和较强的自主学习意识, 就为夯实基本功创造了条件。同样, 只有在具备了较扎实的英语基本功的条件下, 学生才能通过自主学习不断提高听说能力、阅读理解能力、写作和翻译能力, 与此同时, 自身的英语思维能力、跨文化交际能力等都会得到发展, 最终实现提高英语综合能力的目标。因此, 自主学习能力、英语基本功和英语综合能力三者是相辅相成、密不可分的。
4) 创造良好的外部条件
学校和教师应有效地利用网络、多媒体和图书馆为学生自主学习创造理想的条件, 同时通过开设丰富多彩的课外活动为学生展示英语综合能力提供平台。教师应鼓励和引导学生使用多种渠道选择适合自己的学习资料, 在分析、加工和整理材料的过程中学生可以充分发挥创造性思维, 培养自主学习意识, 并有助于学生听、说、读、写、译能力的提高。还要鼓励、督促学生多参加学校组织的英语角和英语沙龙这类活动, 每周为学生确定一些他们注、感兴趣的话题, 将外教调动起来, 并动员老师参加并给予指导。定期举办英语演讲比赛、英语戏剧大赛、英语模仿比赛、英文歌曲大赛等, 为学生展现英语综合能力提供机会。这些有利的外部环境既可以激发学习兴趣, 养成自主学习习惯, 又可以使学生的英语综合能力得到更好的发挥, 最终达到培养英语专业学生优秀的英语综合能力的目标。
4 结束语
要培养英语专业学生的自主学习能力和英语综合能力, 都需要与传统的教学模式和旧的学习习惯彻底决裂, 同时改善教学环境, 改革教学制度, 无论对于民办高校还是公办高校来说都是一个复杂而艰巨的任务。但无论如何, 英语教师都应该在教学中有意识地培养学生自主学习能力, 注重学生英语综合能力的发展, 努力为我国的外语教学实践和理论研究做出贡献。
[1]Holec H.Autonomy and Foreign Language Learning[M].Oxford:Pergamon Press, 1981.
[2]Little D.Learner Autonomy:Definitions, Issues and Prob-lems[M].Dublin:Authentik, 1991.
[3]曹瑞明.学生自主学习与英语综合能力的培养[J].洛阳理工学院学报:社会科学版, 2009 (2) .
[4]何莲珍.自主学习及其能力的培养[J].外语教学与研究, 2003, 35 (4) .
[5]李美伦.在精读课中培养学生英语综合能力初探[J].现代外语, 1994 (4) .
[6]魏玉燕.促进学习者自主性:外语教学新概念[J].外语界, 2002 (3) .
[7]文秋芳.英语学习策略[M].西安:陕西师范大学出版社, 2004.
speaking教学 篇2
1. 语言知识目标
catalogue; donate; voluntary; purchase; anniversary; seed; sew; ox; trunk; tractor; Kenya; click; tailor; political; distribute; distribution; security; operate; clinic
in need; sewing machine; trunk library; choose from
2. 语言技能目标
3. 语言能力目标
1. 教学重点:阅读能力、写作能力的培养和提高
2. 教学难点:训练用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力; 用英语说明自己学习生活情况的能力
Step 1 Pre-reading
Several questions: 1. What can we do for the children in poor areas or countries?
2. Have you ever tried to send a gift or something to the children in poor areas or countries? How can you send the gift to them?
Now let’s read the passage”The World’s Most Useful Gift Catalogue”
[设计说明] 通过几个问题直接引入要学习的内容。由于第一篇课文介绍志愿者在巴布亚新几内亚共和国部落教书的经历,所以提问What can we do for the children in poor areas or countries?学生可能会回答:teach the children,也可能会出现这样的答案,如:send some clothes/some money/some gifts to them.这样教师可以顺利地进入下面的问题:How can you send the gift to them?随后进入课文的阅读。
Step 2 Reading and speaking
1. Read the passage and answer the following questions:
1)What’s the passage about? (How to send a gift to those who need them.)
2)Where is the list of the gifts? (It is on the left side of the page.)
3)What’s the purpose of the Internet page? (Let people give an unusual gift to the poor.)
4)In the Internet Page, there’s a card on the right.How can you get it?
(When you choose from the catalogue a gift for some of the world’s poorest.)
5)What occasions(场合)can you use the cards for?
(Weddings, births, birthdays, Christmas or anniversaries,etc..)
6)In what kind of order are the gifts listed? (In order of price.)
2. On the Internet page, when you click on each gift, you get a description of that gift. In pairs, write the correct gift(A to U)from the Internet page next to each description below.
1) This gift allows a woman who is a trained tailor to make some income,giving her and her family a better future.(India, Tanzania, Kenya)
2)This gift gives a person the opportunity to acquire basic reading and writing, and life skills. Adults develop the confidence to partcipate in the social, economic and political lives of their communities. (Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Uganda)
3)This gift covers the cost of production and distribution of seedling, as well as training in tree care for the local villagers who are working hard to prevent their land from turning into desert. (Kenya, Tanzania, India)
4)This gift buys a goat. A goat gives milk and is a valuable income. Goats increase in mumber quickly and add much to a family’s food and financial security. They are easy and fun for children to care for. (Nepal, India, Uganda)
5) This gift covers the cost of exercise books and textbooks for community primary schools that operate in poor or remote villages. (Southern Sudan)
6) This gift gives a child a good start in life. Community schools provide good quality education for children who would otherwise have no opportunity to attend school. (Bangladesh, Kenya, Uganda)
(Key: 1.N 2.G 3.A 4.J 5.F 6.I)
[设计说明]作为语言运用部分的阅读文章,“世界上最有用的礼物清单”通过图文结合的方式,介绍了一些特殊的礼品,阅读难度不大。所以只设计了两个练习来帮助学生理解课文内容。第一个练习是学生快速阅读后回答问题,第二个练习是仔细阅读后找出合适的捐赠项目。之后,可以简单提提文中出现的短语:in need, choose from,及两个名词短语sewing machine, trunk library。
Step 3 Writing (p75 in Workbook)
1. Introduce some information about Hope Project
T: In fact, not only in PNG, India, Kenya, but also in China, many children in poor areas still need help. Their parents have no money to afford to keep them at school,although they are so dying for school. In some areas, the classroom are badly-equipped.(Show some pictures to the Ss and then introduce Hope Project.)
2. Shanshan is a 11-year-old girl from Gansu Province whose family cannot afford to keep her at school. You have just decided to sponsor(资助) her. Shanshan loves practising English. Write a short letter to her in English. The following points should be included in your letter.
A writing sample:
Hello Shanshan,
My name is Steve and I’m really pleased that I can help you stay at school.I’ve heard that you love practising English so I’m also practising my English in this letter.
Let me tell you a bit about myself.I’m 16 years old and I go to No.2 Middle School in Bejing. My favourite subjects at school are maths and science. I have a great group of friends that I play soccer with every lunchtime. In my spare time I like going to the movies and reading.
I live with my mum and dad in an apartment on the 15th floor. I have two sets of grandparents. My mum’s parents live far away in Shandong, but I see my othere grandparents often as they live near us.
I’d live to get a letter from you and to learn about your life in Gansu.
Yours sincerely,
Yang Xiaoping
speaking教学 篇3
Nervous, hair, fair, glasses, dance, especially, proud, stupid, angry, stranger, excited
She’s tall with short hair.
She’s wearing...
She feels nervous when she...
难点:掌握“sense verbs+ adj.”结构。(用表感觉和知觉的系动词表达自己的感受。)
Step I Warming up
Play a song If you are happy, clap your hands before class.
Sing with the song happily.
Part 1 Pre-reading (12 minutes)
Step 1 Learn new words
教师活动Show some pictures about feelings.
学生活动Learn new words with the help of the pictures.
Step 2 Learn new phrases and sentence patterns
教师活动Talk about her own feelings in the real situation.
学生活动Learn the phrases in the sentences and learn the sentences in the passage.
Step3 Free talk
教师活动Ask students to talk about their feelings in different situations.
学生活动The students get interested in this activity and they are willing to show the language that they learned just now.
设计说明:提取阅读课文中的情节构建真实语言情境并以排比句的形式巩固目标语法feel+ adj..
Step 4 Game time
教师活动Say some sentences about describing a person in the passage.
学生活动The students put up their hands and say “That’s me!” loudly if it’s true for them.
Part 2 While-reading (23 minutes)
Step 1 Skipping
教师活动Ask students to read the passage quickly and answer two questions.
speaking教学 篇4
农村中学高一学生的学情: (1) 学生学习缺乏必要的衔接。初中教材中只有dialogue的教学, 学生的学习模式基本上是“读—背—演”, 缺乏真实意义上的“说”。他们一进入高一就碰到Speaking会一筹莫展, Speaking教学也就无法开展。 (2) 环境制约。在农村或相对偏僻的地区, 学生缺乏说外语的氛围, 他们说的习惯难以养成, 教学中, 他们不敢说, 也不会说, 造成课堂的“冷台”现象。 (3) 学习资源的不足。Speaking教学中, 学生预习需要查阅大量的资料, 农村高中生没有电脑, 相关资料难以收集, 这样就造成学生预习不充分, 影响学习效果。
教师的教学情况: (1) 思想偏差。不少老师认为农村中学高一学生的Speaking能力差, 而说的能力培养见效慢, 在Speaking教学上多花时间不值。 (2) 越俎代庖。为完成教学进度, 有些老师越俎代庖, 讲解多, 让学生“说”的时间少, 把Speaking课上成了听力课或语法课。 (3) 课堂英语使用率低。在农村中学, 课堂使用英语少, 据统计, 使用率一般占24%, 这样, 很难养成学生用英语思考英语的习惯, 学生缺乏英语思维, 也就难以用英语表达了。
因此, 处理好农村中学高一英语Speaking教学, 对培养学生口语能力, 乃至整个英语学习至关重要。
1、巧设任务, 探索符合农村中学Speaking教学的任务教学模式
(1) 任务分层法。备课时设计明确的、便于基础较差的农村学生操作的任务目标, 在教学过程中, 对不同层次的学生给予不同的任务或评价标准。例如, Unit 1谈论朋友, 先让学生熟悉Warming up中提到的一些形容词, kind、honest、brave、loyal、wise、handsome、smart等, 然后分层设计任务。
(2) 真实情景模拟法。设计真实的任务内容和方式, 注意语言使用的真实性和实用性, 设计任务尽可能符合农村生活, 像Unit 19的话题可充分发挥农村学生的优势, 笔者设计这样一个任务:我校花园旁的一块空地如何使用, (2) 种花苗, 为美化校园服务: (3) 种番茄等植物, 可作为做生物、物理等实验的材料: (3) 种水果, 为学校搞一定的创收。
(3) 激励法。明确教师的任务角色, 重视激励的作用。因为农村高中的学生胆子较小, 他们不敢开口说, 不敢多说, 他们更需要老师的鼓励。在任务型教学中, 教师的首要任务是创造交际环境, 激发学生的交际意图, 教师是语言习得的促进者、答疑者和向导。教学过程中要及时地评价学生所完成的任务。少一些批评, 多一些表扬, 把“相信人人能成功”的信念传达给每个学生。
2、巧用整合, 引导农村学生切题谈论
(1) Warming up与Speaking巧妙整合。Speaking教学中有些话题难度较大, 农村学生见识相对较少, 他们会觉得一时难以开口, 不能围绕话题展开, 这时, 我们可以从Warming up着手, 将Warming up中的语言材料迁移到Speaking教学中来, 两者有机整合, 从而顺利完成Speaking课堂教学。
(2) Listening与Speaking巧妙整合。处理有些Speaking教学内容, 可以采用Listening与Speaking巧妙结合, 学生做完听力后 (大多数是判断、选择、填空题) , 笔者就听力内容提问, 然后复述材料的内容, 这样学生有了不少的Speaking内容, 话题较难的Speaking教学也迎刃而解了。
(3) Reading与Speaking教学顺序的巧妙整合。巧排顺序, 能使农村中学的Speaking课堂教学达到事半功倍的效果。现行高中英语教材每单元的内容设计顺序为:Warming up→Listening→Speaking→Reading→Language study→Integrating skills.因为每单元的内容是一致的, 对于有些Speaking教学内容, 如果学生觉得无话可说, 我就先上Reading部分, 学生通过朗读课文, 回答问题, 复述课文, 对某个话题有了感性和理性上的认识, 也有了足够的语言材料, 这时再回头进行Speaking教学, 会达到事半功倍的效果。
speaking教学 篇5
Teacher Yuexiang Wei
Chengdu Experimental Middle School of Beijing Normal University.
Period 1st period listening & speaking
Goals Enable the students to know about the types of common accidents .
Enable the students to learn how to give fist aid correctly.
Enable the students learn how to avoid the accidents happening.
Enable the students to give suggestions or orders.
Approaches Listening & speaking strategies, communicative approach,
Aids CAI courseware,
Board Writing
Unit 8 First aid
types first aid prevention
cuts wash… ;dry…;wrap…. …careful, never …
traffic accidents
animal bites
Teaching Procedures
Procedures Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Designing ideas
Step 1 Leading in 1. Perform some
2.Collect the answers.
3.Ask for their
experiences . 1. Enjoy the performance
and guess what happened
to the teacher.
2. Brainstorm the types
of the accidents in our
daily life.
Step 2 Warming up 1.Show some pictures.
2.Let the Ss know the
types of the accidents.
3 Read the new words and ask the Ss to repeat. 1.Look at the pictures.
3. Learn to distinguish
the types of the accidents.
3.Remember the new
Step 3 Presentation 1. Ask the Ss some
2. Make two models for dealing with the accidents.
3. Give the definition
about First aid. 1. Answer the questions.
2. Talk and get to
know what to do first
when the accidents
3. Watch and learn the
definition about First
aid. 1.教师表述并配合肢体语言,使学生明白遇到不同事故可采用相应的急救措施。
Step 4 Group work 1. Ask the Ss to work in groups.
2. Ask the Ss Speak out their ideas.
3. Show the Ss some video films.
1. Work in groups .
2. Talk about how to give First aid.
3. Speak out their ideas.
(Watch the video to clear about the correct way of First aid. ) 1.通过小组讨论、合作表演、观看影片进一步让学生懂得如何采用正确的急救方法。
Step 5 Listening 1. Give the task for the listening .
2 .Play the tape. 1 Listen to the tape and get the key points.
2. Listen again and finish
off the exercises. 1. 通过听力练习, 复现First aid 的过程与方法。
2 .知识延伸,为下一步衔接作铺垫。
Step 6 Presentation 1. Tell the Ss First aid is necessary and useful. But the most important is to avoid the accidents effectively.
2. Present things can be dangerous at home. Ask the Ss to think about how to prevent them happening.
3. Lead the Ss to use
modal verbs to give the correct suggestions
1. Look at the pictures and know how to avoid the accidents.
2. Learn to use “should must ought to
shouldn’t mustn’t
to give their correct
2.让学生就家庭内注意人身安全这一话题提出肯定或者否定的建议,使学生能够熟练使用should, ought to, must,have to以及它们的否定形式。
Step 7 Practice
(pair work) 1. Show the Ss a chart .
2. Have the Ss discuss in pairs:
Safety around us.
1. Have a discussion in
pairs to be clear about what they should do and what they shouldn’t do around them.
2.Speak out their opinions.
通过讨论培养学生的语言综合能力,同时使学生明白更重要的是预防, 树立安全意识。
Step 8 1. Summary
2. Homework 1. Make a summary
2.Assign homework.
Listen and remember the instructions for
homework. 1 通过教师总结进一步点明本节课的学习任务。
2 家庭作业是课堂的巩固练习及延伸。
Flow chart
1. Fill in the chart below with some phrases we learned.
2. Choose one of them to write a short passage.
types first aid prevention
cuts wash… ;dry…;wrap…. …careful , never…
traffic accidents
animal bites
Unit 8 First aid
Listening & speaking
(1st period)
这是一堂听说课. 高中英语新课程标准明确指出:高中英语课程要特别着重培养学生用英语获取信息、处理信息和传达信息的能力、分析问题和解决问题的能力以及用英语进行思维和表达的能力。听说是学习英语的一项重要的语言实践活动。
本单元以First aid为话题,使学生了解相关急救知识,学会遇到不同的意外事件能采取相应的急救措施。本节课作为本单元的第一堂课,主要是为后面的阅读和写作作铺垫。因此我充分挖掘和整合教材,将本堂课设计成三大环节:
a) 新颖的导入,激发学生的学习愿望和兴趣
b) 采用“任务型”的教学途径,发挥学生的主体作用,培养其综合运用语言的能力。
根据学习内容设计的每一步(听、说、讨论和pair work group work )均以完成不同的任务而展开,且层层深入。注意发挥学生的主体作用,采用多种课堂交际方式,设计了内容丰富、形式多样、有趣又有实效性的课堂活动与任务。
c) 注意培养学生的情感因素,有效渗透德育教育。在整个教学过程中注意培养学生的情感因素,这也是课程所要求的。
1 如:在How to give first aid ?环节中,当他人遇到意外事故时,do something to help them, 培养学生的爱心与责任感。
2 在第三大环节中,如何避免意外的发生,培养学生树立安全意识和防范意识。
d) 有效发挥多媒体的作用,提高课堂教学效益。
speaking教学 篇6
It had something to do with the mountainous village. The 21-year-old Li Yunzhi, a Chinese girl from this village, spoke four minutes on behalf of Chinese students at the conference on December 15.
To the politicians and environmentalists from all over the world, Li Yunzhi spent four minutes talking about how the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty (221-207BC) unified the whole nation and what benefits came out of the unification in a historical perspective. She hoped the moral of the past could give people a sense of urgency to work together in the fight against the climate changes. Her speech won warm applause.
Her parents back in Longyou are very proud of their daughter. In 2005, she passed the national college entrance examination with a brilliant score and matriculated in atmospheric science at Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology.
The young girl chose the major largely because the obscure major would probably give her an edge in getting a government job after graduation. However, she fell in love with the science over the four-year college studies. As she was a brilliant student and her English was pretty good, she let some very good job offers go upon graduation and got enrolled into Edinburgh University in Britain in 2009. This time, her master degree study is very fashionable: she now studies carbon management, a graduate course designed to provide a broad and integrated understanding of carbon management and give students a launching pad for careers in carbon and climate change management by business, industry and government.
Li Yunzhi was part of a team given 15 minutes to speak in Copenhagen. Each of the six-member team had separate responsibility. One spoke at the beginning and summarized at the end. Each of the other five told a story about his or her home country and talked about the moral of the story. The team had worked for a month before addressing the Climate Change Conference. They decided upon five concepts: alliance, responsibility, foresight, opportunity and justice. The American student talked about American Dream and then about the concept of justice. The Chilean student cited Easter Island and talked about the concept of foresight. Li Yunzhi was the last speaker. She talked about the First Emperor and about the concept of working together.
During her preparations for Copenhagen, she noticed that Quzhou in southern Zhejiang had had some carbon emission trading. In March, 2006, for example, a Japanese company offered a free-of-charge project to help Quzhou Chemicals renovate its technology for better environmental protection. The Japanese company later bought the right of carbon emission reduced by the project. Li Yunzhi comments that it was a typical trading of carbon emission.
speaking教学 篇7
本模块以感觉与印象为话题, 内容主要是谈论对人的印象, 模块任务是能够运用阅读和对话中学过的语言描述一个人。本单元是一篇阅读课文———Sally的一封信, 对英国女孩Sally的外貌特征、情感态度和喜好进行了描述, 本单元的内容很符合这一年龄段学生的兴趣, 语言实践活动也比较容易开展。
1. 语言知识目标:
(1) 重点词汇:
Nervous, hair, fair, glasses, dance, especially, proud, stupid, angry, stranger, excited
(2) 重点句型:
She’s tall with short hair.
She’s wearing...
She feels nervous when she...
2. 语言技能目标:
使学生掌握一定的阅读技巧并且能够用表感觉和知觉的系动词表达自己的感受, 能运用目标语言简单描述一个人的外貌、爱好和感觉。
3. 情感态度目标:
(1) 在做中学, 在学中做, 寓教于乐;在阅读中培养兴趣, 为以后的教学打下坚实的基础;
(2) 通过阅读他人的自我描述, 更好地理解别人从而更懂得关心别人, 引导学生珍惜友谊, 学会与他人交往。
重点:理解课文, 在此基础上学会一些描述人长相和感觉的表达方式, 包括句式和一些形容词。
难点:掌握“sense verbs+adj.”结构。 (用表感觉和知觉的系动词表达自己的感受。)
生生评价, 师生评价。
Step I Wa rming up
Play a song If you are happy, clap your hands before class.
Sing with the song happily.
设计说明:生动的Flash给学生以感官刺激, 营造快乐的学习气氛。
P a rt 1 P re-re a ding (12 minute s)
Step 1 Lea rn new words
教师活动Showsome pictures about feelings.
学生活动Learn newwords with the help of the pictures.教学条件或手段:图片、归类记忆法
Step 2 Lea rn new p hra ses a nd sentence p a tterns
教师活动Talk about her own feelings in the real situation.
学生活动Learn the phrases in the sentences and learn the sentences in the passage.
设计说明:教师通过描述自己的感觉变化, 示范运用所学形容词, 让学生在语境中学习词组、语法———词不离句, 句不离章。
Step 3 Free ta lk
教师活动Ask students to talk about their feelings in different situations.
学生活动The students get interested in this activity and they are willing to show the language that they learned just now.
Step 4 Ga me time
教师活动Say some sentences about describing a person in the passage.
学生活动The students put up their hands and say“That’s me!”loudly if it’s true for them.
设计说明:用巧妙有趣的游戏法呈现课文重点句型, 同时导入课文。
P a rt 2 While-re a ding (23 minute s)
Step 1 Skip p ing
教师活动Ask students to read the passage quickly and answer two questions.
学生活动Read the passage quickly and silently.
Step 2 Skimming
教师活动Get students to skim the article to catch the main idea of each paragraph.
学生活动Read the passage and match the main idea with each paragraph.
设计说明:略读课文, 掌握段落大意。
Step 3 Ca reful rea ding
教师活动Get students to focus on the whole text carefully paragraph by paragraph.
学生活动Complete a table and fill in blanks after reading.
设计说明:细读课文, 获取必要信息。
Step 4 Further rea ding
教师活动Get students to read the passage again and answer some questions which they can’t find answers directly to.
学生活动The Ss are required to think and discuss with others.
设计说明:深读课文, 拓深阅读内涵, 注重学法指导。
Step 5 Rea d a loud
教师活动Get students to followthe tape.
学生活动Read after the tape.
P a rt 3 P os t-re a ding (10 minute s)
Step 1 Summa ry
教师活动Get students to summarize how to describe a person.
学生活动Summarize howto describe a person orally.
Step 2 Exa mp le
教师活动Get students to summarize how to describe a person.
学生活动Describe Jay Chou according to this photo.
设计说明:语言输出环节:提炼全文重点句型、词句, 加以巧妙运用。
Step 3 Extension
教师活动Ask the students to introduce a new friend to the teacher without saying out the name.
学生活动Interview someone and use the language structures to describe him/her.
设计说明:语言输出环节:设置真实交际情境, 运用所学语言句法结构, 培养语言综合运用能力。
Step 4 Emotiona l theme
教师活动Conclude:“I feel very happy and excited when I make so many new friends in your class.”
学生活动Gettoknow“Alifewithoutafriend isalifewithou a sun.”
设计说明:通过师生间的思想交流, 引起情感共鸣, 意识到交朋友的重要性。
Step 5 Homework
教师活动Ask the students to write a letter to the teacher.
学生活动Consolidate what they have learned.
设计说明:知识运用, 阅读能力向写作能力迁移。
speaking教学 篇8
As the first Asian who served consecutive terms as Secretary General of the United Nations, there is no denying the fact that Ban Ki Moon is world famous. He got rid of people's doubt toward "low profile diplomacy" and worked as UNSG for 10 years. Thanks to him, the whole world has made a difference.
As a senior high school student, Ban Ki Moon was lucky enough to be one of the only four winners of VISTA national selection, being granted the opportunity to be received by President Kennedy in America, which also stimulated his dream to become a diplomat. What offered wings to his dream is nothing but his love and passion for English.
In January, 2012, Ban Ki Moon got his second tenure of office. Six months before his first term expired, his reelection was approved by all the 15 members of the UN Security Council and all the 192 member countries. As a lot of efforts made by him as well as his rich experiences are expressed in his English speeches, we can understand the hot issues which draw the attention of the whole world through Ban Ki Moon's great speeches. Meanwhile, the publication of his speeches will definitely provide power and courage to the youth with great dreams.
Choi Hyung Du, one of the authors of Ban Ki Moon's Great Speeches, got an MPA from Harvard Kennedy School in 2002 and works as International commentators of Diplomatic Security Page for Munhwa Ilbo. Ever since 2005 when Ban Ki Moon began to run for UNSG, Choi Hyung Du has been interviewing him as a reporter of MOFAT up to date. Making full use of his sensitivity to international affairs and familiarity with Ban Ki Moon, Choi Hyung Du together with another two reporters systematically compiles the important speeches Ban Ki Moon made during his tenure as UNSG and provides Chinese translation of the speeches, inspiring those who care about the world. At the same time, this book also elaborates on the key sentences in the speeches as well as the background knowledge in details, making it a perfect teaching material to learn presentation skills and improve English proficiency.
"This book will not only teach reader to discuss the existing problems in contemporary international community in fluent English and encourage them to think about solutions actively, but also help them to develop leadership skills. No matter where you work in the future, UN, International NGO or even transnational enterprises, this book is really an excellent guide to action." said Soo Gil Park.
This book consists of the following topics, which cover all the big international events: remarks to the General Assembly after being elected for a second term, report to the General Assembly "We the Peoples", statement by the Secretary-General following the news of Osama Bin Laden's death, remarks at round-table on "Sustainable Energy for All", statement to the press on the high level meeting on the nuclear safety and security and so on. Those researches not only show UN's attitude toward important international events, but also offer a guide to the youth. In the family of UN, every country is a member and no one can keep out of the affairs that happened here. "These speeches contain the indispensable knowledge that the youth who are determined to devote to the development of the world must master. If you want to become international trade talents, international volunteers, international organization experts, diplomats or international news workers, first and foremost, you have to observe the world from the perspective of Ban Ki Moon, the UNSG, and practice to speak in his way."